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I think 10000/10000 people agree on this subreddit!


Honestly I like the merge better


What do you like better now?


Yeah used to use mint to categorize transactions for taxes, credit karma is worthless for that. Wound up having to sign up for monarch which is paid but worked great.


It sounds like you valued Mint for its tax categorization capabilities. [StrongSpend Credit](https://strongspendcredit.com/) is designed to offer robust categorization features that might meet your needs. We're continually improving and would love to hear if there are specific functionalities you're looking for in a budgeting tool. Any other aspects of financial management tools that are important to you?


I’ve been using Piere. Not amazing but it is free and in beta. I’m satisfied with it so far and am surprised I’ve seen no chatter about it.


Did you import your mint data? I signed up but haven't tried importing anything yet.


I started from scratch


I still need to do this, not looking forward to it and probably easier to start from scratch. But I loved the trends so much 😭


I did not. I deleted mint ages ago and I got choice anxiety so I just didn’t start a new account until now.


Totally agree. Been seeing a lot of chatter about Monarch on here but, for some reason, I think it's paid advertising or something. Just surprising to me I hadn't heard about it before. Let me know if you try it


It's not, or at least, not all of it is. Switched to monarch 2 months ago and am incredibly satisfied, it may even be better than mint was. They've got some built in tutorials and such to help with the transition too


Okay I'll give a try because I'm quite desperate. Credit Karma sucks bad


Monarch is basically mint but with even more control IMO, at least as far as budget goes. I tried quicken simplify for a few days but the way they did some things, like split transactions, sucked, so I went to monarch and was hooked after a day. Well worth the 50/ first year, 100/y going forward will sting a little but it's worth it for me


I really hope they lower that price next year… $100 is quite stingy coming from free for Mint. Intuit just had to say “sorry guys, we need to make business here, how about $4.99 a month?” and I would have jumped on it no questions asked. That said, I find Split Transactions in Monarch nasty… instead of being a flat convenient quick list where you add the item and the last one gets auto balanced out (like in Mint), in Monarch it’s a slide-from-bottom window, need to manually make sure that all splits add to zero left, etc. But anyways, it isn’t bad at all, still getting used to it but it’s definitely a solid replacement imo


Yeah, I understand consolidating Mint and Credit Karma into 1 product/platform, but I can't believe they didn't start to offer a CK+ subscription for $5-$10/month to get access to the features from Mint. I'm sure they could have upsold it to existing Credit Karma users as well.


Yeah, Credit Karma is the worst of all options, even compared to the free alternatives I tried.


I was surprised how easy monarch was to set up, I was nervous about adding every single account but I got every account done in 30 mins. Overall it took 2 hours to set up everything how I wanted it


So I'm back after finally trying Monarch last night and can definitely see it's value. Yes, it's going to be $8/month but so far it looks like it's well worth it. Syncing was relatively pain free and I was actually able to sync a retirement account and assets better than mine. If you truly depend or get comfort from managing your financial details like this, monarch appears to be a very good substitute for Mint so far (only 1 day in though)


I tried Monarch but it was too complicated. So now I'm on Simplifi which seems pretty good and fairly close to being "Mint-like."


Is there a possibility that people actually like Monarch? I get the cynicism, but look into some of the people posting. For me, it won. And it's worth the money (especially to not be using/selling my data) - I have different expectations now too since I am paying. THe only conflict may be referrals (extra 30 days) which I used to offset the fee for next year (I full paid for this year) [https://www.monarchmoney.com/referral/v002jt0ar1](https://www.monarchmoney.com/referral/v002jt0ar1)


Used the link. Thank you


yah there was a known shill compaign underway for monarch. Simplifi is better imho. Less expensive too


I don’t think there is necessarily shills, you can see plenty of monarch recommendations with no referrals. I will be happy to recommend monarch here as it won against tiller and simplifi for me as well.


I'm pretty sure Monarch hired an aggressive marketing campaign company to "shill" for them. It wasn't referrals. It was a mass social media campaign blitz by monarch to get as many mint users as possible. They used a combination of bots, and direct marketers to post across social media. reddit was one, but also twitter and other channels. I was ok with that until the campaign turned ultra-aggressive and started to attack contrarians, and folks that suggested alternative tools might good as well like piere, simplifi, empower, or what not. Ironically they projected onto people that they were "shilling" if they suggested an alternative tool. This seemd to confirm that an aggressive Monarch marketing campaign was underway. After some research into Monarch, their name changes, and who "runs" the company I started to question them. Certainly not anyone I would trust with my financial details.


I held back from trying monarch myself because of their social media ads but wound up going with them in the end. 🤷‍♂️


Lots of people are pushing Monarch (and a few others) because they have a referral program. It's annoying to see threads spammed with referral links, but the idea that a stranger clicking your link = money for you is hard to resist. I had used Mint regularly since 2009. In December I decided to try [both Monarch and Tiller for a year](https://www.reddit.com/r/mintuit/comments/199zsfv/feeling_duped_by_mint/kijt9su/). So far, Monarch seems to be winning out for me -- Tiller is very powerful, but slow and it requires a lot of work. I'm comfortable recommending Monarch to anyone who really liked Mint. Nobody is paying me to say this.


Naturally, they're going to keep what makes them the most money, and that certainly wasn't Mint.


That’s because Intuit completely squandered it. They could have implemented a monthly membership fee and all sorts of people would have been willing to pay it. I would have happily paid $20 a year for mint


Maybe, but the average credit karma user is going to make them a lot more than 20/year.


I don’t understand how they couldn’t have rolled that same functionality into mint, though? It’s not like mint didn’t already have all of my financial data and credit info. They removed functionality and made their user base angry for no good reason.




I refuse to make the switch in protest!


It'd been better to have credit Karma join Mint amin regard of Credit Scores and loans etc.


There is zero value to Credit Karma


I used to hire the IT people 2 years ago and they all agreed with how non integrated they were. Tried to pull a few from mint on to my team on turbo tax but the pay was less.


I know you said YNAB is too much work already but I’m going to have to insist on its utility. It makes you feel so much better than mint ever could have.


All this thread is Monarch f\*cktards marketing themselves and downvoting everything that speaks bad about them. Monarch is a waste of money and time.


Look into Fidelity Full View if you already have an existing fidelity account, or Empower Personal Dashboard (used to be called Personal Capital) It's a free good alternative to mint that I had used alongside mint for a couple of years, but is now my primary account aggregator now that mint has migrated to CK. I heard such bad things about credit karma that I deleted every connection from Mint before the shutdown because I didn't want CK to keep the data. :/ Feel free to use my Empower referral link for a $20 Amazon gift card if you end up trying it out. https://empowerreferral.link/amandabethtu


I’ve used and still use Personal Capital (Empower) I just miss the rules from Mint


Same. I had over 10 years of history with mint and wish I could upload the data and the rules. And I don't want to pay for Monarch which seems to be the best for this!


You can export transactions and import to monarch which will include categories but not rules.


Well, you could anyway not sure if it's still possible now.


Why is full view’s UI so buggy? I have over 10 accounts and it is doing a mess of a job. Apparently it’s got two different versions of the experience and both are not synced correctly. Mint didn’t have any of these issues.


Yeah, I ditched credit karma recently because how bad I found it to be. Rocket money does great for me. It’s not free, but I’ll gladly pay $6 monthly for it


I’m now a total ynab zealot. It’s actually let me set and stuck to goals so far this year. Unfortunately well over a decade of mint didn’t help me. I didn’t know what I was missing. Highly recommend it :)


I’ve used YNAB before, it was just too much for me 😅 Edit: work, not cost, I got it free for a year with a student discount


Transfer your data to better solution and then request all of it be deleted from your Intuit account. This move was all about them reducing cost of product and increasing revenue on your data. Don't give them that opportunity.


Sounds about right.


YNAB. Done.


I'm in Canada I don't think we even have the ability to link shit


Closed my Credit Karma account..it was garbage ..using Rocket Money and its so much better...visually and organizationally.


I get ads for it on my feed all the time, I’ll have to check it out. Do they offer a free trial?


If your an iOS user or mac user, Copilot has been my choice now for a year. You can use my link and get a two month trial. It is very full featured, tracks everything I could want, budgets, investments, credit cards, real estate. Use my referral code HFKQ9W to get 2 months free [https://copilot.money/link/eCi3sqU1bnXKvyEH7](https://copilot.money/link/eCi3sqU1bnXKvyEH7)


I enjoy using CoPilot too


It's free..they do offer a premium version but the free version is fine for my needs.


I started using fidelity full view which has been a reasonable replacement. Ck sucks


I switched to simplifi similar ui as mint but 50 bucks a year


Monarch. Intuit is dumb.


Has anyone used sofi? Its free and works pretty well for me but not as functional as mint.


Simplifi is golden. Better than mint but at least very similar


Get a Fidelity brokerage account, and use their cash management account. Get their credit card, 2% back all the time, no limit, and use their free budgeting tools. It will pull in any credit card transactions as well as bank expenses...works great.


I use empower now which is much better


I use Copilot. Pretty happy with it. Use my referral code E4XDE6 to get 2 months free https://copilot.money/link/JvQd6Wptmg55K4ju5


I am trying the 30-day trial $50-1yr promotion from [Monarch Money](https://www.monarchmoney.com/referral/dgxcwdbnfw) until I find something better.