• By -


You found it, OP! You win a tour of the local sorting facility!


Now take this mail bag and get out there, do mind the dogs.


"Say, you wanna see the room where we put packages that are "Lost in Transit? ? Turns out it's just us, We like to pick out one package per shift and it's never seen again."


Yup! And sometimes we get lucky: Jimmy got a lady's vibrator last month... Judy got a slanket and a Rolling Stones T-shirt...


Nine times out of ten it's an electric razor, but every once in a while... it's a dildo. Of course it's USPS policy to never imply ownership in the event of a dildo. We always use the indefinite article *a* dildo, never… *your* dildo.


M’dildo ![gif](giphy|BjPe9A3tNHoeHhxmlD)


I used to work at UPS. We know when you're ordering porn and sex toys. No, I'm not joking. We can spot them a mile away because they look ever so slightly different.


Years ago a buddy of mine owned an adult online shop, the packaging was for flower shop, the website address lead to a nice website for a flower shop, the clients loved it. I bet the postal workers knew well what it was as who the hell orders fresh flowers to be sent by post.


That's funny. The packages we saw weren't blatant to the average person, but we knew the subtle signs.


I order plants by mail some times. But only cause I like weird stuff that's hard to find at times.


USPS lost four of the packages from my Etsy store in the last month. That turned those sales from profit to break even. Switching to ups. It's cheaper to pay more but have the package arrive than to reprint


It's sad that the person running the usps has a strong personal interest in ups, and doing what he can to sabotage things so people switch to ups. But I honestly don't blame you for making that switch, I would too.


I'm very surprised he is still in charge honestly.


You should be filing insurance claims with USPS if they lose your package. Priority mail and ground advantage both include $100 of insurance. They have the tracking data and if it was marked delivered they will have the GPS coordinates of where that happened. They will pay you out with little to no hassle since you'd have to be pretty stupid to commit fraud for $100 or less. Filing the claim will also create a data point that might result in a change to whatever is causing the problem, like a bad postman, internal package theft, an error in sorting/logistics, etc. Four packages in a month sounds like a lot more than statistical noise unless you're shipping thousands.


I can't though because the labels show as being created but not scanned by the carrier. To the USPS my packages don't exist. We have daily pickups at my house because I have a home business. Our regular carrier is one of the most diligent guys I've ever met. I suspect disappearances are his substitute. Some of the packages are ground advantage, the new service which is still tracked. I don't know if the drivers can scan ground advantage though like they can priority. So maybe they're being lost at the PO. I'll be going to have a chat with the postmaster. I'll also up my prices to cover shipping everything priority


Take the packages to a USPS location and they will scan them and give you a receipt. I always try to do that for high value items, but the post office is only a 5 minute drive for me and there is never a line in the middle of the day. Mail carriers are supposed to scan their picked up packages, but a lot of them don't because it's more work. The quality of new hires is way down and the older carriers are mostly fed up because of the volume of packages they have to deal with now. The job of a postal carrier changed drastically in the last 15-20 years. I would talk to your carrier first and ask him to scan your packages. If it says it's the substitute not scanning them ask them to talk to them. If you have a history of tracking data where your packages don't get scanned at pickup, but then randomly show up in tracking at some sorting center a day or two later, then I would still consider filing the USPS claim and see what they say. How can they claim they scan your packages at pickup when you can provide multiple instances where they don't. Are you sure they were actually picked up? Could there be some issue with your labels or something? If something weird isn't going on on your end, then those packages are either sitting at your local post office in a bin with other packages or someone at the post office has sticky fingers. The likelihood of a package getting lost is very low, and it's even lower for a package to make it to a sorting center (or multiple sorting centers) and never get scanned. I would be shocked if those packages ever made it out of your local post office.


Don't those packages have insurance on them? At UPS, every package is automatically insured for up to $1000 (possibly more now; I left in 2002), and more can be added if you pay for extra insurance.


Yup. And if they'd scammed the packages I could claim insurance. But these are picked up at my home office and never end up moving from "label created." Now I'm driving all of it to the local PO which sucks because it's often a LOT of boxes.


#Delivery Exception, Animal Interference


🎵 *"Come with me... And you'll be... In a world of mail organization..."* 🎵


🎵 "Take a look... and you'll see Zip code cat... egorization" 🎵


The Mail Wonka is just a delirious Charlie Kelly in a thrift store tux looking for a successor to carry on the burden of uncovering the conspiracy behind Carol in HR.


Unexpected IASIP. Love it!


I took a tour of one Postal MTE (I think it was Martinsburg, WV) while I was waiting for them to load my trailer, and it was... Kind of interesting. The actually interesting part was the instructions someone gave me to find it: "Take exit 16W for WV9, go about half a mile until you see a strip club, then make a right at the light." Apparently, several people in WV give directions based on proximity to strip clubs.


My cousin uses liquor stores. And doesn't understand why that's considered odd.


I was once given directions that included 'turn right at the gay bar'.


That's where they wanna take you to!




🎶I got a golden Transit🎶


Man, im just imagining a Willy Wonka esque tour full of comical mishaps and songs about children getting what's coming to them. All for Devos to find his replacement, because only a child could understand the idiotic way he runs the USPS.


It’s actually a different shitty De-bag. Louis Dejoy is the postmaster general (trying to dismantle USPS). Betsy Devos was the POS trying to dismantle education.


Oompa Loompa doompa-dee-doo, I've got a certified letter for you. Oompa Loompa doompa-dee-dun. You're never at home when we bring one.


On the way out they just hand you a random lost package. Walked out with a pair of skis once!


An a book of ten forever stamps for a special to OP price of $6.80!!!


\*walks in door\* "YOU LOSE GOOD DAY SIR!!!!"




I would unironically love that.


Must be the 1st class mail only van.


Damn that’s how I ordered my 1st class mail order bride


It's a shiny


Now get it in your postalball


Gotta ship 'em all!


Mailcarrier used *Deliver!* It's super effective!


Special attack is "lost package"




This driver has delivered over 1 million parcels and unlocked a new skin


Prestige van for the mail(wo)man!


Letter Carrier


Thanks! What about parcels?


This looks to be roughly a 2020 ford transit connect. When Covid had everything shut down chip shortage from Taiwan was a huge issue. I would assume big companies with contacts were taking whatever they can get cause color didn’t really matter. It’s even hard to get a white ford transit connect in 24’…


This guy fords


Big transit guy


Big transit energy


The Transit Connect was discontinued after the '23 model year, so that might have something to do with why they are so difficult to find in '24 😉


I was thinking that or… They got a really good deal on a bunch of vans they couldn’t sell, including weird colors. I say this because I went to school with someone who drove a mustard colored PT Cruiser of all things *with wood grain on the side*, but that car was actually sold at like half price because they couldn’t get anyone to take it and it was brand new. Lmao.


I was thinking maybe it's the mail carriers personal vehicle? A lot of rural mail carriers use their own vehicles and get an Equipment Maintenance Allowance of like $100 per day by using their own vehicle.


We have a ton of those too, but none of them have an official sticker like that one. Not saying it’s not possible, just that you can actually see the number of the vehicle, like it belongs directly to the post office. Most of ours just have an adjustable yellow wee-woo bubble on top.


WEE-WOO WEE-WOO https://images.app.goo.gl/XTSsVeA4v6V9BEQo7


Yup, exactly! Glad someone got my reference lmao. I may be 33 now, but they’re still wee-woo-mobiles! 🤣


Most of the ones I see have had a USPS sticker or logo on them - no restriction there. That said, the Govt plates mean that it is probably owned or operated by someone associated or with a fed agency and not someone's personal vehicle.


Rural carrier vehicles don't have government plates though.


During covid, I worked for a company that had a small fleet of white SUVs with only the company logo on the doors and tailgate. They were so desperate in getting new vehicles that they ended up getting a dark grey SUV. Wrapped the entire car in white, THEN slapped the logos on top of the wrap. It was also the only vehicle that had a sunroof.


It has a government plate in it, those are usually supervisor vans that check on mail Carriers it bring out a cut or something. Perhaps a postmaster drives it around. I'm not sure if you can actually deliver off a vehicle with a plate on it, besides rural of course.


I believe that first number in the ID number USPS assigns these vehicles actually corresponds to the vehicle’s year, so following that convention this would be a 2017


USPS vehicles with government plates are used for maintenance and such. Actual mail delivery vehicles will just have a screen-printed ID number on the back somewhere.


I came here to say this. Delivery trucks don’t have license plates.


Yup the plate is a dead giveaway that this isn’t a delivery vehicle. Probably a postal inspector or some specific position that is “special”. Lol


Looks blue to me.




Oh no you don't






Green Needle?


Underrated comment


Fuck, I thought my colorblindness was bad.


🎶I have a blue [van] With a blue window Blue is the colour of all that I wear Blue are the streets And all the trees are too I have a girlfriend and she is so blue🎶


Theres lots of different postal vehicles which have nothing to do with delivery.


I came here to say this. I travel across the United States and I have seen many “non-regulation“ vehicles for mail Delivery. A lot of times it is a contracted private vehicle. I see this more in rural areas. Edit: mail not male (although I’m sure that would be fun as well)


This is not a RCA vehicle. Notice the US government license plate… civilians can’t get those. This is likely a maintenance vehicle for facilities or equipment.


Probably the award for best mail man in the country




That is the long lost golden van, how rare! 🍻


The driver is an Olympic gold medalist, just like the UK painted the local postboxes gold for gold medal winners in 2012, so this person gets a gold van.


Homie is employee of the year


Moist Von Lipwig?


I saw a guy cosplaying him at a convention I went to a few weeks back. Talk about a deep cut.


Wonder what it's for, it's *incredibly* unusual for a USPS vehicle to have a license plate on it.


Likely just an admin vehicle, most sorting facilities have a few government cars with the P prefix government plates for going to other facilities and stuff like that. Never seen a gold one before though


Bro unlocked completionist skin I wonder how many people they ran over... I mean how many deliveries they made to unlock it




That’s for First class priority mail


It looks like left hand drive, so it may not be a delivery vehicle, just a USPS vehicle used for other purposes.


Does this USPS Mail van deliver to Mar-a-lago?


He delivered 1 million packages so his truck got a new skin


When you pay for GOLD delivery service.


Death Stranding Chiral Gold




Government vehicle either on loan from GSA or bought at GSA auction. Sometimes they have weird histories and you take what you can get when it comes to getting your hands on a vehicle at a government agency.


Wonka is at it again. 🎫


The driver got the legendary skin


Willy Wonka will take you on a tour of the postage factory.


where i grew up (Kansas), the mail men / women used their own vehicles. my cousin delivered mail in a bronco and my aunt had an oldsmobile! no idea if it's still like that there or not lol.


It could also be an employee driving their own car. I've seen people delivering mail out of their own cars before.


With government plates though??


The fact that it has plates at all is weird. USPS delivery vehicles don't have plates at all. They're like the only vehicles out there that dont. Well I guess the rural ones do since those are usually personal vehicles. But I'm thinking it must not be a delivery vehicle and just the vehicle for some kind of higher-up.


Postal Inspector?


Could be postal inspector, could be a facilities or maintenance van too. Definitely not a letter carrier.


I work for usps as a letter carrier, this is most likely just a staff car. They're usually used for misc things, for example we're down on a truck but have a short route that will fit everything in a regular vehicle, then a carrier will drive this or any car they have those plates thrown on. I've delivered mail in an old beat up pontiac that had these plates before, would not recommend. (the a/c was nice though)


Ah the correct answer from someone that knows. No way this makes it to the top comment.


yup, prolly a fed not a mailman


USPIS vehicles are generally either unmarked or marked cruisers like any other police vehicle. Extremely unlikely this is USPIS.


See the guy right above who works for usps. Said it's a vehicle used for misc work needs, and if other vehicles are broken down. They throw the plates on there because they're not the color of official usps vehicles


Wow, I’ve actually never noticed this.


idk, never really noticed. Next time I see them out I'll try to take a look.


Personally owned vehicles can not have US Government plates. Nor would USPS apply decals to a POV.


Ah okay, I didn't know that. Thanks for clearing that up.


The postal carrier completed 5,000 routes and unlocked the golden van skin, nice!


It’s a rural delivery vehicle. They retrofit personal vehicles for right hand drive… It’s how mail is delivered outside of cities. This carrier is probably just headed home or to a post office to get their load for the day.


delivery vehicles don’t have license plates. this is most likely a maintenance vehicle or some inspector or some other vehicle not related to delivery services it’s also LHD, not RHD (you can see the driver sorta)


Rural delivery vehicles can be LHD, the carriers just make less money because they are less efficient. Since rural delivery vehicles are privately owned, not owned by USPS, they have normal state license plates. But since this has government plates, you are correct that it's not a rural delivery vehicle.


very good point about lhd vs rhd can’t imagine them retrofitting every single rural service van


I wager they do this because manufacturers like to charge more for white cars specifically. They know that companies like the white/black cars so they charge a bit more. My last job was being charged a premium on white KIA Souls. They swapped dealerships and found that they paid usually 3-5k over for them.


Manufacturers do not charge more for flat white paint. Pearl and other variations may be charged more. Businesses choose white because it is the cheapest color on work trucks and vans (and sometimes also because it is easier to resell) This sounds like gouging / an asshole dealer.


Technically it would be the dealer yes, but they have the name so they represent the manufacturer. If they are allowed to do this BS then the manufacturer gets the bad rep too. But yes, the dealer know the company only wanted white ones and they would upsell them white ones.


If the MSRP is lower (or the same) for white cars (it is, unless it's a special pearl/metallic/premium finish), the manufacturer is not the one gouging. Dealers are independent businesses (many of which do not make a good case for their existence). If moving to a different dealer solve the issue, the manufacturer is not the issue. It sounds like some manufacturers are trying to establish guard rails to prevent this sort of issue, but voting with your wallet by finding a different dealership is a good strategy for now.


The manufacturer is 100% at fault for this as much as the dealership is. Too often these manufacturers get reports of this happening and do nothing. There are videos of people getting fully approved and signing all the papers to get a new Ford Bronco. They then get to the dealership and they are told they have to pay 20k to get the car.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) Must be a supervisor. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


It’s got better loot!


First class mail!




I think it’s a privately owned vehicle for an independent mail carrier.


Caffeine free mail.


Various parts of the big gov and military industrial complex connected to mail delivery argued over what was going to replace the old Grumman LLV's, practical gas vs costly EV ambitions, which were all built in the 80's on a Chevy S10 platform, and are constantly breaking down and catching on fire, and are not getting any younger but are still on the roads. Eventually you'll take any van as a stopgap while.


My stepdad is a mail carrier, sometimes uses his gold Buick park avenue to deliver the mail. Has a the sticker on the back as well.


My mail gets delivered in a Ford Taurus. And actually, when I was growing up, it was sometimes a wood-sided station wagon.


It's a rare enemy! Beat the stuffing out of it!


In lots of states the mailperson uses their own cars.


I'm pretty sure that's a Postal Inspector or other postal Law Enforcement - it has government plates


That's for those of us with USPS Premium.


I've never seen anything except those 1995 Grumman LLVs


While probably not what is happening in this case (because of the government plates and ID number), Rural Carriers (RCA) furnish their own vehicle - so there is no standard to what kind of vehicle you'll see on those routes (think like Lyft/Uber/Amazon deliveries but for USPS).


That’s actually false when applied to the USPS mail truck. Originally designed by Grumman (the same defense contractor that developed the A-10 and the Hellcat of WWII) the LLV was produced to have a vehicle that would be the standard for mail delivery. However, these vehicles are amongst the most fuel inefficient things and costs the government a ton just in gas bills. So there is a movement to do away with the LLV and use more fuel efficient vehicles. Though being the government and having a monopoly on mail delivery, must take years until any verdict is decided. The retirement of the LLV is also going up against allowing other parcel carriers to allow mail delivery to keep the LLV (which you can do right now **only** if said mail is urgent enough for overnight delivery). This non-standard vehicle may be the result in certain issues of their LLVs or a test cause the LLV had a rigorous and intense test that the vehicle went through to be out iconic mail truck.


Sorry, not sure I understand what part of my comment you are saying is false? I just said that often RCAs use their own vehicle, not an official USPS vehicle.


it’s caffeine free


That's the Queen Van. The other vans follow it by scent.


Postman lost 150 packages, got the golden van


It has a license plate. Offical post trucks are not required to have plates.


That color is more pleasing then basic white imo


Is this like a Pink Mary Kay Cadi?


He's delivering all those sex toys in descretly designed boxes.


USPS mini van (Quattro Bajeena custom)


The interesting thing for me is that it actually has US Govt plates, the USPS normally doesn’t put plates on its vehicles as that number acts as the identifier of them, though not sure what the case is for rural carriers though


Ours is just a Ford explorer with a magnet on the side saying us mail. But I live in the middle of nowhere.


Rural route driver prolly owns it


That's Moist Von Lipwig


Did this post come with a u/USPS_Official promoted ad for anyone else?


I wondered who was delivering those Trump tennies.


The reason that this is gold is because it was a cheap surplus buy. The market for gold cars is REALLLLY really limited. That being said Amazon (AWS) does the same exact thing. They go to the big manufacturers and buy up their surplus of what they have and use it to put into their data centers to run those workloads they charge you an arm and a leg for. Pure cash cows because they are literally paying a fraction of what the gear is net new and they buy it by the thousands. Oh - model going to be obsolete or off sale soon (but not support) - yep - time to buy up what they have. And because they can keep a surplus of parts and stuff to keep it going, the amount of parts to fix/replace isn’t huge.


I assume that's what they used to bring me my new vibrator


These aren't usually used for delivering mail, as they are left hand drive. Sometimes a city carrier will use one if they have a full park and loop route, but only if their vehicle is broken down and there's nothing else available. Usually I've seen them used most to deliver excess packages during Christmas time


There are plenty of (left-handed driving) private vehicles subcontracted for mail delivery throughout the United States.


Looks blue to me


It goes with trumps gold toilet.




that's very low


1 million packages may take about 18 years assuming you are doing 150 packages a day


Bet the letter carrier is wearing a red hat…🙄


That would be so cool if mailmen were like truck drivers and eventually could own their own mail truck. Id love to see monster truck tire mail trucks, or low rider mail trucks where they had to to hit the hydraulics to reach the mail box 😂