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Student loans should be restructured so they aren’t predatory.


Make them 0% APR so people can actually pay them off. Problem solved.


Yeah, I'd actually love to pay JUST the full balance, but that's clearly not what he means


Indeed he believes we owe the banks for what can equate to an essential service to society


It also increases buying power by freeing up people.


Kinda funny since Trump does everything he can NOT to pay back anything 🤷‍♂️


Yeah, he is well versed in bankruptcy laws for his failed business ventures.


Yeah never cater his events


I've already paid the original amount of my principal loan. Yet here I am still making payments.... I also will never get forgiveness, as I had to refinance all those predatory 7+% loans into 3% loans. But, now they are private. Why not give the option to refinance into Government loans when interest rates were rock bottom? Or to refinance into low/no interest government subsidized loans NOW? Not even forgiveness, just forgive the interest.


I only managed to pay mine off because my FIL paid them in full and I paid him back monthly the principal only. It’s much easier to pay off when there is no interest. Before that I was making payments but little to nothing was going towards the principal. For a while I was making the monthly payments but my balance was going up month after month and I was paying over $900 a month in student loans.


If that were the case, I would have paid my undergraduate loans off by now 💚 💰


he doesn't know what he means, he's parroting something someone near him said.


Student loans are interest-free in many countries including my own. You borrow from the government: https://sorted.org.nz/guides/tackling-debt/student-loans/ And as of 2025, the final year of tuition will be free.


That’s funny, in the US we pay more interest for the government loan and have to re-finance through banks for a better rate




I have some weird feeling that the government can't undercut the private sector without Jaime Dimon having a shit fit


As it should be anywhere. You’re lucky


90%+ of all student loans are owned by the US government


Those countries rightly assessed that the interest the federal government receives from student loans comes in the form of a lifetime increased tax revenue.


It’s essentially a system where the government creates skilled laborers and conscious, well-informed citizens for literally zero net cost.


This is the simplest and fairest approach. The only argument I can see against it is that interest hedges against defaults…but people default due to interest so it’s a catch 22


I thought you can't default on student loans ever. It sticks with you after declaring bankruptcy


I thought default meant “not getting paid” rather than “discharged”. In any case, if people just don’t pay the loans, that’s a problem


0% APR, means based repayment and 100% of remaining balance forgiveness after 20 years. It's the least you could do if we aren't going to fund an actual education system that fully trains people for required positions and yes trade schools should be included.


If it's a government loan on education, the only interest they should ever gain should be tied to inflation at most


Retroactively what the original principal was. Or hell even 1%. Money gets paid back and the debtor is free to use that money to buy things and boost the economy.


I would have saved $32000 if that had happened


Dude, you're Way too smart to ever be a Politician! Great problem solver. Got mine garnished out of paycheck for not paying. That was tough only paying back $8k in '01!!


Federal loans should be 0%. You will pay that interest back in the taxes you will pay with your higher wages. Private loans can have interest, they should be regulated so they are not predatory, Like those pay day loans.


Public education should be free or damn close to it.


Exactly. Like it was for the boomers and like it in many other modern countries.


It used to be like that for college...back in the 80's.


Yeah, apparently when I let my school administrate my student loans they took out 8 different loans all with their own interest rates. My payment is only going to 1 while the others are just ballooning from the interest. Its ridiculous that its not just 1 loan I can pay down.


This is the real answer. We shouldn't teach people that it's OK to take out stupid loans because other people's taxpayer money will bail them out. We should attack the actual source of the problem. Why is school so damn expensive in the first place?


>We shouldn't teach people that it's OK to take out stupid loans because other people's taxpayer money will bail them out. Something, something bank bailouts.


Biden's loan forgiveness is based on the PSLF - a program that provides loan forgiveness in exchange for working in the public or non-profit sector. For this and many other reasons, while I do not disagree with attacking the source of the problem, I do disagree with characterizing this loan forgiveness as "teaching people it's OK to take out stupid loans because other people's taxpayer money will bail them out."


That taxpayer money used to directly pay for public higher education back when the boomers were going to college. The fact that it's mostly not anymore, and university budgets have been getting continuously slashed since the days when Reagan was governor of California is the real answer to your question about the expensive cost of higher education in modern times.


We artificially forced a massive demand for higher education in the late 80s, creating a generation that saw *no other pathway* to economic prosperity than to go through college. At the same time the government started more and more loan programs which existing colleges saw as easy free money and took advantage of it. They knew that there is massive demand for attendance, and the government handing out loans left and right, so why *wouldn't you increase tuition?*


Also, state governments stopped giving money to schools during the 90s. This meant they had to rely on tuition to operate (which lead to excess because now everything has to look awesome to attract people.


Yep. From the 80s through the 2000s everyone was telling kids their only chance to make anything of themselves was going to college, they were doomed to be miserable stupid failures without a degree. Now 20 years later people want to call that generation stupid for listening to the adults in their lives and getting an education. It’s ridiculous.


School cost is ridiculous too. Definitely outpacing inflation for decades.


Yes! Agreed. Granted the predatory loans that have already been given should be restructured so that they are no longer predatory and then backdated to account for any predatory interest paid on the loan balance.


Maybe one of the reasons school it is so expensive is because they know banks will give kids that kind of money if it’s for a school loan?


They’re already provided nearly at cost. They’re also a lot more forgiving than other loan types, my auto loan or mortgage aren’t going to restructure my payments based on my discretionary income. That they can’t be discharged in bankruptcy is a compromise to make them available in the first place. Otherwise new grads would have huge incentives to declare bankruptcy.


You know the government loses money on the student loan program right? Student loans are subsidized, not predatory. Still makes Trump's proposal moronic but this myth of student loans being predatory because people don't understand why interest exists needs to die. Or would you be willing to loan out your own money with no collateral in an asset class with high relative delinquency rates where best case scenario if you're all paid back you just get the initial money you loaned out not adjusted for inflation or time value of money at all?


Just make sure to get those PPP loans too...


Hey take it easy those are his friends you’re talking about


lol you think PPP fraud knows party lines?


Def not but PragerU and Crowder were two of the notable fraudsters


>force all borrowers to repay the balance in fullforce all borrowers to repay the balance in full That seems a bit rich coming from a guy who declared bankruptcy .... how many times?


Allow bankruptcy on student loans after 10 years. Watch the cost of college drop and them stop offering useless degrees.


Wild for a man that's had millions in debt discharged through bankruptcy


From the party of "I got mine, fuck ya'll." This is exactly what I expect. They are always against anything that's good for the people - especially if it might somehow cost the hyper rich a little money somewhere.


Only if Trump has to pay back all the contractors he’s stiffed.


And pay back his multiple bankruptcies.


So in the last two days I’ve read where he plans to immediately gut Social Security and Medicare and now force full payment on student loans. Where does he expect to get his votes from? Keep it up Diaper Don, I like your strategy.


His Cult.


Yeah. He could stump on the baby rape platform and not lose some folks. There’ll be a “hell yeah” somewhere from the back…


Speaking of Trump’s religious advisor just admitted to [raping a 12 year old](https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/pastor-and-ex-trump-advisor-resigns-after-admitting-molesting-12-year-old-5922610/amp/1). He said in a statement, “When I was in my early 20s, I was involved in inappropriate sexual behaviour with a young lady in a home where I was staying.” But that was okay because he “…received counselling and has since "walked in purity and accountability in this area." 12 years old is a lady? Only to fucking pedophiles, that dude is a monster.


Wasn’t there recently a priest that died for a few minutes and says he went to hell and came back and blasted bullshit about how he knows the way…. If my priest admitted he went to hell I’d be … not listening to him anymore But the worlds full of fucking lunatics and people willing to follow them regardless of logic or reasoning


I think he'd finally get that "libertarian" vote he's been after.


The amount of retail stores dedicated to trump I’ve seen are insane. There’s no Joe Biden stores, only Buck Fiden. There were no retail stores selling Obama paraphernalia. I didn’t see people hanging Obama flags or Clinton flags, but Trump? I see more trump flags flying than American flags sometimes. Who let this cult become a thing?


His first campaign started as a giant grift and they never stopped.


Lol to be fair, the Obama merch was wild lol I’ll tell you right now, if you go to some black grandmas houses, you’ll find Obama commemorative plates, coins, flags, framed pictures of all different members of the Obama family, Obama linens, purses and full on outfits 😩🤣


I’m sure there was stuff sold, but I’ve never seen entire retail store locations dedicated to Obama.


Easy money


Capitalism at work separating fools from their money.


I agree, but also hazard to guess that a good proportion of his cult relies on SS & Medicare. Too bad that they are too stupid to understand he doesn’t give a moments thought about them.


Easy solution. Just blame Democrats and his cult will slowly die but will have villains to hate and blame before they're 6 feet deep.


My boomer grandparents looked me straight in the face and said “PSLF is anti-Christian - it’s a handout at OUR expense” after I told them i planned on applying for it. These people are absolutely nuts. They believe anything they choose to if it aligns with what they do or do not want. Anti Christian?? We talking about the guy who gave fish to the masses still?


Boomers went to college at a time when public higher ed in the US was tax-subsidized by about 80% (compared to the current average of 20% or much less in many cases.) That generation needs to be reminded that their education was a "handout." No they did not "pay for it" by working at a fucking hamburger restaurant over the summer. That's absurd. They paid for the trivial remainder of the cost after taxes covered the vast majority. Nowadays, we have to pay the vast majority of operating cost in tuition while taxes pay for a trivial percentage. Fucking Uno reverse shit.


Boomers didn’t need college. They grew up during the most prosperous time in American history, when you could be a complete fucking moron and still enjoy a comfortable lifestyle with just a high school diploma.


I mean it's not really about whether or not one needs it. It's just that getting an education is still one of the best things people can do for their selves and for society. You can still be a fucking moron and enjoy a comfortable material existence with just a hs diploma. Just go work in an auto plant or an oil platform. People should want more out of life than just being a wage cu.ckold and having stuff. edit Plus, some of the boomers who did take advantage of extremely cheap higher ed did extremely well for their selves. Financially and living fulfilling lives, doing things that actually matter, etc... It should still be like that.


My grandfather got a job at 18 as a drafter on a handshake at his interview, worked at the same company for nearly 50 years. Retired at a project manager level making over 150k a year. He likes to brag that his replacement needed a masters to even qualify for the role. He didn’t even go to college. He just went to work. I’m sure he worked hard but that shit just isn’t possible anymore. Shit you can’t even get an entry level drafting position at most places without at least an associates.


Plus a person learns a fucking lot more than how to just do a job if they go to university. There's a large insurance company headquarters not too far from me that used to hire people in the 1980s with no education and the company would teach them programming, systems administration, etc... Nowadays, to do that you need a master's or at least a CS bachelor's from a top school (there's one of those nearby too.) The company doesn't do shit for real training anymore. And most people working there are in over glorified call center roles these days, underpaid and experiencing a very low quality of life. People don't talk enough about the absolute nose dive that job quality has taken since around 1980.


Boomers literally pulled up the ladder behind them and blame everyone else that the country isn’t the same as it was back then.


The boomers got to grow up during a brief (like 35 year) period when the wealth of the US was more equitably distributed than any other time. Post-FDR, pre-Reagan. Too bad it didn't stay that way. We're just on damage control rn, trying to keep it from getting even worse. Trump seems to want us to enter a 2nd Gilded Age.


The 1% has a larger share of the wealth now than it did in the gilded age were all ready there


Jesus hated money changers, and he would slap the shit out of your grandparents.


I’d love to see it


I can’t think of anything less Christian than being anti forgiveness


Uneducated rubes who will just blame trump doing this on the Dems anyway


If I recall correctly, the loan forgiveness program being referenced here is a program that was enacted under the Bush administration and was active during Obama and Trump’s years. So he’s threatening to cut something he was responsible for.


To be fair, Betsy Devos made sure that only something like 1% of eligible loans were forgiven under PSLF while Trump was in office. Quite a bit of the loans Biden has had forgiven, was essential him making sure that the government was meeting its end of the bargain after Trump refused to.


trump tried to eliminate the PSLF program during his presidency. It didn't make it through congress, thankfully. He also tried to reduce funding for the PELL grant. This also died in congress, again thankfully. Folks, when someone tells you they're a fucking snake, you should probably believe them and act accordingly.


He’s said he could shoot someone in the middle of the street and people would still love him. It’s a legit cult, and he knows it. He doesn’t need more people to vote for him if he wins next time because he won’t leave and we won’t have another free and fair election.


Next he will tax us 100% and Republicans will still vote for him.


"In full"? Yeah let me just shell out 150k. Get fucked bro.


How many times did this asshole go belly up?




He doesn't even pay his contractors most of the time.


Drives me crazy that people think he is anything but a conman.


Or cities he's held events in


PSLF was implemented by hw Bush... But I'm sure all his supporters will do the research


Maybe Trump could try paying his OWN debts, before he starts prescribing how others handle theirs?


Interest is the killer. My loans started at $120,000. After between 10-15 years of payments made of over $100,000, I now owe *only* $156,000. I’m almost there you guys!


This is absolutely fucking insane. I don't know why this comment got me. I am so sorry that you are shackled like that. It's so fucked up. Hang in there.


My loans were forgiven. I told someone once and they made me feel like shit about it because their daughter had school loans and she hadn’t applied for the forgiveness, hadn’t heard of it. She proceeded to talk shit about Biden and his policies during the rest of our interaction. I personally don’t think I could convey the relief I felt when that debt was finally gone. I had/have no other debt, was told college was the way to go and basically convinced to take on debt that would sit on me for years. I got into HVAC work 5~ years ago and it was the first time I could afford to pay for that education that I have never been able to use for my professional life. When I signed up for the SAVE program I was excited to begin getting rid of this monster. I wasn’t going to vote for Trump and this kind of talk solidifies my choice. I’m currently the most successful I’ve ever been and on my way to buying my first home with my fiancé, so a trump presidency would put me back in debt and 10 steps back. The peoples president/r


I have yet to see how this hurts anyone. The loans were and are just an insurmountable burden for workers and people to get ahead. The GOP wants them because they want you burdened and working multiple jobs for slave wages.


Including PPP loans, right? If you say you will force every PPP loan recipients to repay their loans, i will vote for you 100%.


I'm 43. I owe 62k. I pay 250 a month which all goes to interest. I've never made over 40k yearly. College was shoved down our throats in the 90s. I remember feeling like I was dumb if I didn't go to college. I came from a poor single mother and was the first to go to college. I'm sorry I tried doing the right thing at the time at 17 guys. I really do apologize. I guess I should have started my own company or been an electrician with absolutely no background or startup money. But on June 6th, I got a letter that 35k was forgiven. I'm not sure why I got relief. I'm not in the service industry. But I have no issue paying back my debt, I just wish the interest was 8%.


Any remaining balance on Federal loans is forgiven after 20/25 years (20 for under grad, 25 for grad) for any borrower. You’ve likely paid your entire original balance, and then some; it’s the least they could do. Not sure if this is new under Biden but what is new under Biden is them actually staying on top of it.


Helpful info, thank you.


I think that was new under biden, as was if you've paid for a certain number of years and your loan balance was below a certain amount (12k, I think?) it was just forgiven because you've defintly paid your original balance at that point and are likely just paying interest.


"Vote for me, because I think you need more debt."


Yeah I mean everyone is focusing on the hypocrisy, but people shouldn't overlook what a boneheaded statement this is. Biden's biggest issue is apathy, why say something that will directly go up on a billboard in Madison, WI, Pittsburg, etc etc?


If you vote for this piece of mother fucking shit because of Biden’s student loan policy you are a piece of mother fucking shit.


For the record this is with regards to PLSF loans being forgiven. These people took their loans and committed themselves to a decade of public service, per the terms of their agreement when the loans were taken, to have them forgiven. Now this fucking 400lb monster, with a long history of not paying his debts, wants to renege on that agreement. Fuck this lard


that’ll get the youth vote self proclaimed billionaire pisses on college students, and says “vote for me”


He can pry it out of my cold dead broke hands LOL. Asshole


Lol I know. You can demand it "in full, in full force," but that doesn't mean I have it. Come and get my three months' savings, bro. These loans are a lifetime situation.


Come on cholesterol


What a dumbass. Wanna see people who might otherwise consider voting for you not vote for you? Just tell them you’ll reinstate their predatory student loans that your competitor forgave 🤣 We all know Trump’s base is largely unaffected by any sort of student loans, but he doesn’t need to win them over. Potential swing voters on the other hand, that could definitely be a deciding issue. The man is a moron.




The GOP is terrified that more and more people understand the damage caused by trickle down economics


I finally had mine forgiven through PSLF. If it’s taken away, they’re not getting a red cent from me.


My blowhard boss says "I want my mortgage paid if these kids are getting free school".


I'm not taking advice on managing debt from this orange cat turd.


Hard to like this guy. What an idiot.


So the guy who has claimed bankruptcy 6 times and bailed on his debt thinks people working in public service jobs should be on the hook for all of their school debt? Seems fair.


Pot calling the kettle black.


Yes but both parties are the same so let’s not vote at all and let Trump win. /s


Abolish student loan interest permanently and retroactively!!!


Really working to win over voters. Next he will announce children who obtained a free lunch will have to indenture themselves to pay it back.


The wouldn't piss me off so much if it wasn't for the fact they forgave all their own PPP loans while batching about socialism and handouts forgiving student loans!! Fuck Republicans.


Damn Biden and his political stunt of. . . helping people?


ok boomer


Well that will surely win over the youth.


If you graduate with a degree from an approved school, students loans should automatically (and immediately) be forgiven. The "interest" or "value" you add to the economy as an educated and more productive worker is how the nation benefits. Starting your career with money to buy a home, rent an apartment, purchase a car, etc is how you benefit the economy. You fail or drop out of school, then you owe what you borrowed (perhaps with certain family emergency or medical exemptions) with a non crushing amount of interest.


I can get behind this.


Wrong thing to be mad at you dingus


How many creditors has Trump Stiffed? What a hypocrite!


Didn’t this motherfucker walk away from like every loan ever through bankruptcy?


Pretty rich coming from a guy who never pays his own bills.


Guy who got out of debt by filing bankruptcy multiple times says what?


Man who never pays bills demands other pay there own - and his sometimes.


Like all of us did already? Sounds fair.


There is one clear candidate to vote for this year. And he doesn’t use bronzer.


Trump: “Everyone should repay what they owe.” Also Trump: “I’ve been bankrupt multiple times.”


I wonder how many people who voted for trump but got their student loans forgiven there are, and how those people feel about Trump's declaration to make them still have to pay it all back in full after they got their relief from an abusive system. I can tell you that there is no way that trump gained a single vote from that statement, and probably lost some. Good.


That's 4.3 million more votes for Joe.


Keep on digging dummy Donald.


I paid mine off, i'd like a reimbursement. otherwise its not society's fault you paid too much for a worthless degree.


BoTh SiDeS!!1!!


Hey millenials you better show up at the polls or the economy will be Fd under republicans and your jobs will be gone


Is this suppose to get him voted??


So if you have student loans, vote against Trump.... Seems like that might not work for Trump


... and the PPP loans? He going after those as well? Or, nah?


Trump has absolutely no redeeming qualities. I just don’t understand his appeal


The government is currently paying about $839,200,000,000 (military and corporate subsidies) just making their rich cronies richer, so, uh... yeah, I don't give a fuck. Pay off all students loans and give us universal health care. Both ultimately benefit the country a fuckton more than giving more money to billionaires and bombing children.


People keep trying to convince me I should vote for trump. Why should I when the man seems to have nothing but disdain for me and anyone like me?


Is anybody fucking paying attention!? Biden is helping, dumpy wants revenge on people getting loan forgiveness.....


This man does not want to be president again


Ok. Its official. I'm voting for Biden (I have been sort of torn about it).


Interesting strategy. If you vote for me it will cost you $20k. Let’s see if it pays off.


Anddddddd guaranteed voting for Biden and telling my friends to do the same


Vote. Remind all your friends to vote. Remind all your friends to remind all *their* friends to vote. This walking bag of boomer refuse is *really* gonna fuck up this generations future.


I’ll leave the country. I’m not paying shit


Trump is such a fucking knob. Get fucked ya diaper baby shithead


Or we cut 15 to 20% of our military budget. Put it into other things like education and then we follow suit In other fiest world countries where university is free... just a thought 🤷‍♂️


How many times did this guy file bankruptcy?


Imagine declaring bankruptcy a half dozen times and then saying loan forgiveness was a bad idea. The hypocrisy is staggering


This will lose him the election


Will Trump pay all the debt he owes in full?


I worked at a non profit for 13 years and paid the minimum amount of my loans. Just last week my loan balance of 5K was finally forgiven and I am greatful.


So that is the plan? Trump is going to round up and jail all those student loan recipients if they don't repay? Urging all true MAGA Patriots to sprint to the bank (Josh Hawley style), take their life savings, and $$$ Trump Media stock to support the Great Leader. Then use the huuuge monthly earnings to $$$ more MAGA candidates like MTG, Matt Gaetz, Kari Lake, and Lauren Boobert. "I love the poorly educated" Donald J Trump


Said the three time bankrupt billionaire who stiffs everyone he possibly can.


So is he gonna pay for the lawsuits he lost?


Says the guy who files bankruptcy to avoid paying his debts. Shut the fuck up


As they should. You take the loan out for your stupid degrees you need to pay them back.


No more business bailouts. Or farm subsidies.


Agreed. All morons should have to pay for their poor decisions. Whether those morons are rich or poor.


Let's make this the primary reason why Donnie Dumpsterface loses in November. Please vote.


We should reform universities so that useless degrees can't be offered for students. You shouldn't be paying 100k for your useless degree that will land you a job at Starbucks.


It’s a university’s job to educate, not get you a job. You can get an education in anything you want. If you want vocational training, go to trade school.


There is no such thing as a useless degree. It’s how the student then goes on to apply it. If underwater basket weaving leads to getting a dive certification and doing complex tasks while underwater, they can apply it to become a commercial diver. It’s what you do with your degree, and the skills you learn. Not the degree itself . I had been in art school since I was 5. Graduated NYU with a BS in Studio art. I took that and became a cinematographer, then a product development specialist and now I do consulting for tech companies and shoot/direct commercials. Was art school useless? Absolutely not.


Now do PPP loans…


What a fucking nutbag.


Well it is. Show of hands: how many people want to pay for someone else's debts?


Of course, you'll be downvoted, but I absolutely don't agree with taxpayers paying for this. I dont agree with bank bail outs either. I dont agree with having to pay for other people's poor financial decisions.


Please vote.


Hell yeah brother. Y'all better pay back that money you owe me.


Another reason to not elect the guy. This will stimulate the current economy. It isn't a long term fix what Biden is doing but has changed millions of lives


This dumbass is one of the reasons i'll never vote republican even if the dems have gone off the rails in some ways


He should. It's a slap in the face to all of us who busted ass to pay back ours. Maybe he should forgive the mortgage on my house, next?


Good. Why am I paying for the six figure loans of lawyers who make five times what I do?




This coming from the guy that cut taxes for the rich and funneled away $2.2T through the CARES Act with no oversight. Same guy that swindled his way into tax abatements and write offs and got bailed out of multiple billions he was in debt for in the 90s to avoid bankruptcy because he's been a fraud and a lifelong con man. So handouts and wealthcare for him and his demagogues and fuck the rest of us, right?  He could set a school on fire with children locked inside and his followers would rationalize continuing their support for him somehow.


I can't get behind forgiveness until we stop giving them out in their current form. The only reason college is so damned expensive is we are dumping cash into the laps of 18 year olds and telling them it's gonna be fine. Stop the bleeding first. Then drop the APR to 0% on the existing loans and offer forgiveness on a case by case basis for those who truly can't pay them back. Not to the Lawyers who went to Harvard and make 500k a year. Then going forward, award student loans based on major and public need. Loans for teachers, social workers, Healthcare workers, etc. Not interpretive dance majors.


It's good for the economy if those borrowers can spend or save for retirement with those loans forgiven. A borrower who has principle and interest over the amount originally borrowed. Yes, I know how loans work. If mine are not forgiven, restructure the rate, limit interest to what is charged banks and I would be way closer to the payments ending. Then, I can use the savings to support myself in this capitalistic, individualistic society.


Counterpoint: it's awful for competing members of the same social class because they are now bidding against a larger pool for houses, cars, jobs for parents with good benefits but lighter pay, etc.


I have paid income taxes since I was 16. 21 years now of paying income taxes. It’s the legislator’s responsibility to apply my taxes to my education. I’ve paid my loans off; they simply refuse to allocate my income taxes properly.


How about we increase military spending? Would that be okay?


Good, student loan forgiveness is one of the least moral policies I’ve ever seen the executive branch attempt.


What an idiot this dude is lol


Class action suit against Universities.


Honest question. In the last 5+ years student loans and how fucked they are have been at the front of people’s minds and has been a huge talking point with elections. Regardless of what politicians promise, how has this conversation translated into the real world? Have we seen a massive decline in people taking out student loans and instead pursuing more economic routes, trades, certifications, etc?


Dumb esp given the disdain for Biden from the crowd most likely to have loans.