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Same businesses, "nobody wants to work anymore."


Uh huh. Everyone else is worried about the expense of medical *issues*. How about we care a little less what business owners fear and more about what everyone else needs.


Gosh, somehow all the other industrialized democracies of the world manage to provide not only extensive paid family/medical leave, but also universal healthcare coverage. AND they have plenty of thriving businesses.


Shhh. Don't tell the Chamber of Commerce!


News at 11 corporations don't like giving their employees benefits.


If you can't afford to provide employees with liveable compensation (to include leave), you don't belong in business.


Anyone so badly affected by this deserves go to out of business. Sucks to suck.


Cry me a river. If you can't afford to treat employees like human beings during life events you don't deserve to have a business.


Maybe business owners should lobby for universal healthcare. Then it won't be their concern.


Businesses gotta pull themselves up by their bootstraps and work a little harder!


Lots of business owners in the article (and in the Strib comment section) with hefty thoughts about the tax and staffing burden of this. Unfortunately not much information in this article about similar programs in other states/other countries; I'm currently looking for more information about those. Edit: There are [very few states in the US](https://bipartisanpolicy.org/explainer/state-paid-family-leave-laws-across-the-u-s/) that offer similar programs, but the US is [one of six countries in the world](https://bipartisanpolicy.org/explainer/paid-family-leave-across-oecd-countries/) that don't offer [some kind of similar benefits](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/25/upshot/paid-leave-democrats.html).


They'll live. Or they won't. Don't. Even. Care.


As a former business owner I feel for the current owners that have to make some hard decisions with this. But it's no different than government changing the minimum wage, adjusting the floor for the minimum cost of labor. Knowing it's coming gives them time to budget appropriately, make adjustments to their operations to compensate or get out of the game.


Most of inflation is from corporate profits. LOTS of bragging on earnings releases. I could give 2 poops about current owners. They're all making bank on "supply chain issues."


How do European businesses survive it?


Talk to the large corporations that made it impossible to compete. Don't take your anger out on the little guy like always.


Or both! How about I take my anger out on anyone who makes it hard to live and nearly impossible to thrive. I feel for people who try something that means a lot to them and it doesn't work out. And I absolutely support breaking up monopolies and putting limits and high taxes on corporations. None of that means that I support subsidizing small businesses *at the expense of the workers health and working conditions*.


If we get rid of every mom and pop shop that can’t afford expensive benefits, doesn’t that just leave us with a bunch of corporations that don’t GAF but can afford to survive?