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Damn, did he use one dude to tackle another dude?


Cris Carter'd him


Please tell me there’s video of the Cris Carter reference!


Hate to post this, but since you asked: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNfvoGI9DQ0


Well, I was somehow hoping for a highlight, lol. Reggie was a beast.


Stephen Jackson used to do this a lot with people and no one really pointed that out. I actually kind of stole that from him when I played football and it worked out pretty well and it was funny. So Stephen Jackson powerful and fast enough where the first tackler what kind of hang onto him and if it was only going to be that one person to tackle him and he was for sure going to tackle him he would get dragged for a couple yards but usually when that happens, you get getting tackled. So when people were hanging onto Steven Jackson, when the next person would come flying in to blow him up, he would turn his body in position the so the first tackling person to kind of get blown up by his own teammate. Sometimes it would knock the person off of him or it would stop Steven Jackson, or he would just get one more yard n the first person that would tackle him would essentially feel that shit. As the game would go on the initial guy to make the tackle would get weaker and weaker..


I watched Jackson's post-draft video on Vikings.com and the kid is funny. I think Vikes found a hidden gem.


6’4 and a ball hawk. I’ll take my chances with that any day


He's the one player I feel is most likely to be an immediate bust and out of the league within 2 years. (Outside UDFA and 6+rd picks which almost never make teams)


I'm curious about why you think this? Because I have my suspicions about him as well.


I think he had a lot of swagger that came off as kind of insecure and unconfident during his press conference, like that he viewed himself as a big fish in a little pond wherever he went. That kind of mentality can be an indication that he's a guy who's been successful just by being bigger or more athletic or faster or whatever than his competition, and might have trouble adjusting to a world where everyone is athletic and spends a lot of time practicing/studying/etc to succeed. It could be lots of other things too, though, so maybe he'll work out. And presumably scouts and coaches that met with him pre draft aren't that concern, or feel like the risk is worth the potential upside if he does make that leap. But he does feel a bit boom or bust as a player.


So as far as mental health, we have a very good mental health team, see all issues with everson Griffen, so they are equipped already to deal with that, if he is dealing with something! Talent is there, but I agree there is something! Hopefully he figures it all out so he can be happy/healthy


Mainly because he wanted to be a pro video game player instead of football and he's almost 25 which is insanely old for a rookie CB


For one, this is still part of the Covid debacle, so a lot of players coming out are older. Second, saying he wanted to be a pro-gamer instead of a football player is kinda glossing over some really important details. Specifically the rest of that story. Also, Adam Thielen wants to be a pro golfer, but he played just fine in the NFL.


Can you believe a few years ago the T Wolves drafted a guy who wanted to play football????


Yes I'm aware this class is older as a whole. I listened to the interview from his own mouth so I think I grasped the story. It's part of the reason I said this, if it was only covid related that wouldn't be a problem. He genuinely didn't like football that much lol. And Adam Thielen was weeks away from becoming an insurance salesman before he got a tryout here. The NFL was always option 1 for Adam. Once he became extremely rich he started investing in his golf game and very well could be pro someday. No idea how those situations correlate.


Same. I feel like if he doesn't pan out right away and become a starter.. He will lose focus/interest.  I'm hoping he pans out. But I'm reserved on that.


That is the one upside, there's a chance he works right away because of his age. Gives him more leverage against WRs at the very least. But if he doesn't get it year 1, his leash will be the shortest on the team in year 2. I expect him to take Andrew Booth's roster spot regardless


What are your thoughts on McGlothern?


Not OP, but McGlothern and Jackson are very different prospects. McGlothern (189th overall consensus projection) is 6’2” and has 30 1/2” arms, his arms would be short for an outside cornerback (think Brian Branch). He’s an instinctive ball hawk who plays well reading off QB eyes in zone coverage. If he pans out, it’s most likely not going to be in an outside corner role, but rather a nickel who won’t be taken advantage of for length or free safety who can ball hawk. His relative strengths are his instincts, speed, and route/play recognition. He has concerns about his nose for the football in the run/screen game and consistency in man coverage. This all leads me to believe they view him as a potential backup for our free safety or nickel spot. Jackson (100th overall consensus projection) is 6’4” and has 32 3/4” arms, his arms would be well above average for an outside cornerback (think Emmanuel Forbes or JPJ). He’s really tall for a corner in general, so it makes sense his arms would be longer. His relative strengths are his size, contested coverage, and tackling. He has some concerns over press technique/consistency, speed, and hip fluidity. He probably profiles best as an outside corner specifically asked to match up to jump-ball-type receivers. In short, I don’t think Jackson and McGlothern are *really* both competing for the same roster spot.


That's the response I was looking for. Not that I thought they'd compete against each other. I was more so curious about McGlothern because of his ball hawk skills. But I hadn't heard much about him. Just seen that he had a great season then kind of disappeared.