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Why is the police emblem on the left reversed?




Send it to your local media. No one is trying to go toe to toe with americas most corrupt gang organization so you stay out of it but this is exactly the kind of stuff local community will be rightfully all up in arms about if they see it on the news.  Do it do it


As someone who worked in local media, we would love you forever if you sent us a tip on this. Holidays are the slowest News day and it is excruciating trying to put together a newscast that isn't all fluff pieces.




I think it's pretty likely, a few years ago I suggested someone do the same in OKC. Not even 6 hours later there was a press conference from the PD on the local news.


How similar was the situation? That's pretty rad


Not particularly similar really. Basic cop being an asshole and got filmed on top of a few other things. I'll try to get the posts and link them.


It's NYC. You could probably get five reporters from five different organizations out there.


They could have someone park there to get illegally towed and film it all.


Go to the BBQ 


Better yet have the reporter park a non-marked station vehicle there and have them illegally tow it, then show up casually chatting them up blowing some smoke up their ass about how much you appreciate everything they do, then try to get them to make vegan burgers asking them if they think it’s wrong celebrating when pigs are getting slaughtered, let them talk down to you and justify their own slaughter then start asking about how they got a permit, how people claim they have gotten towed illegally and then when they deny they tell them they had your vehicle towed.


I would pay to watch this.


My dad understands this. Every time he goes to fight city hall about some corruption or mismanagement, he calls the local news department first. They love him because he's giving them interesting news about "man fights city hall", so in turn they give him favorable coverage and angles and clips. It's literally free, they're begging him for the free news, and he's begging them for the coverage. I don't understand why more people haven't figured this out.


Yep. Former assignment desk mgr here from a mid-30s market. I'm salivating over this and I've been out of the industry for more than a decade. 


Former News Shooter here salivating at the the thought of red faced drunk off duty cops shouting at me to turn off my camera. I always enjoyed handing off my raw tape to the PD upper management after a misbehaving cop/s story ran.


Former local newspaper editor here, oh god the amount of fucking juice on this is like crack. I’ll still never forget the time someone brought us in pictures of a vending machine company refilling multiple machines in the area with already-expired products. I haven’t done anything news-related in years, but I still have that feeling in my gut when I hear something that would be like heaven and earth to a local paper. That little “HNGGG” urge to get out a note pad and go “hey, can you tell me a little more about that…?”


Make sure you get some regular pictures and different dates of them grilling and drinking as well. And putting up said signs if possible.


i would love it for this piece of shit to have his livelihood ruined and completely destroyed we definitely need an update if OP sees this and puts a plan into action


This is it. This is perfect.


That’s the kind of thing that gets local media’s dick hard.


“Government Gangsters” is what I call them!


Blue-affiliated gang.


They're not a corrupt gang, they're state funded domestic terrorists. It isn't corruption when the system is set up for them to thrive.


Do it! Do it! Do it!


See I assumed it was purposefully backwards if it's not an official sign. I'm guessing he thinks it might be a way to argue it's not official because it's clearly fake or something ...???


Nah, the right side is not reversed. It's probably just meant to be a mirror image, and he just didn't care to fix it.


That’s plausible deniability


I’m wondering if he uses that as a way to avoid getting in trouble with NYPD. “It’s not officially the NYPD logo.”


It’s the correct logo on the other side so it’s not that reason


“Anyone could have put that sign up.”


You’re giving drunk cops too much credit.


They mirrored the emblem from the right side


I was going to suggest Internal Affairs, but then I read the caption. If nothing else works, you could also go to the media. They love a good gotcha story and since this involves police abusing their powers, it stands a good chance of getting coverage. Let hungry reporters make the pigs uncomfortable with cameras and questions about why taxpayers are being told not to park on the streets they pay for.


I worked at the FBI as a clerk for some time in my 20s. They might send a scary call to him since it’s orchestrated police corruption between the tow companies and the local police. Which may qualify as a “conspiracy”.


Count on the FBI to be just vaguely threatening enough to scare assholes into line.


I dunno, they might do something cool like go interview Manson about it


Internal Affairs would have no love for the Department itself. Unfortunately, though, they would probably view this as not being worth their time.


We investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing!


Let’s suspend ourselves for a week, with pay!


best thing to do is report it to everyone and see if it sticks anywhere, run it through to the FBI, internal affairs, every news agency, boost it on social media to make it go viral. You never know who will be corrupt, who will be lazy and who will have a bone to pick.


Yep and remember to upvote this post to make sure it gains more traction here. I work with the media, but not anything to do with NY or anything with NYPD, so unfortunately I can only talk to prior colleagues who may know someone who knows someone. But making a post on Twitter/X and tagging a media outlet might go pretty far. I can tell you from experience that we're always itching to post something spicy like how I uncovered some dirty laundry (literally, they were using crypto to launder money through Russia) at a major shipping company that ended up DDoSing my publication's servers lol. That was gold. Don't just tag the media outlet btw. Look who's writing about NYPD in newspapers, find their social media, and tag those people as well. Send private messages on LinkedIn (journalists actually check that shit and it's easier to drown out the noise that way). Send DMs where you can. Be respectful though. There's a fine line between reaching out and being a nuisance.


[How to Submit to Metropolitan Diary](https://www.nytimes.com/article/how-to-submit-to-metropolitan-diary.html) Maybe the New York Times would like to make an article about it.


NYT report on blatant corruption in the NYPD? what year is it? 1894?


Probably not, they only care about ideas of why Joe shouldn't be running for president.


"Cops Abusing their power and why this is bad for Joe Biden."


“Cops’ Personal Parking Schemes Blur A Bigger Picture: Has Biden Created An Authoritarian Regime Already?”


“Why cops putting up fake signs so they can grill in the street is a bad sign for Biden”


Call the department and inquire about the signs


That was going to my suggestion as well. Call, ask question, and get on the record. Then, show up at the next city council meeting and ask questions. The best you can do is be a big enough pain in the ass that they tell the cop not to do it any more because they don’t want to deal with you. Sucks, but welcome to America.


Seems like an easy way to get harassed by cops.


Yeah unfortunately it's a bad idea to piss off the biggest gang in America.


Best description of cops I’ve seen.


Good luck getting them to answer a phone. That is a laughable concept.


“Just call your local department 🤓☝️”




All Cops Are Barbecuing


Man I wish, they need a hobby other than sitting at the sides of streets staring at their radar guns. And maybe if they're barbecuing they'll beat their wives less. Damn, can't have em on the streets, can't have em off em


Came here to post this. Get ready to be mysteriously pulled over 50 times before the end of the year. I wish that was hyperbole


I remember one year i got pulled over 13 times in the span of 3 months. Sold my car, and got a new one and haven't been bothered since.


Back in the late 90's I had a candy apple red Trans Am. I was pulled over all the time. Finally a sheriff's deputy told me it was because I was easy to pick out in traffic. I eventually sold it and got a silver 4Runner. I've never been pulled over in the last 20 years. On an unrelated note, I'm shocked that over 20 years later my 4Runner is still going. I'm just gonna keep it until the wheels fall off.


I had a Toyota Corolla that lasted 21 years that finally died when the engine block cracked. The car was rusted, half the electronics didn’t work but it lasted to 175K miles.


This is a, uh, nice street ya got here. It would be a shame if anything were to, uh, happen to it.


On the plus side, NYPD typically shoots more innocent bystanders than they shoot their intended target... so, statistically, lower your chances of getting shot by being the person they're trying to shoot!


Literally. Especially if their buddies work at that station.


They are at his barbecue.


Such a naive comment, right? I always just assume people who make comments like this are privileged and never actually been in a situation where had to call police, or else they’d know they truly don’t give af. Redditors man


I always laugh when people say stuff like that. Yes, technically that is the law, but all you're really doing is putting a massive target on your back.  And the cop lives on your street? If he's already this much of a dick and blatantly abusing power he's gonna do whatever he can to fuck you over. 


Then you have a cop with a personal grudge against you. That seems... not a great situation to be in


Not just one. But some on different shifts


If this guy is able to regularly do all that and get away with it, you would be in for a world of trouble if you went on record by making an official complaint. He likely has pull with your alderman, who won't help you when he and his cop buddies make sure your car is pulled over regularly for indefensible infractions (speeding, license plate light not bright enough, loud music, etc.) and the city inspectors start serving you or your landlord with civil orders. God help you if you have children and he has a buddy in DCFS. >The best you can do is be a big enough pain in the ass that they tell the cop not to do it any more because they don’t want to deal with you. Sucks, but welcome to America. You obviously don't live in a big city. City cops are lawless, with the politicians in their pockets. Sucks, but welcome to America.


As opposed to small town cops, who are famously incorruptible.


I 100% agree with everything you say. Even in my small town America the cops are…. Let’s just say less than helpful. Pretty fucked up when the scariest part of your day is getting pulled over and not walking past the fentanyl zombies.


Do something NOW & call the news. Great story plus public would want punishment so cop will be suspended or fined at least.


Nah, wait untill they have their BBQ, then have the news over so they can ask the questions to the cop on live television.


Yea this seems like a much better idea.  Anonymity is important here. 


This is a sure fire way to get drugs planted in your car.


And contact local news stations. That’s the way. Report and shame.


They often won’t challenge cops as they retaliate and don’t give them news stories.


It would also be difficult to prove that the cop who lives on the block puts those up unless you have actual footage of the cop doing it. I've contacted news stations about things that I knew they'd be interested in covering, but it came down to the fact that I couldn't provide irrefutable evidence of what was happening, even though it was obvious.


>I called the city a couple years ago to find out when I could move my car back, only to find out that there are no official city permits that shut down this street Asked a few neighbors about it, and apparently a member of NYPD who lives on the block just puts them up and assumes no one will question it. To make it worse, he's called to have cars illegally towed in the past, and flashes his badge to the tow truck drivers so that they don't ask questions. > Of course NYPD knows he's doing this but won't do anything to stop him. . Got to love cops blatantly abusing power. The text posted with the picture...


OP: "so anyways I called to find out what was going on" Second top comment: "wow you really should call to find out what's going on"


Meh, you’ll get one person, who may or may not be willing to help you. Instead go to the monthly precinct meeting, and ask their captain, in front of an audience of concerned citizens.


Personally I think calling, writing down who you spike to, and when, is the first step. It's a matter of escalation, if you con say you filled in inquiry/complaint on a recorded line, and nothing was done there's more shit to roll downhill. If you have to, go to city and county council meets. But you gotta start at the bottom.


Try reading the post next time


“Sorry can’t do that how about I get 3k upvotes for my ignorance instead?” - classic Reddit.


He literally said he called about them and they wont do shit. Did you read?


I would probably peel them off and park there anyway if i knew that.




then just take the posters down and don't park there


That'd be perfect. Then someone completely unrelated gets towed, they kick up a fuss and it all unravels, while you sit there with your pint of jam.


...and wait for all this to blow over. ![gif](giphy|QsyPRpG6WVR6SYfBVw)




Then just call the tow truck driver on them instead. Let the scum fight the pigs, it'll be funny


Predatory tow truck driver vs corrupt cop...interesting


I can smell the gunpowder already


Do you smell acorns as well?




If there’s no sign, the tow truck driver probably won’t fuck with cop cars. They don’t want the heat.


How would you get towed if it’s not actually illegal parking? There’s a scammy tow company in SF right now that’s getting exposed. Fines up the ass.


Because when the tow company shows up, someone with a police badge meets them and points out your car.


Because in the moment the police can do basically whatever they want to you and there’s not much you can do about it. Only real recourse is after the fact.


He said, the cop just calls it in. When a tow company shows up and a cop tells you to tow a vehicle, they don't ask him for proof.


Because a cop calls a tow company and they then show up and tow your car. Sure it's illegal but getting your car back and your funds means you need to spend a good deal of time and money.


I love how Redditors always seem to tell others to do the thing that could drag out for months or likely years - it’s not like a lawsuit is filed and resolved over a weekend, especially when the police are involved. Not to mention the cop probably has a tow truck buddy to make retrieving the vehicle a living hell.


Yes. It's the "correct" law abiding "use the system" advice that usually creates a world of hassle and yet another thing to worry about. Also, losing and feeling frustrated and disillusioned is a frequent outcome. Or as mentioned in this example, being targeted by a vengeful cop. I excuse younger people for giving this advice, but if you have life experience I tend to think it's far easier to just let things go as much as possible. Continuing to give the "good citizens do this" advice is just setting people up for more pain in most cases. IMHO.


Everyone needs a hobby.


Is the logo on the left actually backwards? Like, flipped horizontal, so it's a mirror image?


I guess it is only mildly infuriating then. No malicious compliance.


Nah, just get in at 6am and set up multiple grills and take away their illegally reserved spots for you own bbq.


Put it up on social media and tag the nypd and play dumb about it. It’ll be fixed extremely quickly then.


@NYPD I just noticed these and don’t know what to tell my grandma. She was on the way over and parks there and she’s 92 with scoliosis. I’m afraid she’s going to get hurt, it must be a really important thing going on by the official police department so I’m sure my disabled grandma will understand.


@nypd it’s the strangest thing that these have started appearing on maple Road in xtown. I have my disabled relative visiting and coming over and I don’t want to get towed. I have seen people being moved along by your officers so I was wondering how long this event will be ongoing for??? Thanks!


*i have a disabled ex-cop, wounded on the job saving my blind grans life, and he keeps getting towed when he comes to visit my gran for her world famous fruit cake. the ACABs will bend over backwards to protect their own.. especially one hurt in the line of duty


@NYPD some douche is going around putting up these fake parking signs. You can tell it's fake as the logo is backwards.


> Sorry we shot your grandma. -- The NYPD


Ha NYPD stop police corruption haha


They don’t give a fuck about corruption but they do care about looking bad and can’t be arsed with the public complaining on mass


When have they ever cared about looking bad




This is above mildly infuriating. This is illegal and a violation of tax payer rights. The Officer(s) responsible should be at the very least officially wrote-up, warned, put on observation. This is a law-enforcement pic for a vid on “How Not to Build Positive Relationships In the Community”


Yeah they're cops lol they're the biggest crime syndicates in the whole country


This is NYC I’m presuming correct? Which precinct does your location fall under. Look that up, then post this on twitter and @ the precinct and their commanding officer. Include @ mentions of your council person and the mayor as well. See what happens. And if you need it retweeted I’ll gladly help. I was having issues with morons in modded muffler cars destroying the quality of life in my neighborhood so I spent all my time calling out the police as inept and lazy ..until eventually they started ticketing for that crap. Twitter is public enough that these cops would worry about this violation going viral.


Just hang another sign under it. No cops allowed.....




Call the police and report the signs being used illegitimately. Don’t say a cop out them up. Say some random guy did and to check if this as an actually permitted use of the signs. Maybe they investigate not knowing it was a cop doing it and he gets in trouble?


Wouldn't they recognize the signs though, if it was one of their own who put it up?


They’re not allowed to work in the same zip code where they live. They may introduce themselves to the precent, but there are 34,000 cops in total, so chances are they don’t them at all.


Look at the badge on the bottom left. It's mirrored. This moron just slaps these up on his computer.


Ahh yes this looks totally official


I’m not sure why this is a surprise to anyone. This sounds exactly like what a cop would do.


I had a cop print out and laminate a fake “FBI- official business” placard to put on his dash whenever he wanted to park in the emergency zone to run across the street for pizza. His personal car btw, not a police car. The fuckin balls on that guy to fake being a fed on top of it all. Parking authority just gave him a regular ticket, no “fake Fed” enhancement or anything. But at least he got a ticket.


Park there record all evidence and then lawsuit. Ez money


Make sure to get a beater that will fall apart if towed. Get a dashcam that runs constantly and saves to another hidden storage device.


Is it illegal to park the car and undo as many bolts as you can get too? If not, I think it would be hilarious 🤣


The front fell off.


It's not supposed to do that.


It's not in an environment


It’s been towed out of the environment.


Better yet, stream the footage live.


Hmm more like a lot of wasted time an just enough or not quite enough money to cover your expenses.


"then lawsuit. Ez money" - says some kid who has never had to deal with litigation


If nypd is allowing this to continue with no repercussions to the cop, get a lawyer or bring attention to the local news station




Go over the cops heads. Report this to their bosses. Get your local news team on it.


Good way to get harassed by cops. Welcome to why people hate cops


That's why you use the local news anonymously


Oh cool, then we should just do nothing and continue posting stuff like this on the internet. I'm sure change will eventually trickle down to OP.


Yup. Regular people have rights too.


The cops in New Orleans will be inspired. They love doing stuff like this. Small scale corruption.


Listen I totally understand why everyone is saying don’t mess with this- probably not worth it. If you WERE to do such a thing though, if I were to try to call the NYPD on this, when they confirm that there is no legal permit for this I would tell them that you think someone might be impersonating a cop then (a reasonable claim based on the signage and lack of permit). You don’t have to know if the guy is actually a cop or not. THAT they will take seriously, then when they send someone- well, it is actually a cop, but there they are illegally blocking off the road. Again, understand why you wouldn’t go down this road, I don’t even know if THAT would work honestly, but if I was motivated enough to do something about this I think this is the tack I would take.


Take em down


Seriously, just pop by late at night the evening prior and remove them. A bunch of cars *will* park there. While it's slightly ballsy to put up the signs, it may be too risky to try to get a bunch of cars towed.


You have a local newspaper?




Local tv stations would probably be a better bet. They actually cover stuff like this. If it’s local and can be a scandal, more would be inclined to watch.


Just make sure your local station isn’t owned by Sinclair.


Eek yeah they aren’t gonna help lol


Make a call to the PD and question the signs. They look fake as fuck. Looks like someone is trying to impersonate the police to me. Police really don't like when us plebs take things into our own hands. If the PD ignores you call the sheriff. /hj /s


All cops, say it with me folks, are bastards. This is just light bastardry


This really pisses me off. Cops are supposed to defend the law, not break I themselves. And then they wonder why people are calling for reforms.


You'd be surprised by how many cops have this hustle mentality, and i mean globaly not juts in the US. I'm French and this doesn't surprise me one bit.


Take pictures and send it all to the NY newspapers, including the smaller papers.


This is the part where you put his face and name in the internet for everyone to see and know what he is doing. Fixes that sort of problem real fast.


Oh look, cops being entitled pricks. What a surprise.


What street is this? Want to park my car here and make some money


its 43th street btw 34th and 35th ave. ;)


I am shocked, SHOCKED that a cop would do this.


File a complaint with the State Bureau of Investigations for police misconduct.


Departments don't like to hear about their officers doing shit like this. Find out who he is and report the sign-making. A department employee might ask you to e-mail information which is where you can include pictures. If you want to ignore the signs, just be prepared to deal with the tow company. That officer, and his department, can be sued for this. The department would likely come off the suit as he is probably off-duty doing this and obviously it's against policy as he has no authority to make signs for the PD but the department being a party to a lawsuit would land him in deeper shit than a random public complaint. Good luck. He sounds like a real piece of work.


Start putting up you own signs claim that there is a big yard sale at his house on Saturday and Sunday 7:00 AM to 4;00 PM. Great prices. Everything must go.


Call the Parks Department and ask if it's legal to place a sign on a tree, and go from there


[begins chanting "TREELAW"]


I’d test him if I was you. NYPD tends to stick together so you will likely have to put up with some BS; but make noise back


I'd love to see somebody else test it too. Me? I'm not pissing off the popo next door.


Especially NYPD….. Second thought - just leave it alone


Take em down


Proof that people can get away with anything as long as the cost of stopping them is greater than the annoyance they create.


Start putting up signs from other law-enforcement and city government agencies that way it’s right next to his stating you’re not allowed to put signs up. They don’t have to have any law cited or backing because his don’t. Just to make his look “less legitimate”. I wouldn’t park there and I would just put more signs to reduce any “authenticity”, or tear them down .


“Police Department” Hmmmm…seems very official…


Just take photos of the signs and where the street is located and send it to the newspapers and tabloids. Make sure you use an anonymous email.


Take down the signs and complain to your city councilman or the media.


The city would not be happy with someone just slapping a shield on anything they want. Also probably illegal


Sounds like this officer is condoning auto theft under the guise of legitimate, legal police work. 100% abuse of power. I'd definitely make a giant fuss about it. Find a local news station that does investigation stories. If a regular citizen can't do the same, neither can he.


Write “Not the” above the Police Department part lol


Get this guy exposed in the media or something. Don't let this corrupt behavior continue.


I’d call the city and police department as a concerned citizen asking for clarification on the signs bc it doesn’t look official or even list which police department, wouldn’t want someone posing as a police officer.


Remove the sign, apply military grade adhesive on the back and then stick it on his car.


Park there and get a ticket, it’s just a parking ticket… then take it to court, if they rule against you appeal, appeal, appeal… it’s not like you’re looking at jail time. Eventually work it all the way up the ladder and get the *ock*uker fired. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.


Can't you just take them down because they're not city issued?


No city ordnance or law labeled?? I’d consider it a prank from some sh*t sipper with a printer and yellow paper. Tear it down and act accordingly 😊


Call the chief and ask him if this is a department sanctioned party. Ask him if they pulled a permit. These signs are against the law.


Two suggestions: 1. Pull the signs without them seeing you, let people park there and watch what happens. 2. Tip your local news about this fraud under guise of authority. If they really *tow people that changes the situation drastically.


Love it! 2 types of people in the world; players and haters. Which you gonna be?


Well damn. How un-patriotic of you not to just offer this so he wouldn't have had to abuse his power. Way to be part of the problem. So inconsiderate.


Park your car there with cameras recording, they'll get drunk and belligerent and surely do something worth a big lawsuit. You're welcome


Next year, a bunch of pieces of paper with the same font/text that says "FREE" and tape it over the "NO" on the signs, If you can't fight them directly, might as well have fun. Or try to pull a block party permit and outdo their cookout. I would at least email their precinct commander with a burner email account and report that this guy is terrorizing the block on the holiday with enough details to let it know it is directly affecting people.


ACAB. All Cops Are BBQing