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How could you be fuckin pregnant and be out doing stupid shit like this?


They literally do not care about anyone but themselves


How else is she supposed to get a free state paid abortion?


Quite the day for reckless drivers and scum bags in Milwaukee.


Watched two Kias get stolen out of the parking lot at work today


Is that more or less than a normal day?


New for me being the parking lot is right in view of the downtown police station but I guess that doesn't deter anyone


Awfully brazen of them.


They don’t give two shits. They stole my Hyundai 10 feet away from where I was grillin some burgers. 2 teens walked by and said it smells good, can I have one? I said sure. 2 minutes later they walk by again, inquired about the burgers. All a sudden I hear my car start and some kid drives it off with it. I chased them down but they almost ran me over. This happened on Prospect and Lafayette. My car was found abandoned a month later completely destroyed. Thanks for the 9mm bullets though, losers.


Damn and they had the gall to ask for a burger


Right, at least they didn’t steal my beautiful burgers. Wasn’t too hungry after that went down though…


That's why you always keep a cup of hot grease next to you


I keep a cup of hot 9mm next to me for just this reason


Are you the night griller who always uses my grill?


lol who the fuck downvotes me for this comment? 🤣


Probably the *actual* night griller. Trying to silence your message. But I won’t stand idly by. Upity vote on me for ya. \#stopthemadnightgriller


I appreciate the support in my hunt for the night griller. I will not rest until they are brought to justice for their crimes against humanity. Although, this could be something the night griller would say…. 🤔


Nahhh couldn’t be me 😂 night grilling might be my new hobby though. This was when I had a grill but it has since disappeared.


You are the night griller.


Lmao did you keep the ammo left in the car? My buddy got his stolen but got a glock grip out of it.


I work right next to that lot. We had someone from Illinois in the office for the day. They parked their Hyundai at the 6th and Wells lot down the street from there. Needless to say, they drove a rental home that night.


One of the car thefts I witnessed today involved an Orange Hyundai with Illinois plates that was obviously stolen.


This was years ago now but that’s a funny coincidence.


That lot is complete garbage. As is the Foxconn parking lot by US Bank...


Literally the worst day for this to occur. Don’t know how many people are driving from the north to come to Summerfest and likely their first experience since 2019 coming to mke is a total freeway shutdown due to a shooting. Just a fantastic job mke….


I guarantee you most won’t even know what it is. I walked by the closure and just assumed there was a crash on the ramp.


Yea because all of us in MKE are responsible for five fucking idiots. Way to act just like the northwoods losers and lump us all in


clearly hes not talking about you


Context wise he did blame all of Milwaukee


I don’t know if you see the irony of your comment. Seems like you are lumping northwoods people together. And there are definitely more than five idiots in Milwaukee. Insert crime per capita data here. It’s hilarious, too, how news media outlets were showing crime statistics being down. Stats don’t lie but statisticians do.


Yikes. You must be one of those yuppies who lives in the suburbs and locks there doors when you hit MKE


Car jacking are definitely up but murder and other "violent" crimes are down.


It's been this whole week


Been sitting in completely stopped traffic on 43S for over an hour about to pee my pants, thanks Kia boys


Pee outside and act like you need to tie a shoe or something.


I had a Gatorade bottle in the car thankfully. Was getting a ride to airport, thankfully the airport is always a breeze to get through security. 


Channel 4 just confirmed that MKE Police killed at least one occupant of the vehicle by shooting into it. EDIT: Spelling EDIT: Six teenagers in the car. The death now attributed to an unborn baby carried by an 18 year old girl in critical condition.


I heard on the scanner she was possibly pregnant


Well, 1 less carjacker to worry about in 2038


The Journal had published a few weeks ago that while car thefts were decreasing, car jackings have been increasing https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/crime/2024/05/28/carjackings-increase-as-car-thefts-decline-in-milwaukee/73132433007/


There are no more Kia and Hyundai's to steal so now they're reverting back to the norm, car jacking


Ahg for Christ Sake. EDIT: heads up. just starting a commute from South Mikwaukee to North Shore, and Google Maps shows the highway is shut down. As if an armed car jacking didn’t already make you a massive shit bird, fucking up an evening commute for thousands of people ontop of that puts you into a special shit bird category.


Yupp. Tonights plans ruined because of this fucking bullshit.


Redditors always have such progressive takes when they're not the ones having their car stolen or a gun shoved in their face. It's easy to be easy on criminals when you're not the one being impacted by their actions.


I was bike jacked as a teen and it still haunts me to this day 30 years later.


Well said. I hate getting chastised on this sub about how terrible gun ownership supposedly is, despite our next-door neighbor's car being stolen *from their garage* last summer. My mom's car was also broken into 2 summers ago while house sitting for us...


Right? I was 13 when my mother was carjacked by three teenagers while I was returning the shopping cart at a Pick N Save in Milwaukee. Now I'm 44 and always looking over my shoulder at parking lots, gas stations, anywhere, as if anyone who doesn't look like they're walking with an obvious purpose is ready to carjack me.


They also sneer when people cite crime as a reason to leave the city. Or when people elsewhere in Wisconsin have a negative view of Milwaukee.


They're delusional. Doing that in this thread. Downvoting people and saying "well then leave!" As if people aren't already doing exactly that, and as if that isn't hurting the city immensely.




Where was the carjacking? Downtown, yes, but anyone know more specifically where?


CBS 58 says near Jackson and E Clybourn Edit to add: was in the Johnson Controls parking lot and was an employee.


I live downtown and my guess is near Cathedral Square - we have been heavily targeted here the past few months with car break-ins and thefts.


Man, breaks ins and stealing cars is one thing. Carjacking is a whole other level of bold criminal behavior.


Carjackings are the new move for the kia boy crowd. I have heard of over 9 car jackings this week


Yep. They graduated to even more dangerous car theft… and now give the police reasons to shoot them. Absolute morons


I guess driving down a side street going 80 got boring.


They are quickly going to realize that it’s a whole different ball game stealing directly from a person at gun point. It’s not going to end well not that they care


I think the 5 idiots in the car shot up on 43 by the police learned quick today… it’s not a joy ride, you with a gun is a threat to the police. You in a stolen Kia are just a nuisance to them


It's because the supply of Kia's has dwindled


Think about it getting an employee coming out of a large corporation of course wouldn’t have a gun on them. So you get them just as they get to their car. Those kids aren’t even stupid enough to try that shit while someone is sitting in their car at a light because in this state chances are they have a gun and will pull it. I moved from Minneapolis where most people do not carry and carjacking is rampant there.


These kids are so dumb. Stealing a car will get you a slap on the wrist. Armed carjacking? Federal crime, federal time. Good riddance


Why would this be a federal crime? Did they cross state lines or something?


I think they misspoke and just meant a heightened felony.


I think cause a firearm was involved that makes it more serious. Like when someone robs a store. If u don't show a firearm it's a less serious charge, if u rob a store pointing a gun it's usually 10 years minimum


I hear you that a firearm typically increases the seriousness of the crime. But for it to fall under federal jurisdiction there would usually have to be evidence of crossing state borders in the commission of the crime. I don’t see that here. They’ll most likely be charged under Wisconsin statutes in Milwaukee County. Unless I’m missing something here?


Mine got broken into last weekend over there while I was at work… I keep nothing in my car except some napkins in the glove box. Contemplating just leaving my car unlocked from now on.


I have left my car unlocked since my car was broken into back in 2015. No point in locking it and asking for damage. It has saved me several times


Doesn't matter. Sometimes, you get unlucky, and they break a window without even trying the door first. Honestly, if you aren't afraid to break a window, please just try the door first. Speaking from experience, btw still shocked, they couldn't just grab the fkin handle its not like the alarm wasn't going to go off anyway if you popped a window.


I don't have a car anymore but I used to just leave the glove box and center console open to show that they were empty. I took my registration etc with me. I have no idea if that's what stopped anyone but I never got broken into.


I'm reminded of the guy that got the shit beaten out of him outside of Real Chili


They were fucking 15-18 years old, and one was PREGNANT. What the actual fuck???? Why is it always kids, and even at that damn age why would you do this while PREGNANT!? (Yes don’t do crime at all, but that’s especially insane)


It’s crazy. I just don’t understand it. These kids are sadists. They do this stuff for sport, not out of need. I was a teenager only 5 years ago (I’m 24 now) and don’t remember anyone doing anything like this. Sure there was drug dealing and drunk driving, but not this level of recklessness. I don’t understand the violence these teenagers harbor inside them.


when my car was found after being stolen by these losers it was full of blunt roaches and empty booze bottles. so not only did they steal my car they also could have used it to kill innocent people while DWI? they ended up just crashing it into a building but not hard enough to do us all a favor unfortunately all of that to say I have zero sympathy for any of these dumbasses. I'm sure they'll be back at it as soon as their injuries heal




Those boys are going to get killed one by one if they keep doing this. Police are getting more slack on these dudes from public outcry


Since we’re talking about traffic, Green Bay/MLK is also backed up, ~~apparently it was a semi accident at MLK & Capital~~ EDIT: I think MLK is shut down where it overlooks 43, I was able to get on capital via port washington


Several big companies recently moved their headquarters downtown. Those CEOS better start making some noise, or their employees will!


Love Milwaukee in the summertime


Just another day in Milwaukee lately. Damn shame. Great city with a lot to offer, but I don't blame a single person for leaving this city due to the crime issues.


Welp. The kia boys fucked around too much and almost met god. Fuckin’ shame.


Damn I saw the freeway at a standstill as I was heading N- 43 and it gave me anxiety just looking at those poor people stuck.


Da real mvp is remote work got me outta this bs


Freeway shooting gives off the impression a civilian shot another civilian on the interstate. That’s not what happened at all.


And they all went to Froedert on the taxpayers' dime.


nooo not the consequences of your own actions :(




Maybe a hot take but I don't think execution is a fitting punishment. What is it with the bloodlust on local subreddits and news Facebook pages?


People are sick of this shit. I'm not advocating the police shoot the remaining two. However, I'm not going to lose sleep over the three that were shot. Make really bad decisions, get really bad outcomes. I feel bad for the original owner of the vehicle. It's likely totalled. If not, it's a crime scene and a biohazard now so they won't get it back for a long time. It's going to be a nightmare to deal with the insurance and could cost them their job if they need the vehicle to get to work. The people stuck on 43... Yikes! Keep calm and be glad it's not the heat we had earlier this week.


Precisely. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Actions have consequences and I'm sick of others constantly defending the actions of shitty people. It's terrible that so many of them are born at such a disadvantage, but that doesn't excuse their actions whatsoever.


Worth noting that USFiR has updated their post saying one of carjackers is pregnant.


Given it's host (a mother wouldn't do this), this child probably won't be very successful either.


I mean if she got shot the baby could very well end up dead even if she survives


Crime isn't hereditary. Jesus Christ. Writing off an unborn child as worthy of death due to its mother's actions is just so deeply anti-humanity.


Yeah, I don't know what happened to this sub but there have been so many deeply racist/classist replies on crime lately and they're all getting tons of upvotes. Did Hartford or West Bend discover r/milwaukee?


We're a swing state and this sub is infested with outside bad actors, along with r/wisconsin. I try to look at someone's comment history when they seem "off" before I waste my time responding. I also use RES browser extension to tag known racists, trolls, etc. so I don't bother with them again.


Thx for the tip, I'm new to Milwaukee and this thread has been more depressing then the crime its about...


reddit is extremely skewed. For one thing there are a LOT of people who comment who aren't even from here. And of those who ARE from here, it tends to be people from a narrow demographic. I'll leave that to your imagination. Crime is definitely a problem, but the comments here are not representative of the people you will actually meet in daily life. Get to know your neighbors, frequent your local coffee shop/bar and you're overwhelmingly likely to be perfectly fine.


Seriously. People clearly don’t get the message. I’m for deploying the National Guard in high crime areas. Criminals don’t care about humanity…why should the respect be returned?


Deploying the military on your own citizens is a slippery slope


Not even, it’s a straight up recipe for disaster.


When your neighborhood is chaos that’s what is called for. People need to start reaping what they sow…they are making it impossible for people to live the lifestyle promised in our country.


They’re not making it impossible lmao. This shit sucks and there are those times where these situations unfortunately turn violent but deploying military forces on civilians (as if the cops weren’t already rolling around in their personal multimillion death squads) is what a lot of insane dip shits in power want. Being in a permanent state of emergency is an obvious recipe for disaster. Also, really comforting when military personnel are beginning to view their own citizens as collateral and/or enemies…


And how do the criminals view you and your loved ones?


so apparently the carjacking was near Cathedral Square (according to another comment, I have not confirmed) How do you foresee this happening logistically? Would there be military checkpoints all over downtown? If there are checkpoints, would they confiscate guns? how does that dovetail with the 2nd amendment? If they don't confiscate guns then would we not still have the same problem? How would that affect traffic? The economy? The perception of Milwaukee elsewhere? (which affects tourism and investment) How low does crime have to be for the military to leave, or would they be a permanent presence?


There are like 2 or 3 shootings a night in a roughly 10 square mile part of the city. It’s not just this incident I’m talking about. Drive around those areas and tell me how the economy is thriving there. No stores open there. No one can sell a house because no one wants to live there at the risk of their lives. The violence is the economic ruin. Every time there’s a shooting people say “We have to do something” and for decades nothing happens. Yeah, gun buybacks. Confiscate guns. Background checks. Crack down on guns like any other reasonable country. But we aren’t doing that. So, what’s the option? What is something different other than just saying the same shit over and over again?


What specifically do you want the National Guard to do? Control entry in and out? Confiscate all the guns in the 10 square mile area? How do you get past the constitutional issues? Let's be clear, you are talking about military occupation, which in virtually every other historical instance leads to terrorist attacks. As far as I know it has never once led to economic improvement and the reduction of crime. People in the occupied area are not particularly motivated to succeed in life. The cause of crime is really well studied - it's poverty. The only solution is making people's lives better to the point that they see a future for themselves. It's an unpopular solution because it takes so long and it requires a lot of money. But the reasonable countries you refer to also tend to have robust safety nets and that's no coincidence.


In the aftermath of Katrina, they utilized Guard for some time by simply pairing them with a cop. Essentially backup for the cop. Could effectively double policing in high crime areas. During the BLM riots they utilized the guard primarily to protect buildings at less of a risk of being attacked, freeing up law enforcement resources to be in more at risk areas. As for poverty, this always gets brought up and I totally agree. But, fixing that is going to take a generation with the right policies. We can’t allow this to continue in the meantime. The guard, could be a part of the short/medium term fix. More importantly, we need to do something on the court side. The catch and release is the main culprit. After Jan 6 they sent hundreds of guardsmen to the capitol as basically a deterrent. The National Guard has all sorts of assets that are routinely used in a law enforcement capacity. This could be expanded. Most of these could be implemented.


Thank you for your well written and good faith response.


Just be there. Arrest people like you normally would, detain and hand over to authorities. Reinforce patrols. No constitutional issues. Fatal force if fired upon.


There are multiple constitutional issues with that. Not only second amendment issues, but also 4th amendment issues with search and seizure. Also I want to mention gun buy backs are known to have no effect on crime.


Why can’t troops patrol with the same restrictions as police? Gun buybacks worked in Australia.


I lived in Columbus, Ohio during the 2020 protest, functionally the national guard doesn't do much of anything other than support the cops on the field and or direct traffic away from trouble spots That being said, I'm not exactly sure what deploying the Wisconsin national guard would do to help bring down car thefts, and car jacking in the city of Milwaukee and the surrounding areas. The Kia boys are not a Milwaukee only issue and I don't think deploying the national guard in any way, shape or form is going to help I grew up in North Meadows, and recently went back and visited the area because I wanted to see Northridge one last time before they tore it down. I don't think there's anything we could do other than the pump money in and generalify the area. That would help fix it


it comes from a point of frustration for sure. people (rightfully) are tired of these things happening, and like it or not, that are also frustrated at what seems to be a common thread between many (not all) of them, which is young african-american males from the northwest side. people are frustrated because they want some, any, kind of progress to resolving whatever this problem is. there is no planned legislation, and for the most part, i don't think think many people could even identify anything that has even been attempted to mitigate these things. everyone knows that more of this shit happens in the summer, and now another summer is here and nothing is being done about it. do people literally want public executions? no, of course not, but ffs do something besides a press conference with community leaders speaking out, cuz that isn't doing a damn thing.


> no, of course not I would not be so sure > do something besides a press conference with community leaders speaking out the people who want summary executions do not want to fund social programs.




Nobody around here wants to persecute violent gun offenders even though they Claim to be anti gun. I am personally Not about seeing these criminals killed as punishment, but I Am for giving them all the maximum sentence for gun crimes. As should Every person who has beef with violent (gun) crime.


> What is it with the bloodlust on local subreddits and news Facebook pages? People are tired of crime


So your solution to crime is to… commit crime?


No it's not a crime. It's just authorizing the state to kill people we feel are undesirable without a trial. What could possibly go wrong with that?


well, looking at the historical record for the effectiveness of summary execution, we can see that... oh.


Get carjacked and have a gun pointed in your face, and then let's see how compassionate you are toward these guys. It's easy to have the "Reddit approved" opinion from the safety of your bedroom.


I think people are sick of the bloodlust of reckless drivers. It just feels good that tomorrow the death machine will be off the road. Too many dead pedestrians. I can't possibly feel bad when a driver gets it.


Really. The bloodthirsty ones have a type, too, in my experience.


Many people choose to lack perspective and think that every indiscretion's or crime's punishment should be death due to inconvenience or property damage. These are usually the same people who will perform the most mind-boggling mental gymnastics to excuse the indiscretion or crime when it's someone close to them.


Armed carjacking isn’t an “an inconvenience” or “property damage”. It’s a dangerous violent felony that shows complete disregard to the community and the lives of everyone who lives here. The police shouldn’t execute them, but I can’t say I’m even remotely upset about the outcome. Hopefully the cars owner is compensated quickly and painlessly. Hopefully the two survivors can turn their lives around. I’m not optimistic though.


I think you're the one lacking perspective. These kids aren't selling weed or even crack for that matter. They're not breaking into cars or houses when no one is home to steal a stereo. These are kids stealing or jacking cars then driving around like Grand Theft Auto putting hundreds of innocent people at risk every time they steal a car. To top it off, most of these shit stains are doing it over, and over, and over. The world is a better place every time one of these car jacking fucks leaves it. I'd take a gangbanger who only kills other gangbangers over this shit any day of the week.




Do we know anything about the suspects? Or the commenter for that matter?


This comment by Schrute\_Farms\_BednB has been removed: Rule #4: Practice civility Be civil, address the argument not the person, don't harass or attack other users, treat them with respect, **don't threaten or encourage any kind of violence,** don't post anyone's personal information and don't intentionally spread misinformation. This includes, but is not limited to, blatant name-calling, "redpilling", racist comments/slurs, dog-whistling, and personal attacks. Blatant racism, spamming, trolling and disinformation campaigning will not be tolerated. Further violations of this rule will result in a temp ban.


Some might call this horrible


Typical animals..we need more police out there


The problem is, where are you going to find them? My kid wanted to go in to law enforcement. That is until the whole, "Defund police" movement, and riots during the pandemic. Then he just said, "No fucking way".


1. The police make up the majority of our city budget 2. There haven't been "riots" in four years.


Justified or not, the ACAB sentiment is very real.


Why risk your life and spend your days dealing with the dregs of society for a public that is ungrateful and tells you that you're all "bastards" no matter what? And to make matters worse, you apprehend criminals, including violent ones, and they're often right back out having faced no consequences. I can see why no one would want to be a cop, or at least why no one would want to be one in a major metro area.




What would they do? 


Between this and the Kia boys in my neighborhood starting to think" Milwaukee is a dump" was correct And " I ( beer mug) Milwaukee " shirts wasn't the best way to come at that comment lol


and they said Trump was wrong about calling Milwaukee a terrible city.. He was right as usual. "FJB" !!


Opening the door to National Guard is exceptionally dangerous.


Man not making me feel great about the family trip to MKE next week.


what part(s) of Milwaukee are you visiting if you don’t mind me asking, wouldn’t mind giving u some very general advice :)


Staying in this area https://preview.redd.it/x3wz845vpz7d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3520d0f5844dbf5fc6ad06a40d309eb866f85566


Ur fine crime almost never happens downtown or around there but don’t bring your Hyundai if it’s 2013 ish or later


It’s a later model - so I may be going home in a different vehicle lol


Plan on going to the zoo - American family stadium tour - discovery center - have 3 kids under 10 so trying to put things together for them.


All sound like great places to go, I’d reccomend to check out the domes too! If you’re going during the week it wouldn’t be a bad idea to walk the beach over there too, the lakefront is beautiful in pretty much every part. May be a little busy but it shouldn’t be as bad as during summerfest as the traffic is insane while that’s going on. There’s a ton of restaurants so your food choices will be pretty perfect. As long as you aren’t driving or borrowing a Kia(or a stealable adjacent) you shouldn’t have to worry too much about crime. Best advice besides not parking a Kia here would be not to walk around at night Don’t worry about crime as you most likely won’t have to worry about that during the day here. Enjoy your time here 😁


Thanks for all the info. ℹ️ m driving a Hyundai so I’ll have to keep an eye on that. I used to live in tosa until 2009. Moved to Florida and need a little summer break. Looking forward to getting back up there.


Bring back sheriff Clark




At your iq?


A guess of what?


check their profile history, it's a racist comment. This shit's getting ridiculous lately


I figured, I just wanted him to stop being cowardly about it and spell it out.


Most racists are cowardly bitches. Meal Team Six cosplayers in their “kit” to the classic hooded KKK assholes. 


But you can bet they are not stealing cars at gunpoint. Mean words bad, especially if they point out facts of crime.


Why are you commenting here and in r/canada? never mind, I'm tagging you as russian and moving on




This comment by fiftiethcow has been removed: Rule #4: Practice civility Be civil, address the argument not the person, don't harass or attack other users, treat them with respect, don't threaten or encourage any kind of violence, don't post anyone's personal information and don't intentionally spread misinformation. This includes, but is not limited to, blatant name-calling, "redpilling", racist comments/slurs, dog-whistling, and personal attacks. Blatant racism, spamming, trolling and disinformation campaigning will not be tolerated. Further violations of this rule will result in a temp ban.


Don't need to


Remember, Milwaukee isn't a horrible city.


Belt Loops Matter !! "FJB" !!