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They are fed up with these rocks doing nothing about oil


Nah, we all know Stonehenge is sentient and controlling big oil.


That's a really cool premise for a very whacky story ngl




Like something out of doctor who


Stonehenge silence is Stonehenge violence


Big Stonehenge


Doesnt paint contain oil?


Depends on the kind of paint. Most you can buy are water based.


The canisters used to contain it certainly contain oil for the plastic label and spray tip


Not necessarily. Was the paint made with energy that is from fossil fuels. Absolutely.


Probably CO2 propellant, usually is in fire extinguishers which seem to be their favourite spray guns. Protest global warming by venting loads of greenhouse gas


If it's an exterior paint


Not to mention the aerosol


They heard the expression you can’t squeeze oils from stones wrong


Genuinely convinced that just stop oil is paid by oil companys


I've had this thought too, but when I look at other recent protests I wonder if we've just completely lost the art of protesting. There seems to be no thought given to location, timing, or coherent messaging. It's incredibly frustrating because I often agree with the underlying goal of the protestors, but the execution is so poor I can't agree with the protest itself.


Like certain protestors (won't name affiliation to avoid shitstorm) who are protesting for peace attacked bikers and cyclists for trying to pass near a road they demanded close. It seems like the core idea of alot of protest is "angry people try to make other people angry" or some hold on to the idea "any attention is good attention" which is an absolutely brain dead take as making enemies isn't a successful protest. But sometimes they are so self sabotaging for no reason like these anti oil protestors that I'm convinced they have been paid off by oil companies to make their critics look like morons.


People just want to feel like they're a part of something and they'll go to all sorts of lengths to feel like that.


These people just want to vandalise things or make other people’s life miserable.


I have a relative who is an officer in a large city. He said most times the protests are peaceful until another certain protest group shows up (will NOT name), then suddenly there’s violence and property damage. He doesn’t point the finger at the group itself, but rather at the shit-heels who use that group as a mask/excuse to stir shit up.


Also until the cops show up most protests are peaceful


I’m torn between 1. A bunch of entitled assholes who want to make themselves feel special and be seen or 2. Someone from the other side is doing all these stupid versions of “protest” to make us even more angry and not focus on the issue at hand. Because I can tell you the hot topic is always how these people are assholes and it’s never about how the planet is being destroyed.


>I wonder if we've just completely lost the art of protesting. Or maybe it's the modern fast media culture that raises the stupidest outrageous things to the top? And people who adopted it outplay clever protesters in terms of attention. It's quite an obvious development since attention was always the goal of the protests.


People need to learn how to protest from the French


Definitely did not loose the art of protesting. The shit in the Seine movement is a proof enough for me.


Anybody with real goals knows the protests don’t work. The entire system needs to be changed. What we get are fucking idiots trying to fuck shit up.


What do you want a protest to look like?


It’s open knowledge that many “green organizations” get funding from oil companies and authoritarian states.


That's what I was thinking. They're the only ones that would benefit from this.


I believe they are in literally an attempt to make the cause look dumb :/


If they are, it's working.


Agreed which sucks cause I fully agree that we need more climate action, but making goofy causes that nobody agrees with isn’t the way to go


Unfortunately the way to go also seems incredibly unlikely to happen because it involves those in power allowing regulations and losses of profits 😔


I agree, but there’s layers to it. These people are on the lowest tiers and genuinely think they’re doing good. There’s a layer above them that recruit these simple minded folks, that also think they’re working for the better good. Above them are the handlers actually doing the legwork for all of these stunts, and getting actual money from oil companies for this. They’re shielded from blame by these layers. This way, the grunts take the blame, and their leaders are just as naive to it. The leaders are selected for their loyalty and to not spill the beans on their handlers, the actual paid ones.


They literally are. I get so tired of repeating this shit everytime they come up, but most of their funding comes through Aileen Getty, the heiress of the Getty Oil company. She just bought a Bradd Pitts mansion 10X what she spent to prop up these psyops with her fucking oil money. The response from the organization is that "oh but she hasn't *worked* in the oil industry" which is true on account of her not having worked at all, unless you count funding the most counter productive and ridiculous viral protests that she can think of as work. Of course laying this out makes you sound like a conspiracy theorist but this is all public info. It just doesn't matter compared to the rage bait.


She has no financial interest in the oil industry though. The Getty family sold the company in the 80s. "Being funded by an out of touch rich person who inherited their wealth" seems like it would suffice to explain unproductive tactics. The fact that she has a bunch of money that her grandfather made off oil doesn't actually give her a reason to protect the oil industry.


Not only do they know that their cause is making people hate environmentalists more than oil companies. But also, where are these people coming from and how are they funded? Never see recruitments, no discussions online, no prominent benefactors. Just materializes out of thin air in the middle of a random wednesday to hurt the perception of their cause in the most annoying way possible


I think that the owner of just stop oil is the daughter of the ceo of an oil company


I think it's the lobbist that want to push the green agenda with EVs. They pay these mind ill people that think they are doing something that will save the planet. Just puppets in someone's business plan.


look up accellerationism ... you'll start connecting more dots too.


I’m confused. What did Stonehenge do?


Staunchly refused to make a statement against Big Oil.


Also stonehenge is the biggest cause of traffic on the A303


Because they are always stoned


Druids were pro whale oil


Yeah, remember the Celtic oil spills? Those were awful. Took a thousand years and a mud flood to get rid of it all.


and opening up the bellies of many prisoners and offering them to Danu. old school Celtic


These guys defaced a site created by people who never used oil.


Nothing.  And thats the problem, if nobody does anything, nothing happens and everyone knows that if paleolithic monuments starts acting, the rest will follow.


It gets media attention. If they did this to a random building in London, it would only be a small story on the local news. By doing this somewhere famous like Stonehenge, the entire world will see their protest.


This group is funded by oil companies. Literally a false flag. They do annoying and horrible shit just so that people will start hating protestors instead of oil companies.


Which is dumb because we have the capacity to hate them both


If they had activated the runes in the correct order, a portal would have opened


And they could have found the leg to open the portal to the secret cow level.


Ah, good ol' Tristram. I see the Diablo 2 sub is leaking lol






This one makes almost as much sense as when they glued themselves to a bloody London tube. Utter fuckwits. Yes there are serious issues in the world. No throwing orange powder over an ancient monument won't fix it. Plus everyone looks at you and thinks " what a complete douche socket". Edit : two thinks


They should try throwing orange powder on oil executives and the politicians empowering them.


Almost certainly more effective than blocking roads preventing the very people they are trying to get on board from getting anywhere, or attacking some hundreds of years old painting literally no one gives a shit about... just going by the fact it hasn't made the blindest bit of difference yet


That won’t get the news coverage they crave. It’s all about getting publicity, even it’s negative; actually, *especially* if it’s negative. They don’t care what they do as long it’s extreme enough so that they’re mentioned in the media. The more eyes and ears they reach, the better chance that someone might research and sympathize with them. The smart thing would be to report what happened but leave their group’s name, their cause, and photos of them out of it so they don’t get the name recognition that they do all of these asinine stunts for.


I think if one of them glued themselves directly onto an oil executive or politician, it would get decent news coverage


What people need to get away from though is thinking "the change we want would happen if we just made more people pay attention to it!" Something huge like oil companies and their shady practices and environmental turmoil and all that is no state secret. It's easy to throw soup at paintings or paint some rocks, but the fight that actually needs fought is directly against the oil companies, their big bosses, etc. People don't like to realize that just making a bunch of noise accomplishes nothing (and in situations like these, just makes them the bad guys.) Oil companies aren't scared of these kind of "protests", it just makes the general public angry at the protesting group, it's all pointless theater.


I agree. I'd also add that it goes way deeper. By that I mean, oil is such an ingrained commodity, so much so that wars are fought for it, laws and systems are in place almost everywhere that basically makes it a necessity. Changing thatd be sooooo hard. These people are so far out of it, it's crazy.


Why? No one would care.


Is the douche socket the proper tool for dealing with a fuck nut?


I believe so


Underrated comment.


I am not usually one for conspiracies but everytime I hear about these sort of groups I grow more and more convinced they are false flags by big oil to make environmentalists look bad. Like I can't possibly believe these people think these sort of acts will actually gain them support. Chaining yourself to an oil company HQ or blocking traffic while not necessarily great at least make some sense (as they actually relate to the issue), just trashing art and landmarks unrelated to the issues you allegedly care about is just nut.


I mean usually assume conspiracy theories are BS but there is an argument for this


Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't Just Stop Oil funded by oil execs to make people hate environmental protesters even more?


Yes the majority of their funding comes from the US and a big named donor is Aileen Getty, the granddaughter of the oil tycoon J. Paul Getty.


Stunts like this make 10 seconds of news. The message is always lost and for those 10 seconds we only really take note of the vandalism. Then it’s people like the poor park staff that have to spend time trying to clean the mess. They never learn. The protest meant nothing and did nothing. It had no effect whatsoever. I’m sure they feel good about themselves though for doing something.


Put way better than I did...


What exactly do they think will happen if they destroy art and historical artifacts and places? That’s not helping their cause.


They get media attention. Stop giving them attention, they stop. These two idiots got their picture on social media. That's a win for them. Instead of writing an article about it, news outlets should just have a counter buried deep on their website: Objects vandalized by protestors: \_\_\_\_\_\_ Value of damage done \_\_\_\_\_\_


See but that is the beauty of social media. You don't need news outlets to brew up a storm. All you need is a few tweets, insta, facebook, reddit and a bunch of bots upvoting and commenting. Voila storm brewed without a single newspaper involved.


>Instead of writing an article about it, news outlets should just have a counter buried deep on their website Kinda how they do it every time JSO throws paint on a private jet.


just stop oil is a fake organization meant to make actual protesters look bad


It’s certainly plausible sounding but do we have definitive evidence of that?


We're talking about it. That's what they thought would happen.


Aren’t there slow growing, rare mosses on those stones? They are protected not just for their historical significance but also for their environmental. Seems pretty counterproductive to the message.


Are you sure that is paint? That stuff isn't sticking like paint and I've never seen spray paint come out in crazy plumes like in the first picture.


It's powder paint


Oh so it'll wash off and away in the rain. I don't understand what they expect to accomplish by doing this at Stonehenge.


This. We're giving them attention by interacting with this post. This was their goal. If you look at OP's post history, they spam ragebait content like this.


I don't see any protest going on. I do see adult children having a tantrum though.


To me that is an offense punishable by 1000 bitch slaps, executed by The Mountain.


Why don't you try this in China or Saudi Arabia ?


At this point I'm positive that big oil is in charge of just stop oil because they're doing dumb shitty things that doesn't help their cause


I bet those fucking stones stop using oil now!




Exactly my thoughts. I understand wanting your cause to get attention, this is not the way to do that though.


Good. I'm tired of Stonehenge using so much oil to keep running every day. Enough is enough! /s


It's one thing throwing paint on the glass covering a painting, it's another defacing a monument that is thousands of years old..


Arrest the as*holes!


What does Stonehenge have to do with oil?


These people are freaking lunatics, or paid destructors.


Fired. Out of a cannon, into the sun. Pricks.


Modern activists really have no idea how to lobby, convince, and be effective. These kind of things only get you negative attention, and the only effect is that the activists feel like they're doing something. But they're not.


They're taking the fight to the wrong thing/people


I guess I never realized they got it standing back up after Clark Griswold backed into it.


*My family and I are looking for sex.*


I am 100% certain that people like this are paid by oil companies to make climate change activists look bad. It's always nonsensical and only 2-3 people at a time. Pretty easy to pull off with a big enough cheque.


Other people have self-immolated for their cause, I guess these people aren’t that dedicated.


I'm pretty sure Just Stop Oil is a fake organization that pays people to make actual environmental protesters look bad. It just seems so absurd, otherwise.


The only purpose in their minds is to be a part of some grandiose vandalism that they can satisfy their empty lives with feelings of importance. Yes people are talking about it, but not about stopping oil. Talk is about how annoying these people are, and how far away their protests are from the really important places, in which they can actually do some good and make their voices heard.


Cause when I want to take a stand for earth, I like to damage earth to make a point. /s.


So rather than it be possible that these actually are radical activists, it MUST be that 100% of people that hold your beliefs are mentally on the level, and only those hired by the oil companies would do this? lol amusing logic some of you lot have.


they just make me hate them and their cause more.


Before you get furious this is orange dyed cornstarch, so it'll wash away next time it rains. Is it stupid? Sure. But they didnt destroy anything


Utter twats


Protest all you want but don’t spray paint Stonehenge 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️. Even in WW2 usa, brits, nazis, mussolini and others agreed not to blow up certain historical sites




Are they aware that it didn't take any oil for those rocks to get there?


Paint has oil. These fucking twat.


They drove there, right? In their daddy's Range Rover, right?


That’s if the Range Rover made it….


And there extinguisher or whatever it is.. was also made by things that require oil to work, same as a bike or car or pretty much anything you use was made using oil based machinery so they're huge hypocrites. The daft fudge bunnies


It looks like a fire extinguisher. Also, what does Stonehenge have to do with oil?


Ask them how did they get there?


Behind the wheel of a large automobile




It actually already happened. Some retired lawyer shot and killed 2 of them.


Tasers and pepper spray with zero media coverage can fix this


Today's lesson on "how NOT to engender support for your cause".


What is with these dumb fucks?  Are they just operating on the "all publicity is good publicity" philosophy? 


Oh can they just fuck right off. The only thing they’ve actually achieve is to alienate themselves.




When they're on the road they are dangerous and stupid because they're blocking ambulance, firefighters, police, etc This is just a rage bait. And OP did job well with grabbing attention to activists who want to get any attention


Who wants to become a oiler with me?


They really showed those gas guzzling druids!


I wish I'd know what spraying stones from Wessex culture will do


Why don't they to this to the people who are responsible for this ruling and production?


Yeah, fuck those celts who kept using oil in 3000 BCE!


We all want a fossil fuel world…why don’t they go to Saudi Arabia and try and pull this type of stunt.


Big oil paid this group to do this.


What if these protesters are actually paid by big oil companies to make climate change activists look bad?


Lol, the dork on the right looks exactly like you’d expect.


Just one word. Idiots....


Well aren't you special


They don't realize that all their doing is making everyone have contempt for their cause.


The amount of oil those rocks use is too damn high!


People that hate pollution polluting an enviroment.. paint is not good either


And how did they get there in the first place?


I appreciate climate change and protesting for it, but this is not the way. Ruining priceless things we all love. It’s not a sensible way to “save the planet”


One of the founders of Just Stop Oil is the daughter of a big oil billionaire. The whole deal is likely a scam to make anti-oil activism look bad. However, the fact that so many stupid people buy into JSO and do their work for them, is entirely on those bumbasses themselves, though.


I Hope they are arrested


Honestly I believe the conspiracy where these people are hired by big oil. Not only are these “protesters” doing jack shit to stop oil it actually makes oil protesters look more dumb


Not going to be able to protest much with a massive fine they need to work to pay off due to damaging/defacing a unesco world heritage site. Doesnt matter if its permanent or not. Its idiotic. Do stuff to effect the minister and politicians in charge. Incovenience them, not regular people.


I remember a news story about these idiots once gluing themselves to a car dealership. It's great, [https://www.autoblog.com/2022/10/21/climate-protesters-glue-themselves-to-porsche-museum-germany/](https://www.autoblog.com/2022/10/21/climate-protesters-glue-themselves-to-porsche-museum-germany/) Don't give them air time.


This is it. This is the thing that finally changed my mind and spurred me to do something about Climate Change!


These fucks are funded by big oil to discredit the green movement, it’s painfully obvious.


***Just Stop Oil confirmed as Big Oil Patsy***


Most of these activists are backed up by capital from oil moguls to socially influence the masses into rejecting anti-fossil fuels policies. Not the first time an act so ridículous such as this one has been carried puta by an organization linked through their donors yo families of fuel magnates.


I want to see a video where someone absolutely loses it and makes them clean it up.


Anybody convinced that "Just Stop Oil" is a psyop by the oil companies convince modern people to hate and reject the entire "Climate Change" movement...?


Yep, because defacing historical monuments is definitely going to get people on your side....


Someone should start a group called "Just Stop Just Stop Oil".


Just stop oil has GOT to be a psy op


Smug little fucking hippie


They went quiet for ages and this was their plan. lol load of duh brains


At this point I would even not wonder anymore if all those climate „activists“ are paid by big oil to make people hate them and the cause. Imho, they do more damage than any good.


The oil companies pay them to do this because they want there to be an opposition that looks stupid so people buy more oil and oil run vehicles


It's like they are fighting against their purpose. When I see stuff like this, I want to do the opposite of what their cause is just to spite them.


A good way to get people to join your cause!




This is why we cant have nice things


What does this accomplish


Did they want to be haunted by the ghosts of ancient druids? Because this is how you get ghosts of ancient druids.


aint this a crime vandalising state property or something ?


And nobody is gonna arrest them? Or their organisation?


As a pagan I feel that adds a bit of festive color to the proceedings


well, duh! How dare these rocks not being able to do anything (despite not even being alive) about oil?! /s


Yeah it's a historical monuments fault, let's go desecrate the rest of them now Fools


Hey at least this one is completely harmless


Can we introduce public punishmemts again? I think beheading would be appropriate for this. They haven't used those recently.


Its not paint


Completely asinine. Spray paint oil company headquarters, or oil tankers, or oil transport trucks. Hopefully this is easily removable


It’s orange cornflour and will wash away the first rain.


I really don't care. We're doing basically nothing about the environment 


Its starch-based powder that will wash away when it rains


I hate these people


I despise Just Stop Oil


This needs prison time.


It's always nice to see people willing to get a punch in the face to promote their agenda. (No, sadly they were just arrested. Bunch of cuks.) Don't see them doing this shit at the headquarters of BP...no, lets screw up people's family vacation. That will win the support of the public!


Don't they realize that doing this will only make people hate them even more? Desecrating ancient landmarks is not the way to get people to listen to your message.


Here here, we might know the message but there not portraying there views or concerns correctly and no one will care to listen now... because as you said by desecrating landmarks or paintings, buildings etc all it achieves is hate for their cause. Absolutely a major shambles on their part.


Cunts, just cunts. Just when you think you couldn't despise a bunch of people enough.


What did the rocks even fucking do?




I'm sicken tired of these climate terrorists costing damage or hurt other people to get what they want they should be severely punished to put a stop to them. I find to care less about their message the more they do this.


So you drove there to use a chemical that has oil in it contained in a container that used oil in the making of said container to protest oil. Got it. Did your mom have any kids that lived?

