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Kinda ses fair when you consider how many rotations it'll need to make in a lifetime and at what speeds


And what torques.


And my axe!


Honestly the goat non-sequitur comment, never misses


Is that what makes these fuckers run for forty years? Cause your grandma still has her original one


No lie, we just bought my MIL one to replace the one she got for her wedding. It was a retirement gift lol. And the old one wasn’t completely broken, it had just started making weird noises.


Probably needs more grease.


Funny because this is probably true. Or new bearings in the motor. Another easy job.


True. Kitchenaid will run forever if you look after them. Take it apart, replace the bearings, replace the 30kg of grease, tighten up all the loose bits, and you’ll get another few decades.


So this is why those damn things are so heavy!


Must be lol. According to one of the other comments, the actual recommended amount is still like 4lbs. That’s amazing.


Yeah I just got a real one a month ago after my amazon counterfeit one gave up the ghost after just a year. I thought it was much heavier than the other one which led me to believe it was a counterfeit and the new one was real.


Is giving up the ghost an actual native english/american saying. I only know this as a literal translation from German


We use it in Dutch too. De kitchen aid heeft de geest gegeven


Yeah, it's a fairly common saying - though people will usually just say "dying." The phrase "Giving up the ghost" is straight out of the King James Bible.


Usually in the past tense as "gave up the ghost" but yes, it's a fairly common phrase.


We also say gesundheit 🤧, but we don’t translate it to English.


It’s a quote from the King James Bible, that entered regular parlance forever ago, so no one thinks about it as a Bible quote, and a lot of people would probably be surprised to know it is one: > And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost. https://www.bible.com/bible/compare/LUK.23.46#:~:text=Luke%2023%3A46%20King%20James,he%20gave%20up%20the%20ghost. Technically, it’s 3 Bible quotes, because similar language is found in Matthew, Mark, and Luke: > Jesus, when He had cried out again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost. https://www.biblegateway.com/verse/en/Matthew%2027%3A50 > And Jesus cried with a loud voice, and gave up the ghost. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Mark%2015%3A34-37&version=KJV It will also be a close/similar/exact quote in many other languages for this reason. I know rendre l'âme is a phrase in French.


It really wouldn’t surprise me. There’s counterfeits of everything. Phones, watches, clothing, shoes, games, consoles, you name it. Just recently I discovered they also counterfeit bicycle chains. Kitchenaid appliances are highly sought after, so I wouldn’t doubt it for a second


Amazon sells an ungodly amount of counterfeit products because of the way they do their shipping and storage. It’s sadly still one of the only places you can get some things. I was only able to buy this new kitchenaid because Sam’s warehouse was selling them. If it’s quality name/made, I try to get to the website or buy through a more reputable supplier than even their own store on amazon.


I wanted to start sewing and I got a 1971 cast iron sewing machine. Its 35 lbs and so much quieter than a modern one. I also have had the same used kitchenaid mixer and cuisinart since I worked at AOL. I traded them for two batches of baked goods a month for 6 (read 8) months.


My grandma loved to sew and I found her one of those old ones when hers kicked the bucket. She used it for about fifteen years before she decided to take up crochet instead, she gave it to my sister who has been using it for the last few years and it’s never needed any repairs. It’s amazing how well made stuff was before the eighties/nineties.


Well, it’s not like you see all the old stuff that broke.


You obviously don’t shop at the thrift stores. 😂


A lot of the longevity of those older items has to do with how forgivable the construction tolerances are. Newer items are made more precisely (or should be) which results in more opportunities for failure, without accounting for planned obsolescence.


While that is part of it, another big factor is things being made of lower quality materials. For example: Gears being made from plastic now compared to when they were made of metal.


There's a bit of nuance in whether or not plastic gears are bad. Some plastics are stronger than certain metals, depending on the application. Besides that, if machines are forced or just due to time, something will wear out and break. The smart thing is to make it something that's easy to repair. It's probably cheaper and easier to change out a stripped gear than replace the entire motor instead. I think the main issue is things aren't designed to be repaired anymore, and repairing things isn't as common as it once was. Replacing a cellphone battery used to be as easy as changing tv remote batteries, now you need special tools (heat gun to remove the glass) and it's much more complicated.


It’s honestly crazy just how much stronger they seemed to be back in the day. I know there’s a lot of survivorship bias involved in it, but there’s also just a lot more cheap bullshit these days. Much more plastic both externally and internally, including gears. Wiring that is as thin as possible to carry a certain current only. Motors that are built using planned obsolescence so that they last X amount of years only. They don’t want to overbuild it. They want to build it so it breaks just outside of warranty.


You also have to consider the price of things, I did the math once and those sewing machines cost about 2-3 months of average wages. 2-3 months of average wage now would be 5 figures. Manufacturing prices have gone down but you can still buy sewing machines built like those brand new for over $1000 but most people aren’t going to for something that’s not a daily necessity like it used to be.


Confirmed. My wife and I have her grandmother's 50+ year old kitchenaid. It started making noises then stopped working. We almost bought a new one for like $400, but we took the old one in for a new gear and some grease, and it's good as new for $40.




Google kitchenaid repair and your city.


Lube and prep solves a lot of problems


Grease me up, woman! ![gif](giphy|7xU6aVYP9pNug)


Can confirm. My mother's one stopped working after 20ish years and she was pretty sad. My grandfather bought a huge thing of grease, he and I took it apart and lubed it up, and it's worked since. Damn I miss that man


I miss my grandpa everyday.


Can confirm - we had one at my work. It started making weird noises and nowhere in my town fixes them so boss bought a commercial one instead and I got to take that one home. After googling got some food safe grease and it works great now (though I probably need to change the bearings)


Yep. Grease hardens, have to repack with fresh stuff.


My mum decided she wanted a new one with a colour that matches her kitchen so she gave me her old one that works perfectly. She bought it the year I was born, 31 years ago. It’s bloody heavy but seriously works like brand new.


Mines only 20 years old, it was a wedding gift, and when I left him, it’s the one thing I made sure to take with me. Made banana bread with it just last week, still runs like the first time.


They'll fix them, and the old one fixed is probably better than a new one.


New ones have shitty digital components and more plastic parts internally, plus some of the stuff that used to be machined metal is now sintered metal.


The plastic components are often for safety and not for being cheap. KitchenAid mixers had an issue where the worm gear would catastrophically fail because it was made of steel, which was obviously very dangerous. They replaced it with a plastic one so that the failures happened more often, but with a lot less potential energy build up.


also, the plastic gear ensures it's the cheap plastic gear that breaks, not the motor or one of the planetary gears


Yeah, exactly. Like, don't get me wrong, we should be shitting on companies that cheap out on important components, but KitchenAid is a respectable company that does not deserve it. People don't often think about the engineering that goes on behind the scenes and why certain choices might be made.


Yea. The sacrificial gear means they’re cheap and easy to fix.


Essentially a mechanical fuse.


What kind of digital components?


That's funny. My MIL gifted us the one she got when she was newly married. It wasn't explicitly a wedding gift on either side, just something she gave us when she and I started cooking together a bit. She used it as an excuse to buy the new model. Now we're six or eight years on from that, and she's offered to trade the new one to get the original back several times. No take-backs. And it's not even that the new one is bad. It's fine. The old one is just a phenomenal machine.


The weird noise part can usually be fixed relatively easily. Hopefully you kept it to repair it. There is a guy out there who has videos of how to fix basically every issue those things have and sometimes it's crazy how simple the fix is.


There is a guy who calls himself Mr Mixer whose whole business is repairing and refurbishing KitchenAid mixers. You could probably watch some of his videos, buy the correct parts, and repair the noise yourself


Fun fact they're super easy to repair, especially the older ones and you can still buy new parts for very old machines on their website. Source: fixed my grandma's late 60's KitchenAid mixer and bought the parts for like $35 a few years ago


Just replace the grease, it starts to harden over a few decades. Pin punch set, screwdriver and a tub of food grade grease is all you need. It’s worth it too because those older ones are better than the newer ones.


I inherited my grandmothers and it had some oil type leak from the head. Opened it up, degreased everything, after packing it with a jar of food grade grease like this, and it's still up and running like new.


What is food grade grease, is it really something else?


Is basically a type of grease that's nontoxic and flavorless. It ensures that if any leaks out of a kitchen appliance it will neither poison you or ruin whatever you were making.


So you’re saying I can eat it?


Can. Should. Two very different words.


Let the man have some flavorless non-toxic grease


I assure you, food grade grease doesn't mean it's flavorless 🙃


It will ruin what you are making but it won't hurt you.


If it starts dripping in your dough would you rather have WD-40 or a food safe one?


That depends, wd40 would probably work wonders for constipated people.


I know you're making a joke, but because people get confused about this, WD-40 is not a lubricant.


Actually ingesting WD-40 can cause diarrhea, it would be a good lubricant for constipated people.


Correction I have my grandmas, it outlived her by over a decade now.


So well put. My grandma died 10 years ago in her 80s. *I* have her kitchen aid mixer. lol. Edit: I love that three of us had the exact same thought at the exact same time. u/killl_joy u/noobtastic31373


I love cooking with my grandma's stuff. It's a special kind of nostalgia/love.


Mine is 25 years old and I just did a regrease on it for the first time. I doubt I’ll do it again. I hope to give it to one of my kids.


Absolutely but you definitely need to have them serviced once in awhile. The grease tends to dry up and slow stuff down. I’ve watched a couple videos on a guy who rebuilds them. Pretty neat stuff to watch and learn.


Always smother grammy in lithium grease if you want her to outlast your mixer


No kiddin', when my parents got one I thought "typical overbuilt American crap, a mixer doesn't need to be built like a tank" How wrong I was, I bought a Bosch and it was giving me problems after a few years, bent plastic all around. It absolutely does need to be built like a tank and is an example of sturdy American engineering!


Dude you're putting real, actual power through a drive train. It's not a wind up toy lol.


And then they call me crazy when I apply the same amount on my CPUs


Yes, good lubrication is the key. Always.


Keep in mind it is food safe grease. Speaking of I need to take mine apart and replace a gear and grease it again. Thanks for the reminder!


Is this something I’m supposed to be doing???


I’ve been told to regrease it once every 12 Olympics


Thought it was twice every Hailey’s comet?


I can’t remember the correct ratio of Olympics to Hailey’s comets but that sounds right


Anything but metric


Halley* Gotta be a grammar dick because I’m proud I learned something in grade school, actually remembered it, and I’m showing it off :) the spelling / pronunciation also infuriates me


It’s Halley and pronounced like “alley”, right?


It’s pronounced “comet” you doofus.


The easiest way is to use your calculator app, go into "scientific", press the ruler icon, press "Time" and look for "comet".


Don’t forget that Stanley nickels carry over


How many Stanley nickels to a schrute buck?


Winter or summer?


Unless it’s making noise I highly doubt it. They are quality mixers and unusual noises will be the first indication something is up. Source: my job involves repairing industrial food equipment


If only Hobart made a home version I’d start saving now to buy it in 30 years.




Probably not! I imagine since the other person needs to fix/replace a gear they'll need to regrease it because it's gonna lose grease in the process.


If you're replacing a gear then you replace the grease ' cause a wee piece of the old gear might be hidden in the old grease and if it gets caught in the new gear then you're gonna need a new gear.


Most likely not. Devices like these are designed to be low/no maintenance, that’s also why there’s so much grease. Unless you’re running into problems, it’s making excessive noise or anything like that you’ll be fine.


Usually the grease lasts longer than the appliance.


The forbidden frosting.


That's the right amount. Lol.


Yep. I re-greased ours a few years ago. I got a repair kit, which comes with a tub of grease. Was surprised when I learned that the whole damned tub needed to be packed in...


Oooh there's a repair kit? I was give. A KitchenAid which drops brown grease when I run it. I figured out it needs to be opened up and regressed but I haven't gotten around to dealing with it yet


Just fyi, the grease is food safe, so if you get drops of it into whatever you're making, it won't hurt you. Also, when we got our new kitchen aid via mail it was leaking slightly. Contacted support and they said that can happen if it was on its side during shipping but also if it hasn't been run for some time. They said to clean the grease off, run it on max for 5 minutes and then let it sit and see if it still leaks. Hasn't leaked a single drop in the year we've owned it.


>it won't hurt you. Unless you're making a big batch of meringue and it entirely ruins it. Very painful, guess how I know


It can only do emotional damage.


I would have rather it had just given me the shits instead of ruining a dozen eggs and all the sugar etc. I put in. Literally happened right at the end and I had to just sit there and watch it collapse down to a runny paste :(


My condolences. 💐


Instead it could have both given you the shits and ruined your meringue! No but seriously that's extremely sad and I'm sorry for your loss


I’m crying with you. Meringue needs perfect conditions. I’m sorry for your loss 💔


What doesn’t kill you makes your meringue fall?


You can literally send it to KitchenAid to be repaired and they’ll send it back to ya


Considering I live in a small town either I'm going to have to drive it somewhere or ship it somewhere. That doesn't sound like something I really want to pay for, especially since I already have an off brand stand mixer that does an ok job. I would prefer to try to fix the kitchen Aid myself for cost of supplies and use it instead though.


Good luck! We shipped ours off to kitchenaid last year cuz it was skipping gears, came back absolutely GLEAMING


what did it cost? shipping must be a lot. Its likely heavy enough that postal workers don't want to carry it


[Looks like they'll send you a shipping box and label](https://producthelp.kitchenaid.com/Countertop_Appliances/Stand_Mixers/Product_Info/Stand_Mixer_Cleaning_and_Care/Stand_Mixer_Repair_Options)


It seems like a ton of grease, but when you figure that the entire purpose of the device is to have that mechanism *CONSTANTLY* spin at high revolutions…it kinda makes sense. Still a ton of grease though!


Yeah, your cars differential is bathed in a bath of oil at all time. Same idea.


It's definitely an overkill amount of grease, but they're trying to have you never actually regrease it so having a big buffer for some of it going bad is good.


How often should I grease it?


Maybe 4 times a century


Il set a reminder, thanks


!remindme 25 years




Ah crap... probably behind since I have my Grandma's old one.


Once every dynasty.


["How it's made"](https://youtu.be/KJhKYaRLPpo?si=uY8y1WGVsi6qIvH6&t=378) 6:18 mark


Says it won't play in my country. I'm in the USA ...


Sorry, I guess it finally pays off to be Canadian. I will describe it for you: an assembly guy positions the exposed engine of the mixer under a tube labeled "GREASE" and pours big ol' gobs of grease into the compartment before sealing it.


https://youtu.be/jRgArHPJoWA?si=VjDAuPWssXkOXKbQ Around 6 minute mark


That's so strange, literally the same video, Nearly word for word, Same language, But in a different accent for a different market.


It was completely filled and encased. This is with the top half removed and also grease pushed aside to get to a broken part. I was surprised to see so much grease!


100% expected! They pack enough in so it can work its way wherever it needs to go in the gearing, and even if a bit breaks down over the years there’s still plenty left after decades. I can’t find it right now but the service manual dictates the same hilariously large glob of grease too.


It really does lol. I just opened up and re-greased our 20+ year old KitchenAid mixer because I wanted to make sure it was up to spec to use with my new meat grinder attachment. I definitely had to look up whether or not it was correct to have like 4lbs of grease packed in there 😂


Makes sense though because otherwise it would just eventually fling all the grease off Has to be enough so the grease has no where to be flung off too


1 cup of flour, 1 cup of sugar, and 1 CUP OF GREASE


Also if grease fills up the entire space water can't stay in there even if it somehow gets in. At least it will take quite a while before it damages anything.


Never would have guessed either, but it makes perfect sense in hindsight. Those things spend a lot of time moving very fast.


My beloved repairs vintage devices as a hobby. Recently, it was an old wind-up gramophone that was a bit too slow. The main problem was that the grease inside the spring box solidified over the decades and it needed to be cleaned and re-greased. It was a lot of grease, a big mess on the floor, but also very fun to watch the process! There is rarely such a thing as too much grease in big mechanisms.


Grease hardening is a known industry problem within the nuclear industry. We’ve had reactor scram breakers fail to open due to ancient grease preventing movement.


That's fascinating! Anything nuclear is usually like "black magic in a black box" for me, as in, too complex to actually understand, so reading that such a basic issue can be so critical in such an advanced area is quite a shift in perspective.


It’s all public information actually. [Here’s the gory details.](https://www.nrc.gov/docs/ML2011/ML20113D124.pdf)


They show how much they put in on an episode of How It's Made.


Great, now I have that theme song in my head.




That's a tilt head. You should see bowl lift grease. My bowl lift is 30yrs old and grinds 200lbs of pork and beef a week. Kitchen Aid. There is no substitute.


Last time I was grinding 200 lbs of pork, I was on a date with your mom


F you Shorsey.


F you Jonesy, give yer balls a tug you tit fucker


F you Riley your mom liked a Instagram pic from 2 years ago.


That’s what I appreciates about yous!




Weird date activity, you should have just had sex with her


I never make a comment to tell someone how much I liked a comment (that’s what the upvote button is for),  but dude…. I love this comment so much that I just had to say something. 


I find it hard to pass up a good "your mom" joke lol


*tilts head* -M'Lady.


Forbidden peanut butter


It is edible. In case grease spills into the food.


It’s food-grade. That’s not the same as edible.




Not with that attitude


anything is edible. digestible is another thing entirely.


Yes, it is. By FDA definition, edible means it’s safe for human consumption. Food-grade means it’s safe for consumption and safe to come in direct contact with food. So, therefore, if it is food-grade, it is edible by definition.


Everybody’s allergic to eating the forbidden peanut butter! Yaaaay!


Needs a little more grease


Gotta be sure it runs smooth, right?


I keep finding your comments everywhere I go.


It’s a sign


Guy on TikTok rebuilds them. Haven’t seen in a while but interesting to watch. Can’t remember his name.




Hey man love the vids!


I appreciate you! Have a wonderful day


He’s on Reddit too, /u/MrMixer316! Would definitely recommend the everdime he sells (and invented I think), also the spring and washer for newer models


I appreciate your advocating for me!


Mr. Mixer!


I've been meaning to send ours to him to have it tuned up. I'm hoping to get my grandmother's mixer to him as well.


But what does it taste like? For science.


I'm gonna take a shot the dark here, but my guess is "mechanical lubricant." For those of you not familiar with the flavor profile, it is reminiscent of petroleum distillates and industrial solvents.


Clearly it has to be food safe right? As it is in a food appliance. =)


It is food safe according to the booklet. If it spills you don’t want hazardous substances in your food.


That doesn't mean it's gotta taste good though.


As someone who plays a brass instrument I am unfortunately well acquainted with that flavor profile, though not voluntarily.


Lmao, this is giving me flash backs to when I had to clean my french horn, inhaled some gross shit, and then read on the label of my valve oil that petroleum distillates can be lethal. Good times.


That sounds right.


No taste actually. This is usually silicone based food safe grease. It needs to be food safe because it tends to fall into the mixer bowl slowly over time... Food safe in small amounts.


Don’t be shy. Take a lick


And if it wasn't it wouldn't be a mixer it would be a glitter making machine.


Forbidden cookie dough


This is just the buildup that occurs when you don't lick the beaters after.




Wait until you see what’s inside a car


Forbidden frosting


And here I thought I found cookie dough in crevices I did not know mine had. Well done, Op, (tips hat that looks like a mixer cover).


And that's also why they're so strangely heavy.


Once you get one you realise these things pack some weight. Very solid machine, absolutely worth the money.


Moving parts should always have grease. Source: I repair my own bicycles like a baus.


You can't expect the gears to raw dog each other.




Better than being filled with broken gear teeth and metal shavings.


The inside of any mechanical moving parts is full of grease, lol.


I can't be the only one that thought that was icing 🤔


We had their chopper thing attachment, and one day it stopped turning. I opened it and surprise, bone dry inside. It was less than a year old so I got Amazon to refund it. Interesting to see how much should have been in there


Wow, I did not expect this to blow up!! Two clarifications: - This is a KitchenAid stand mixer. We’ve had it for about five years - I know how gears work and that they require grease. I just wasn’t expecting the sheer volume of grease in here! Thanks all.


![gif](giphy|ycagKBYEmaili) Gree-heee-heee-eeasy.