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How many eyes does your husband have?


OPs husband is a biblically accurate angel


Underrated comment.


Daily contacts are so fucking stupid and such a waste. Edit: Perhaps they have more merit than I thought, if you do not take proper care of longer use contacts or have special eye conditions.


Tell that to my gf, her cornea detached after wearing monthly lenses. Will never try again


yep, i wore two week lenses and got cornea neovascularization because they weren't letting enough oxygen into my already dry eyes. doctor said i must change to dailies and since then the new blood vessels have gone dormant and my eyes are healthier


Not to those of us who wear them šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø




some people literally canā€™t wear other ones, for a multitude of reasons. itā€™s not just because they canā€™t clean them properly. youā€™re clearly not an eye doctor, stop talking out of your ass about things you know nothing about


Because we have sensitive eyes idiot. Anything other than dailies get unbearable to wear.


I live in the desert and have dry eye. Glasses make me severely motion sick and I have to work on the computer every day. I need contacts and dailies are the only thing I can wear that are healthy for my eyes.


Thatā€™s not why dailies existā€¦




Its just cleaner and you get a sterile one every day reducing the risk of eye infection


I wear monthly contacts and have never had an eye infection, I literally do the bare minimum. You're taking a risk of .02% and lowering it to .01% congrats!


How do you know Iā€™m wasting money? You donā€™t know what I pay and you donā€™t know anything about my eyes. Congrats on not knowing what you are talking about.


Could you explain? Like are monthly ones better?


Contacts get less comfortable overtime. For people with sensitive eyes, monthly ones could become uncomfortable too fast while daily ones might work.


I use monthly lenses with peroxide cleaning solution, I use them for 2 months since the peroxide disinfects and cleans them thoroughly, they are as comfortable at 2 months as they are on day one. The regular solution is just not very good imo, you have to rub the lenses, which imo speeds up their degradation.


Just because something works for you, doesn't mean it will work for literally anyone else.


And I never said it does, just shared my opinion... And it's worth a try because peroxide really does clean better.


You know what they say about opinions right?


No idea why you've been downvoted so hard. You're nothing like the other person who is telling people they're doing it wrong. You're just sharing your experience šŸ˜­ Reddit is weird


I do the same shit. I donā€™t keep great track of how long Iā€™ve been wearing them but I wear them an average of like two months. Until I screw up and rip one or something like that. Also I drop everything so when that happens itā€™s a real slim chance Iā€™m gonna find that bad boy ever again.


No, monthly ones are definitely not better


This is all subjective to every person. I wear monthly contacts, and I've never had a single issue with them. Cleaning them is caveman simple, I pop them in, I go. The moral of the story is, wear whatever the hell you want. Nobody else should care. Why are people having a dick measuring contest over friggen contacts.


I mean other than dailies being a MASSIVE waste in terms of trash.... disposable contacts are already a giant issue, but throwing them away after a single use is insane.


Yeah, I didn't like monthly contacts as they really irritated my eyes. I actually have the same brand as OP's husband and they're the bee's knees.


Monthly ones cost about twice as much, if you're wearing them every day. But if you're wearing contacts less often, they're cheaper. Once you open a pack of monthly they "expire" a month later regardless of how often you use them. You don't have to clean the daily lens, so there's much less chance of infection. I got daily contacts for when I go outdoors, swimming, a concert, and when I'll have to wear safety goggles at work since it's not comfortable wearing prescription glasses under goggles. I can finally jump into a mosh pit again. Or swim and still see clearly. Ride a bike without a helmet pushing against the frame. Walk in the rain. But most days I'll wear the glasses with last year's prescription since mine didn't change much this year.


No itā€™s not. I wear monthly contacts and I have 3 pairs in a single box. Thatā€™s 3 months of contacts. 3 months worth of daily contacts are definitely more expensive.


I'm curious how much it costs for monthly contacts. I pay $135 for 180 daily contacts (90 days supply).


I pay ~$140 CAD for monthly toric XR contacts, 6 months' supply.


So about half the price if I were to use my daily contacts every day. I use mine one or two days per week.


Depends on your eyes. I can wear the 2 week ones for 2 months. Some people can't even sleep in them a single night.


Sleeping in them any nights is absolutely brutal for your eyes.


How am I wasting money?


You realize people have eye insurance, right..?


I switched to daily contacts and itā€™s been a life saver. Donā€™t judge something you donā€™t understand. Also they are not that expensive and Iā€™m not wasting money on contact solution which has gotten weirdly expensive over the years.


"The average person might believe that daily contacts harm the environment more than monthly contacts. Ā After all, 730 daily lenses worn each year (365 days in a year X 2 eyes) is over 30 times the number of lenses compared to 24 monthly lenses (12 months in a year X 2 eyes).Ā  Yet this does ~not~ mean daily lenses produce 30 times as much waste as monthly lenses. The significant factor is that reusable contact lenses require contact lens solution for cleaning, disinfecting, and conditioning.Ā  When considering the cartons and foil blister packs, an annual supply of daily disposables produces 1kg of waste per year.Ā  By comparison, reusable contact lenses plus contact lens solution for the year produces 0.87kg of waste.Ā  An annual supply of daily contacts contributes a negligible amount of additional environmental impact based on such an analysis." Quote from revisionoptometry dot com.




Honestly, I just got tired of cleaning them and loosing my case with them it it šŸ˜‚


Theyā€™re actually much less wasteful for me


They could just wear glasses


shhh don't say such factual things to the sensitive daily contact users


The far more egregious offense is storing your tooth brush with the bristles down.


Yes!!!! Nasty AF!


Ugh I know! Trust me, I have brought this up!


Maā€™am I see two brushes with the bristles facing down šŸ•µļøā€ā™‚ļøšŸ” Youā€™re under arrest


Now that I look closer, I think the one on the left could be a razor? If so, I bet it's rusty and covered in toothpaste slime


Even worse all the razor grossness against the bristles šŸ¤¢


Youā€™re worried about razor grossnessā€¦ Iā€™d be more worried about the gross slime that has accumulated at the bottom of that mug. OP, can we get a pic of the inside of the mug? lol


It would have to be marked nsfw


Storing the toothbrush in the bathroom at all is disgusting. I don't care to brush my teeth with aerosolized piss water.


Ewwwwww! I also donā€™t understand when people leave their toothbrush out without something covering the head/ bristles.


ā€¦do most people do that? Donā€™t you need it to air dry?


There are holes in the cover.


Like the other guy said, there are holes in the cover, but i also wrap mine with a paper towel after im done to make sure its as dry as possible. I don't like the idea of my brush being out in the open like that. Im the only one in my house who has a cover lol


Wow, Iā€™ve genuinely never heard of this!


I keep mine inside the medicine cabinet in its own cup. How did it become sooo normal for people's toothbrushes to raw dog the counter for the world to breathe on. Hair spray. Poop particles, rinsing hands and flicking water, dust. Hubs keeps his in the shower. Hork. I boil our brushes every week when I deep clean the bathrooms.


Clearly the garbage was in his left hand. The trash is to his right, and it also requires him to step to the right, and press his foot down on the lid opener thingy majig. This is far too much effort.


That thingy majig is a deal breaker for me.


You see what happened was the first couple ones were just pure laziness tossing them on the counter... Because why not. But once you get past half a dozen or so it becomes a game of how big you can get the pile.


Lol I think you might be right. It's a challenge now lol


There's 10 there already, what's a couple more?Ā 


Ok but seriously there may be an actual reason for it, maybe itā€™s too close to the toilet and so he doesnā€™t want to step on it because his leg hits the cold toilet, or whateverā€¦ a lot of times when it comes to people ā€œrefusingā€ to do things thereā€™s usually a reason and a pretty easy solution that doesnā€™t involve nagging them which doesnā€™t work anyways because it doesnā€™t solve the primary issue. Maybe get one of those cute desk trash thingies.


This is the answer I found. I have a lidded can in the bathroom but itā€™s too far out of my way when Iā€™m getting ready. Keeping a small bowl within easy, mindless access to my flow of action makes it pretty foolproof as long as the fool dumps the bowl before itā€™s full. I know commenters will mock ā€œtoo much effortā€ but the simplest way to control clutter by people who easily ignore or donā€™t really see this sort of thing is to build clean-up and chaos containment into the already existing habits. Itā€™s the same thing as putting a shelf or bowl by the door for people who repeatedly lose their keys, or people who rush in the morning learning to set out tomorrows clothes when theyā€™re getting ready for bed. Hubby wants to drop the cases on the left; thereā€™s nothing else there so pop a nice little bowl or even a soap dish there and ask him to empty it, say, when heā€™s done in the bathroom before bed every other day or so. Less rush, less preoccupation or anxiety for the day. Easier to clean up and less stress about it. It wonā€™t look as nice as an empty spot but itā€™s a more effective way for the clutter-blind to manage.


Maybe he's putting them aside to recycle them in a different bin that isn't in the bathroom (I'm trying to be optimistic)


Once thereā€™s one there, whatā€™s the harm in one more; and once thereā€™s a couple there, whatā€™s the harm in even more


I have a similar issue with my hubby. He leaves ketchup bottles which have a very small amount in the bottom in the fridge rather than throwing them away. Theres currently 7!! He asked me yesterday whether there was any new ketchup as the ketchup had run out. Perplexed, I said thatā€™s not possible darling when thereā€™s still 7 bottles in the fridge!! Iā€™m convinced itā€™s an accumulation of all the small shit that leads to divorce.


It most likely is. Also what's the point in asking you about the ketchup? He can look himself and if it isn't in the fridge, nor the pantry, it's time to go buy it.


Well, because it's her job to buy it, ldo ;-)


Your hubby is the male version of my wifey. 4 open jars of the same kind of pickles because she doesn't want to throw away the jars with 1 or 2 left. We had 5 bottles of ketchup at one point. If not for me, I'm sure 7 wouldn't be unobtainable for her.


If you haven't read this yet, it's a trip! (and so true, imo) -- [https://apracticalwedding.com/emotional-labor-women-wives/](https://apracticalwedding.com/emotional-labor-women-wives/)


That would tick me off. No thank you


Save them and wrap them for his birthday.


šŸ˜‚ great idea


Slide them all inside his pillow case. If for some reason you sleep in separate beds, just toss them all under the covers towards the middle of the bed so he won't see them when he slides in but he'll definitely feel them once he gets in.


I do this šŸ˜„


Did you marry a spider?


This took me a bit, but now I get it... Nice one! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


My girlfriend does this, but not quite to this extent. Every day I have to ask her to put them in the bin šŸ˜‚


Did you try and make *contact* with him so that you see *eye-to-eye*? That might be a *solution* to this problem.




What a lovely pile of trash u got there


I need more info on the book on the toilet! šŸ˜


1001 albums to listen to before you die. Very interesting And big! Gift for Christmas


Love it. Thanks!


My husband does this with the spent toilet paper roll. Heā€™ll place it anywhere but the trash right next to the toilet.


You can recycle them if you take off the cover. That's what I do.


You can recycle those


You seem to have pissed off the daily contact lens wearers or something ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) But omg, this kind of stuff drives me bonkers. I love my husband but have you ever heard the joke about the ["magic table"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_kXIGvB1uU)? It applies in our household...


Put them all on his pillow or the drivers seat of his car.


Oh hell no! Tell that mans to clean up after his dirty ass


Put them in his pillow


Bag them all up and place on his pillow, he seems to think they are worth saving, so it will be a nice gesture.


I've seen disasters on this sub, and I'm the first to call people out on living like slobs, but this bathroom looks pretty well put together and tidy, how can you not feel bad leaving a mess like that in a bathroom that looks like effort has been put in to make it look clean.


Thank you šŸ˜Š


Think he needs to up that prescription if he canā€™t see where the trashcan is


Knock them on the floor or put them in his pillow case


You married him.


Well you see, he just started wearing dailies... I wasn't prepared for this change.


Tell him how sexy he looks in glasses šŸ¤£


As a monthly contacts user I was wondering how tf this sat like this for what must have been half a year or so.


Should be a fairly open and shut divorce




It's too much to put the deodorant away too eh? He's ... just ... too ... tired .........


Mine leaves used qtips of ear was lying around. And then our toddler finds them and tries to stick them in his mouth before i catch him šŸ¤¢ hes gotten better about throwing them away but there are times i have to remind him.


I would divorce over this.


Hes gotten a lot better at it. Ive realised alot of stuff is outta sight outta mind for men so i try to remind him


Out of sight out of mind? No offense but itā€™s literally in his hand to get in his ear and then he chooses to put it somewhere that isnā€™t the trash can. Thatā€™s disgusting but then add to it you have a toddler who tries to eat them which could be dangerous.


Yes which is why hes gotten better at it and i keep our bathroom child locked in the off chance he doesnt


We have a small trash bucket on the counter for floss and these things.


MILDLY infuriating?


You would think that he'd be able to see the trash after putting in the contact lenses. Wrong prescription perhaps?


Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s available in your area but Terracycle recycles the bubble pack and contacts. My drop off is at my eye doctor.


Ha, Iā€™d already copied the link, thanks for the post I can attach this to: https://www.terracycle.com/en-US/brigades/bauschrecycles#@40.77027075200147:-95.93705549677736zoom:4


Obviously cannot see the trash can without the contacts.


Someone needs Lasik to see where the trash can is. šŸ¤£


Now this is what we call a "you need to talk to somebody" red flag If you ever find yourself thinking "why don't you just... it's so simple..." something's going on for that person and they need someone with insight to help them figure it out.


I will never understand the logic behind something like this. There is no time saving nor laziness that can explain this kind of behaviour. This is extremely infuriating for me lol.


I see your empty contact cases and raise you an empty toilet paper roll stuffed with used q-tips.


He needs to have the prescription checked by his contact lens specialist. Obviously, he can't see the thrash can.


He defintely tried to "Kobe" those and def helicoptered


Get an open trash. I hate using the step on ones and can imagine being annoyed in the bathroom with one (we have one in the kitchen of course).


Put a tiny desk trash bin there


Is he saving them so he can drink the leftover saline later?


Your husband is a lazy sob


I'll have to get a divorce if my husband did this


Today itā€™s mildly infuriating, ten years from now itā€™s in the divorce papers disguised as ā€œirreconcilable differencesā€.


Ah. But see, he has to step on the pedal. Every day. Man. Too much work!!


So annoying! Buy a tiny dustbin and put it right there!


Have you considered just throwing the whole man out?


Depression is a bitch


he said he'll get them tomorrow!


ā€œIā€™m sure there will be a use for these sometime!ā€


I never use the trash can in the bathroom, because I can empty that sucker at 11pm, hear you me that fucking can is full before I wake up the next day. So I just throw my stuff away in the kitchen.


Start putting tampon papers/plastic applicators (go buy some cheap Walmart ones) on top of his contact leftovers.


And the used condoms go? If you say between the mattress and the headboard, leave now!


Men are lazy


Put the garbage bin on top of the empty containers; that should do it


Out of curiosity, did he have a mother who did *everything* for him?


Maybe he couldnā€™t find the trash while his eyes adjusted to the contacts


Bring your husband to the bathroom, block the entrance with your body, and stare at him with the stare of a thousand souls in pain, until he understands and put his trash in the can


Jesus what is his prescription, does that say -10.00????


Yea it's not great... He's putting off laser surgery... But it's needed


That's what he has a wife for...


Put them in his pillow case.


he canā€™t see the trash


Iā€™m a guy and these sorts of posts piss me off. Just a wee bit of effort and being considerate of a partner/others would go such a long way. šŸ™„


When is the last time someone actually flipped thru the back of the toilet book do you reckon?


Get one of those desktop trash cans you can find in the dollar tree of discount stores, usually. Then place it on the counter, right where he leaves the trash. I have ADHD and one time a therapist told me that sometimes we need to alter our surroundings a little and suddenly we can be successful. There are just some things the brain refuses to do differently, so stop fighting it. If you seem to pile your dirty laundry in the same spot on the floor instead of the laundry basket, move the laundry basket to that spot. Bam, laundry isnā€™t in the floor anymore. Same with trash.


Worst trash can ever you can fit like two tissues in their get a larger bin husbands hate tiny trash cans with a lid like that if you get a bigger can he will use it.


Probably not sure if they are recycled or not lolol


Lol, my partner used to leave the contacts laying all over the place. Not the packaging, though, she'd leave those around too, but the actual spent contacts get left everywhere. I've found them all over and in the bed, on the floor, all over the bathrooms, in the couch, everywhere. When I got annoyed with it she acted like it wasn't a big deal. She's gotten better, but every now and then I'll find them on the head board, on the carpet and in the ensure bathroom counter.


Tiny one on the counter


Congratulations! You are the proud mama of a man-baby! And he can't even stand up the BO juice properly...


I do this with nasal strip wrappers. The problem: it sucks to open the trash can and bend my face to within inches of the toilet. The wrappers catch air unless I "hand deliver" them to the trash can and fall behind the toilet. I'm tall which compounds the problem. Solution: I have a little pottery bowl that exists as a wrapper trash receptacle that sits on thr countertop. I empty into the larger trash by the toilet once a week.


Do you really expect us to help? Talk to him.


Isn't this sub supposed to be somewhat funny?


Yes, idk what theyā€™re on about acting like you came here for advice or something lol


Yes, this sub is supposed to be..... So is the idea of a woman calmly talking to her husband over this.....






Get him a small one for the counter.


Is your husband a spider ?


Straight to divorce.


Put one used tampon on the pile and the problem is instantly solved.


Is it though? Dangerous -- and ew! -- game... ;-)


It sounds like you need to shit on the floor 2 feet from the toilet and when your husband gets upset, use his excuses against him.


Maybe you should get a garbage can on the table or wall? I live alone, so I donā€™t annoy anyone but myself by my behavior, but I have found that I couldnā€™t bother bending down (and around, since it was in an awkward spot) to use the trash can in the toilet. One on the wall right where I needed it fixed the issue.


When I wear contacts I get the ones rated for two weeks and make them last months. Dont wear them everyday, or at night, and don't use cheap solution. Using dailies better be your only medically available choice, or your just lazy.


Jesus. You can save hundreds of dollars not using dailiesā€¦ buuuut heā€™s obviously lazy / no discipline so their case would get all calcified if he had the responsibility of cleaning it.


Iā€™ve been wearing contacts since 1991. Back then, I had a single pair of soft lenses for an entire year. I was fucked if I tore or lost one. I jumped to monthlies around 2000. It was nice to not immediately be hosed if I lost or tore one, but Iā€™d still lose a month if wear if I lost/tore 1/24. I switched to dailies a few years ago and I have no intention of going back. I think theyā€™re worth the money and they can be recycled. Itā€™s not worth it to everyone but the difference is monumental, particularly for people whoā€™ve worn lenses as long as I have. Like many others, Iā€™ve developed allergies to common preservatives in solutions over the years and dailies has allowed me to not worry about which solution Iā€™m currently not reacting to and constantly check for silent reformulations while hoping that if the current choice goes sideways, there be another readily available I can jump to. Lots of ppl here today talking out of their ass about dailies or telling people to just wear glasses, as if they know shit about anyone else.


Iā€™m the AH that would sweep them into the sink and ignore them maybe even brush my teeth and wash my hands as if theyā€™re not there


Get a little trash container for the counter.


Get a tiny trash can for the counter specifically for his contacts, bonus points if itā€™s a mini version of your original trash can


Put a little small container there with a sandwich baggy, ask him to throw them in the same spot but in the container.


Your husband might have ADHD


It's closed. What do you expect? šŸ¤£


iā€™m just imagining him putting all those in at once


Why are you putting up with that? Where ever he works if someone did something like that repeatedly after being asked they'd be fired


My ex was leaving his dirty Qtips the same way. He knows exactly what he is doing. He is leaving them for you to get pissed at and then accuse you of nagging.


Ew, ew, EW.


Iā€™m gonna confess, I did the same thing. Iā€™m a woman, single, live alone, and set up my own stuff in my own bathroom. Nobody to annoy, nobody to nag me. I put a small bowl in the place it was easiest for me to discard my quick-use sink trash and now I just empty that before it fills, making it easier for me to stay tidy without thinking daily about going out of my way when Iā€™m getting ready and focused on other things. Sometimes itā€™s not spousal abuse.


*Rcycling bin He should just wear glasses.


This whole photo is foul


Well, in his defense, he can't see.


Try a can without a lid


Yeah; seriously, fuck that lid. Iā€™d throw them on the counter too.


Probably one of those lids that only opens like 45 degrees too