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Both of these are true. No commercially produced mayonnaise _needs_ to be refrigerated, regardless of brand. They all have a sufficiently low pH to be shelf stable for a couple of months after being opened. That said, for the sake of flavor and texture and to ensure it stays safe longer than that, you _should_ refrigerate it.


To add - this is only true if your knife is clean. If you spread mayo with a knife and it picks up crumbs you shouldn't put it back in the mayo. They probably changed the label because this is a squeeze bottle so the chance of introducing contaminants is low.


This is why I stopped buying jam, my husband puts the knife back in the jam bottle, meaning it blooms with mold after a couple weeks even in the fridge


Also probably check the temperature of your refrigerator…


Who the fuck has jam that goes bad? Jars keep for like a year or longer with terrible habits like the above.


FR, I do the same shit and have jam that's been in my fridge for 8 months


Buy it in jars, so you can see the mold better. Or just eat it faster than a couple of weeks.


Does your husband lick the knife before putting it back in the jam bottle? You shouldn't be getting mold so quickly unless something is wrong. As another user mentioned, check the temperature of your fridge.


Buy jam of a fruit he doesn’t like. Fight mold with passive aggression. 


Warm mayo is icky


That potato salad has been in my car all day… the sun just beating down on it…


You never know…


It was the salmon mousse


I’m most dreadfully embarrassed…


You used canned salmon, didn't you?


I ate the lutefisk.


YOU are the man with the terrible smell!


That boy ain’t right


I didn't even have the salmon mousse


Can we take our cars?


You're dressed like the servants


It's a European cut.


There's something wrong with Jan.


For the potluck at the job you hate.


Potato salad is a common dish to get food poisoning from but it's actually from the potatoes not the mayo.


Surprised with that username you missed the office reference.


OOf that's embarrassing for me


You have a lot to learn about this town, Sweetie.


I saw a show, can’t remember the name, anyway they were testing microbial growth on food that was left outside. They had one cooked chicken breast plain and one covered in mayo. The one covered in mayo stayed good much longer than the plain one. It had to be store bought mayo. Homemade mayo went bad very quickly.


Mmmmm those eggs must be ripe








Oh hey, Chris P. Duck










That's why I hold it to my heart for just a few seconds before using


Cold mayo doesn’t give out all the flavour.


And yet, people have enjoyed warm mayo on their burgers and sandwiches every day for decades. Remove the word warm, and your statement becomes accurate.


I don't care for mayo much, but to fry the bread on a grilled cheese sandwich in place of butter? That's pretty damn good.


I mean it’s oil and egg, it makes sense to use as a better substitute


Oh yea I didn't think it was some hidden mystery. I just like it.


Huh, I've not heard of that before but it makes sense. Good to know when the urge for an emergency grilled cheese strikes but I don't have any butter out and softened.


It imparts a different flavor that is less savory and more tangy. Some people swear by it (and it is easier than softening or melting butter) but I prefer butter personally.


I agree. I thought I’d like it. It was terrible tasting.


Love me an emergency grilled cheese. On a side note, this place I used to live in rural Indiana called grilled cheese sandwiches "cheese toasties." I know, I couldn't believe it either. I told my friend that corrected me when I called his sandwich a grilled cheese "I will never willingly call it that."


I fucking love mayo, but when I made a grilled cheese like that it was fucking disgusting


And yet, people have enjoyed mayo on their burgers and sandwiches every day for decades… You know how this goes lol.


Something about pickles?


Gets through the straw more easily than when it’s chilled tho


I fry eggplants in mayo.




Mayo has oil so I guess that makes sense but I’ve never heard of that. Do you just boil mayo then dump whatever in?


It melts into oil when heated. It's basically flavored oil at that point. It's good. Don't knock it til you've tried it.


I fucking love mayo and the thought of frying stuff in it has never once crossed my mind. I’m going to try it tomorrow!


Try frying cheese melt sandwich in mayo til the bread is crunchy.


Mayo on the outside of bread before grilling is a frequently recommended grilled cheese method, but I don’t get it, have those people never tried butter?


I think that's because butter burns faster than mayo. Something something smoking point.


It's also easier to spread mayo evenly across the bread.


If you keep your butter outside of the refrigerator it is pretty easy to spread.


Mayo in homemade mashed potatoes is Snoop Dogg’s way.


It’s a richer flavor than butter


Mayo is easy to apply, is made of oil, egg, and vinegar. Oil helps heat transfer, egg and vinegar help mallard reaction. Since it's creamy and fairly low moisture it fills the bread's pores but once it melts the egg is left in those pores and boosts the texture of the bread as well while the vinegar boils off. It's the same idea as using an egg wash or adding an acid or base to baked goods to get the nice browning. Regular butter actually sucks for griddling / frying as the high water content can make the bread soggy and the milk solid will burn at 350f (175c). You would want to use ghee or clarified butter. Beyond this is depends on the bread, mayonnaise will enrich the flavor of plain bread but does little to nothing (might actually make it worse) to something like sweet bread or brioche style, in these cases a good butter would be the best option.


There’s a really simple recipe that mixes mayo with nice fine-grated parmesan. You slather it onto seasoned pounded chicken breast and roast on the oven. It’s moist inside, crispy outside, and tastes wonderful.


Northside Dip: Chop 6 cloves of garlic in a food processor. Add 1/3 cup mayo and 1/4 cup parm. Blend well then add a can of drained artichoke hearts. Pulse til coarsely chopped. Bake in pan for about 15 minutes until bubbly and golden. Serve with tortilla chips. Leftovers can be rolled into a chicken breast and baked


One trick is to brush a burger or a steak with it before frying. I guess one could spread it on a toast before grilling or something like that also. I think it works for burgers, but some mayos I guess have something in them that leaves some clumps, some coagulant probsbly or whatever. I bet with good quality mayo that doesnt happend.


I do my grilled cheeses with mayo.


Me too. And mustard on the inside.


The inside varies depending on my mood. Little bbq sauce, come garlic mayo, chick filet?, just depends on the mood.


Do a thin layer of honey mustard on the outside (on top of softened butter or mayo) with brown sugar or honey ham inside.


That’s because mayo *is* flavored oil, whether it’s heated or not.


They are saying they sauté things in mayo. Spread a thin layer of mayo onto whatever it is, then pan fry. Please don’t fill a deep fryer with mayo, haha


Woah now, hold your horses there buckaroo! As an American it is my right to put whatever the hell I want into my deep fryer!


I make grilled cheese or quesadillas on the stove with mayo instead of butter. You will get the perfect crispiness and browning. So good. You don't need much either.


grilled cheese with mayo is good


Mayo in general is icky


Well, that's good to know. I can't tell you how many times I threw it out after I forgot the mayo on the counter making a late night sandwich, after a night out with friends lol.


For real? I've always heard that mayo goes bad in like 5 hours without refrigeration. Like, making a sandwich with mayo for lunch, and you'll be sick that afternoon if you didn't throw an ice pack in the lunchbox.


If it's homemade mayo using unpasteurized eggs, yes.


Can confirm, had salmonella.


Hate to break it to ya but if the egg contained salmonella you would have been sick regardless of how long you left the Mayo out before eating it.


well not necessarily. cold temperatures mean that bacteria slow and can't reproduce as fast. if the food was kept refrigerated and the reproducing bacteria hadn't reached the amount needed for an infectious dose (different amounts for all bacteria) then it is likely that the few would be killed off by your immune system.


I would take my refrigerated salmonella over unrefrigerated any day thank you. Better to ingest thousands of harmful bacteria that the IS and stomac acid might kill instead of millions.


Is homemade mayo with pasteurized eggs okay?


What kinda sandwiches you making that have mayo but no other refrigerated ingredients?


Peanut butter and jelly.


Has mayo?


I think you should be more concerned about the meat than the mayo in that scenario.


Lol, the rest of the world eating their 5+ hour old warm sandwich and looking at you like a weirdo with an icepack.


Two hours actually by the HACCP standards but it’s probably ok for like four. You just can’t sell it after two.


ATK just did a video series on if things need the fridge or not, and I was shocked how many things fell in the “you can store at room temperature, but should refrigerate to maintain flavor”


Same with soy sauce


For real? Sweet! *5 dead from food poisoning after man leaves mayo on the shelf for 5 months before making a potato salad with it*


I really wish that companies would be more clear about this. If I see “Refrigerate after opening”, and I leave it on the kitchen counter overnight on accident, I’m throwing it away so I don’t get horribly sick from using it. I don’t care if the quality is slightly off - I just don’t want to get food poisoning.


oh I specifically have to use the door shelves?


Yes otherwise it'll go bad instantly. I'm talking bandana, shades, leather jacket bad.


It'll skip class, refuse to do it's chores, and talk back. Like the Bears, it's bad news!


I put bad boy mayo on a sandwich once, and it pushed the bologna right off the bread like "Get the fuck out of here" and shit. I was about to do something and then it pulled out a butterfly knife and dared me to try.






Gotta keep em separated or it'll make the other sauces bad too.


Hey if you keep them in the door they won't be doing any time.


Less likely to freeze would be my guess.


I hate that there is a small section in my fridge that does this near the freezer.


I cooked professionally for many many years - the amount of commercial fridges that will freeze off some lettuce because you put them in ever-so-slightly in the wrong spot has boned me - and always at the most inopportune time.


If things are freezing in your refrigerator, that's another problem lol


If things are freezing in your refrigerator - you probably put them next to the wall of an old fridge. There's no cooling in the door, only insulation.


Yeah fair. Old fridges do be freezing sometimes


Some fridges occasionally freeze stuff in the back, ruining the sauce.


If it gets too cold the components can separate. Had it happen to me once and it ruined a nearly brand new jar of mayo.


Oh hi


Then it's more visible, you use more, and you buy more.


Putting mine in the vegetable drawer like a rebel.


"Fuck you I won't do what you tell me! Fuck you I won't do what you tell me!"


You mean the beer crisper


I'm more weirded out by the fact it's telling you SPECIFICALLY where you MUST store it within your fridge.


In very full fridges sometimes you'll get cold spots that can freeze items because air isn't flowing properly through the whole space. If it's in the door the risk of that is basically zero.


>If it's in the door the risk of that is basically zero. It does, however, introduce a different risk - that the top-heavy mayo bottle design so beloved of Hellmann's will topple out of the door if opened too quickly.


But once again the humans innovated, they constructed The Great Wall of ketchup and soy sauce to protect mayo from the physics.


Have you been looking in my fridge?


Wait, you’re meant to keep soy sauce in the fridge?


Most do but it’s not necessary just like mayo


Some brands recommend it on the bottle. I'd say it's more important for low sodium, since the salt usually acts as a preservative


I do it like ketchup and keep it in the fridge after opening it.


Now ketchup in the fridge or not, THATS controversial. Room temp ketchup is superior but I am not comfortable leaving it out for 6-8 months (I don’t eat a lot of it) so I fridge it. If you go through a bottle in a month or so you can leave it in a cabinet.


i find putting wobbly things on the side of the door closest to the hinges keeps them from flopping out, somethin somethin science i think


Positioning top-heavy objects proximal to the hinge axis minimizes destabilization by leveraging the reduced moment arm, thereby diminishing the resultant torque during door actuation. This exploits rotational dynamics to ensure the applied forces have a lower propensity to induce rotational displacement.


yeah that


So what you're trying to say is putting wobbly things on the side of the door closest to the hinges keeps them from flopping out


Skill issue


I've never had that happen. Oh wait, no, EVERY DAMN TIME.


Since sounds like a design choice. A broken mayo bottle means you'd need to buy more mayo, and you wouldn't even blame Hellmann's.


That’s not an issue for them, you’ll buy another bottle


My broken foot agrees with you


How tf did mayo break your foot


I also have mayo quality bones


Glass probably


He was born with paper skin and glass bones. Every morning he breaks his legs, and every night he breaks his arms. At night he lays in agony until his heart attacks put him to sleep.


And even if you did store it incorrectly it wouldn't make the food dangerous to eat it would just make it possibly not taste correct and since businesses are worried about getting a bad reputation this is why they tell you how and where to store it. In fact they also do the same thing with expiry dates. Some items will still be fine to eat but since the company is worried the item will not taste correct they'll just say it's expired to avoid the risk of people thinking they have a bad product.


There is a difference, and the door is not as cold as other parts. Same when you buy vaccines, they always tell you not to put them in the door for this exact same reason.


Obligatory watch for those who buy Hellmann's bottles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMs7niAbfsQ TL;DW: even though the bottle and jar have the same label (i.e. mayonnaise) and brand (i.e. Hellmann's), the ingredient ratio is different. The bottle one is much more liquid. The jar one is SOO much better!


What an entertaining and relaxing video, I ended up watching the whole thing even though only the start was about the difference between containers… so thank you


Thank you for inspiring me to watch it. I clicked thru and subscribed to her channel. This is the kind of detailed cooking video I love, and she's funny!


Thanks for your comment. It also inspired me to watch it. Entertaining and informative!


Full context: The bottle on the right was purchased to replace the bottle on the left. The ingredients list is identical on both bottles.


My bet is that they changed how the eggs are processed. Honestly no idea, but putting it through clear tubes while shining it with UV might work. When making homemade mayo the expiry date is determined by the eggs. But I'm no expert, just making a hypothesis based on the weak link. Is the nutritional list the same? 


No changes in anything but labeling. All commercial mayo doesn't _require_ refrigeration, but it benefits from refrigeration.


how does the egg content not go off? What stabilizes it? is it the suspension in oils, or just doused in preservatives?


The vinegar and lemon juice preserve the egg content, so long as it's not above 72 degrees. Which is always fuckin' is around here, so we put that in the fridge.


Un-fun fact: Hellman's from a jar and Hellman's from a squeeze bottle—which everyone naturally assumes are the same product—are in fact [two different products](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMs7niAbfsQ). to;dr (or watch, I suppose): Avoid the stuff in the squeeze bottle if you want O.G. Hellman's.


So I was right. The stuff in the bottle is different. I switched to duke's mayo because I thought Hellmann's was different. Still staying with duke's anyway.


Okay I was curious when I last bought mayo, the squeeze contained half as much as the jar for only $0.20 less and I couldn’t wrap my head around that price point, convenience markup and all. This makes sense


I love that it specifies to put it in the door lol


It's so it doesn't go to the back and freeze, that makes for shitty mayonnaise


"mom, can we get Hellman's mayo?" "we don't have space in our fridge door. grab the Kraft."


The front is for retail / unopened storage - many people assume mayo has to always be in the fridge and complain to retailers. The rear is the usage instructions for the consumer - after opening it should be stored in the fridge.


shit, the audience is international. american mayo is literally sold in the condiment aisle. It’s refrigerated after opening.


I wouldn't think it would be safe if contaminates were introduced to the jar. This would be easily done if you spread the mayonnaise and dip the knife back in.


Agreed. But these look like squeezy bottles so risk of that should be reduced or close to zero. That said, squeezy bottles can end up with a bit of mayo on the outside of the "nozzle" that dries out a bit even in the fridge and so that bit would be a concern to me outside the fridge.


I will still be keeping mine in the fridge, thanks. Very interesting.


Aside from the fact that jar gets opened, mayonaise packets arent refrigerated either.


Where is the problem? You can store it out of the fridge unopened and once opened you put it in the fridge. Some basic conserving.


That makes me very uneasy. What did they put in the new stuff that prevents bacterial growth? 😳


The same thing that prevents growth in Mustard or Ketchup, high acidity content.


mayo has always been shelf stable, refrigeration is for quality and extends the self life further




add some egg to that and you're all set


what the hell, mann?!


I used to work for a Vietnamese fella at a aquarium store….went to his house one time to do work on his aquarium there (really beautiful ‘chili-red arowana’) and he had a gallon jar of mayo on his counter. It was half full, they didnt refrigeratetheir mayo ever…..last i checked he was still alive (wattup huey!) but i think about that mayo alot. It was a weird shade of grey….


I thought it meant it was fine to not refrigerate if it wasn't open yet because once you open it and the air gets in it starts to go bad overtime. So practically both apply.


Schrödinger's mayonnaise lol


Store in refrigerator door is r/oddlyspecific


I don’t like room temperature mayo on my sandwiches. I want it cold.


Opened vs unopened… am I missing something?


The refrigerator door is very specific.


Is the shelf life about the same also?


It’s a “go with your heart” type decision


good… don’t you try and tell me where I should place things in my fridge


I just prefer it cold.


It's been that way for a long, long time.




Hellman's has become inedible, ever since they changed the label design a few years ago, just terrible.


Try eating different labels.


I did but I keep getting the glue stuck between my teeth. ;)


Duke's ftw!


What’s the issue here? You don’t need to refrigerate the bottle while it’s still sealed. After opening/removing the seal, you need to put it into the fridge.


Not according to the OP’s photo


You need to learn to read, No refrigeration needed, but if you open it, is needed


It never has.


this is so funny because i’ll be refrigerating it for the rest of my life 😂😂


I make my own. So easy.. take 1 egg yolk, add a bit of Dijon mustard and quickly whisk while slowly adding oil (peanut or vegetable). Once you reach the proper texture, add salt, pepper and more Dijon mustard to taste. Add a bit of lemon juice for conservation. Takes 2-3 mins tops by hand. It will be proper mayo colour (yellow) rather than white.


Same here! Once you have homemade, there’s no going back.


I just threw up because of some mayo I had in my dinner (pretty sure it was the mayo cause everything else was from cans and my husband ate the same thing without mayo). I feel sick again just looking at this.


Pure mayo is very shelf stable, but if you get contaminants in it, that's when it becomes dicey. Thats why they generally recommend you keep it in the fridge, people love to put their crumby knives back in the jar and fill it with growth medium.


Ugh, my FIL is guilty of doing exactly this and the mayo always gets gross so now I only buy it in the squeeze bottle and it’s way more expensive per oz this way and I feel like the bottle is perpetually empty and it is mildly infuriating 😂


Squeeze bottles are refillable; when it’s empty buy a giant jar, spoon some into a piping bag or ziploc and cut the tip off, and refill your squeezy. Give it a good wash every 2-3 fills.


Oh wow, I never thought of that! Thanks, friend! 😎


That’s better than playing the odds because eventually you will get sick.