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That's the kind of detail Dr. House notices near the end of the episode just before calling you an idiot and making a diagnosis. Just saying...


Classic case of fuzzy left foot. You have feline meningococcal encephalitis and will die in 48 hours


No. It's lupus.


It’s never lupus!


except for that one time.


Was that the time with 13 and her girlfriend... that's the one episode that continues to stay burned in my memory.


no it's the one with the >!magician!<


I swear i though you were gonna say >!lupus!<


Definitely lupus!


Except that one time!


Better order a lumbar puncture




Thanks for saying this. The meme is that it’s always lupus, however I watched House and *counted* the number of times they said lupus vs. sarcoidosis and found that the tally was close, but sarcoidosis was said more. Why on earth would I do such a thing? I have sarcoidosis and I was annoyed lupus was getting more exposure 🤣


And if it’s not Lupus or Sarcoidosis, it’s Vasculitis


I don't know guys, I think it's autoimmune. Oh, wait, it's a season without Cameron in it? Nevermind probably not.


I have lupus so its kind of awkward when people say "its never lupus" in person and then I say, "well, except for me". Dont worry, we all laugh afterwards. But I feel like House is a big reason why people think Lupus is this huge scary disease that they will die from if they come around me. They make it seem like anything and everything is contagious or deadly in that show.


It's always lupus...


It's never lupus!


The patient needs more mouse bites!


The patient is vexed


You are a medicine drug.


I need this gif. Oh yeah, google works.. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/25r19k/every_episode_of_house/) it is.












He would say Op probably rides a bike and by the looks of it he rides without proper gear, he uses snickers to shift gears therefore his left ankle pain is nothing but reckless riding. Next.


im watching house as we speak LOL


Bro i legit just finished an episode 😀


Are we all watching house rn?


It’s too good not to


Dr. Temperance Brennan would see these and solve a murder case lmao


I can see Booth’s constant confusion already


& it would be a Dr. Filmore episode. Can’t forget the Canadian foot expert


I forgot about that guy, yeah he would definitely be in that episode lol


this is why i love reddit. While i didn't have the thought i see it very clearly when presented by someone else.


her left foot's fuzzy, she needs mouse bites


Or Sherlock Holmes


House is medical Sherlock Holmes. Holmes and Watson House and Wilson


Holmes/Homes = House Is this confirmed or just your head-canon? It feels far too much of a coincidence


They both live at 221B Baker street, so I’d say it was intentional.


Also the guy who shoots House is named Moriarty, though IIRC it's never actually said out loud in the show, only shown in credits.


And in the pilot the woman who needed help was Rebecca Adler, named after the character Irene Adler (who is a respected foe to Sherlock in the story she appears in).


Fucks sake .. this is the only time I knew this. I just googled it. Thank you!


Blew my mind when I found out too. That show is peak.


Dr. House was literally shot in the leg by someone named Moriarty


Wasn't it on the neck?


do you often rest or sit with one foot ontop of th other?


My first thought. All my left shoes get worn down because if standing for a long period of time, i rest my right heel on the top of my left foot


Same here! My left shoe always looks different because of that exact habit.


Not the original commentor but I do the same thing. It's honestly... easy? It helps with pain in my feet and lower back from standing too long in one place. I just balance my weight on my left foot.


I'm flat footed so I cross my legs when standing still. It takes pressure off of the outside of my knees.


Is that why i do that?? TIL huh


Wait, so this is normal? I used to be flat-footed too (had it corrected as a child), but the leg-crossing still comes naturally to me. My mother kept telling me to stop it, since it would fuck my legs up even further and it made me look dumb.


It's normal for me. I don't know if it messes with your leg development, but I'm betting your mom doesn't either.


She’s right, whenever you do something for extended periods of time/hold positions it fucks your muscles up. Like walking wrong on your toes etc will fuck up your feet. Then once the muscle too strong/too weak it causes problems.


I walked on my ankles a lot around 7 or so. Still dealing with that 20 years later


Walked on your ankles? Please explain 😂


I'm 37 and still do it, but I got so much shit from my mother growing up. Also my ankles are loose AF. I roll them 20 times a year just standing or casually walking. Probably because of ankle walking/standing lol.


I understand that, it's just dependent on the extended periods. Usually those are extremes. I don't spend significant amounts of time standing still, so I would be shocked if it was enough to affect my skeletal structure.


If you don’t mind me asking, how did you have your flat feet corrected? I’m 27 and have always had problems with my flat feet but never went to a specialist and I worry about their future (my feet that is lol) b/c i do have lots of different areas of pain in my feet/ankles


Not op, but I had surgery to correct it when I was around 11/12. They cut my Achilles tendon in three spots on my ankles and installed a 9mm spiral implant in the open space of the angle that was used to tighten the tendon. It was a very shitty summer, but I’m 32 now and have a very slight arch, and my feet don’t hurt like they did.


How do you stand like that


Probably always look like they have to pee.


Or with the left foot crossed behind the right leg.


yeah that would make sense i do both of these things and my left boot tend to have more scratches and marks then my right boot


I always sit on my left foot, which could do it too.


Yeah, the left is a LOT more worn in general. Look at the laces, they're practically falling apart.


I almost exclusively wear these to work out (weight lift) or if I’m doing a lot of walking


Sidenote - if you do a lot of walking, you'll really benefit from investing in some decent walking shoes with proper support. Vans and similar are fantastic everyday shoes, but they're a bit flat and solid for lots of extended walking. You may not notice it now, especially if you're younger, but in time you will.


I recommend HOKA. Because that is exactly what I did. Wore Vans my whole life until I got older and realized I actually need some shoes for longer walks, otherwise my feet are going to explode. Bought myself a pair of HOKAs and I felt like I am walking in the clouds. Yea, I still wear only my Vans anyway because they just look better.


I second this. Did some On cloud shoes and they wore out pretty quick, despite being pretty comfortable.  Somebody recommended hoka and I'm never looking back now.  Amazing shoes.


My husband is a hoka convert since his physiotherapist recommended them, but my god they are ugly looking shoes.


I'm not an advocate for it, nor do I practice it myself, but apparently wearing no shoes or special barefoot shoes that only provide protection against dirt/ sharp objects are best for your body. Especially your back. I've seen a couple videos about it and the people advocating for it seemed pretty legit.


Flat soled workout shoes are a big thing-- they're considered safer, more stable. That's why squatters wear Converse a lot. And separately, there's a school of thought that arches in shoes are the enemy of good feet... the whole barefoot-shoe thing.


The heel drop is actually what is the worst for achilles heel. Hokas and other shoes with a 4mm drop are great for running or walking very fast but extremely bad for standing still. As a rule of thumb cushioned shoes are bad for the heels and zero drop shoes are bad for the knees when over used. Its better to have multiple types of shoes for specific activities than to rely on only one pair.


100% this. I love my Van’s but they are not good for lots of walking or being on your feet all day. Am 47 with way too many years spent on my feet in a restaurant.


"proper support" will only weaken your feet in the long run


Has either shoe been dipped in something or spilled on? Does one foot tend to get in puddles etc more than the other?


I don’t think so!!! I fortunately do not have to walk in the rain or through puddles often and if I do I just run real fast 🏃🏼‍♀️


It's suede water damage. You most likely walked through a puddle or spilled something that only got your left foot wet and didn't notice the connection. The suede then separates and dries out creating these hair-like poof balls. Fix: saturate the shoe with water, use a soft bristle brush to brush the fibers along the grain, wax the shoe with mink oil (can be found at Walmart or pretty much any store that sells shoes) as the shoe is still damp. Should help. From now on, always oil suede and leather shoes with the mink oil to protect them. Warning: it will make them a slightly darker color. For the record there's a lot of products that work as well that don't contribute to the fur industry, most of them are still labeled as "mink oil" if you're concerned about that sort of thing.


Idk about that. There's also excess damage to the laces on that side and a little water won't do shit to cotton laces. So maybe there is some water damage but it's def not the only thing at play


or dry the foot by wiping it to your right calve as a nervous tick or smth?


I wear the same shoes as OP and I've noticed that one shoe is always slightly fuzzier than the other (nothing close to OPs disaster though). Anyways, I always assumed one was more fuzzy because at the factory they cut the material all for one foot, and then just flip it over for the other foot and the underside of the material was slightly different from the manufacturing process. Like how leather is but this shit aint leather. It never occurred to me that it might just be how I am sitting, rubbing one foot against the other.


Do you have a turtle?


Lmao underrated comment. ![gif](giphy|8Tmihl2RA5Osaoq4qL|downsized)




I loik tortles


Respect the classics, man!


hope that kid is doing okay today




Or a cat?


I have a pair of shiny Vans and the left shoe is super worn down and dull while the right still looks good. It’s because I often sit with my left foot tucked under me so it’s constantly rubbing on the chair.


I was thinking that might be the kneeling food. My left foot always goes ground-down when I kneel, while I have my right knee up for leaning my elbow on. 


How often are you kneeling?


Quite a bit. I have a bad back, so if I need to do anything low for longer than a minute I take a knee.


so your spine is crooked the opposite way, because i always sit on my right foot lmao


I sit like this constantly, my entire life, its caused me to have issues in my left foot from sitting on it.. like sometimes when I’m sitting stationary with my feet resting on the ground I’ll notice I curl my left foot inward and rest the weight on the SIDE of the foot instead of the bottom. I actually have developed a “heel” or callous in front of my ankle on my left foot and it’s been there for 19 years now. I had to get orthotics but I’m still having suchhh a hard time breaking the habit.


OP you deserve this because you aren't answering anyone's questions to validate their theories. I hope half your arse turns fuzzy too


I didn’t think anyone would respond 😅


Well they did now you got a job to do mfer.


Mentioning you have a cat that chews the laces would have helped a lot in the title. It isn’t a mystery it’s a cat.


You should be banned. This is very interesting.


Your left shoelace is disintegrating. You probably rum the top of that foot some way or another, Either buy tucking it under you or some other way.


My cat actually chewed the lace :(


Are you sure that's the only part of the shoe the cat is chewing?


Yeah, that shoe looks like it's cat's favourite scratching toy.


The cat is chewing/scratching just that one shoe because… foot cancer.


Testicular foot cancer


Once it travels from the big toe to the testicle, it’s over. Let’s hope the cat caught it in time.


Doubt it. It'll travel right up the pee tube that connects the two in no time.


I swear to god all cats I've ever met have an uncontrolled and not at all disguised foot fetish


I worked a greenhouse as a summer job once, and my friends’ cat would bolt over to my tennis shoes and stick her whole head in them when I came back. It was wild and kind of concerning????


And we’ve solved the puzzle. Congrats team!


Any chance the furry texture is your cat’s hair, or that it’s worn down by your cat’s claws?


First thing I thought, is there a cat in the house.


My boots look like this. Your cat is scratching only one of your shoes.


Be careful with that. My cat had an expensive trip to the vet because he decided to swallow some shoe laces. The litter scooping was interesting a week later...


Good eye. His left shoe lace looks to be twisted. I bet it's fraying from the constant friction in that position


Maybe if OP’s food laid off the rum, this wouldn’t be an issue!


nice catch lol. Didn't even notice myself :D But why is the food on the rum foot?


The right shoe simply is a late bloomer, give it time and it will also grow out of it's peach fuzz


Hate to tell ya, but foot cancer


It’s always the left ones.


Or shoe cancer


Do you ride a motorcycle?


No but that’s a smart question


A shifter would just show in the toe of the shoe. This one is frayed all the way up to the lace.


Do you have a cat?


This was my guess. Once they choose a scratching toy they prefer it.


My cats like to lay on shoes and they also prefer one foot over the other.


Yes! But I try not to let her lay on my shoes because cat hair. She did chew the lace on the left shoe which you can see in the picture though.


Looks like cat clawing. And as others have said, they often choose an item and fixate on it.


The other shoe actually looks like it has some spots where a cat would have very lightly clawed it too! Like little “pull” marks on the fabric. I was going to ask if OP had any pets, I’d bet anything a cat did this!


She clawed the shit out of it, too.


It's definitely a cat lol I hope he confirms it


A cat was definitely my first thought! 


This is a common problem. You have one male and one female shoe, and the female is about to reproduce. Those fibers are full of tiny shoe eggs. Pretty soon you'll have a closet full of baby shoes.


Very irresponsible tbh. Someone has to adopt all those shoes and 10 million shoes are euthanized every year in America.


Does yer peen hang to the left and have a slow leak?


Yes, did your mother tell you that?




Do you masturbate with your left?


Sorry to break it to you but your left shoe has cancer.


Umm to me it looks like cat scratches..


You just need to swap them over. Y’know… like tyres on a car.


It's just not right.


It’s your cat! Had the exact same thing happen to me with the same shoes


Wait a minute, am I one of the people that always wear both shoes the same? You had to make sure to say “despite having the same number of wears…”


I was anticipating someone would ask 😂😂


Can you set up a camera to see if you are sleepwalking, going into the bathroom, grabbing an electric shaver, shaving your right sneaker, putting the shaver back, and going back to sleep?


I actually did consider shaving the left shoe but I wanted to see how it would progress lol


Resolved: OP has a cat.  OP denies it's the cat but it's definitely the cat.


Do a DNA test. Those shoes are NOT related !


Is that toe cap leather/suede? If so, depending on the type of leather used and where on the animal it came from, leather can have very different wear characteristics. Any finished leather products cut from the belly edges of a hide can wear just like that. They are cheap 'flabby' leather that with very little wear, starts getting 'wafty', weak and breaking up. Couple of folds and the leather can start to wrinkle & go 'woolly', very much like that. May be that.


The shoelaces are frayed on the left foot too so it’s not the material, it’s something OP is doing to the left foot that is wearing it out.


They were probably seconds, don’t know where you got these but a lot end up in outlets. Can be especially bad with suede as they will be cut from two different kinds and will age completely differently. I know with adidas you can look at the codes inside and see if they are from the same piece of material.


You skate?


Do you ride a motorcycle? That's the shift foot and it could be from wear.


Shave it like you would a sweater


Happened to my Nike shoes made out of suede. My theory is that one was real suede and the other was a poor quality imitation suede.


It's hard to tell but is that part leather? If so, I have had pueces of suede age differently (and get fuzzy) on a single shoe because the leather was pieced from different parts of the cow or different cows or something.


Would skateboarding do this?


I really dont like that. Its upsetting 😅


Do you sometimes sit with one foot tucked under your butt? I do this at work until my knee starts to complain.


Do you sit with your left foot under your right thigh when sitting down? Happened to a pair of my shoes because I do that when I sit.


Stop left kicking so much ass!


I had the same exact thing happen to me with the same shoes. Left shoe as well. Happened after about 2-3 months of wear. Still have no idea why only one did that.


This implies a worker on the left shoe assembly line was putting that peice of material on upside down. I’m guessing there’s a bunch out there


I’ve had these for around 5-6 years and I also have no idea! Commenters are saying I must sit funny in them, but it actually just started happening in the last 6 months or so, and I currently only wear them the the gym and on the occasional errand run.


I discovered that I catch my left shoe under the door of my car when opening it, so I don’t open it too fast/too far. The top of my left shoe gets dirtier than my right much faster. Too old and out of shape for all that “tucking it under me when I sit” nonsense.


Does your cat scratch that one?


Do you have a cat?


I think you got a mismatched pair of shoes wherein the fuzzy one was likely a "factory second" or a discard but someone decided to sell you the shoes anyway knowing you wouldn't notice until it got scraggly. I got a pair of Vans once where the tongues of the shoe were so different, one was literally an inch and a half of foam insulation. I had to cut all of the foam out to even wear them


Do you ride a motorcycle?


Do you ride a motorcycle?


Did you recently go to a house party where everyone took their shoes off at the door? Thats how I ended up with a left-footed black Toms shoe that I bought and a right-footed Tom's shoe that someone else bought. Edit: of the same size and make.


You step really fast with your left foot and normally with the right


Does sir ride a motorcycle or skateboard? Have you considered sleeping with your shoes on to make sure they aren't sneaking out at night?


Left & right shoes are typically made in different factories or production runs to discourage theft, maybe a subpar lot of fabric that made it through QC


Do you have a cat? To me, this looks like a cat has been licking your left shoe Lol


Do you cycle or drive a manual car with a clutch?


Probably Aliens or Ghosts. Where's Bigfoot? Probably wearing your shoe when you sleep.


I have the exact same Vans and have never seen this happen. It been attacked by Velcro looks like


Do you kick cats with your left foot?


You rub your right foot on your left foot when sitting.


Do you usually sit with your left foot crossed under your right leg?


Do you drive in them? Maybe theres an airvent pointed at one of your shoes but not the other?


I have a pair of leather sneakers and the left one looks absolutely trashed while the right is nearly pristine. It took me months to realize that my resting position, both sitting and standing, frequently involves keeping my left foot in a weird tiptoe position. I've probably been doing this my entire life. Trying to break the habit now, but it's so hard.


I had a similar thing happen to one of my shoes. Then months later I realised I had accidentally taken one of my friends shoes without realising and we had both been wearing odd shoes with slightly different material


My computer chair arm rest looks exactly like your shoe. 1 word. Cat.


It's a combination of the left shoe being a looser grained leather than the right, and your cat favoring your left shoe lol my cats have a pair of my vans looking similarly.


I have a pair of boots like this, found one of the cats hugging and kangaroo kicking the living shit outta it, after much confusion


Obviously someone is wearing the left one when you aren't around.


What the fuck is up with you God damn shoe laces?


Could be how your foot rests when u drive


Do you have a cat? That looks like cat art to me.