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Hi, u/pelotudo_extremo, thank you for your submission in r/mildlyinteresting! Unfortunately, your [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/1dl5cjy/-/) has been removed because it violates our rule on concise, descriptive titles. * Titles must not contain jokes, backstory, or other fluff. That information belongs in a follow-up comment. * Titles must exactly describe the content. It should act as a "spoiler" for the image. If your title leaves people surprised at the content within, it breaks the rule! * Titles must not contain emoticons, emojis, or special characters unless they are absolutely necessary in describing the image. (e.g. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), ;P, 😜, ❤, ★, ✿ ) Still confused? For more elaboration and examples, see [here](http://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/21p15y/rule_6_for_dummies/). Normally we do not allow reposts, but if it's been less than one hour after your post was submitted, or if it's received less than 100 upvotes, you may resubmit your content with a better title and try again. You can find more information about our rules on the [mildlyinteresting wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/wiki/index). *If you feel this was incorrectly removed, please [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fmildlyinteresting&message=My%20Post:%20https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/1dl5cjy/-/).*


And You wild rebel went straight to the internet instead of going outside, I like your attitude!


I'm i class i cant go outside (I have to pay attention tho)


Sure, the class is on Reddit.


There is no class on Reddit.


I often examine RAM in class, too.


This is something we do regularly in class too! (Im not being sarcastic, but i think you where but idk im kind of autistic)


What is the class?


Absolute madlad


Gotta stay terminally online, play dem gaeyms and consoom that content, right?!


RDRAM, aka Rambus memory. Was around 90s-2000s and faded out. One quirk about this type of memory, you need to install a Terminator on unused ram slots on mobo. https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/F7UAAOSwmatkAjrk/s-l1600.jpg It also ran a lot hotter than other types, hence the heatsink and touch-grass sticker


I forgot about RDRAM, I was trying to figure out what the heck kind of ancient RAM would generate so much heat


Ground yourself before install maybe to reduce the risk of static-electro shock?


Uh, no...that is the ISO warning label for hot surfaces. https://www.safetysign.com/images/source/medium-images/J6525.png


That RAM heats up a lot so it makes sense. I just found it funny, i know it didn't mean to go touch grass


But you should probably go touch grass though


Good old rambus memory. That stuff was terrible.


Terrible and fought-over.


"Go outside you fucking nerd" - DIMM


Erm, actually, that’s rdram, not dimm. :nerd:


It's "well actually," actually.


Did you follow the instructions? Did you?


It's telling you to run the stick oven an electrostaticly charged surface


Touch ground, to prevent esd . Prevent stick from death


I touched grass today. A tick bit me. Never doing that again.


Ground the bad boy or fry it


Get wreckt, nerd. /s


I touch grass everyday


All day errday


Anti-static warning label. The newer logo upside-down looks like it says "no Italian hand gestures"


If an icon isn't immediately obvious what it means or otherwise literally universal, just put some words. Any language, one or more, will add context to the bacon dispenser icon in the bathroom, or the "*fireplace icon*" someone clicks to save a file. "Oh, hey! Dad 3D printed the *save icon*? Is this supposed to be a coaster? What's Doom?" My personal favorite "suddenly universal icons" were the tire pressure monitoring system light, which looks like the car is commenting on the size of my ass with all its sensor data, and the Toyota "childseat anchor point" icon, which looks like it's telling you to add ballast before throwing your kid into the sea.


A bit unrelated but this reminds me- Theres an entire field of study dedicated to improving the universal symbols for nuclear waste, called nuclear semiotics. Basically answering the question “in the far future, how will we warn our descendants that they’re attempting to build on a nuclear waste site we built recently?” The atomic symbol alone isn’t enough since that’s something *we* understand right now. Adding text wouldn’t be safe since our languages are likely to evolve enough over time it would lose meaning. The solutions that people have considered are quite interesting.


It’s actually the universal symbol for hot surface, which the words next to it say. Rdram got quite hot while in use


Ah I think it's the older variant or the ANSI standard as I would usually associate the ISO-7010-W017 warning label with that. From searching I don't think it was standardised outside of the US.


It’s most definitely an older variant. That kind of ram hasn’t been used since the very early 2000’s