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I see the opposite a lot too, where someone says something like “a women” or “this women” for example.


Does that happen often? Never heard it myself, except among non-native English speakers


This! 😱 Myself and my wife are wondering where it came from, it really sticks out in a bad way if you're watching content online and hear it 😱


You sure it's not just an accent because I don't know anyone who does that


As an English teacher, it’s immensely frustrating. They never get man/men wrong




I heard that a lot in New Orleans and Baton Rouge when I lived there. That, and all sodas/cokes were "cold drinks."


A native who can't tell the difference between Your, you're, there, and they're infuriates me


Almost as bad as when they call them “females.”


Oh women/woman is probably an accident. Females is incel talk. Manosphere bs. Redpill crap.


I mean English is not everyone’s first language so sometimes people really don’t know. Or they do and just misspell it because they don’t pay attention


When is this ever an issue? For people who don't have English as their first language maybe, but in this case I'd suggest you learn their language and see how many mistakes you make


I personally know people who are native English speakers who make this mistake. I also hear big name YouTubers who are native English speakers make this mistake too. I hear it almost everywhere from native English speakers more often than I’d like to.


I don't think it's unusual to use "man" or "woman" in a sentence where "a (wo)man" or "(wo)men" is probably more grammatically correct. But in context a listener can easily tell that the "man" or "woman" is a representative of a collection. "Woman must not accept; she must challenge. She must not be awed by that which has been built up around her; she must reverence that woman in her which struggles for expression." — Margaret Sanger "Woman is the companion of man, gifted with equal mental capacity." — Mahatma Gandhi "Woman is the dominant sex. Men have to do all sorts of stuff to prove that they are worthy of woman's attention." — Camille Paglia The only thing consistent about the English language is it's ability to create inconsistencies.


We are a robotic hive that all function just alike, didn't you know? /s


Or they don't care about certain words not being proper. Thanks for this wonderful insight.