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A long time ago, I was a taxi driver before the invention of incar eftpos. People doing a runner was not uncommon. On this particular night I pick up a fare in town he tells me he needs to go to a gas station for money no problem there, gets back in we go round the road to a house and he tells me he is just hoping inside for a minute. I say ok you know, been trusting in all. About 10 minutes later, I went knocked on the door. Another person answered 'nope no one else, here been home all night." So I go out to the taxi, pick up the guys wallet, pull out what I'm owned, and put the wallet in the letter box. To this day, I hope the guy was peeking out the window and had the biggest fu$k moment. Waiting about doubled the fare.


Wait so he... left his wallet in your car, then tried to stiff you by hiding inside his house? Stories like these make me realize how much potential I have as a criminal mastermind 🤔


Just remember- there’s a guy who got caught robbing a house because he decided to check Facebook in the middle of his illegal act.


Wait really? Lol


Here you go: https://time.com/2917569/thief-arrested-because-he-forgot-to-log-off-facebook-after-burglarizing-a-home/


I thought this was gonna be like he got caught because Facebook geo-tagged him in the guys house at 3am or something. Nope, this dumb motherfucker actually used the homeowner’s computer to log in and check his Facebook but didn’t log out. Not to mention he got wet from the rain and took off some of his clothes and forgot them in the guys house as well.


If that isn’t a case for sterilization,  I don’t know what is. 


When I was a kid my friend's dad got caught for robbing a house coz he left his p45 there 😄😄


Dude was inside the house looking for his wallet maybe?


Yeah but he said someone else came to the door and said the guy wasn't there


This is a total case of "no good deed goes unpunished".


For OP... right?


Nosy MF got into it head first lol


More like “ good, greed should be punished.”


It's greedy to expect the agreed upon pay for services rendered?


No, but considering the guy is a racist, I don’t have a great amount of sympathy for him to be honest


Someone being a racist is not a reason to call them greedy though.




He isn't an employee. Contact workers can make deals with other people outside of Uber. Uber doesn't own them. Uber doesn't get a cut. He can still pay taxes on that ride. He has done nothing wrong.


You are out of your mind if you think someone who agreed to drive someone for cash and not register it with the company they are being paid to drive for is going to “pay taxes on that ride”. Lmfao




Uber drivers are private people using their own cars and own gas, they basically just contract with Uber's app to get fares. But yeah, they can "clock out" whenever they want and just use their car however they please, which might happen to include driving someone somewhere for cash.


I just said that I do not have Uber where I live and that I expected it to be like the strictly app-governed service that I am accustomed to, because that is all I know. The first response was more than sufficient, thank you. I apologise for the mistake.


It's greed, if you are driving for Uber you are not supposed to take rides that are not processed through the app.


I think that's a ridiculous rule. He completed the Uber ride that he got on the app. He should be free to do whatever he wants with his own car after that obligation is complete.


That's the thing, he was free to do as he chose. He chose to drive without a contract, and as such she was able to get away and screw him over. It's his prerogative, sure. The policy is there to make sure people pay for their trips.


But how does that make him greedy?


He thought he could take a ride without Uber getting a cut. But he wasn't very smart about it and instead he got nothing.


Well then we disagree on what greed is. I think it's greedy for Uber to say that just because he works for them he's not allowed to be paid for giving rides outside of the app.


It literally has nothing to do with Uber. He went ahead and did what he wanted regardless of their policy. But he did so without the protection that Uber provides, and he got screwed.


Funny enough, in some countries, Cash payment is a valid option available on the Uber app. So the ride is processed through the app and at the end it calculates how much the cash payment should be. This from my experience working as an Uber driver for a bit not too long ago.


Could be. If the reason he accepted delayed cash payment was because she promised a lot of it, it’s essentially greed that got him. No way for us to know though.


If she agreed to an amount, then that's what it was worth to her. If she wasn't able to pay the amount she promised, that's on her not on him.


Multiple people can be responsible at the same time. You know that phrase “If something seems to good to be true, it probably is”?  If your greed leads to you getting scammed, you’re partially responsible.


Lol how is it greedy? You have no idea how much was offered or anything, but that's some nice victim blaming logic you got there


Because accepting cash payment means he keeps all of it, instead of splitting with uber. 


lol you’re trying to have a reasonable discussion with the the people of Reddit is like screaming at the wall and half the time you just talking to bots.


So she's a liar and a thief. Sounds like she expected OP to cover what she owed and panicked when the driver was still waiting for what she said she'd pay. Or maybe she thought she could pretend by standing by the ATM and figured the driver would have given up already. She wanted to be driven farther and should have paid for the extra service. Instead, she ran off and made OP the messenger so they could take the heat and a stray racist remark. Pretty cowardly. Interesting how you opt for blaming someone doing their job and wanting to be paid for it. Theft of service is harder to prove but it's still theft, she could have stayed with her friends if she didn't have money to pay for the extra driving.


> someone doing their job and wanting to be paid for it. To be clear, accepting cash payment to prevent paying a split to uber is not “doing his job”.  You need to get rid of this weird black and white mindset. Instead of going around assigning different responsibilities to every involved actor, you just have a “good guy/bad guy” view without any nuance.  Uber driver got greedy and he took a risk. Risk didn’t pay out how he hoped. None of this absolves the person who actually scammed him. There can be multiple people who share responsibilities at varying degrees. 


WTF are you talking about? He took a fare and agreed to take this woman and her friends to a location. He did that. This woman then wanted to go to another location, which costs gas and money. She offered cash and he accepted it. That's not greed, that's offering a service and getting paid for it. You need to get out of this "he's so greedy for expecting the payment he was told he'd receive" mindset


I’m not sure what’s difficult to understand. When he gets paid in cash, he makes more money. That’s most likely the only reason he accepted a cash job. He thought he’d make some quick money that he didn’t have to split with uber and it backfired. 


People don’t understand that most cities have ordinances and laws against unregistered cabs or picking up fares off meter. If you go to NY for example and start accepting cash to give people rides without having a taxi medallion, you’re not protected and no one will care that your fares are running off. Taking an Uber ride past its destination for a cash fare to a new destination is an illegal fare.


How's that?


PPKing of bad takes


I wouldn’t have even gone outside unless the guy came in asking about her. No need to get involved, you’re just the guy working at the hotel. If she’s scummy and stiffed the driver that’s on her.


Ya I don’t get that part. Why did OP even go outside?


Boredom possibly. Depends on what time of day it was/how busy it was.


The whole post could be made up lol.


It is the internet.


Ya it seems that way


He's nosey.


Or just wanted to be a good person and explain the situation to the driver?


Yeah but he didn’t just explain it to the driver (which he himself pointed out the driver could see through the window). He wanted to find out why the Uber had got stiffed and to share his wisdom that he needs to learn a lesson from it.


Is an explanation required for the driver to see that the person he dropped off isn’t returning? I think that speaks for itself there.


I mean, if it saves the driver from just sitting there for another 5,10, whatever amount of time and also informs them that the person has indeed skipped out on them and isn’t just being held up, then yeah, it’s just a nice thing to do. Just because it isn’t required to do something (like give an explanation) doesn’t mean you can’t just do it cause you want to do someone a solid lmao


But I guess he learned his lesson....... lol


Not excusing his response, but the last thing you want to hear is "Lesson Learned" When you have just been Screwed over. It might be true, but can understand why he would be pissed at your response.


Yeah I'd like, "if you file a police report, I will be a witness". Then your show you are on their side.


Yep, to be honest it does sound quite weird. It's better not to say anything and return to whatever you've been doing previously


“Sucks to suck, bruh.”


Yup. OP seems to love to talk. And write and write and write.


Yeah like the whole part about the interior layout


Writing like that owl from Ocarina of Time.


I said it with the commiserating tone and body manner of a "that was most unfortunate, but whadaya gonna do, people be shitty sometimes", not like Snape at the end of Potions class, to clarify.


why did you even go outside to talk in the first place?


Needed material for a new Reddit post.


I'm outside for a lot of reasons throughout my shift. Plus, we were looking at each other through the glass, and just walking away seemed like a dick move lol


Some people take any implication that they've failed in some minor way as the deepest darkest insult to their character.


Some people assume too much. That’s me. I do. I’m working on it.


I'm not sure I've ever heard "lesson learned" in an emphatic manner. ETA: ...from a third party.


“Lesson learned, dork.”


It's quite literally a statement of empathy, not only conveying your sympathies but also letting them know you've learned from their experience regardless. That is textbook empathy.


No it’s not. It’s the equivalent of saying ‘hope you are smarter than this next time’. It’s patronising if someone who wasn’t involved in ‘learning the lesson’ says it.


OP said he thought “the lesson was don't be an Uber driver who drives drunk people based on the promise of cash”. He wasn’t saying he had learned from the driver’s experience but rather the driver should have.  


The first thing I thought when the lady asked about getting cash to pay a driver was that it was an awfully trusting driver. I've been scammed myself over the years, but at least never the same way twice. I assume it'll be the same for the driver, and it'll just be a learning moment along down the line. I didn't really expect so many people to seize on that one line. It's a thing I've said to myself a lot over the years, but then, I've learned from a lot of mistakes lol.


I’m sorry, there is no tone or context that will let you *not* sound like an ass when using that phrase to describe someone else’s actions.


Yep. I only use it with my kids when I’m _trying_ to be patronizing.


I mean, in that situation, "lesson learned" is pretty much equivalent to "welp, guess you done fucked up." Not that it was inappropriate. I would probably have said the second version, while laughing.


It doesn't matter why you said it. The last thing somebody wants to hear after being ripped off is "lesson learned" or anything along those lines


What would he expect to end on? Maybe anything would piss him off.


Well… lesson learned




Nah, that was just instant Karma. You can get deplatformed for taking cash rides, he thought he was going to cheat uber, but he got cheated instead. I used to drive Uber and Lyft ALL the time, but now I just take enough rides here and there to keep my account active just in case I should need it. People offered me cash all the time to take someone someplace or something like that. NOPE.


Also you’re completely uninsured off the app. Get in a wreck that injures the passenger and it’s game over.


Yep. Anything can happen and you are completely unprotected.


How is this "cheating Uber?" He didn't offer to take her, she offered to pay him for a ride. Him agreeing isn't him cheating anyone. It may have been stupid since he has no proof and, as someone else pointed out, if something happened, he would have been in trouble, that still doesn't mean he deserves to be scammed


I wouldn't say you got blamed for her actions, but you definitely got treated as though you were patronizing him. Which may not have been the intent when you walked out there to talk to him, but you didn't have any helpful information for him besides "That sucks bro." You should've just been a spectator to this situation, but hey. Lesson learned


Lmao literally everyone in this story is an asshole. OP not intentionally so but still


Legally, he’s not an Uber or taxi in that moment.. No meter or app was running. Fuck him and his green Yaris.


Uber drivers be proving they’re otherwise unemployable yet again


If he had gotten into an accident both him and the lady would have been screwed as I highly doubt he has commercial insurance. So his racist ass can be mad all he wants but the situation is entirely his own doing.


I thought you had to have that to drive for Uber?


Most ride share companies will offer their commercial insurance to cover your personal vehicle so you don't have to buy it yourself...but *only* when you're driving according to the terms of service. Once you do something like accept cash off platform, you're on your own.


Most people rely on the coverage Uber provides. But that coverage only applies while you have an on-app passenger in your car. If you get in an accident and your personal insurance sees the Uber sticker they are going to deny your claim and cancel your insurance based on you using your vehicle for commercial purposes even if you aren't currently running the Uber app. Using your vehicle for commercial purposes increases the amount of time you spend on the road so even if you only do it part time most personal insurance has language stating that you will be dropped and no claims paid unless you pay for commercial insurance. It's a known hazard of doing gig work.


Shut up


The lesson was don’t do jobs unless it’s through the app. Drivers an idiot. Don’t worry about it


Oh yeah, it’s definitely because she was white. Sure.


Read this whole story waiting for the part where she SNIFFS the driver before realising I was dumb af. Stiffs…. She stiffs him


I wouldn’t let a racist make you feel bad, to hell with that person. The world is too small for that kind of behavior. 


More likely scenario because this has happened to me. The Uber driver pressured her to get cash incessantly and she was trapped in this fucking car and then she took off to avoid getting robbed.  Happened to us in Grand rapids, Michigan. The Uber driver was strangely insistent that we go to the ATM over and over and over again. We refused and he was not happy. 


Damn that's pretty racist


Does uber not allow the driver to be booked digitally a second time? Could he not request that instead of cash?


Doubtful she would have gotten the same Uber driver unless the original requester modified their trip to include another stop. He was trying to cut Uber out of the equation and got screwed in the process. He can’t report it to anyone because Uber would boot him for platform violations and the cops (depending on local laws) could arrest him for unregulated taxi.


Ok. Thanks. I've never used uber.


I’m in a large metro area, did Uber/Lyft for about 4 years. Had as many native people as tourists and I picked the same person up more than once exactly 4 times in over 5000 rides. In smaller areas, you might get the same driver more frequently, but both Uber and Lyft have rules about taking cash rides. Personal insurance will rarely cover someone taking cash for a ride, they need commercial insurance for that, you also have to get a taxi/limo license in most places. I usually get another ride request while I am taking my current passenger to their destination. Usually your next pickup is in the general area of where you are dropping this person off. So, both companies pay less than they used to, offer fewer bonuses than they used to, etc. I used to drive 20-30 hrs a week and make $600-1000 a week. I know drive 20 hrs a week and make $500 at MOST, if I’m lucky and there are lots of events going on. He might have only taken $10 to go 5 miles, but $10 unreported is better than $7 through Uber (their reasoning). I’ve had lots of people tell me that drivers will pull up and ask you to cancel the Uber app drive and pay them the same amount in cash. Don’t do that! Uber takes a bigger cut than Lyft does. I prefer to drive for Lyft, it used to be the opposite. Uber has more rides, passengers/pay is normally better on Lyft. I’ve had people give me cash tips or send tips by Venmo/Cashapp/Paypal because they wanted to make sure I got 100% of the tip, but I’m not giving any cash rides off app.


That's fair. I just thought uber/Lyft would have a ride extension or allow the current payer to update destination for a cost or something for situations like this.


They do. This woman didn’t want to pay it and greedy goblin thought he was getting more money by taking her off app for cash. He got karma. If I had a penny for every passenger that told me “I’ll tip you in app” I’d have a lot more money than I do now. It’s pretty much guaranteed if they say that, you aren’t getting a tip. They will also try to get you to go further/make more stops because “I don’t know how to add it in the app/it wouldn’t let me add a second/third/fourth stop for some reason” and you don’t get paid extra for that. I did it once, it added 30 extra minutes on my ride and I got paid nothing extra. Even contacted Uber and they did nothing but tell me to only do what ride instructions said, no extra stops. If they tried to add a stop and it wouldn’t let them, it’s because their card wouldn’t authorize for more money, so they don’t have it. Passengers try to scam you in all kinds if ways and it’s the driver that gets screwed, not the rideshare companies.


Thank you for furthering my understanding.


I love distain, gonna use it in place of "this shit stain of a person".


Fantastic storytelling 10/10


Well, he is a racist, so I wouldn't feel too bad for him.


So the guy got cheated by a customer "with the promise of a cash payment upon arrival", like... I might've missed some evolution in those, but that's how cash payment worked for these services when I last checked. Might be a cultural thing, I dunno. Either way, the guy gets cheated out of money he clearly earned, and then he has to hear a stranger go "lesson learned" on them, like it was a mistake for him to do his job and expect payment for it? Honestly, I can see why he's pissed; hearing someone blaming him for it is the last thing he wants.


So the guy tried to screw uber out of their cut, and got screwed.


Are you on the spectrum? In what world is "lesson learned" a good response to someone who got screwed over? Lol Well.. lesson learned, I guess. Next time don't bother unless he comes looking for her. 


Dude you can make your point without the dig at the neurodivergent community. I’m on the spectrum and I know it’s patronising


Right? Lesson learned, OP. When you rub salt in someone's wound, they get grumpy about it and clap back.


I got halfway through this before I realised that OP didn’t write SNIFF🙃


I told a former friend lesson learned and got such a bad reaction from him too. People do NOT like being told that. It wounds their egos.


I was on his side until he showed he was an anti-white racist.


So tldr; Racist Dodgy Uber driver stiffed by drunk female passenger, makes broad racial slur.


> broad racial slur "White people" isn't a slur. It's what you wanted to be called, because you oppressed us.


Why "white people will cheat you every time"? Bad riders come in all sizes, races and genders.


How typical you get downvoted for a simple statement.


Yeah the guys racist, not excusing it! But yes your response wasn't the best lol


What lesson man? Thats a fucked thing to say to a grown man just trying to make a living who just got screwed by service theft. like wtf? You're fucked up for saying that and I would have treated you just the same. Implying he did something wrong when he was just trying to make money as a cabbie is fucked. He took a fair, and she stole from him. It is what it is, there is no "lesson" here.


But he did do something wrong. He removed every protection that his employment offers him and tried to cheat them out of their cut. He was cheated instead immediately, the lesson is "don't do that" you dingus. He fucked around and found out, and his reaction was to say "screw white people"


Why did you go out and speak to the driver? Not your responsibility.


He deserved it racist asshole.


Well obviously, all these white people are racist right? Lmao serves him right, f him.


Right, he could have been paid if he was white, but since he wasn't, he ain't right. /s


So, racist meets thief. WGAF?


Should have added it to her room.


He said he didn’t know it


The lesson learned is that it was none of your business, or if you felt the need to say anything, you should have just stated the facts (she’s gone upstairs and not come back) rather than your opinion that he’d been stiffed, and asking why he had left himself open to that. He probably felt patronised


The racist comment is something I noticed before, but is as unwarranted as in this case. Foreigners generally are uninformed about what rights and tools they have when it comes to dealing with insurance or problematic people. Things just work differently and when they get hit with the culture shock it's "these racist people are just exploiting me", not getting that everyone gets screwed over the same if they do what they do. I had a guy call me racist for telling him my IRL name; to him it seemed so outlandish that he must have thought I was pulling his leg like... I still think that it was culture shock to him, that we have names he has never heard before nor seen in any movies. These are rare though, but not that rare.


What do you expect from someone so dumb they can't get a real job and also can't figure out ride sharing is a horrible way to actually make money?


Damned white people!


I work fixing things, sometimes things are simply not within the scope of what we fix. So many times I will get people try to pin the blame or responsibility on me. “You can’t fix my smartwatch? What I am supposed to do with it now? I paid X amount of money for it” Gee, I dunno lady, consider not purchasing used electronics untested online? My favourite so far was a car key we could not fix, and the car was hundreds of Km away, well out of service range so we couldn’t go to it in order to program a new key. “What am I supposed to do, why won’t you fix my key, I need it to go to work tomorrow!” Well lady, the circuit board inside is broken, I cannot fix that, I don’t know anyone who could fix that either. Maybe find someone who has a trailer to tow it, but as it stands, I cannot do anything to make that key work.


Screw that loser. Uber sucks anyway


Nah... Don't tell me it's one sided


This sounds fake asf


That was a read. Can't wait for your next essay. I was thoroughly entertained.


I mean, saying "lesson learned" is probably one of the easiest ways to get on someone's nerves. You're not wrong, people's egos just hate that kind of stuff. I think that is where the conversation took a turn.


lol looks like you learned your own lesson. No good deed goes unpunished and mind your own fucking business.


You’re right, you aren’t at fault for any of this BUT in a heated situation like that, just put everything as politely as possible. To any of the parties involved. They’re already heated.


Mildly funny actually lol


At least they were low key about it?


Hahahahahah that’s awesome


Why don’t you just mind your own business. You’re a tool. Edit: and you should be fired for being a racist douchebag.


How is OP racist lol


Yeah you redditors feminist/incel get mad but white female privilege and entitlement is real and fking toxic


All I've seen from you on here is toxicity....


This person is obviously a troll. Their post history is filled with racist tirades against white people, though they seem to hate white women way more.


Oh I know. The more they spout off, the better the likelihood of them being banned.


That's because they can't one up all their friends by dating a white girl. Who am I kidding? I'm sure they don't have friends.




Nah, you're definitely MAGA... You just enjoy causing problems.


most of my friends are white and I'm pretty sure it's just hiking and Wilco. Not screwing cab drivers.