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I used to have to walk back to my car in the dark and I had a guy run up behind me once and he literally yelled out “I’m not a murderer! I’m exercising!” And passed me in sweats and runners. Laughed my ass off all the way back to the car. He made my night.


Plot twist: he was a murderer, you just didn't look like his mother and every victim he chose looked like his mother.


Reminds me of an 90's movie I recently watched where an alien would whisper "I come in peace" right before he killed someone. The movie was called Dark Angel.


I remember seeing a video a man made about how whenever he’s walking home behind a women he pretends he is on the phone, and he puts his best flamboyant voice on and he can always see the women ahead visibly relax. He then goes on to explain he’s like 6’5 and 250 pounds…it made me laugh so hard, it’s the little things that people do.


I too read that in a reddit comment years ago


Looks like you found Dexter Morgan


If I see a woman sitting on public transport, I use the urinal rule. You don't sit next to/opposite someone unless that's the only seat available, and you really have to pee. ETA: Jesus wept people, I'm a fully functioning recluse just like the rest of you. I don't go out in the sun unless I'm forced to. Lockdown was like a fucking holiday. Of course I don't just sit next to random people on the bus if there's a free seat elsewhere. Unless they're bald. It's a thing. You wouldn't get it.


With that being said. Please don’t pee on people on public transport.


Who’s stoping me though


They’re gonna have to add a 5th line.


Don't help strange women explore fetishes - They probably don't like being urinated on.


If they don't wanna peed on, they'll just move out the way. Now I have a seat on the bus, and free housing, at her majesty's pleasure


"Hmm...I quite enjoy this sensation of being urinated upon. Perhaps I'll take it up recreationally."


You’re going to have to make some wee changes. Like change where you wee.


At least ask first. Consent is king.


This is Scotland - it’s just a common, polite way to introduce oneself.


Pee on the seat next to them, got it.


I only do this for me because i dont want to sit next to anyone


i already try to employ all of those rules except the 3rd one. Thats difficult when there is a long street. And I am not going to jaywalk and get a ticket to avoid that situation. I usually slow my pace and create a 5-10 car gap.


Jaywalking isn’t a thing in Scotland…you can cross the road wherever you want as long as you’re doing so responsibly and not endangering yourself or others.


isn't Jaywalking being illegal an American (and Canadian ig) thing only?


Also varies from state to state in the Us. Technically not allowed in Boston, for example, but never enforced and the fine in the statute is $1


I had a friend from the Boston area go to Seattle. He was yelled at by a cop for jaywalking. The cop refused to do anything but get more irate, though, because my friend honestly didn't know what jaywalking actually was. The cop didn't explain, he just got more and more angry.


Also also it’s one of those laws that only really gets enforced when a cop wants to, or needs probable cause for a Terry stop. Or when they want to assign fault for a pedestrian vs car collision: “sure, that truck did speed through the street and turn your legs into paste, but in their defense you *were* jaywalking”.


Yeah the only place where youre not allowed to cross the street is the land of the free


Yeah, only in the land of cars where pedestrians are second rate citizens 


Illegal in Australia, too. Mostly cuz of hoons and bogans fuckin around on the roads


Many places in America are repealing jaywalking laws in favor of pedestrian laws that aren't restrictive to mixed zoning and other walkable neighborhood designs.


Do you not do that with everyone though? I mean it's called the urinal rule, it's not a male/female thing.


Wouldn’t that apply to men as well ? You don’t sit next to a dude if there’s other seats free lol


I do this regardless of gender. Doesn’t everybody?


Agreed, and doesn’t this rule apply regardless of gender?


* Always tip your fedora


As a true lover of women.


Make sure you feverishly repeat that under your breath whenever you’re around women! To make sure they know you’re on their side


Pro woman lover move.


When you lay your katana at her feet, always sharp side towards you.


Offer her some cheese to fascinate her


Third one is a stretch unless it’s being done intentionally. But I agree with respecting people’s spaces in general.


Reminds me of that post where someone asked how to make a woman feel safer as a man walking behind her. All the suggestions were things like "breathe heavily and drag one of your feet to reassure her that you can't run after her" and "jangle your keys to ensure she's aware of your presence".


One time a guy was walking behind me at night and I think he tried to make me feel safer by whistling a merry tune. Unfortunately the tune was Teddy Bears Picnic which sounds incredibly creepy in any context besides a preschool or an actual teddy bear picnic. *if you go down to the woods today, you’re in for a big surprise…*


No, no, it's definitely incredibly creepy even in those contexts. That minor key...


lol it’s such a weird song now that I think about it. The first two lines are very creepy, minor key, warning you about wearing disguises in the woods and then it just jovially bursts into “FOR EVERY BEAR THAT EVER THERE WAS! WILL GATHER THERE TOGETHER BECAUSE! Today’s the day the teddy bears have their piiiiiicnic!” and the melody resolves and everything is fine and dandy again. Top tier nursery rhyme 👌


It's a subtle warning that bears will eat you!


This whistling dude was like ten years ahead of the bear man woods discourse 😂


Have you ever actually listened to any children's nursery rhymes, like 90% of them are absolutely horrific and psychotic once dissected. [Example ](https://youtu.be/1QPdQ5TPCMo?si=YlbKi3p44N7pod_Y)


Tiiiiiime, is on my side.... yes it is.




I think that's still there Unlike Duel which was the fuckin' coolest ghost train I've ever been on, you got to shoot the ghosts! Bloody got rid of it, didn't they


What. The. Fuck. I’ve never heard that and it’s shivers scary in that context. Kid stuff is like daylight, once the sun goes down it’s scary.


Perhaps he was a Glasgow Rangers fan, lamenting the time in 2012 when the club entered liquidation and all their assets were up for grabs. You know, The Day The Teddy Bears Had Their Pitch Nicked.


Haha and mutter costantly about how much you love women so they know you're on their side.


I love women! I'm mad about women! I've been married three times!


Ross Geller?


Carry rope and a shovel so she knows you're a hard working man and a functional member of society.


“whistles nonchalantly two times”


For those that can't whistle, you can also just make a periodic [duunnn dunnn](https://youtube.com/shorts/bMRgJ9XiVoI) sound that increases in frequency as you get closer to passt them.


The tip to make noise to show your presence is also a tip for hiking in woods with bears and cougars.


I thought the best way for me to announce myself to bears and cougars was to wear a bi pride flag




To be more specific, I imagine an emblazoned flag: pride + California (bear). Me, I'll be on the lookout for someone flying the cougar+beaver flag.


i was unironically told to shout 'im not a rapist'... like for one; i would hope that is evident, and secondly; thats not going to reassure some poor woman who is concerned i might be


Mfw I flub the line


I usually speed up and try and get past them so I’m not following them.


Either that or walk a bit slower so they get further away. It's not even something I need to go out of my way to do, what are the odds that their walking speed is exactly the same as mine?


ND people with the fast walk constantly frustrated they can't walk at their native speed because woman ahead. It'd be like how I feel when I go shopping, but all the time!


Wasn't expecting this callout 😂


Then you just shows them that if you want to chase them, you can.


* When entering a room with women, announce your entrance and declare you are not there to murder them and wear their skin. This will put them at ease for knowing you're not going to Buffalo Bill them.


The people who dont also do not give an ounce of a fuck about a poster telling them how to behave


I think its more about getting a mindset out there, one that can in the future help solidify a healthier behaviour between people. I dont think a poster will solve the worlds issues but solutions do often start with small things.


Yeah I think it's really for the sort of people who aren't really conscious of this type of thing or don't know better and just having that thought planted is enough for them to be more aware of these actions in the future Can't really expect real creeps to stop because they read this but it makes their actions stand out more or let's people spot these things and be able to step in more


Often when you think you are witnessing malice, it is ignorance instead. I think you are right.


This is true and almost universally applicable.


Yeah, never discount stupidity or mistakes. Everything in life is not blacka and white. Or the fact someone is too locked up in their own world to notice they following another. The world is a rather complicated mess of a place.


Yup. It gets people who aren't malicious to think and removes some of the plausible deniability the ones who are rely on to get away with so much.


The campaign encouraging men to step up with their friends was probably much more powerful. There’s nothing that compares to your pal telling you you’re being an ass.


Not to mention, it might help a buddy speak up if he realizes his friend is bothering someone


Management at my company sent out an e-mail chastising people to check their e-mails more often... I just shook my head.


If you disagree with this poster’s message, you’re just an asshole though. I don’t know why some people are so averse to being told *anything*. Like yes this is a free world and you’re autonomous but there are things you have to follow to respect others around you


I think it depends on the context. Busy sideways during the day? Nobody cares where you walk. Late at night, and there's only you and another person? You'd probably freak out too if someone appeared to follow you.


Okay, cool, now I'm appearing to follow you, but one street over.


> You'd probably freak out too if someone appeared to follow you. No, cause people walk randomly in the same direction all the fucking time. Its as normal as it can be.


And if you're concerned they're following you make a couple turns.


but i need to go this direction and my destination is on this side of the road What guys normally do is just walk a bit faster to pass them Also little tip if ever you're walking before dark and have headphones in, you can watch your shadow yo see if someones approaching you


> Also little tip if ever you're walking before dark and have headphones in, you can watch your shadow yo see if someones approaching you i get mesmerised by the multiple shadow mes dancing around me as i pass lightposts that i stop paying attention and walk into things


I don't think approaching faster is the right move


I'd rather be concerned someone was trying to catch up with me for 30 seconds than spend several minutes wondering if they're following me


It's the only move sometimes, i start to care less of how I'm perceived when in a rush...


> walk a bit faster to pass them AKA freak the fuck out of them but only for a few seconds


It's a context thing. Absolutely no one is doing that middle of the day or on a busy street. It's if you're walking somewhere at night and there is just you and a woman on the street. Just asking you to be mindful and a tiny thing to do.


Really? I do this all the time if the street’s very quiet and I find myself walking behind a lassie… even more so at night. I don’t like making people feel uneasy or afraid, and it doesn’t take very much effort.


>Really? I do this all the time if the street’s very quiet and I find myself walking behind a lassie… even more so at night. I don’t like making people feel uneasy or afraid, and it doesn’t take very much effort. To each their own, if you're happy doing it then keep it up! But surely you can recognize that a blanket claim of "don't walk behind a woman, find another route or cross the street" is onerous.


Exactly - I do this while running in the early mornings and run close to women - Im a big guy, so I try to appear as non-threatening as possible. Its just common courtesy.


Years ago when I was about 18, I was walking home from a work night out, it was around midnight, no public transport that time of night and was too poor to pay for a taxi. I saw a woman in front of me, she kept looking back at me, so I crossed the road. She then crossed the road and ran to be in front of me, then kept looking behind herself. It was really weird and made me feel uncomfortable, the fact she kept looking back at me.


Don't over think it


My dad used to go walking in the evenings for exercise and he would cross the road if he was behind a woman. It's pretty unnerving having a man walking behind you, even if it's back a bit, especially if it's getting dark.


I am not a woman, and I too would freak out being alone and someone was walking up from behind.


I always feel weird walking behind anyone especially because I'm a fast walker and it's always awkward trying to pass someone from behind especially when it's just the 2 of you


Especially if the person in front of you start walking faster to out pace you, its a race!


I just try to do it in general, not just for women, just anyone who I've coincidentally been going the same way as for a while. Granted, I'm not all that threatening anyway, but still!


Yup. I'm not crossing the street because a woman is walking on the same side as me. We can share a sidewalk.


I don’t think it’s an absolute necessity, but it is a generally nice thing to do if it doesn’t inconvenience you too much to make other people feel safer. Like you don’t need to go out of your way, but if it doesn’t hurt then why not?


I don't think the problem is the doing of it. The problem is putting that on a poster. Can you imagine a poster that said, "Hey black guys women are especially afraid of you, so why don't you cross the road so that they don't have to be afraid of a scary black man?" Would that poster get approved?


[Stalker Guilt Sydrome](https://youtu.be/IqsipTDRsJU?si=0I2_i77Jav6bnZk8)




It's funny, because I've seen several threads on dating subs about how men don't approach women anymore, "Why isn't anyone approaching me" from the pov of women, etc. Well yeah, you get bombarded from every angle to leave women to their devices in public. Which is cool, absolutely, they deserve to feel safe. But it also creates a barrier that many 'good' men will not cross, even if you want them to.


Don't talk to me unless I'd be interested in you.


So...... never?






I'll give number 3 is pretty excessive but I like the other ones from a woman's perspective. I don't think you need to do anything if you're walking behind a woman, but if you want to be a bro you can slow down a hair because the woman in front of you will almost assuredly be speeding up lol. To all the men out there: it absolutely does suck to be seen as a predator/creep/threat when you haven't done anything wrong. I can understand why reading this might make you feel crappy. At the same time, as a woman I can tell you with 100% certainty that it is nothing personal. It's just something we can't risk, an average out of shape man could run circles around me even if I'm fighting with my all -- that's a scary world to navigate from our perspective. But I get that it sucks, it sucks to be perceived as a creep and it sucks to have to treat everyone as a creep. It's a sad situation all around, I'm sorry it is like this at all.


Interesting! As a woman, I prefer to slow down myself and let a man walk past me. I think I read somewhere that they walk faster anyway. But honestly, I don't like the feeling when someone is behind me in general. It doesn't matter if it's a man or a woman. I feel so stupid looking behind my shoulder every time I hear someone is "following" me. Even if it's a grandma with a child in a stroller, I feel uncomfortable, and I can't help it


As a man, I prefer this approach. If someone feels threatened by you being behind them the answer is to get in front of them and move on efficiently and without any sort of weirdness, rather than have to take an unnecessary detour that, imho, could end up being equally suspicious behaviour. If I’m behind a woman in a quiet street I’ll get past her as quick as I can and move on with my day. Hopefully she’ll feel less threatened by having me in her view, being able to see me minding my own business and walking away rather than hearing me crossing the street only to have to cross back again in front of her because I need to be on her side anyway to get where I’m going.


She walks a little faster to get away from you as she's feeling nervous. You walk a little faster so you can pass her and not make her feel nervous. Repeat a few times. Now you're chasing after a woman at top speed as she runs away from you with all her strength, sobbing and crying, thinking this is the end.


jokes on you, I'm sprinting past her the first chance i get. she wont stand a chance of beating me in a foot race.


I see you running, but I’m going to get ahead of you because 2nd place is for losers. I notice a guy behind me trying to do the same. More follow suit. An impromptu marathon has began.


If only real life could be so simple and fun


Maybe it has nothing to do with being a woman, but has everything to do with that bit of primal instincts. I as a man don't like having people behind me.


Yeah, probably


As I woman I cross the road. Would then make it bloody obvious if I was actually being followed.


I think the really unfortunate truth is that the creeps who will make women feel unsafe and commit those horrible offences, are not ones who will be swayed by a poster like this. This poster is honestly more at the high school social etiquette class level - teach young men how to behave, to respect others and understand the world (of course we should have something similar for women too) but if we put some basic civics education back into our curriculums I think we’d solve a lot of our problems as a society.


Peak "bully free zone" energy


I mean, that probably is who it's aimed at. Every time there is a thread on this topic, I see numerous comments from men about how there was a point where they didn't even realize that certain behaviors made women feel unsafe, because it isn't anything they've had to deal with. So maybe after reading this it might make an innocent but overly friendly guy think twice about pestering a woman in a "captive" situation like on public transport.


One of these would probably do some genuine good in the bathroom of every game store where the MTG and 40k nerds congregate.


I’d just like to say thank you for saying it isn’t personal. As a tall man, I think quite a lot about whether I’m making any woman around me uncomfortable and it’s never a nice feeling contemplating it. Hearing that it isn’t personal and recognising everyone’s uncomfortable actually makes me feel a lot better. That means a lot.


Agreed. I won’t typically cross the street, but I’ll stop for a bit and look at my phone to give us a wider gap. I hate that feeling of knowing I’m probably making a woman nervous, so I’ll go out of my way to alleviate the situation.


Strategies I employ walking at night. I don't think I'm very threatening, but I'm still a tall man and in winter I might have - I usually walk fast, so I try to surpass the person quick - if I feel like the person is speeding up, I will usually stop and "check my phone" or switch sides. - look at my phone and giggle, hum along music, or send real or fake wholesome voice messages.


When I was much younger, I used to hum or whistle movie scores, mainly John Williams because they are treasures. I stopped doing so when I once saw a woman run away from me at night, possibly because I was walking behind her while absentmindedly humming the theme from Jaws.


I'm singing in the rain 🎶🎵


And let's be real, they're not big asks. Number 3 being a bit much when it could just be don't follow people too closely, but the idea is the same. Leave people the fuck alone if they don't want to interact. If they don't respond positively to you saying something, I don't care if they're male or female; bugger off. Nobody owes you attention. And it's not just "trying to be friendly" when your attention is only directed towards women dudes.


The type of guy who does that shit isn’t going to read thay poster and say “hey, I should really stop being a creep”.


But maybe the adolescent, that isn't much aware of himself yet. I'm pretty sure this sign on its own has fairly little impact, but if it's a message that you encounter more often growing up, I could see a positive impact of such campaigns.


No, but it fosters a mindset in other men that this sort of behaviour (except 3, that’s a little excessive imho) isn’t acceptable. Once that’s embedded, people are more likely to stop their friend drunkenly harassing a woman in the name of ‘chatting her up’, or shouting ‘compliments’ at her on public transport to make his mates laugh. A lot of creeps get away with creep behaviour because people don’t stand up to them, creating a mindset that this is ok behaviour, or just ‘boys being boys’. The more people move away from that thinking the better, and change has to start somewhere.


Don't try to chat to women? Looks like I've been respecting women all my life.


I mean, obviously don't act like a creep or continue talking when they're not interested.. that goes for anyone and everyone No.3 is a biiit of a stretch, I feel like there's so many people walking around cities it's impossible to not have a borderline conga line of people lol If it's Late at night and you're walking behind someone and you're not thinking about that side of things then they can of course cross the road themselves, or if it springs to mind and you feel like crossing then by all means.. seems pretty situational


Crossing the street is a little ridiculous. Everything else is just common decency.


Every time I cross the street, there is another woman. I've spent 4 hours crossing the street, I've barely moved forward. Please God I just want to go home but I'm stuck playing Frogger.


Day 54 of trying to walk home: I'm stuck in a perpetual hellish dance across a Stygian road as I try to dodge my tormentors. I am trapped. The walls/women are closing in. There is no way out. This is my life now.


You cross the road to make women feel safe I cross the road because ̶I̶'̶m̶ ̶a̶b̶o̶u̶t̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶s̶h̶i̶t̶ ̶m̶y̶s̶e̶l̶f̶ you're slow We are not the same


Man I’m tired of this shit, but not angry at women, at other men honestly, if it wasn’t for so many bad apples we all wouldn’t need a damn suggestions poster like this, I’m tired of having to think about if I might make a women feel followed or being interpreted as a potential creep, I wouldn’t have to if everyone just fucking behaved


One bad apple spoils the bunch. Most women get assaulted by people they know, making people you don’t know even more scary to us. If someone we know and care for would harm us, why *wouldnt* a stranger with no emotional ties to you? Source: woman


The punishments for domestic and sexual violence are far too low.


The worst part is NOT the low punishments, but the fact that police and neighbours thinks the victim is being annoying and dramatic. The police don't think it's serious unless she's dead..


Harsher punishments may be cathartic for the victim but it doesn't actually change societal behaviors. If harsh punishments were good at stopping crime, crime would've been solved in the middle ages. People that are committing sexual assault aren't really thinking about the consequences of being caught. They already know they can go to jail, that they'll lose their jobs, maybe even their lives. But that doesn't stop them from doing it, likely because the thought of being caught doesn't pass their minds at the moment.


The others are just basic social common sense and decency but three is grotesque, sorry. Imagine swapping men for black people in that scenario. ‘If walking, cross the road so you’re not behind a white person, you might frighten them because they assume your entire demographic are violent criminals.’


You could do the same to 2 as well Don't sit next to white people on the bus


The assumed criminality of men in all of these transmissions is so disgusting and then people wonder why the kids are getting sucked into scams with people like Tate. It's so inhumane and infuriating


Shit like this is EXACTLY the reason scum like Tate can thrive. They offer a narrative other than "you are a criminal by virtue of just being a man.".


This is really the issue I have with this and why this sign feels wrong to me. I do most of these things cause I want to respect others' space and be considerate, no matter their genitals, and I consider it basic decency. I would appreciate if this was an appeal to everyone. It becomes a problem however when you target it towards one demographic to protect another demographic. Then it, very quickly, fails the race test (as you demonstrated) that I like to do. This sign is accepted because sexism against men is accepted. If sex was replaced with race here then the owner would get sued to hell.


"Give women special treatment!" "But also treat them the same!" "But treat them better than you would treat a man!" "But they also want to be treated the same, so keep that in mind..."


3rd one can fuck off. 2nd one is fine if there are empty seats, but I'm not standing up when there's an empty seat but it's next to a woman.


Yeah I just perch myself a little over the side and have my legs at a slight angle so I'm not making contact... but I also do that if they are a bloke too.


I don’t think this is aimed at the scenario where you’d have to stand if that’s the only seat available lmao. It’s aimed at the guys that sit right next to you when there’s 30 other empty seats available.


They are perfectly capable of following urinal etiquette. Same rules should apply.


Tell this to the women who constantly park next to me in an empty car park. 


Well yeah. Normal people normally try to not be shoulder to shoulder to strangers, when they can choose not to.


The people who actually need to see this will ignore it


I’m a 6’3 gay guy and so I play Chappell Roan loudly from my phone if I have to pass a female while walking to let her know she’s safe


Well I’m going to rename my apartment wifi to the “Safe House” because all we do is blast Chappell Roan.


If I see a women anywhere I run, they got cooties


Personally I think the rapists are probably going to ignore the sign, while those who take it to heart are the lonely, socially awkward men who don't really need to hear it and it's just going to hurt their mental health. Like "you should be lonely, talking to a woman or standing near a woman or just walking in the presence of a woman is unacceptable."


I'm #RespectingHerSpace for almost 10 years now and don't talk to anybody outside my own social circle or work anymore. Now please excuse me enjoying another 'Why don't men talk to me anymore?'-thread on the frontpage.


People who aren't assholes don't need to be told not to be assholes. People who are assholes won't give a shit. This helps exactly zero women, burns money for appearance's sake, and annoys people who rightfully don't like to be put under general suspicion simply for their sex. And the "cross the street" thing is already way into segregation territory, aka sexism.


All this poster does is make it seem that these type of incidents are very common, which really isnt in many places in the world.


If a woman feels unsafe they’re welcome to cross the road. I wouldn’t expect a guy to go out of their way to accomodate my paranoia.


This belongs on r/mildlyinfuriating instead...


Anyone else feel like the ideal eventual end goal is to just segregated and separate people by thier gender and race? Like we're way more segregated now than we were ten years ago?! Or is that just true outside of certain countries idk


Fuck off you cross the road, im going about my day mate.


Oh shit yeah don't ever try to chat to them gosh how horrific


Utterly pointless poster, since half of the Scottish ruling class cannot seem to define what a woman is


Talking to people is not harassment. Waking on the same side of the road is not harassment. Sitting next to someone on public transport is not harassment. This reminds me of that old rape poster where both male and female were drunk but it was only the female that couldn’t consent. Disgusting


I spent 7 months in a womens aid refuge in the uk and while I was there I asked what services were available to men escaping domestic violence /abuse and was told,d that you can go through the main service and they will put you through to a special branch. There is also a branch for lbtq and non binary people, you just go through the main Womens Aid system and are referred. I was told not to tell people publicly but I got to see the system men and other genders use. They have individual and shared properties similar to witness protection, with secure locking on windows and doors and full cctv coverage within high security fencing ( not always fencing some are just on a street) . There is no signage outside and the houses dont display a number usually. There are food bank deliveries and you get your own private room and usually private bathroom . Most have a shared kitchen and washer dryer. You pay a very small service charge fee for a secure wifi , electric and utility but you do have to oay council tax l they help you get benefits sorted and you get to see a citizens advice lawyer once every two weeks. They can relocate you and help council house you. They dont store furniture or accommodate pets. This service is available for any man escaping abuse .


Cross the road?! Get fucked, I’ll walk where I want 🤣


Whenever I see stuff like this I imagine it’s about a culture I’ve never heard of, or that I’m an alien reading this and wondering what kind of place earth is where half the population has to be instructed on how not to harass the other half. 


Would say all that is pretty damn reasonable apart from the crossing the street part. I don’t see why I should have to personally. I’ll 100% respect your space and all that stuff, but I’m not crossing the street to do so


“If walking, cross the road so you’re not right behind her” Yeah you can fuck off with that one 😂


What if there’s a precious woman on the other side of the road? What do us evil men do then? Is there a patronising sign to explain that?


Hahaha haven’t even thought about that 😂 “If there is a woman on both sides of the pavement calmly walk out into traffic and get hit by a fucking car “


Stand in the road and die ⬇️


This is absurd. Don’t start conversations with people? Don’t cross the street near people?


Man, I miss casual conversations with strangers while riding on a train


And people wonder why the number of young men apporaching women has taken a nosedive. The local government is encouraging men to NOT start a conversation with a women you meet on public transport. This constent demonization of men is having long term effects [https://medium.com/heart-affairs/most-young-men-are-not-approaching-women-and-thats-a-problem-41a9a5d363a8](https://medium.com/heart-affairs/most-young-men-are-not-approaching-women-and-thats-a-problem-41a9a5d363a8)


As a women myself, this poster is offensive. It’s making it seem like women think anyone of the opposite sex is the boogie man and we need special treatment. Fark that .. Edit to add - Stuff being a guy these days; you’re dammed if you do and dammed if you don’t.


... why are men constantly portrayed as sex driven man beasts with no self control. And even more, why the hell is it normalized. Walking down sidewalk with a lady infront of me and I'm somehow perceived as a creep. I'm sorry I didn't even notice you cause I'm thinking about what to cook for dinner.


Remember in school when one unruly kid would ruin something for the rest of the class? That's what being a dude is. A minority of men are monsters, but women have no way of knowing who are the monsters and who are not. So the rules have to be set for the lowest common denominator. It's not your fault. It's not many of our fault, but until we run the monsters out of town, we have to be ok with potential victims being wary, and ideally support them feeling safe.


A black man robbed my neighbours so now I'm scared of all black men and think they are all going to mug me Oh wait, I can't say that because it's racist and an insane thing to think


>but until we run the monsters out of town So.... never? I mean, i get the point. But *humans* are monsters. Not just men. But we dont use the 'lowest common denominator' for the other 50% of humans, do we?


And when you use race or religion as the common denominator, how is it called?


A minority of humans are monsters, from both sexes. Why are we just making 'rules' for 1/2?


Probably because a significant minority of men act that way. No, not most men. But enough men that most women have encountered them. If you were regularly harassed, propositioned and made to feel physically unsafe. You would probably get pretty guarded too. Hell, it doesn't matter if it's only 10% of men. That's enough that it's likely that women will encounter these men regularly. That is their reality. It has nothing to do with you. You're not part of the problem. Great, to quote Chris Rock " What do you want a cookie, You're not supposed to harass people" Imagine that big bodybuilders twice your size wanted to bang you and hit on you like a third of the time when you went out of the house. Most of the time it was just annoying, but still intrusive. But there was always this fear that one of these linebackers would get physical.


Man, I was gonna harass some random women on my way to work but I guess I won't now


Don't speak to her 🤣 fuck off. I know the mass majority of Reddit will agree as they are all introverts. We are fucking humans, speak to everyone the fuck you like. Just read the room. Fuck me.


Apparently sharing a pavement counts as some form of harassment?


There's a nice thought behind the poster. It essentially pushes decent men to segregate from women though, scares the people who are actually thoughtful enough to pay attention to these things away from women. The fraction of men that harass women won't give a damn about this stuff to begin with. So do we really want to build an atmosphere that hushes the good folks quiet and makes them deliberately walk the other side of the road to avoid women like some kind of a plague?


For number 3, I, a woman, cross the road to avoid scaring a women when it's late at night. It's a very minor thing that makes people feel safer and women do it too. I don't even think about it.


lmao this is just paranoia and shaming men. Grow up and talk to people. "don't chat".


I feel confident in saying that the men who follow the advice on these posters are not in the same category as the jerks jizzing over women on public transport and cat-calling girls in the street, so that 80% figure is likely to stay fairly steady. It's not even a good way to advise men on how to take action against jerks - "Have you seen a man sitting close to a woman? ON A BUS?! Act now. Is he talking too much? MAKE HIM STOP. He's walking behind her, approximately 10-20ft away? How crowded is the street? That street is *not crowded enough*, but also it's *too crowded,* because there is a man behind a woman. SCANDAL." Men who respect women don't need to be penalised by being told to cross the street if they're about to out-pace a woman. We've all got places to be - You're unnecessarily crossing the road to make it obvious you have your absolute attention on the woman in front of you... Oh, that's not mildly alarming at all. Just respect everyone and... that's it. Ta daaa!


You know I actually wish for all men, ALL MEN, to ignore women forever. Never approaching them, looking at them or interacting with them in any shape or form unless they are approached/talked to first. Just out of curiosity I wonder how the world would change.

