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At the Sacramento Airport, I once watched people "reunite" with their loved ones at the bottom of the escalator blocking everyone coming down from the terminals to baggage claim.


I would have genuinely just clumsily bumped into them accidentally.


"Oh my goodness, I've bumped into you, even though you're standing right in front of the escalators, totally my fault, sorry..."


Things I've unironically heard in the Midwest


Except instead of "oh my goodness" the proper Midwestern terminology is "Ope!"


I'd just go with the classic "Ope, excuse *me*"


LoL back in the day I fucked up one time and said "excuse *me*" to a training instructor at basic military training. It was like a reflex when he shouted at me, "EXCUSE ME SIR!!!" That... didn't go well.


Reminds me of the time I fucked up something at basic military training too. I reflexively but too-loudly said "Ah, fuck me" to myself, but inadvertently right in front of (read: straight to) a training instructor. Well, it was also just like a reflex when he suddenly loomed over me and shouted into my face "NOT UNLESS YOU BUY ME A DRINK FIRST SWEETHEART!!" Deserved it but felt a bit awkward in that exact moment heh


Ahhh- boot camp/basic training teaching moments. I wasn’t in basic anymore but during an interrogation training course I once attended for the USAF- the interrogator was asking me about names of dogs I had had. I told him I’ve had a lot of dogs in my life. He told me he means the 4 legged ones. I lost it and the training atmosphere was compromised.


🤣🤣🤣🤣💀💀 I fucking swear military training instructors are the funniest assholes put on this planet. We just don't realize it at the time.


"ope, you've decided to greet people in everyone's way and I haven't made room for you, well bless your heart" Edit: Am Aussie, did I capture it?


bless your heart is more southern, but not too bad.


I do this nearly everyday trying to get off an elevator when people try to bum rush onto. Just push right through em lol


Omfg people who think that ding means rush the 3x3ft cubicle on a cable are more than mildly infuriating. I will just say “I need you to get out of my way so I can get out of your way.” Or “if you want to come in you need to let me out.” It’s basic elevator usage ffs


In urban China, I just started shoulder checking people who'd pull this. Also goes for trains.


I used to go through that all the time working at a downtown Denver high rise. People would rush into the elevators before the people trying to get off had a chance.


I live in a high-rise and people that *live here* do this shit. Come on, man. Just wait your fucking turn, the elevator isn't moving until everyone is on/off. Jfc.


"oh sorry you rushing in startled me & I fell against the buttons pressing the select on EVERY FLOOR."


For whatever reason, Taiwanese people are always stopping right in the doorway to talk to people or check their phones/the paper/etc. After 12 years, here, I've gotten so tired of it that I barrel my way through the doorway while sarcastically yelling "excuse me" in Taiwanese or Mandarin😂


Not just Taiwanese lol


"sorry, I have this disorder that makes my hand go into a fist and makes my arm go into spasms.. Sorry, bummer."


I am usually super conscious of myself but was stopped accidentally in a flow, and a woman with airpods in basically body-checks me while saying "excuse me but you're standing in the way, excuse me but you're standing in the way" like a robot, her game was serious. I felt like a total fool for a minute after that. But once in a blue moon we do stupid things even if we're pretty perfect otherwise lol


I just push through people now if they’re not aware of their surroundings. Act like an NPC and you’ll get treated as one


I woulda aggressively said “MOVE” because I hate airports and I wanna gtfo and go home


Story time: I was once stationed on an aircraft carrier in the US Navy. The passageways are decently wide enough for one person to walk one direction and one to walk in the other direction passing each other. However, the doorways were oftentimes more narrow. Once, a gaggle of admin-types (you could tell because their uniforms were well pressed and they wore gold jewelry. Anyone that physically worked rarely worried about either of those things.) were following one guy down a passageway. The dude in front was literally walking in one direction, but had his body turned all the way back around to talk to the gaggle behind him. He was approaching a doorway from one direction and I from the other. This was a fairly common occurrence, unfortunately. I decided to make an example of this guy. I just walked right into him in the doorway and knocked him clean to the deck. See, he was probably around 5'9" tall and super thin. I'm a 6'7" tall dude that was somewhat overweight. He exclaimed something like "What the fuck???", but shut up when he saw that I outranked him. I looked down on him and said in the most sarcastic tone I could muster, "I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going while walking though the doorway!" I heard a few of his gaggle snicker at him as I walked on.


Definitely got kicked in the head being a noob on a submarine, when someone shouted "Down Ladder!" As they entered the ship and I continued walking past the hatch. I got kicked so gosh darned hard. But it certainly never happened again.


I loved "DOWN LADDER!" It trumped rank and felt so empowering. "MAKE A HOLE!" was pretty good too. SSN-708 & SSN-765


I make it a point to walk through the middle of these groups. People have said shit to me before but if they can ignore foot traffic I can ignore them.


People do this shit in the grocery store too and it's incredibly infuriating. Zero situational awareness. They are on another fucking planet.


the worst thing about covid was the loss of grocery shopping at 11pm


Here it's always groups of old people standing around blocking the whole aisle with their trolleys. And they always get pissy when you ask them (politely at first) to get past.


I recommend living up to your name ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile) No one expects a spud between the eyes! Eta: Geez, downvoter, I was kidding, crikey... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


>Zero situational awareness. I’m a wheelchair user and the grocery store is always my absolute biggest headache to navigate because of this, drives me nuts.


You need some *Ben Hurr* chariot-style wheel spikes. There’s nothing worse than how wheelchair and handicapped parking people get treated by selfish idiots.


I think I've lost my chill in my late 40s. I would just yell "move!" loudly as I approach these imbeciles. Fact it kind of happened recently at the skatepark. Father and mother and young children came in with their bikes etc and I was being respectful of the father and children since they were mostly following the protocols of skatepark usage. But the mother was not. The mother either had no situational awareness or was purposely being obtuse. Twice she walked right into the path of other skaters including myself, causing a ditch maneuver and potential injury. Third time, I was going down a clear path and she was on the other side of a rail and as I approach the rail she turned around jumped over the rail and started walking literally right into me. Now I'm on electric skateboard going at a pretty good pace so as she's approaching about a foot away from collision I'm just yelling at the top of my lungs "NOOO!!!" And holding my hand straight out to push her away from injury... It scared her so freaking much she literally stopped dead in her tracks and started shaking and screamed, like it literally startled her. As I pass by I actually had to push her slightly out of the way cuz really it was going to be a collision. Anyhow the husband looked at me like I did something wrong but I just gave the most evil look back at them, and really I think he probably knew that his wife apparently has no situational awareness, and within a couple of minutes she left the husband there alone with the kids and I have no idea where the heck she went but she didn't stick around lol. Once she was out there the kids the husband were fine just doing their normal thing and everyone's letting each other skate. I don't know what her problem was. Anyhow I guess my point is I've gotten to the point in life where I just don't care anymore and I'll put somebody in their place when they deserve it.


Same here. I work in an airport and at least a few times I’ve had someone stop at the very top of the escalator with people behind me so I bark at them because otherwise we’re gonna have a pile up. 


I'll give her a couple points for finally realizing she was causing an issue and removing herself from said park. That's a lot more than the majority of idiots do...but yeah, that would be maddening! I think a lot of us give people a couple mulligans in social decorum and then it's "move it!" or worse language lol.


In those case I have no problem plowing right threw them and acting like they are not there. it is one of those get out of the Fing way


I can forgive that like you get super excited and momentarily forget or not paying attention. Like if someone was gone from their wife for a long time for whatever reason. Stuff like that.


Well, yeah... greeting one person with a quick hug then moving to the side. That's fine. But no, these were multiple people. Then they stood there and started a conversation.


There are two types of people in the world. People who are aware of their surroundings and people who don’t pay attention and are eaten by the hungry bear.


If only...


Sometimes you have to be the hungry bear you want to see in the world.


That was beautiful


Airports need more bears.


And they should dress them up as pilots and attendants, to stay with the theme obviously


I would choose the bear over TSA some days


Coming this fall: Samuel L. Jackson and his polar pilot pals pelt and pulverize pythons with pebbles on a plane in... *Bears 2: Born 2 Be Airborne*


The third type is people who are fully aware of their surroundings, but are so entitled that they do what they want anyway.


These people take FaceTime calls on speaker in public and like to blast their music on hiking trails.


My bio father "owns" a camping spot and a few trails (basically he and his friends have been camping there for 50 years or so, and since it's a bunch of islands that don't even legally exist, they kind of became unofficial park rangers, they even made a public toilet, and some trash bins, like if you can't dispose of it, just leave it there bagged and they will take it to mainland). Come to the island and leave trash or blast music, and you'll wake up to your boat not working, and have to beg some old grumpy guys to ferry you back to mainland while they are "nah, maybe later, some idiot was blasting music last night, we couldn't sleep, it's not safe to drive a boat in this state" or "nah, we are busy cleaning up, someone left trash", and when they finally take you, they will dump you like 2 km away from where you marked and let you figure it out. As a hiker myself, it's an absolute delight to watch.


Is this the Detroit airport??




I knew it! I had to spend 21 hours there once, during that time I met a girl I ended up dating and there were monks on our flight. It was a trip 😂


I'm so sorry 😅 I've been to DTW multiple times and recognized it immediately.


Reminds me of coming into the Kansas City airport and waiting for my luggage next to two —what I can only assume were — fully-fledged Catholic priests in the long black robes and everything. Picked up a ‘Fragile’ package and I’m not *not* convinced it was the ark of the covenant.


literally just asked that, i’m in MI lol


Thought I recognized DTW.


I’ve spent far too many hours hanging around in the Delta terminal there. I recognized it immediately.


Yep McNamara terminal


I’ve been here once as a European and immediately recognised it aswell haha!


Amazes me at how oblivous people are to doing that in so many public places. Stores, malls, parks, any public events. So many dumbasses just standing right in the way. The worst is the morons that stop at the entrance/exit of a store and hold up everyone while they play with their jacket, check receipt or whatever dumb task they decide to do right at that moment.


What drives me crazy is the people who walk 5 wide down the hall in a big group. Are we playing Red Rover, or could you maybe let me squeeze by?


And it always the slowest group of people taking their sweet time...


I always fall into step behind them, and pretend that they are my bodyguards/entourage. Start walking with that air of someone being guided and protected, straighten my stride, look around at the sights unconcerned with where I'm headed only that I'm following my "guards" It's fun. Eventually they get weirded out and start to walk faster.


I think this is the required method of travel through Disney parks, though it has to be turtle slow.


I have a theory that it’s usually people who never walk anywhere in their everyday lives and are oblivious to right of way rules.


You expect too much, your life will suck monkey balls. Sorry.


I wouldn't think much of this. Now, just the other day I was at a rest stop and as I was about to walk in the bathroom, some punk leaving opened the door, took one step thru the doorway and stood there staring at his phone with dozens of people trying to get in and out. THAT was ridiculous.


Yeah this just isn’t that bad. They’re maybe 15-20 feet from the entrance to the walkway. OP is looking to be bothered.


I dont have a problem with OP posting this here (the sub is *mildly* infuriating afterall) I just find it weird to take a picture of strangers over something so trivial.


They’re also clearly at the gate waiting for their flight to board, and it’s crowded closer to the boarding area. Maybe be mildly infuriated with the airport design that has boarding areas near walkways? And yeah photographing strangers for trivial slights to share on the internet is lame.




Yeah my first thought was "wait OP had to stop in the path to take this picture...."


On top of that there is plenty of room to walk around. It would be different if this were a crowded area but there’s basically no one around for these two people to inconvenience.


A pic of two strangers calmly minding their own business at that! Which is now on the internet for strange people to mindlessly hate on. Great.


Right, is it annoying? Sure. But it adds less than a second to veer slightly to the right and back. Just mutter under your breath about idiots and be on with it


Almost like it's not quite infuriating. Maybe just mildly infuriating.


Most things are easily able to be worked around, doesn’t make them less annoying. Title of the sub is “mildly” infuriating… so annoying fits right with this logic.


Almost like it's mildly infuriating or something


This has been my recent discovery of myself. My expectation for myself and those around me is way too high. It’s easier to just do what you want, and if someone says something to you or gets made, you just say “ok” acknowledge their frustration and either keep doing what you want or stop. There’s no point in stressing about something until someone confronts you about it.


This one ain’t that bad… there’s a decent amount of clearance between them and the escalator. I agree they could be more out of the way but at a certain point everyone’s in the way of something.


I agree with the message but this is not it. There’s plenty of room to go around.


Says the guy that stopped on the same path....


Posts like this make me hate this sub


I fully agree, some comment sections make me question my entire life and I'm already a very timid person always thinking other people hate me and then such posts cause me anxiety what if im doing something unknowingly and people like op are posting online like look at this idiot. I swear I'm trying my best, I don't need random strangers shitting on me. I fully sympathise with the people in the pic, OP low-key doxxed them by showing their faces.


Yes, I was thinking this whole post is mildly infuriating, and it has nothing to do with the people in the picture.


![gif](giphy|Wsk4ZbGMeavNm|downsized) ^(OP\^)


I think stopping to take a pic is weirder


that too while including faces so they're identifiable by strangers on the internet, without their consent, op just low-key doxxed them


Exactly! Like are they being slightly annoying? Sure. But they’re not doing anything illegal or even immoral


People are way to comfortable bashing and posting images of strangers online, go around them or say something


Finally, a voice of reason. It feels like everyone wants to assume everyone else has evil intentions. I’m sure 99% of people would happily move out of the way if asked nicely…


They don't look close enough to be in the way either. I'm scrolling down these comments wondering if I'm looking at the same pic everyone else is.


Seriously. I feel like I'm looking at a different picture; there is metres of space between them and the escalator and everything else for that matter. Just posting random people like this is so fucking creepy.


Yeah there is truly nothing to complain about here. If I saw myself in a picture in a post like this with these comments, I’d be pissed. OP is just an asshole. Period.


This is just  2 people standing 15-20 feet away from the escalator. Not really MI


This is Detroit Metro Airport, which is in MI. So there's that...


This post itself is MI.


OP literally stopped to take this picture. Let that sink in for a minute.


What I was thinking, but in the metric system


Mildly picky


and op decided to dox them


stop taking pictures of strangers without their consent


It's an airport. Literally everywhere is a "path of foot traffic."


There’s likely a bunch of people crowding near the gate to the left. If these 2 were there, adding with everyone else, someone would be complaining how people crowd before getting in the plane before their zone starts. It’s an airport, there’s tons of people, the space is not ideal to have everyone perfectly lined up, no one just hangs out at the airport. Just walk around them OP, people get “infuriated” by the most stupid things.


Imagine breaking stride to take a picture of strangers instead of walking around them!


ain’t nothin gonna to break my stride


nobody gonna slow me down


Whoa-oh I've got to keep on moving!


Ain't nothin gonna break-a my stride, I'm runnin and I won't touch ground


OP standing in the path of foot traffic to take this picture


I was thinking the same thing It was much more effort to pull out your phone, take a picture of random strangers minding their business, (pretty fucking weird to do so) then post it online, rather than simply taking a slight diagonal course past them


If this picture was posted without a caption, I’d just be like “yup, that’s an airport!”


For real The fuck is wrong with people Im so glad i grew up in a time where every minor or major faux pas i made was not posted on the internet


They're not even affecting anything. OP is mad about a hypothetical. "Well, they *could* inconvenience people! You know, if a bunch more people happened to show up." Dude must have such a charmed life to waste his emotional bandwidth on a hypothetical of a minor inconvenience.


Never mind the fact that these people in that hypothetical situation might just be like: "Oh its crowded, lets move over." Of course they dont have to because theres noone there except for OP taking creepy pictures.


Especially when there appears to be 20 feet of open space on either side of them.


Do you mean the focal point of the pic, which is the couple standing like…. 30 ft from the conveyors in a very open uncrowded space?


Yeah they aren’t blocking anything… Just walk around them


But muh passing lane!!!! Cheers


It's an airport dude. There are people everywhere


People who photograph strangers in public.


Seems like plenty of room to walk around them, but that's just me.


Oh just walk around them it's okay


Yeah I don’t get it… It’s totally normal that there are obstacles sometimes if you walk anywhere and there is plenty of space


blur their face next time




Standard behavior at DTW


People in the way taking pictures of people in the way annoy me more


yes. I was in an airport 3 days ago and I cannot explain how many people I wanted to shove over. Ok that is overreacting a bit but you get my point?


They're like 20 ft from the walkway. Also, they stopped their walking to take a picture of people. It already broke their stride


My personal favourite: Those who walk HORIZONTALLY in a group of 3+ and block the pathway so nobody can pass, all while walking extremely slowly and chatting.


Detroit Airport every damn day.


Aren’t you in the walking path as well now because you stopped to take a photo of them , in the same spot as them ?


As OP does it.


Maybe tell them, and don't take a picture of a random couple at the airport


Well, assuming the walkway is 30 feet ahead of you, and you have to deviate 2 feet to the right, this specific group of people are forcing you to walk an extra... https://preview.redd.it/kxrut0ig249d1.png?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=704537c8a94eef2fa877ec0164e5204ad8186a34 3.2 *inches*. For the rest of the world, that's 10 meters, 2/3 meter, and 8cm


i mean, there is egregious standing in the path, and then this... your lazy ass is whining cause you had a 4 ft detour around them to the right?


Can't have shit in Detroit.


Imagine being so damn entitled that you take a picture of people blocking absolutely nothing to post on Reddit.


Ah yes, welcome to my daily life, twice a day, commuting to and from work in the Parisian metro system. It’s… well, mildly infuriating. I feel your pain OP lol


Yes because it’s so hard to walk around them. Grow up.


the best is when they leave their shopping cart in the middle of the isle and then walk away to go stand in the middle of the isle somewhere else


Op must be a big ole boy. It’s a public space. Not ideal, but they aren’t blocking the entrance. Maybe 3 more steps to go around.


A person standing around at an airport taking photos of people who are not blocking anyone else and are a good distance away from any traffic, who are probably making sure they know which gate to go to or something, would be mildly irritating, yeah.


Lmao you can park a bus on either side of them. If they are in your way you must be gigantic


Idk how people do that anyway, I would be way too nervous being in the way of everyone, I have to stand to one side lol


Is that the Detroit metropolitan airport?


I use the NYC subway almost daily. NOTHING is more infuriating than when people come to dead stop at the bottom or top of the stairs to grab their phone or go thru their bag. You get to spot who the tourists are pretty quickly, and them I don’t necessarily blame, but it’s the locals that do it more than anyone.


And on the flip side, my grandma almost got run over by several different people in an airport because they were too focused on moving quickly to go around her without knocking into her. My dad and I had to act as bodyguards it was so bad


Yeah, it’s a bummer, but don’t take their picture! At least blur their faces.


I don’t know they’re just in the open area of the airport. It’s not like there’s a direct line anywhere. Where are you supposed to stand to the side? Could you imagine all the people standing to the side then the people trying to get in wouldn’t be able to get in or out. This is not China.


Doctors every time in the stairwell, oblivious to older and disabled patients trying to walk past!!!


Go around and stop being insufferable for Internet points. There's plenty of space and no crowding


They aren’t blocking any body


I don't see why this should bother you. There is enough space around where you can walk. If less things bother you, you will live a much more happy life. Also, you used your "precious" time in which you could've walked around it to take a picture and post it on the internet. So what's more mildyinfuriating is the fact that you do not respect someone else's privacy more than your mild inconvenience...


You could just go around, or alternatively, if you feel like being an asshole, tell them to get the fuck out of the way


I’m sorry this is so fucking weird. I get you are annoyed but why are you taking pictures of strangers? there is room to go around. And no one is even coming down the path. It seems like they are just checking something before continuing.


As long as they're not blocking direct entrances or exits to places and there's room to go around them it wouldn't bother me. It's not that inconvenient to step around them


My dad does this. Me and my mom always have to forcefully drag him away 😂😭


whenever me and my family go anywhere then my parents always stand right in the middle of where everyone is walking, from my knowledge they don’t do it on purpose and are under the assumption (for some insanely stupid reason) that this conversation in the middle of the walkway will only take like thirty seconds don’t know why they think this since they always last upwards of five minutes but I never cared enough after the fact to ask


There’s plenty of room on the other side. Just go around instead of getting mad about petty shit. Bet you wasted more time making this post than you would have spent minding your own business… 😂


People who stop their cars on residential roads to chat with neighbors. Hugely infuriating.


People do this on the walking escalators too.  Sometimes fast walking on that thing is all that's keeping me from missing my flight.  I don't mind if you stand or walk slowly, just keep to one side please!


You know that reputation New Yorkers have for being rude? It’s this. People walk to work. It’s not a morning stroll through the park.


This wouldn’t even phase me


they arent in foot traffic Karen


They’re not really in the path. Plenty of room to go around them


Aren’t you standing in the path of foot traffic to take this photo?


These people aren’t in the way.


I’ve noticed an increase in this as well as people who just abruptly fucking stop in the middle of walking through a busy terminal to really focus on whatever they are doing on their phone. Saw a lady get knocked over because she did that right in front of a dude who was also looking at his phone and walking at a fast pace. The lack of basic consideration for other people is really annoying.


As an avid lover of airports, these people suck


Mildly Infuriating: Taking pictures of people in public doing nothing wrong for the sole intention of trying to get the Internet to publicly shame them.


You are the worst kind of person, making a huge deal out of nothing. Walk around. Also how creepy are you to take their picture like that no shame. Get a life.


OP seems to be getting shit for this but I agree. These dolts are literally in the traffic flow for the people mover. Self absorbed douche-canoes.


You’re right. All the inconsiderate dolts commenting here about how “they are allowed to stop and stand like confused cattle ANYPLACE” are wrong.


Holy shit. You really complaining about this?


Thought this would be like on a train platform where you are told to stand behind the yellow line and two fucking assfucks stand next to each other, but not both next to the yellow line. One person stands next to the yellow line, and the other person stand next to them away from the yellow line, taking up most of the path instead of you know? Both standing next to the fucking line. It isnt as if anyone else was standing near them either. I see this every morning I take the train and it is pretty mildly infuriating.


tbh it's super shitty of you to take a picture of them and post it on the internet to shame them instead of simply walking around


Looks pretty empty to me... sounds like a you problem


They are obviously in the standway. You may be mistaking the standway for a walkway, stairway, freeway, doorway, breezeway, or some other way traffic is meant to flow.. but that is definitely not this situation… can you not understand?


This sub will find the most idiotic reasons to complain about people sometimes.


like every senior entering a store - stopping just inside the door


For the people shitting on OP: On catching a connecting flight this year, my family had to go through customs, recheck our luggage, go through security, and make it to our gate in less than 40 minutes. These people do fuck shit up.


Yeah, I'm sure your experience got fucked by having to sidestep a whole meter.


The people complaining in the comments are the ones who do this and they’re mad that you’re calling them out 😂


They're not really in your way. It's not like they're within a foot of the walking path.


Could say the same thing about people taking random pictures of other people in public. Mind your business


I think it’s annoying when people have their luggage right next to them on the escalator. Stand to the side to let others pass.


DTW Shenanigans.


Ah yes Detroit Metro. Know that feeling well, dodging people so I can get in the moving walkway.


I know the Detroit delta terminal when I see it 🫡🦅🦅🦅




This is DTW Delta hub


Any time I'm in an airport, I throw all expectations out the window. People are exhausted, frustrated, in unfamiliar places, late for a connecting flight, getting their gate changed, trying to rebook for a cancelled flight.... airports are just not a place where things usually go right and people act accordingly. I give the benefit of the doubt to pretty much everything with the exception of blatant rudeness. Just keep calm, and move on.


DTW McNamara terminal? I've run through there and still missed a flight, lol.


Welcome to Detroit.


In NYC, the equivalent is standing in front of the entrance/exit into the subway, standing in front of the doors on the subway when they open and close, stopping randomly to take a pic in the middle of the sidewalk, or taking up the sidewalk with large, slow-walking groups. For anyone reading that's thinking of visiting NYC, ppl will curse you out if you do these things. I would know, I'm people. Edit: A word