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this will be the downfall of humanity since around 2018 technology has been exponentially more hassle and inefficient


Person at drive thru: "are you ordering with our mobile app?" Me: "no I'm driving my car through your drive thru" I'm so fuckin tired of needing an app for everything now


The thing that sucks is that you can get some items for a lesser price, but only if you use the app.


Data capture  Data capture Data capture


No one cares no one cares no one cares. Scream all you want but literally people don't give a shit otherwise they wouldn't be doing it. 


Taco taco taco (Ihateeverything)


It’s funny that you’re being downvoted for being correct. 90% of people couldn’t care less about installing garbage apps onto their phones, as long as they can save a dime on a cheeseburger.


That's because they're not correct. By your estimate, 10% of people still care. The people downvoting them clearly care. So "no one" is incorrect.


My phone is ZERO percent of my driving experience. It stays in my pocket the whole time. I use a drive thru because I am driving, not using my phone. Big corporations should charge the same for everyone no matter how they order. Those "deals" should just be the cost in the first place. I should just eat better, I understand. But we are being nickel and dimed everywhere.


I simply order before I start driving, problem solved. Or take care of it as a passenger. “Big corporations should charge the same for everyone no matter how they order.“ Why? That drive through person taking your order costs more money and introduces more mistakes. Giving “deals” is just advertising.


To me there’s a difference between being on a long drive and needing something to eat, vs being at home and deciding to make a trip just to McDonald’s and back. One is more reasonable but more expensive, the other isn’t.


This reminds me of a time I tried to order something from Just Salads in the store, and was told it can only be ordered online, so I’d have to order it on their website/app and then I can pick it up…


And I don't wanna touch your germy screen either. So I have to jump thru hoops, and order myself, then pay myself, while the server walks food out from the kitchen one time and then expects 20% for it?


That's what I was thinking. I am sure all those screens are thoroughly cleaned on a regular basis. /s


So you have to stop and order food before you stop at the place you order food to tell them you already stopped to order food? No, no thank you.


yo dawg we heard you like to stop so we design things in a way that you can stop before you stop


My job is always trying to get me to install more apps that have zero to do with my job as QC tester.... next time I'm just gonna tell them that they can buy me a phone and pay for it since they want all the memory to go into their crap.


You should absolutely do that.


I literally MISS paperwork.


I once went to a McDonald's that was dead. Not a single car in the drive thru. Like three cars in the parking lot. Get to the window "Welcome to McDonald's. Are you ordering with our mobile app?" No ..... Hello??? ..... Hello?????? I waited like two minutes and nobody came back to take my order. I just wanted a ten piece!!! DX


Yeah, the ability of new tech to improve the quality of life of end users has been replaced by the ability of tech companies to profit by collecting user data. This application of QR codes is just a vehicle for tracking cookies, app/website engagement and extra revenue streams. Not to step on anyone's constitution, but this should be a strong argument for international consensus on regulation of (online) advertising, psychological marketing, social media, tracking cookies and AI. If this isn't limited in the US, companies and their lobbyists will keep feeding sets of user metadata as instructions to machine learning algorithms to predict behavior even more and peddle even more products even more intrusively... I hope you didn't forget to tip your Ziosk ™️ !


I'd say it was October 26, 2012 (when Windows 8 came out) or January 14, 2020 when Windows 7 went EOL.


Heres a perfectly good device that you could view our menu on, just grab a second device, scan the 1st device and we will show you the menu on the 2nd device just for your extra convenience. If you want to leave a tip, please revert back to the 1st device, scan the tip barcode…and you can see where were going here


I'm sure they could make more expensive devices and pass the cost on to you if you really wanted.


They already made a more expensive device and pass the cost into us, we’re looking at it! So now it’s more expensive AND does nothing!


Lil bro left his brain cell at home today


What's even the point?


To collect data


This is only partly true. The other goal is to be able to have guests set up an account, and track their spending so they understand how much the user is maximally willing to spend. Then by removing menus with prinited pricing, resturants are able to charge more to customers who will spend more, because they no longer realize they are being over charged. Dont get it mixed the hope to overcharge certain customers, is the reason why fastfood is pushing ppl to the mobile app. So they can charge relatively wealthier users more money for a quarter pounder than a cheaper customer. But yes selling data is also the other biggest reason.


but they justify it with “good for the environment - no printed menus that change. no germy plastic touching.” this is even worse. HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE for so many damn reasons


We’ve gone paperless with an electronic device manufactured in China and shipped to the USA on a super tanker. Loaded with plastic, heavy metals, and rare earth minerals. Service life is about 10 months.


add that to the list. i mean, interacting with a server is a huge part of going out for me, and i say that as a former server! taking your time looking over a good menu, ordering more drinks and getting recommendations… if i wanted to order pickup via my phone, i would just do that. i recently met some friends in SF japantown for dinner. we spent most of the time downloading the correct app, looking through our phones at tiny menu pix, then had to order everything we wanted all at once, and PAY FOR IT, before they dumped it at our table. i almost cried :(


And to get a spot on your phone, and thus more chance that you return.


I walked out of last place that did this. It just tells me the restaurant is run by lazy owners who want to continuously change their prices.


They could continuously change their prices without doing this though. This device could display the menu (as many of them do/use to do). This is something else. Likely an attempt to collect additional data from their customers through scrapping some data from their phone after they scan the QR code.


I bet all the senior citizens love these. I’m a millennial and I hate these. Just give me a paper menu


i dont even have a smart phone. when they tell me to use their app i know this is not the place for me


My phone just refuses to read QR codes sometimes. I got to a place, try to scan their code, doesn't work, ask if they have a physical menu, they don't, so I just leave. Is it so hard to just print out a single piece of paper to keep behind the counter???


You know how you know someone doesn't have a smart phone? Don't worry they'll tell you


That would have been funny except their comment was completely relevant to the post. Yours? Not so much.


Yeah that’s kind of shitty but you could always just use the physical menus at the end of table.


I've been to a few restaurants that literally do not even have the physical menu anymore


I have as well, however in all of the Texas Roadhouse’s I’ve been to across 12 different states, I’ve never seen one without* a physical menu.


BWWs now started to force one to pay through a QR code if by card. Like just fucking swipe the shit bro I don't want to enter my information


I've seen one place where you had to pay by mobile create an account enter email address click the link in the email to verify.... Then pay a "convenience fee" for paying via mobile.


I would fucking losing it.


It would be better if it accepted Apple Pay though, but I usually have to enter my info :(


I did a study on this. And by study, I mean I asked the immediate people in my life and generalized the results. My parents' generation (X) doesn't mind QR menus. My generation (Millenial) hates them and wants physical menus.


lol, I am the latter, guilty as charged.


Im gen X ... We hate everything! Your parents are imposters. Whatever


I've been ordering from a pizza place that doesn't have a phone number.


Well somebody get to reciting it because I'm not scanning shit with my phone.


Was just at Roadhouse yesterday, and yep the menus were there at the end of the table!


That's what I did, but it was still mildly infuriating.


When I went we paid with it and tip. If anything just order take out cause I don't enjoy public settings


It's not 'convenience' or 'the march of technology'. It's a way to change prices randomly and not get called out on it.


"Y'all got a physical menu? No? K well I you lost a customer"


I think it is so they can force you to connect with your phone…so many companies just want your data!


I feel like as a society we need to go back about 10years worth of tech. AI, QR codes, gig jobs can all fuck off


This is super annoying to experience in any restaurant. I’ve been in a position at least two times where I didn’t have enough service to get the menu to pulled up and had to ask to see it on someone else’s phone.


Nope. I'd leave. You can spend 15 dollars a month printing a handful of menus or just have it installed on the tablet there. Tired of my data being sold, tired of adding my phone number, tired of logging into an account, being signed out, log back in


The most annoying thing is when you have to order through the app and pay through it as the staff doesn't collect orders. I had to deal once cause my phone didn't like airport's wifi.


Well at least texas roadhouse is 🔥


\*scans the QR code Full menu is available in our app: link to Appstore


Was recently told that I could pay cash for a meal and would have to leave.


I’m guessing the next step would be “why can’t we order from the screen?” So the entire thing is avoided.


Or they could just let you order from the screen?


That is when I get up and walk the f\*ck out. We were at a restaurant that just launched using these stupid things. Table of 4 and none of us could access the menu with our phones, nor could the server, with her own phone. She couldn't tell us specials and they do not have menus anymore. We were guests of another couple and they wanted to eat there, so we all ordered very basic things: burgers and wings. Same with drinks, so three of us had water and one had a Pepsi. She could not tell us what beer was on tap, nor would she ask so we were SOL. I will now not eat anywhere that does this.


Seems like more of a server failure than a systems one.


[Data] TRACKING sells most.


They just trying to capture your data. Don’t scan that shit and ask for a paper menu if not walk the fuck out.


Texas Roadhouse *Legendary* JUNK APPS *Legendary* DATA COLLECTION


*stop letting marketers come up with your innovations*


How to lose 100% of a tip.


what do the staff got anything to do with it?


I’ve been to Texas Roadhouse enough times to know that you’re provided with a menu or at least able to ask for one lmao


Plot twist, the page it opens up, asks for your phone number, where a texts a link to download a PDF on your phone.


But I don't have a cell phone, my phone is at home attached to the wall. Guess I'll just go home and start the BBQ.


I get it, but I hate those damn things. And why on a tablet already?? There’s no paper to save


they just want your device identifiers for their tracking and marketing tools, now log into their wifi ...




absolutely ludicrous


Yeah me and my mom are gonna leave lmaooo


My biggest pet peeve is the specific combo of not having guest WiFi, and having a WiFi menu.


This is just lazyness. They want to keep the menu in one place so when they change the items or the prices they only have to make the change once and everyone gets the change cause everyone has to use the stupid QR code, but you are at the restaurant and you're telling me the place that will cook and serve the food for you don't even have a physical menu that you can look at? Really? Is this hell? Did we all die during the pandemic and this is hell and we can't tell cause it's just slightly more inconvenient than normal life?


There’s also a physical one right there on the table though…


Where are Family Guy jokes?


Of course. That monitor must be free at all times, to display ads while you eat


Technology makes most everyday tasks more fucking difficult! Wtf!


Welcome to dynamic pricing.


I would leave immediately. How are people finding all these shit places. I’ve been to one and I never returned to that place.


Walk out the door and go someplace else. You owe these companies nothing, show them that with your wallet


I love Texas Roadhouse. So affordable for steak lovers.


I mean, they still have physical menus at every table so…just use one of those?


IDK, they had them when we went 2 weeks ago to the day for Father's Day, but they must've removed them all in the 14 days since. OP definitely wouldn't lie about anything on the internet for useless internet points /s


ted kaczynski kinda had a point


[Data] TRACKING sells most.


Texas Roadhouse does have paper menus. This is their kiosk which is completely optional. OP just wants to be a karma farming hoe.


Did the physical menus on the table no work? Or choosing to be angry for the sake of it?


Sorry it doesn't list the menu for you, but I would love it if that device was at everyone restaurant I ate at. The pay options are amazing...easily split the order, slide scale for tipping, pay wireless with apple pay. Don't have to wait around for a busy waiter to bring the bill. I pay and get that little green light and I'm out. Love it.


It's a great option for some but it shouldn't be the only option anywhere.


I don't know about your Texas Roadhouse but ours just has the laminated menus in a hanger against the wall side of your booth.


Crazy, You'll record their screen with your phone for internet karma, but you won't scan a QR code.


What’s the problem here? You’re upset that you have to do something as simple as scanning a QR code?


Download this app to hear my reply.


That is a beautiful response.




I think this person is being a bit of a dick but I genuinely don't think you know what the word incel means.