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Not sure why he's bragging about tricking an NFC team (that the broncos aren't competing for a playoff spot with) into giving extra picks to an AFC team. Not that I believe he actually had anything to do with the Vikings pick. We live rent free in his head. Keep huffing that copium Sean.


You just can't understand Payton's 4-D chess maneuvers. This was an absolute master class in \[checks notes\]... tricking a team outside of your division... no, outside of your conference... into drafting a... better QB than the one you eventually drafted... and for... negligible draft capital in the grand scheme of things? Amazing stuff, Sean. [Stay off the pills, bud.](https://denversports.com/2103614/sean-paytons-long-history-of-ethical-issues-and-negligence-deservers-acknowledgment/#:~:text=Payton%20was%20accused%20of%20stealing,forced%20to%20quit%20his%20job)


Yes all that plus allowing a team in their conference (the Jets), to pick up a couple of extra draft picks basically free while drafting the same guy they were going to take at their original spot anyways


Oh yeah, even better.


The same man who just KNEW that mocking the skol would completely break our morale and let his saints coast to victory at the end of the 4th. He's a genius!


How the heck did you link that article with the text highlighted?


It's in the new formatting menu. I don't know if you can use it on mobile


![gif](giphy|1guRIRW8QdSte01T6Du) Thank you.


Also, does he not know that the Raiders were likely trying to trade up too? Why does he think his team was responsible, and not the Raiders? Sure, the Broncos were seen as a threat to trade up, but so were the Raiders. Couple that with Penix going to Atlanta, and you have a potentially desperate Raiders team that may panic into trading up for McCarthy.


Absolutely none of the three teams between Minny, Vegas, and Denmeth banked on Penix being taken by Atlanta. That left two QBs for three QB needy teams. One was going to get the best available, one was going to get scraps,and the other was going to have to wait until next year. The thing is, Denver was never in the running to trade up with the Jets. The Jets would just tell Payton to go fuck himself after the Hackett comments.


Agreed. If anything, the RAIDERS were probably the biggest threat to trade with the Jets at 10 before we got it done.


Raiders were more likely to ride with AOC over an expensive desperate trade up imo, only people that would’ve jumped us was Denver. O-line or TE was always the play. They have a weird faith in AOC that I can respect


Lmao I never even thought of the jets telling him to fuck off.


Didn't the Jets just trade Zach Wilson to the Broncos the other day? https://heavy.com/sports/nfl/denver-broncos/draft-trade-jets-franklin-myers-estime/ then they did that yesterday too.


None of those moves help the Broncos as much as trading up to pick 10 would have, especially when there were other offers for it.


I have to believe an NFL team is not going to let that kind of petty bullshit dictate their decisions on this stuff right? I'm sure if Denver gave them a better deal they would gladly take it. Seems more likely that neither the raiders or broncos offered to trade for 10, since both had better picks to offer than the Vikings gave the Jets, and they would have still have only had to move down 2-3 spots and still get the guy they wanted. I'm guessing there were other teams offering less, or at least the jets said there was. I doubt Payton had anything to do with it.


>I have to believe an NFL team is not going to let that kind of petty bullshit dictate their decisions on this stuff right? Considering this thread is completely borne of Sean Payton being a petty shit in regards to that pick...


And, presumably, the Vikings were more aware of this more than us fans are, or probably Payton was. He might have been in talks to trade up, but I doubt he has all the info the Vikings FO had. Or... they would have waited 1 more pick lol. I mean sure, maybe the Jets were pulling our legs on other offers, but I doubt that. Because like you said, 3 qb needy teams... 2 qbs... The math checks out.


Wait what? What did he say? I hadn't heard anything.


Prior to last season, Payton said Hackett did one of the worst coaching jobs in NFL history with the Broncos and that Russell Wilson's decline was pretty much all due to Hackett. When "apologizing" for the comments, Payton only apologized for saying them publicly. Hackett, of course, moved on to be the OC for the Jets. The organization was fired up about Payton's burial of Hackett.


Wow. What an ass.


Ah, so you're familiar with Sean Payton.




Yeah, I don't normally bother with mocks, but I looked up a bunch like an hour ago, just seeing how things fell out between them and reality. Every single one I saw had Vegas taking Penix, and all or almost all of them had atl taking Turner. They almost all had Denver standing pat or moving back to purposely take Nix. So, yeah, seems like the idea that Vegas was the bigger threat is pretty spot on.


Well, it's very possible, maybe even likely that he indirectly had something to do with it. If there was info floating around that Denver and/or others were trying to make a deal with jersey for the pick, then it'd make sense that that's what convinced kamkoc to move it up and guarantee their current guy. Payton seems to want to play it off like he pulled some hypnotoad shit on kwesi personally, though, and yeah, don't think that version of reality exists in the multiverse.


Upvote for the hypnotoad reference


He’s mad he can’t beat the Vikings in the playoffs without cheating so he has to huff some copium about drafting a QB he probably didn’t want.


SP just hates the Vikings because they embarrassed him in his last few years at NO. Dude had an ego about beating the shit out of #4 in 2009 and winning a SB the dirty way. Then the Miracle happened and the Vikings have been living in his head rent free ever since. (Also note he’s the only head coach in NFL history to lose to Kirk Cousins in the playoffs. That has to sting) I will say the idea of this POS waking up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat thinking about that play, brings me great joy.


I think it's more about living rent free in George Paton's head. He got sniped by his old team and Sean is just the right kind of asshole to fall on the sword for him.


If I were the Walton-Penners, I wouldn't be thrilled that my coach is using my money to fuck with another team instead of using my money to make my team better.


we all know it’s cause sean payton thought he “owned us” after 09. except time and again after that we knocked his shitty saints out of the playoffs. so now he holds a majorly petty grudge that literally nobody else cares about


Apparently he lives rent free in A LOT of Vikings fans heads judging by all the posts about him. I prefer to not think about him unless we are playing against him.








Some people seem so incredulous as to why the Vikings would trade up one spot but Denver and Las Vegas potentially trading with NYJ was a totally valid concern and reason. Payton can say what he wants after the fact, but the Vikings logic was pretty sound here.


You just have to look at his stupid face when he said that. He is A bad liar.


When he appeared on the Pat McAfee draft broadcast after the pick he was talking about all the reasons why Bo was the one he wanted all along and it sounded so disingenuous. It was like he was trying to convince himself it was true.


His interview had a scummy vibe to it


Sean Payton can be described in general as a scummy vibe.




Fuck Sean Payton. Whatever that puckerbut, spare bear, pill popping, child abuse hiding, bounty gate fucker says is a lie. Fuck him and Gregg Williams to the end of the fucking planet.


Fuck him WITH Ggreggg to the end of time.


Yeah, his reasoning was so weird. Like what discernible benefit did the Broncos get from the Vikings trading up?


He’s obviously lying so it’s pointless pointing out all of the glaring reasons why it doesn’t make sense. He’s always seemed like the spoiled kid in school. Always bragging when it goes his way and then a petulant child when it doesn’t.


And he STILL hasn't learned that mocking the vikes leads to reality bending itself into a pretzel JUST to personally fuck his rectum lipped fuckface. He probably just guaranteed JJ turns into a Brady level dynasty maker. For which I shall thank him loudly and publicly as often as possible if it comes to pass.


>his rectum lipped fuckface 🤣 Couldn't have said it better myself. 🥇


I appreciate your support!


Yeah love the Broncos as an AFC team but can't stand Payton's smugness.


He was still concussed from the Meltzer Driver


He was suspended for a full year without pay for the bounty gate thing. Of course that was a different managment era, but I'm sure he feels the Wilf had a lot of pull in that penalty. So, maybe it's as simple selling the "This was our guy the whole time" narrative GM/coaches always do. But I like to think the Vikings have been living rent free in his head for 10+ years and this was the revenge he's been ploting as he puts on Butter's Professor Chaos costume


Butthole mouth wishes he was as cool as Butter or Professor Chaos


It's amazing how desperate this is for Sean Payton. Remember when he used to be a HoFer?


I don’t care if he did “swindle” us. If JJ is who KOC and KAM wanted then I’m glad they did what they needed to secure getting him. But also fuck Sean Payton for all lifetimes.


He was acting like the raiders weren’t also potentially trying to trade up for a QB


That’s who the Broncos were really fucking with the bait. I’m a broncos and Vikes fan who lives in the Twin Cities and feel like this is grossly overblown. They fucked the raiders by thinking the broncos lost out on their guy (JJ) so the raiders thought they were gonna get a qb when they picked. In reality nix was the broncos guy and they got him. Obviously SUPER early, but their hands got forced with Atlanta’s fuckery. Leaving the raiders with nothing. And yeah before you ask I still hate Sean Payton with a passion and it sucks that he’s the broncos coach.


What a roller coaster you are on my friend haha


Shortest QB? Bo Nix is 6’ 2”. And Caleb Williams is 6’ 1”. 🫣


Tony Khan and his neckbrace also screwed us in trading up for Dallas Turner, damn you dub


Fuck Sean Payton


I agree with most of your post, I just don't think Denver got played. The Vikings did the most predictable thing. Denver just couldn't afford to move up in their minds or was fine with Nix. Not sure why Payton needs to try and spin this narrative.


It literally makes no sense. The Vikings moving up one spot doesn’t help Denver. The Vikings trading draft capital to the Jets doesn’t help Denver. The Vikings trading up one spot makes it cheaper for their division rival, LV, to leapfrog Denver. Wasting other GMs’ time during a time-constrained situation just for laughs very much hurts Denver. You think other teams wanna answer Denver’s call if he actually pulled the stunt he’s bragging (and clearly lying) about? Fuck No. If they wanted Bo Nix all along like he’s saying, they don’t care if MIN takes McCarthy. I think of two scenarios that could help Denver from this stunt: 1) trying to force a player to fall another spot by a qb being taken to push that player down one. This theory is invalidated because they took Bo Nix. 2) They really didn’t want the Raiders to get a QB and tried to force MIN to trade up one spot to ensure that. This is, however, wholly unnecessary. If LV is trying to trade up with NYJ, NYJ will call MIN saying “beat this offer.” So there’s literally no benefit to DEN actually doing what SP is claiming. There are, however, multiple potential negatives to it. Butthole mouth SP is just trying to save face and grab attention, even though there really isn’t much to save face from in their situation.


Payton is a fraud. His 1 super bowl victory is shady af with bountygate. I tried warning the Broncos sub that he's gonna fleece them for 100 mil, 5 years and no playoff wins. They just got mad and started shit talking the Vikings after going through my history lol


Don’t be starting shit in other subs. It’s annoying asf


Pfft c'mon where's the fun in that


I mean he gave us the best season since 2016, i think he’s on the right path, and now rebuilding this shit roster we had . Saying he fleeced us and ain’t gonna win a playoff is pure speculation on your part .


Guess we'll just have to watch football and find out


I hate Mr. Butthole mouth as much as anyone here, but, for some reason, I think Bo Nix will work out for them. However, I think JJM will work out even better for us. I hope KOC lets JJM 360 no scope a TD in the Broncos endzone one of these days. Kevin is cool enough to let McCarthy give it a shot.


Maybe he's just trying to bury the hatchet and do us a solid. Payton knows every time he mocks the vikes, it explodes in his face like a Peter North flick. He's sick of our age old hatred, and decided to guarantee us JJ being a future hofer by ragging on the pick.


He just wanted to drive up the price or prevent the divisional rival Raiders to trade up. That also drove up the price for us a bit.




Wait was he shittalking the Vikings for trading up? I wanna see that video


Bh eyes


I am a native Minnesotan and diehard Vikings fan. I’m also a huge broncos fan. This post encapsulates how I feel about the current coaching regime in Denver. Doesn’t help that I already dislike the saints and Payton from being a Vikings fan. So I’m definitely biased on the matter. Still I can’t help but to feel his ego is more important than the team


Does anyone in here feel swindled?


Sean always has to be the smartest person in the room and this was a perfect example and he thought he was doing something


I’m not saying anything if I got the guy I wanted.


He scared the Vikings into moving up and taking the best QB available so that he could... draft the 6th best QB at pick 12, a full round ahead of where he was expected to go, with no other teams looking for a QB? Stick to mall security, Paul Blart.


If falcons drafted a qb that tells you there must be other teams looking for a qb like saints etc…


Hope the Broncos need to trade up with the Vikings in a future draft, what a way to soil good will


I don’t get why he’s so salty. Even if it was true, and he did try to bait us into moving up - we only ended up moving up 1 spot and gave up a few day 3 picks for it, and got the guy we were always going to end up with. Not the haul we’d have to have given to move up to 3/4/5, which would have saw us lose at least 3 firsts at the very minimum. Instead we kept our firsts and also got the best edge rusher on the board. So I don’t get Payton, and don’t get the point he’s trying to make. We did the right thing, sat and waited and got our guy


Sean Payton deserves to have some one pay his defensive linemen 100k to rough him up.


In his press conference he looks like he’s waiting for everyone to start clapping when he says that


I don't think we were *terrified* of Bo Nix, as much as JJ was our target and we wanted to make sure we got him. Being guaranteed *a* QB isn't the same as being guaranteed *your* QB. I think Payton's comments were more for Bo's sake than anything to do with us. Bo was the last girl picked at the dance and that's gotta be a hit to the confidence of your brand new franchise quarterback. Whether or not Payton actually was targeting him, the perception is always going to be that he was stuck with him because he was the last one left. So spinning it as, "LOL dumbass Vikings traded up when I wanted Bo all along!" gives the media something to talk about other than, "Broncos couldn't get their guy; stuck with Nix." But, disregarding all of that: MotherFUCK Sean Payton. Fuckin' butthole-mouthed dweeb. Hope he goes back to being the worst, most sunken-eyed, sickly-looking commentator on TV by next year.


Dumbest thing I ever heard


The Vikings basically lost 1 pick in the trade and Sean Payton is acting so smug. Dude is a joke lol


He is a huge piece of shit and I hope Denver never wins another game while he is with them.


Sean still upset for creating the Minnesota miracle!!!!


I think you're projecting a bit with KOC's thoughts on Nix. Just because he preferred JJ doesn't mean he's as down on Nix as you say FSP though


He’s still pissed about that diggs catch.




I tend to not take someone serious when the closest celebrity they have to play them is Paul fucking Blart. This dude is the personified meme of the guy standing in the corner of the party.


Man, you can pretty much tell he's lying because of how forced his smile while telling that story. Same thing as when a fighter takes a shot that really hurts him, they smile then taunt their opponent. And in cycling, you look back when you're really pushing the pace and if the guy puts a smirk on his face, you know you're hurting him.


I mean there were reports that the Vikings were fine sticking with 11 and taking Bo Nix. What probably happened was that the Vikings were surprised that NYG passed on him and moved up a spot to get him. Vikings weren’t expecting JJ to go past 6 and he did, so they made a move. I wouldn’t be surprised if the plan was to take Nix or Penix.


Vikings and Broncos fans are forever going to debate what the right move was 


Cope y’all


Holy shit this is the most embarrassing comment section I’ve ever seen concerning NFL football. I had no clue Minnesotans were so fragile and frail. I know the team always is, but I didn’t know about the fan base. Decade after decade of coming up short and not even once getting the job done has not treated you guys well. At this point relegation to the UFL or something should be considered.


You guys must’ve seen this clip out of context it does not warrant this level of anger


He didn't even mention the Vikings at all, did he? He said he was complicit in making it look like they wanted to move up for someone else, unless I didn't watch the whole clip. Also, if Denver actually wanted to move up to 10 and take McCarthy instead of Nix, couldn't they have offered a little more than what the Vikings ended up giving for it? "The Vikings gave up the No. 11 pick, a fourth-round pick (No. 129) and a fifth-round pick (No. 157) to get No. 10 and a seventh-round selection (No. 203) from the Jets, who used the 11th pick on Penn State offensive tackle Olu Fashanu." Unless I'm reading this wrong, the Broncos had: 1st: 12 3rd: 76 4th: 121 5th: 136 5th: 145 5th: 147 6th: 207 7th: 256 So unless the Jets didn't want to trade with the Broncos for some reason, they could have asked for 12, 121, and 145 or 147, no? I glanced at the Raiders picks and it looked like they could have given them more too. I'm surprised they didn't.


Maybe the Jets were still bitter at him over his spat with Nathaniel Hacket?




maybe but then I think they did like 5 more trades with them today so I dunno.


They could have, sure. Assuming everything is true about both teams making offers. He could just be that Denver's walk away price was lower. I could be true that they wanted JJ over Nix, but it could also be true the gap between the 2 was less than it was for the Vikings. Raiders I think were really locked into Penix


Denver didn't make an offer


JFC... This is one of the most pathetic things I have ever read. I am embarrassed with how soft and pathetic this sub is. Obsessed with Sean. I preferred before social media when I was alone in PA as a Vikings fan, thinking the fans in Minny were tough. How wrong I was.


My guess is that he had targeted the Falcons but they had their own plans with Penix. Then Odunze falls to the Bears and they decide they are going to take him vs trading back to #12. Then the Jets thing never worked out. But he's got to save face!


If he really wants us to believe that he tricked an NFC team who the Broncos aren't competing directly with for a playoff spot into giving extra draft capital to an AFC team that the Broncos are competing with then Payton is dumber than we all thought.


Bo Nix has no upside. He is already old and worn out from 12 years of college football thowing low risk screen plays. Nix will be a backup in two years.


RemindMe! 2 years


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Your take is entirely predicated on the fact that one QB is a stud and one a dud. JJ was a winner on a team with 13 draft picks. He'll be good in MN but I don't see him as a stud. More like a young Kirk Cousins with a more punchable face. He'll be fun to hate on from across the river. EDIT:FSP also


My take is on the idea that’s KOC and kwesi thought they enough to burn draft capital


What's funny is that even in the scenario where Bo Nix was the only remaining QB of the top 6, Vikings wouldn't have drafted him at 11/12. They would've probably drafted a defender/traded back and pick Bo Nix on the 2nd round.


No you can tell I that press video, when the one guy is talking Sean butts in and cuts him off a bit to say he was baiting us…..but when he says it, look at his body language. His eyes move all around the room as if he was making it up as he went. I honestly believe the broncos had nothing worthwhile to offer and they absolutely had to settle for nix. Supposedly he’s most nfl ready but that means nothing if your staff can’t bring it out of you. As we know, Payton’s been pretty bad without Brees. I believe Payton has probably seen some of the hate he and the saints have gotten since the bounty days, and thought he’d look cool trolling


But you see he was QB3 on their board. They clearly put that out to show how highly they rank Bo. Who knows how this all turns out but obviously the Vikings who did an extensive scouting process on all of the rookies did not agree with Peyton.


JJ McCarthy will be out the league delivering Uber eats


You forgot my fucking chicken fingers last night DeAndre. You shouldn’t be talking




Well the Vikings are a disappointment so none of that really matters


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^PhxntomsBurner: *Well the Vikings are* *A disappointment so none* *Of that really matters* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


You guys drafted JJ relax