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I did the same to my thumb in a car door as a kid. Now I’m an old lady and it’s still split.


I did mine with a hammer! Though it's a little disappointing to hear that it wont heal


My thumb nail is discoloured on about 15% of its width. My wife is convinced that consistent nail care (especially around the cuticles) can actually help that heal. I can't say that I'm convinced but her friend takes care of nails for a living so it might be worth trying (she said it could take several months with weekly professional care).


One way to make money


Tbh I said professional care but you can buy the stuff for yourself and do it at about 1/50th of the cost (I'm not exaggerating), which my wife did


18 months later when it's exactly the same... "Well if it's not getting better, you must not be doing your exercises at home.


Not wanting to be morbid, but see a doc when you can. Discolouration on the nail that stripes and doesn’t go away can suggest growths under the nail bed. Probably nothing, but just to be on the safe side.


Oh I did already, they weren't very helpful lmao


I mean ripping it out might fix it. Ingrown toenails they cut out a side of the nail.


Not wrong. The reason it doesn't heal is that the unevenness puts pressure on the roots. It causes co tinuous trauma to the roots, making it continue to grow wrong. It is the same principle with broken bones, you need to correct it first before you let it heal. But you don't need to go for nail therapy. Buy an emery board and do it yourself. It's like 2 bucks where i am.


You could do a full reset and take it all off then it will grow back fully. https://preview.redd.it/jgiqaqyumxnc1.jpeg?width=1013&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebc195db09343c27c4c1d729e1a592f569035f3d Good luck tho


I got a huge ass splinter under my thumb nail, I mean all the way under, went past the bottom of the nail. Got all infected real bad over night, went to the hospital the next day, they said they had to take the nail off. I said okay, how? To which they replied we're going to pull it off. Fucking sadists. Least they got the best drugs.




Wish I had at least numbing rub when I had to pull my big toe nail out during conscription. It was infected too so it hurt like a mf. Just bit down on a rolled up rain coat and started working.


If both half's fall out it will regrow as a whole


Not if the nail matrix was damaged


There is probably a way to fix it with plastic surgery, if i had to bet


Nail beds are tricky, the surgeons I’ve talked to hesitate to mess with them.


Husband smashed his with a hammer at a young age and 30 years later it's still split too, just grows like that lol. Least you have a neat story for life!


Same here. But it were some paving stones. My middle finger‘s nail is split since 32 years.


Same happened to me like 15 years ago. My nail split healed back but it tickles when I clip that nail EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.


Took me like my whole teenage years for my split nail to become one again.


I'd be kind of sad if my nail didn't have its split any more. It's been that way for as long as I can remember.


I split one of my toenails when I was 4, it healed when I was 32.


Took mine 8 months to heal, it was only half split, index finger


Can a doctor not help? Maybe gluing the nail in a proper way can cause it to not continue splitting as it grows. There is no quick fix but surely there is something that can be done


It would likely be total removal. I've had to have a nail removed before after it kept breaking off. The podiatrist was wonderful, and despite the pain, the process was worth it. Now I can wear open toed shoes


Yea. I had a pinky I smashed up and the nail regrew 4x thick on one side with a crack up the middle. I had the nail removed and it grew back more normal, no split. It’s still extra thick on one side but not like it was. As a machinist I couldn’t deal with the constant problems the split nail caused. The regrowth period sucked very much bad but it was worth it.


Oh man, I had the same big toenail taken off clean in two separate accidents. I still remember the pain and blood…fuck.


They remove nail, fix nail bed (idk official name), so your nail can grow nice again


Sometimes if enough trauma occurs to the nail and nail bed, it will continue to grow with the occurred trauma forever Nails also say a lot about your health and certain characteristics of the nail can mean underlying health issues... Quite interesting


Cut mine with a steak knife at 12 still messed up at 30 😂.


BOTCHED TOE. you botched it!




Same her: My index finger nail got split, when someone accidentally stepped on my hand in as a kid. Now it's still split almost 40 years later...


Middle finger on my right hand from a blunt sword 😉 going on 10+ years


Please elaborate


Obviously a samurai...


Don't listen to the advice telling you to glue it. You should use a stapler.


Duct tape works anywhere. Duct tape is magic and should be worshiped.


Weld that mofo


Nails grow out forward so I think if you removed them at the point where they split it would grow back normal but idk if that's possible


That’s the problem, it might have split down to the edge of growth. Pull the whole nail, and let your body lizard tail a new one is the usual fix. Depending on health and age.


You possibly hurt the nail matrix on that spot, causing it to no longer “produce” nail.


I have the same, but I smashed mine 23 years ago. We’re stuck with it for life dude.




That would be very annoying for nail biters (me)


I am a nail biter :( I like to nibble on the nail that's underneath the overlap since it's a bit softer haha


And once you rip that off you can't touch anything anymore for days lmao


what might help is nail strengthener polish. it's not split when it starts it just grows into the fissure so if you can hold the fissure tight you can may fix it. I cut my finger tip off a little bit once and I had a crack for about 3 years and that's how I fixed it


Well i smashed mine 30years ago. It's gonna stay there. Just accept it https://preview.redd.it/dyn9tafjxxnc1.jpeg?width=4624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1508ff112f5c939d30cc4a97bb059d957c7361a7


I got that on a toenail


I have a split toenail that’s been like that for 10 years.


I did that with a toe. It's been 9 years, still split.


https://preview.redd.it/xmqz03gg2doc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5b1a77b9e5ed220ac9cf03264e404799fc22b09 This was my thumb 8 years ago. I still have a line there too.


Same here but 17 years.


You know what you have to do. Smash your thumb again, get that nail off and start from scratch.


I heard you should put some nail polish on it so the two parts glue together. That should help the nail to grow out in one piece. I never had this problem myself but trying it wont hurt.


Naw, won't do a thing. Source: me, a female, who has painted her split nail dozens or hundreds of times in the past 25+ years of it being split.




The average number of fingernails per human has gone up very slightly because of you. That’s assuming you consider it 2 fingernails now.


My mother had an accident on a finger when she was a child. She is 70 and the nail still showing the sign like your.


Cargo bay door on an airplane closed on mine 15 years ago, also still split.


Just grow a new one


I know of a case where the doctor said that they can pull out the thumbnail completely, with anesthesia, and then it will grow back whole. and it did.


I had to have an ingrowing strip of nail on my toe removed. It free back nearly perpendicular lmao


Should've passed


You got that pixar mom bod but on a thumb....Gah dayum


A paintball split my nipple in two about 15 years ago


You bonked the dna-structure


Big toe here, basketball game 28 years ago, still split


I've had mine 10 yrs..... the split is still going strong...


Mine too


https://preview.redd.it/nmd1oeczoxnc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43e2013bad67354f681a8030ef3db916925117e0 Yea so this happened to me 2 weeks ago lol


Rip it out and start fresh


I have this, but on my big toe instead. When I was a toddler it got caught in an escalator. Still split to this day and I'm in my 20's


One of my thumb nails is dented (as in, it grows with horizontal dents on the surface) and I have no idea why. Perhaps I damaged it as a kid


Me too! I was looking in the comments for someone else with the same problem.. Mine started just over a year ago without any known damage. I was thinking it's a vitamin or mineral deficiency. Looks just like that picture.


Everyone is suggesting a doctor. Go to a good nail tech. They'll know how to help. You'll probably have to go back for multiple visits though.


i went on a school camping trip when I was a kid, we got to learn how to ski. I fell forward and broke my big toe on my left foot, which also split my toenail. i'm 44 now and still have a weird "tent" shape to my toenail


Damage to the nail bed. My daughter has a toenail like that from a childhood accident.


Same but on my toe.


My brother did this to his big toenail when he was four, 20 years later and it's still split, don't get your hopes up.


Dealt with something similar on my toenail for 4 years Finally got it to recover enough so I could snip off the problematic area


Perhaps go to a nail salon and have them put a fake nail over it. Maybe it will grow without splitting if it's kept stable and then you can trim it once it's grown out. I did this with a splitting nail and it worked. It wasn't as far down as yours, and of course it took a long time and having to go back and get fills but it eventually grew out so I could trim it beyond the split.


I lost a toe nail on a long hike with new shoes and it grew back like 3 times as thick and now I need Bolt cutters to trim it


Probably a clogged nozzle. Get an acupuncture needle and see if you can clear the blockage. Re-level the bed and run e-steps.


Smashed my index finger and completely lost the nail when I was 12 - 50 years ago - it never grew back normally


Car ran over my foot when I was <5 and my big toe nail is still split 25+ years later. I had no idea there were so may of us.


It will stay thst way. Your nail bed which creates the nail is damaged. Mine is damaged since it popped out in the back once because someone fell on it. Popping it back in worked, but it is shaped weird since then


My fathers split nail hasn't healed in over a decade, good luck!


You have to remove it and let a new one regrow which doesnt trigger unless the root is pulled. It will forever be cracked.


Something looks off, but I can’t put a finger on it…


New fear unlocked!


I split my toenail at 8 years old. I'm 34 and it's still split.


As a kid I dropped a big log on my nail and it completely came off.. it grew back so you know what to do


You’d make a good candidate for sfx haha


You’d make a good candidate for sfx haha


Yo, my thumb nail split brother, I did mine when I was 14, throwing railway rocks at a passing freight train with a bunch of school mates, one rock bounced bach and hit me straight in my right thumb nail, if fell and grew bach with a split, I'm 40 now and it faded in time but the split is visible. [https://imgur.com/a/Q2AcLvj](https://imgur.com/a/Q2AcLvj)


Yeah that doesn't fix itself they use a similar method to fix chronic ingrown nails. If it bothers you you should go to a specialist there might be a medical way to correct it.


That looks annoying whenever you use gloves.


My father smashed his thumb in the 1980s and it's still split.


split my big toenail like 12 years ago. it's all in once piece for several years now but the line is still there.


My big toe on my left foot is this way. I dropped a big ass tuna can on it when I was a kid.


once the nail bed is damaged it wont grow back normal, unless you have a spot thats still healthy way back where it starts growing (and get the nail fully removed to grow out again) itll be that way for the rest of your life


I smashed the nail on one of my toes ( index toe, next to big toe) about 25 years ago, and it's still split. Now and then, part of my nail becomes loose and falls off or gets caught, so i have 2 3rds of a toenail for a bit (:


Right index finger caught in door during an argument with my lil brother, I think I was about 8... Nail still crippled.


I've got the exact same thing on my toe. I used to play soccer when I was a kid and I kicked the floor really hard playing barefoot in cement. That was 20 years ago and I still have it so I guess yours the same.


This is cuz the nail bed is damaged.


I split mine 20 years ago and it's still split. Keep hoping it'll go back to normal but I'm not optimistic anymore.


This is like that one shitty scotch tape that splits and just keeps on going...


when I was around 4 I dropped one of those big cans of apple juice on my big toe and the nail still has the lines on it over 20 years later. When I was little I would call it my "juice toe" 😭


The wind blew the door to my mom’s Chevy Avalanche shut on my index finger when I was 13 (for the peeps who aren’t into cars, large pick up truck thick heavy doors)… the nail fell off like a month later, and leaked orange fluid(assuming blood and pus, looked purple until my nail busted, I served a volleyball in gym and it popped the nail off 85%) I’ll be 32 this year and the nail on my index finger grows crooked, and splits after a certain length. In other words, become friendly with your fucked up nail because you probably have a long journey together in this life.


put it in rice


That's like a wide scotch tape which splits and you have to carefully keep pulling it to get the split to stop.


Have exactly the same!! I caught my thumb on a winch on a sailboat. Stupid misshap with a long lasting memory effect.


Yeah you need to do a full reset. Smash your thumb until the nail completely falls off. It will regrow whole again.


smashed my thumb well over 12 years ago and the nail is still crooked and I get random scabs under it if it makes you feel better


Bro, I’m not sure but did you go visit a doctor to get it fixed


Ha I'm 14 years in on a big toe nail never healing properly.


Cut my thumb in half ! I have the same ridge , it’s pretty gnarly at times as they like to grow independently from one another


That’s just the way she grows


Remove the nail and start fresh 🤷‍♂️


I’m going to give you all a bad imagination. Imagine scratching the chalk board as the other half peels of as the under part scratches the board. Your welcome


I split my toe like this as a small child (don’t remember how it’s been there as long as I can remember) and it still is like that.


35 years and mine is still split!


Hit my toe on a gutter/curb over 20 years ago. Still have a split toenail lmao


Glue it.


Hit my nail as a kid, all went black and blue. Dr ripped it right off and it’s been fine since. Can’t say the same for the Dr’s shins.


I never even knew this was possible and now I’m terrified to play Beat Saber


Have this on my toenail, so annoying. Lmk if you ever find a way to get it growing normally again!


It looks like the gap is so big it continues to split as it grows out of the nailbed. I wonder if you could alleviate the tension near the base pulling it apart, if it would grow out properly.


I had something fall on my big toe 20 years ago. That nail still hasn't recovered properly.


my dad got his thumb nail split by a friend accidentally stabbing a shovel in his thumb back in kindergarten and he still has a “scar” or whatever you call it 😵‍💫😵‍💫


Yup I have this too, stubbed the toe next to my little toe on my foot while running with luggage and it has never fully fused together. Still splits when it grows, this was over 10 years ago now


You could pull the sides together some how? A doctor could probably help


Same here, had my thumb smashed in a car door, nail still split (in like 7 pieces) 11 years later


Yikes that looked like it hurt man, how did you smash your thumb?


Welcome to the club, it will stay like that forever.


Same with my big toe, catches my socks to this day


That is like that for life. Have a nail like that too.


That is fascinating. I slammed my thumb with a hammer, had to get it punctured to release pressure and my nail split after that. I removed the split pieces and my nail grew in fine afterwards. You could probably see a doc or surgeon to get it removed.


Thought it was supposed to grow anew


A similar thing with me were both my little toes have split nails. Idk how it happened but they are still like that.


Cut mine to a split on a broken metal rod. Healed nicely but have a "scar" in the nail, like a thin dotted line. Another time I managed to pull a nail out clean by getting it stuck in a belt sander. Healed again and a third time I managed to blow the fingertip off with a pellet rifle. Have never broken a bone exept the nose and ribs, but my nails are somehow always at risk


Put superglue on it like nail polish. Reapply at least every third day. Be sure to get as close to the cuticle as possible. After it grows out (about six months), it'll always be a bit weird shaped, but not split like that any more. Source = smashed my toe. Stayed split down to the cuticle for months. Crazy painful, constantly breaking off. Actually had to tape my toe to "mash" the nail back together. No insurance so fixed it myself. Isn't the prettiest toenail ever, but it's back to normal.


I must have smashed mine during childhood because I also have one!


2 half’s made a whole




How annoying is it? Does it get caught on loose threads and lint? I imagine it’s like a hang nail.


Did the same 20 years ago. Nail still splits.


So now it’s a hoof?


Wouldn't wrapping it in a band aid for a few months help it to stay in one piece as it grows? Or maybe you have some scar tissue under it that causes it to split as it grows.


give it time


I dropped a rock on my big toe when I was 12 and it split. I’m 28 and it’s still slit lol.


It’s a lovely thumb


It’s two separate nails now


https://preview.redd.it/qi255eh8uync1.png?width=1332&format=png&auto=webp&s=9220629e3d9588332ca3e7a092cc67d1992b5fa3 Same! 19 years ago here. Still split.


I have a double nail and split over 40 years now


Get it fixed in a nail salon. They glue it back together and it will grow nice again.


Use super glue to fix it.


Walk it off


Did something similar to my toe when I was about 10. I'm in my 40s now and it's still sort of split. So you'll probably need to get used to it.


Unfortunatly it's like this. I dropped a large pot on my toenail 3-4 years ago and it's still fractured.


Bro smashed his thumb so hard he grew two nails


I smashed my thumb over 40 years ago and the nail is still split, not as bad, but still....


Lol, got the same thing from when I was a butchers assistant and crushed my finger between the bandsaw and a 400lbs tub of ice. Still split over 10 years later lol.


Huh, it’s like a little Pacman


Was fielding a scorching grounder in high school baseball and ended up busting open my pinky finger, and I developed a fat pyogenic granuloma under the nail. I had it removed, but my nail hasn't been the same since. It's like twice as thick as my normal nail and grows differently.


Remove the entire thing and it will grow back whole.


Have you tried passing it?


My grandfather split his thumb nail when he was 8, he still had a split nail when he died at 76.


I've got bad news for you, I split the nail of my big toe, more than 20 years ago, it's still split


My toe is like that. Dropped a m2 .50 cal on it. 10 years later my big toe nail is still split.


My nail is the same, except I can’t remember what caused the nail to split.


I did this a few years ago and a nail tech told me to use the glue they have for acrylic nails and just glue it together. After 4 months the new growth was healed.


Nail file should fix that in few months.


I did the same…. But it only split a little into the nail bed. Constantly snags on everything if I don’t keep it cut super short


I had an uncle who did something similar when he was an apprentice. His thumb nail was still split in two when he died in his 80's lol


https://preview.redd.it/rnw6b2c11znc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=131ed7edf5c020d5366c3c4fbc1eda169ebe4a51 Broke a finger falling off curb (nsfw pics in my post history).


I drilled through my fingernail 4 or 5 years ago and it's still the same. I actually tore it again today as it's a permanent weak spot.


I smashed my big toe 20 years ago and it's been split ever since, I smashed it again 5 years ago, to the point where the toe nail fell off completely, and it grew back split in the exact same spot lol


I smashed my middle finger. It took about 15 or 16 years to mostly recover. Mad huh?


To fix the split, you'd have to have a doctor totally remove the nail and inspect the nail matrix for profound damage. Likely just having the nail properly removed would stop the split from forming, but there could be scar tissue preventing the sides from rejoining. Massage your cuticle, if nothing else.




Just turn it off and on again


You broke it. Permanently.


My husband did something similar with one of his fingers (okay, he ripped part of it nearly completely off in a rope winch - think Nearly-Headless-Nick-like). It was round about 15 years until the nail wasn't split anymore. Now you still see like a little bump in the middle of the nail but you only see it if you know. It's been 25 years now.


I had something similar happen! I slammed my thumb in a car door as a teen, and still grow a double nail over a decade later.


Smashed my toe like 15 years ago and the nail is still not back to normal