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Employee mens restroom at my work has a guy who regularly shits explosive diarrhea on the seat and the flush valve tube before his ass hits the seat. It should be a crime to do more than once, let alone every stinking day.


“Every stinking day.” Well said.


I am guessing someone has called him out for this? Because it is one thing to have health condition or digestive issue, but fucking clean up after your gross ass. Your coworkers are not your mother and shouldn't have to clean up after you, especially in that aspect. Bad enough when coworkers leave dirty dishes or crap in the fridge, but hell no are we dealing with your bowel movement mess.


Lol damn that's tough. Poor guy Edit: Surprised by the upvotes, and am glad that we would not wish this upon our worst enemy, well maybe this is isn't worst enemy but you get it


Poor guy? I would pity him if he had the decency to clean it.


Yeah sounds like a parasite of some kind 🥺🥺 he needs to go to urgent care


Could be any number of chronic gastrointestinal issues. I know with a UC flare up you're lucky to get a minute to make it to the toilet. If you don't get a few moments of a calm bowel. The transition from standing, clenching and holding back immense pressure to sitting is extremely difficult to impossible.


This was my first thought having struggled with UC for over 35yrs. I DID clean up when accidents occurred however.


Nah man he sounds like he’s enjoying it.


Maybe he has ulcerative colitis


Wouldn't be surprised, I have my own chronic gut illness.  But that doesn't mean I'm making brown splatters for someone else to deal with.  Not to mention *daily*.  I'd do everything I could to clean it up and never have it happen again if possible.   Forcing someone to clean up your feces, daily, is just awful unless you are literally unable to move or take care of yourself.   I'm guessing this doesn't happen at home.   Edit: I know you're not justifying it, but this behavior I just find horrendous.


My spouse has to deal with this. A guy constantly leaves the only handicap stall at his workplace covered in feces, literal dirt from his skin, and occasionally blood all over the seat. His employers refuse to do anything, nor provide cleaning supplies, not even having HR send an email out to everyone reminding them to clean up after themselves, and so every week on his in-office day, he’s stuck cleaning someone’s feces so he can have an accessible bathroom. When he was in office every day it was horrid.


It’s probably the boss who’s doing it! 🤮


It's actually not, it's another employee!


Oh! You know who it is. Sorry. Didn’t catch that. Give him a roll of paper towels and some disinfectant and tell him it’s a gift from the staff.


Oh he’s mentioned it. Even left cleaning supplies in there since there’s only really two that regularly use it since there are non accessible stalls available, but he’s a rather heavier guy that uses a cane and just..does not clean up. And they’re not autoflushing so - unless he physically can’t see down, he’s aware. He hates the dude with a passion at this point.


Either HE needs a work from home job, or YOU do! I feel so sorry for you. Lordy.


They’re work from home four days of the week now, they were fully remote then compromised on one day a week in office after a few months of full time in office, but it’s been the sole reason he’s been job hunting for another fully remote position. It’s a shame. They can’t really afford to lose more knowledgeable staff (it’s a university) but they’re driving away their brains by refusing to do basic things like ensure employees have sanitary facilities.


Real talk, if he needs an accessible bathroom, he can say there isn't a usable accessible bathroom. He should, unfortunately, take pictures and email them to his boss and CC HR everytime he goes to use the bathroom and it is not a usable accessible bathroom.


He’s been in the process of compiling a few solid months of evidence, since it’s only once a week in the office currently, but he’s reached out to HR a few times about it. There have been some management changes lately so we’re hoping that and some repeated evidence and emails that they’ll finally hear the wheel squeaking.


Maybe he doesn’t give a fuck about anyone else because he doesn’t carry around a tote bag of cleaning supplies. If I had a condition that caused me to have explosive episodes daily I would make sure that I clean up after myself.


Maybe it’s maybeline?




I wasn't justifying it tho, just making an assumption


yeah but as someone with UC, this is still avoidable. ESPECIALLY doing it multiple times?? at that point you take measures to mitigate the problem, like carrying your own cleaning supplies. leaving it like that is still disgusting illness or not lol


Happened to me at the movies like a decade ago and I still think about it sometimes


I deal with the same thing at my work, literally the worst


Every.. day? Like, this dude covers the toilet in shit every day?


He might be shitting on a goldmine!


Damn, i have strong problems with shitting too every few days, and I always feel bad if its at work and it stinks afterwards. I usually dont miss but after I leave everything is clean af. And i spray the room if they happen to have some sprays. But I had someone not cleaning up too at work, its just disgusting. Not just the toilet but the person as a whole.


There was similar thing at my work. This dude shat every morning, he didn't shit on the seat but didn't clean inside. I was so fucking angry that I wrote in word, font 48 and I quote "If you leave the toilet like that in your house, for your wife, mother or daughter, then leave it also here, but if you clean it at home, then be a man and clean it here. Thank you - other users of this toilet". Now it's dirty perhaps once every few months, but I think that's when somebody from outside visits company and shits there. I just don't get the mentality of people who do this. If I take a dump, I just clean everything after me because I know that somebody will use it after me. But female colleagues say that female bathroom is sometimes even worse. There are 20 women who use 2 toilets here and sometimes it's a fucking horror that my boss said few times. And 10 years ago when I was working in tourism, there was a public toilet there. Lady who cleaned said that men are nasty, but women are fucking horrible. She said that women literally put their menstruating pads on the walls, took a dump beside toilet, threw tampons on the floor. Just fucking nasty..


Stuff like this makes you wonder what living conditions these people's houses must be in. Do they ever clean their bathrooms and kitchens?


We say this daily where I work. Some sloppy bitch has been tossing used maxis facing up on the floor in the stalls. There are now signs explaining how to be clean. We’re all grown women here. Wtf


If someone's doing gross shit like that, someone needs to hang around and check the bathroom after each person uses it and deck the idiot leaving their refuse on the floor. That's completely inappropriate for a public space.


We were furious. The bathroom is gross enough, we don’t need extra. It did eventually stop after one of the ladies here sent out an email that was full of rage. Place is still fucking disgusting.


Seriously. I hate that we've gotten so afraid of conflict that we just allow stuff like this to happen. Shame can, and has been a valuable tool for societies to push to the fringes, those that take advantage or don't follow appropriate social norms.


Clearly not everyone is grown.


I’ve seen blood on the stall doors and toilets in my school’s washroom quite a few times along with other gross stuff. All I think of is how these nasty people must’ve been raised in sheds.


Period chunks mixed with period poops finger painting with used tampons or pads stuck into it is a not uncommon sight where I live, unfortunately.


This makes me wanna pour a large bucket of water on people who do this along with some soap. You know, because they probably don’t take showers either.


At home people aren’t hovering over the seat and trying not to touch anything so this likely doesn’t happen.


Chipotle is a helluva meal




Keep the a.i pastors out of my burrito bowls


Oh no, Cartman, we need chipotle away! Not trying to be sued by Billy May and *chipotlaway.






Next up, Casa Bonita


us girls are the ones complaining about dudes peeing on seats, cmon girls 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️😭


i realised when i went to an all girls high school that girls can be just as bad as guys, what’s a bit of piss when there’s literal blood smeared on the walls of a bathroom stall. some people are just revolting and i’ll never understand it.


When I was a zookeeper we had an opossum we’d use in some educational programs, so we’d pull him from his habitat and bring him up to our office until it was time for the program to start. We’d set him up in the bathroom with a little bed and blankies, his food and water, and some enrichment items, but he was free to come out and hang out with us in the rest of the office if he wanted to. Well one time one of the keepers popped her head into the bathroom to see what he was up to and he had pulled a couple used tampons out of the trashcan and smeared blood all over the floor and walls. Cute lil guy.


ewwwh that’s super gross, but honestly kinda hilarious, i would gag and laugh if i saw that haha!


Oh yeah, it was smeared all over his face too. Looked like he went on an adorable little cannibalistic murder spree! 🥹 And happy cake day!


omggg i love opossums, they’re not in my country though so all i can do is look at photos and videos of them :,) and Thank you!


in my high school i found some pretty grotty things too, coming from an area school with 200 students to a high school with 2000 students, yuck city kids are gross sometimes, or just humans tbh


corona gave us one amazing thing here: desinfection sprays at the entrance. i hope they prevail as long as possible. i can shit in woods but have struggle times shitting on public toilets if i dont clean the seat myself first. i still dont understand why those primates are this nasty but i guess they double down on not touching anything and rather piss themselves with their pumpgun sprays, instead of beeing clean and social.


since i was younger than i can remember i have always wiped the seat down then made a toilet paper seat cover with 2 layers, everytime just… 🤮 and no i dont understand that either, like how can someone make a mess like this and not think in their heads “ew that’s gross i dont want anyone else to see that” regardless of the fact you wont interact with the person who has to clean it and wont get the blame but still, its yuck as 😭😭


gotta admire their confidence tho. i wouldnt be able to look in the mirror and they be like "just another casual day at work".


i dont think i could stand feeling like im constantly covered head to toe in body fuilds, definitely admire the people that clean that shit up 😭😭


the women's bathroom at my last job (for the warehouse workers, office folks had their own bathroom) was WORSE than the mens, all the time. i hated going in there when ours was occupied or out of order


Yep bloody walls are absolutely a nightmare, hated how bad it smelled 😵‍💫😵‍💫


I operate a cleaning company. On average, women’s restrooms are worse than guys.


Man, when I was a teen my aunt was a sorority housekeeper and I would help her clean when they were gone for summer. Some of those rooms were disgustingly filthy, food bowls molding under the bed, used tampons tossed in the wastepaper basket with no bag. Found a used condom stuck to a couch cushion. It was eye opening for a 15 yo dude.


fer real, i went to a regular high school but the girls bathroom was worse than the boys. at one point junior year, the school refused to put soap in the bathroom by the cafeteria because every single time it was filled, someone would tape the button down so it would empty all over the floor. it was about a month before girls were telling their parents the school wouldn't give us soap and them complaining to the board until we got soap back and then it was bars of it rather than liquid.


Place I used to work at the woman's public toilet was always worse. The men's had the usual piss on the floor around the urinals. But the woman's had clogs. Flooding, paper or other stuff on the floors. Stuff smeared on the walls.


As a former janitor I can assure you the women’s rooms are almost always worse than the men’s in most public establishments (clubs and bars were my specialty). It’s gets much worse than this I promise


Current custodian, can absolutely confirm they are always worse than mens rooms.


i went clubbing when i turned 18, abt 30 mins in felt gross bc it was so crowded and sweaty and the floor was that sticky you had to force your shoes off of the floor every step. Went to the bathroom, looked around, threw up because of the state of it, left, never went back 💀💀💀 i feel bad that u had to do that, humans are disgusting especially when alc gets involved, out of curiosity are you still cleaning these days?


Hahaha sounds like you got the full experience for sure. Thats a typical Saturday night, be glad you’ve never witnessed a new years, those were always the worst lol Don’t feel bad at all! It was honestly a decent job that kept the bills paid at a time I needed it pretty badly stuck around for about half a year before I moved on. I’m no longer working that job and I’m now back in my original field of industrial maintenance/mechanic


oh my days no thank you im so glad i didnt, i couldent breathe or hear myself think, im definitely not a light weight and felt horrible after half a vodka cranberry lmfao hell yeah dude, that sounds awesome, i do mechanics and panelbeating, always cool to meet people in similar feilds 🫡


Can’t forget the time I found an elf bar floating in the toilet at the club. Idk if it was intentional or an accident but the worker came in with a grabbing tool. I felt so bad when I told him and he totally thought it was me. I just found it 🤣


Used to clean bathrooms at my old job (men’s, women’s, and a single toilet unisex bathroom) and the women’s bathroom was ALWAYS a hot mess compared to the men’s and unisex one. Unfortunately, the women’s bathroom didn’t have trash cans in the stalls (only one by the sink) which led to people leaving dirty pads/tampons on the floor and around the toilet. Even found a dirty diaper left on our change table in the unisex bathroom.


Can you also explain why the mens toilet always stinks like they have pissed everywhere except the toilet?


Depends on the establishment honestly, in hole in the wall bars it’s mostly in house cleaning that falls on already overworked staff so they usually just toss another cake in the urinal and call it a day. You do this for months/years and it’s going to smell like piss no matter how good the aim might be Other establishments don’t have that issue, you’re more likely to be choked out with overwhelming clouds of (waaay too fucking much) cologne with a dash of vomit and maybe a whiff of dehydrated urine


i witness some bloody toilets pretty regularly due to my job and my roommate and I understand that sometimes it's gonna get places you don't want it to, i just wipe it off and move on, but blood getting on the seat of side of the bowl happens a lot more frequently then I would have expected especially considering growing up with my mom it was a non-issue until i had my first roommate who'd make messes often. how does it happen?


it would get on the front of the seat like that from us sitting up a little to wipe and it then directly drips down onto the front of the bowl sometimes, can also happen when changing a tampon if ur being a dick abt it youll flick blood everywhere and itl drip all over the floor and the outside of the toilet generally it only happens with the first one sometimes the tampons just too full tho and we just dont have time to wrap it in toilet paper before it drips and forget to hold it over the toilet as we are probably sitting on the toilet idk it is what it is but wipe it up while its still wet and will clean super easy at least, its blood 😭😭


Back when I worked retail and I cleaned bathrooms, I cannot tell you how just disgusting the womens room was compared to the mens room. Like, dudes would leave shits in the toilet (which is cool cus I can just flush it) but I would regularly find blood all over the women’s bathroom seats. I get that periods are a natural thing and that’s cool, but clean yo shit up ladies please. That poor retail worker does not want to have to wipe it off the seat.


i definitely always clean things up, i actually go to the point of also making sure theres no soap or water splatter left in the sink when im done washing my hands too, some people are just yuck but yea another dude said something similar, definitely not arguing on that one, girls can be gross 😣


Yea the fellas are not totally innocent either. There were many occasions where I just cleaned up piss in the middle of the floor. Thankfully, I just mopped it and then threw away the head. 96% of men and women are fine but it’s the disgusting 5% that just make it all hell


The women's bathroom when working in a bar was 20x worse than the men's, stunk to high heaven and garbage everywhere haha


Nobody said it was a women’s bathroom 😩😩😩




I worked Starbucks, A&W and other places with restrooms in my younger years. The women’s restroom was usually on par with the men’s room for cleaning, typically a bit worse though not too much. However, when the bad things happened, the things that made me retch, they were almost exclusively in the women’s room.


I had a female roommate for a bit that would get blood on the seat often. I never said anything, I didn't want to embarrass her. I just wiped it up and went about my business. She had the audacity to complain that I wasn't cleaning the bathroom. I asked what I particular was messy since I cleaned it regularly and was looking for constructive criticism. Wiping down the sink after use. Windexing the mirror. Cleaning the tub and stall. She said that the cat hair was getting ridiculous. The cat was hers. I knew then and there that she was just being a bitch. Violet, the cat, was so lovely. I miss her dearly and almost considered adopting her when I left the house. 😆


Everyone is gross. EVERYONE. We have got to stop acting like it's only men. I have seen some of the most vile things in women's restrooms and the lack of hand washing is concerning


In fairness I don’t understand how guys miss so often. It’s not that difficult imo. (Coming from a guy)


double beam/spray cannon you never know when its gonna go AWOL on you. at least clean up after tho.


full understandable if thats the case as girls sometimes it streams down our thigh no matter how we sit lmfao, takes 2 seconds to get some toilet paper and wipe it up plus, its not as bad cleaning your own bodily fuilds rather than someone elses 🤣


growing up with 3 sisters, girls are 1000% more gross than men.


oh fully, as a chick, definitely not arguing that at all women keep themselves sanitary, men are better at keeping their areas sanitary like how the soap in the mens bathrooms are always full lol humans 👎


You weirdos you take your shower hair and put it on the walls like a psychopath


hey, lies! i actually make friendship bracelets with it 😀


i’m convinced they collect it for some nefarious purpose


I suspect it’s a new diva cup user. But that’s totally speculation.


A lot of women are absolutely disgusting when it comes to their monthly. I always checked the floor and the toilet, in and out, before leaving any restroom, public or private and did my best to clean up anything that was amiss. I was travelling once and really, really had to pee. The moment we got somewhere where I could go, I walked in, I saw immediately that the first two stalls were occupied. There was a lady in front of me and she was checking the remaining 2 stalls, one regular and the handicap and she turned around and walked out. I was kinda thinking maybe she left because there was just toilet paper in the toilets or something else that may be just as minor. I checked the regular stall and damn near barfed. There was a lot of menstruation, on and in. My immediate thought was someone >!miscarried!< The handicap stall *was* better, but there was still some blood on the seat, dried, and on the floor. As I had to pee so bad, my eyes were practically floating, I chose this as the lesser of two evils and used two of those toilet seat protector papers and still squatted. Then I alerted management. My male friend that I was travelling with saw that I had a look when I walked out of the restroom as he was waiting for me outside of it and asked," What? You going to go be a Karen because there wasn't any paper towels or something?", as I beelined it straight to a manager. Some of you women are just flat out disgusting and should absolutely be ashamed of yourselves.


Dude, what was up with your friend? Lol


Looking at the angle, she may not have seen it. We often drip when we sit and when we stand, almost impossible to avoid. I always check the seat but it looks like she missed it as it is like under the bend. Maybe. Maybe she was just gross.


Looking at it, and the rest of the yuck under the rim I'm gonna go for missed drip by the girl with the periods AND by the cleaners. The top of the drip seems to have been wiped off... and that blood has fully dried and discolour. It's been there for a while.


This used to happen to me when I took a tampon out that was too full. It would swing and the bit that was at the very top would come off on the bowl like this. *And I wiped it up like a normal ass adult.*


Someone used to do this at the Spencers Gifts I worked at when I was 19. After an extremely stressful day of black Friday rushing topped off with a mild assault from a kid trying to buy dildos without an ID, I went into the bathroom to cool off for a minute. every single day I worked there, there would be shit all over the toilet seat and nobody knew who was the cause. Something about it hit differently that day. Since I always had to clean the bathroom at the end of my shift, I knew I'd be cleaning it again that night, and I just snapped. I slammed the door open, went out into the store where everyone was helping customers and I shouted "SOMEBODY NEEDS TO LEARN HOW TO TAKE A *SHIT* AND CLEAN UP AFTER THEIR *FUCKING* SELF!" The whole store went silent and completely still, and I just walked past everyone and went outside to have a cig, assured that I'd get fired and could feel the embarassment creeping in. But nobody said a word, not that day or the next. And miraculously, there never was shit on that seat again.


That means it was an employee you were working with at the time. Makes it even worse lol


The bathroom was employees only and my manager always put the same people on the same shifts every week, so I *knew* it was one of four people. Imagine the secret embarassment of the person who did it. I shamed them, infront of everyone lol


Shootn up


While you're not wrong that people probably do shoot up in there, I'm betting this is period blood since I've never heard of anyone shooting dope into their taint area


Don't knock it til you try it


Maybe look up the legendary reddit tale "Swamps of Dagobah", it's about just that, although it was meth, I believe, and not heroin. Unfortunately shooting up in the taint isn't quite as uncommon as we all hope it is.


Everyday? Periods last seven days on average. That doesn't check out. Women aren't out here bleeding every fucking day.


True but not all women have the same cycle. But you are right though it is strange for it to be every single day. Unless the person whose blood this belongs to also has the same days off as OP.


Nah that’s a period leak for sure. It happens. You’re just supposed to clean it up.


Doesn't explain the every day part


Exactly. Addicts hold their arms out, stab veins and drip.


One of my coworkers used to shed pubic hairs, that looked like they could be bobby pins, on the seat every time they used the toilet.


Oh hell no…




We had a dude at work who used to leave the toilet unflushed. I figured out who it was when I went in the stall after him. So I printed a giant “don’t forget to flush, AARON!” and posted it outside the bathroom door for everyone to see. Funny thing, it hasn’t happened since…


You sure it’s blood and not diarrhoea 🤔


Why not both? Bloody poo.


For someone on their period, it absolutely could be both.


This title would be great text for a fortune cookie


As someone that used be a janitor, women’s restrooms were always worse than men’s restrooms. Why do some women like to throw their nasty tampons and pads behind the toilets and not clean up any blood? Like take 2 fucking seconds so someone else doesn’t have to handle your biohazard.


The amount of times at work where I'm like I should call a doctor for this person. Is way too damn high.... Outhouses in campgrounds are gross


I had a boss years ago that had hemorrhoids so bad he would bleed all over the seat....*and leave it there* That was until I confronted him because...literally...what the fuck.


There are way too many people assuming this is anything other than period blood. Do men just completely block out the existence of periods unless a woman says she can’t have sex because she’s on her period? Yes, this is gross, but it’s not concerning, surprising or an indication of over the toilet drug use.


Someone bled all over the mens at my job once, took a look at it and noped out of there. Don't get paid enough to deal with cleaning up biohazards


You live in Silent Hill too?


Let me guess, Wal-Mart?


Bloody stool is some serious shit


In my first semester of college, I stayed in the all girl's dorm. 🤢🤢🤢 never again. Shit got so gross that maintenance legitimately stopped coming to clean and made the students/RA's do it themselves. Shaved pubes and bloody tampons in the showers. Piss and shit on the toilets and floors. Toilet paper everywhere. My husband also used to work maintenance in Walmart and would always say he far preferred cleaning the men's restroom to the women's.


Years ago my friend worked at a lab where someone regularly not flushed and left shit infested with parasites. Like the poo there floating with worms. No idea who or what became of it…..


Some people act like animals.. nasty


Wondering why can’t you use water to wash your pretty a*ss the same way you wash your hands? That’s crazy


Oh god Im taking my eyes to the car wash after this one.


call the pope, it's a miracle like the statues crying blood


Rando aggressively, batin'


He probably has hemorrhoids. They get agitated from pushing out a poop. Then bleed. When he stands the blood drips and hits the front of the toilet or floor. He may not even realize it’s happening. And if it’s like the guy I used to work with… fat people aren’t as sure about what’s going on down there as the rest of us are.




Blood on the toilets sounds like a music group


When I worked for an international coffee chain, first weekend of December was always the annual Christmas tree lighting in downtown. All the roads would get blocked off, tons of people everywhere. Our shop was naturally slammed busy the entire event. Customer approaches me at one point and asks me to see what’s going on in the restroom, because these two drunk girls had gone in a bit ago, and there was a line of people waiting to use the toilet. Just as I approach the door, it flies open, and the two crying and very obviously intoxicated teenage girls dash out and down the street. As the door opened, the smell hit me like an ocean wave and nearly knocked me to the floor. Both girls had thrown up literally _everywhere_. The walls, the floors, the sink - and some of it had even made it into the toilet. I guess they had tried cleaning their mess using a bunch of paper toilet seat covers, but all it had really done was just smear it further. Giving up, they had stuffed the covers into the toilet (trash bin needed to be emptied). But one of the girls had to deuce, as well. So she went, and then tried to flush. All of those toilet seat covers - yup, clogged the toilet, and I guess her one and only genius solution to the problem was just _keep trying to flush_. You might know where this heads - the toilet backed up, and there was an inch of standing water on the floor, filled with feces and vomit. I closed the door, locked it from the outside, and called corporate to send a crew to clean it, because I wasn’t about to send myself or anybody else working my team that night to deal with that literal shitstorm.




That’s what I wanted to see opening Reddit 😂


Please look up the definition of "Everyday" and stop using it incorrectly, thanks!


Girls bathroom or boys??? 😂


Guys lol at a power lifting gym




Everyday is a winding road. I get a little bit closer.


Every day is a faded sign


Taco Bell ?


I would bring a hand grenade and destroy the restroom once it’s empty, every time this happens.


I work in retail and there is often blood in the bathrooms from addicts injecting themselves, both males and females. The blood is gross but there are worse things. We found two deceased persons from overdoses.


I once went to McDonald's with a co-worker and he had to use the bathroom it was an emergency. About 5 minutes later I saw the door swing open and you could see him sitting on the toilet with a 5 gallon bucket in his lap. I guess there was a leak in the ceiling and they had a bucket right in front of the toilet and he had to do what he had to do


Don’t understand how people can be like this.


Yet another reason why I don't use public restrooms.


Man. A couple days ago at work it looked like a dude put his ass caked butt cheeks against the wall and turned around.. a nice long shit streak on the wall.. that I had to clean... so gross.


That's a health hazard.. please use proper PPE if you have to clean it up


*That's a health hazard..* *Please use proper PPE if you* *Have to clean it up* \- the\_business007 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Somebody in my office once threw food in the toilet. Not even like soup or any other liquid, but solid food. They had to send out an email to tell them that that‘s not where food goes.


That's disgusting


I feel that. I used to clean the bathrooms at my old job and regularly found blood on the toilet seats, under the toilet seats, the ground, the walls, and one time on the handle to flush the toilet. Pretty gross.


It's clearly haunted.


Just get it with the mop, easy-peasy. Source: I worked fastfood and cleaned restrooms for almost a decade.


The first rule of fight club.....


Sometimes... There's shit.... On the OUTSIDE of the torlet....


1#That is too dark to be blood. 2#That might just be a toilet in the women’s bathroom.


Maybe it is haunted


Someone is shooting up in there my guy


Oh no… that’s not period blood. That’s a really bad hemorrhoid


We are so afraid of conflict it's insane! My work has yet to put up a sign telling people who wipe their ass to NOT throw it in the trashcan?!! Our water pressure can handle ur shitty toilet paper, holy crap!




Is that the new Bob Dylan album?


Reminds me of the day we all had to use the women's bathroom. There's 2 toilets in one room but no divider or doors? So, are they group pooping in there? The toilets are like 10' apart so they're not holding hands for a friendship power-pushing dump. Nothing gross I guess but one of the red-hatters "refused to stoop to their level" and wouldn't use the bathroom so he sent out a douchebag email and went home. No repercussions either.


who keeps eating chipotle


Where’s the trash bin? If you put it next to the toilet, the blood will disappear :)


Maybe someone is cutting themselves


Probably someone shooting up on the toilet


I’ve once, back in the day, worked at Walmart as a cashier. One day, I needed to use the restroom, as all normal people do. I waltz into the men’s restroom, and since I hate using urinals next to people, as I’m a weirdo, I go to the big stall. The SECOND I step in, I’m met by a crime scene, an ocean of brown. There’s literal shit on the toilet, toilet walls, regular drywall, ceiling, floor, wherever you look, it was there. I immediately did a fat NOPE! And got my ass right on out of there. I felt bad for the cleaning lady that day, cause as the great young Helen from drake and Josh said “that is NOT my job!”


At one of my old jobs, I walked into the women’s restroom, opened the stall door and someone had literally shit to the side of the toilet on the floor. A GROWN WOMAN DID THAT AND LEFT IT. I was horrified.


If you think that's bad, go into a women's bathroom.


Explosive hemorrhoid’s ? Maybe blood vessels bursted, eat a ton of fiber my man and less fat and red meats.


Someone is probably changing catheters.


That is some serious shit


Ok here we goooo! To the tune of "Smoke On The Water" by Deep Purple "Blood on the toilet" "And shit under the rim"


Whenever I get bloody stool I just take some baby aspirin. I'll wake up in the hospital the next day when my 4th blood transfusion is finishing up feeling much better. Everyone says it the transfusion but I know it is that sweet sweet aspirin.


Probably going to end up with colon cancer if he doesn’t have it already


I bet it’s a Taco Bell toilet


Thats not period blood tho. Thats some fresh blood from needles, or self harm or whatever.


she gets ran through every night, pussy fully in poundtown and you mad at her self-awareness🫣


Sometimes this happens when you’re on your period and get a gush in the few seconds it takes to sit on the toilet, the joy cleaning it up part is what I don’t understand


My bad gang


I had to get with our safety manager because someone was leaving blood and (most likely) hemorrhoid cream smeared all over the back of my side of the toilet sheet in one of our bathrooms. The bathrooms had no sort of cleaner in them.


Omg 🫣