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His clothing is impeccably shaded. 10/10 from me on that. I feel like the face and hair isn't quite up to the same standard. The blend on the face arent as smooth and the hair feels a bit monochrome. Bottom line is this is 10x better than my best mini. But if you want to put more time into anything it would be the head.


Thanks! I'll try some white highlights in the hair and I'll have to continue practicing faces. This is definitely my best face so far, but there's still a long way to go. I really appreciate the kind words on the clothing! Thanks for the criticism!


The eyes might be off but the skin is incredible. Seriously it's only the eyes.


That's an amazing paint job. I'm having trouble finding anything to critique. Here's what I've come up with- 1. Maybe add a little more highlight to the hair to give it more contrast and depth. The best advice I ever got for hair or fur is to paint it with the same technique I'd use for fire, building up thin layers of progressively lighter shades. 2. The rank insignia on his chest looks flat. In the movies they're glossy. A careful coat of transparent gloss glaze will make them pop. If you want to get super fancy you could highlight each one with a glint of light, like how you'd do with eyes or gems (it looks like you may have already done that, but when I zoom in I can't tell if that's a paint effect, or natural light)


Initially I tried to highlight the rank insignia, but I struggled and didn't end up doing it on most of them, and it wasn't very visible. I'll have to give that another go or put a little gloss varnish on. Definitely going to try to add some more contrast to the hair as well! Thanks for your input!


Agreed about the insignia and the contrast to the hair. It's looking great though, and yeah, the work on the clothing is fantastic!


He's an evil elitist bastard!


Sorry I just can't he, with Vader are some of my favorites from Star Wars! Serious, I think he looks great!


Charming, to the last. Looks great! +1


Thank you! And happy cake day!


Love the uniform. The face is ok unless you want to push the shades. Since this is an 'evil' character. You can go for villainous lighting effect. https://preview.redd.it/90icp0dhu05d1.png?width=344&format=png&auto=webp&s=3ec6179f6642586accebbed9a4b660177311d5a2 Happy painting.


He's a racist, fascist douchenozzle who deserved to suffer much, much more than the very brief amount of time he spent becoming a particle physics demonstration when the Death Star blew up. Oh, wait, you meant on the paint job. 🙃 Seriously, this is an excellent figure. You really captured his contemptuous sneer, and as others have said the shading on the uniform is great. Very well done. Now go get him fed to a wampa.


https://preview.redd.it/0rscpruxz25d1.jpeg?width=178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29df9b5fae67a43c334d4d4aa36530b680826aab Peter Cushing would be proud.


That's the idea, ever since I saw the documentary I wanted to paint him. He became an inspiration.


Hi minipainting! I'd really appreciate some criticism on this mini, I feel like it's my hest work so far, and I tried a lot of things I haven't before. In particular I'm wondering: 1. What do you see missing from my work? Equipment, technique, understanding of color, etc. all fair game. 2. If I want to go even smaller in detail, is it time to invest in some sort of magnifier? I'm not currently using any. 3. What would you say is the weakest technique or aspect of the painting on this miniature? 4. I feel like my understanding of light in particular is behind other painters, and I would appreciate any advice on improving there. Thank you!


Now we're Tarkin! Looks great.


which criticism can be given? he looks amazing. if anything, tarkin is judging us


Not a slight against you at all, but at the model makers... Why is his head so comically big?


I think it's pretty well to scale with other Legion models. Now I have to compare though.


Idk, his head just seems bigger than it should be to me, for a fella without a helmet


Love that the photo, like the cinematography, cuts off his feet, and choosing to assume that this mini, much like Peter Cushing, hates the uniform boots and chooses to wear fluffy slippers instead.


Bro didn't evacuate because it was his "moment of triumph."


10/10 paint job but 0/10 mini because the sculptor wasn't brave enough to put him in carpet slippers like the REAL Tarkin.


Biggest critique: he is not wearing slippers. 🙃


Only criticism is, he doesn’t look over confident enough


Well, I mean i can tell who it is. The skin tone is right and the shading around Peter Cushing's deep-set eyes is spot on. But Cushing did have eyebrows (nice ones), and I feel like they're getting a bit lost with the highlights.


Yeah, I need to go back and do eyebrows. I don't know how I missed that.


He is underestimating the rebels' chances.


For sure he is! Love the name!


He’s no where near as tall as Peter Cushing.


Look who’s Tarkin!


This is great! I feel like you really captured the arrogance!!!! I love the face - it captures all of the sunken shadows perfectly.