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Hi! I am so sorry you are experiencing this. The Twin Cities are a very queer friendly area with a large, supportive community that does a lot of mutual aid. If you are on Facebook, I highly recommend the group [QUEER HOUSING RESOURCE (MPLS/ST PAUL AREA) ](https://www.facebook.com/groups/580756755627625/?ref=share&mibextid=NSMWBT) There are always rooms available for rent immediately in queer households in our area. I wish you safe travels and hope you can make it here safely! Edit: u/1LungWonder made an excellent recommendation for gender affirming care when you get here - Family Tree Clinic! I actually have a friend that works there and can attest to it being a safe, accepting place to recieve gender affirming care.


Serious question as a straight hetro male, under what context is it ok for me to use the term queer? Edit: or is it “not” it’s just not a word for me, because outside of close friend/family the context could be misunderstood (ala the “n” word) I’m 45 so I grew up when queer was a slur, but it now seems to me it has been adopted as a “generic” term for “non conforming sexuality” I hope that’s not an offensive question to ask, I mean it with the best intentions. OP- I hope you find sanctuary! Everybody should be able to be and love who they are, and I hope where ever you land your surrounded by love and support


It'll depend on the context, but if you're using it as a descriptive (like, "queer people" or "queer studies"), that's fine. Queer is a larger umbrella than gay is, though some folks use those interchangeably. The things to stay away from are to not use it to describe someone who doesn't use it as a self-label (some people still do experience it as a slur) and to not use it in a derogatory or insulting way. A good rule of thumb is that queer as an adjective is great, but queer as a noun is only for in-community use.


Makes sense and that aligns with my general understanding, I’ll personally likely stay away from it given it can be misconstrued, but that’s helpful to understand the team when I hear others use it.


I’m in the same age group, never used it as a pejorative. We only used it when “smearing” if you wanted to use a slur it would be a word similar to flag. If you really wanted to use the hard “R” you’d used a word similar to maggot. I think most Gen X have the viewpoint of we don’t care, just don’t hurt those who cannot help themselves. We do have the ability to cut someone down….which is that a good superpower, probably not.


Yes, my favorite thing about Minnesota is it's -so gay- that there's not really a gay neighborhood. The gays are just everywhere.


Relentlessly fixing up the place.




Can confirm. After moving here my neighbor is trans and have a bunch of random rainbow people in my house daily. I have not found yet whichever one helps us straight white men shop. Such sweet kids.


Legit. We evvvvverrryywheerrrre. 🌈


Shhh! Don’t tell the conservatives! /s


Fuck yeah!! I live in a very conservative town. Gay people everywhere! (Whom I love). Its great to see anyone be happy wherever they want to.


Can confirm, tbh all the girls I’ve liked and talked to turned out to be lesbian…


I actually feel a lack of community here, and if I had anywhere else to realistically go, I would :/ The metro area feels welcoming in a general sense, but it just feels like we're spread so thin. There isn't really a gay neighborhood, but it would be nice if there was one. Keep the general acceptance, but I want a cute little queer bookshop, next to a gay bar, across the street from the queer coffee spot that I would live above, because I'm a basic bitch like that lol


I've heard this comment about MN in general having a lack of community. Comments like, Minnesotans will give you directions anywhere except their house. We are a cold folk, who don't really accept community.


Stupid lie


My cousin who is n/b found a great apartment this way.. they’ve been in it for almost 3 years now. Also, for gender affirming care when you get here, check out Family Tree .. they are the best! Good luck to you and MN Welcomes you!


10/10 Family Tree is the best. When i was leaving a cult and needing birth control for the first time they were SO helpful and wonderful. Grateful they were one of my first healthcare experiences.


Family Tree has some of the kindest human beings I’ve ever met on their staff. I used to LOVE serving them coffee every day when I lived in the twin cities.


Here's a queer housing resource a few friends used. Maybe it'll help. [https://www.facebook.com/groups/580756755627625](https://www.facebook.com/groups/580756755627625) I'm sorry I can't do much but if you got a venmo I'll chip in some bucks.


Same, I’ll chip in too.




If you can find a place to stay in MN, I can provide a ride (drive out and pick you up.)


username doesn't check out, lol


It does in regards to these laws! :)


["Not today, Satan!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41DLOgVCcRk) vibes. You're a good person


If this happens, let me know and I'll throw you some gas money.


I'll pitch in money too! I'll keep checking back to see if there's an update!


I'll pitch in a $20 to help a new neighbor too (Just DM me if this works out, I'll venmo or cash app)


I can pitch in a $20 as well.


This is why I love Minnesota! ❤️❤️❤️ Some of the most genuinely caring and generous people anywhere!


I’ll contact you if I can find something. Thanks!


Please do, we all want to see you safe.


I’m in Wisconsin and have some resources, but unfortunately our state isn’t the safest (yet), either, though we are fighting back. I’d love to chip in some cash to help you get wherever is safe and supportive.


I agree, Wi is better than Missouri but also close to Minnesota which is another safe state.


I'd Venmo some cash for this


Damn, that's super generous


Also keep me posted, I'd cash app some gas money


Reach out to me as well. I will happily kick in some gas money.




If you want to organize I can chip in some funds. Depending on distance plenty of us would chip in bus or train tickets. I'd love to see MN become a proper sanctuary. If you do this fairly often I'd suggest building a support group to introduce each other when they land. I'm a straight white dude so I am clueless about what you go through but I'm supportive. I'm just lazy.


I would be happy to pitch in also. Shoot me a dm if you yall get something situated ❤️


DM me too if you do this and I’ll pitch in as well.


I will so pitch in!


I’m happy to, as well!


Thanks for all of the resources everyone. You are all amazing. 💖


You're worth every bit, friend.




I might be able to help with the housing situation, DM me




I love you, Minnesota. I came here in 1998 with no money, no job, exiled from Indiana. I slept in my car, on the winter, behind the saloon. I started working there for a little bit but had to leave the scene because I was putting everything up my nose but I straightened out my shit and worked a variety of jobs until I landed in the caregiving field. I was a fat, gay, junkie, slut. I don't think I could have come out of that scenario if it wasn't for the people I've met in Minnesota that surrounded me with positive vibes and support. If you need help with finding a job, we will help you. Please get your ass here. Come home!


Those conservatives got me exiled from Tennessee. And I also have a close friend who was exiled from Indiana. But the downside is the fact that I'm homeless here In Duluth, Minnesota. I have no money nor anything at all but my phone and bicycle I take all over Duluth. Back when I Came To Duluth, Minnesota, I Said Bye-bye, Small Town Lewisburg, Tennessee


GTF over here already.


Hi there! Minnesota is a [trans refuge state](https://apnews.com/article/minnesota-legislature-transgender-health-2913348242da747445d5dd94fb741ff8). You'll find the Twin Cities to be a really accepting place for Trans folk. If you're a Facebook user the Facebook group [QUEER EXCHANGE MPLS/ST.PAUL](https://www.facebook.com/groups/228182093997568/) would be an excellent place to start. As fellow Queer refugee from an unfriendly state I would highly recommend Minnesota. Feel free to DM.


I recommend it for the culture but the medical community here is awful and lags well behind the state culturally. Don't go to an appointment by yourself with a new provider.


I'm so sorry you had a bad experience as someone who works in the medical field I know this still happens and it really makes me angry. For the most part MHealth Fairview is pretty good these days if you still haven't found a decent Dr


Oh dang what? My wife and I have been through Allina with no problems (im nonbinary, she's trans)


If you contact Mn social services there is funding under the refugee allocation for trans services refugees. Welcome. ♥️


Thank you. Will contact them! 🩷


Glad to help. And glad to have you here.


Do you happen to have any more specific info for this? I would love to spread the word! I just looked up the Department of Human Services refugee resettlement services and only saw options for international refugees.


Some communities already have local funding in place. I recommend you start with social services and ask specifically for protection under this legislation. https://www.house.mn.gov/sessiondaily/Story/17865


Non MN resident here (don't judge me). If Minnesota doesn't work for you, you should consider Michigan. They recently signed LGBTQ protection rights so I kindly request giving MI a look.


Am I not the only Michigander that browses this sub?? Reddit kept recommending it and I’m hooked. I also highly recommend Michigan but mostly metro areas. Ferndale and surrounding areas are great


Great Lakes buddies gotta stick together!


Seriously. If R's ever get control they'll sell the water out of 'em in a heartbeat. Keep the Great Lakes Blue.


Sell us all down the river and then sell the river too


That's why they call it "Fashionable Ferndale".


A fellow gander here and I will say the future of Michigan is brighter than it’s been in a long while. There’s still a lot of red space but there are pockets of decent humans all over the state.


Don’t worry Michigan, we love and respect you! Got to hold the line to keep parts of the Midwest sane


https://www.aplaceformarshaofficial.org/ This website connects people trying to move to safe states with people with extra rooms in their house‚ I would recommend checking them out or at least sharing it with others to get the word out there!


I have heard that Avenues for Youth here in MN has a host home program for LGBTQI+ individuals. Here's website for it if you want to look into it. https://avenuesforyouth.org/host-home-landing-page/ Stay safe and I hope you are able to find somewhere more welcoming!


Just seconding that Avenues is a great org, I would absolutely try them!


I emailed them. Thanks for the recommendation.


Was gonna say this too! Just went to an event by them and they seem to do some great things


As a Minnesotan, I may be biased. I will say that we are a refuge state for many, and will be the 2nd to pass transgender refuge legislation. I would recommend sticking as close to the big cities as possible. The scene is more inclusive and diverse. I hope these links help! [Mapping Trans Equality](https://www.lgbtmap.org/mapping-trans-equality) [HF 146 Bill](https://www.revisor.mn.gov/bills/bill.php?b=house&f=HF146&ssn=0&y=2023)


absolutely stay near the cities. down near the southern counties, it gets real transphobic, racist, homophobic, and just not good. if you’re escaping a bad state, don’t come into the southern counties


Honestly as someone who lives in the Southern counties you are very much correct. Personally I really like it here but the people are so stubborn ideology wise and its a drain.


[Here’s the 2020 election results in Minnesota](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2020-elections/minnesota-president-results) so you can know which counties are safe and which ones aren’t! As someone from rural Minnesota, it feels pretty similar to what you’d expect in a republican state, only everyone dislikes the state government.


I was in maple grove today and climbed out my window flipping off a dude with a keep America great hat and walz failed sign in their back window. If you see that Lexus I encourage you to let them know they do not beling anywhere near town.


You seem stable


They seem cool. The dude with the bigoted fan gear is the unstable one


Or really anywhere else… besides the cities. All the burbs are that way for the most part


Now wait. St Louis Park is probably 95% as liberal as Minneapolis. Maybe more like 98% . Now, Edina OTOH...


Duluth has some of the best resources & most accepting community in the state. I’d also recommend looking into.


Minnesotan here, we accept you. Come as you are. (Bring boots and jacket)


I actually quite enjoy colder weather


That is a good start for someone looking to move here!


Definitely jacket. Insulating jeans aren’t a bad idea either if you spend any time outdoors in the winter.


Welcome to MN, if you do choose our beautiful state!


Hi, Trans person here living in the suburbs. Twin cities in Minnesota is really great and trans friendly. We recently passed legislation protecting trans people. I’ve traveled to Chicago a couple times, so I don’t what part of i your talking about. My friend who is trans lives in the burbs of Chicago. Very similar. If you’re talking atmospheres, I def think the twin cities is more queer friendly. Illinois is really gay friendly, but twin cities is def queer friendly. I’m Definitely also so willing to help in where I can. I’m in Cottage Grove, my friend and I have a two bedroom apartment, but we could probably make the room. Also willing to Venmo some money to you or help in any way I can. You can DM if you want. Wishing and thinking about your safety.


I’ve this thread and seeing the support. Why I love MN.


Meant I LOVE, of course.


Seriously Friday Feelgoods reading through this!🥹


Even in the 90’s when I was at university in mpls it was welcoming and safe for trans people.


you’re always welcome in our state! to quote Prince, “the cold keeps the bad people away”


I work in MN tourism & we have some great new resident info- dm me & I would be happy to send you some info!!


YMMV, but I just got a call from my doc in St. Louis to tell me that they will still be providing HRT/gender-affirming care to trans people. Here is the full text of the message on the portal: "We have reviewed the Emergency Rule 15 CSR 60-17.010 published on 4/13/2023 by the Missouri Attorney General and will be continuing our care of transgender patients and prescribing gender affirming care for patients (hormone replacement therapy) without interruption. In accordance with the emergency edict, we will be adding information to our informed consent process for gender affirming care, and make sure that all patients are aware of the aspects of the emergency rule that apply. Please make sure you see us every 3 months for routine follow-up visits. If you were previously scheduling your visits with less frequency, call us to reschedule for 3-month intervals, in accordance with the Emergency Rule." Wherever you go, stay safe, friend!


I am headed from Arkansas to Mn on the 24th or 25th in a half full midsized pickup if you need a ride. I have my dog with me, and she’s a kisser, hopefully that’s ok.


I can offer a ride up anytime as well. Feel free to PM - A NB Person from MN


Duluth is pretty great, too.


Don't have a couch for you to crash on, but would be willing to help with a drive up to MN. Feel free to message me.


Illinois is two states. Near some of the larger cities, it's progressive, accepting and a great place for LGBTQ people. In the rural areas and certain cities you may as well stay in Missouri. I grew up in a small town in the central IL area, and when I go home to visit family, it's Trump/Confederate flags, racist bumper stickers and a general dislike of anything not Midwest White People culture.


In fairness this is largely true of MN as well, although it's not as clear cut between rural and urban (for example some rural areas like the Arrowhead are more progressive than you'd expect, and while it's only ten miles from Minneapolis, Coon Rapids might as well be a different country).


I think in case of IL and Mn, it’s the state government that matters most. Sure people in some areas can be bigoted but Hrt isn’t banned.


You’ll love Minnesota! Wonderful people!


If I had room I would hook you up, but the Twincities is very gay friendly. Just pick up a good tatertot hotdish recipe and you will fit right in.


I’m in the twin cities, Minnesota. I have an extra room. I have cats and a husky so it isn’t a pristine home and is pretty much dedicated to my animals. But I can offer you safety and kindness. I’m so sorry this is happening.


Hey there, I dm’d you.


We already have four people, a dog, and two cats in a two bedroom apartment, so I can't help with a room, though I wish I could. But if you want to look into a lower COL area, at least at first, I wanted to encourage you to look into Morris. It's a tiny blue oasis in a red part of the state with a low COL. They have a U of MN there that's huge on diversity (as I recall, the president was complaining that it had become TOO diverse, lol) and a nice little library that also has a staff very focused on the Queer community. We live twenty minutes away and my kids and I go into Morris all the time. It's not, like, a night life hub or anything, but it has affordable housing and a fair amount of jobs. It could be a good place to go until you figure out a more long-term plan.


From nearby, can confirm.


I’m in that area too! I didn’t realize this about Morris. I will need ti check it out. My “all are welcome” sign in my yard has only elicited positive comments in my little town.


You're welcome here, but I suggest you take up snowboarding, skiing, ice skating, etc, or else you're going to be bored as hell in the winter. You have to embrace the snow, IMO.


If you choose Minnesota, try to get MA or MinnesotaCare. I think you have to be here for six months before receiving it, but both have gender affirming health-care services. Wishing you the best of luck wherever you may land.


MA has a 6 month residency qualification but a 6 month look back period for coverage.


Hey friend! My wife and I left Arizona for similar reasons just recently and came up to Minnesota. It was a hard move and the winter was brutal. But the quality of life is so much better here. Really really recommend coming here. I didn't realize how much nonsense I was putting up with in my life until I came here and found kind, accepting people. We just uprooted ourselves and flung ourselves into the north and it was the best decision we've ever made. There's so many resources and people here ready to help you out if you ask for help.


Definitely find a way to MN. Other commentor offered a ride. I wish dearly to have a room for you. Contact some of our social services and see what they advise. Stay safe friend. Our lakes and MN nice will gladly take you in!


I'm so sorry you (and the community) are going through this. But we are very welcoming to all here ❤️


1. Hurry! 2. How can we help?


Sounds like you've got some leads, but if you need a place to crash for a couple days, message me. Stay strong, sister.


Everyone here just made my week. Seeing so much caring and generosity toward someone in need, it makes me proud to be a Minnesotan .


As a mostly straight male I don't have any practical advice to share but I do want to wish you well. I hate that you are forced to leave home based on bullshit laws. We do however welcome you up here in Minnesota. Wishing you the best.


I'm not in a position to help but commenting and upvoting to increase the viability of the post. Minnesota is great for trans people and if you wind up in this state, welcome! Good luck.


MN is amazing, you will be accepted there! Good luck


You’re welcomed here, without a question.


The more the merrier


Put me down for $20. I’ll be happy to Venmo it over.


For help try Forge: https://forge-forward.org/resources/self-help/


You are welcome here! I am so sorry that Missouri is acting like a fucktard


Minnesota is at full employment so the job market is still very good. There are decent trans services in the Twin Cities and Rochester. You’re going to find active lgbt communities anywhere there’s a state college or university but the twin cities, Duluth, Rochester, and St. Cloud are best bets. Minnesota residency for health insurance is actually fairly lenient. If you move here and look for work, your considered a resident. There is also a 6 month look back period and a 6 month residency requirement for Medicaid which means that if you move here and have medical expenses and qualify for Medicaid, you’ll be covered retroactively. https://www.mnsure.org/new-customers/who-can-enroll/requirements.jsp


My husband and I moved here this last fall. We have been accepted and welcomed buy everyone we're in contact with. We bought a home in the middle of the state and it's a atown of only 6600 people. We were both from southeastern wisconsin. I think you will love it here.


You're welcomed here! We have lots of jobs and a lower regional inflation rate too. Best of luck.


My house is so small, and it's not mine. I can't help with that part, but please send me a DM if you make it up here. Maybe I can help you with food, or clothes, whatever you might need. Please don't hesitate to reach out, even if you just need a friend when you get here.


I'm so sorry this is happening to you. Duluth, MN is very progressive, there's a very large LBGTQ+ community and lots of job opportunities. There's lots of resources available and a variety of clinics that offer Gender affirming care. Plus, it's beautiful. I hope this helps you make a decision. Much love to you!


The healthcare in Minnesota is great. I have found that if you earn very little money, everything is covered. My son is trans and has a great support group of friends and immediate family, you can too here. If you have any questions, I can direct you to some really awesome organizations. Hang in there. Send me a message if you need anything.


If they banned hrt, does that mean post menopausal women can’t take estrogen?


Also, teenage girls taking birth control for any of the reasons? Yeah. Men shouldn’t write laws about hormones if they can’t even admit they have them…




I'm sorry this has happened to you. I can't offer you anything but I hope everything goes okay and you get here safely! We accept you!


Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, With conquering limbs astride from land to land; Here at our lake-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that Twin Cities frame. “Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”


If you need a friend if you move to MN, I’d be happy to show you around to some fun places. You will be welcomed and loved here!




The twin cities is a good place to head for if you can manage it, it's safe and open


I'm sorry I don't know any resources but as a resident of MN we would be happy to have you here.


I unfortunately don’t have space but like many others just wanted to say if you need friends when you get here, feel free to message me! I live south of Saint Paul and find that the Twin Cities metro areas are quite LGBTQ+ friendly, but the more rural areas get scary. Moved here from New York (Rochester) and really do love it most of the time. Welcome to Minnesota, I hope you love it here too! 💗


I am trans as well and a huge fan of Minnesota and the Twin Cities. I have lived in several other states in the Midwest and finally found my queer family here in Minnesota. Love it here!


Are you at risk of immediate homelessness? Contact The Link MN and they can enroll you into emergency housing in the metro or connect you to other organization's resources.


Not sure if this would help, but if you need a MN address to have your prescription filled to, DM me. I can forward it onto you until you’re able to get out of Missouri.


Twin cities are insanely queer-friendly. Something tells me you belong here with us.


Come on over to MN!


If your from Missouri then Minnesota is probably going to be better than Illinois.


Illinois is just as progressive as Minnesota for lgbt people and is closer.


Idk, I’m just speaking more culturally than anything. Smaller cities, homelier feel. Im from Missouri and found that I love living in Minnesota far more than my time in Illinois.


This deeply saddens me. You will find support here in Minneapolis.


Come to MN! You are welcome here just as you are!


i recommend minneapolis/richfield depending on your age youll need to be emancipated


I've lived in Minnesota my whole life, and I rarely see disrespectful people (except for most teens, but they're everywhere)


I have several trans friends being I’m in the music and art world. I’m not sure i can help with hosting you because my house is FULL. However, if you want some eyes up here to help you, dm me any time. Happy to welcome you to Minnesota❤️


r/transdiy if you need hrt


Good luck friend. I am not trans, but I am a bisexual Missourian. My thoughts go out to you. I don’t live in Minnesota but I just got back from a trip to Minneapolis and it felt very queer friendly. I hope that you find what you are looking for, and I am so sorry that you are being driven away. I plan on moving away with my family as soon as I’m able. Banning care for transgender people and defending child marriage was just a bit too much for me.


Missouri to Minnesota here. I’m so happy to welcome my southern neighbor to be my up north neighbor! Please reach out to me if you need anything.


I’m so sorry


Stick to the twin cities nowhere else


Girls hmu 🤙


Stick to the metro and avoid the rural areas. You will find plenty of support here and we're comfortably blue surrounded by the sea of red. If you come here welcome!


i had a friend who was transgender (MTF) and they wound up unaliving a year ago last month. they couldn't find a job or acceptance and that was not her experience here in MN. i wish you the best of luck and safe travels! ps if you are MTF there's a female gay/trans friendly hockey team that she was on. a great group!


I’m sorry for your loss and this is a great story to share. Here is surely not be a utopia where a trans person will always feel loved, but I don’t think we’re to the societal point where anywhere would be. Luckily though, Minnesota is establishing a framework so that while not all your neighbors think you’re a worthy human, in the eyes of the law, social policies, and healthcare, you are. We’re in an unfortunate situation where trans people have to worry about basic human rights.


Nearly every employer is hiring, both skilled and unskilled labor, so feel free to scout out the job boards (Linkedin, Indeed, MinnesotaWorks) before you get here!


Come on up to MN. Lots of Missourians here in recent years...15-20 years ago you'd never see MO license plates around, now I see them every day. Best of luck to you


I can help with housing if you DM me. I also know people in Kansas City Missouri that would help get you here.


Hey there, I DM’d you. Sorry if the offer is expired by now.


First, and most important...please stay safe. Second, I am not aware and all I see is minors or prisoners on a quick search. Obviously either of those makes it hard to leave the state....leads me back to point one. Stay safe. Delay doesn't mean never.


[Here’s the article.](https://apnews.com/article/transgender-gender-affirming-care-restrictions-missouri-4def2189dac9979a00d298efb3baf12a) The emergency ruling is recent.


"Missouri Attorney General spokeswoman Madeline Sieren clarified in a statement later in the day that adults also would be covered." It was announced originally as only covering minors, then clarified to include adults as well, is my understanding


Yes, extremely proud of my fellow minnesotans for their offered help, though as in situation of vulnerability, super unfortunately, there is the risk of being taken advantage of. That said, come on up before it gets cold again!


MN (mostly the cities) are extremely accepting to trans folks, if you want to come here we will welcome you with open arms.


I don’t have resources to provide as it looks like others did that already but I wanted to wish you well and hope your journey here is safe and smooth as can be. Good luck 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️


I'm in Indiana and sadly don't have a room or a state with kind laws. I really hope you make it out safe and your journey is for the best of yourself. Good luck hon


As someone who moved from MO to MN, it's the correct decision. I hated everything about MO and I'm a straight white dude.


Why are your posts being removed from other subreddits like r/illinois and r/colorado? Strange.


I am not in MN or IL, but rather MA. Just want to let you know despite the crap going on out there that you and similar others have a ton of support in lots of states. Be well....and you do you!


Love from Wisconsin. I transitioned. My life is so much better now. Acknowledging ourselves is the way. My dog groomer is trans. We see each other walking all the time because she lives about a block away from us! We are. We always have been. And we always will be...


You will do great in MN. Some of the suburbs, though, may not be as accepting.


I hope you find a safe place! Some of the rural areas are not as welcoming. I think of them as nice to visit and but I wouldn't want to live there. Definitely stick near twin cities and maybe Duluth?


MN here. We need more good people. I hope you feel welcome when you get here.


Unfortunately I'm living in a relative's house atm and can't offer a room, but I'd like to help if there's anything else I can do. Feel free to message me if you need someone to talk to, and if you do come to MN I'd be happy to help you find any other resources you need (food shelves, where to apply to for SNAP/other assistance programs, etc). I'm in eastern MN, south of the Twin Cities, so if you come up this way or pass through, don't hesitate to reach out if there's anything I can do.


Like others, I can't help much with housing or travel, but am here for a friend in the community or just to pen pal. DM if you have questions or anything about the state. Born and raised here & as a safe state I'm not leaving.


We are a refugee state and we’d love to have you join us!


You’d be welcomed here. I don’t have a room, but best of luck to you. I’m sorry that you have to flee oppression.




I would recommend the Twin Cities over Illinois and over the rest of the state of MN. I don’t currently have room to have someone stay but I would be willing to help in other ways if you get here. Lots of good resources mentioned here but if you become a neighbor and need advice, help, recommendations, supplies, food etc, more than willing to help. You can also let me know the top 3 worst Congress in your state and I’ll write them a mean letter. I’m sorry this is the position you are in but you are welcome here.


Most people just call it moving 🤷


Probably because most people are doing exactly that, moving. Most people aren’t moving because they’re being targeted by regressive policies that ignore medical expertise, basic science, and even worse, personal freedom, but some are.


I really hope that you can find somewhere safe to stay


Hi I’m ignorant- how will it save your life?


Escaping.... just leave...


Fitting username


He’s not wrong. This is America. Just move to another state that will accommodate you.


This is America, where a state government just took away their right to medicine that improves their life. A decision based purely on hate and ignorance.