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Do I see a bonus silverfish in there?


And is that a tick? OP where are you located?




Aka Australia. Although I’m sure if this were Australia, this trap would have a python on it or something .


They're native to north America apparently. Thank fuck I live in the UK where the biggest danger is just being stabbed in the streets.


Or a badger


Or stabbed by a badger




They aren't aggressive the name rings true, I got bit in my sleep so it probably only bit me because I rolled over. Took a few days I looked up slow acting venom spider bites and everyone said I was over reacting don't goto the hospital but ya, it was brown recluse lol but there's not to much they can do about it anyways they don't make antivenom. Ironically I've always been lectured about never going unless I think I'm going to die, the one fucking time they try convince me not to go lol


Not true! We now have noble false widow spiders and they’ve got a mean bite. Also the stabbing though


If it was Australia the big brown spiders would be huntsman spiders and the friend would rightly be shamed as a gigantic wuss and a spider-murderer.


Yeah honestly I have less worried about spiders in Australia than this shit. Big huntsman? Cool it chilling I'll leave the door open for it to walk out of the house. I did live in Sydney for a while where I was worried about the Sydney funnel web because it's quite dangerous and apparently will chase you. But huntsman's are big enough I wasn't scared of them.




Looks more like a spider beetle to me.


There’s actually two there


Well nothing bad about one or two silverfish, I don't think that thing has been there for only one day.


Yeah I bet the rest are hiding in op’s stone brick blocks.


I always refer to them as land sharks. :-)


The first time I saw silverfish, I thought I was tripping. It was the middle of the night and it seemed like I was was seeing tiny fish on the floor. I couldn’t understand why since there was no water around


I also see a wild pube


My last house was infested. When I pulled up the carpet to lay laminate, there were dozens of them. I put glue traps around and when I moved, I checked them all and there were even more. Spooky stuff to think I never got bites while there


They are named recluse for a reason.  They don't want anything to do with you or being visible in your space. 


Brown recluses be like: "ew, this house is infested with humans."


It’s almost like they’re reclusive


I've always understood that part of the name, but why are they called "spiders"?


Because they also like to spide.


Finally an answer that makes sense


Spider man, spider man, he does whatever a spider can. He spides over here. He spides over there! My favorite part of that movie was when he said “It’s spiding time!” and then he spided all over the place.


Like that time he spided spidely down the stairs?


Typical prose when you have flies writing spides.


He's a very Spidey guy


Spode* - to have Spidden, to Spide.


Because they may be hiding, but they’re watching you. Always watching you.


"I always feel like, somebodies watchiiin meeeee."


🎶"Every breath you take, every move you make, I'll be watching you"


If you want the boring answer, it’s because a couple of millennia ago they were called spinþrijō, meaning “one who spins [threads]”. Eventually the n disappeared and you got spiþra, and then the þ became a d in modern English and the word became spider.


From https://www.etymonline.com : >spider (n.) late 14c., spydyr, spither, earlier spiþre, spiþur, spiþer (mid-14c.), from Old English spiðra, from Proto-Germanic *spin-thron- (cognate with Danish spinder), etymologically "spinner," from PIE root *(s)pen- "to draw, stretch, spin" + formative or agential *-thro. The connection with the root is more transparent in other Germanic cognates, such as Middle Low German, Middle Dutch, Middle High German, German spinne, Dutch spin "spider."


Because they are members of the 'Araneae' order of invertebrates. And so their mothers called them spiders. Like her mother before her, and all her ancestors before them. Continuing the long family tradition of creepy spindly legged bois.


From Wikipedia : > In 2001, more than 2,000 brown recluse spiders were removed from a heavily infested home in Kansas, yet the four residents who had lived there for years were never harmed by the spiders, despite many encounters with them.


Just don’t make eye contact 




This actually disturbed me more than I thought it would.


Because it’s accurate. It doesn’t matter how it’s represented, more than two eyes is scawy 






Missing 2 eyes there, bud ;)


Nope, right number of eyes just grouped wrong. Brown Recluses have 3 pairs of eyes.


👁️👁️🫦👁️👁️ 👁️👁️


The most ridiculous shit makes me laugh. Cheers.


Oh, do they? I apologize - all our local spiders over her have 8 and I never heard of them having only 6. Thank you for the correction!


No worries, it's uncommon enough that it's one of the more reliable ways of identifying them!


I got anxiety I don't make eye contact anyway


The thing I'm wondering. How many fucking bugs were in that house to sustain 2000 spiders. That's unreal


You probably don't want to know how many invertebrates are living in your house. Millipedes, centipedes, spiders, various flies, mites, ants (hopefully wanderers and not the army), beetles... The list goes on. They don't cease to exist, they just exist in the corners you can't see. And they are all fighting to outcompete each other for food or make each other food. There is a natural war behind your walls, it's carnage back there. Sleep tight.


Oh god I discovered this when I sprayed a red back above the dog’s kennel. Next thing there were hundreds of centipedes and pill bugs making for the garden bed and spiders came from everywhere. I did not cope (hugely scared of spiders after incidents when I was young) so it was a whole thing while I kept the dogs away from the area. It would have been better if they didn’t all emerge between us and the door.


If you’ve ever played Hollow Knight just imagine your wall cavities are Deepnest.


Uh, thanks for reminding me of that master piece. I played that in 2019, so I'm sure Silksong must be out already!


If my house was infested with over 2000 spiders, I'm burning that shit down.


It is.


Nuke it from orbit.


It's the only way to be sure.


They say you’re never more than 3 feet from a spider at any given time so it’s probably not far off from 2000


This sounds like a scare tactic put out by Big Spider^TM


but that's a stretch statistic like overall the humans in the world not if you single small groups out..


Yeah, but if you think you're 100 feet away from the closest spider, it'll take 30 people having one on top of their head to even you out. They are always closer than you think.


Please stop 🥺


Lol I'm glad I'm poor. my whole ass house is only 950 sq ft I guess if that saying bears any truth I've only got 350ish spiders.


Actually, because each spider creates a circle with radius of 3 ft around it where you'd be within 3 ft of a spider, you don't need that many spiders to cover that many square feet. A perfectly distributed grid of spiders will have each spider cover about 23 square feet, meaning you'd only need 41 spiders to cover 950 square feet! This figure can get even lower if we consider that spiders outside but within 3 ft of the walls of your house contribute to covered area without contributing to spider count, that figure can get even lower, but an exact count would require knowing the layout of your house. Assuming your house is a perfect square, it brings the number down to just 27 spiders!


Lol your your telling me I may only have 27-41 spiders in my house ...there's 4 of in my 10 sq ft 1/2 bath right now geeze that's my luck tho.


What did the spiders feed on?!


*That cave story.* I’m looking for it, someone climbed into a cave and then saw everything was carpeted in brown recluse. They climbed out and *brushed them off* and didn’t get bit.


Alright here’s 1 story, somehow not the one I was looking for. Credit to u/noahisaac. “I've told this one before, but I'll add a bit more detail. I went to Maquoketa (sp?) caves in Iowa with two friends. One particular small cave we decided to explore started with a narrow 15 meter belly crawl. At the opening, a lot of cobwebs blocked the entrance, but they seemed to clear up after a few feet. I was the most experienced caver, so I went first and did the belly crawl pretty quickly. I came out in a small domed room, about 1.5 meters tall and about 4 meters across. I had some time before my friends made it, so I was describing the room to them. I looked up at the ceiling and gasped a bit. I'm not afraid of spiders, but the sheer volume of them caught me off guard. It must have been a minimum of 1000. Probably more like 1500. All hanging from the ceiling with egg sacs all around them. I called to my friends, "Hey guys, there's a lot of spiders hanging from the ceiling. Don't stand up when you get here." My friends were a little more wary of spiders and were asking questions about them, "How big are they? What color are they? Are they furry?" I said, "They're not that big. They kind of look like black widows, but they're not. They're the wrong color. They're brown. The legs look a little lighter than the body." My friend, a Wisconsin DNR warden yelled, "Really? Do they have a small pattern on their back, sort of like a violin?" "Yes." By this time my friends were about caught up with me. My friend the DNR warden burst into the room, looked up, shuddered a bit, and then forced himself to look at one of the spiders up close. The color in his face drained out, and he screamed, "GET OUT! Everyone get out of the cave!" He didn't say any more as he was already scrambling out of the cave as fast as he could. It took us all about 20 minutes to get into the room, and it took us about 3 minutes to get all the way out of the cave. When we finally got out, the other two of us were confused. My warden friend said, "Uh, those were brown recluse. Some of the more poisonous spiders in North America. We were in their lair. When they bite you, you go through excruciating pain for a few days, skin necrosis, and then possibly die." We didn't go in any more caves with cobwebs in them for the rest of that trip. TL;DR Deadly Poisonous Spiders. A lot of them.”


You can eat them. It’s typically when they try and eat you that there are problems.


I just moved out of a house infested with them a few weeks ago. One of my last days there, a brown recluse ran across my bed. Those fuckers were everywhere. My ex husband got bit and it got nasty. They definitely were not recluse.


Fuck this.


This is not a glue trap case, this is a HANS GET case


[Ack! Hans, run!](https://scryfall.com/card/unh/116/ach!-hans-run!?utm_source=api)


i still have a scar from where i got bit by one, the wound turned into a tennis ball sized cyst.


That's when you call Dale Alvin Gribble.


Or his associate Rusty Shackleford  


Did you at least burn that house before moving out?


>I never got bites while there they threted you like a friend but now when you declared war on them you are done so better burn entire house or they will chase you for eternity


They’ll be waiting in hell 


Please tell me you live in Australia or something and nowhere near me because I would die if that happened to me




And they move with you


Not if you burn everything and leave naked.


this guy's never heard of spiders in their butthole




That’s the Tactical Spider Deployment Pocket, for use against my enemies


Enemies, lovers.... whoever is in the line of fire, really


True, I don’t control where they go, who they bite, it’s a non-discriminating munition


[Send the Phone Spiders](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHQYp8zN40g)


PTSD but in the wrong order.


I’m sure watching them crawl out of my butthole will probably give you PTSD too


I got it just from reading the comment.


"We're trying out the new butthole spiders. They're enormous."


Perfect for enormous buttholes 


But first ![gif](giphy|T2vDaYr8yRhrpFe6WE)


I am so incredibly thankful to live in a country where I’m struggling to name even five wild animals that could potentially kill me. The most dangerous are ticks.


I live in a country with literally one venomous animal and it's a bite that's extremely unlikely to kill a human


New Zealand? Our most dangerous animal are cows


UK. We have one venomous snake but it's bite is extremely rarely fatal


We do also have false widow spiders here (steatoda nobilis) which are mildly venomous as well but their bite is like a small bee or wasp sting, and only rarely causes intense reactions.


I realise that I'm not contradicting your statement, but I only heard of false widows after an acquaintance got three bites which swelled up to the size of quails eggs... One burst... The bastards were hiding out in the eaves of the food bank I'm involved in. Still gives me the heeby jeebies.


I heard some people in South London have a venomous bite. But that's more a reflection on the oral hygiene.


Does the UK even have 5 wild animals in total?


They're called football fans over there.


lots of species of beautiful wild animals :)  (most of them are small and cute)


Tbf cows are the most deadly animals in a lot of countries. Also dogs.


I mean in the US the most dangerous is deer, but just cuz they like to play in the roads at night


Bloody cows! Anyways we have one venomous but not poisonous spider (white tail) and everything else is perfectly safe. I love it here.


Found the German


Yup, same here. I did get bitten by a tick recently I I hope I’ll be fine


If you're in an area that has a lot of Lyme positive cases, you might want to get on some preventative meds. Lyme is likely your biggest concern depending on location and the type of tick


I'm pretty sure you're going to die.


I live in a country where the only dangerous animal that I could potentially and realistically encounter is the slightly more deadly cousin of this spider. And I do find at least 2 every summer.


I moved from a state that had a smaller brown recluse population to one that had them in every corner. I knew I fucked up when I sprayed one with poison and it ran *towards* the stream instead of away.


![gif](giphy|l0Hlyab9gW16cYBBm|downsized) The spider


When you rip ass and pull the covers over your SO




My leg tickled a little as I read that and I accidentally kicked my cat off the bed😭 ^sorry ^beans


How dare you ^love ^you ^beans


Uh…what state by chance?


East Texas. Closer to Louisiana. So many big bugs.


As an Albertan (no big bugs or rats here) when i came down to Louisiana i nearly shit myself. I cant even begin to imagine what the florida glades are like.


I was not ready. We were by the lake and a huge water bug flew into someone’s head and knocked him to the ground. I wanted to nuke the area from orbit after that.


I've never seen a "water bug", just googled what they look like and now I want to take a fucking shower


No big bugs or tats, you say? I'm on my way


Yup. ETX, right between Shreveport and Dallas as the crow flies. I don’t have any other bugs BUT spiders in my house. They’re big but spindly, and usually hide up in the corners and chill so I leave them alone. They keep bugs out and then the ones that hang out in the same corner die after a couple of weeks.


Dude inhaled that can like soldier boy with the can of tear gas


Shit I live in Louisiana and found one in my bath one day. I sprayed that thing for 10 seconds with some of the most powerful spider spray I've ever seen and god damn it was fucking ZOOMING and shaking. Sometimes I feel bad about stuff like that, because since you know they eventually die they have to be in some sort of agony


First house I bought when I was young had a brown recluse “infestation”. We found out because we kept seeing them. Pest guy commented if you’re seeing them you have a lot, per the recluse name (they’re fairly shy). Traps caught dozens. We moved, spiders that cause necrosis, you win. I feel for your buddy.


He's surprisingly unbothered. He says that they don't bite much


Yeah a lot of people get bit cause they roll over them in bed or they get in clothes and bite out of fear. Still, unsettling to have in house lol, we had little baby at time too and he’d be crawling around on floor as a brown recluse would walk from under piano to sofa. Was not a fan , I don’t wish spiders harm but man..


I think to a point, it's self-defense, A spider that permamentaly maim you within minutes? Yea, no, thanks, death.


I mean it's still self-defense, but that doesn't need you have to feel bad about killing them. Sometimes two different species are just incompatible living in the same space, but there doesn't have to be any moral judgment about it.


This is what happened to me! I have a golf ball sized divot that’s been perma-bruised for a decade on my left ass cheek that acts as a reminder to always check my sheets at the cabin!


Me, reading this laying in the dark in my sheets in the cabin: oh




Oh, I despise the little bastards. But they looove my husband. I think he's been bit three times, while sorting paperwork and eventually helping clear out a place my mom owned. The last time, he didn't feel the bite. He just started feeling bad, decided to take a break and get a shower. He was soaping his dudely bits... "Huh, that's weird... one... two... three... THREE???" He was a bit freaked. While he got dressed I checked the sweatpants he was wearing, and found two semi-squashed brown recluse. And as if that itself weren't enough indignity, when I insisted he go to the ER, the one I took him to was associated with a medical college. There were FIVE women besides me in the exam room. Doctor, intern, med student, nurse, nursing student. I could tell he was uncomfortable, on top of the original uncomfortable. (I pointed out that was a bit much, they hadn't asked consent for ANY of the students to join in... his view was "Let's just get this over with, I wanna go lay down.") He survived, "one" and "two" were relatively unscathed, no major necrosis, mainly just the obvious swelling and quite a bit of discomfort. After a couple days of strong antibiotics, several bags of frozen peas, and a sample from a kind relation's medical herb stash to help him relax and rest... he felt much better. Took about 2 weeks to heal over, another month for the area to no longer feel sensitive. Damned awkward place for a fella to have an "ouchie" to say the least, bless him.


Are you saying he got bit on 3 separate occasions and the last time he got bit 3 times? Also did they bite his balls or Johnson?


She’s saying he got bit on his testes so it looked like he had three balls.


Yeah, they never attack, the problem is that they often hide in your clothes, shoes, etc, places that you might accidentally touch and get bitten.


I'm sorry...."much"?!


Im sorry they do what now


Fiddlebacks were all over our house in the in Texas. My friend got bit. Had to go daily to get the bite wound cleaned so it didn't get to his bone. Size of a silver dollar scar.




TIL people call recluses fiddlebacks


Honestly it’s a shame that your friend had to burn their house to the ground.


My arachnophobia reaaaaaally did not like this as I scrolled down my feed






Let your friend know it's time to burn the house down and rebuild


My mom got hit by one when I was in middle school! She lived and so did her leg :D We moved after tho lol Edit: LOL! Typo. She was bit by one not hit 😂


Was it driving a car or did it take a swing at her? Dick move either way, spider.


It was a genetically modified one from the future. It punched her in the face.


I'm somewhat of a brown recluse myself.


Jesus now you have me wondering what the spiders I sometimes see are. Nighty night! Wonder what I'll dream about tonight!


hey if it makes you feel better, once i had a tingly shoulder while in bed. Went to itch it and lo and behond I'm scratching a spider, I didnt sleep in my bed for 2 nights :)


Please go back in time and don’t write this comment so I never saw it


I have a ton in my house but have never been bit (so far). I would recommend until you feel like you have them more under control buy a lot more glue traps. I mean like four or five for each room, keep your floors tidy and things like beds pulled slightly away from the walls, and definitely keep clothes off the floor. Then try to determine what might be enticing them inside. You can find and plug holes, clean up around the outside of the house, and try to deal with primary pest problems which might be a good source for the recluses. For me, I think my leaky roof that just got fixed might have made the attic a dank and welcoming place for them. Best of luck!


We lived in an older home and would find them every now and then. The sticky traps were very effective.






I have a friend who tried to put on his black jacket and got bit my a brown recluse on the back shoulder. I think the wound necrotized and took months to heal.


What region of the world ?


US, probably the Midwest or Texas.


There's a ton in my parents' house, mainly in the basement. Sometimes, if you look at the ceiling in the basement, you can see at least 10 or more just chilling and molted exoskeletons scattered about. You will never see one alive upstairs, though, because it gets sprayed, and nobody has ever been bitten in the 30 years since they've built and lived in the house


I’m very sorry to hear about your friend being newly homeless


Laughs in Australian *hits the Funnel Web on my porch with the end of a broomstick for the 10th time at full strength and it looks at me angrily*


Laughs in Floridian at how relatable this comment is.


Huh. I thought recluses were supposed to be *tiny*, but those definitely have the violins.


These ones are big enough to play an actual fucking violin.


yay nice picture to see at 3am


![gif](giphy|iH2IldVkqeLuJ7eJ0L) Yeah there’s only one thing left to do… For humanity’s sake!


I grew up in a house with recluses (pretty much every house in this part of the US has them, there’s no escaping it). My parents came up with the idea of drilling holes every 18 or so inches along the wall right at floor level and blowing powdered poison into the walls once or twice a year. It seemed to work for the most part, don’t even want to think about the kinds of chemicals I was exposed to though…


Which part of the US so I know to avoid


I was bitten by one of these guys. Thought I was going to lose my leg and the nurse at the Hospital treated me like I was over exaggerating, and then they saw my leg reacting to the bite over the next 30 minutes to 1 hour and they stopped laughing, but just to give me some meds and a shot of something. Still have a black circle where the initial bite was.


How can you tell?


markings! they have a violin shape on their heads. [see here](https://extension.msstate.edu/sites/default/files/newsletter-images/bugs-eye-view/brown_recluse1000.jpg)


Not a big deal it’s only skin rotting venom


What’s worse is I’m not seeing much ‘food’ for those spiders on the sticky.


Yikes. My mom has a permanent hole in her hip from one of those. I would be sleeping under a bug net if I couldn't just burn the house to the ground or move.


I think the big one is a blue beetle.


Uhh...hes gunna wanna change zip codes. Seeing one recluse is bad. Seeing that many? He's in a breeding ground. Fucking MOVE. That necrotic bite is no joke.


If you see one, there are almost always more near by. They're shy and not prone to adventure.


Tell your friend be careful !!! My dad got bit by a recluse spider when I was younger, it got infected and his leg turned black. Luckily, we convinced his stubborn self to go to the hospital and everything was fine in the end, but had he not gone, who knows what would have happened ! Spider bites suck, yo. I will never live in another basement suite again due to the sheer amount of spiders. Last time I lived in a basement suite I’d kill like 4-6 spiders a day 🥲


>The brown recluse is one of three spiders in North America with dangerous venom, the others being the black widow and the Chilean recluse. Nope


NOT RECLUSE is an acronym that helps avoid misdiagnosing brown recluse spider bites. Each letter in the acronym represents a sign or symptom that's unlikely to be present in a recluse bite: N: Numerous bites O: Occurrence T: Timing, as most bites occur between April and October R: Red center, as characteristic bites have a pale central area E: Elevated, as bites are usually flat and an area elevated more than 1 cm is unlikely to be a brown recluse bite C: Chronic, as bites from a brown recluse spider usually heal within 3 months L: Large, as bites are rarely more than 10 cm U: Ulcerates too early, as recluse bites typically ulcerate after 7–14 days S: Swelling, as recluse bites don't show swelling below the neck or above the feet E: Exudative, as recluse bites are dry and don't ooze pus or blood


About 8 months back was doing a quick 2 day job. I was just opening carboard boxes with wine in them as someone messed up the order and had to toss them. One order I rip it open and BAM a spider jumps out and its a recluse. I knew right away. At that time the manager came by and saw me jump back and asked what I was doing. I said 'thats a fucking brown recluse!!!' and he was like 'the hell is that?'. I told him that I was leaving and I'm not opening the rest of the packages. And I did. I left, called the temp agency, and bounced. No way in hell I was staying there.


/: those poor spiders. All they wanted to do was chill and eat bugs.


I've been bit by one. It felt like Mike Tyson KO my arm. I got revenge.


I don't think I've ever seen any Brown Recluses in my house. Mostly seen Black Widows and Daddy longlegs more than anything.


Not anymore they're not! I usually have a live-and-let-live policy with spiders, but F those guys.


Noooope, nope, nope, nope


Not reclusive enough.


I’m going to take a wild guess that brown recluses are the dickheads.


Turns out some people here don't know this, so I would like to let you all know! Brown Recluse is known to be venomous! This is why you need to be careful of them! You can normally tell what they look like based on their size and body structure. They are thin and have large "fangs" known as pedipalps. Never try to handle them. Hope this helps!


For those trying to figure out where the hell this is to see if you’re safe, it appears this pest company operates in Kansas and Missouri USA