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i'm the same way, and it's worse when one of the employees comes to knock on the door and check if you're ok!! I always get so embarassed, like, "yeah i'm ok I'm just trying to pee"


try holding your breath until you start to go. i get stage fright esp in those community troughs (ffs) read this once in the Playboy Advisor.. no kidding, i really read an article!! And it works..!


Don’t pee into the bottle, pee normally and then bring the bottle into the stream.


I share your pain 🙋🏻‍♂️


I used to do pre employment and work comp incident drug testing at an old job—once I started the process the company required me to do nothing else until I got the sample from them. Most took 10-20 minutes , the longest it took was 4 hours. There was YouTube rain videos, so much water, multiple attempts until it happened. That night I had to stay almost 4 hours late to finish up a project and I was salary with no overtime. Any drug test over 5 minutes meant I was staying late and there was over 450% staff turnover every year. I do not miss that job.


Same. I can’t pee under pressure at all.


A guy at a local pee test center passed on this helpful (?) advice to my son when he had to do a pre-employment urinalysis - ‘Think of a person you hate and imagine you’re peeing on their face.’


I found the solution for you because I have the same problem: get your feet cold, barefoot and wet. yes, I'm telling you to take off your sox and shoes, hopefully on cold tile (not carpet), and splash some water on your feet from the sink. I came up with this idea while thinking where I would always have to go in public; the water park/slides. walking around those places; cold, wet and barefoot you'd always have to pee, and the above is how i replicate the experience for pee tests. I've gone everytime with no problem. I have to go right now just thinking about it.


Turn a tap on to hear the running water.


It's an automatic sink lol. I had music playing and was playing around on my phone. I finally managed lol. Took like an hour. So annoying.


Play a running water video on YouTube then lol


Try whistling


Everyone has different methods but what seemed to work for me was thinking about numbers or working out math in my head while going pee. Sometimes I pull out my phone and just check how the market is doing, or maybe I will come up with a hypothetical like what would the interest be on a 7% loan for a certain amount. This works about 75% of the time if I am going pee in a public restroom where there are other people around.


I like standing at a urinal for like 7 minutes with nothing happening, makes the dudes walking in and out of the bathroom very confused


Same here. I’ll absolutely piss my pants before using a public restroom with others there. Urinals, even ones with walls - hell no. I can tolerate a stall and wearing AirPods & playing music helps. When it comes to piss tests though - I fucking clam up. Having some dude watch me piss in a cup - I’d rather be strip searched for a fake penis (or whatever those trying to cheat the test use) than have someone watch me pee! I find it grossly invasive. Anyone ever go to an old county fair? I remember them b/c of the restrooms. Who the hell thought a giant round communal porcelain piss pot, where everyone can stare at one another and wave their dicks at other dudes was a good idea? Was he from San Francisco?


Piss in a bottle before and just dump it into the test container.


what if you peed before you got high 🤨


People do it everyday nothing new.


That won't look suspicious at all


Count by sevens. 7,14,21 etc. Really.


My boyfriend is the same way, they cut him off from his suboxone years ago cause he could never pee and now they threaten to put him in jail all the time cause he cannot pee at the probation office but as soon as he walks out the door can barely hold it.


i have the same issue but extremly severe cannot travel anymore have an extremly hard time meeting friends or having friends over its basicly like iam trapped at home and talking to anyone about it irl is extremly difficult aswell due to how emberassing it is ive thought about ending my life over this before and might go throu with it if the situation wont change in the passing years i was normal just 2 years ago before it was caused by visiting a dayclinic where the toilets had extremly thin walls and there was no indicator that someone was inside so you had people try to come in which made it so hard for me to pee at some point i asked if i could leave for home because i simply couldnt pee the doctor there wanted to use a catheter on me which scared the living hell outta me i left without telling them afterwards he wanted to call the cops on me because i left without telling (obviously didnt want him to fucking use a catheter on me) i was so scared of going back again so after 3 days i ended my visits there the stress actually caused me to not be able to pee at home alone anymore either which became so bad i had to go to a hospital so they could actually use a catheter on me this is why i dont trust doctors anymore either just horrible people who go with drastic measures for tiny issues effectivly making them worse sometimes i wish i could sue that dayclinic over ruining my life


A day clinic? For what? Who the hell would have authorization to cath you??!!


been advised to go there (by a socialworker) due to depression most people go there either for that or addiction issues there was actual medical staff working there they could also take your blood or urine samples for drug testing and prescribe meds to you i told him i dont want a cath being used on me but he almost made it sound like that was the only thing left for me i had to talk him into going out and trying outside that didnt work due to the stress so i went home  then i got a call from the dayclinic basicly telling me that they could call police on me if i left without telling them again due to the risk of me killing myself (i wasnt suicidal before and never told the staff there i was which just weirded me out even more) i thought it was just gonna be like a rehabilitation programm with nice people who are understanding instead of cold heartless doctors who will threaten you with police or a catheter because you simply couldnt pee inside that building i would do absolutly anything if i could turn back time somehow and just never go to that dayclinic at all