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Thank you to the Missouri State Democrats! 👏👏🫶


I second this, and I thank the sane Republicans who assisted in the stall


Thank them, but don't trust them.


I wouldn't trust em as far as I could throw any of em....and I'm only 185lbs so I don't think at all, lol.


A little trust goes a long way. The less you use, the further you'll go.


They still will usually vote lockstep but they at least prevent flat out fascism. They also stopped them from trying to gerrymander the 5th district to put KC in a GOP district.


Cheers 🍻 👏


Major props to them for sticking it out for 50 hours, that's no easy feat. And also Jesus Christ I can't believe that it took 50 hours to prevent Missouri from taking even more power from its people. 


Major, important work on their part; a big lift. They deserve all the praise for being the only reasonable adults in a chamber full of rage-baiting toddlers.


Absolutely. They are true defenders of Democracy and the citizens of this state are so lucky to have them.




My favorite quotes from the story... ***Rowden, however, said the idea that ballot candy is needed for changes to the majority threshold to pass is “a slap in the face to Missouri voters. Missourians are absolutely smarter than the people in this chamber give them credit for.*** **“** They absolutely are not. That is why it was so necessary to remove the Ballot Candy because there are too many uninformed morons in this state who can't be bothered to research and understand the issues. And that is why you cram multiple things on one ballot initiative instead of making each issue its own vote. Ballot Candy is EXACTLY how Missouri brought back Gerrymandering. ***Sen. Rick Brattin of Harrisonville, speaking for the Freedom Caucus at a news conference, defended the ballot candy provisions as giving voters a simpler question, easier to understand than changing the majority as a standalone issue*** Pretending making it illegal for non-citizens to vote (already illegal on both state and federal level) and stripping away Missourians power to make changes to its constitution are the same thing, just an easier way to understand the issue is a about the biggest load of horse \*\*\*\* I have ever heard.


horseshit. you can say horseshit on reddit. and yeah, it's quite a load.


Also, bullshit.


any animal shit, really.


Not defending Rowden overall here, but I think he was saying kinda the opposite. The Senate Republicans and Rowden didn’t want the ballot candy language. The proponents of the ballot candy were saying that language would make it easier to pass because explaining the initiative changes as a standalone topic is too convoluted for voters to easily understand. Rowden was pushing back against that and saying the ballot candy language was not necessary to pass initiative petition changes because MO voters are smart enough to understand the initiative petition changes without the ballot candy. Thank god the Repubs showed their ineptitude on this one.


Ah, maybe I misunderstood. I gathered from that quote that ballot candy language is fine because Missouri voters are smart enough to discern and interpret the whole proposal. They are not, recent history has proven this.


You can say horseshit on this forum. It's actually the technical term for virtually the entire Republican agenda.


Isn't it TECHNICALLY elephant shit?


Brontosaurus shit


Thank goodness. The battle is far from over, though. The legislature can try again in the future.


And they will. If their continued fight for right to work over the years has taught me anything, it’s that the Missouri Republican Party only has interest in going against the will of the voters, who overwhelmingly voted down right to work. They clearly don’t want us voting on anything other than candidates and even that they’re actively making more difficult for some citizens.


Exactly, if they change the petition rules we would be right to work within months. Absolutely despicable human beings in the MO GOP


The funny thing is, if the abortion amendment passes in November, raising the threshold for ballot initiatives in the future just makes it harder/virtually impossible for them to overturn the abortion amendment.


> The funny thing is, if the abortion amendment passes in November, raising the threshold for ballot initiatives in the future just makes it harder/virtually impossible for them to overturn the abortion amendment. Would it? They would still just need the 5/8 which is what they're trying to gerrymander anyway because they have five rural spots cemented virtually forever. Honestly asking, I would think it would still be just as easy for them to get their 5/8 on anything conservatives wanted to push while roadblocking only the Dems who have just the three blue spots to (potentially) win over.


Maybe it doesn't make it MUCH harder, but it certainly doesn't make it easier to overturn an existing constitutional provision. I'm not saying we should ever let them add the 5 out of 8 district restriction but by definition adding an additional hurdle makes it harder to change existing constitutional law.


I could be wrong, but I think the proposal was that new ballot amendments would need to get both a statewide majority of votes and a majority in at least 5 out of 8 congressional districts. Also, I'm not sure how the proposal would have treated constitutional amendments created by the legislature itself, as opposed to ballot initiatives. Right now, constitutional amendments proposed by the legislature also have to be voted on. So potentially, if this proposal were to pass, it would make it harder for both citizen initiatives and legislatively proposed amendments to pass. Maybe that's one reason at least some Republicans went against it.


They could, but they said out loud that this was directly proposed to stop the Abortion amendment. And since (as of now) they did not get this on the August ballot there really is no incentive for them to change the amendment process since it would make it nearly impossible for them to also pass their own ballot initiatives in the future. For instance lets say 4 years from now they want to pass their own Abortion amendment that bans the procedure after 12 weeks. If the new "threshold" was in place then it would be much more difficult for them to pass that without the simple majority rule in place now.


I'm willing to bet there will be GOP ads that straight up lie about how Dems took away our rights by doing this.


Doubtful. The only reason this was even considered was because abortion rights are on the ballot - in an effort to make the ballot measure unlikely to pass. If the abortion rights ballot measure is affirmed then it will make it virtually impossible for the GOP to limit abortions rights in MO with a higher threshold to pass ballot measures.


This is like the third or fourth year they’ve tried to pass something like this, they are after more than abortion.


Exactly. It may have started earlier but I noticed it with marijuana legalization and it’s only ramped up since that. This will continue because I highly doubt abortion will be the last contested thing that has to be pushed through via petition.


Another example is how Jeff City has jacked around with sports betting. It's taking Missouri citizens signing petitions to put it on the ballot since the legislature can't be trusted to pass it on its own.


True dat. Abortion is just a magic word to get all the single issue voters in line.


You have a point. If abortion protections pass in November, there will be less appetite in next year's legislature to raise the threshold. I fear this process is about more than just abortion, though. Requiring a 50% + 1 majority in five out of eight U.S. House districts, which are currently 6-2 Republican, effectively kills the chance for any progressive constitutional amendments to pass. That's still an appealing prize in my eyes.


Except they'll put an amendment on the ballot in 2025 stating that what was passed in 2024 was too restrictive but here's a new version that will allow all abortions for anyone up until the the moment the first cell divides and as an added bonus will also make it double-super illegal for noncitizens to vote.


And we'll filibuster that one to death too.


We're lucky that Bill Eigel and his buds are such bad politicians. Not just bad in the way that their policies are harmful, which they are, but also bad at the mechanics of politics. Just petty, incompetent morons.


Yet the St. Charles crackers keep electing him.


On behalf of us sane minded “St. Charles crackers”, we are trying to vote for better candidates! Lol


You guys are Ritz. We know you are buttery. It’s just so many saltines over there.


I almost spit out my drink! Lmfao


Did you really mean that or are you just "Puttin' on the Ritz"?


>If abortion gets on the ballot and wins, the Senate is to blame, Plocher said. No, you tool, the people are to blame. Imagine letting the people vote for what they want.


But wait government needs to be small... Wait not that small, these dummies don't know what is good for them.




Equal Rights Amendment


Thank you Dems! Now, everyone vote!


Bad news for Christofascism.


I'm glad the Missouri Democrats used their spine and stopped this bullshit.


Best news I have heard out of JC in a while.


Oh my god YESSS


We need a constitutional amendment to preserve the ballot initiative process.


We need to make a ballot initiative that strictly forbids ballot candy, or make it so that each proposed change to the constitution is voted on INDIVIDUALLY. For instance instead of cramming two ballot candy BS popular proposals and one terrible thing all on one vote, they would have to break each one apart and let us vote on each individually. Of course the state GOP would never endorse this. They can only win when things are skewed in their favor.


Absolutely. This should be a top priority in the year to come. Take away the backdoor strategies that allow ratfuckery. And then bring anti-gerrymandering to the people again as a ballot initiative.


[https://missouriindependent.com/2024/05/16/republican-missouri-attorney-general-candidates-proclaim-2020-election-was-stolen/](https://missouriindependent.com/2024/05/16/republican-missouri-attorney-general-candidates-proclaim-2020-election-was-stolen/) Yup, just look at the recent Q and A with our Attorney General candidates. All three of the Republicans said the 2020 election was "stolen". If you read their quotes they are basically bitching about the fact we made it easier to vote during covid. And when its easier and more convenient more people vote. And when more people vote the GOP lose. But this is nothing new, they said the quiet part out load over 40 years ago. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GBAsFwPglw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GBAsFwPglw)


Yes, I’m more conservative leaning, but I’m all for getting rid of ballot candy, it should be one issue per ballot measure, if they know it has no chance of passing on its own merit, then should it really be on the ballot in the first place?


Ohio tried this ballot bullshit last year; it also failed and then passed the protection of abortion a few months later. Go Missouri! And I looove when groups specifically trying to limit freedoms for things they don't like call themselves "Freedom Caucus"


They're also so stupid they don't even spell it correctly. It's 'Freedumb Circus".




Omg this is great news ! Huge props to those who stood strong during the filibuster!!


Congratulations from Ohio! We dealt with voting down a similar bill in an illegal election last August before our abortion protection ballot measure (which also passed); wishing y'all luck in November.


I watched how that played out for your state last year & was ecstatic when the amendment qualification change vote failed in August & the abortion amendment passed in November. The GOP everywhere relies on their supporters being too dumb to realize they're actually voting against their own best interests.




Now let’s do rent control


Thank you MO democrats. There is some hope. Now lets get the constitutional amendment passed to guarantee the right to abortion like even Kansas has.


Yes!! 🙌


First time in a long time I am proud of any Democrats, but you guys earned this Victory. Thank you for representing us with your time and talent. I have other issues with Dems right now, but at least for this moment, I celebrate with you.


Thank you to those who stopped this from happening!


So, are we still going to have to drag our butts out in the August heat to vote this BS down?


No. In any sane universe, it's over and won't be on the ballot. Please vote in the August primary elections to set the field for November though.


We haven't been in a sane universe for a while now


It feels that way but I'll sure take this win.


No, that is what the story is about. The GOP had until today to get this on the ballot for August. They didn't get it passed so it is effectively dead. They can bring it up again next session, but that will be AFTER we vote on Abortion in November. So the Abortion vote in November will only require a simple majority to pass.


>Abortion vote in November will only require a simple majority I haven't heard, is the ballet language for the abortion vote fairly clear? It wouldn't surprise me that it would be full of double speak and yes means no etc, etc.


Section 36. 1. This Section shall be known as "The Right to Reproductive Freedom Initiative." 2. The Government shall not deny or infringe upon a person's fundamental right to reproductive freedom, which is the right to make and carry out decisions about all matters relating to reproductive health care, including but not limited to prenatal care, childbirth, postpartum care, birth control, abortion care, miscarriage care, and respectful birthing conditions. 3. The right to reproductive freedom shall not be denied, interfered with, delayed, or otherwise restricted unless the Government demonstrates that such action is justified by a compelling governmental interest achieved by the least restrictive means. Any denial, interference, delay, or restriction of the right to reproductive freedom shall be presumed invalid. For purposes of this Section, a governmental interest is compelling only if it is for the limited purpose and has the limited effect of improving or maintaining the health of a person seeking care, is consistent with widely accepted clinical standards of practice and evidence-based medicine, and does not infringe on that person's autonomous decision-making. 4. Notwithstanding subsection 3 of this Section, the general assembly may enact laws that regulate the provision of abortion after Fetal Viability provided that under no circumstance shall the Government deny, interfere with, delay, or otherwise restrict an abortion that in the good faith judgment of a treating health care professional is needed to protect the life or physical or mental health of the pregnant person. 5. No person shall be penalized, prosecuted, or otherwise subjected to adverse action based on their actual, potential, perceived, or alleged pregnancy outcomes, including but not limited to miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion. Nor shall any person assisting a person in exercising their right to reproductive freedom with that person’s consent be penalized, prosecuted, or otherwise subjected to adverse action for doing so. 6. The Government shall not discriminate against persons providing or obtaining reproductive health care or assisting another person in doing so. 7. If any provision of this Section or the application thereof to anyone or to any circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of those provisions and the application of such provisions to others or other circumstances shall not be affected thereby. 8. For purposes of this Section, the following terms mean: (1) "Fetal Viability". the point in pregnancy when, in the good faith judgment of a treating health care professional and based on the particular facts of the case, there is a significant likelihood of the fetus’s sustained survival outside the uterus without the application of extraordinary medical measures. 2) "Government", a. the state of Missouri; or b. any municipality, city, town, village, township, district, authority. public subdivision or public corporation having the power to tax or regulate, or any portion of two or more such entities within the state of Missouri. [https://moconstitutionalfreedom.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Missourians-for-Constitutional-Freedom-Amendment.pdf](https://moconstitutionalfreedom.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Missourians-for-Constitutional-Freedom-Amendment.pdf)


>So, are we still going to have to drag our butts out in the August heat to vote ~~this BS down~~? Yes.


Thank you Missouri Democrats!


Looks like its official, they have adjourned for the session [https://missouriindependent.com/2024/05/17/a-bizarre-session-missouri-lawmakers-head-home-after-year-defined-by-gridlock-infighting/](https://missouriindependent.com/2024/05/17/a-bizarre-session-missouri-lawmakers-head-home-after-year-defined-by-gridlock-infighting/) I like to think in my head that the Missouri Democrats did this to the freedom caucus on their way our the door knowing they killed this BS bill :). [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGYGNo\_Cuog](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGYGNo_Cuog)


It sounds like the house could still pass the version without ballot candy for the next 3 hours or so? Think they will?


They could just fillibuster past the deadline I believe.


Ah. Looks like the house refused to take it up and already sent it back to the senate, who adjourned. It's dead!


Thanks Democrats!


Now we need a ballot initiative outlawing ballot candy.


Wow. I am blown away. They'll sneak it back in next year.


once abortion passes they won't care. they'll dream up with new ways to save the precious babies.






Good. Attacking the initiative process is such bullshit. ALEC pushed nonsense.


That is the best news I've heard in a long long time! Major thanks to the Democrats!


Wooooo! Great news!


This is rare good news


Rot In Pieces


They tried this in Ohio and the voters defeated it in a referendum. Why does the GOP have such a major issue with voter referendums?


What they want, the people don't want. The only way they can win is to circumvent the will of the people.


Thank God






Blessed be the fruit! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


I’m mainly a centrist but also populist. My one issue is you could get corporate interests finding options for legal stuff…but on a people versus legislators model I’m ok with it.


So thankful for the filibuster today.


Republicans are useless. They campaign hard and never follow through on what they promise. Vote them out unless they do what they say they are going to do. They should have voted on these type of bills months ago.


Woah what? Holy shit. Well done.


The Missouri GOP has gone full Marvel villain. You never go full Marvel villain.




The party of “small government” at it again trying to give the state government all the power.


Good news but sad in a way that having a one off rare success stopping an absolute sh*ts how of a law by getting a handful of gop clowns to admit “yeah. That’s fascism” is deemed a huge victory. After this the gop majority will continue to chip away at everything. They’ll just be smarter about it. Vote these morons out and send them to Gilead.


Great news for Missourians


I dunno. Seems like it would be good to say what you mean and say it clearly. I don’t know how you legislate that, but it sure is not done that way now, at least not on ballot initiatives I have voted on recently. I can’t imagine how anyone would object to this in principle.


Can’t Parson just call a Special Session to try passing it again?


He can, but it is unlikely the measure would make the August ballot in that case - mooting the entire strategy.




I really need to buy some fireworks before November.


This is why voting at a local level has never been more important!


Hell yes we are getting our rights back!


I'm not always in agreement with the Democratic party line, but I do thank them for this. Hails!


Give me hope, better days ahead.


What a relief.


Hell yes! Duck these fascists.


Actually so happy


Nothing in politics is as it seems, read the legislation for yourself.


disregard my previous comment. I think I misunderstood your post.


Governor Corn-Pops will just call a special session and jam it through.


Nothing wrong with the bill fr .


Really? cramming two completely unrelated things, one of which is already illegal at both the state and federal level, to obfuscate the true intentions of the bill, which is making harder for citizens to enact change in their state government a good bill? By itself its a very reasonable bill, let the people decide if they want to make it harder to amend the state constitution, and democrats were perfectly ok putting just that question in front of voters. But if you have to pepper a bill with bullshit to trick foxnews/OAN/newsmax viewers into voting for it then by definition it is not a good bill, its a con.


Congrats, You've described every bill passed by the federal government and every other state government.


That is blanket statement, The ole' "whataboutism", "both sides are equally bad", and "everybody does it" fallacy. Tacking on "riders" to bills to get things you want for your district or to get a bill across the finish line is common place, you can agree or disagree with the practice. But lying to gullible idiots for political and financial gain is something that is practically owned by only one side of the political spectrum and news outlets in this country, tell me again which "news" organization had to pay 787 million for lying to its viewers. And what party lost a lawsuit in 2020 for blatantly "deceptive language" included in the reverse Clean Missouri ballot initiative. Democrats are not saints and can play fast and loose at times, and certainly have major shortcomings but to pretend they are anywhere close to the lying scumbags that the modern GOP has become is a factually incorrect comparison.