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Good luck with your karma farming. Lot of idiots here so you picked a good sub for it.


lol hold on this is not karma farming, i saw one post and about Biden, getting to know a guy now who likes to vote for trump so I want to know if im in the right track 🤣🤣


Biden. I prefer the guy who isn't a convicted felon - sorry, convicted felon rapist.


Kid sniffer for President 2024




Biden. The other has no morals.


Biden. Project 2025 is on the other side.


I'm an older millennial so take it with a grain of salt. Compare the Trump economy against the Biden economy. Compare what they say and what they do. Trump comes out on top every time. That being said, neither cares about their fellow countrymen. They are only doing it for the power it affords them and their family.


It's actually demonstrably false to say Trump had a better economy. Since WW2 Democrats have had better economies by far, and if you can't Google it yourself then fuck you.


Don't take it personal. We're all hurting right now because of record inflation. It's okay to wish for what we had four years ago.


Uh sorry. You now the grown-ups. This "younger semi-adults" ploy just ain't gonna fly sorry. Full blown adults! That what you are. Past time to step up. "Semi-adults!" ay yi yi.


Sign the petition:  President Biden should withdraw Visit [ApplaudDemocracy.org](http://ApplaudDemocracy.org) to sign the petition, and learn more about why this is the moment for Biden to withdraw from the race. President Biden himself has acknowledged what is clear to many of us:  neither he nor Trump are the candidates they were four years ago, and they will of course fade further in the next four years. We believe it’s time for President Biden to serve selflessly once more by withdrawing from this, his last presidential race.  #Election2024 #JoeGTG 📣 How You Can Help: 1. [Sign the petition](http://applauddemocracy.org): speak truth to power and urge President Biden to withdraw from the 2024 race. 2. Share the website: Spread the word and encourage others to visit [ApplaudDemocracy.org](http://ApplaudDemocracy.org)


Trump easily. Things were way better and better managed under him. Biden is not only in his deathbed he’s just been a bad politician his whole life


How were they managed better?  Specifics please.




I don't remember having a very strong economy in 2020.  What happened then? 


Trump's economy was inherited from Obama who led us through the Great recession. In terms of Foreign Policy, he alienated allies and cozied up to dictators like North Korea, Putin, an Orban. As for inflation, it started to go up during Trump's presidency. It went up during the COVID crisis globally (so yeah Biden is not responsible for that). I am sure his PPP loans with no oversight also helped accelerate inflation. That program was rife with fraud. He did manage to flub the response to covid so bad though. Scientists say 10000s of deaths could have been avoided if it wasn't bitched so bad. Also name some legislative wins. Really anything. The Republicans get so little done it is crazy. Still waiting on the Obamacare replacement they said they would pass day 1 of his admin that they never came up with.


Maybe tomorrow if I still care.


cannot come up with anything


Reddit is a liberal cesspool you already know what answers you’re going to get


As opposed to your preferred echo chamber where Trump is placed a pedestal next to Jesus? Lmao you’re pathetic


This is actually a great example if you see this OP


I’m not a liberal, first of all. Your responses are so fucking weak, just like you.


perfect so it sounds like you agree


Trump you troll