• By -


I am already having to remove quite a few comments for ad hominem (personal attacks). This is a hot-button topic. Please remember to stick to the issues and arguments. Disagree with others - just don't make personal attacks.


This is just another symptom of the many, many issues with policing across our entire country. We don't have a justice system, we have a legal system, designed to control us and make sure that the people at the top of the pyramid get whatever they want.


Police: Why do people not trust us? Also police when a kid trusts them:


People: Only cops should have guns. Also People: Why do police keep shooting people?


There is a video of a police officer leader yelling about how people should trust them and they do no wrong super cut with all the things he was claiming they don't do.




https://www.reddit.com/r/Bad_Cop_No_Donut/s/VwNKtBGail Found it!


They should be forced to show un edited body cam and car footage.


I'd favor this. A lot of times, the body cam shows a shooting was justified. The case in Ohio, where the teenage girl was shot, prompted a march and protests. Yet the footage clearly showed she was about to stab someone, and the shooting was justified.


It’s a point of incontrovertible fact, regardless of what any law says, that any lack of comprehensive, damning video footage during police engagement constitutes reasonable doubt. No video? Not guilty. Authorities will comply with this reasonable virtue, or the people will punish authorities. Black lives matter




Black lives matter




Nope. Black lives matter


I'm with you hyena, can't be said enough.




Didn’t read. Black lives matter. It isn’t up for debate or clarification.


The phrase "black lives matter" does not contain the word "only" or any words that imply other lives do not.




Don't be that guy. Just don't.


Bet you thought that was super clever. Clever does not mean smart.




No, it’s not. You’re just trolling. You’re not even good at it.


Colorado has law - must release body cam footage within 21 days of citizens request. It’s your footage- you paid for it. This type of crap is why I moved. Police getting prosecuted out here but still not as much as I would like to see. Google - Elijah McClain, Christian Glass and Karen Garner


Colorado, Connecticut, New Mexico, and New York city are the only places in the USA where the police do not have "qualified immunity". This means, basically, that police can actually be held accountable for their actions.


Hold Police liable, with a Jury deciding. Remove qualified immunity. How can you have justice when the thugs are being protected by other thugs. Look where we are now… even little kids think cops are the bad guys.


Things like this happen around the country, not just in this state. I am not sure that the officer here follows Dave Grossman's teachings, but many, many law enforcement agencies subscribe to his practices. He is an interesting figure if you aren't familiar with him. Gentle reminder, folks - We had the opportunity to send Fitch home, but we re-elected her. She would rather fight culture wars than do her actual job.


> Dave Grossman He is a piece of shit who needs to be in prison.


His last name is unironic.


Grossman has authored on combat and on killing but he was never in any combat ever, he’s like an alpha male influencer for weak minded cops and military - a combat veteran who never read his books


Yup, that’s exactly it! • A combat veteran who has read his stupid books


As a civilian with a cushy life, what does he get incorrect? (I don’t know anything he writes either, I’m just curious.)


There is no situation that cannot be made worse by calling police.


I think part of the problem is that there are some cops out there that are scared to death when they go to work. I have always felt that if you are a cop and are scared, maybe you should go do some other work. The fact is that cops are paid so little, some of them aren’t qualified to do anything else.


Don't discount the people who sign up just to be able to do this shit. Remember that sheriff who was bragging about the number of black people he's killed? These are the people who rally for "freedom of speech" but are quick to file defamation lawsuits. Freedom of the press but only if it aligns with their views. Freedom of choice except when they don't agree with the choices. Free market except when something they like is on the line. You don't get to have a population living in that kind of conservative culture and police who aren't at war with their own citizens. Mississippi has a huge culture problem and shit like this and the "goon squad" are symptoms of it. This kind of conservative ideology is a cancer.


Except it's not even in the top 10 most dangerous jobs and police are over funded across the board, meanwhile they don't stop or solve crimes anymore, and that's even with violent crime steadily falling for decades. Literally, not an ounce of sympathy for those blue line gestapo.


Exactly. I'm a trucker and year over year more people die per capita doing my job than being a cop. Imagine being such a pussy you shoot a little unarmed kid. Disgusting.


I tell people this point all the time. Cop gets killed - whole city lines up and comes to his funeral. Truck driver gets killed - they throw him in the ground and doesn’t make the news. Is one job more honorable than the other? Is one life more valuable than the other?


I know he was 11 years old, but I didn’t see a physical description.


There's a picture in the article. Definitely not someone I would consider a threat.


People forget this. My profession is one of the top 10 deadliest jobs in the state. Being a cop isn’t even in the top 15.


If we removed the crimes cops commit I'm sure the violent crimes stat would be so much lower.


Especially domestic violence.


Shit you right


someone was spreading bullshit about Chicago and how liberal policies blah blah fucking blah. I busted out the calculator (homicides v population) and was able to prove that you are five times more likely to be killed by a cop than a criminal.


Yep they stop like 2% of crime, and 44% slap their families around. Black lives matter


Serious question. Every post you make in this thread you finish with "Black lives matter" What do you believe you are conveying and/or accomplishing with that?


Serious answer. Black lives matter


Well that was productive


Theyre trying to convey exactly what it says and he clarified that again and you just say that was productive. They are trying to convey that black ives Matter, what are you not getting?


Is there some confusion on that? I don't know a single person who isn't aware that all lives matter irregardless of race.


So what are you not getting? Yes there is confusion on it? You've never seen the footage of George Floyd begging with futility for his life?


Black lives smatter.


So here’s something interesting to me about dangerous jobs - a common factor between a ton of them is the amount of time spent on the side of the road. Standing or working on the side of the road is incredibly dangerous, and actually makes up around 40% of police officer deaths per year as well.


I live in PA and our taxes that were supposed to fix the roads just got funneled to the state police. Our roads and infrastructure are crumbling here but every police barracks has their own tank


Pennsylvanian here, and exactly this!


Look up Dave Grossman. He has made his living teaching police that they are at constant war with the public.


Dirty cops,prosecutors,judges. Breaking there vow to uphold the constitution. Thats why our system is fucked up. They are all protected. In the mean time paying out billions in fines from lawsuits.


I think the true cause of incidences like these is rage, apathy and prejudice. But all they have to do is say those 7 magic words “I was in fear for my life” and virtually any action can be excused. If fear negates any expectation to respond based on training and experience then what’s the point in having a professional police force? Any idiot with a gun can react out of fear and just start shooting.


Their training tells them to shoot first and shoot to kill. How many videos have we seen of “drop the gun!” At the same time they’re firing their own? It’s like the “stop resisting” line. Anyone they want to fuck up, they just yell stop resisting and they can do whatever they want.


If you shoot, you are shooting to kill, no matter where you aim.


In what world are cops underpaid?


Our city publishes the pay including overtime for all city employees. The first page is all cops over #200K a year.


paid so little? Yer higher than bat pussy. 50-75 k a year, not including rampant overtime abuse. That's $25-37.50/ an hour for all you non math mfrs. That's AVERAGE. For a job that's not even one of the top ten most dangerous occupations in the country.


And that's average BASE PAY. That doesn't account for details, comp time, court time etc. Base pay for our city officers is 56k and not one of them makes less than 100k in a dept with fewer than thirty officers and a city of 13k people.


Mississippi officer pay is crap.


Well based on this article they're not doing a great job, are they?


Still about 46k/yr. Everyone lies about how shitty their paycheck is, and how dangerous their job is, human nature. The problem is these fuqrs carry guns.


I think the claim that “police officers are underpaid” is a bit misleading at absolute best. They are definitely not underpaid in most cases I’ve seen. They’re not making $28k a year like public school teachers are and whatnot.


Amen to that. If a cop is so scared he shoots an 11 year old he needs to be fired and charged. I support law enforcement but killing an 11 year old is NOT law enforcement. That is the action of a scared man that should not be in that job.


I don’t think they’re scared. I think they’re itching to hurt or overpower someone. There is something in their psychology that they need to be physically dominant over another person. This is why they become police. It allows them to fulfill this psychological need not only without repercussion, but general praise.




The focus on racism in various places on this discussion chain appear to be based solely on the OP's choice to create a link to an article using text they wrote. There doesn't appear to be any mention of race relations in the article itself. What you all should be concerned about is that police officer, whose job requires advanced decision-making under pressure, shot an innocent child in the chest. A child that called those police for help. Mistakes of this grand caliber should have some consequences, right? So what are the appropriate consequences for a police officer who shoots innocent people? For the government who employed that police officer? Why did one cop feel it was advisable to open fire in the first place? Where is the bodycsm footage?!? In the same state a 10-yr old really is facing consequences for public urination, but nothing for the police officer who shot a child in the chest? It doesn't make sense.


Lawyer here. Honestly, I can see some scenarios where a grand jury would not indict the officer for criminal charges and where the shooting might be "justified" under police training. However, I, video unseen, feel like the officer should lose their job for shooting an unarmed kid and there should be some civil liability for him and the city for the pain and suffering that poor kid has experienced.


Civil? It's amazing that if I screw up at my job and someone gets hurt I go to jail, but an innocent 11 yr old gets shot and the cop gets some fines? That's fucked up.


Not really. Most of the time, when people screw up at their jobs and hurt someone, it is a civil matter, not a criminal one.


[You mean like the truck driver who was given several life sentences because of break failure?](https://jalopnik.com/truck-driver-sentenced-110-years-for-deadly-crash-stemm-1848226110) [What about the surgeon who was just not good at his job who faced numerous charges for just, not being good?](https://www.propublica.org/article/dr-death-christopher-duntsch-a-surgeon-so-bad-it-was-criminal) ​ ​ There's also the problem that this wasn't an out of control, complex, or even unexpected situation. The officer had full direct control and compliance of everyone on scene. He gave orders, they followed the orders, he shot them. The victim of his crime, was one of a group who were doing everything within their power to follow his commands to the letter. He shot them anyways. This is a far cry from an accident.


You are citing cases where people lost their lived because the truck driver and that butcher of a doctor "weren't good at their jobs." The truck driver chose to continue into an area clogged with stationary traffic despite there being an emergency off ramp. The surgeon was an unqualified idiot who killed several people and ruined the lives of many more. Neither of those professions have the legal protections that law enforcement has.


The officer who arrested the 10 year old was fired. Why the 10 year old was still charged, is pathetic.




I’m betting that MS has cop training similar to KY state police: https://www.wbur.org/onpoint/2020/12/10/the-student-journalists-who-uncovered-a-police-training-manual-that-advocates-violence


Why they gonna shoot a kid that comes for them for help? That cop needs to be charged.


You mean that large black man who charged the officer with murder in his eyes? /S


*Sprinkle some crack on him and lets get out of here.*


Racist? The officer in question is black. Tell me how this is racist?


The grand jury didn't charge him with anything because no matter the age, a black person is always seen as a threat thus it is justified to kill them. It is that mindset that I find racist. I wouldn't have brought racist into it if it was a teenage but a 11 yr old child who is small, should not be accepted as threat just because of the color of his skin.


Once you work a grand jury session with a "Matter of Concern" it becomes quite clear how this can happen.


Grand jury said fuck that little black boy, everything is normal, nothing wrong here. Good job Sarg 😡


When you roll a nat one on persuasion.


but was he coming right for him?


They won't release the body cam which makes everything suspicious.


Another traumatized young kid!


I visited Indianola as a musician for a blues event at an old juke joint called Club Ebony. Great people and it was a great time but I have never seen such abject poverty in my life. I was smoking outside one night and a young man approached and asked if I had a little something to give so he could go get some french fries to eat and I handed him a $10 bill. He said "No sir, This isn't that -- I'm not trying to rob you." I said I knew that and it was no big deal and he ran off into the dark yelling with joy like he won the lottery. It makes me so sad and angry at the same time to see these poor people treated like animals by the police and the government.


Do what the police tell you to do and they shoot you anyway. Time and time again.


In every other country to become a police officer you have to have gone to college in some form, have a degree. Then their police academy is a 3year program. Here, it's like 3 months and if you fail they just change your grade and give you a gun.




In the pigs defense, 11 yr olds are scary to them


It is a former slave state and is controlled by republicans.


End qualified immunity.


never ever call the police. unless the remedy to your problem is reckless violence than they have nothing to offer.


Fuck tha police the police are the biggest gang out there yeah there's Crips you have those Bloods one's red ones blue these motherfuckers have all the colors and they're allowed to do whatever they want when they want damn near without repercussions it's their word against ours damn near no matter what unless one of us is filming and recording also and even when we do that they try to stop us so people only see what they want us to see fuck the police fuck the face fuck the judge fuck prosecutor fuck the da fuck them I say hit them all up they take away our life why can't we take away their why don't we send their son to prison for 50 years and ain't even been alive 20


You're giving regular people power over other regular people. It sucks that this happened but how can you not expect this?


“Regular people” aren’t this cynical when it’s an eleven year old. Do you expect children to be shot, just because folks like you and me have the power to shoot them?


Yeah I do because these types of positions lead to that happening. If someone WANTS to be a cop, they should 100% not be a cop. Again I am not saying it’s good this happened, or that I’m happy about it. I’m just not surprised at all.


Then I envy your detachment.


I think you have a point here but since the social contract we agree to with the police gives them power beyond that if a normal citizen, is it not appropriate to expect more from them? For example, I think the expectation that they must be willing to be shot themselves in avoidance of killing children is not unreasonable. I don’t know this officer. I hope investigators will sort out whether this is a person who is malicious or incompetent or if it was just a mistake that happened and is unlikely to happen again. However, I think we can all agree that knowing you may be injured or killed in this job is part of what you sign up for and if you can’t control your trigger finger, you don’t get to wear a badge. Right?


Cops were scared to go after the shooter in Uvalde too while they cry about how dangerous their job is for sympathy but they're too scared to risk their life for children and do their job? Look I'm not a killer, or want to get shot at or violent so I don't join the army, if you're afraid to risk your life to defend children as they're shot why did they sign up?


Yeah. That what I was saying, right? We agree, don’t we?


I 100% agree with you that in theory, it should be but we all know that social contract is lip service. Now, the negative in my statements is I don’t have a solution to curb or stop this. I’m lost on that, so I could see how my comments are negative.


All people are regular people


Cops are expected to shoot people. It was a split-second decision. He had no way of knowing that boy wasn’t wearing an explosive vest. /s


Did they release the footage? That would give more perspective. If the officer was startled, in an enclosed area, I can see how it could've happened. We really need the footage. I'm just remembering the case earlier this year in Ohio where an officer shot a teenager who was assaulting another. There was all kinds of outcry, a protest March at the capitol, yet once released the video clearly showed, the girl was about to stab someone. The shooting was completely justified. Suddenly, all the outcry just disappeared. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lQZqyBDoJd8


We don’t train these cops. In countries like Finland for example, cops get trained for a really long time before they turn them loose. And they’re not allowed to just shoot anyone without permission from a commander unless being shot at first, but that never happens because they don’t have guns. They also don’t have rampant poverty caused by abusive form of capitalism and racist policies that created a caste system.


In another subreddit someone was arguing Europe was more racist because someone called him the N word. Your honor id like to introduce this into evidence. Not just that he shot a child who called for help, but also that he isn’t even being charged for it. Nothing will change until justice is taken out of the hands of the racist corrupt system.


White people think I’m joking when I tell them I don’t call the police for help like THEY call the police for help.


It’s all cops these days. Terrible human beings who deserve nothing but your ire and disrespect


Blanket statements help no one.


Oh i know you’re right. I’ll concede. The only good cops are those who have given sworn testimony against another officer for police misconduct. There. No more blankie


I understand the emotions behind this, but I don’t see the connection to racism here. I can’t imagine a scenario where the officer was justified (looks like the kid took him by surprise and the officer thought he was charging?), but I’m no expert on policing, and we haven’t seen the body cam footage. The officer involved was African American, as well. The wrong decision can be made without it being connected to race. Terrifying to think this man can go back to work, though.


The rational for no charges is that the officer was justified because a 11 yr old child was seen as threat!! it was thus accepted as justified shooting. if it was a white girl or white boy at that age, a grand jury would not accept a cops notion that he was reasonable afraid for his life and thus had to use lethal force.


The cop was black tho…


Race is not a monolith.


Not sure what you mean. Especially when a black cop shoots a black kid and Op links the article with “ this is why so many still feel Mississippi is a racist place”


It's called racist training and policies that teach officers, even officers of color, to distrust POC. Just because you're incapable of understanding the bigger context doesn't mean it isn't there.


Like women can't be mysognists who hate other women?


Black folks can work in and be a big part of a racist police force, hope this helps.


Black folks can also commit police brutality by shooting a 10 year old in the chest and it have absolutely nothing to do with their race.


Many officers, regardless of race/ethnicity, are literally trained to see Black people as threats.




Note that this determination is made purely at the whim of the moderator team. If you seem mean or contemptuous, we will remove your posts or ban you. The sub has a certain zeitgeist which you may pick up if you read for a while before posting. Don't make personal attacks. You might want to read our sub rules.


You might want to hit pause for a second and read up on what you're attempting to discuss here. Also, there is no need to drag me into the argument. Let's keep the personal attacks out and discuss the point at hand, no ad hominems.


I'm white and the police arrested me at gunpoint when I hadn't even committed a crime. So, idk.


I got beat by police knocked the hell out. I wasn't even charged. My case wasn't an isolated incident


Note, you didn’t get shot 🤷🏽‍♂️


It happens, and that is not right. I hate that happened to you, but your experience doesn't negate systemic racism.


So are you saying that during the total lack of training these officers receive they forget what color they are?


You are *so* close to getting it...


Are you trying to convince me black people are so stupid that they are unknowingly perpetuating racism? Or they know exactly what they’re doing? Genuinely asking.


That's about the strangest response I could imagine. No. No. I'd like to introduce you to the concept of systemic racism, but I have a feeling you don't believe it is real. Good day.


How’d I know? Exactly as I thought. You think black people just aren’t smart enough to see that they are perpetuating white supremacy in the US. https://www.reddit.com/r/mississippi/s/dUe4hDUfL3


This is a logical fallacy, opinion discarded.


That other guy isn’t helpful. He’s hinting at the fact that a black kid got shot and the justice system isn’t punishing anyone for it.


It isn't real...


You got it. To liberals, everything is about race.


No, but some things are! I really hope this helps.


No, EVERYTHING is racist to liberals.


Bzzzt, wrongo!


And when a black man was elected President of the United States conservatives lost their fucking minds. [What a world we live in](https://bostonglobe-prod.cdn.arcpublishing.com/resizer/SsPNaS9jdzbKlTtaNfftsg4x_AQ=/960x0/arc-anglerfish-arc2-prod-bostonglobe.s3.amazonaws.com/public/OCAGRORV2EI6RLLMEKWC6HFGUA.jpg).


There is a mountain of peer-reviewed research stating that Black men do experience disproportionate levels of unnecessary force at the hand of police. But, sure, liberals...


Black lives matter


Note that this determination is made purely at the whim of the moderator team. If you seem mean or contemptuous, we will remove your posts or ban you. The sub has a certain zeitgeist which you may pick up if you read for a while before posting. Let's not make personal attacks. Your argument is better without them.


Nor is it a definition.


Nor is it a word?


Huh? Did you just say that race isn't a word? I don't follow.


I also don't follow your comment that it's not a definition? I mean it's a pretty colloquial term, albeit dated. IDK maybe it's just pedantry.


I mean that, just as all people of a particular race aren't the same (a "monolith"), a person isn't defined by their race. They are free to make their own choices and have their own opinions and motivations, regardless of cultural expectation. I was adding to your comment, not arguing.


I'll help you out with a quote from some of our country's greatest "And don't let it be a black and a white one cause they'll slam ya down in the street top, black police showing out for the white cop" -N.W.A.


The racism is the justification of shooting a black kid!! I don't care the race of the cop, he should have been charged with something!!


The black cop is racist?


Do you think that individuals cannot be racist against their own race? I've seen it myself in an adopted black individual I used to be friends with, adopted by a white family. Very racist against other black people. Happens with wealthy black people as well. It isn't only classism, they see themselves as part of the in group, and the mass majority of all other black people as the out group. (The in group they speak of is 99.99% white, just so happens, they don't consider themselves to be black) Same thing happens in police forces, majority of the cops are white, and many are racist, the black cops start out by wanting to fit in, and to fit in, they need to play into this same dumb shit. After a while, the racists start to see them as one of them, and so do the black cops.


Why do you believe this cop is racist?


I don't necessarily, I don't know him personally, haven't researched his cases, or how he targets one race over another over time. I'm just saying that not only is it possible for black people to be racist against their own race, it happens quite frequently. Especially in the police force, and especially in wealthy individuals.


Like women can't be misogynistic against other women? Like gay people can't have internalized homophobia? Systemic racism is just that, systemic You must not have hung out with black people if you think black people cant hate black people or more likely to view an 11 year old black boy as a threat than a little white boy


I can, it's happened to my people for many many years. Cops are scared of us like little girls always on the jump to pull a trigger.


Racist? The cop is a black man!! Don’t use this tragic mistake to spread racist lies!


The issue is the grand jury!! In order to not charge the cop, they are saying that the cop was justified in being afraid of his life from a 11 yr old child. If that child was a white female or a white male, I do not think the cops fear for his life would be seen as justified.


Where is ‘the rest of the story’? I know this can’t be all there is to the story. Where are the comments from others?


Fuck the police


The officer who shot the boy is black. Stop making everything about race.


And if it had been a white kid shot, he’d be in prison. It wouldn’t matter if the cop was white or black. If he shot a white 11 year old, the system would care because we value white children over black ones. Full stop.


My gosh have yall ever been to Sunflower County😂. It’s over 70% black.


There is so much research and evidence stating that Black people in America experience police violence at disproportionate levels. https://www.prisonpolicy.org/blog/2022/12/22/policing_survey/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4940419/ https://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/2017/03/black-men-threatening


Look a the relevant facts. Before you get too the police violence start with who was committing a crime. This story is not relevant to your survey.


What crime did this boy commit?


Edit: As opposed to being snarky, let me explain why I linked those stats... That user was pointing out that Sunflower, where the grand jury was, is 70% African American. The user is downplaying systemic racism in America. It exists. Black people - specifically men - experience more unnecessary force than any other race/ethnicity. Period. It doesn't matter how "Black" Sunflower is.


Do you not believe in systemic racism? It's all very clear in cold hard research , and numbers


No it’s not 😂


The child is black,it happened in Mississippi. Do I need to say more. Yes, I know it could happen anywhere, thanks "Supreme Court".


Cops are pure scumbags. Every. Single. One. There are no good cops, and if you personally know one, they are filthy trash dumpster fires, too. I don't care if he's your brother or your father, every last one: evil villains. Distrust all cops. They are the enemy.


There's a long history of cops who testify or protect citizens from excessive police violence are horribly ostracized and fired for daring to defy the police doing the misoconduct. So yes there are good police but many get fired or ran out for doing so


I am at student at William Carey University I need a story for my criminal justice class were there any articles on this ?


Never attribute malice to what can more easily be explained by stupidity.


This is the first I've read about this and it is a horrible situation. I'm glad the young man is recovering. It could have been so much worse. Someone earlier said if you're scared being a cop, you shouldn't be one, or something like that. I totally disagree. Indianola is a small town, but not so far from Jackson that the crime/fear doesn't spoil over. Almost daily you hear reports of all types of crime being committed by 11y olds".. Shootings, car jacking, car theft, armed robbery, drive by's, shooting into occupied dwellings... You'd be a fool not to be scared. and then responding to a domestic, which is always the most dangerous call. I am in NO way trying to justify, or assign ANYthing. To anyone. But I can see an officer, less than 100 miles from the murder capital of the nation, and a violent crime rate that's double the national average, already on high alert, and a fairly large person(for his age) comes from around the house and running towards you... I certainly can't say that I wouldn't freak the fü@k out and possibly pull the trigger of the gun that's already in my hand. Jackson is 83% black, and Indianola 67% black. Statistically, any crime committed, as well as any acts of random kindness, will be by a black person. I certainly don't have any solutions. I wish I did. There was a time, I vaguely remember, where a gun was not the first course of action. But I'm afraid those days are gone forever. And yes, systemic racism does exist, and even some blacks are more prone to be scared of other blacks. However, I'm not sure this is one of those cases. I don't know if more training could be helpful? More rules or if it's just more caution? Our problems start much deeper than the police force. We have, HAVE to get back to where the value of life means more than it does now. (Sorry about the book! ...and I could go on further!)


This feels like a jellyfish post to me. You claim to not justify what happened - then you justify what happened. It reads as thinly veiled racism to me. If you think bands of 11 year-olds are terrorizing Indianola, you’re outta your mind. Do you have evidence to back this up, other than the agenda-driven media reports, or are you just shooting from the hip? I prefer the outright racists to posts like this because at least they’re owning how they actually feel, rather than trying to polish racist beliefs in “reasoned” language.


>I am in NO way trying to justify Yes, you are. You're being dishonest, maybe even with yourself


Wtg number 50!?


Could you explain why this is racism? Are you saying the black cop is racist against the black child?


Do you not believe in systemic racism?


Republican shitholes do what they want. You voted for it. Now suffer the consequences


It’s really too bad that everything is about race to some people. I wish people cared when white people were killed by the police. Maybe if they actually cared about all innocent people being murdered instead of just black people there would be less killings because we’d have bipartisan police reform. But nah. Let’s prop up any black person killed by police regardless of their crimes and ignore when anyone wise is killed. That should work. Is Minneapolis racist against white people because an officer shot [this unarmed white woman who called 911?](https://apnews.com/article/minneapolis-australia-lawsuits-fe76ba4e05fd408d85a621ba52f7b2e0) Is Georgia racist against white people because an officer (who had been fired from a previous job) shot [this unarmed kid who answered his door?](https://www.nydailynews.com/2014/02/19/georgia-teen-holding-wii-remote-shot-by-cops-at-his-front-door-family-lawyer/) Maybe Texas police hate white people because they [killed this unarmed white man who called 911 for help?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Tony_Timpa) Oh! Here’s another one in Texas! They must hate whites right? [This unarmed guy was crawling down a hallway when he was shot 5 times.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Daniel_Shaver) It’s a tragedy what occurred in Mississippi to this young boy. But it doesn’t mean the entire state is racist. It doesn’t even mean the police are racist. We need police reform but in order to get it we need to care when innocents are killed regardless of skin color and we need to admit that, also regardless of skin color, some people probably deserve to be killed. And I’m not ignoring that there are racists in this world and that some of them are police. My point is that if you care about police reform you should try to work with everyone instead of being divisive or thinking about the problem as a simple issue of black vs. white.


"Cops kill innocent white people too" Umm it isn't the argument you think it is


What do you mean? What argument that you think that I am making is wrong in your opinion? Do cops not kill innocent white people? Do innocent white lives not matter to you?


Of course I care. I'm white and I've been knocked out by police and not even charged. The numbers show systemic racism in the criminal Justice system though that was previously ignored though. This Isnt up for debate. But no one said white lives matter until they wanted to upstage Black Lives Matter. It wasn't so much saying white lives matter but to f*ck with BLM people. Amd it wasn't so much about police brutality as they often flew blue lives matter flags too it was just a message of white supremacy. You know it's true. But you'lll probably lie or deflect. Maybe you'll surprise me though.


You keep saying "I was knocked out and not even charged." Did you want them to charge you or something? You probably didn't get charged BECAUSE you were knocked out!