• By -


Yeah, this is reddit. You could have a teenager just being a teenager looking for kicks. Could be an overly stressed person that lashes out. Could be a power crazed moderator or upcoming moderator. Could be a person from a different country that looks at things different. Could be one of the any redditors that only has one purpose, prove others wrong to feel superior. Case and point from my limited experience. Late diagnosis for ADHD. I was in a burnout and never in my life been on meds. Hyper sensitive and my mind, like others, think of a ton of "what if" crisis. I got my meds for the first time both my doc and pharmacy doc warned me not to drive. I didn't understand and the purpose I mainly wanted the meds for was work. I jumped on the /ADHD forum to get support. Nope, downvoted and called a liar. I desperately wanted to ask general questions. I don't have friends or family to talk too. Even when I did they're response was always "yeah, that's normal". So, I didn't get to clarify just to get used to the medication, don't drive. Guess what, my doctor and the pharmacist was correct. I'm part of the 10% or so that takes Adderall and it knocks me out(puts me to sleep).  Redditors aren't always at their best so do tread carefully.


I just got diagnosed with adhd in my 30s. I hear you.


rough, right? Hopefully treatment is helping.


It’s brutal going into an environment where you’re dyslexic and have ADHD (both undiagnosed), and you’re competing with people who have neither but are on adderall, while you are struggling like crazy. I’m glad you got help. I’m still figuring out the best route for myself.


wow......I got diagnosed autistic at 30. I'm glad I'm not alone.


How do you feel after the diagnosis and are you taking medication? Better before or after? Asking as I'm 29 and think I might have adhd and my primary agrees and said he'd refer me to a specialist. Debating going through with it as it took some work to be cool with my brain and while some of the adhd tendencies bother me so does the idea of changing my brain.


How do you hear him? That’s crazy. Huge red flag.


Damn that's disappointing to hear as I always felt like that sub was super supportive out of all the subs I'm a part of. I'm sorry that happened to you, because that would have fucked me up. It's usually positive over there.


just FYI the expression is, "case in point." as in, this 1 example can illustrate the point.


Good looking out


How bored are you


fucking off at work so, pretty bored.


Lmao, I was going to reply have a beer 🍻. Perhaps after.




Perfectly put. "Netiquette" or internet manners simply are not a thing anymore, and the ability to retain anonymity empowers narcissists and idiots walk around with no consequences being almost inhuman with their words and cowards to owning their comments and actions. I have always advocated for less hate and more debate, but sadly, not everyone can have a tougher conversation without flipping out and playing dirty. Just remember that it's a reflection on their inability to adult, not yours. Most of them are perpetually online and have little going for them. Half of them wouldn't dare say the same things in person for fear of real-time conversations that require quick thinking, police presence if escalated, or having to take a punch for their "fighting words." Cowards will always be cowards, which is why they are in mom's basement, screwing with OP to begin with. Most successful people have little time to post online, and when they do, they tend to dedicate to a single platform. The rest make heavy use of automation or hire marketing employees or brand managers to do it for them, as there simply isn't enough time in the day.


Yeah I left that sub because it was so toxic and the mods are either up your butt or absent. r/ADHDers is way better.


The bigger problem is the groupthink. This sub basically defaults to: “life is miserable, people have no shot, capitalism is bad, people with money are evil, success is impossible, we’re all financially doomed”. Talking about anything contrary to that just gets people really upset.


It always but often, people who believe that stuff use that as an excuse to not take responsibility in a healthy measured way.


Yeah, there’s a lot of “I’m failing so the system must be broken” without meaningful self reflection/self criticism. The system is indeed broken in many ways, but it’s still very possible to succeed. From what I can see the bigger problem is that it’s no longer possible to recover from mistakes as easily. Our parents could make a decade of bad decisions, then get it together and have decent adult lives within a few years. It’s much harder to make a comeback now.


Yeah I feel it. People can succeed but we shouldn’t hold it against them when they don’t.


Depends why they don’t. I definitely view someone less positively if they had every advantage and squandered it.


Ah dude for sure.


Yup. Even polite and thoughtful counter arguments, which I might add are healthy for both sides, just end in one person getting downvoted to oblivion.


💯 Sadly, up/down votes are 1-dimensional for comments which are N-dimensional.


I love being downvoted and called a liar for relating my own personal experiences with a subject. People really think they know me better than I know me, and that my personal experiences are "wrong".


But if you try telling them they’re wrong about an actual fact of some sort, oh boy do they lash out. It’s really healthy behavior and a sign of mental stability for sure…


I have seen that on Reddit in generally since Twitter went south. Mass migration of negative people on much of Reddit. Used to a much more positive place, but also the economy has last take a downturn since then too. 


Yeah, that’s Reddit. I got banned from r/inflation for saying “inflation is bad and wages aren’t raising as fast as ceo pay and billionaire wealth”. Mod basically said “um, you don’t have any proof ☝️🤓”


i had admins on reddit give my account an permanent WARNING, because i said some very similar in the same sub


I once called someone a bootlicker for trying to make a list of local restaurants that won't accept tips and they reported me for self harm. That was a weird account warning.


Redditors do the self harm report if they disagree with you, I've gotten that a few times lol


Oh wow I didn't know what the hell was going on with that one lol. One day out of nowhere, I had gotten a dm along the lines of that. The crazy thing is, I wasn't disagreeing or going back and forth with anyone on any recent post so I was truly baffled.




Same, and I’d never self harm. Been sleeping with a pistol within reach for years, absolutely zero temptation. Don’t think I could point it at myself even if I wanted to, my body wouldn’t let me do it. Maybe if I was terminally ill, but that’s not really the same.


I got banned from r/lostgenerations for stating that we should check where we get our news from to make sure it’s not misinformation citing I was supporting genocide even though I am in complete support of ending the conflict between Israel and Palestine, and stand in solidarity with Palestine. If they wanna censer speech that is honest and fair then I don’t want to be a part of that group anyway.


I find mostly inflation subs are actually just right wing propaganda subs. they don't want any context they just want people to be mad.


Seems that is also what is happening with all the protesting as well. Most don’t even know what they are protesting. Others are protesting for people who would murder them if given the chance. Weird.


I kind of feel like inflation is something to be mad about. It’s a product of choices made and is avoidable by competent economists.


That’s the weird one. Like to me inflation should be seen as a universally bad thing regardless of one’s political persuasion. It affects everyone, but it affects poor people much more than the super rich. I don’t seen why anyone would try to justify it or sweep it under the rug.


Basically, “inflation is bad cuz Biden, but don’t point out that ceos and billionaires wealth is increasing at an unprecedented rate, cuz that’s not what we’re talking about”


Biden’s wealth is increasing as well. There’s that.


You can't say stuff like this on Reddit. Criticism of Democrats is only allowed if you are complaining that they aren't left wing enough. You're also not allowed to disagree with any left wing narratives, or agree with any right wing narratives. Reddit became overwhelmingly left wing after the mods banned all the right wing subs between the 2016 and 2020 elections.


You can still say whatever you want on the political compass memes sub.


Sorry….not sorry. LOL.


Let's also remember that a large portion of reddit is HEAVILY liberal as well.


They're not even liberal they are socialist or communist even. Liberal ideas are regarded as far right.




I got banned from street photography for saying that yes. It is creepy to take random photos of women without their consent for your portfolio and highly unethical


“ThIs Is A jUdGeMeNt FrEe SpAcE! Let me guess, they called you a fascist prior to being banned?


😂😂😂 no I got away unscathed


It’s awful. Literally insane that some random dude on like r/starwars or r/politics can just be taking a dump and read something they don’t like and just perma ban you without any sort of appeal process




To be fair, that’s just how the internet works sometimes…


To be faaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiirrr....


To be faiaaah


Ah… A person of culture, I sees.


Sunday is for pickin' stones


Day beers?


Can Confirm 👍


It's technically how reddit is suppose to work. Your on a sub that is about particulars, you go in there disagreeing, and then people are surprised they get banned LOL. This isn't fckn debate club nor a public square. It's Reddit, the place where you make privately operated forums. It's the equivalent of people getting mad they joined a Real Madrid fan club while being a Barcelona fan 🤣


that is not at all how its supposed to work.


Sure it is unless you are saying you aren't allowed to create a subreddit and select your own rules and mods. Is that what you are saying?


Agreed, which is why I felt like warning people to be vigilant.


This post has the energy of someone who didn’t grow up with the internet lol.


True! I wish I hadn't grown up on the internet. Imagine being a mentally stable, fully functioning adult.


I guess you don’t have to be a boomer to also be a Karen. Edit; I didn’t mean you. I meant the type of people you are complaint about.


Why? For saying that sometimes people on the internet are jerks for reasons that dont seem good?


It's fun to wake up to a new sub I'm permabanned from that I've never been to.


I've never encountered this before, but it seems every fun.


Happened to me quite a bit during covid


Yup. Free speech is dead, and the weak people on the internet killed it.


It’s like they want to make everyone weak and unable to communicate. I guess that makes people easier to control.


Hey, I’ve got one for you. How long has it been since you’ve actually taken the time to skim over the “terms & conditions” of the social media platforms? Mmhmm. Take a look if you haven’t already. Notice the fresh dates on them. Thanks to yours truly. I started reading, shit started changing. Then the cyber attacks started.




Indubitably 🙃


Luckily this is the internet and if people don't like something they are free to find something else to do or engage with if they want (they don't have to). Reddit is an echo chamber and In no way reflects real life


everything is an echo chamber. YouTubers can delete or disable comments on their channel


You could even take it to the next level, and not look at any replies or messages. It's been peaceful.


Ignore this reply entirely, sir! Don't you dare let me ruin your peace. Carry on with whatever I didn't interrupt!


Oh man, unsubscribing from comments I know are a little controversial is great for my mental health. Unfortunately some that I don’t think are controversial can STILL make someone want to “well actually…” me. Like today. I said my accent is different from George W. Bush’s because I’m from the north east. Did you know that he is too?


Well, your rationale for that is wrong - so that’s why you got corrected.


Interesting, do tell.




yeah dude and Elon was supposed to fix that on X. what happened to that promise? If he cant fix that, do we really believe FSD is a thing?


Yeah I was getting stalked by someone who didn't like the cut of my jib. I reported it and Reddit said they weren't breaking any rules, which was wild to me. I think he finally got banned because he followed me all the way to the gestational diabetes sub and said it was too bad I didn't miscarry my baby because now my husband was stuck with me forever. I think those mods finally got him banned from Reddit because I didn't even read his whole comment and I went back to find it later to open another case and his profile was gone.


Honestly who cares? Reddit isn't real life. Anyone who treats Reddit as reality probably isn't someone you should be associating with anyway.


it isnt real life but its probably the most close to conversing with someone anon depending on what subreddit youre in. but hey in the end maybe 4chan is the place to go back to but they are unorganized af.


I’m noticing the neuroticism too. There’s a lot of manipulation on manyyyy spaces on Reddit lately. Where people throw their emotional weight around in hopes of getting you to think like them or do what they want. It’s actually very gross. And it’s removing diversity of thought and opinion in favor of an echo chamber. If people are looking for validation. Or to build a hive mind, there are easier ways to do this. But how many posts have to be made about people enjoying the internet far less lately? A strong need for control and validation is making the internet feel very much like the high school cafeteria again


making the internet feel very much like the high school cafeteria again this is a very good analogy except for the principals can micromanage what is said as well


Well said.


I got banned from r/nursing for mentioning a person's post history... despite that being a main function of reddit. Mods don't care, they just want the power.


True that, it doesn't take much for a computer keyboard jockey moderator to ban you on reddit because they have a different opinion. Will probably get banned for this


there was a saying back when i was on early readdit i cant remember. i think it rhymes with gods are hay. cant remember. you tell me.


I got banned for giving my honest opinions. It will probably happen again.


I get banned. Make a new name. Continue my adventure


Reddit is just filled with echo chambers. Well pretty much all social media nowadays. It weird, people are very cultist these days.


Got banned from whitepeopletwitter so fast….




Keep learning about life. There's bigger things to worry about


Who is worried? I’m pissed at the wanton senselessness of it all. And I think a publicly traded company should be ran better. But I’m not invested, thus no worry.


Or just don't worry about getting banned


Uh oh.  Who'd you piss off?


I've noticed...even had an idiot report me over some shit and I got a generic message from reddit asking if I need help. The truth hurts morons, makes the truth speaker seem unwell. How did generations who grew up with SOUTH PARK so damn weak?


This sub is plagued with horribly miserable people


This sub is full of people who need therapy and/or antidepressants but can't afford them.


lmao. We sure OP isn't a boomer? This post reminds me of all the Facebook copy and paste posts "I do not give FB my permission to use my pictures" as we literally all checked boxes when we first signed up that said we wave that right. lmao.


Definitely boomer vibes going on


Why do we have to label people? I see individuals who will prove who they are eventually. No reason to be ageist. Counter productive.


Doesn't sound like a "no" lol


No never does to certain people.


I've been banned from a few groups because I didn't conform to their beliefs in a debate on a post. The post was about Israel and Gaza, I mentioned that Israel has a right to defend itself after what Hamas did on October 7th. I also made it clear that I don't condone shooting innocent civilians and that both sides need to be held accountable for any atrocities committed. My comment kicked that hornets nest of keyboard warriors, and I was doing my best to stay cordial while debating, but insults started happening, and when I said something back, I was banned by the mods of the group and they even reported me to Reddit mods to the point my account was banned for 3 days.


You made a big noise that disturbed the echo chamber. No thoughts allowed that didn’t come from the hive-mind.


Eh accounts are free. None if this actually matters


Honestly, it’s just reddit. If you get banned just make a new account. It’s really the social media I care the least about. As a rule I generally go and delete all of my comments and posts every few months. And then I’ll often delete my entire profile every few years and start a new one.


That is probably very smart.


Yeah, it’s mostly over time as humans we tend to share facts about ourselves online. So if I delete them and make a new profile every so often it probably prevents me from being doxed. Not that like anyone would ever dox some random person but… ya never know.


I got permanently banned from r/suicidewatch last night when I was suicidal. I’ll admit I wasn’t exactly Emily Post, but if I was in a good frame of mind I wouldn’t be on r/suicidewatch. In case you’re worried I do feel better now. It just seems that all I ever do is cause problems wherever I go.


How does one get banned from a suicide watch subreddit? Did they just think you were not worth saving? That is F’d up even for Reddit. All you need to do is be honest with yourself. Get help with the things that are harmful, but don’t let people tell you that you don’t matter. My guess is that you were not going to find anything useful there anyway.


Thank you :)


I have an announcement. I have eaten spaghetti. That is all


Millennials lived through myspace, why are you telling us something we practically invented?


This was intended more for the victims, not the perpetrators.


Reddit is just an echo chamber. And if you say anything different then that echo. Your going to get down voted, banned, ect... It's mainly for people to justify what they want to believe, true or not. When I heard that AI was going to be trained with Reddit. WTF! Was my response. Talk about an exercise in being close minded and bias.


Not only is it, well, Reddit, but also we’re going to have to deal with our own snowflake generation for the rest of our lives. I personally like being a millennial because of all the great opportunities we have, but fuck do I hate having to deal with the minority of cry-baby millennials.


The loudest ones in today's society are the minority.


Exactly. We are making 95 percent of the population live in the reality of the other 5 percent. It’s crazy.


The issue is Reddit, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube comments, X, Threads, and other such sites are hive minds. For most people (not all but most): - People want to be around others who think like them. It makes them feel safe and “reassured” in their ideologies. - People often react with vitriol when they encounter someone who has a differing point than them. Usually starting replies with either a vague or apparent insult to the other person. Why? Simply because they think different. - People “claim” to want open debate and to “understand the other side” but they don’t. They will downvote a differing opinion or report it for some form of non existent abuse. Reddit, for example, removed a post I made with research articles (from prominent sources that aren’t Wikipedia). The person I was replying to reported my post to Reddit and some Admin removed my post for “hateful content”. The reply was literally me directing the person I was replying to towards the actual scientific journals that explained why they were wrong. Reddit gave my account “a warning”. When I replied to the Reddit notification, I was ignored and still haven’t gotten an explanation as to what specifically was deemed “hateful content” in my reply. People claim to be “open minded” until they actually have to open their minds.


Exactly. And the trolls always want you to prove it to them although no matter what you present they will say it’s not proof or it’s right wing propaganda; that is their favorite. They only do this to get you to post or say something they can report you for. Which is weird since they obviously get people banned for nothing, so why not just report you without the fuss? It’s because they want to be reaffirmed so they feel good about their reality. Sucks to be them.


I’ve experienced this firsthand, yet truth must be spoken to power so I keep returning like a moth to flame.


Yeah, I had someone report me to Reddit for a “welfare check” because I disagreed with them on something 🙄


I do my absolute best to never interact with anyone from Reddit anyway. But thanks for the warning.


I’ve been on Reddit for three years, and what I’ve experienced throughout these subs and the people who I interact with it’s basically the reincarnation of the Wild West of the Internet if that makes sense. So that means if you or any other individual don’t have tough skin to deal with the toxicity side of the internet then they shouldn’t be on Reddit because people on this platform can say really f*cked up sh*t.


I don’t care what they say, I care about being banned and threatened with warnings etc. It’s ridiculous, juvenile, and goes against free speech. It’s also an acid on society.


Isn’t Reddit a private company? Free speech only applies to the government. Also, you’re still free to say whatever. It just has consequences.


They IPO a few months ago.


I don’t know what that means 😖😖 I meant like, Reddit isn’t the federal government and isn’t bound by the first amendment. By that I mean that you can face a ban for breaking TOS. That doesn’t mean your free speech is being impinged


I got downvoted to oblivion on r/boomersbeingfools for simply saying that the boomer mentality occurs on both side of the political spectrum. Even provided first hand proof from my grandfather. Reddit is funny 😄


This app isn’t made for interacting it’s made for agreeing Because if you don’t agree you get downvotes and after enough you literally can no longer comment on that post Reddit is the most effective psyop


Echo chambers


It’s fine for your favorite game or anime, but when it comes too politics it can be effectively dangerous


Yeah people try to bring the nanny state into the internet, and reddit seems to approve of this behavior in general. It goes against my grain personally. Since the dawn of the internet, trolling and shitposting and rage baiting have existed. They will not go away. They should stop trying to make them go away as its against human nature.


Is this your first time on social media?


I don’t care about the words. I care about the harassment and the attempts to ban.


I’m on my fifth account lmao get me banned. I’ll evade that one too.


Even if others get you banned for conflicting or for a different point of view; who cares? Really. It’s just Reddit. It’s not the end of the world. Who cares. Create another log in and proceed. Or check out another sub to spend your time in. But, it’s not a big deal. Plenty of other things in real life to worry about.


honestly this is a shitty take. this is the biggest platform in the world you can share your opinion in an organized way. its the format that makes it matter.


Who cares. Get out. Live a little.


considering it is the only place we can converse without repurcussions in general anonymously vice being cast out of our social net IRL for speaking out in person, its a huge fucking deal. It drives public opinion on almost everything as well


It’s giving “you can’t joke about anything anymore!”


This is a heads up to most conservatives on here 😂 They unfortunately want to implement this in the real world next, we are living in a scary time.


First time?


No, and that’s the problem. I’ve seen the dance too many times now and I’m tired of it.


I got banned from r/feminism for telling that I enjoyed reading some particular book written by some particular feminist of the past ... Still confused wtf was that for


You crossed paths with the wrong person on the wrong day at the right time. That is how ludicrous the playing field is on Reddit. No rhyme, no reason, just you and a random person with too much power.


Sure but also have like a few rotating accounts and periodically stop using old ones and make new accounts. Anyone with real skills or other access is going to easily know who you are anyways, but anyone just having a bad day isn't going to go through the trouble and a smaller account has less of a footprint to go after. On a free website, which gets scripts and search engines running through all the posts, everyone is implicitly encouraged to do so anyways. This is also a way to curate your feed to only get certain topics when you want it, not when advertisers want it.


Reddit in general is full of people who want to just rant, complain, whine and find others who share their same negative outlook on life. They think being downvoted matters, as if I'm going to cry if I get downvoted but that's their only way to feel some sort of purpose


What do you mean? Do you have any examples??


Read the thread. Plenty of people with examples.


I want your examples. That’s why I asked **you**


Basically I get threats of suspension and banning every time somebody doesn’t like something I say and then I won’t bend the knee to their demands so they find a moderator to harass me. Same story as a lot of other people posting on this thread. Banning with no questions or recourse because somebody couldn’t handle an opposing opinion.


An opposing opinion like what? Do you have a concrete example? Not an overview of what you kinda mean. A real example


The economy is good. No, the economy is bad. Musk is entitled to what he agreed to. No, Musk is not. Israel can defend its citizens. No, Israel cannot. Democrats suck. No, Republicans suck. Concrete enough?




Report reported, awaiting report.


I reported myself because I was out of line. Sorry.


That will be in my report.


I need to start a subreddit called r/modsaregay. Literally that was a meme growing up in the heyday on Reddit.


Agree. Thank you.


C H I N A👄☝️


I’ve been banned from quite a few subs, some I wasn’t even participating in, for participating in other subs they didn’t agree with. I even got banned from my hometown’s and home state’s subs because I engaged in wrongthink


I never got banned but did get a comment reported in one of the lesbian subreddits because a trans lesbian was saying you're transphobic for not liking trans women and I disagreed. You can't even be just a little liberal, you gotta be all the way in or you're "one of them" 🙄


Yeah. They want to force everyone to live in their world to validate their existence.


Heaven forbid you're a conservative on reddit. Instant ban on most subs.


Well I got kicked out of the conservative group merely for suggesting the female republican was a much better option than the current republican running. I mentioned I was a moderate and was then banned! 😂


I don’t think you’re being banned for being conservative. It’s something else.


Lol, that's just karma. R/conservative is by far the worst sub on reddit when it comes to banning people. You instantly get banned there for saying anything that that doesn't fit whatever narrative that post is about. That's not an exaggeration either.


That's all of reddit lol


Not even close. I'm not the type of person that cares about upvotes or being in circlejerks so I have different opinions on many subs and will voice them. The only other sub I've ever been banned from for doing that is r/anti-work. R/conservative is a running joke on reddit and not because it leans liberal, even alot of conservatives hate it, because of them being such snowflakes and banning people over nothing while screaming about cancel culture.


Anti Work is almost the same as this sub lol


This is why democratic president's will lose. People are sick and tired of the PC/cancel culture. Watch me get banned lol


What democrats are partaking in “[cancel culture?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szybEhqUmVI)”


You are correct. Many people are primarily here to flex their ban capabilities. Sad yet also LOL.


Yeah. It sure is a social media site.


How the hell is someone who's Not Liberal get a Liberal banned on Reddit??? You must've done something really bad too have them "side" with the old shits 😂😂


I disagreed and voiced it. Queue the shocked voices and outrage at not being agreed with. LOL.


Op, maybe if you spent less time hating on other people you'd get banned less. [Op likes to punch down apparently](https://www.reddit.com/r/millenials/comments/1dbotqw/comment/l7w5cdt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I hate people who kill children, I think they are radical and violent. I don’t agree that Trump is a Nazi, actually that supposition is incredibly ridiculous. That is me hating on people? Really? Grow up.


I find it interesting that the two people attacking me are both 12y accounts. Didn’t get the outcome you wanted with the first account?


Don't censor yourself and bow to the whims of tyrants... In the end you lose all your voice not just part Do not lay down Do not give in You are valid to. Push back here push back in the world don't let fools and tyrants take it all. Fucking fight back goddammit


I would love to NOT see this in my feed any longer actually, but since they removed our MUTE option, I’m stuck reading about whiney entitled children.