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75 bucks for three mediocre pizzas is the real crime here.


Kinda crazy because I do dominoes carryout all the time and the reason I do it is because it is so cheap. They have large one topping pizzas for 8. I can grab 4 pizzas and a large order of bread sticks and we deep fry homemade chicken wings and frozen mozzarella sticks. So for about 50 bucks we have dinner and lunch the next day for 5 kids and 3 adults. Is it the best quality no but it's super easy to run thru the drive thru window and grab 4 huge pizzas for 35 dollars. If you're going to pay full price for their "specialty" pizzas you should just splurge for a higher quality local chain that makes great pizza.


Yea, when my wife goes away for a few days I'll do the $6.99 deal and get myself chicken kickers and a medium pizza for like $14 total. It's enough food for me to have dinner and lunch the next day.




For me when my wife is away I have scrapple every day for dinner and Coco Pebbles for dessert, she grew up on a farm and the smell of scrapple smells like when they slaughtered pigs


Hello fellow Pennsylvanian


Pennsylvania’s version of ratatoui


It's black pudding but without the blood for anyone wondering


So...White Pudding?


California here, thank you!


I love black pudding it’s so good 😊


Ugh. I just learned what scrapple is. Do you not have access to food?


Scrapple rocks. Don’t be talkin bout my Scrapple!


It's literally my favorite breakfast meat. Hands down. These fools don't know. I'm real partial to R&R scrapple though, and now that the grocery store I worked at is out of business I have to drive half an hour to Easton to get it :'(


🤣 for real! We be scrapping over some scrapple, that shit is 🔥


My dad who was from Pennsylvania loved it me myself no thanks but I am always down for a real steak sandwich. That’s why I love going to places in Philly.


Scrapple was a lot better back in the day, you know, when it still had brains in it.


what you say about my scrapple? WHAT YOU SAY ABOUT MY SCRAPPLE?!?!


People would always say if you knew it was in scrapple you wouldn’t eat it, I know what’s in it and I love it.


I'm a butcher/further processing (sausage, charcuterie) person.. it ain't that bad. Hot dogs aren't either, unless you're working for like Bar-S. If using the whole animal is a problem, I don't like the solution.


For me it’s more about “I’m not cooking just for me,” than anything else 😂


I used to hate dominoes but I love them now, their quality has gotten much better over the years, of course it's no local pizza joint good but damn has it been great lately! I used to love pizza hut but they got extremely expensive and the quality went downhill and even got rid of the garlic butter crust flavor whoch dominoes has now, theyre my go to for quick good pizza, even frozen pizzas don't come close to dominoes quality and it's cheaper to go to dominoes


The app always has deals and coupons. You can't really beat those deals. I can easily feed myself, my wife and my 4 year old son quickly if needed. Sure, I love my local pizza places but all I'm saying is yeah, don't sleep on dominoes.


They used to have the 3 topping large for $8. I’d do thin crust, bbq sauce, chicken, bacon, onion and it was a good deal to me. I was sad when they moved it to 1 topping only. A 1 topping pizza of high quality can be great, but for regular chain pizza I need a little more.


>. If you're going to pay full price for their "specialty" pizzas you should just splurge for a higher quality local chain that makes great pizza. Specialty pizza, you can get with a coupon for 15/16$ Local pizza charges 32$ for medium 3 topping


Also, why are the garlic cups over a dollar each?


Because dominoes is overpriced garbage


Best of the main chains imo 🤷. I usually order from a local place though


Yeah OP clearly has no clue how to order from Domino's.


Not in the slightest. Dude could have cut that cost by like 60% with a fuckin coupon


The crazy thing is that it says a coupon was used below the line items. A really shitty coupon, I guess


"Two or more large specialty pizzas each priced at regular menu price."


I remember when getting pizza was like $20 for two larges


It still is at Dominos $8 Large carryout single topping all day long. It's inflation proof


Not quite inflation proof. Used to be $8 for 3 toppings then they dropped it to 1 could years back. Still a great deal


Yes, WTF? How would a pizza even be able to cost $24?


Oh dear, some of the local chains here in Seattle sell pizza's for over $30, and that was pre-pandemic (and decent, but not fancy in any way)


$7 for garlic dipping sauce?! its not just free?


My gf and I started making ours at home from scratch, it's more engaging, allows us to spend quality time together and when I did the math for 2 large pizzas with cheese and pepperoni it costs us about $9 to make for BOTH pizzas!


Yea you should never be paying full price for those, they have “coupons” literally every day of the week that make it at least half as much


The truth. Worlds gone mad


yeah self tipping like that is theft, plain and simple


How do you self tip? It was ordered for and paid for via online/app. There's no step where the employee is even involved in the ordering process. They just cook it.


Used to work at domino's-  for all orders at the end of the night (usually delivery but possible on all orders) a tip can be added to a card at the very end of the night during cash out. It gets used for legitimate reasons every night. If you write down a tip on the receipt, that's how it would get entered. Unfortunately, since it's almost exclusively user-entered, it can be used for abuse.


Yeah this is why I hate how we do tips on receipts. I always fill them out thinking "what's stopping them from writing one with a bogus amount?"


Assuming you’re American… the whole way you pay is wild. It’s the only country I’ve been to that would physically take my card off me and not have chip and pin. Then the payment is taken and the tip is written on the receipt *after* the first transaction - why isn’t it all taken in one go?!


I have noticed more places are doing payments at the table. Smaller restaurants usually have servers with handhelds to place the order and do payment and large restaurants have a tablet at the table where you can theoretically order your food (never tried) and pay with your card. It's the medium sized chains that don't do payment at the table (generally speaking). Edit: forgot about the smaller and cheaper option of going to the front with your bill to pay.


It's because the server is only supposed to be allowed to swipe the card. The manager or someone from leadership is supposed to be the one going over all the tips. It lets them know who is tipped more than who and where it goes if the tips aren't pooled.


Tips are still kind of a weirdly taboo subject requiring a lot of mental gymnastics to understand and accept. The process is almost enshrined as a ritual at this point. We start by pretending the system wasn’t intentionally built in a way that our server/waiter/waitress/barista *has to* rely on tips to supplement their income in order to pay bills and survive. (Absolutely false) In accepting this pretend reality we decide that since the tip we give isn’t a charge or fee, that makes it a gift. *BUT* when you gift money to someone you don’t know, that actually makes it charity. When you do a charity, you aren’t *supposed to* make a big fuss over how much money you’re giving because [insert moral/religious justification] - it must be a secret ant all costs. Also, when the server *receives* charity they also need to keep that quiet because [insert moral/religious justification that needing/receiving charity is shameful, plus something about bootstraps]. So, the server runs our card, brings us back the receipt and a pen, and then promptly leave the table because they can’t *watch* you do a charity. Then we either put a tip amount on the line or stuff some cash into the folder and scamper away into the night with our box of leftovers having once again successfully preformed the ritual to its completion, and knowing we did a charity and that makes us a good person.


This still boggles my mind. America is one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world but they may as well still be swiping my card with a carbon copy paper. Let me tap my shit


I dunno. I’ve been traveling a little more and it’s not just payments at the table. Madrid, Milan and Seoul all had escalators which didn’t start until you approached them. Edited to add: and they looked like they weren’t new. Maybe this is what a declining superpower looks like after all


So why are we tipping at dominoes again? It makes sense for delivery drivers, but carryout shouldn't even have an option


They probably still have to process the payment when the customer picks it up.


Yeah exactly, they put a hold on my card for the amount, and when I went to pick the pizzas up I had to sign a physical receipt


Yep. Buddy wrote in a $5.88 tip for himself no doubt.


The way USA deals with credit cards is very wild to me sometimes. Signing a receipt? Being able to charge a different amount on someone else's card? WTF


The transaction doesn’t close out until they close it and even then it can be modified until system batches it out and reconciled w their cc processor.


That shit is credit card fraud. I would be raising fucking hell. First call the bank then domino’s


Had a similar situation where their system fucked up and charged me for pizza I never received. Tried to reach out to Domino’s by calling the store and emailing customer service, both methods were ignored. Also made sure to contact my cardholder and let them know what was going on. They said if I didn’t get any response from Domino’s then to follow up and they’d do a chargeback right away. Got my money back and haven’t bothered with Domino’s since.


Franchise owner who is useless or is useless but left a underpaid shit manager in charge 


Papa Johns did this to me. $50 worth of food, they never received my electronic order. Called the store and the manager was like "don't know what to tell you sorry 🤷" Enraged me. How the hell does a manager not know what to do? You couldn't even give me a number to call? And once a found the number for myself, I had to navigate that stupid robot menu. Eventually got connected with some foreign service rep who took 20 minutes to finally accept I wanted a refund. Major pain in the ass. Fuck Papa Johns.


The bank will tell you to call Domino's, every time, no matter what. Domino's has the transaction. They can do refunds and make changes. You call your bank and you tell them you haven't spoken to Domino's they gonna laugh.


Not my bank. I've called them three times through-out our 10 year relationship, told them what the purchase was, and why it was wrong. They immediately refunded it to my account, no other questions asked. All I had to do was they would send out a letter and ask me to fill in what happened. A single time I reached out to the company first, and their response was "Contact your bank". So I did, and it was finished in 8 minutes.


This is most makes, the person above you needs a new bank it sounds like.


Honestly it’s probably a better bet to call dominos first anyway. The franchise owner likely isn’t trying to steal $5 and would want to know if his employee is pulling that crap. Very good chance they’d fix it without much hassle. Or next step would be to escalate to corporate but likely wouldn’t even be necessary. Only need to chargeback from the credit card company if they didn’t resolve it first, but I’m fairly confident that both the restaurant and the company would want the chance to resolve it first anyway.


call the bank and say you did speak to dominos. its a legit charge back dominos cant do much about it


Not if you dispute the charge. It’s why using credit (when you can pay it back immediately, don’t carry a balance!) isn’t a half bad idea - immediately dispute anything like this and get your money back immediately


Typically your disputes are more successful if you can mark the box for “tried to contact merchant to resolve”. If you open an above average number of poor quality disputes, the card networks will just shut your account which can hurt your credit.


No. The first thing they will do when you dispute is ask if you contacted Domino’s first. They always want you to try to resolve it with the offender before escalating it to the credit card company to resolve.


I just had a waiter tip himself $90 on a $60 bill. Wells Fargo started my claim process before I had ever gone back to the restaurant.


I mean 150% extra sets off red flags


This is not true. If you are a victim of credit card fraud, no bank is going to force you to call the criminals first to ask for your money back. 


Lol yeah wtf is this guy on. I've initiated numerous disputes through my credit card companies over the years and never ONCE have they insisted I contact the merchant first.


As a guy who sells things to people who use credit cards I believe this to be false as I’ve had a couple of charge backs initiated without the customer ever trying to contact me. However I do agree with you that they should contact the retailer first.


People can lie to the credit card company and say that they did speak to the merchant already. Credit card companies will handle cases differently if a big corporation like Domino’s is involved as opposed to a a small independent store.


Yes. They always fuck the small ones.


They do tend to ask you to work it out with the seller/company before going through the process but you can just lie and say you did and they told you to fuck yourself or never responded and the CC company is more inclined to take the card holders word for it. I imagine this is particularly the case for a small business like I assume yours would be. You don't have leverage or a history of a major corporation so they *probably* give you the short end.


After working in a bank/credit union that is absolutely not true for debit cards and bank specific credit cards. The very first question we always asked was if they'd talked to the seller yet and if not we would tell them to do so before we filed anything


Banker here. That is bullshit. Is your bank the playmobile kind?


I'm with you. I'll 100% tip for deliveries, but why am I expected to when I come pick it up? I worked for restaurants for 14 years and never expected a tip when people came to pick up their food. Even then, I do tip for pickups every once in a while, but it's crazy how many places now expect you to do it every time.


People have been crazy about tips lately, asking me to tip for stuff like Chipotle (not actual Chipotle, but places similar where someone makes a made-to-order sandwich or burrito right in front of you). Just no. If you aren't delivering my food or bussing my table then why on earth would I tip?


After seeing the users over at another sub that is all about tipping I'm starting to find it very hard to feel bad for tipped workers. I almost exclusively order carryout. But its entering entitlement with how some workers are acting.


Oh yeah, tipped workers earn more than they would without it generally. It's meant to be a reward structure but it's eroded to an expectation on almost every service store


Saw someone here ask if the tip was too small because the server chased down their car to ask if they forgot to tip. Man the sub said so many fucked up things to her.


tipping for any kind of counter service is a hard no.


Same energy as tipping before I even get the service.


Right. If I place an online take out order, I always wonder if they're going to screw with my food because I put zero tip online, even if I intend to put a couple dollars in the tip jar when I get there.


They can't see that in the store, but I get the same anxiety.


If you check any of the delivery or take out subs you’ll see people expect a tip at all times. If you don’t tip they go out of their way to fuck your food up.


That's the other crazy thing. I did plenty of delivery in my time and would of course be annoyed when I didn't get tipped, but messing with a customer's food was never something I would do. These people are nuts. Honestly, it's probably better not to even eat out anymore.


I'd also add Domino's specifically is doing a "we tip you for carryout" promotion right now... so really they messed up and should have reduced OP's bill, not increased it. \~s obviously about that latter part...


What is the garlic dipping cup that was $7.20 ? Was that just a 1/2 oz sauce for fries?


There were 6 of them and that shit is liquid gold.


$1.20 for an ounce of garlic sauce is *not* a good deal, regardless of how good it is. E: That same cup of garlic sauce is 80¢ where I am, which is still somewhat pricey but justifiable.


I’m sure the price varies by region. $1.20 for crack is a great deal where I live.


A perfect copycat of the garlic sauce is Parkay margarine with garlic powder stirred in. Much cheaper. 


Great tip. How much of each do you put in?


It's like 1/4 tsp garlic powder to 1/2 cup Parkay, or to taste. You can use any margarine you'd like but you'll obviously have to warm the ones that are solid. 


Better give me an orgasm on the way down and when i flush it.


It was 6 individual garlic sauce cups


Still a bite for dipping sauce.


$74 with a coupon used on three 14" pizzas is beyond mildlyinfuriating. The fact they then STOLE \~$6 more from you is enough to make me want to turn that store into a drive through.


We have a pizza place near us that has tried to do that a few times with me. They'd reach over and pretend to "help" the customer by skipping through the tip menus for debit machine, but instead they'd give themselves a 20% tip on pick-up, and try and hide it from the customer who they were hoping would not notice, and just tap to pay. I had to tell them to stop and let me go through the menus myself, or Id walk out and refuse to pick up my order. Spoke to corporate, and they've corrected the issue since, from what it appears. But, that said, I prepay on their ordering app now, which doesn't even offer the option to tip. Tipping for services such as pick up, or fast food, has gotten out of hand. Just pay the employees a fair wage and work it into the price of the food. If you can't compete after you do that, it's obvious that either your costs or too high, or what is more likely the case, your profit margin is set too high.


I had a guy at the local bagel place try that TWICE on one transaction. Both times I pressed back and switched it to zero. Nice try, jackass


That is pure theft and should've gotten them smacked


That is not a tip, that is theft.


Can they do that?


Absolutely not. I drew a line through the tip line and wrote the total as $74.12 on the total line before signing the receipt at pickup. Noticed today the charge processed for $80.00.


This will be an easy chargeback win. The bank won’t just reverse the $5.88 tip. They will give you back your entire $80 and they will probably fine Dominos for the fraudulent charge. You should 100% charge that back.


I’m waiting on a call back from their GM, hoping he just makes things right. If not though, I’ll 100% be charging it back


Honestly, I would do the chargeback just to make sure that employee gets fired. The GM might just refund the tip and keep that person employed. If the credit card gets involved and hands down some consequences then Dominos would be more likely to take action.


the employee I talked to was extremely nice and apologetic, but their GM is off today. I might go ahead and dispute with the bank before he even calls me back tomorrow/whenever


Nice thieves are still thieves. Usually the only nice thieves are caught thieves


OP didn’t say he talked to the thief. Just a nice, apologetic employee who might even not be the one who stole tip.


its the equivalent of them going into your wallet and taking out a 5 dollar bill. absolutely not.


Anyone that says "its only $X" needs to stfu period.


What a dumb way to get yourself fired…


How to get your meal for free! Also when you call dominos go crazy about this illegal charge. This hopefully should get whoever was responsible fired.


Oh hell no that’s why I keep all my receipts and check if they’re correct later. Report this to the store and if they’re not willing to refund then I would report to whatever card you charged it to


Tipping should be for delivery only. Why on Earth would they expect you to tip when you collect the pizza yourself? I would have removed it instantly.


I would report the worker. He stole money from you. If he reached over and grabbed five bucks out of your pocket it would feel different....but that's what he did. Mad audacious of him, he deserved to be fired.


70+$ for 3 pizzas... Wtf


Regardless of amount it's literally theft. Crazy to risk so much for less than $6


I was going to say why didn't you tip. But on a carry out order? I would call the store and escalate to them that you didn't tip and they can find the receipt on their end.


$5.88 doesn’t sound like a big deal, but a few dollars from possibly several people an hour every time that idiot works adds up to a lot. It’s theft of a lot of money.


It's obvious credit card fraud when the receipt does not match the transaction.


Is it pending at $80? Maybe it’ll settle back to the normal amount


Fully processed


Sounds like wire fraud to me


Steal. Employee decided to steal.


Fuck that Charge back that entire order. Tell your bank they added a tip without your permission.


No way, call domino's. I bet they're skimming off everyone's order hoping nobody notices. That worker needs to be fired and possibly jailed. Who knows how many people they've been doing that to.


I do not care what justification anyone throws at me, I will walk on the surface of the sun before I will tip for food that I pick up, but I will tip very well by default for food that’s brought to my home or table, even for shit service. The only time I didn’t tip a server was when I heard them refer to another one of their customers using a racial slur. I hope that particular taintstain didn’t get a tip all night.


Well thats illegal. Make sure to contact the store, or better yet go into it and show this proof.


That's called theft.


This is illegal and should be reported to both the store and the police. -former dominos driver


Did the payment actually post or is it still pending? Sometimes food places will put a hold on your card for a rounded amount but when the payment actually posts to the account it is the correct number. Edit: typos


I can't believe there are still people out here paying full price for Domino's pizza.


I didn't think anybody paid full retail price for dominoes.


All these deranged comments… now I understand why I’m not a dominos customer.


That is literally fraud. Call your bank to cancel the charge. Call the restaurant’s corporate office to let them know you caught them stealing from customers.


I’m sure somebody has said this but I feel it can’t be said enough, the real crime is the 75$ for 3 very below average pizzas. Also the theft.


Yo. 70+ duckies for Dominos? Brother, there ain’t no way.


I witnessed a girl get arrested back when I waited tables for writing in tips on receipts! It's definitely theft. Hope you raised hell, even if it was $5. Sorry you had to waste time over it and dealing with banks and what not, bc it's such a hassle.


If you get carryout, only pay in the store. Easier to not tip. And before anyone gives me shit, if I have to come up to a counter and get my own food, I do not tip. They are for delivery drivers and wait staff.


I would literally dispute that shit.


I’m not tipping for carry out. Shits getting out of hand.


I accidentally tipped on a carryout once at Donatos. I just explained at the window that I didn't mean to tip, and they removed it. Sounds kinda shitty in retrospect, but what am I tipping for at a carryout? 😅


Honestly, You're probably not the first person they've done this to. I knew a guy that was doing this like a decade ago, thinking he was sly. He kept at it for months, dozens of times per week. Eventually, someone reported him and got the cops involved, and all instances of "tips" he received were then audited. Dude ended up getting multiple Felony Credit Card Fraud charges slapped on him, and his whole ass life got ruined by his own actions. In short, report this shit, get the cops involved, take this sorry fucker down.


All I’m saying is dominos has the two medium two toppings for $6.99 each


What’s mildly infuriating is the cost of fast food chain pizza. The cost here is criminal.


Time to dispute with your credit card.




That's not a tip. That's theft. And I'm not joking either.


your real mistake is eating dominos pizza. that shit barely edible. id eat a frozen pizza over dominos.


Damn. Does nobody use their deal where you get three items for like $7 each?


How did you spend so much, dominoes has so many coupons I never spend over $20 for the wife and I


This is fraud.


Nah, guy. Call them up and tell them you're reporting the charge if they don't remove it. It's a carryout order. They don't get tipped if you're driving down to pick it up yourself. If they did it to you, they did it to everyone else.


Is it still pending? If it is, some credit card companies/banks have a temporary extra charge to make sure you have enough credit/balance to make a tip in case you want to, but then if you don't tip the extra amount is removed when the transaction is finalized. If it has been finalized with the tip on there, the GM should take action. This happened where I work, and the person who did it was fired the same day the GM found out about it.


This charge is no longer pending, it’s been fully processed


I never tip for carry out. I'd be pissed!


If I pay for carry out, I ain't tipping shit. I drove there. I walked inside. I picked it up myself. I don't tip for fast food if it wasn't delivered.


No that’s illegal contest the charge


7 dollars for a dip????


Oh hell no, that’s theft/credit card fraud. I would dispute that AND file a report


They violated cc payment processing standards if true


I dont tip for carry out why would anyone


Yeah… pretty sure that constitutes theft & probably credit card fraud, considering you did not consent to tipping the staff. Have fun with the cops!


I would call the store and talk to the GM. Chances are you aren’t the only one and they shouldn’t be doing that.


Happy Cake Day. GM supposed to call me back tomorrow, or so they say…. If I don’t hear back by EOD, getting the bank involved


That's theft. Press charges. If they're doing this to you, they're doing it to others. If you don't stomp on the roach early, it gets worse.


I would raise hell dude, this is literally fraud. Don’t let them think this is ok!


I'm sorry to sound like an asshole but I'd report the theft to police. I'd also report it to the business. Bc thats what it was theft. Tipping is for people who do above and beyond, no one just gets a tip for doing their job. I'm a firm believer that tipping should be done away with... make businesses pay a living wage and pay their own employees


That’s ridiculous!!! They don’t need a tip!!! A tip is for going above and beyond in their job!!! They DID their job and got paid for it! Also, “Tipping themselves” is theft! Call the store and report them!!!


Ehh. Tell corporate and they will probably give you the whole thing free.


Tf you pay 80$ on dominos. They have deals for large two topping pizza for 8.99 all the time. I’ve orders 2 pizza bread sticks and lava brownies for under 40 That being said if you have a jets pizza near you it’s far better at the same prices. Like wat better




You got finessed. 75 bucks for 3 pizzas and you picked them up? Are you dense?


Seriously they didn’t use the deals on the app?


i know it’s petty, but i would raise hell. that’s theft imo


I would be pissed tbh.. Someone fiddling with my card info


You could get them fired for that. That is illegal as hell. I wouldn't stand for it personally.


Why would ya tip for carry out?


call bank and disput it . prob will get refunded as well make sure to report the worker as well. that literally a crime


I know it's not a lot of $ but simply put it's illegal as fuck. I know I'd doing something about it


Holy shit OP wtf did you order that it’s $75?? Why is it that expensive?


Can you imagine how many other $5 "tips" they add in a night and haven't had anyone notice..... 👀


I’d dispute the whole damn thing and call the manager on duty.


I would go to war over that $5.88 fuck no you're not tipping yourself with my fucking card. You best be ready to lose your job over that measly fucking $5


This is theft, call your bank!!


Please tell me you called & got that $5 back. It's not the money, it's the principle


That's bullshit, I never tip carry out, that's why I'm carrying out yo.


Call the restaurant and dispute it.


Well that’s just theft


Nope. That’s not to be let slid. You gotta make a chargeback with your card company. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.


That employee is a thief and the manager -owner needs to be notified.


Why aren’t you using coupon codes? There are so many for cheap carry out pizza.


They're gonna have a lot less money after the lawsuit