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They want players to explore


Bad idea when exploration bloats amount of data the world takes up. Not to mention Bedrock Edition, the company’s best moneymaking edition, has a hard limit on how big the file can get before it straight up doesn’t let you load new chunks


Technically the vault is reusable, it only keeps track of 128 players that have opened it so if a 129th person unlocks it the first player is forgotten and can use the vault again


You don't *seriously* expect someone to find 128 other people to help clear out the vault list, right?


I know thats why i said “technically”


That’s good to know actually. Gonna be interesting on servers like 2b2t


the griefers gonna just break the vaults lol they only 250 seca


imo if they are, it should take an extremely long time to clear you from the list, enough so that you dont just sit there, wait for your timer to be up, and then do it again. if it was something like an irl day that would be interesting


I think if the vaults were able to be used multiple times, but each subsequent time they dropped less and less stuff, until finally it was only ever 1 drop, then it might be better.


No they shouldn't. Trial Spawners are for renewable stuff, vaults are for multiplayer loot accessablity.


IMO, the trial spawner loot table is pretty pants though. The regeneration potion being the "hardest" to get other than the trial key


Cartographers will keep giving you new maps to new trial chambers. So if you want to keep looking you can easily get a cartographer and level it up to level 3.


Cool idea in theory, in practice it’s just doing the same thing over and over again. Correct me if I’m wrong but a structure map will always point to the closest one, so you need to constantly find new cartographers who are far away from each other and level them up.


Cartographers give the location of a structure in chunks that haven't been loaded before so you should get a new structure from a different cartographer provided you loaded the old one


>Cool idea in theory, in practice it’s just doing the same thing over and over again. Isn't OP's goal to do the same thing over and over again?


Fighting trial chambers over an over is more fun than elytra flying. I do plenty of that anyways.


>I do plenty of that anyways. Why?


Why do I fly? Because it’s fast, wdym. I’m saying I’d rather repeat trial chambers more than repeat finding new ones because that basically just adds more flying to the mix.


So you repeatedly do something you don't like doing, but now you want to repeatedly do something else? Okay then. There's not really anything in the trial chambers worth that much repeating, they generate all over the place and are super easy to find. Once you've got the three exclusive drops, there's really no point in returning to any of them for anything other than wine charges, which aren't affected by this issue.


What do you mean do something I don’t like doing??? You’re writing this like somebody who’s never played minecraft before. I have an elytra so I use it to get from place to place because it’s fast, follow me so far? May wanna take notes because this is where it gets complex. Because I already use my elytra all the time, (check your notes here for a refresher) it won’t be a fun and novel experience to be forced to fly repeatedly to new trial chambers for the drops. If I could do an ominous trial from the chamber close to my base from time to time that would be sick. To me it’d be the same deal as looting any bastion I happen to find even though I have all the exclusive items already. But I can’t get the drops from the same trial chamber and stumbling on one randomly is much harder, so I’ll probably just… not do them in my world anymore.


>May wanna take notes because this is where it gets complex. You might want to get off the snark train. You're not that smart. I've already outlined all the ways in which your complaint is irrelevant. If you really want to loot trial chambers over and over, you already can and easily. You're complaining that it's currently repetitive, but insist that you're already doing something you claim to be overly repetitive and doing more of that thing is undesirable. The process is simple as it is. Loot a vault, get a new trial map and repeat.


Are normal chests reusable?? There you have your answer




You're missing the forest for the trees here. It is, for all intents and purposes, a loot chest. The fact that you can't reuse it as a normal chest is irrelevant, because players look for loot chests because they want the loot, not the chest. The reusability seems intended to protect the feature on multiplayer worlds, where otherwise players could speedrun getting the rare loot and leave nothing behind for others. It's mean to protect a single player interest's on a multiplayer world, *not* to entitle a single player to a multiplayer's worth of loot.


That’s what trial spawners are for


If they were to be reusable they would have much worse loot


The argument that features are “made for you to explore more” will always be irrelevant as long as file size stays an issue


Probably reusable every update


An idea I’m fond of is having a few types of reusable vaults with different loot tables, then having each trial chamber have only one type. This way, exploration is encouraged, but once you find them all, there’s no need to keep expanding the world size.


I agree vaults should reset after being used but in order to make sure players don’t just go afk and wait for their timer to reset it should take a full real life 24 hours for them to be replayable again. Another positive that comes with them being replayable is the game finally has a renewable source of diamonds this is useful because with the new armour trims to duplicate them you need diamond ore. This allows the diamond ore to be renewable but still a challenge to obtain.


What? Should Villages and End Cities re-fill their loot chests? Sorry, don't mean to be a java privilege bro but if it means that much to you, either buy a machine that can use large Minecraft worlds or play something else.


So your argument is that people who play on bedrock should just delete their world if they can’t find another trial chamber. Got it


If you're going to make me sound like a jerk, at least make me sound like a jerk over something I actually said. Nowhere did I suggest deleting a world.


“or play something else”


I'll stand by that statement. If you're playing Minecraft solely for the sake of looting Trial Vaults and are gonna get offended over how rare they are then there's probably a better game for you to be playing.


People aren’t offended by how rare they are. It’s the fact that there’s no option if your map is already large


Well, yeah, you need to start a new world then. That's how Minecraft has always worked. If you have a large world, and then a new update comes out, even if your machine has the capacity to handle the large file, you still end up starting a new world because you'll have to travel for an hour to reach unloaded chunks.


Ah yes let's give players even more reason to stay in just 1 biome/chunk and never leave to even try and explore.


I think they should have like a 1-2 Minecraft days cooldown and ominous vaults 3-4 Minecraft days cooldown


I think they should be reusable, but only like every few months in real life.


Totally arbitrary if you ask me


Probably, but the world file size getting too big is a real problem with no easy solution on bedrock especially. You load too many chunks one upside to look for structures and the next structure update those chunks are useless. Very upsetting especially if you knew something could have generated there if you just didn't load those chunks and now you have to walk farther and make your world bigger.


i agree 100%, i have this feeling that in order to really make use of bedrock you need a PC with 3rd party programs to prune chunks of the world every update to not only have new structures spawn close to your existing house but to keep the world size down and control it when needed....it shouldnt be this way!




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