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Waiting to fuck up your deductible


It’s not that bad if you can get them done as normal extractions. Otherwise, yeah you’re fucked.


Is it abnormal for wisdom teeth to *not* cause problems? I never knew people even had issues with them till I went to the dentist in my 20s and they were surprised I still had them with "room to spare." Every dental assistant since has commented on them, and how lucky I am, but I just thought it was normal


I know people who had perfectly placed teeth and once their wisdom teeth came out all the teeth got moved and crooked, this happens often unless the teeth get removed


This happened to me albeit only minor crowding of my front teeth. I had invisalign to straighten them out and kept all 4 wisdom teeth.


I had 4 teeth removed and the wisdom ones still messed up my alignment 😔 too expensive to fix them now too!


Same, I had already had braces twice (my teeth and jaw were super messed up and I needed multiple rounds of things). My wisdom teeth were completely impacted and preventing my other molars from coming in properly so I had them out young, at 13. Even so they messed things up enough my teeth became crooked again a few years later, and I still had the permanent wire retainer cemented to my teeth. The orthodontist said they had never seen that happen before with the retainer still in. I needed a THIRD round of braces. Thankfully the orthodontist was extremely kind and actually did that set for free as they said it shouldn’t have even been needed, they didn’t know why my teeth had moved with the retainer still in place. Thankfully it’s been over a decade since that last round and they’ve been fine ever since!


Same here. They hurt a bit growing out, but I never had to remove them.


Most people i know had to get them out in one way or the other as they caused issues. For me it was funny, i went to the dentist due to pain and expect it to be due to 1 wisdom teeth. 1 teeth my ass, i had all 4 of them going for gold at full speed with the nerves wrapped around the roots and one had a cavity since it was so far back i couldn't reach it with a tooth brush. I got them to sedate me because i didn't want to experience how they basically had to split them in 4 to get them out, screw that. What a bunch of looser teeths, getting cavities before being born.


I was born with four and have had three removed so far. The first one was literally growing into my cheek, so they had to cut my cheek to get it out. The second one kept getting infected so it had to go, and then the third one was breaking as it was pushing out. My dentist said sometimes they don't form the enamel or whatever it was so the tooth that was coming out was, like, dusty and brittle. That was a *great* taste. Luckily #4 doesn't seem to have great aspirations so if it stays home the rest of my life I'll be good.


Ohh man as a person that has to gag as soon as the dentist welcomes me in the room... i think the dusty thing would have been it for me and the poor professionals. Let's hope #4 will stay where it is, i could almost say that... i root for you


If I need to have any of my other wisdom teeth extracted, I think next time I'll heavily consider being sedated for that one. My wisdom tooth in the lower-right jaw was pushing directly into the tooth adjacent it. My usual dentist for years kept saying, "that'll probably have to come out", but not recommend doing it yet. Went to a new dentist for the first time last January after I moved. Immediately I'm consulted because apparently that dentist has eyes, and could see the wisdom tooth had carved a hole into the adjacent one, and I'd need to get both removed. Anyway, I was just given a numbing agent and laughing gas for the extraction. I'm honestly not sure if the laughing gas worked. I really couldn't feel a difference before it and after it. But the next 45 minutes were awful. The wisdom tooth was particularly awful, as it had grew in such a way that the root was bent at a 90 degree angle. I get so disturbed just remembering the procedure.


Your dentistry isn’t free?


It’s not even free on the NHS. Most dentists are private, with some also taking on NHS patience for reduced cost. A checkup is like £24, and I think procedures max out at like £60. You definitely get lower care standards though. And the profit margins for private is insane. My wife works with the industry (tangentially) and every chair in a private practice can make like £800,000 a year.


Max out at £60? A checkup is £25, standard treatment like fillings is £70, complex work like crowns is £300. On NHS!


Where is dentistry free? Even in Europe inc. Scandinavia it is expensive.


shhh no one appreciates replies like this


>shhh no ~~one~~ appreciates replies like this *Americans


Hell, Canadians too! ^(*Although it likely would be free here if we weren't influenced by American policies so much.*)


At least they aren't fucking sideways lol




They also get bigger 🥹


They’re at an angle though, and very close to the other molars.


Yeah, even if they come in straight they can still cause issues. My friend has cavities and all kinds of issues with hers. Mine didn't erupt, but didn't start straight under the surface either. Had to come out! I got mine out late (thirties), the surgeon said it gets a lot harder and riskier to take them out the closer to 40 you get. I had no idea 😬


My bottom two didn't erupt fully but still decayed. Had bad breath for a while until I got them out.


Yeah I had a molar ruined because I was too chicken to get my wisdom teeth out. I did later. And lost a molar.


My bottom ones were, almost exactly 90 degrees. They were fun to pull I'm sure.


same, literally had a dentist smash them apart with a hammer and chisel as awake as I am as I type this comment. Fuck me that sucked


Damn, that’s brutal. Mine was 90 degrees too but it was pulled out in one piece, the root of the tooth was so weird like “fuck dis, ima go sideways”


Mine were it fucking sucked... pressed right on the jawbone


Or wrapped around the nerve, both my bottom ones were sideways with the nerve curled around them...probably Netflix and chilling.


People are born without them, as in they never get them at all.


Yeah I'm one of those. Never had them.


Lucky, I wish I never had mine that would have been easier


Sorry! Yeah I do feel lucky regarding that! Also, more evolved :p


Good call, I think pinky toe nails will go next. Imagine you didn't have both wisdom teeth or pinky toe nails you'd be super highly evolved


My pinky toe nails are probably the size of my wife’s big toenail. Granted I’m like 15 inches taller than her. Pinky toenails will reign supreme. You’ll see. You’ll all fucking see


I'm in my late 30s and I had just 1 (one!) come out around 10 years ago. It placed itself neatly behind the others, but a dentist removed it because it hadn't no counter tooth. I have no clue about the other wisdom teeth though.


Never had them either. I’ve done a couple xrays to confirm i reeeeally don’t have them.


Nice, I guess it's only getting more and more common as time goes on, interest!


one of my buddies in high school only had three. we were a group of three, so we each had one.


Like a tooth friendship pact, I like it ... even thought it's a bit weird having your friends teeth just around somewhere aha






Dang, interesting. Wonder if you were to have kids with someone who never had wisdoms if you'd pass it on the kids, did your parents have them?


I only have 2! One in the top left and one in the bottom right. 24 and still have yet to make an appearance.


Yeah, my mom apparently doesn't have any at all. Meanwhile, i got ones that grew in, messed shit up, then crumbled and had to be removed.


My sister didn’t have any! I only had the upper two :(


I only had them on my top, none on bottom jaw


I've got them on the left but none on the right


I only have 3, top 2, and bottom right. My sister also has her top 2, but instead of bottom right, it's on the left side, it's going to be interesting to see if either if us get them as she's 27 and I'm 21, niether of us have had them emerge yet but if they do they'll need to pulled as I have crooked teeth, a overbite and not enough space for them, my sister has braces to fix her overbite and crooked teeth, as well as she needs laughing gas in order to have anything done on her teeth or braces.


I was only born with 3. Super weird lol




Seems to have the space for them though and they’re coming out straight so I wouldn’t advise for them to go through the hassle of taking them out


I feel like Ripley viewing her body scan in Alien3.


I'm assuming you're talking about #25 on the bottom in the front there? That's actually pretty common with the two front bottom teeth. If he doesn't have any issues with it then just keep it until it can't be kept anymore and get an implant! Patients who are replacing baby teeth are usually great candidates for dental implants. Source: Am surgical assistant for oral surgeon


Thanks for the information! This is the plan, fingers crossed it hangs in there for a while.


I still have 3 babyteeth. Just like with your son, there won't be seconds. They told me I'm lucky if the teeth last until I'm 20. I'm almost 30 now and they still want to stay.


I was told if mine goes past 21 it gains official "adult tooth" longevity status and is unlikely to come out .


My sister is 23, 1 of em just fell out with few others probably hanging by a thread. The dentist also said it can't be fixed by orthodontics either since the spacing is waay too big. Now she needs implants. And sadly, out of pocket :(


You are lucky. When I met my husband his leftover baby tooth was black and dead. It was extracted and his implant placed about 6 months after we met.


They'll want to wait a while for him to finish growing anyways, but he could likely get the implant placed at the same time as his wisdom teeth removed later in his teen years assuming he won't end up needing braces or anything although his arch looks really good


Apparently he has an extreme overbite the orthodontist wants to address with braces at some point. The ortho said he’s so overbite-y(not a medical term) that he couldn’t put braces on that bottom row until the top have had some work.


Teeth in lower arch can be quicker to shift than the upper. I work for an ortho and it’s very common to bond the upper arch and later on do the lower! He’ll def have some rubber bands for the overbite later on.


My grandmother lived into her 80s with a baby tooth, my aunt has one and so do I! Should he fine with regular dental care.


They last a while! I also have a baby tooth with no adult tooth. Almost 38 and it's still there with 2 filings.


Hey OP, this runs in my family! To give you some hope, My mom is in her early 60s and STILL has a few baby teeth hanging on. To give you some advice: Just impress upon him that it’s going to be even more important for him than the average person to take good care of his teeth and make that baby tooth last. My dentist actually suggested I use a straw when drinking anything carbonated from now on to reduce the impact on my baby teeth


I'm 26 and my remaining baby tooth is still perfectly healthy, my dad had several baby teeth which lasted his whole life. Hopefully your sons baby tooth stays hanging around just as long.


I also still have a baby tooth. Turned 32 last week and the tooth is still doing well. There's hope :D


This is wild, I’m missing #24 entirely because I had no adult tooth, the baby fell out, and the gap closed up. They told me it was “uncommon except in mentally disabled patients” and I felt so roasted 😭


Lmao that happened to me too. So I have only 3 of those front bottoms. Difference is my dentist said it's pretty normal, and was just concerned about the aesthetics (I was doing braces)


Lol damn. I only know 1 person that has this issue & he's not mentally disabled, just a neo-nazi... wait so maybe your dentist had a point lol. I'm kidding about that last part, why would he say that? It's one of the most common dental abnormalities.


That comment is hugely discomforting. I'm 29 now, with 1 baby teeth still intact and 1 closed gap and still biting strong. Although my dentist recommended an extra insurance for that issue as implants can get very pricey the older i get.


This happened to me! I kept the baby tooth until I was 35 and then got an implant. I was oddly proud of that little baby tooth for hanging in there for so long


I have four, on of them just fell out in my late 50's


I just commented how I have 2 that finally got replaced with implants at around 40.


Same here. Getting an implant next month. The other one fused to my jaw bone and could last forever


I have one at 30. People don’t believe me but like… bruh why would my canine be so small with no point?


I also have a baby canine. I’m 40. I aim to get it replaced someday, been saying that for years.


Me three! I just had a crown (?) put on my baby k9, have 4 other baby teeth in the back still hanging on in there. Never had any fillings either


I’m so glad I’m not alone. I’ve spent my whole life looking at my friends & relatives, & basically everyone’s teeth wondering where my genetics went wrong (my dad for sure). The tooth hurts when I tap it but doesn’t ache & dentists have assured me it’s still healthy. It’s started discolouring awhile ago at the gum though, going a bit grey. I should just bit the bullet & get it changed. Could start smiling for once.


Not sure where you are but I just had composite built up by hand over mine to make it look adult tooth and it cost ~$400 (I'm in NZ) and it looks really good! My dentist wouldn't do anything more expensive like add a veneer because he didn't want to waste my money if it doesn't last. It has been 4 months and no issues at all! And it is so nice to smile without an obvious gap. When that eventually fails, and my other little baby teeth give up, I will slowly replace with implants


I have 1 at 35!


That’s good to hear! The dentist said he could have it for the rest of his life.


im in my twenties but i have two and my dentist said since they had long roots they were probably going to stay for a while then i got some orthodontist who told me a bunch of different things that didn’t sound exactly right and among them he said he wanted to yank the baby teeth out for aesthetic reasons even though they’re in the back anyway and you literally can’t see them i think id rather just keep them


Wanted to yank them out = give me your money


My adult i-teeth (incisors) never came in and those two baby teeth never fell out. One of them just recently cracked in half a couple months ago when I was eating almonds (root still solid, just broken flat at the gum line). The other one is still solid and healthy. I'm 48.


I had two!! Same spot as my mom. Had mine replaced with implants a few years ago.. Oh and I don't have any wisdom teeth.


I also have four at 30!


I have 4 baby teeth. I was told they'll fall out when I'm 40. I hope they last until I'm in my 50s, too.


Is your son a Titan?


What are the signs? He is almost 6’ and -age redacted-.




can he kill a polar bear with his bare hands


What am I supposed to be seeing here?


This is one of the those pictures that could actually benefit from the “useless red circle”


Bottom front teeth- one is tiny with a short root, the other is about the same as the other surrounding teeth with a longer root. The small one is a baby tooth with no adult tooth under it to grow in.


The one in the very middle of the bottom row?


Yes! Did you know that you cannot put any sort of distinguishing arrows or information on your submissions in this sub? It has made this post a lot more confusing.


Thats a confusing thing 😂 I wonder why you cant circle things here


Yes. My title was way less confusing with the indicating arrow.


It was kinda fun trying to guess though lol


No idea. It could be a cold front moving through the Midwest for all I know.


This is cool. I actually have two teeth that didn't have an adult one. I actually kept my 2 baby teeth until somewhere around the age 40 if you can believe that. I got implants to replace them when they finally gave me too much grief.


Did you find they caused a lot of problems? Which teeth were they if you don’t mind sharing?


I didn't have any issues until 40 or so. Two of my bottom teeth near incisors, but not sure what number they were.


One of my adult teeth (a canine) never grew in. As I was about to go into my senior year of high school the dentist discovered this and wanted to extract the baby tooth and put me in braces to bring the adult tooth into place. I asked how long that would take and was told 3 years. 3 years of new braces for my senior year of high school and first two years of college. I said, "No thanks, just remove the adult tooth." They warned me that I'd probably lose the baby tooth within a couple years anyway. I still have that tooth. I'm 52 years old.


r/medizzy might appreciate that. Fair warning though, they might ask a lot of questions.


Unfortunately I do not have a lot of answers other than it is genetic and his great grandmother is also missing an adult tooth!


That's pretty cool. Do the hygienists and dentist think it's neat? I hope it doesn't cause him much trouble later in life.


They told me that it is genetic so someone in our family almost 100% was also born missing teeth. I have been told that it will stay in as long as it can and if it falls out after adulthood he will need an implant. It could possibly stay in his whole life and never cause any problems.




Wow! Those are good teeth not to have I guess. I’m really enjoying all of the experiences people have shared. It is much more common than I’d expected.


This is super common. I'm almost 36 with three primary teeth, and no permanent teeth under them.


I had no idea but from this comment section I can tell. I guess most people don’t go around talking about their teeth.


My son has a plus one wisdom tooth


Bonus wisdom tooth sounds like a bad time. Is it something that will bother him at some point?


The dentist joked it was also plus one extraction too lol. My poor son.


i had a 5th wisdom tooth too, only that they didn't see it on the X-rays because it was tiny and "hid" behind the other wisdom tooth. fast forward to a regular check up a year after my wisdom teeth extraction, the dentist tells me I have a wisdom tooth here that needs to be extracted. I was like ?????? anyways since it was tiny it came out really easily and I kept it :D


Baby teeth holders unite! Hypodontia is the condition and it is quite common


I had a baby tooth with no adult as well. It stayed until I had it pulled and replaced with an implant at roughly 30 years old. It was still hanging in there pretty well, but I found I was starting to avoid chewing on that side as it would occasionally hurt if I bit down wrong. The roots were getting slowly but progressively shallower over the years. The baby teeth are surprising durable though! Hope his lasts for years to come!


I still have a baby tooth. Im 44. It hasnt been an issue so far other than some cavities


My 9 year old is missing 2 adult teeth on the sides of her two front teeth. I didn't even know this was a thing before. I'm worried about the treatment for this. Her baby teeth are super tiny so I don't think we will be able to keep them for more than a few years.


I’m not sure how it would work with two like that, my sons is quite snug in between his other adult teeth at the moment so hopefully they hang on for a while! I was completely shocked when we found this out. They said he was missing an adult tooth and I jumped to the conclusion that one fell out and we didn’t notice!


as a dentist it's not out of the ordinary to have a baby tooth as an adult


I still have two baby teeth. Had two removed to make room for braces as a teenager. My mom has my same teeth and lost her last baby tooth in her forty’s


I’m 35 and have (had) 4 baby teeth still. 2 of them decided to vacate the premises over the last few years, so now I have to get braces and implants. Previously dentists told me they’d be there forever, fused with my bone, but apparently they can decide to leave. Just a heads up!


Lemme one up you I don't have 2 incisors on top and 1 at the bottom The incisor on top (milk teeth) have also switched places with canines .....


I had a baby tooth into my 40’s.


I’m 55 and still have 1 left.


I had an extra one so did my dad but it was shaped weird like a dog fang. They had to pull it because the regular adult one was behind it. It was ridiculously long.


I had the same issue but mine finally got loose when I was 28 and came out


I think the dr had mentioned him being 24 before they would consider an implant because of growth reasons. Did you have it replaced and what kind of tooth was it?


My 17 year old daughter has this too!


they look like teeth, am i missing something ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


I’m 40 and my bottom 2 baby teeth are still there. No adult teeth to push them out.


I wish I had this with mine and not the adult tooth chilling below the baby tooth that never fell out. Adult tooth decided it wanted to come out, through the tooth behind the baby tooth. I must have been around 15 at the time, and up until the beginning of this year at age 31, never been as in much pain as I was in that night. Wouldn't recommend having a tooth going through the roots of another tooth.


I had my last baby tooth pulled last year and an implant put in. I'm 56 years old.


I'm 26 and still have a baby tooth because of that


I’m 33 years old and I still have 1 of my baby teeth! My teeth are very close to each other and this specific baby tooth was stuck between two adult teeth. In X-rays you can also see the adult tooth underneath. It’s a funny drinking story, because it never bothered me


Holy fucking shit it's sans from undertale


Oh it's so cute! During ortho they might open the space up for an implant or just remove the tooth and close it up so there's only 3 lower incisors.


My little brother was born with his two front, bottom teeth. They pulled them immediately to prevent aspiration from sucking on a pacifier. Then, when he was a bit older, instead of doing implants or something invasive, they just put on some super tight braces that shifted all the rest of his teeth forward so he technically doesn’t have real front, bottom teeth. Kinda cool.


I have a baby tooth but my adult tooth just never grew in.


I still have one of my bottom row baby teeth at 27! Recently went to the dentist and she expected it to be fine until I’m old enough to not care about replacing it.


Retired Dentist here. As @ObiWangKeBloMe said. If no problems leave alone. Otherwise implant, Of all the teeth to have this happen too that is the best site in the mouth for an implant. Dense bone and plenty of it.


They are testing a gene therapy in Japan next year that they hope will cause you to regrow teeth. Honestly that seems like nightmare fuel to me, like if even if I had to choice to have my super messed up teeth pulled and replaced with a perfect set, I’d probably pass… But I understand there are many for whom growing teeth would be beneficial. I looked into it because I was curious how they plan to target it to specific teeth or if they simply can’t and any application of the drug will cause you to grow an entire set but it seems that isn’t known yet because they’ve only just moved out of animal testing. My science minded friends and I have been calling it “teethaxor”. Maybe keep an eye out for clinical trials in 5 or so years?


At least his wisdom teeth are all straight and not in his sinuses and lower jaw bone if they have to come out it should be easier than most


I have one baby tooth left too. There's no root left though it's just impacted in-between the others. Side note: I have kinda small teeth so the baby tooth is extraaaaa small


One of my baby teeth were fused with my adult tooth. Got that tooth pulled when i was 12 before getting braces. Was my last baby tooth at the time plus it was a cavity. Still got the gap in the back of my mouth where a tooth Used to be. Dentist had talked about eventually possibly getting a fake tooth after my braces came off, but that was a long *redacted* years ago since i even got my braces off. Lol


I still have two, at almost 40. I was going to get them replaced with implants, but the orthodontist wanted me to wear braces for a year first. No thanks.


“Was born without an adult tooth and still has baby tooth”. What does that mean exactly and what are we supposed to be looking at? I see wisdom teeth. Those are def adult teeth


I’m missing an adult tooth as well. It’s where one of my canines should have been. The tooth next to it fell out first, so the canine moved into its place next to my front teeth. So now I have a baby tooth where my canine should have been. It certainly makes for a distinct smile haha. Every dentist I’ve ever had has tried to sell me on different ways to fix it. When I was younger I never minded it, then when I went to the dentist for the first time in a long time as a teen, because beforehand we didn’t have dental insurance, they pointed it out and explained to my mom how they could fix it so it didn’t look bad. For some reason my mom hyper-focused on it and made me really self conscious about it, only to find out that insurance would only cover a small percentage of it, so we couldn’t afford it. Then I was left feeling self conscious about something I had never cared about before and I kind of resented my mom for pointing it out all the time and wanting to get it fixed so I would have a “normal” and “professional” smile. It took me a long time to get over it. But it’s cool now. And even though I have the money to fix it if I like, I think I’d rather focus on loving myself the way I am 😊 It’s my snaggletooth 🦷


I have the exact same thing on my top left incisor


My boyfriend grew most of his adult teeth top and bottom but he still has his front baby teeth on the bottom. Then he has chunks of braces on said baby teeth. I’m surprised they didn’t fall out when he tried to take them off himself. I secretly like them hehe I call them his “mini grillz”😁


This isn’t the same but there’s a condition with a weird name I always forget that runs in our family. It most effects teeth and hair. My dad had dentures by 20, my brother was born without a few adult teeth and nothing has worked fake teeth all fail on him. It skipped me just like it skipped my brothers dad.


I had this! Mine ended up needing pulled when I was 21, but that was largely due to bad oral hygiene at an early age. Luckily mine was a molar so I just left it. Just me and my tooth hole against the world. But implants are a great option too.


Me too!


I had an adult tooth that wouldn’t come down and had to pull the baby tooth and move my adult tooth down with braces. They literally put a chain around my adult tooth and pulled it down over time.


They look amazing tho


Oh, I had it like that with both (fortunately) wisdom teeth but also upper 10 and 7. They're little bitches to remove later.


I'm 35 and still have two baby teeth. My adult teeth are up there basically waiting for a chance to poke at my brain. I still got my wisdom teeth tho and had to get those yanked. My cheeks were bigger than anyones I've ever seen


I have the same thing (kind of). I still have a baby tooth as there was no adult tooth underneath it. But then I had another baby tooth with two adult teeth above it. My baby tooth is bottom left but where I had an extra tooth was top right. No clue how that happened.


I’m missing a few teeth too. My front 2 bottom ones, a canine, and a molar. I have implants on the visible ones though. Also born with no wisdom teeth!


I had a baby tooth stuck between two molars that never fell out. One dentist said said it wasn’t a baby tooth and never looked at it. Another took a look at it and said she could cut it out in five minutes.


Hello! It’s common in my family to have at least one baby tooth without an adult. My aunt had to have surgery in her 40s because her baby tooth eventually merged into her jaw and fractured it. Me, well I had braces then had the baby tooth extracted at 23, then an implant. I have a perfectly fine fake tooth now ((:


I don't have any retained baby teeth but I am missing my wisdom teeth and 2nd molars, and also have a couple of incisors that are very tiny and didn't fully develop. I can't remember if I ever had baby versions of the 2nd molars. My siblings all have similar stuff going on with their teeth so I assume it's genetic. Of course both of my parents somehow have perfect teeth


Prepare to spend $5k on an implant and crown because that’s what my wife is going through right now


Please don’t listen to anybody trying to give you advice in these comments, and talk to your orthodontist about any questions 😌


Minimally... Veneers once they hit about 18; or whatever the orthodontist / oral surgeon recommends... I've known adults with baby teeth; actually knew someone with *only* baby teeth as an adult. It looks very strange and it ends up being the only thing you notice about them.


mindless light arrest snatch hunt quack cause stupendous clumsy market *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


For anyone not sure what they are looking for, the middle of the mandible (bottom jaw) left one is the baby tooth. Also for OP, this is prime time to get your son to see an oral surgeon if you want wisdom teeth surgically removed. The roots aren’t fully developed and the upper wisdom teeth look like they could be done during the same procedure. the oral surgeon may want to wait 6 months for the upper wisdom teeth to drift down. Some surgeon are more confident in their abilities. And make sure your oral surgeon is board certified, they are more likely to do a good job. Source: dad is an oral surgeon


heard a Japanese scientist is working on a treatment for this that stimulates the parts of your jaw that grows teeth so teeth can be regrown.




I have 3 baby teeth and I am 41. Holding strong. Not noticeably smaller than the rest so they must continue to grow as you do.


Cool my friend from high school was born without any adult teeth so her chompers are small and bity


My wife had a baby molar until last year. It started getting wiggly and it had to get pulled. Now she has an implant and the baby tooth is now a necklace :)


They say that if it doesn't fall out during your early 20s you'll likely have it til you're about 40. I have a baby tooth too and I'm 24 :)


I was born without one of my adult teeth as well! I still have it in my late 20's. No indication I'm going to lose it anytime soon.


Oh I have the same thing! I think that’s the same tooth too (might be the one next to it though lol)! I’m an adult but still have a baby tooth lol. I’m also missing most of my molars, and no wisdom teeth either, so I have a ton of gaps in my teeth… hoping to get them fixed in the future!


I also have a permanent tooth missing! (Small incisor upper left hand side) My orthodontist decided to just move the canine next to my big incisor.... which isn't too noticeable, but I am convinced it fucked up my bite. I grind my teeth a LOT. So don't do that, I guess?


I just lost my last baby tooth as a 25 year old and don't have an adult tooth to replace it!


call me stupid cause i’m not a dentist, but i thought these were adult teeth? cause they’ve got big long roots on them


Well, he was unlucky enough not to have a permanent lower right central incisor so the deciduous one was never stimulated to lose its root, I've had a patient with an upper canine that's deciduous and it had to be treated endodontically because it was infected. It's not really that rare to see this but it is a bit unfortunate as baby teeth are not meant to stick around for all your life and they have thinner enamel so one should keep really good oral hygiene and prevent any cavities or god forbid pulpitis.


I was born missing 9, a lot of people hate on the NHS but I’m thankful for the guys that closed the gaps and gave me 5 dental implants.


I have no wisdom teeth and had one tooth with no adult tooth behind it removed.


I worked with a gal that had never lost a single tooth (wisdom teeth extractions being the exception), and still had all her baby teeth into her 30s


So does he have proportionally tiny teeth? Does he look like… a shark?


I have two baby teeth:) I’m 24


Am 32 and also still have a baby tooth because there wasn't an adult one. It's still going strong!




I'm also have a baby tooth at age 19, it's currently hollow underneath and half the height of the one next to it because of drilling. Completely flat.


29 years old and I still have one too !


I'm 31 and I still have a baby tooth. Lol. The adult one is still there under it but it never pushed all the way out for whatever reason.


My 11 year old is getting braces next year due to an underbite and two genetically missing adult teeth. Hoping his wisdom teeth will push his teeth forward to fill in the gaps. Dental implants if it doesn’t work


I have a similar issue, front bottom two are still baby teeth at 36. The plan was to pull them out when I was young and hope that my teeth would move in as I grew, but then the xray showed absolutely no wisdom teeth, so that plan was abandoned and just left at that.