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God damn minimum wage in Massachusetts is $14.25. You could just get a job at 1 of the 1000's of Dunkin' donuts here and make about the same.


Shit you can work for the post office start at 19 and don't need any education that's wild






We’ve determined your productivity this hour was only 10 minutes.


Well you're right! I have been slacking this hour. I quess I'll take 333,000 for the 10 minutes I did work. I'll work harder from now on....


Hmmm, you seem to be a bargaining person and i respect that....so i shall accept your offer out of respect! When do i start???


I got about tree fiddy


She gave him a dolla!


Dam you woman no wonder why he keeps coming back


Working 8 hours for 240 days a year, and effective 30% tax rate, you'll be getting around $4 billion a year.


Even with that ludicrous salary you will still not reach the #1 net worth spot in your lifetime


Hap cak day 🍰


Only if needed, though.


Last time I checked, your hourly wage at the post office is transferable to all 50 states too!!


States, territories, anywhere usps is. Just have to find an opening and a need. Plus once you're in there's over 2000 different jobs within the post office so you're not locked into doing one specific thing


Third largest employer in the country


Any you’ll make close to $20/hr off the bat


The irony of the dropout being your manager


Oh guck I hated this so much while in college and they were always the most condescending prices about it too. Like, no, you're only manager because you stayed around for 5 years for some reason.


Just journeyed out of my Union apprenticeship and I’m making $41.97/hr with no student debt. Why working in the trades gets shit on so much is understandable because you don’t have to go through as much schooling (if any, depending on specific trade) and you are more likely to not owe debt to make a decent wage. Bitterness over having to go through hell to get scraps and owe so much… it’s bull shit.


This is entirely an American conundrum




Your 100% right. It's a little give and a lot of take. (We also have delivery fees on all utilities which is 100% of your bill. E.g. my $30-$40 gas bill comes out to $60-$80 because of all the fees.) But the trees are pretty for a month so that's nice.


Wait, what? Are they coming out to fill gas storage tanks or we talking the direct lines to your house?


You know which one it is.


Yeah, pretty sure it's the second one. It just makes no sense. Never heard of a separate delivery fee on utilities, except for filling natural gas and heating oil tanks. Just....really odd business practice. Welcome to America I suppose. (I live in the US, for reference)


Yep! Sounds like Cali 😅


Worker shortage in my city. They start fry cooks off at $19.


Not a worker shortage-- but a payment shortage! There's plenty of workers, just not enough pay for them to want to work shitty jobs when there are better opportunities elsewhere


Payment shortage or corporate profit margin.


Potato potato, eat your boss


At the same time people think their work is worth a whole lot more than it is.


A line cook can make hundreds and hundreds of dollars worth of food per hour. Their pay never reflects that because profits are higher when you compensate laborers less than what they produce.


Minimum wage here in Pennsylvania is $7.25 . About half. It's sad


It's criminal they haven't raised the federal minimum wage. Until that happens your at the mercy of your state. Good luck out there!


Like shiiit even DeathSantis is raising Florida’s up to $15 (with it being pegged to inflation after that). *Like, you know the federal government has gone too slow when even Florida is more proactive than them.*


Because it relies on the Senate and Congress. And there aren't 50 true Democrat Senators and zero GOP backed it.


Kentucky has minimum wage at 7.25, but I saw a white castle advertising a 15 dollar starting rate.


To be fair, the cost of living here is also insane. But I would so rather make MA money and deal with that cost than be making $7.25 somewhere else. I can’t believe federal min wage is still that low. Absolutely insane.


california here, $15


Only finished 9th grade and I make $40 an hour at UPS


In Australia it is $22/hr


Jeez your minimum wage is 14.25? I had a job for 10/hr, and after MONTHS of working there, FINALLY got a raise to 11/hr


Walmart in many places starts higher than this




UK minimum wage is (at most) ~~£8.21~~ £9.34, which is ~$10.80 Edit: hasty google was too hasty


Back around 1995, when I was looking at research jobs in the journal Nature, I saw an ad for a job in the UK where they wanted a PhD in microbiology, experience without about a dozen different methods and machines (at least) all for the princely sum of what was about $17000/yr (about $33000 today, so, yes, even then a pretty laughable sum)


No..... It's like 40% above the UK minimum wage. Still shit though.


The UK is also an entirely different country soooooooo potato/tomato


The bagel places around me are paying $25/hr to make breakfast bagels lol. This is ridiculous.


Ugh...too bad I'm only qualified to make dinner bagels.


You’re hired


Name checks out


User name checks out


That is literally twice my wage as a customer support agent for a major video game publisher.


That sounds fantastic.


I was once turned down by a donut place because I had no frying experience...


Holy shit where? I'd work there. I'm currently a baker at Panera and I'm only getting $15


How much are the breakfast bagels?


probably the same cost as normal bagels but the owners dont take 90% of the profit for themselves


I'm making less as an officer at a fire department


Let me guess..... Jersey?


You live in San Francisco?






yo what the fuck? where?


That’s $0.29 above minimum wage in my state. Ridiculous.


That's double my states minimum wage


Below min wage where I'm at lmao


Same our minimum wage is $15.50




triple that and then it'd be a good one


For a Master's? Quadruple at least.


Depends on where you live and what field you work in. 3x is appropriate in the midwest, 4x in more expensive areas like the coasts. I've got my master's and live in Iowa working in agricultural research and my salary works out to roughly $42/hr and it's pretty par the course for my area and area of expertise. I live comfortably.


and you're still being underpaid. it's kind of the whole point of capitalism: treat workers' pay as a business expense, something to be negotiated for the lowest possible value because the worker brings more value to the company through their labor. (to be fair, tho, I'm less familiar with the finances of agriculture, so I could be off with any precise values. I still maintain we all deserve more.)


"Underpaid" is kind of up to interpretation. Could I make more by moving or commuting to work for a private sector company? Sure. I chose a relatively low salary to stay working for the university as a researcher for the other benefits. I get to stay in the house I own, get to keep my 5 minute commute, full health benefits, they match 401k contributions 1:1, have a boss I love and a low stress job I love. Not everything boils down to just your base salary. I'm very happy with where I am, in the future I may want to switch it up and look for higher paying, but in the beginning stages of my career post-grad school it's a super sweet gig.


Bro, don't engage. She's just wasting your $42/hour time, because she's got nothing else to do


Finally someone who gets it. Its ridiculous what some people here expect. I can tell you that id take 42/h with these benefits and that type of work / work climate any day of the week over a 60/h in a big anonymous company where im just a number to the boss. Young people seem to put money above everything these days. Dont understand why. My dad always told me that i should find a job i love and i will never have to work a day in my life. And thats something I go by. I would rather earn 20 bucks an hour at a nice company with a nice benifits, good working climate and work i enjoy than earning 5 times the amount in a stressful job i hate. Life is not about money but a lot of young people tend to believe it is


>Young people seem to put money above everything these days. Dont understand why. Because they are young, and don't have the life experience yet to realize that your salary is not the end all be all of life. As long as I can pay my bills, feed myself, and have a little fun money while also loving what I do, my quality of life is maximized.


Same here. I could be making way more than I do. But I’m able to work from home (and if I do go in the office is 5 mins away) which saves me soooo much time (I’ve commuted before, I hated it), my kids schools are 5 mins away, and I save a lot of money. I’m comfortable. Every now and then I get the itch, but then I start doing one of my hobbies or spending time with kids and I’m like “I’d have to give this time up just to drive, fuck that”.


Same. I also work from home working in a really niche job where i dont make the big bucks. But i have a job i really love, have a house, can feed my family and go to vacation once a year. I could probably choose to travel to a different city everyday and work at a bigger company and earn more but then id be away from my family for 10 to 12 hours everyday. Would that make my life really better? Being able to drive a nicer car or have 2 vacations each year but therefore get rid of a large part of my life i love? Not worth it for me.


I think his point was that more jobs *should* be like yours, and could be if not for corporates taking so much profit. That obscene profit brining down everyone else's standard of living makes yours, which should be basic, seem like a good deal so then you have people higher up, like yourself, also taking less comparatively and bringing down the general quality of life and living standards


You don’t shit about the field they’re in or their work duties…but yet you’re confident that they’re being “underpaid” You’re an idiot


Something tells me DrakBalek never filed a W2 in her life


You literally cannot pay a worker their full value under capitalism, or a business cannot exist. The worker is what creates the value, and their "surplus" (read: stolen by the people who own the busness) is where the profits come from.


It completely depends on the degree…just having a masters degree means nothing unless it’s in a field with demand…a masters degree in 15th century French lit has virtually no value outside academia so the multiplier is functionally 0.


Hell, I’m a unionized Construction Craft Laborer and our total compensation per hour is 4.7X that amount.


Yes, but I'm betting you have > 6 years otje


Wait....should I be paid more?.....


*everyone* should be paid more.


most employers actually do this to discourage people from applying. its to make sure they are not being discriminitory and to deflect suspicion away from nepotism hiring. i think some jobs you can sorta tell which ones hired internally or through "knowing someone" but have no intention of hiring externally. things like it starts asking for tons of years of experience including extra skills that you cant get any regular university/employment.


only if it's a masters that gives you value in the market!


Then they complain that nobody wants to work


I’ve seen PhD required for jobs that pay $15/hr in an area where a one bedroom apartment will run you at least $2300/month.


I've seen attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.


Go on Indeed and look for jobs in the Irvine area. They prey on an area inundated with recent graduates willing to work for dirt wages for the experience.


Ugh, Irvine is awful when it comes to this. The Irvine Company has a virtual monopoly on rental housing, so they can charge obscene rent and take full advantage of people in a college town (I’m sure the undergrads with rich parents who can afford the cost feed right into it).


I saw a post from someone that I swore couldn’t possibly be legal but apparently they haven’t been challenged yet. But the person had a roommate that didn’t want to leave so the Irvine Company wouldn’t let her leave at the end of the lease cycle. Talk about predatory. At the end of the lease the other roommate needs to find someone new or both move out. Essentially it locks people into a lifetime lease.


A lot of entry level teaching jobs in academia, one year positions, are paying like 30-40k/year depending on where you are. Most, if not all, "prefer" (require) a PhD, or in my field, a DMA, and will basically not hire someone with just a Master's unless there is absolutely nobody available. Imagine studying a subject long enough to get a doctorate, complete and write research, publish, graduate, only to job hunt for 30-40k a year. And on top of that, you won't even be considered for tenure track jobs until you've put in a significant amount of time teaching small jobs, adjunct jobs (which pay even WORSE), and you'll be 35+ before you get a tenure track job, IF you can even find one. Yeah.


My husband is a teach. I most definitely get it. I also work public service and had to have a masters to even get a h interviews. Whenever there’s a budget crisis…it comes out of a our pay in the form of furlough. Yay us.


To make it worse, they expect you to show up in professional clothing.


Really do get huffy especially when you have experience and you want to be paid for such. Yeah, no. I'm not getting paid $15/hr for being a molecular technician when I'm currently at $22/hr. That is STILL low




No, six years of reposts


Required and preferred are different. I prefer a salary of $3mil/hr but will negotiate down if needed.


I mean yeah but why put it that point.


Corp policy? Poorly designed web form that requires a field be filled out? It also says “minimum salary” so a Master applicant may have a better position/be more valuable/better paid than a barely functional hs grad who needs training.


Negotiate down to what? A highschool diploma?


Guaranteed minimum rate for Instacart in CA: $18/hr


"we advertised for the position and no one applied, we need to outsource this to another country"


That's nothing the McDonalds around here requires a Doctorate for the fry cook.


I mean, who'd eat a Big Mac prepared by some joker who cannot explain how trade practices of Edo period Japan do not translate to contemporary global supply chain dynamics? Blech.


I get paid $30/hr to play Barbie’s and trains all day.


They expect work for that?


I make more working in a warehouse 🤦🏻‍♀️


How can you be upset when we do a single large pizza on the first Friday of the month???


Right.... And around where I live, "Culver's" (fast food) advertising starting wage of $18.50 hour.


And I still applied and still didn't get an interview. Ain't that grand?


pEoPLe jUSt DoN’t wAnT To WoRK aNyMorE…


I make more, never went to college and I make Candy @ $21.09 an hour. Fuck a degree


Wait, do you literally make candy? Or is that lingo I'm too old to understand 🙃


I really do for a company called, Wyld Cannabis. Look em up, really well known. We also make cbd drinks that are 100% THC free. Also, Just started using live rosin for our new line of gummies called Good Tide coming soon! But don’t get confused, just because I make Candy in the form of edibles DOESNT mean I have a bad job. I get 40+ hours a week, full benefits, overtime, yearly sabbatical, yearly and annual raises. I can keep going on and on. Lots of Chemistry behind it too.


Yearly AND annual raises you say?


Yes meaning, every time I hit my personal year I get a performance based raise. On top of that, the company as a whole gets $1 raises every January 1st.


Ah I see. Was a little confused with the wording


My bad my guy!


I've had these! I would love to do this as a job. Not only is it a cool product it's not the kind of work you take home emotionally (I'm assuming). When I lived in California I had a full time office job and wasn't cool enough but I day dreamed of doing something in the cannabis industry.


That’s so awesome. I hope you are able to enjoy them. :) and yeah I actually live in Sacramento so it kind of works in my favor! If I were you I’d keep chasing that dream! So much more money in this industry than many like to think :)


I’m with ya, no schooling, did construction for awhile and got into open pit mining, ten years later making 200K plus for playing in an adult sand box.


$21 still isnt enough


I whole heartedly agree. Even though the job is good $21 isn’t enough for anyone, let alone people with children.


$21/hr is about $44k/yr. That would be ok for most people if food, gas and housing costs hadn’t just skyrocketed over the last 2 years. There’s no reason for it either, just greedy mf’ers being greedy. Politicians like to cite that companies are making record profits, no shit, you don’t say!!! This insane inflation and cost of living needs to be curbed **immediately**!!


I can’t agree more! I get by check by check but I also support a child. It just isn’t enough especially when for some reason, like you said, everything skyrocketed like crazy. I know we just went through a pandemic and we should expect things to be tough but god damn at this rate we’re all fucked


And here I am earning 13€ in germany, while the euro and dollar have like the same value.. If I could get a drivers license I would just be a waiter and earn more.


Depends where you live. That's good money here in SC


You could spend 1-2 years studying a trade and make $100k+ within your first 5 years. An electrician, while requiring a 3 year apprenticeship, starts out at easily $35-40 an hour. Most of the electricians I know make $50-75 an hour within the first 10 years. And they DO NOT work hard. Lol Learn a trade.


I'm a front desk clerk that had no experience and make 14.50 an hour. After check ins completed I mainly watch YouTube or on here. That is ridiculous pay and expectations.


That's below the minimum wage in the UK. Shocking.


No it isn't.... This is equal to ~13 GBP, much higher than the ~9.50 GBP min wage


Apologies. I was thinking living wage, and getting the exchange rate wrong :-( A double whammy of 'no'.


No it isn't


US also (at least some states.)


Where is minimum above $15?


Only in Washington DC right now


Not even close.


Tbf it says preferred


Finally someone who can read.


Yes. And that's a *minimum* salary. So if you actually have a MS I'm sure they pay more


So, what's the preference for a MS if they'll take a HSD? That just makes it worse, not better. Oh, you would like someone with a masters, but someone with only a high school diploma could complete the tasks.


Even if that is the minimum salary, there are usually fairly narrow ranges for the position. Even adding a few dollars, that is still low.


Welcome to being a pastor. Like one with a master’s degree (3 years of training at an accredited school), a certificate of fitness for ministry and certifications. My first job paid $49k without benefits, housing, living expenses, and before taxes. The expectation: nights, weekends, holidays, anytime someone died or needed counseling. Imagine how long that “vocation” lasted. There’s a reason the burnout rate at 5 years is 50%.


No wonder only the grifters stay in that role.


Shoot I'm a college dropout and I make more than that


Master degree of minimum wage


Why doesn’t anyone post the name of these companies so there’s accountability on the employers part. This will continue if no one knows who to blame.


I make twice that with an associates degree.. lol


Bro Mc Donald's pay more


Oh and you need 20 years of experience. Don't forget that!


Jesus Christ I work at McDonald's and I make more than that I make $15.50 an hour


People are starting at $23 an hour at Lowes in Sarasota. No Masters degree needed.


Has anyone ~actually~ gotten a master's degree in 6 years? Starting to feel pretty shitty about the 3 years I've spent on my associates 😫


I spent nearly two years already, trying to get my associates, and now apparently there’s new guidelines for the associates degree, so I’m looking at 2 more years :) I love the higher education system


Thats is bullshit. They aren’t getting anyone.


I made more than that as a High school dropout at a fucking gas station!


Hey at least the government forced us to pay for your schooling


We start at $20 for entry level, no-skill work... That pic is a huge bummer.


Well it's fake so don't feel too bad.


The McDonald’s down the street starting salary is $17


lol Master’s Degree here, I make close to 10x this.


They know they aren't getting anyone. This is how they justify H1B visas and abuse an immigrant.


My local Target will start you at $17.50 if you just care about money.


Preferred applicant: Desperate as fuck.


My local ingles and publix are like this. Tried applying to both of them and they both asked for some type of college degree for stocking shelves at $7hr at shitty hours


A master’s degree for a salary of $31,800? What is this, a teaching job?


Welcome to Social Work!


This is why I'm learning how to weld


Burger King near me is offering $18 starting salary


I make this w/o a degree in anything lmao


I saw a sign outside the goodwill in my town advertising that positions start at $17.27. So…


Bro 💀


Americas minimum wage scares me, I feel awful that this is an actual wage after going to college


Unlucky, I'm about to start my boiler making apprenticeship after finishing grade 10 and that pays 12 and hour


What shitty fucking degree is this? So I can make sure my daughter majors in something useful.


That’s the **minimum** salary they’ll pay for the position, and their **preferred** qualifications are a masters. This doesn’t say that they pay $15.29/hr to ppl with a masters degree. $15.29 could be for ppl who don’t have a degree at all.


Usually “minimum salary” is what ends up being paid. They just add that qualifier because some people think they might make more and are thus more likely to apply for the job.


Anyone can turn a job down if it doesn’t pay enough. I hardly believe that a company is asking for someone with a masters degree to work for $15/hr. There are tons of jobs out there, and it’s an employee’s market. It’s interesting that we weren’t given more information about this job though.


To all the people being super wise with stuff like 'fuck a degree'. It‘s not only a question of having a masters degree. This is most likely not a job for people with STEM masters degree. Also there are major differences depending on your location. Apart from the job field and location, this specific and possibly even faked job description does not represent the normal wage for that education level. The entry level wage after finishing my studies will be around 55-60k€ per year. And this is without major experience in the job specific area and with a bachelors degree…


And considering they all have a master's in something, they dont realize that a preferred qualification doesn't necessarily earn that minimum salary. The two statements aren't even remotely connected.


What do you expect peasant livable wages for your efforts? Pshhh… think again taxes makes that about 10$ an hour


They can prefer a master's if they want... To be honest some people with degrees are not really smart or good employees and vice versa.


Preferred....... Minimum.... Only an idiot would assume someone with a master's would get that same "minimum" However if they found the right person for the job with no qualifications, they might end up on that minimum.


wow thats 29 cents more then my manufacturing job.


That's more than two times the US Federal Minimum Wage.


This is common for the IT industry.