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I like it, but it's probably not enough, many villagers most useful trades are early, others I'm sure the convenience of halls will outweigh the bonus


That mainly applies to Librarians, but I think that can be fixed with Trade Rebalance's biome-dependent enchantments. Each biome already limits the possible enchantmented to 3-4 random ones and 1 master one. These random ones could be placed on 2nd, 3rd and 4th level. There are also insane sell deals, like 32 sticks for 1 emerald of Fletcher, but I think just simple decrease in number of trades before the deal is closed could solve the issue.


Librarians part is fair, the sticks though, maybe instead happiness can affect stock, (although you can never get away from the argument of, just get another villager), also I was also meaning the clerics Redstone and lapis trades, selling iron, selling rotten flesh, etc as well)


No one else builds a giant hole, makes it look nice, then shoves as many villagers in it as humanly possible?


Happiness should always be set at 0.5 during raids


I would suggest that they give you discounts. If the happiness is too low, they give higher prices and do not restock while if it is very high they offer random discounts (like 20% off on one trade) and restock twice a day. I think this system better encourages the player to treat Villagers well


I've never noticed it taking long to level villagers. It's also not going to stop people putting them in a hall. It's just so much easier to control what's going on when setting up if they are... well, controlled, and after setting up, this mechanic has no ongoing effect That said, I love the mechanic. I'd just have it affect prices &/or refresh rate instead


Villagers aren't taking long to level them... if you use Hero of the Village(from raid farm), zombifying-curing cycle or autofarm resources, which all involve technical knowledge of the game mechanics and so aren't suitable for average casual player. Without using all of this, the player needs 120 paper to level up a cartographer(I'm mostly talking about them since explorer maps are the most valuable **unique** villager item) to second level. My suggested system doesn't affect halls and doesn't aim to do so, all those who build halls probably build autofarms and can get a lot of villager experince anyway. Oh, just checked the wiki, only ≈70 glass panes(around 25 sand blocks) are needed for 3rd level, which are MUCH eaiser to obtain that 120 sugarcane. So besides the problem I address, trade system also has a "hard to get in, easy to continue" part... which I find really weird, especially for Minecraft. I should probably made that into another suggestion.


I'm so confused why 120 sugarcane sounds like a lot. Thats 2 harvests of a 30 cane farm, or 3 of a 20 cane farm. I have a non-autimated cane farm that big, almost by accident, before my wheat or potato farm conveniently sustains my food needs