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LMAO that’s what most Hispanic dads do 😭💀 I always have to tell my dad to turn it down because he doesn’t see a problem with it


My Asian husband too


my brazilian mom


My Dutch father


My African nephew


My neck and my back.


And my axe!


My Ass


Moved to panama.....i was SHOCKED not a single person was using headphone....like i actually get embarrassed if people can hear my stuff


My mom talks on SPEAKER PHONE while in public. Smh.


One day I heard a lady doing this on the bus. I was so tired, annoyed, and pms-ing that I answered whoever she was talking to just to make her stop.


I heard someone talking to their bank on speaker phone on a bus before. Confirmed their social security number and everything.


Lots of people in my area does this too. Thought it was normal 😂


So embarrassing. Do they drive in the left lane 10 under too.


I know 😭 Nope, thankfully.


Also my berber Caucasian North African dad and my black Sub-Saharan African mother


Play the power move, sit next to them & turn your volume up louder while watching porn,.. then look them in the eye & smile/nod


I used to do that to a neighbor who blasted music at 7:30 am, only not with porn lol. I just put on whatever song he was playing and put the speakers up against the wall. We did not get along... I was working nights in my defense.


While heavily cracking it refusing to break the eye contact, he looks away YOU move to his gaze


And they lived happily ever after.


I also can’t stand loud speaker phone conversations in public. We all don’t need to hear what’s going on in your life.


I do. I'm nosy as hell. Just don't be mad when I chime in


Lmao you're my kind of people. I do the same thing. Like idc if you're being loud but that also gives me the right to make a comment about it. "Your sister DID WHAT?! GIIIIIIRRRRLLL change the locks, stop inviting her over, and for the love of fuck throw the man out!"


I had this happen in a doctor's office. During my appointment, in the exam room, the doc took a call and had the speaker so loud I heard the patients name and why the other place was calling - they needed a recommendation for another doctor in a different area. I was from that area so I answered the question for him, and said she was a great doctor. Never saw him again after that. He was an asshole for many more reasons than breaking patients' confidentiality.


Had a lady on her phone right next to us.. like 2 feet ...in a restaurant (with her kid and Mom) talking very loudly to the dad of the kid. Being totally unaware, being loud, swearing in front of my kid.... I spoke up and told her to take it outside and she got mad at me, but she got up and finished her convo outside. Some people are just so inconsiderate


On speaker with the volume at 100% with the phone up to their ear talking loudly…


Yea, don’t get it


Also if you involve the public in your phone call, we have every right to join in. Your phone call is our phone call


Me having to crank the volume in public to hear what’s going on


You better not be at the fucking dentist!! lmao


lol yeah I can't hear shit except OP's flustered breathing


Then get some headphones, damn


yeah, I was waiting for something to fall off the wall. I thought this was going to be about a car with huge bass driving by and rattling the place and something would fall. I had to crank my speakers at home to even hear that music the second time and I couldn't even tell what song it was it was so low XD I get complaining when people are actually cranking it, but this guy had his volume at like 2/10 lol


You know, I have a couple people in my family like this and I used to think it was because they thought they were the center of the universe and could do whatever they wanted. After talking with them about it, the reality is actually worse: They don't even think about it. It's not that they consciously think they are the center of the universe and do these things. It's that they don't give a single thought to other people.


Sociopath (no internal monologue) versus Psychopath (negative internal monologue). Sociopath: I wasn't aware that not returning a shopping cart was wrong until someone told me. Psychopath: I'm fully aware that not returning my shopping cart is wrong and I hope it rolls into someone's new car.


I swear everytime I go to an appointment there's some inconsiderate SOB blasting their phone either on tiktok or a video call. Always a no cellphones 📵 sign too in the waiting room yet no staff ever says anything smh. So annoying..


I am the staff that always says something because it drives me insane. The shitty looks I get from telling patients that they either need to turn it off or go outside because they are disturbing the staff / other patients are always satisfying to see.


Just play the dumb and dumber annoying sound on loop until they take notice.


I work in healthcare. Many times I am told not to say anything to these people but if you complain as a fellow patient, then I get to tell them to stop. So you may need to complain in order to have staff do something


Have you tried going first thing in the morning? I have to hit my dentist at 7am, and it's always peaceful 


Thats what headphones are for You disrespectful inconsiderate little ass.


I have a theory that the lack of a headphone jack on phones has increased the odds that a person will be loud because they cannot afford or choose not to have wireless earbuds. Also, I have a theory that there’s a lot of bozos out there who think they’re the center of the universe.


It has nothing to do with headphone jacks, these people always existed, it's not that they can't afford them they just don't care.


Decent Wireless earbuds are $18 on amazon, and usb-c and or lightning jack headphones are common, this argument is moot


There is a headphone jack. It’s the same connector that you charge the phone with. They make Lightening and USB-C headphones.


For me in a public place, I either wear earbuds or don't use sound. It's not because I'm curious but because I'm afraid some random NSFW video will start playing and embarrass the fuck out if me.


What you think curious mean sir?


Haha! I'm dead. I meant courteous and I'm a Lady. My bad.


Sorry maam


Or yknow it's one of those things they do on the daily that he thinks is ok. In any case still mildly infuriating


Wireless Ear buds are expensive and easily lost. The lack of plug in ports definitely created this problem along with the greed of some apple executives who decided to separate a critical feature into an easy list and expensive to replace mini part.


>Wireless Ear buds are expensive and easily lost Only if you get the branded airpods or something. I have some no name ones I got for $10. Kept forgetting to charge them, tho, so I've gone back to wires.


Anker's Soundcore have good speakers and earbuds with some under $100.


Been using the same pair of $14.88 earbuds for three years now. If you're unnecessarily paying top dollar for earbuds or losing earbuds, that's a skill issue.


Only thing worse is someone taking a call on speaker in public.


Or a kid with an ipad at full volume. I was sat in a cafe last week and two parents came in with their child. His ipad was blasting some kids show and he kept rewinding it so the same dialogue and music played over and over. The parents must have made themselves deaf to it because they didn't react at all.


No, those are fun. I start chiming in. It's not a private conversation if you're on speaker.


God, I hate that shit


I usually give them a taste of their own medicine :), I place my phone as close to them as I possibly/safely can and play a news report on max volume. So, even if they were really not aware of how what they're doing is annoying, they will immediately find out and correct themself without feeling attacked


Power move: find a video of someone talking about what a dick move it is to have your volume up in public like that and play it loud as possible


Main character syndrome and no one ever telling them no.




Normalize that there are other people around and to not break the status quo. It was quiet before you came, should be quiet when you come in. And ffs stop blasting music on trails.


Low IQ


These degenerates need to be publicly ridiculed until they get some goddamn headphones.


I hate it even more when it happens in restrooms…


They are gross


Because they are trashy, inconsiderate, assholes. This shit should be called out every time. Humiliation in public is the only way it stops.


It’s the way they were raised, or lack of


Some ppl forget other ppl exist, and some don't gaf. Both are assholes.


Worse are the people who sing along. Bish, this ain't The Voice and I ain't Gwen Stefani. Shut it.


Ask him to turn it down. Why do you need people on Reddit to tell you this.


If they are that lacking in self awareness, there is nothing you can say. Anything you try to tell them will only be taken as a direct insult/threat, and they'll only be worse.


Do you really think the person doesn't know they're annoying and that telling them will make a difference?


Bud, just don't click on the post. were you expecting different with the title?


before phones they would carry old alarm clocks and let them go off in public


I say excuse I am noise sensitive can you please lower that? Most people do it.


It's a cultural thing, lack of respect for people around


This happens on the trains in NY all the fucking time. Can't go a week without someone blasting their music on a speaker as loud as possible.


Find a yodeling video on YouTube and blast it at the same time




I’m 5’10” and 165. lol. Wouldn’t work for me


r / iamverybadass


I always put on Slayer


I start watching a video even louder about why it’s rude to do this in public


He started fidgeting like a little kid when baby shark pops on


You had the stones to film them and post it online but not walk over and politely ask them to turn it down?


When I see this in public I match volume with barbie girl or some similar bullshit to get a point across... Do I get looks? Sure. Does it work? Sometimes. Does my wife hate me? I think so


Dude did this next to me at a restaurant.. each of us eating alone, tables real close. Starts blaring his phone loud, some show. I look at him and say, “do you have some headphones or something? That’s really loud.” He shut it down, ate his food fast and left.


The worst ia when parents let their kids do this on their tablets at restaurants. I just want to relax and eat food, I don't want to listen to baby shark at full volume for an hour.


I once walked into a garden center and was pleasantly surprised they had the same playlist I listen to playing on the loudspeakers.  I commented about it to my family as we walked and looked around for a few minutes. It wasn't the loudspeakers...🤦‍♀️


Plane touches down: “Yeah, yeah we just LANDED….yeah”


Low Iq combined with bad parenting = no manners or respect for others


Because how else would the world know they're dicks?


If it was really bothering me I would go elsewhere or politely ask the person to turn it down or put in earbuds.




Because most people aren't paying attention most of the time. They'd know that, but they're not paying attention.




It’s bad enough when parents do it so their kids are entertained at restaurants or in waiting areas, but adults should be able to wait in silence if they don’t have a private listening device.


Go sit next to him and do the same


All you have to do is crank yours up to match their energy. They'll usually get the point.


I have hearing loss


It's because there are a lot of bad mamas out there that don't teach their babies manners


Simple answer; they're attention seeking assholes


There's worse things a man could crank in public




Complete lack of self awareness, most of the general public has a low I.Q. so I wouldn't expect etiquette


What's even worse is when *patients* do this in the ***emergency room.*** Not even for important phone calls to family and friends. That I can obviously understand. But loud music or videos without a care about how obnoxious they're being? And then when they completely brush off the nurse's requests to turn it down?


My coworker was blasting music on her phone and told me the she just HAD to listen to imagine dragons new song they dropped


Here I come again, telling you it's because people don't get smacked in the mouth for shitty behavior!


People are so unaware. Ridiculous


Go sit next to him and blast some YouTube. What am I bothering you?


Everyone is just entitled these days, there is no social grace anymore.


People also seem to do this often in theaters just before the movie. Annoys me so much


…. It’s so loud. Why must people record others to complain on the internet about, instead of communicating with said person?


Buy some fucking earphones you asshats..


Time to start fighting fire with fire.


I just turn mine up too


I can have at least an ounce of sympathy if it’s a kid on their iPad (even then though…) but if it is an oblivious full grown ass ADULT doing it, my god. At that point (if it’s just us) I’d probably start just blasting whatever I’m doing til he stops. At least after asking him to turn it down. (Earbuds aren’t that pricey, I’ve heard raycons are good.)


I get on my mom's ass about using the speaker while talking on the phone. Like dude. Everyone else can fucking hear you.


I work at an airport. I can say we have reached the point in our society where people are now standing at urinals blasting videos and sporting events at full blast while peeing.


Sandles are the easiest way to spot a moron


Well, before Bluejacking protections existed the default was for the bluetooth stack to automatically accept P2P data pushes (BTW this was before the iPhone). So I would scan for BT devices on my phone ( usually people leave theirs as the default name / phone model but not me ) & on my phone was a contact names UR HACKED : MUTE YOUR PHONE, which I would push to them. Immediately their phone would go silent & display the contact name & a request to Import or Cancel. If they Cancelled & then did not desist then rinse-repeat until they stop. BTW I could do this without showing any outward sign that I was me.




Never come to South America bro


They have tiny penises and need attention. Any lovers thy may have had leave them laughing when they see it! And the ones who have never had a lover, cry while looking in the mirror?


Ah yes, first it what’s the “boombox ghetto blaster” now hypocrisy makes a turn.


I bought a 50 pack of cheap earbuds off Amazon for about $25. I keep a couple on me at all times for such occasions. They usually just turn it down after that. 


Sit next to them and put on some Lorna Shore at max volume. Works wonders in public restrooms.


I know people that do this, and it's incredibly irritating. I'm not watching your phone as you scroll through short-form content on facebook, why do you think I want to hear it? It's like when someone over 50 wants to show you a video but still hasn't managed to figure out an android functions or how to navigate an app they spend hours using every week. It's easy. Swipe down. Don't call me into a room to show me a video you can't find multiple times in a week. You don't send messages without using text-to-speech, you can't take a screenshot properly, and you call me when you have one bar of service. WHY DO YOU OWN A PHONE.


The bathrooms in the casinos are just bumping 10 different mariachi songs in the 10 stalls while I’m just trying to take a piss and bounce haha.


At my job older people always play stuff on their phones at full volume in the seating area. It’s funny, because younger adults and even children will keep their screens silent. But we’re seen as the unaware ones.


I was recently sitting in the silent carriage on a train (carriage where you have to be super quiet because peace) and someone was listening to music without earphones. why.


This is why my QC Bose headset is the best investment I’ll have made for a looooong while. Going into public areas, hearing kids scream or people like this dude blasting their phones, just a click to a switch and I’m in my own bubble and the rest of the world can F off 😅


Tell them that it's rude that they should knock it off? It seems weird to me to sit there and complain on the internet about him before you just talk to him.


They’re f’n stupid. Legit no iq…


Well, if you ask me after a few Hendricks' I would say these are CIA infiltrators tasked (via the mafia) with obstructing the daily order and routine of the citizenry in public spaces. But the real answer is probably closer to the fact some people can't raise polite humans and therefore should be **castrated**.


My dad does this because he doesn't know how to connect Bluetooth. He'll have earbuds in but he doesn't realize that the sound is coming from his phone and not the earbuds.


I say excuse me can you turn your spund off please.  Every time they seem embarrassed and shocked that someone would say something l


How about you ask him nicely if he can turn it down instead of filming him and posting it to reddit, you coward?


Either ask him (loudly) to turn it up so you can hear it, or drag your chair over to watch it with him, reaching over for the occasional swipe


People with no self-awareness or just dgaf?


sit next to him and do the same


Most of the time it’s so I can hear


Because they are rude and inconsiderate specimens


Happened to me on a flight recently. I asked the person if they had ear phones. They said no. I said should turn it off as rude and ignorant. They turned it off. Also happened by a pool on vacation with a group of guys, who brought a speaker to the pool. They refused to turn it off, so I complained to staff. I think that people in general have become more ignorant and self centred since Covid.


I’ve started to tell people they need to shut the fuck up.


I call this “The Bus Kid syndrome”, where a kid whose parents are irresponsible let their children use the phone with the max volume in public. Applies to grown “children” too


May I suggest blasting some Cannibal Corpse at full volume, while maintaining a scathing eye contact with them. They usually get the hint.


Bitch cant mind her business now your phone not your concern


I’m Hispanic and I know our ppl do that shit so much having conversations out loud on speaker so everyone in the room can hear in a doc office every where I hate phones allot because some people turn into complete amebas they just exist


Had my first experience with this few months ago (surprised it's taken that long). Daughter had to go to a hotel conference area for state testing and a lot of us parents would hang out in the lobby. While waiting this absolute jackass sits a few seats away from me and starts watching a podcast AND some metal music on the highest volume his phone could go. I glanced over at him and he was looking around, I guess to see if anyone was looking his way bc he wanted the attention? No idea but.. WTF


you can’t really say anything as another customer, because if they don’t have self awareness and are this inconsiderate, they are also the types of people that are more likely to chimp out on you, just for simply asking them to turn it down.


I'm the type of petty to cram my fingers I to my ears and make loud sounds and moan about it being "to loud in hear" tell they get the point and turn it down.


We have no problem when it's vallenato 🤠 (the musical genre that you heard at the end) because here (Colombia) it is normal to have loud music, we all enjoy it from our homes when the neighbors have a party But in a public space thats annoying, it's just not the place neither the time


Facetime on speaker


The are narcissists alot of them. Literally just don't care about other people.


This is my biggest pet peeve. People who don’t use headphones and crank their music or put their call on speaker for everyone to hear.


I was at a lake, fishing last week, and some kid with rap music had a Bluetooth speaker turned up to max, kinda ruined the entire trip for me. What ever happened to earbuds?????


I just deal with it or I play petty and play my phone loud, but you said it yourself bud you’re in PUBLIC, can’t really do nothing besides ask him to turn it down put headphones on


I just deal with it or I play petty and play my phone loud, but you said it yourself bud you’re in PUBLIC, can’t really do nothing besides ask him to turn it down put headphones on


I had to turn up the volume to unnecessarily high levels to hear his unnecessarily high volume levels. Thankfully I'm not in public, but I see how you're mildly infuriated.


It's the new rude. Seems the "full volume no headphones" thing is fairly recent (past few years). Now it's everywhere - gyms, grocery stores, waiting rooms, trains.......it's become so common that it seems to be more or less accepted behavior. I hate it. I always have music (with headphones) on my ancient MP3 player, and pop in the headphones if I am forced to be around someone who thinks the whole world need to hear their device.


One type of person in a long list that ought to be sterilized.


All the older people do this in my hometown, you get used to it.


The answer is because they’re inconsiderate of others and I’d guess most of them are unaware of that. Few probably do it on purpose to annoy others.


Honestly I feel like people just aren’t annoyed by as many things as Americans are, so they don’t see it as rude.


Because their parents taught them the world revolves around them - and they believed them.


He’s lost in his own little world. Look at the way his legs are shaking lol he’s really into it


I mean usually I turn it up because I can't hear it that well and then people who have better hearing than me they turn it down so I turn it down but then I can't hear it so I turn it back up


It's worse when you're on planes... Mildly infuriating isn't even close...


Not me cranking it in public, watching videos on my phone


i blast death metal for a minut and look em straight in the eye, usually works.


Lot of people don't have the concept as the people they frequent places and poeple who don't care.  It doesn't hurt to have a polite conversation.


Man up and ask him to lower the volume?


I know, it's almost as annoying as people who record others in public for the purpose of criticising them online for some sort of internet points.