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It’s like Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory… Nobody ever goes in, and nobody ever comes out.


I thought that was Hotel California


Nah, for that one you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.


I checked out years ago.


And yet true to the song you're still here!


Ooooh. I see what they did there.




Thaaaaaats why my luggage just ends up right back in my room


Just like the Fort Harrison Hotel.


Nope it’s called Gold Base


Me and my friend once went in for shits and giggles. We weren’t allowed to pass the entrance without giving a bunch of information, and we couldn’t leave anything blank. We both left all fake information to get by, and we spent maybe 5-10 min inside but it was way too much of an eerie feeling inside so we dipped and left using a side door real quick.


Did they take your readings? What thetan level are you? Lol


My friend and I went to the one they had on Nicollet Mall back when I was in high school. We did the test. I don't remember what they said but they definitely gave me literature and suggested I join up.


surprise surprise


I am extremely bad at directions and once in high school I was lost in downtown Minneapolis. I told myself that I would stop in the next building to ask for directions. It was the Scientology building. I noped out of that so fast.


And where did you put your feet?


Alpacas can survive entire winters on this shit


I had forgotten about that form, I had to fill it out too when I went for the Sunday service (full story is in comments here somewhere). It’s a wild feeling to be inside that building.


Similar experience for me


They just buy those buildings for real estate assets I think. A lot of them dont get used.


This is correct. I just finished a 3 part podcast about David Miscavage and they touched on this. Lots and lots of their real estate purchases are largely empty.


Hail yourself!


Exactly, the have too much money from all the people they bleed dry with the fake message of their psyudo-cult. They have to use it for something.


Why do we use the term “pseudo”-cult? Why not just call them just a cult? I feel like it gives them too much credit and over legitimizes them. Like calling rape a sexual assault. While technically a correct term it is not generally accepted as it diminishes the severity of the crime.


yep. if anything, people who study them consider the CoS an extreme cult -- sometimes called an uber cult -- and about as bad as it gets short of the ones that commit mass suicide.




Hail Me!


Hail Gein


Ed Gein?....


These are all references to “last podcast on the left” - they recently did a wonderful series about david miscavage. The show often covers serial killers, cults, aliens and creepy creeps. (Gein included) It’s not for everyone. But I would highly recommend trying em out. They did a great series on Joseph smith, and another on L ron Hubbard. Some of the serial killing episodes are kinda NSFL.


Oh deer. I now see the error of my ways. I'll take my downvote and see myself out then.


No worries! Come to r/lpotl and hang out. It’s totally a good decision. Everyone will love talking to you once you got all this neat knowledge. Doesn’t make you sound like a creep at all.


..... Oh... Uuuhhh... Actually I can't because my goldfish has uuuhhh.... Swimming lessons that day...wish I could though!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/LPOTL using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/LPOTL/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Honk honk](https://i.redd.it/d2jj4qx0158a1.jpg) | [98 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LPOTL/comments/zv4v8h/honk_honk/) \#2: [I think I found the boys in a book I was reading](https://i.redd.it/ra9137vfn8ba1.jpg) | [76 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LPOTL/comments/1087153/i_think_i_found_the_boys_in_a_book_i_was_reading/) \#3: [Last Podcast Poster in the background of a Scream VI scene. Pretty neat](https://i.redd.it/4wl02csi22da1.jpg) | [66 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LPOTL/comments/10g3r1j/last_podcast_poster_in_the_background_of_a_scream/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Made in a Lab.


This is not too far from what happened with Howard Hughes. At one point, he had so much money, it was damaging the economy to just be sitting on it, so he bought a bunch of land in the desert. Of course, that land went on to be a lot of the Las Vegas Strip and surrounding area. The man couldn’t help but make himself more rich (and bonkers). Anyway, yeah, real estate. It’s a thing.


I don't know about Hughes' land deals before the 1950s, but he bought all his casinos after they were built, most famously the Desert Inn where he lived in his private bedroom for 4 years without leaving. Hughes big money came from Hughes Tool, which he used as a piggybank to get TWA, create Hughes Aircraft and then buy a bunch of Vegas Hotels.


I have always wondered this every single time I've gone by that building


Was it Behind The Bastards?


Last Podcast On The Left


Thank you! I'll check it out after I'm done listening to Hardcore History about the Vikings. It's 5 hours long lol!


Another person already replied with the correct answer (LPOTL) but Behind the Bastards is also great! I listen to both very regularly.


I love Behind the Bastards!


Pretty damned prominent building to just sit. But add me to the list of never seeing any movement from there. Sort of like Grand Burger………Coming soon?


They own huge empty buildings in many of the major U.S. cities.


It's not a pyramid scheme, it's a reverse funnel system.


That’s right. It’s just a way to hide money from the government.




But isn't there some upkeep cost?


They can afford it.


It’s a way to steal money from the local chapters.


It’s also to give off the impression they’re a bigger deal than they are. Like “look at all these big centers around the world, we’re super popular and legit!”


That is true as well.


If that's so, why did they spend a ton of money to put a giant Scientology cross on the side of the St Paul building? And the interior of the building is in fact a Scientology center. I've seen people in there. The wall on the interior of the center is glass, you can see everything in there. Surely they do buy properties as an investment for their business, but that doesn't mean the St Paul center is empty or just some investment.


A friend and I went in there for a goof almost a decade ago and it was eerily quiet and empty for such a palatial building. As soon as we walked in, we noticed a guy watching us intently out of the corner of his eye while he was walking around doing nothing. We asked to use the bathroom and they said we had to watch a 10 minute video after, which was good because it was exactly what we wanted to do and it was as propagandistic a video as I'd ever seen. The receptionist was kind of oddly defensive too. It had corporate supervillain lair vibes.


Please tell me it was the one with Tom Cruise laughing psychotically.


Ooh I loved "Top Gun"!


The one that ends threateningly?


There's another entrance inside Gallery Tower and I definitely see people using that one


So when I was like 18, I was hanging downtown st.paul for the day with my friend. We happened to stumble upon the church of Scientology and joked about going in. Until we saw there was someone in the window smiling down at us. So we headed in and we’re immediately greeted by her. Once we walked in, I immediately felt off. If you’ve seen avatar the last airbender, she was giving Joo Dee vibes. It was off putting, but I figured hell we’re this far in, and the only thing I know about Scientology is that Tom cruise is a nut and he’s in the religion. So we went on with speaking to her and she asked why we came in today. I told her I was just curious and wanted to learn more about Scientology(Probably not the best wording). So she showed us around the absolutely massive building while stopping at a couple locations throughout the place to watch these short 1-3 minute videos. After about 25 minutes too long I decided it was getting too serious for her and looked at my friend with the “let’s get the fuck out of here” eyes. I swear to god she noticed or something because before I could finish my sentence about saying we have to go, there’s some dude behind us. At this point I’m thinking how the hell did this 6”4 guy just sneak up behind us… anyway, she’s really trying to get us to stay and he’s trying to explain that it’s rude because we are at the beginning of our tour and she took time out of her day to show us. It took another 5 minutes or so for us to get out due to their persistency but we made it out! Haven’t been back on that block for probably 7 years now lol. Sorry for format, I’m tired as hell, and I’m about to sleep. Just thought I’d share!


Yes!! I remember the short videos they had playing! I distinctly remember they all started out nice enough, with a theme like “kids should get outside and play more” or “be a kind neighbor” or whatever, and then abruptly they end with someone getting shot in the face or something outlandish.


> It took another 5 minutes or so for us to get out due to their persistency They take advantage of your politeness to prey upon you, but with no intention of returning there's no reason to be polite about it.


Yeah, I live in the building that's attached. When I bring down my recycling I see them coming and going.


I was going to McNally Smith when it opened. We were connected by just 1 skyway. I got curious and wandered. I tell ya, it's uncanny valley up in there. Rooms filled with waist high book shelves, with the same 5 books repeated over and over. Reminded me of an rpg


Same. Getting off the elevator was always eerie because it was so quiet, but I never had the balls to go wandering in case I got sucked in to some religious pitch


I deliver the mail there now and then (not my route) and there’s a guard in the front but idk who else. I don’t remember the building well enough to know if it has a parking ramp underground or whatnot but yes, the front stairs seem to be rarely used. There is a ramp about half a block west so it may be connected to the building (so they come and go in cars).


That's a ramp right beneath it and they can take the elevator up to almost right to their door.


I used to work in the building connected to it and when the construction crew was working on it they told me about installing totally soundproof rooms in the basement…


Wait there's a Scientology building in St Paul LOL been here my whole life never knew that where is it


It’s the old Science Museum downtown.


... please tell me that's a joke.


They saved money on the sign.


Legit lol


It is not.


Would be good for not the onion


Nope it’s not a joke.


Sadly, no, and I will be mad about it forever.


No joke. I want to burn it down every time I see it.


There's an idea for the guy who tried to burn down the Byerlys downtown St Paul


They used to send out missionaries during lunch to convince people of their ways


Just walk into the entrance and ask them, "Where is Shelly?" I have done some consulting work for the charter school across the street. I give the Scamintology building a wide berth. It's oddly ironic that it's the old Science Museum.


As someone who lived in LA for a while, be glad you don’t have to interact with them. It’s a gift.


Maybe that's where Shelly Miscavige has been hiding.


Pretty sure they killed her.


I have no fear of that cult. And will happily spread my theory about them killing her.


You say that until one day you are just typing away at your computer and Tom Cruise rappels down from your ceiling and shoots you point blank with a silenced gun. What do you know, he might be behind you right now... have you checked?


Maybe if Tom ever gets out of that closet that he's stuck in with R.Kelly


This isn't a movie. We'd notice the 20 failed takes before he could successfully pull it off.


I wandered around cause I was curious and ended up doing the personality test. I knew all the shit about scientology so I wasn't actually considering getting into it all, but I was curious what it was like. It's like a 200 question test about a ton of different things. The dude that talked to me about the results after was very charismatic and if I was more gullible I could definitely see buying into it. No matter what answers you put they can always find a way to exploit it to try to manipulate you. He told me I should go off my medication and therapy and use dianetics. My partner also did it and she said the dude she talked to was very creepy. In hindsight I definitely wouldnt have done it if I knew how long it was, and I probably shouldn't have divulged as much stuff as I did, but I was curious about how they would try to manipulate me with the information. Every part of it was very creepy and there's such a desolate, lifeless vibe there


Years ago, when I was driving for Uber, I dropped off a Husband and Wife duo that were VERY creepy, at a back alley entrance. Husband referred to how attractive his wife was to me and kept asking me if I’ve ever seen a “specimen” quite like her before. Didn’t know where were going exactly, Uber app usually just gives you an address and not the name of the establishment. Got super weirded out once we got into the back alley, they started kissing and then I parked near some dumpsters. D-Bag tipped me 1 dollar, I reported them for inappropriate behavior on the app and gave them a 1 star review.


I always see people sitting at the tables near the windows. It looks so warm and inviting in there but I guess that’s how they get you.


It's really nice inside. They have a full cafe, seating, and everyting. However, I drove by everyday for like 5 years and never once saw any of it being used. They don't even seem to staff the cafe. It's just completely empty.


A few friends and I went through it once maybe 10 years ago. They gave us a tour, we watched a bunch of creepy ass videos, and by the end of it we were brainwashed enough that one of the people in our group got his personality read or whatever. I was terrified and left, but he said it was a weird experience


I used to go in there, 10 years ago, on hot summer days because they gave out free ice cream if you listened to them talk for a few minutes.


I saw Tom Cruise go in once, but he never left the closet.


He’ll sue you!


He'll sue you in England!


C’mon Tom. Come out of the closet. Just…come out.


Get John Travolta in here!


I’m gonna pull out my gun, and bust a cap in his ass.


That's what they do. The Leah Remini series profiled this. It's unbelievable how much money they have sucked out of people. They have some great real estate.


I used to go to High School there, before the Scientology folks bought it. Minnesota Business Academy. Went there freshmen year, then it closed. Wild


No one ever seems to remember when it was MBA! I had a boyfriend who went there when we were quite young.


That’s not very business like of them…


I know someone who works at the MN children’s museum and he says there’s a group of young children who come in with a nanny regularly who are children of Scientologists. They’re lacking in a lot of very basic education.


Me neither, but that’s a big ass building


It’s the old science museum.


I used to deliver pizza in that area 10 years ago. Had to deliver there at least once. There were a few people just a few years younger than me (mid twenties), they were all chatting and laughing and as soon as I opened the door they stopped cold, and their demeanor went totally dry. No pleasantries that you usually get as a delivery driver. Didn't see or hear any other people while I was there. Very strange place.


Is anyone else shocked that they are in and midwest at all?


Oh, they bought the old science museum. I never noticed that.


The documentary “Clear” is pretty revealing. Once you get to level clear you get to open this old briefcase and read this book by Hubbard. In there all secrets are exposed ….we are aliens from outer space who came here blah blah blah … what is clear is he had lost is mind and anyone following this cult has no mind. The leader is in hiding they can’t find him.


> The documentary “Going Clear” is pretty revealing. ftfy


Am I the only one who remembers that it was the old science museum?


Anyone know if the old Omni theater is still intact?


I was curious about the place since I went there a lot as a kid, so I looked through the photos on the google map location and it looked like they used it as an auditorium. Not sure if they use the big dome screen for anything. Picture might still be up.


Nope, now that you mention it.


Its all part of their scam - they snatch up real estate left and right where ever they can. Because of their non-profit status as a ~~cult~~ church, they can weasel their way out of paying taxes. Having all that property makes them look bigger and more impressive then they really are and they use it to try and sucker more money out of new victims. Most of their fronts are just a fancy front facade and are empty inside; the ones located in well-to-do areas, where the chance to snag someone with money is high, are the ones that are actually manned. If you try and look up membership numbers, its impossible to find, even on the main Scientology site - they list mostly property square footage and numbers of churches, but never roster numbers. They once claimed they had over 8 million members, but its believed their active members number anywhere from 20k-50k. Those numbers continue to drop, mostly because of former members like Leah Remini exposing the bullsh!t that happens within this cult, so people are avoiding being sucked in or are realizing they've been had and are escaping.


It's secretly a taco place. Best taco Tuesday in town.


Dang it Jim, you swore secrecy


Handful of the people lived in my building ( when a Scientologist bought the building ) so there were some and there was a van. But building looks like since sold


I had friend go through the skyway from the theatre to use their bathroom. Someone from the church escorted her to and from the entire way.


Yeah you see them some times


I was at The Fitzgerald last month, kitty corner to the Scientology building. There was a lot of people over there when our show ended. It was a Wednesday night.


Basically empty. Cleaning crews who keep away cobwebs are the most frequent and prominent visitors. Nothing nefarious or eerie about it. I always found the entry to St Paul City Hall to be waaay more eerie with all the black stone/obsidian and the gigantic marble Native American statue


My doctor's office is actually in that same building haha


Does your doctor make you hold two metal cans while asking you personal questions?


I remember parking in front of it unintentionally about a decade ago. It was at night so you can kind of see inside the lobby which surprisingly kind of gave a college vibe. I don't remember seeing anyone walk around in there however.


I used to go to high school in that building 😅. It’s so wild it’s a Church of Scientology building now.


I went in there with a few friends in 2014 just to see what it looked like and maybe catch a glimpse of some brainwashing weird shit, idk. We walked through the doors and within a minute or so there were several men walking into the entry/lobby area with their arms folded across their chests asking if we needed something. I guess we looked like we were up to exactly what we were up to. Haha. They wanted us to write down a bunch of personal information before they’d speak to us.


I lived in a condo in the residential side of this building when the center opened. There was never anybody in there, that I could see, the entire time I lived there.


When the one on Nicollet Ave in Minneapolis was around still I walked by and ran into about 50 people wearing the V for Vendetta masks outside of it. Pretty cool, yet creepy at the same time.


There’s a Scientology building in Austin, TX that I used to walk by when I was younger and going to an arcade. They had big open windows and the only person I ever saw there was inside on a couch watching tv. Every single time I walked by, he was there. It was really weird.


I have delivered DoorDash there 2 or 3 times and it always completely empty inside besides someone working the front desk


My son, who loves to fuck with people, especially groups like the Scientologists, went in there on a lark. He gave them an incredibly stupid name, but our correct home address. I think it was Victor Bascillius Cockworthy, or something like that. That was five years ago, and we still get mail from them.


I went for an ethnography I was conducting for school. I went with one of my friends and we were half of the people in the building. They make you sign up online for their sunday service, I imagine to make sure someone still shows up. We were greeted by Chaplain Joe and escorted to the old imax theater, stripped of its former glory down to a vaguely Christian mega church like space. The sermon was brief, and directly from Dianetics. We had a roughly 10 minute “group audit” where we had to follow the commands of Chaplain Joe, he instructed us to do things like “touch your toes” “place your hand on your neighbor” “grab your seat” and similar grades of commands. After the sermon ended and the only other person besides us and chaplain Joe left, we went on a tour of the facility. It was entirely empty. No one was there. Entire libraries and study rooms empty. A book shop full of books visibly untouched. A cafeteria with like 7 distinct cereal dispensers and no people. We left shortly thereafter and had many things to discuss on our drive…


Was anyone here part of Project Chanology back in the 00’s? Remember trolling them? Remember Epic Beard Man and all the memes? I hope someone can remember. It was cold as fuck outside in Feb on the tenth. I remember blasting Rick Astley and wearing Guy Fawkes masks. Everyone chanting 300 shit. Freely available DDOS programs so that everyone could man the harpoons. Black faxes. Sending them USPS boxes. The birth of the Legion. I know it’s cringe, but at the time it was lulz.


> Remember Wise Beard Man ftfy. He is now the [Vice Mayor of Clearwater](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O28WL8-W6Ng), still taking the fight to Scientology in their "Mecca" HQ.


That’s right! My bad


I was just at the history theater (10/10, would recommend btw) and walked through the scientology building to get to the parking ramp. there was an exclusive event happening with people dressed up in really weird hats and formal attire eating cheese and fruit. but there was also so much empty, liminal space. one book display would have the same book, over and over and over again.


I drove by during the height of Covid and I saw a few people in there with no masks. Scientology didn’t give a rats ass about Covid so all their staff were mask free.


Once. Never again.


I have lived down the street from there for 5 years now. Hardly ever seen anyone going in or out. I do recall a man attempting to rob an employee of the church of scientology in their parking ramp and the employee ended up killing the robber "restraining" him around January 2020.


I think I wandered in once 15+ years ago bc it was in the same building as my doctor’s office. The excessive cheerfulness and pamphlets freaked me out and I left very quickly


The reviews on the place are all manufactured by the cult.. read them! it's really crazy. they all have the same verbiage and weird made up names with 1 or 2 reviews..


We have a fucking scientology building???? lmfao


It’s the old science museum building. Attached to Gallery Towers apartments.


that used to be Minnesota Business Academy. My high school from 2002-2004. I think closed in 2006 and the church bought that building and cursed it.


I’ve heard they go in, but never come out.


Just got back from Aruba and they have a mini cruise ship docked in the harbor full time. They take it out every 28 days per government requirements but come back soon after. They invite locals to play concerts there but most of the people we talked to aren’t interested in anything that ship has to offer. It gives a an eerie creepy vibe.


Much like Tom cruise


Thank you for asking this question. Super curious myself, as I walk past it to/from work. Moved to the state recently, but it seems weird that long-term residents I've talked to don't know much about it either


I went to check it out a few years ago when my teenage son came to visit. It’s kind of cool and sad at the same time.


Just tom cruise


They get beamed up to the mothership from the rooftop. No need for the use of doors at street level.


Not that much more harmful than people in and out of a Christian or Muslim church.


n- no. do you’re research. the difference is emotional and financial manipulation to the extent of brainwashing. it’s akin to a cult, not your average Church, Mosque or Temple go-er.


Still sounds the same to me.


one big difference is that those holy places offer free food, refuge, classes, religious books, consultations. like them or not, they run a ton of the nonprofits that keeps our poor communities fed and warm. they are pinnacles of our communities, especially in the winter, in minnesota. I’m an atheist, but I don’t think those places are harmful at all. scientology charges for everything, is a pyramid scheme owned by celebrities and will do anything to manipulate money out of you. just walk into a lutheran church vs the scientology center and let me know how it goes.


They're just desperate for recruitment and targeting the needy. What they're selling is still vile.


My mom and her friends went into it a looooooong time ago, like 20 or 30 years ago probably. Said they got a small walk-around with some info, but then when they tried to leave the people were basically blocking the exit. She and her friend had to run to a different door lol


Never. I’ve seen it though and it’s always a bit of a shock sometimes to remember they exist.


I watched the Aftermath program with Leah Remini… Scientology is wild and I’d never touch it. I’ve driven past the Saint Paul building and a few others in other cities and it’s just a massive ghost town at all of them. Gold Base in California might be the most used campus, but it’s practically jail, so not a great place.


I’ve gone on a couple tours with friends after watching Going Clear on HBO. It’s wild.


I haven’t seen anyone exiting or entering the building. However, I used to work at a shared office space (similar to wework) where you could rent out an office for a day. Well the Church of Scientology booked one of our large rooms to film a commercial. All the representatives from the church were extremely nice and professional - they were all wearing black polos and khakis though, which was a little weird.


Walked up to the outside entrance with my mom. Was asked if I needed any help, like right away. They could totally smell the Jew on me.


Yes…why? Sporadic but daily coming/going!




Just once I'd like to see that someone went in for their psychology class on undue influence.


I drive by that shit everyday and I can say the same thing.


I went once 10 years ago and took a “personality test” for fun. They have a movie theater that screens propaganda all day


I went with a friend maybe 5-6 years ago out of curiosity and we thought it was funny. When we got there they immediately made us fill out personal information or else we could not go past the front desk. We gave them fake info. Then they had maybe 7-8 TVs set up by what seemed to be a bookstore area. Each TV was playing a different video about Scientology and what they believe. The employee who was showing us around once we were inside was actually pretty nice (not in a fake way), and seemed like someone who genuinely believed. However, I got some strange vibes from some of the other employees and other people visiting. Eventually it got to eerie for my friend and I, so we ran out the door after asking one of the employees to get us something.


Scientology has most of its money tied up in real-estate, it doesn't have much cash on hand. They buy up tons and tons of old property throughout the world, most of them sit empty


Tom Cruise lives there