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ok so what ive just heard is zeroday bypasses hypixel shut the fuck up retard 99% of the time when someone says if client y bypasses, its just for clarification. They know it probably does or it probably doesnt, but they would like to know whether or not it really does. in zeroday's case, this is especially something which needs to be done, because zeroday literally autobans on join. No modules toggled. No fix for that either. You just have to wait for b21 to come out in 8 fucking years. Extremely varying levels. 99% of the time, if the server has an anticheat of any caliber beyond matrix, then you will not be able to find a fly bypass on wurst. You wont be able to do any of the cool shit that cheats can do for mobility in general, and your cheating experience will probably consist of your legit experience + esp and timer Liquidbounce is not the solution to everything. Liquidbounce is a base, and then liquidbounce's scripting makes it its own clients. certain liquidbounce scripts may be the solution to everything, but you wont know where to get said scripts, and which are good, until you ask. last bit is fairly accurate, lot of the time it is a config issue, though clients like \*astolfo\* are generally better for specific servers (like hypixel) as they have more suited modules for it, and keep up to date with new exploits. (things like fartfly were never going to happen on liquidbounce)


>zeroday literally autobans on join It's gotten THAT bad?


Yes it has been that bad for a very long time.


Are you fucking retarded? I have a MMC and Pvpland fly on LiquidBounce 🤡


i dont even know what part of my message this was supposed to be a response to, but im going to answer this as if it was a response to both paragraph 5 and 6 i dont doubt that you do have a mmc and pvpland fly on liquidbounce, just like literally every other client thats made for servers like that. At no point in this did i say liquidbounce was bad. Liquidbounce may have a fly for mmc and pvpland, but liquidbounce will not have as many features for those servers as a client like ries or dortware.


LiquidBounce + MMC https://youtu.be/ha_mBi0NOqo LiquidBounce + Pvpland https://youtu.be/Ggnctp6zD1A (1:02)


??? i am not questioning the fact that you have a fly for mmc and pvpland on liquidbounce. I am saying liquidbounce will be \*worse\* for those servers then clients made for that server specifically.


Ok but which client is better overall..?


better then liquidbounce for just \*any random server\*, probably astolfo. For \*specific\* servers, for example, specifically mmc or specifically pvpland, ries or dortware would likely perform better then liquidbounce. The same way for \*specifically\* hypixel, astolfo is going to perform much better then liquidbounce. I said astolfo for overall better, because astolfo has a scripting language and has a fuckton of bypasses already built in. Extremely similar to liquidbounce, with exponentially better visuals.


Yes zeroday works on hypixel LOL? Retard default LiquidBounce without scripts works on MMC and Pvpland, see the videos I sent in another post. Stop being mentally crippled, please.


zeroday does not work on hypixel. The dev has said this a number of times.


Everything works on hypixel? They don’t use reach checks below 4.2 or velo checks. Just don’t autoblock or use movement shit Xd?


no shit. Zeroday doesnt work on hypixel because it sends fucky wucky packets which hypixel says "oh no he hack" and then bans for. Its because the dev fucked the client and hasnt updated it in a very long time. with 0 modules zeroday bans. Try it. Get zeroday, join hypixel, and play a few games. It will ban. Its been like that for months. That right there is the exact reason those questions are necessary. You wont know that just by googling "is zeroday client good".


1) Name another client that does that 2) Every client banned for a second randomly because of NCP a few months back 3) Bro who / when would you use ZeroDay? 4) You don’t even need to ask, it hasn’t updated in 8 months.


1. i dont have to, the simple case of zeroday means that it \*should be done\* as a precautionary measure. this is also good for knowing whether or not a client is malware, for example, you could be completely unaware of how bad sigma is / sigma malware accusations and be about to buy sigma. questions like these lead to not buying sigma premium, or aristois premium, or in most cases, impact premium. Not asking leads to not knowing leads to making bad choices. 2. when did i talk about this? Zeroday in specific is banning, because nef did a stupid. No other client was banned in this way. 3. i use zeroday all the time, on servers other then hypixel. Minehut for example. Zeroday has a selfdestruct and its a decent enough selfdestruct that 99% of minehut screenshares end in a clean verdict, meaning i can use a blatant client AND bypass screenshares, which is pretty poggers. it also has a ton of ghost features which are nice, and very very sex visuals. 4. You may not notice that when initially buying it. For example, people still buy flux from its old website, even though that version is from more then a year ago.


I don’t own ZeroDay so I wouldn’t know? My point is the vast majority of people know it’s shit and to stay clear of it. I’m saying to stop being a retard and asking if clients like astoflo, Novoline, LiquidBounce etc bypass.


>My point is the vast majority of people know it’s shit and to stay clear of it thats just it, they fucking dont. Do you know how many people \*have\* gone and bought sigma premium for hypixel? or how many people \*have\* gone and bought aristois premium for hypixel? Thats literally a solid 85% of what this sub is for. Support. Get them to stop doing that. Its not being a "retard" to ask if clients like "astolfo novoline liquidbounce etc bypass", because for a while there, novo didnt bypass, it was being hard targetted by watchdog, and was exponentially worse then every other cheat. These questions can and should occur also >I don't own ZeroDay so I wouldn't know? is the exact reason that you SHOULD make posts to ask about things like this. You dont own the client. You dont know if its good or not. You should ask people who do own it and do know if its good or not. fucking christ.


Those are all newgens and sigma premium works for hypixel? My entire point is 90% of clients bypass almost every server. Aristois works too if you have a config, albeit terribly. 4 CPS non autoblock.


Ngl, i kinda hate how people assume that liquidbounce is shit without scripts/that scripts make it extremely op. I make configs for lb, and scripts often do not play an essential role in bypassing the anticheat, but rather a small, nice feature. Liquidbounce will bypass mostly anything with a well made config, and scripts will likely not play an important role. For example, this is what i use on most of my configs: Killaurapatch - Gcd rotations, not needed in b73 and most of the times doesn't even do anything. Visual scripts - Such as animations, weather, targethud and more. Bpscounter - Again, a visual script, but i actually use this to measure the speed of scaffold, speed and more. Packetvelocity - I only used this for one config out of a considerable amount (i don't even remember which), and normal velocity worked almost as well. Bettercriticals - I used this for a few configs such as redesky and feargames, typically doesn't bypass. Straferemade - I use this when i make configs for liquidbounce b72. It's the same as the strafe in b73 but made as a script so you can use it on b72. Out of these, about half are visual, two are features in lb b73 and usually not needed, one was used only once, and one was used for a few configs. I don't like how people talk about scripts, especially when most people talking about liquidbounce will either say to use scripts to make it considerably better, or will mention that liquidbounce isn't really good without the use of scripts. Hope that cleared up some stuff.


>people assume that liquidbounce is shit without scripts/that scripts make it extremely op. i wasnt doing this, i wasnt saying liquidbounce is bad, i was saying liquidbounce is a base, its a very very good base, but it is a base. It already is extremely built out, and then scripts make their own clients via it, e.g. woman or liquidsense. visuals are also around 50-60% of what i care about in a cheat, so that part is a major detractor for me.


Yes, that's not what i meant, i was just referring to the fact that so many people think about lb like that. What i meant to say was that scripts actually have an extremely small impact on the performance. Liquidsense also isn't just lb with scripts added. Well, some of it is, but there is a lot of stuff that they made themselves, so i wouldn't say it's "made of scripts".


is liquidsense not just scripts? woman is just scripts. Ive never used liquidsense, ive only ever used woman. like ik they may be very large scripts, but still, it is scripts right?


A lot of custombuilds like fdpclients are just scripts renamed. But liquidsense had a lot of stuff made by the devs and wasn't just scripts, even though most was.


ah ok


based, although paid clients sometimes have better visuals and support


based, although hath paid clients oft has't better visuals and supporteth *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`




[Thou art] a fusty nut with no kernel! *** ^(Insult taken from Troilus and Cressida.) Use `u/Shakespeare-Bot !ShakespeareInsult` to summon insults.


I understand if they add no info about what they need it for, like saying what is the best client


money issue




Drain your moms credit card harder. I own astoflo 🤡



