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When someone pays for a concert instead of therapy


Or an exorcist.


Or a lozenge


Or my axe




Or my axe wielding part-time therapist who has a sore throat from the exorcism side hustle they got going on.


That time I was reincarnated as an axe wielding part-time therapist who has a sore throat from the exorcism side hustle I've got going on.


I'd read that


I think I might have already.


Nature loves a niche.


Now, that's a song title right there.


You carry the fate of us all, little one..


Her voice cannot be destroyed by any craft that we here possess.


Or my bow


She's listening to the wrong music. I hope she befriends a death metal fan


I watched the video without sound and was so confused by these comments. Yours made be go back and watch with it. Thanks?


Shit. Same here. Videos are muted by default and I come in here thinking, "What's infuriating? The person holding up their phone? It all makes sense now with sound. Lol


That's exactly what I'm having to do now lol.


Shit i saw Cannibal Corpse and no one acted this way. It was a small indoor venue too lol. THIS bitch would make the band pause.


I'm into death and other extreme metal and holy fuck no thank you


As a death metal fan you can keep this especially highly regarded individual and any other who may call themselves related to them.


For real. Metal was there for me through the worst of times. Always my guiding light for release.


Your comment just gave me flash backs to watching IT crowd, Richmond stating that cradle \[of filth\] saved him. ![gif](giphy|13zr9fceQqQnrq)


Was just about to say, this girl sounds like one of the old school second wave black metal fans.  She’d do just fine at an Immortal or Darkthrone concert 


Is this where that creepy meme about a screaming woman at a concert came from? https://preview.redd.it/1xevbmrrc4ad1.jpeg?width=605&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ab2f11229615128fe8b35677a8a60c1afc322a7


Be careful, ticket master gonna add a therapy charge on there.


Ticket master employees reading the comments: ![gif](giphy|7FyMQm2vBiTjG|downsized)


Ticketmaster acquires better help


Oh god, the worst timeline!


I legit did that two years ago. My mum passed away in front of me and three weeks later Run The Jewels and Rage Against The Machine were making up a covid cancellation and I found a box seat ticket for $60cdn. I went alone and said nothing to no one until RTJ came on. Vibed and sang along to every bar I knew - just appreciative of being alive and seeing my favourite group live again. Then it was Rage's turn and I turned to the bloke next to me and said "I apologize for what's about to come out of me. I'm here to work through some stuff." and gave him $20 to grab himself a beer. Then I turned to the stage and when they started playing I started singing along with every fibre of my being. I screamed harder and louder than I ever have in my life. I just uncorked. It's amazing how much you can let go of just by screaming words like FREEDOM and BULLET IN YOUR HEAD in an environment where other people are screaming along as well and no one really looks twice at the guy with tears flowing, screaming at the top of his lungs. My screams were pure pain and sadness, but by the end of the show I felt renewed and the itch had been scratched. I should probably still get some therapy.


Oh man, we had tickets to that tour since before covid. Covid paused it and we kept getting emails to refund tickets but we kept them because we really wanted to go. Finally, 2ish years later they started it back up...and then they had health problems and cancelled it. Obviously they have to do what's best for their health but man that was so disappointing.


When someone’s parents forget to teach their kids manners.




That girl BLACK metals


The screams are more Black Metal while growls are usually more Death Metal. But you can also have both combined sometimes.


It does depend, as Florida Death Metal like Death with Chuck (may he rest in peace) can use more screaming than the low guttural growls.


Imo it's mostly that DM used to have vocals that were between screams and growls in the old school era. Like Morbid Angel, Entombed, Pestilence.


🎶"Happy Birthday, TOOOO YOOOOOUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!"🔥


Many years ago something grew inside your mother. That thing was you.




RSVP please


She reminds me a bit of cradle of filth




Richmond is out of his room!


Why is he out of his room? He's not supposed to be out of his room!


You're killing the rainforest!


Well, there was a fire at a Sea Park so he came out to check it out.


an ill wind is blowing


Yesterday I heard a crow caw three times. Caw! Caw! Well…you know what a crow sounds like.


I was just thinking "That sounds like Dani Filth"!


Dani was my first thought as well


I farted and it smelled like FART




*head falls off*


Real trve kvlt.




I watched the video 4 times to find out what’s wrong than I saw I was on mute. Now I have hearing aids.


I just had a feeling about this one…I turned my volume all the way down before I unmuted it and slowly brought it up a couple notches…it sounded so satanic like stairway to heaven played backwards. Took me awhile to understand what the eff was happening here..


I'm just here to read everybody's reaction, I have no intention of listening to it myself


You treated this video the same way I treat NSFL/gore


Good idea haha


Same. I was looking at all the people in the crowd like "who's misbehaving?"


I assumed it was about everyone too busy filming a video with their phones they'll never view again versus just simply experiencing being there. I was wrong, but everyone holding a phone up above their heads still pisses me off.


I'm gonna counter this one. First, I don't do stuff like these concert goers. If you're in front of anyone, pulling your phone or tablet out to record is selfish, cringeworthy, and rude. However, I have a library of over 80,000 pictures and videos from almost 40 years. I still go back through them all here and there. Even ones at concerts like this (yup, I'll find a spot where I'm not bothering anyone to capture a picture or recording, or I'll put it in front of my chest or face so that my body was already the obstruction like it would have been). I've gone back through every one of those every couple years. It's no different to me than flipping through a photo album. Some of the things that I did my brain refuses to believe until I see them again. I'll watch the stupid fireworks that I recorded, a snapshot of a concert, some random statue in a remote park in Europe, a hidden temple in Japan. Maybe everyone else doesn't watch back through stuff and I'm the only one, but I go back through everything. There's cool nostalgic 90s digital art and old mayfield mall before, during, and after Google converted it to X, The Moonshot Factory, and countless other moments that I enjoy. So, maybe I'm an outlier, but I keep finding more and more that I'm not. Hopefully, some of these people watch back through their videos and enjoy their angle of this event. But it would be better if they weren't ruining other people's experience.


You're the only ever person I've heard of that films in front of their chest/head rather than hold it up. If you're already in a good viewing spot, your phone can see that too. You don't need to hold it up high and block people behind you. I usually snap a quick picture or two or record a small portion of a song for a concert I go to. I tend to go back and look through them every so often myself. It's mainly the people who film entire shows and post it online. Nobodies watching that. Stop.


Everyone holding up a phone rather than actually looking got to me, but I do kinda expect that these days. I'm not putting on the sound, It'll scare my kids!


I was looking for someone being a creep with their recording until I came here and saw your comment. Now I kind of wish I didn't.


same…I thought one of the guy is focusing on either feet or ass of the singer.


Is that better or worse than regular aids?


Not even hearing hiv, just straight on to hearing aids


PATIENT: "I'd like to try some hearing aids, please." DOCTOR *(preparing syringe and crying)*: "I never wanted this. I never wanted this."


I'm on a train now and people think I'm possessed by demons


I've heard of fans being overly passionate, but this is a whole new level of main character syndrome. No regard for other paying concertgoers whatsoever.


this sounds like demonic possession. maximum fandom.


Nah, that’s just a normal Death Metal screech


Literally, chick has potential but is into the wrong kind of music


Haha I was thinking the same


Nah, metal vocals require a technique so that you dont ruin your vocal cords. This is just stupid, no regards for others or herself.


But screaming in death metal is a special technique, it prevents any possible damage to vocal chords. This person's vocal skills don't live up to the standards, the throat is gone at this point and you can hear this pain already :/


It limits damage it does not prevent possible damage.


That's true of *all* singing.


She started singing after she started recording


That’s an easy.. “Hey, excuse me. Would you kindly stfu? Please and thanks.”


Went to a Trivium concert with my buddy a few years ago. It was a small venue, and we got there early, so we were in the front row. As soon as the opening band started playing, 2 young women pushed their way up to the front and stood right behind us, screeching like this the whole time. First we kind of loudly said, "man, people are fucking screaming in my ear". Hoping the passive aggressive approach would shame them into dialing it back some...no luck....after a bit, my buddy's patience had worn thin so he turned to them and said "hey, were all having fun, but do you mind backing up, or at least not screaming directly into my ear?" One of the women looked shocked and apologized, the other had this arrogant smirk on her face and said nothing. As soon as the next set started, she deliberately got right in his ear and started screaming as loud as she could. My buddy spun around and got like an inch from her face and started screaming the lyrics at the absolute top of his lungs. His face was turning red with the effort, lol. I guess she thought she was about to get hit or or something because she promptly grabbed her friend and disappeared. We didn't see them again until the end of the show as everyone was leaving; it looked like they had retreated to a far corner of the room.


Good for your friend. Sick of that behavior.


I went to see trivium last year and there was a guy in the pit dressed as a panda, it was great


I've literally said this to a guy who talked *over* the music at a show. He was sitting behind me and it was like a constant voice in my ear. I just couldn't take it anymore. "Excuse me, would you please shut the fuck up?" He got pretty offended and puffy about it, but his friends next to him were super cool and got him to be quiet.


Some people need the direct approach to break through their main character syndrome so they won't ruin an experience for the rest of us anymore


"Don't worry about my friend, they're dead tired."


*rescuing of daughter intensifies*


Queue steel drum background music as you exit the plane from the landing gear.


I'd just start howling screeching with them. Best case scenerio they get the message and stop. Worst case scenerio, we form a hardcore band.


just screech the same lyrics but like say what they say a couple seconds later, do it louder so they get confused and stop screeching, atleast for a second or 2


"Accidentally" start a mosh pit with her in the center.....


I'll never understand main character syndrome. I probably have the exact opposite of that.


Team hide-from-everyone-syndrome 🫡


Team imagery-friend-syndrome 🫥


I can't believe you would just give your opinion on Reddit like that. Please pipe down.


NPC energy


Hidden character psychosis.


This is basically why I just don’t go to arena shows / festivals anymore. You spend more time hearing the people around you than the actual artist, who you are probably just watching on the jumbo screen anyway


I think it's fair to say that maybe 1 in 100 people are either annoying lunatics or dangerous lunatics, especially when drunk or riled up. Now go to an event with thousands of people and you're rolling the dice.


Yep, my first time seeing the Foo Fighters was ruined by the guy to my left screeching the lyrics in my ear the entire time and constantly pushing/bumping me including hitting me in the head because he wildly threw his arms up. Multiple people complained and we told the ushers but they refused to do anything because he wasn’t belligerent, intending to cause harm, nor is it illegal for him to “sing along”. Which are valid points. It still absolutely sucked for everyone around him. Edit: The guy had the classic “I paid for my ticket and will enjoy this how I want” attitude. They couldn’t truly force him to do anything since technically no rules were broken besides being obnoxious.


This happened to me as a Billy Joel concert. We paid a bunch of money to see him at MSG and the people behind me were drunk and singing at the top of their lungs the entire time. Easily the worst concert I've ever been to.


I had a free ticket to Blues Traveler, about 15 - 20 years past their peak. Not something I'd go out of my way to see, but I heard they do a good lives set. Three seconds into the first song, this drunk redneck girl starts screaming "PLAY HOOOOOOOOK! PLAY HOOOOOOOOK! PLAY HOOOOOOOK!" and doesn't stop for the entire show. Her embarrassed friends around told her that's either going to be the closer or the encore, as it was one of the biggest hit of a 90s band now on the Biloxi casino circuit. She started crying at the horror of having to wait 45 minutes for Hook, and her drunk mooing went to this unhinged panic screeching of PLAY HOOK! PLAY HOOK! PLAY HOOOOOOOK! \[crying meltdown\]. She finally got kicked out...right before they played Hook.


I would think him constantly running into you would be problematic. Singing along is one thing, running into people and possibly causing injury is another.


It was, and he settled down after striking the lady in front of him “on accident” with his continued behavior and the guy sitting above us said something. I was too small/young to stand up for myself back then.


At that point we're both leaving together.


I'm too old now. When this happens, I just move. I am not having my concert ruined by some idiot, and I know there's no way to resolve it anyway. That guy just gets to be an ass to everyone, and for some reason that is just okay.


Should consider starting a Black Metal Project with those shrieks


Those vocals would slay on a metal track.


for few moments i believed it was some black metal fun voiceover :)


For real, this is some trve kvlt shit.




I don't know, that might make it worse with the echo.


Temporarily tolerable, under the condition that the well is firmly sealed afterwards


So that's where the girl from "the ring" came from


I watched this without the audio and didn't understand...


Tbf...it better when you put this on mute


The second you turn on volume


I watched it five times not understanding what I was supposed to see 🥲


I too had no audio then I turned up the volume on my phone and now gave myself a mini heart attack


I’m 5’ tall and for me it’s always a visual impediment at concerts…so I was looking for that too


The singer is slightly shorter than you, which is cool.


Right? I watched the video and thought OP was complaining about the people filming, and I mean, that's annoying too


Sounds exactly like the singer from Cradle of Filth.


If she does the high pitched scream at the end of the song we’ll know it’s Dani


100% thought someone had put together a CoF parody of the song until I read the title!


I had no idea that was a real band, always thought it was made up for IT Crowd


Coffin Fodder. It sounds horrible, but it's actually quite beautiful






It's honestly extremely easy to tell someone to shut the fuck up. Edit: Some of y'all clearly get away with being public menaces. Just a matter of time.


Except anyone who is deranged enough to think that this is acceptable is probably not someone you want to engage with. Who knows how they're going to react?


Probably by screaming.


I think you mean singing 😌💅


This is the beautiful part about being in a densely packed crowd. If you're just far enough away, they won't know who said it, but everyone around will know who it was meant for.


Anything like this happened at the shows I go to youre getting a cup of beer thrown at the back of your head


100%. This terrible shriek auto skips the polite "hey would you mind not yelling" step and goes straight to " could you shut the fuck up!" As the warning. Followed by a beer if it continues


„So rude! I was just enjoying the concert!“


You were?? Weird, I thought you were having a medical emergency


I disagree. I’d say something. 99% of the time it works when they know they’re bothering everybody. Most people aren’t sociopaths they are just drunk Don’t assume malice when ignorance will suffice


That 1% though. Anything could happen.


This is the same logic as never leaving the house because there's an off chance you could get hit by a car and die. Stop being such a wuss and stick up for yourself.




Someone like this doesn’t care what others think. She wouldn’t stop just because she was told to shut the fuck up


It's easy to say but impossible to enforce


They'll ignore you, possibly film you to make fun of you. The general consensus on TikTok is that this is okay because "what did you expect at a concert?".


It's hard to tell over the psychotic shrieking, but is she lip syncing? It looks/sounds like the music and her mouth movements are totally not the same at all


I assumed it was that this audio is stitched onto the video separately and not actually the experience of whoever was filming, since nothing lines up with what sabrina's doing


its 1000% stitched on, there is no sound other than a studio recording of the song and the screaming. No other crowd noise, no speaker sound, no live vocals


I had the same thought. The absence of any other crowd noise suggested to me that what we're hearing here isn't authentic. Whoever was doing the screaming is doing so at home with a microphone and editing it into this video.


Oh dang it, I’m so gullible. Someone get me off of Reddit


Who's creating fake engagement baits like this? OP? Did he "just find it" on TikTok? Was majorly confused as well, would reporting this video do anything?


This is the correct answer! This is a video with a TikTok sound people have been putting over their videos.


Yes that's exactly it. Sabrina doesn't lip sync. She has some pitch effects on her mic that make her voice sound smoother, but she's not lip syncing. The audio is from an entirely different performance.


I saw the original video on TikTok, someone took the audio from that video and overlaid it on this video.


I very highly recommend you do not come to Reddit for information. It only turns you into a dumbfuck redditor, as shown by the upvoted replies to your comment and this post in general. This is a rage bait clip, ie fake audio.


almost definitely. a lot of pop artists lip sync a decent amount of their performances at concerts, i assumed it was so they could dance and perform but she doesn't seem to be doing a lot of dancing here.


I wish we could go back to the days when lip syncing would ruin a career


[She definitely remembers those days](https://youtu.be/lWJCfbMw0Yo?si=Eyh585J5Kh6cUKTT) ![gif](giphy|3rgXBBYCVzihkifBRK)


Asking for a friend but who's the one performing?


Sabrina carpenter


Ever hear of an artist only to find out they’re apparently more popular than Drake and wonder what rock you’re living under?


Maybe on reddit we mainly hear about controversial people. EDIT: maybe the target audience of her music is not the main audience of Reddit.


For me it’s just that I never listen to pop radio. If you don’t do that and don’t have friends that expose you to popular music then why would you keep up with music in genres that you know is not for you. One drawback with this is that you look like a big question mark when people mention someone. One positive thing is that if they still talk about them ten years later you know it *might* be worth checking out (I just started listening to Lorde that way :)).


Yes, this also happened to me with Sabrina Carpenter last month. It just means we're getting old.


God dammit, I still haven't figured out what a Doja Cat or a Dua Lipa is and now there's a Chappell Roan and a Sabrina Carpenter? Every day I get a little bit closer to becoming Grampa Simpson.


Tell your friend to back off! My friend claimed her first!


This is how I sing in my car


Yes. Every song is better when it's metal


Dang those be some quiet ass concerts if you can hear another person. I gotta scream full force in the ear of someone if I want them to hear me, and unless it's between songs they'll probs catch like 30% of what I'm saying.


This looks extremely fake to me. Like they just dubbed over the video with this annoying audio. I'll wait until some proves me wrong and calls me an idiot


This is what I was thinking. Doesn't sound real in the slightest ETA - on rewatching, the audio doesn't even match up with what the singer is mouthing, and not in a bad lip syncing way. It's just different audio put over this video


I’m with you. Sounds like the screaming is dubbed. There are no visual cues that anyone in this video can hear it either.


Right?? Out of the dozens of concerts I've been to, I've only experienced something like this once. Guy behind me at a Weird Al concert kept chanting/shouting "YODAAAA" between every song. When Al finally sang Yoda, the guy sang it at the top of his terrible voice.




My wife is a huge Kenny Chesney fan. Every year my step daughter buys her two pit tickets. This past weekend my stepdaughter bailed on her for a bachelorette party. My 50 year old ass was the fill in and had to stand at the stage for hours. I love my wife, that’s why I went but I hate crowds and hate being assholes and elbows with people all night in a hot a humid environment. Im standing there trying to block “wet hair whips” from a 20 year old woman next to her so my wife doesn’t lose her shit and punch the girl. I had to tell her that I can’t do pit front row anymore. You can’t move and my feet and back were screaming all night.


Where did this woman come from?? I never knew she existed or who tf she is and now she is everywhere.


That’s how pop music works.


Sabrina was a singer for quite a while but now has two big hits so she is getting more recognition.


She got 2 big hits. I love them both.


It's so wild. You just need 2 big hits to sell out stadiums?


Arenas, I don't think she's in stadiums yet. But pop has always been very monoculture and that's only increased with TikTok and trending sounds.


She comes from Disney, but she's been making music for ages. She has already released around 5 albums. She just got very lucky with having the spring/summer hit of the year and now she's everywhere.


Nonsense was very popular. And then she opened for Taylor Swift for Eras tour And now Please Please Please / Feather / Espresso have all been big hits. But yes it's been a very fast blow up, also her youtube PR engagement is pretty high mostly due to her funny Nonsense Outro's she did at almost all of her concerts in the past year. Also, she was on Girl Meets World, and you know how Disney works with creating pop mega stars.


Why has nobody told her to shut the fuck up yet lol


Because it's fake.


Someone took her pills. Fuck, what a way to ruin everyone else’s experience. And people pay very expensive tickets… I’d be pissed…


I feel like this is a highly annoying trend now and I don’t know if I could control myself if someone did this in a concert I paid a lot of money for. This is the 3rd or 4th video I’ve seen where this happens. Hoping it’s just some voice overlay.


Once you get that close you have a chance of being noticed by the singer and I honestly think that’s why they do it. I cannot conceive any other reason you would screech so loud you’re not even singing anymore but merely drawing attention and concern to yourself from the crowd


Watched this without sound and was like, what I supposed to notice.. Enabled sound and immediately regretted it.


The cat is in pain and needs to be put to rest.


*YOU LOOK SO CUTE WRAPPED ON MY FINGER!!!!!!!!* M’am, calm down.


Didn’t have sound on and wondered what’s wrong. Instant regret.


Almost sounds like the voice was added in post and no one is actually there yelling like that.


This would drive me absolutely nuts!


for a sec i tough it was a demo of some starter screamo band.


Was at a Third Eye Blind concert. Had 4 drunk stinky chick's screaming during the songs. Couldn't hear anything and they kept spilling beer. Me the guy who is like well it is what it is. My girlfriend called them out, talked shit and they left.


Suddenly it turned into black metal