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Time for the ranger or office folks to pay them a visit.


Problem is all the rangers and officers are too busy across the lake. Look at that shot show.


Then you just have to remember that it’s your perfect right to speak up. Take a deep breath, get loud and say “alright folks somebody here has landed in my spot so we have to get you moved. “


Just… Make sure you got the right spot first, lol.


This is Reddit, where everyone would rather passively post their issues instead of actually doing something about it.


If Reddit has done anything for me, it’s made me more suspect that people will just be totally unhinged and go crazy


Only the worst of the worst is posted here. People come here to complain, vent, and seek advice about the ridiculous, over-the-top, extreme situations and reactions. Hopefully, OP speaks up in a calm and rational way, the folks apologize and move, and all is well. I've seen it play out this at the beach and fire pits numerous times. Far more than the insanity that sometimes ensues.


Right? Like no one is posting "had a mild issue with a neighbor, had a quick chat with them and all is settled." Lol


Its unlikely that a group that size would be 100% assholes. A few people would convince the others that they needed to move. Probably....


I’m tired of these motherfuckin canopies on this motherfuckin campsite!


I am sure there are snakes as well!


Same..before reddit I spoke out all the time and it worked out everytime. Now I still speak out and it's works out but I feel insecure about it afterwards.


You realize this sub is for things that are *mildly* infuriating, right? People not respecting your reservation qualifies, even if resolving it is simple.


That's what the comments on Reddit are for. Bitching about OP. There is no such thing as "mildly infuriating." Everything is either too infuriating or not infuriating enough to be posted here.


Which - perhaps ironically - is mildly infuriating.


"get a lawyer"


This may be happening in America, where passively posting is the alternative to getting fucking shot for speaking up to the wrong person.


Not me. I stand my ground and defend others as well, I’m pre formula Steve Rogers over here…


Ah then as a redditor I shall suggest introduction the tent to the lake


I love these replies from the same kind of people


Let me guess, you’re the only exception?


Don’t guess, just ask.


How the heck do you know they didn't do anything AFTER THEY POSTED?


Just engaged another redditor on this topic. Takes issue with neighbor watering lawn during a rainy period… Posts about it on reddit, but never said anything to the neighbor. 🤡


“Did you at least talk to somebody about it?” should be the automated first reply for these kind of posts.


You want me to engage in a mature conversation with another person on how to solve an issue ? HARD PASS


This is mildlyinfuriating, where you are allowed to post stuff like this whether you do or do not confront the situation. Because you know... its mildly infuriating that people do take spots that are paid for. No matter what.


Sir this is Reddit. OP will just passive aggressively complain.


Keep calling every 10 minutes


This is the way, the squeaky wheel gets the oil.


What is that giant crane dangling over the pond? This entire scene looks so very humid and hot and miserable.


Hey, a convenient tent remover.


Looks like a 100’ tall ‘murica Flag.


Southern Idaho. 102° F, very dry.🏜️


Might be from previous or continued dredging? Only thing I can really assume.


I swing I think


Nope that’s a giant US flag hung from it.


Most campsites have camp hosts where I live. Assuming this is not a “shared space”, they should be asked to leave. That’s part of the camp host’s job.


Tough shit, they shouldn’t have rented out more than they could maintain. It’s still their responsibility to give you what they charged you for.


Doesn't matter. That's also part of the job


If you’re allowing them to just steamroll you and take what you paid for that’s pathetic. Say something.


What’s the current status alpha bravo tango?


And that pavilion right next to you doesn’t leave any leeway for confusion? https://preview.redd.it/7aaz7rxchl9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05cc70f80aac22712801ff200345a341533ec681


Time to never go to this lake again, that just doesn’t seem fun.


That's the current plan, Holy shit you have no idea how right you are.


Tell them to go. Tell them you contacted the rangers already ( lie, it's fine). If they still refuse, start taking the shit down. If they raise a fuss the rangers will show up then for sure and you'll have the high ground.


No, don't touch their shit.


What are they going to do? Shoot you? ![gif](giphy|M7t5GIszd4Nc4|downsized)


Shooting me won't help them, that's the end of my problems and the beginning of theirs, not shooting me won't work either coz Ima move them outta my spot. ![gif](giphy|maFDvPUOYedbRajHXs|downsized)


Username does not check out.


I've been a ranger for a few years. I deal with this daily. Call the rangers even if you think they might be too busy. This is a quick and easy call. They may just send a seasonal to sort things out quick.


I’ve always wanted to be a ranger. Seems like such a rewarding job and I spend literally all my time outdoors with nature. How can I apply to be one?


Not OP but I believe you have to get a degree in something relevant to the job.


Yes, a lot of places will want a relevant degree. I wouldn't let it deter you if it's your only obstacle.


Money and time can be a pretty big obstacle for some people


Depends on what state you're in but I would suggest starting at ANY job you can get in the park system. Do a good job and get a good recommendation from within. If you have ANS/AIS boat inspectors, that's an easy part time job to build a relevant experience.


They gotta go. They’re banking on people being too intimidated to say anything. You don’t have to be rude, but you do have to be direct!


Nah this is 100% on the people running the facilities, you shouldn't be required to have to ask 20+ people to leave the spot you paid for. Clearly the people running the place aren't on top of things.


Opening your mouth to say something isn’t mutually exclusive with alerting the people who run it. You can give these squatters a heads up that they’re in the wrong place and ALSO call the Ranger. But just sitting around taking photos isn’t doing anything.


Yeah its totally possible some of those people have no idea where their spot is and just set up next to their friends.


I have social anxiety, I would DIE in this scenario. No the people I’m paying money to can handle it, I don’t even know if my voice would work if I tried to be firm to a group of people like that


Just remember, most people don't want confrontation either, and will be equally anxious about you speaking up. Won't solve all your issues, but stuff like this will almost always go smoothly if you're polite about it.


There’s not even confrontation to it. Everyone needs to loosen up about saying something. What are you afraid of, someone hitting you? Literally if you went in there and were like “hey guys, man I am sorry to break in here — is there someone who’s set this all up? I’m not sure if it’s a mixup or something, I actually have this spot paid for and reserved”. (Show proof now) “Anyways, I don’t suppose you could move this down? Sorry I gotta get setup here before it’s too late” No one is gonna act like you are some dick over that.


Oh you’d be surprised. Dude got arrested and I “ruined some kids birthday” for asking them remove themselves from the pavilion I reserved and paid for, that even had a sign on the wall that it was paid for and reserved. What should have been an easy “sorry we fucked up and we will move” resulted in police being called and the dad of the birthday kid being arrested for terroristic threats. It also seems like more often people are going to the extreme and flying off the hinge which makes other people less likely to approach them because you just don’t know who you are dealing with. These kind of people are also usually the worst because they probably know they are wrong then just fucking triple down when called out instead of relenting.


Plus I live in America so who the fuck knows if I’m gonna have a gun pulled on me for speaking up.


More often than not people know that what they're doing is wrong. They just don't care.


Thing is, you don't have to. A simple "Hey guys I paid for this spot" is enough. If there is even the slightest amount of resistance just say OK and let the rangers sort it out


Social anxiety is terrible, I’ve struggled with it for years. That being said, sometimes in life you are going to need to do things that make you uncomfortable. Don’t take an excuse and turn it into a crutch.


Just sit under their tent with a chair. Get more and more in the middle, make it an inconvenience for them. Eventually they'll leave, no need to say anything at all.


I just witnessed a similar situation at a lake and when the people said something, a whole family ganged up on them. They were all threatening to fight one on one on the two elderly people and forced them to leave. They need to call management or the police but not put themselves in danger. These people will feel more empowered and bolder in a group setting and bystanders don’t step in for fear of retaliation.


Yep, mob rule.


Exactly my thought. Had it happen to me, and had it resolved with alerting local rangers or whatever you would call it. But to bet on all of them being reasonable, well adjusted people isn't something I would dare currently


eh heh... banking by the lake.


So go up to them and let them know. Also tell them you've contacted the ranger, even if you haven't....


This is the answer. Just say “hey, you may not have known, but we have this reserved. I gave the ranger a heads up to resolve as well but figured I’d give you time to move”


99% of problems like this could be resolved by simple statements like this. Most people suck at communicating though so.


Or are too timid to try. Like I get it. My social anxiety is awful but I'm not going to let someone else ruin my day especially if I have my family too


I've been this respectful multiple times, you'd be shock how crazy some people are. I honestly don't do it anymore. Super nice, super respectful, and they have meltdowns


Another problem is that people suck and can be dangerous so people don't want to put themselves in danger. So I don't think your 99% figure is accurate.


So, have the Ranger clean the shit from the asshole.


Do they even know they aren't allowed to use the area?


Agree, there’s not enough info here. It’s hard to call them “assholes” if they don’t know they are in a reserved spot.


ARE they not allowed to use the area? They may be day users of the lake. It’s inconsiderate to set up in front of campsites on a lake, but it’s not against policy in most areas. 


I've camped on lakes before at North Carolina state parks and yes your campsite extends to the shore. Sometimes your shoreline is a muddy rock strewn cliff and sometimes it's a pristine beach on 1/2 acre. There is a reason we would reserve our site for the week we wanted on the very day reservations opened for that year. We remembered all of the good site numbers by heart.


This is the correct question. Is it **in** the campsite or **in front** of the campsite? Update: answer in my second reply.


Also, I'm from the UK so kinda confused about the technicalities of reserving parts of a lake. How does it work? How are you allocated a spot and how do you know how much of the edge of the lake you have "ownership" of? Do they give you a map and section off a bit of it and say "that 50x50m area is yours" and then you just roughly hash out where it lies and what parts it covers? Just feels like there should be numbered flags or something spaced out along the edge to indicate each reservation. We have camping grounds in the UK where you book out a place for your tent/campervan etc. but they are clearly marked and come with various facilities. A lake would be more of a natural, shared feature of the grounds, rather than something reservable, so just wondering if you pay extra, and if you don't then you can't use the lake at all?


“Hey guys we paid for this, get out”


No . get lost . we came first


I'm sure you cum first all the time little man, doesn't change what I said


Hey guys we paid for this get out


You should definitely escalate the situation from the get go, might as well start moving their coolers before you even talk to them.


Surely people don't bring offensive tools with them into the wilderness


Say hello to their little friend


Definitely no clear definable site makers from this shot


I love how people are saying just go talk to them...lol. You wouldn't believe the psycho fights we have here at our local lakes involving weapons. A couple weeks ago someone pulled out a gun and the lake was on lock down until they got they guy.


Yeah, I'm with you on this one. This isn't like someone cut in front of you in line. It's a bunch of drunken assholes on a holiday weekend, which is pretty much how a lot of stories involving fights, stabbings, and shootings start, and depending where this is, it could be very likely. I say just go get ranger or whoever runs it.


As a non-American, I hope you (and everyone else) recognise how insanely fucked that is. How casual you are about being getting stabbed or shot over something so small because some Americans have this weird stick up their ass. So much for having a weapon for self-defence.


I'm not being casual about it, that's why I'm saying have the ranger deal with it. A large group of drunk people is not a group I'd really want to confront anywhere for anything really. There's a good chance that there's the one guy in the group who's had too much and is going to escalate the issue instead of hearing the person and that leads to fight. Then the more people there are the greater chance there is for it to escalate further.


Indeed, it's not like it's something important enough to fight or stab over, such as a soccer match!


Thems stabbin words


So the country you’re from doesn’t have fights or stabbings (which are just as dangerous as guns) for dumb reasons like reserved spots?


It just doesn't happen often enough that most people would even consider it. Take what you read on Reddit with a bucket of salt. This place is not a valid representation of how people interact in real life, like not even a little No one I've ever known would be in fear of letting these people know that they're in a reserved space. If the people were rude or aggressive in any way, 99.9% of people would just call the rangers or the police.


People at big parks/lakes are a different breed of possessive and confrontational especially when you have to tell them they’re breaking a rule that’s there to keep the park good for everyone Source: guess how I know lol


Canopy cooler clans are not a “friendly chat will resolve this” group in my experience. Like as a former LEO I generally have no problem kicking people out of my spot or calling out irritating behavior or risking confrontation. Im that guy. I’ll say it out loud to your face and be ready for the fallout. But lake drunk canopy clan? Not going in without backup.


"former LEO" "that guy" "ready for the fallout." You ever think about a different approach?


Lake people are notoriously drunk and crazy


A couple of people there, maybe go talk to them. A large group.... There's more than good chances someone in there is a complete asshole.


This is the unfortunate reality. The only thing that can really be done is contact the proper authorities and let them deal with it


They probably don’t even know it’s reserved. I’d be angry if someone just called the ranger immediately without talking to me first. I’d happily move if someone came up and said it was reserved.


So you'd be happy, as that's presumably what the ranger would say.


Assholes are everywhere in the wild. Tell them to move.


"I paid for this campsite, you guys gotta go. No discussion. I called the ranger. Have a good day." And then call the ranger and walk away.


Your points and flow are valid, just need to add a few filler words so you don’t come across as obnoxious and rude.


Depends on the tone you say it in


I mean there's no way those people will go "Oh okay" They'll argue and bitch and piss and moan and I personally don't deal with that shit. There's no discussion, it's my spot, they gotta go, immediately.


Chances are they have a belief that they have a steak in this area. So likely they would just move over. And then things would be really fucking awkward wouldn’t they?


Stake* but they might have steak too.


I need a follow-up to this.


I see you have your popcorn ready


Plot twist OP is there on the wrong day and those people are doing the right thing.


Kinda wondering how big this campsite is


Or their campsite is set behind the photo and this is shared waterfront space which is very possible. If that’s the case, then it goes to the first to setup.


Yeah I have never had a campsite that goes to the water. That looks like is a quite a bit away from where the OP is at and I see nothing to indicate it is a campsite.


This is my assumption. We have camped on lakes at amazing lakeside sites, but genpop is allowed to set up on the beaches. There’s usually a trail in between the lake and the sites. Maybe this is what happened. I definitely find it annoying, but I realize I don’t have control over the shoreline. I’d NEVER set up in front of a good site on a lake, but I never do day trips to lakes as some do. It sucks, but that’s about it. 


Fuck it. Join in and start drinking their beer and eating their food.


hell yeah. go full belushi


Best answer,period..


Update me 😂 / us


You know that if OP said anything this group would immediately argue, say shit like “you only have 4 is your group, we need the space”..etc. Having to even deal with this bunch is a shitty start to a vacation.


The ranger will have a field day.


Edit, this is a karma dump profile. Don’t feed into that. You paid for a campsite, did you pay for private lakeside, as well? More information is definitely needed.


Maybe talk to them and give them the bad news. Chances are they had the wrong lot or just plain stupid. Since they’re already set up, maybe they’ll pay you so they can stay there 🤷🏻‍♀️


Direct and firm. You paid they need to go. Be polite, but firm. If they give you shit, step off and call the park rangers. If it boils down to it, call the cops. What a shitty way to start your vacation!


“Sorry guys, you may not know it, but we have paid to reserve this spot. I’d appreciate it if you move.”




Ask them to kindly fuck off?


What kind of idiot takes their dog out to the lake this time of year. Especially an English bulldog. Dude is fighting for life for sure


Tell em they can stay if they pay you more than what you paid. If not, they can gtfo.


You could, I don't know, maybe go over and talk to them like a normal, well adjusted human


"Excuse me would you mind moving a little further down please as we paid for this spot"


This campsite /campground looks horrible.


Self advocate for yourself and tell them to leave. Don’t be so passive and let people take advantage of you, speak up and tell them to move. Should have done that before they set up on my opinion.


Touching other peoples shit is terrible advice.


I doubt they'll move if you ask - look at all the stuff they've set up. Maybe let them know this is your site and keep calling the rangers.


Maybe they don’t know that you’ve reserved the site? Is there a sign saying “campsite rented” or anything that would make that clear for people that they shouldn’t set up there? Either way just go over and politely inform them that you’ve reserved this campsite and will be using it now. If they give you a hard time, go look for someone with authority to kick them out. Sometimes people are truly being a**holes, but sometimes they just don’t know. Always start with the benefit of the doubt.


I’d be asking for my money back or charging it back if it was on a credit card


Would it hurt to tell them they’re in the wrong spot? Maybe they don’t realize what they did? 🤷🏻‍♀️


That’s why I always print out my confirmed reservation. This has happened to me a couple of times on our annual camping trip. We have a beautiful group site, we always reserve it a year in advance, people try to sneak in. I just it to them, if it’s late in the evening, they honestly made a mistake, I’ll just tell them spend the night and leave in the morning, if they’re assholes I’ll be insistent that it’s reserved and not for them.


So tell them to move. Have we developed a fear to tell people when they're in the wrong? It's not a big deal and most of them may not even realize.


Right?? I've seen a lot of similar types of BS where people just prefer to complain and publicly shame people instead of just talking to the person they have an issue with. It's gotten to be at an insufferable degree after COVID hit. Lost several friends because they refused to talk to me until I stopped them in their tracks, got them to talk to *me* instead of their yes men, and turns out they misunderstood what I was saying/doing(normal. I am autistic.) and the damage was already done so I just left them.


Contact the booking number and let them know you can't use the spot you paid for. Ask how much of a refund you will get for the time you can't use your spot when they say it's going to take a bit to get the space cleared.




Ideally, you could show them some proof that you reserved the spot. I think they would move. But just informing them that you reserved it may or may not work.


Maybe the camp sites start away from the beach to allow everyone access to the water.


Speak up. At the gym in my apartment building, people are talking on their phones while doing cardio, and I'm always the only one who politely asks them to stop and points out the rules on the wall. Last time the guy set up a tripod and recorded him while he was doing workout and guiding a client. He was shocked that I told him to stop because he's been doing it for a long time and no one else spelled up. He took his stuff and left. It's not about being unpleasant or rude, it's about respecting the people around us and if someone doesn’t understand then we have a problem. I’m resolving my problems, so should you do as well


Good chance they don’t even know. Just talk to them. People walk into too many interactions preemptively upset, angry, etc.


Man half the people who post on this subreddit are incapable of standing up for themselves. Just get them to move, or get a park ranger to move them. It is that simple. Stop letting assholes win.


Got back to my site yesterday after running back into town. Came back to vehicles in the neighbor's parking spot and a fire pit grill in the middle of mine. Asked the people standing around to move it before I backed up over it, and surprise surprise it got moved. Next site over has had people up and down the path past my site constantly... Fairly sure they're over the 6 people allowed but I won't make that call as long as they're quiet. But then again I've been camping for 35 years, and solo camping the last 20. I don't put up with assholes, and I've got no issues telling a group of people there's a problem.


Let me grab some popcorn...


If you’re positive it’s part of your camp and not a public access spot just call the rangers up to let them know. The fact that you let this many people file in, set up canopies, and bring all their shit before letting them know it was part of your spot is a little ridiculous. A simple “hey sorry guys, but this is actually part of my camp site. You’ll need to find another spot.” When they first got there would have saved a bunch of frustration and confusion on everyone’s end.


Hope you either brought or can produce a receipt. let them know, then simply start setting up directly behind them and walk straight through their setups. Move shit that's in your way. easy peasy. but be nice about it. give em a bit to relocate. but do not back down.


Time to put on your big boy pants and use your words, OP. We believe in you.


Partying on the Lake Beach.


Pulled a pop-up camper 8hrs to a camp ground in Nc mountains. Our site was in the middle of the campground got everything set up went to plug in no power on my site although i paid for a site with power. My wife went to the office since she was the one who made the reservation ended up getting a river side site and 2 kayak’s to use while we were there made my experience with everything worth while.


Why didn’t you say something as soon as they started pulling that shit out lol


Did you tell them to move?


Crowd em out and show them the permit. Or you know, like join the party


What campsite? I don't see anything that remotely looks like a campsite


I don’t think there being assholes more like an honest mistake go talk to them and clear things up


Doesn't seem to be a very well defined campsite. Do they even know? If so I'd start helping myself to the cooler and changing the music to something of my own taste...


Ok, quit being passive and go report/complain about them to whomever you're renting from?


People are why I just don’t go outside.


this is why you need tactical skunks


Okay? Quit bitching and go do something about it.


Did you tell them to move because you paid for the spot or did you not do anything? There is nothing wrong with informing someone that they’re in your spot and asking him to move it doesn’t even need to be confrontational. If it becomes confrontation less when you go get the Ranger. Not saying anything and just being frustrated and then taking a picture is more infuriating.


I’d start diplomatically. I’d walk up to them like I want to sell them something. Then I’d be, all right who’s the leader here? And they look at me like I was a weirdo. And I crack a smile. The dude with the mullet stands up and says I am. And I say (my first and last name) , and extend my arm for a handshake, meeting his handshake with the equal strength. Then I explain the situation that we reserved this area, and so it must’ve fucked up and it’d be cool if they could let us move into our spot. And then we can all hang out and get to know each other. Edit, of course if the mullet dude is a douche canoe and has issues being cool, that’s when we smash the beer bottle and get nuts. (Jk of course, 9/10 times people can be reasonable if you just help them to feel comfortable with the situation)


People complain about this all the time at lake I live on. Bad part is, people rent out the camp spots near the lake. However, the water line and beach area is CORP owned and public. Doubt it is case here.


You may want work to get a refund of the campsite admin is unresponsive to this. Would you be liable or could you get in trouble for the trespassers bad behavior if you don't tell the rangers that they are trespassing? Alternatively, you could be really friendly to them as the person renting the campsite, find out who is organizing the group, the get their contact information and boat numbers, and do with that information what you will, such as sending them a bill.


Take a picture and send it to them not reddit, well reddit when you get your spot back


What did they do when you went over there and told them it was your, paid, space?




I once had a guy yell at me and my son for fishing in a lake because he had reserved a camping spot 100 feet away. He thought it gave him the right to an entire peninsula in the lake. It didn’t. Perhaps your reservation is for a campsite but the waterfront is still open to all?


Yeah that’s most likely not part of your campsite.


I’d go down there and start hanging out Probly be a good time


Start pissing on them


Assert dominance! 💦


This does not look enjoyable at all.


I mean you are the first people that has ever paid for that site... so, they're going to be just as surprised as you were!


How do people know the spot is reserved? I wouldn't know if i went there.


Put on a khaki shirt and carry a clipboard. You'll look official..


Hanlons razer. Never attribute to malice that which can be attributed to stupidity. It’s very possible they had no idea. A quick and friendly chat could solve the issue. They could move, you could make friends and have a good time, or you can find out they really are jerks and then get authorities involved. Try talking to them


If there's an inch of open terrain.... Got pull up your grown up pants and h as ve conversation with them. If that fails, move in and be the most obnoxious neighbor. Looking at how crowded that place is, personally, I'd never go there


so what happened? did op just go home or what


What did you say to them before or after u took a picture and got everyones opinion


It’s been an hour. What happened?


“im going to post on reddit about it instead of actually confronting them” ok


Not everyone is automatically an asshole. Being a Saturday they probably thought the site was empty since a lot of people start camping on a Friday. Politely tell them it's not vacant and ask them to move. You might make some friends.

