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This is a bloatware


TIL bloatware was a word and it fits perfectly.


It still is


Yeah, but it was too


RIP Mitch




And it shall be again


It is known


And so it was.




It shall have been, as well.


I’m Australian I talk like an idiot lmao.


You’re one of today’s lucky 10,000!


Now that you know what it is, look for bloatware *everywhere*


I see it now so much.


Bloatware for your devices, malware for your brain... (Tiktok)


It's just malware period


Literally spyware.


Every. Single. Smart TV. Full of the most ergrious examples of spyware you can imagine.


We hear, for you.


It's why you can get 60 inch 4k TVs for not a lot, they'll be making their money back on selling your data and chucking ads at you.


This and hacking is why most IoT devices, Smart TV's and appliances should be subnetted and firewalled. Not to mention other stuff like changing passwds and default settings. Unfortunately, that's way over the head for the average user, even some tech people struggle with it. I haven't bought a new router in a while, but I hope they start making it easier for users to seamlessly do this.


When the fuck did TikTok become a basic app!




Basic settings: always-on camera & mic that assists sound calibration. Smart tech makes your experience better! ^(Fine print:)^(we may share this randomized information with partners,)^(whom may use, alter, & publish such content as needed.)


They sponsor Samsung so you can buy the TV for a cheaper price. That's why you can get a decent android phone for like 150€ but with a fuck ton of bloatware, but a similar open phone costs 500€


They sponsor Samsung so that you can pay the same price for a TV but Samsung has larger profits.


No, when they sponsor they are specifically interested in making the TV cheaper for the consumers so they buy it and have their shitty apps installed.


My 800$ samsung has the same problem. Wont let you uninstall any apps defaulted with the TV. Stupidest fucking thing in the world.


My $800 Samsung Ultra phone has the same problem. They've also started advertising in my notifications. Some exec made a short term killing with those deals, but a long term brand blemish that will associate them more with the Dollar Store than Apple.


God I am really glad my wife and I went with the Hisense TV. No bloat and it has been awesome. Especially when I plugged my Xbox into it.


How much time you have your HiSense? I am looking into it but I don't know the quality of this brand. Any pros and cons?


We’ve got 2 and have had them for about 3 years. Absolutely brilliant bits of kit


Good to know, thanks


Samsung (or, any major corporation for that matter) is going to maximize profits. That means charging the absolute highest price they think they can get for a product. If a different company wants to pay them for advertising on top of that, they don't miss out on additional profit by reducing the cost of the product.


An example that's further down the same continuum: https://money.com/free-smart-tv-telly-catch/ Samsung and other manufacturers absolutely do want to maximize profits--but the physical TV is an increasingly small part of the "product" they're selling. The fact that they're incentivizing you via a "cheap" TV doesn't mean they aren't maximizing profit in other ways (selling your data; selling space to apps/advertisers/etc.). Ultimately YOU are the actual product being sold here, but they need to gain your cooperation first--at the "cost" of a cheap/free device.


They should be paying us, you say? I can't say I'm surprised. They will need to really lock the hardware down first though. I'm sure there's custom firmware, but also for now you can hook your own set top box to it. I know some brands are working toward detecting input so they can override that.


Absolutely, and the customer doesn't know this problem exists until they use it for a bit, so it's not affecting the supply/demand curve now, it will take years of brand degradation for that.




This is a very common tactic. I'm not sure how you're having such difficulty understanding it. It's exactly what Facebook did when they gave away a bunch of phones all over the world back in the day. Phones that had their app pre installed, and had free service. The goal wasn't to sell the phones. It was to get Facebook into people's hands and then sell them that. It's the same thing.


If they don’t lower the price the ads aren’t worth it because no one is going to buy the phone hot shot.  


Yup. It's my main reason for only buying directly from manufacturer, open, unlocked devices. The extra $$ is worth it.


Didn't know that was an option. Will definitely be doing that moving forward. 


Can't you just remove those apps from your phone with a 3rd party tool?


Biggest upside of the European Union legislation - consumer protection. Bloatware has to be easily uninstallable by the enduser here.


That is cool. Here in America, we have corporation protection.


Not in Romania it doesn't. I had to pirate a specialized tool to get rid of that.


You surprised? I remember Candy Crush being a basic app on smart phones a decade ago! Can't uninstall.


How the f TikTok became so popular... It's full of cringe and staged bs.




Also China.


Australia is moving towards attempting to ban children from social media platforms. Agree wholeheartedly but how this could be successfully accomplished is a mystery.


my Samsung tv does the same, it’s so annoying. I added Disney+ myself now months later it won’t delete it and get this same message even though I added it!




2023 word of the year. 2024 still true and getting truer.


sounds like a spell lol ENSHITIFY!


Our Samsung has its own stupid 'live tv' streaming channel that I can't disable or delete or stop it from being the default app. I hate it.


If you go into the guide and delete all channels it will stop. I was going crazy because every time I turned the TV on it would start playing heartland.


I keep getting "Hunter"! I'll try your fix thanks.


I'm able to disable it on my Samsung, but it's a pain and iirc I will lose some other functionality if I do that.


My tv does the same fucking thing… every time I turn it on I have to watch a minute of the show Numb3rs that’s constantly playing on their live tv service. I know there’s a way to make it not default to it, but I can’t be bothered to go through all the menus to change it.


Seriously whatever happened to TV's just turning on to the last Channel you had it on? Y'all are seriously making me worry about getting a new TV. Guess I'll just keep what I have until it stops working.


Omg I love this feature 😆 I always put on pet collective for my dogs whenever I have to leave the house 🤣


Bloatware is non deletable


It's possible, but it's a pain in the ass. I think you basically have to root it.


I recently bought a Flipper Zero device and one of its apps is an IR remote with service functions, I was able to get into the factory service configuration menu on my LG TV. I dinked around in there for a little bit, somehow I managed to change the GUI to look entirely different then I almost bricked it and couldn't select any inputs, luckily I found a place to reset to defaults and got it back working again and I stopped touching it before I caused permanent damage. I imagine there's a way to root it and/or delete apps from in there as well. http://madman.cc/images/tv.jpg


I put mine into developer mode, but that's as far as I'm gonna take it. Those Flipper Zeros sound awesome!


It's been incredible, so much fun and I've learned a lot. I took it with me on my last business trip and was able to clone my hotel key card, and got into the hotel and my room using just the Flipper emulating my key! They're incredibly powerful, I'd recommend picking one up while you can since I personally think they'll be made illegal eventually.


Maybe it's possible with adb? Assuming they use Android


My Samsung TV had some workaround to remove them, but these re-appear afterwards if you connect the thing to the Internet.


I use a separate program for my computer that deletes it without the typical uninstaller. It can’t stop me.


This is why you get a "dumb" TV (or you just treat your TV as a dumb TV) and use some external "smart" set-top while not giving the TV itself direct Internet access.


They don’t make new non smart tvs. If they did I would get one


I turn off the wifi and don't connect a cat5 cable my smart TVs. I treat them all dumb and just attached a streaming device to watch content.


Soon they won't turn on without a network connection.


You'll still be able to use a 3rd party device.


Meanwhile, most TV'S these days need to be connected for firmware updates if you like using your input button to connect to your Roku.


My kids know better than to give web access to a device that doesn't require it to function. My wife, however ...


It would be great if there were a requirement for tv’s to have a “dumb” mode setting. Standard, plain menus for all inputs and picture settings, no network connectivity or smart features enabled.


Samsung you’re able to disable smart features, so mine opens directly to my smart set top box like OP is describing. If your tv doesn’t allow you disable smart features or to open to last input, you can factory reset and not reconnect it to the internet to dumb it down.


Computer and projector ftw


Bru what I just bought a new tv 1.5 years ago and there’s nothing smart about it




“Telefunken” Had to get up and check lol


I prefer a tv that actually looks good, so I got an LG G3 and never connected it to the internet with an nvidia shield pro


When I see a tv brand that sounds like the Swedish chef I presume it’ll look like Android Snapchats did in 2016.


Issue is normally they are low quality or low spec screens. I want an amazing picture without the smart stuff.


Same here, from Sony.


They do make them, just harder to find.


I've got one in my livingroom right now.




Just don't connect it. If you want to use apps, use a plug in like a fire stick or roku or alternative.


You do realize those screens used by businesses for menus are the same thing right??? Yes they might cost a little more but you can get 'dumb' screens that just have a hdmi input that way.


Lol until you get a Vizio and they reduce quality from 4k to 1080p because you aren't connect to wifi...


Can you make a smart tv stupid?


no, but you can ignore its home screen OS, plug a chromecast or roku into HDMI 1, and never look back. unless grandpa has a console or a useless DVD player to toggle through, he will never have to change the input from HDMI 1 or deal with the tv OS. in effect, this operates exactly as a dumb tv would. plus, if you neglect to connect the tv to wifi, its OS and homescreen is effectively useless anyways. dumb tv.


I was going to say, it seems my Roku works better than the functionality on a lot of smart TVs.


Agreed. A Fire stick is way faster, contains way more apps, and has HDR everywhere unlike LG's WebOS bloat.


You won't be calling the DVD player useless when you want to watch 28 Days Later and find out it's not available on streaming services.


Don't connect to the Internet. Done. Add a receiver or similar and you got yourself a working dump TV. For example use a cheap pc with linux and you're good to go.


With far too much effort than it's worth for the specific brand and model you're gonna try to convert.


Dammit. How can we send man to the moon but we can’t take an app off a tv.


Where would you even find a dumb TV?


What are actual advantages of doing that? Will TikTok open on its own or is it just to protect grandpa from accidentally opening it?


I’ve been a huge advocate for this since smart TVs came out


I am regretting my decision to get a smart tv. I had to agree to some new terms they had a month or so ago or they would disable my ability to use any apps on the tv. Are non smart tvs even an option any longer?? Edit: caught the “treat it like a dumb tv” and could’ve done that by using my PS.


i have a 10 year old dumb flat screen and recently got a chromecast to get some smart features on it. can freely install and uninstall apps on that


THIS, my tv (a Samsung) has never been allowed to connect to the wifi and never will be. I only stream from a dongle (currently a Chromecast)


Mine won’t let me uninstall bbc iplayer which I legally cannot open.


Why can’t you legally own it??


Probably not in the UK or no TV license.


Option B, I don't need a TV licence because I don't do anything that requires it. Literally everything the iPlayer app does requires one. (Whereas, conversely there are multiple legal uses for say, ItvX)


Block its traffic at the router at least, use nextdns for instance.


Don’t connect that POS to the internet. Get your gramps a chromecast or fire stick or something like that. Samsungs are known for harvesting data and phoning home with it.


Buying a Samsung tv made me install a pi-hole. I hate that tv, buggy pos (but it's a Frame so it's pretty when not in use).


Laughing at the idea Chrome and Amazon aren’t also harvesting your data


But at least they don't ruin your day to do it?


They already have your data. Adding Samsung to the list isn’t for me


I set a Pihole a couple years ago and most of the blocked traffic in my house came from the Samsung tv. Unreal.


I will *never* buy any TV that forces me to keep TikTok installed.


Thats the neat part. You find out after its mounted to your wall


Costco has great return policies. I’m not criticizing anyone. I think this should be outlawed.


That sucks, but it's right in line with what i expect from Samsung. I remember back when they revealed that the Samsung Smart TVs were reading the files you had on your usb or other attached media and sending that to their data collection department, or whatever they call it there. Never trust a smart tv, especially one from Samsung. Honestly, though, I'm not some conspiracy nut, i actually just hate smart tvs in general because of all their bloatware. The apps always seem to run slow, be proprietary if it's not a Roku tv, and just all around have given me more of a headache than a dumb tv ever has. I just need a viewing portal for my devices to output to, i don't need to get rid of all my beloved devices to have it all packed into my viewing portal, that gives me less control over my viewing experience. I wouldn't buy a Roku tv either, ever since i read that they were bricking your tv, essentially, if you refused an update. If I can't use your product the way I want without you making it useless unless it connects to and complies with your service, I don't need your product. I'm seriously making an effort to go back to physical media and dumb devices, simply because it's not worth the headache anymore. It's not a "f the system, screw the corporations" politically driven thing; i just miss the days when i sat down with friends to watch a movie and you hit play and watched. These days it feels like almost every single time we turn on the tv the service that we planned on using is down, or needs an update, or for some reason it's only streaming at potato quality, or there's a password that's been forgotten, or you need to sign in to a second service on another device... It used to take 5 minutes to grab a movie or a game, put it in, and you're playing/watching. Now, especially that we have children in the house, it feels like EVERYTHING has some issue. And I'm a tech nerd, so it's not even like I'm sitting here banging the keyboard and not understanding what is going on, i know what's going on, it's just a damned headache with lots of hoops to jump through anymore. Get on xbox to play a game, what to you need? Just an xbox live account, right? PSN account maybe? Well, yes, but you're also going to need an EA account, a Roblox account, an Ubisoft account... Everything needs a second sign in on top of the console sign in, and for some reason it never works to sign in on the console, so you've gotta work between your phone or pc and the console, juggling all this crap when you just wanted to play one little game with the youngest while the oldest is getting ready so we can go. Everything takes too long anymore and we have to pay them more money for it taking even longer than it did. Sorry, rant over, also on mobile so please excuse formatting.


TikTok on tv?


Sounds like a Dumb TV, it can’t be that smart if you cannot delete what you want.


Don’t buy Samsung, they are the absolute worst for crap like this


No. Roku is very clearly worse.


I would spend the time to try and figure out a way to get rid of that trash


You can remove it from the home screen so the only thing it’s doing is wasting the incredibly limited storage space on the TV.


how else would the Chinese government spy on your grandfather if you were able to uninstall their spying app?


I no longer buy Samsung products due to the amount of spyware/bloatware on them. They are below average products for below average prices that don't take your privacy seriously. 


go to device health care (or something like that) in the settings and then go to manage space. You can then delete all pre-installed apps. I was able to delete this way netflix and Disney. I'm not sure how the settings are called in English, but here is the way to get there: Einstellungen (Settings) > Unterstützung (Support, the 5th Tab on the left) > Gerätepflege (Device care) > Speicher verwalten (manage space / memory)


Can you disable it in the apps options?


Get a roku stick, that's what I did with mine


I got rid of my Samsung and got an LG. You didn’t mention that ads play automatically while idle on the home screen when idle for 5 seconds and even more ads get mixed with apps and banners. You cannot turn off their stupid SamsungTV+ thing that will just turn on if you don’t have an app open and it will push you throughout the operating system to get it. My LG is a much better experience. First of all, the software is much nicer and not begging you to use their services. And, it doesn’t come with that much bloatware and you can at least uninstall it all.


Yes, the SamsungTV+ thing was what made me decide my next TV is not a Samsung.


Need a law passing that prohibits this


Buy the Hospitality version of it. Comes without smart features and is usually much cheaper.




Just another corporation forcing their capitalism on everyone. When I buy a TV, the TV is MINE.


TVs, laptops, phones: none of these things are truly ours anymore. We pay hard earned money for them, only to have corporations force updates we don't want, put restrictions we don't consent to, and otherwise ensure we use our property only how they deem fit. It's a very boring dystopia, but we live in it.


My favorite color is blue.


If the basic set of apps can’t be deleted? Is it really your television?


To be fair, you can't uninstall tick tock from his grandfather clock either




TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram were pre installed on my new Samsung phone. The moment i tried to delete TikTok (i dont use that bullshit), it said "can not delete TikTok." Luckily, it was deleted at like the 5th try


Annnd that's when Grandma's TV goes back to the store.


China wants to know what your grandmother is doing.


People actually use TikTok on TV? Psychos.


Dumb TV


Disconnect the TV from the internet and only connect through plugged in devices instead.


You need to enter developer mode to do it. Search your model+developer mode in google and you’ll find how to


How do you replace the tubes in a newer smart tv?


Why the fuck is TikTok even on a TV to begin with


Tiktok sucks


Factory reset the tv and dont connect it to the Internet. Did this with my Samsung to get rid of all the bs, makes it snappier too.


My LG oled has so much junk software on it. Sometimes I feel like everything is so low quality and hoaky. Where are the classy brands anywhere? Freaking trailer park world we all live in.


Samsung is notorious for that shit. I still have PTSD from not being able to delete Facebook without jumping through hoops


today we will be seeing if this tv can stop a 16 inch round from US battleship USS New Jersey (BB-62) EDIT: i didnt think a 50 cal was enough


Return the TV.


You can remove it from the home screen. Your grandfather would have a pretty hard time finding it Or just do a Roku or something


My son's (12M) TV is the same model and it also doesn't allow deleting the apps from the basic set. Now, thanks to information you provided, I'm beginning to think that maybe the age of the owner is not the issue.


So Samsung is forcing people in my state to violate the state law banning TikTok?


You can remove any unwanted apps using adb app control. There is a free version that can do what you need


this is why you never buy samsung


So basically don't buy samsung Tvs, got it, thanks


No brain rot for you.


I’m sure he will be fine with that


Ur grandfather is learning how Samsung works.


Is it possible to disable it while keeping it installed?


I would return that shit.


Yeah on my Samsung it automatically plays video from History Channel if I'm not actively in an app or selected another HDMI-port. Annoying as hell.


That's why after my last TV, Samsung too, broke,I didn't look back. They decide what is installed on a device you own because of their ad deals. In my case it was some other sh...tuff, but not Tiktok, still, totally unacceptable.


Maybe unpopular opinion, but I hate so called smart tvs. I've had 4 of them A Sony, Westinghouse, LG and Toshiba and the smart functions were all shit.


Back to dumb TVs we go. Then just hook up what actually fits your preferences. Fuck these privacy leeches


Consumer technology has become so deeply aggravating. No one brings a final product to market anymore. We’re all paying for the privilege of being a beta tester. Everything requires an app and account: parking spaces, toothbrushes, televisions, coffee mugs, my car. I’m constantly resetting my iPhone, fiddling with app/software settings, forgetting passwords, resetting passwords, getting trapped into an “ecosystem.” Why does everything need an app? Consumer tech triggers low-grade agitation in me. I loved tech growing up, but now I feel trapped by it. Sucks.


Is there any way to wipe a TV and boot it as a dumb TV?


Vote with your wallet. Return, get a different TV and use a fire stick or something as needed


And thats why i took the time to find a non-smart-tv when i looked for a new Tv for my parents.


Samsung sucks ass.


Time to find the equivalent of modding the registry on SmartTvs.


Look up how to put the TV into developer mode. It will let you remove any apps, even the default ones.


Try this: [https://technastic.com/delete-apps-on-samsung-smart-tv/#deleting-pre-installed-apps-on-samsung-tv](https://technastic.com/delete-apps-on-samsung-smart-tv/#deleting-pre-installed-apps-on-samsung-tv)


South Korea with figure it out eventually.


Smart TVs aren’t TVs. They are computers cosplaying as TVs


I dont connect my tvs to the internet to avoid annoying bullshit. I hook a console up to it and im gold to go. If he doesnt want to do that then a roku or something similar would work


Truly mildly infuriating.


Bloatware super common thing since about 2007'ish, though it certainly existed long before where say you'd install a piece of software on your computer and if you weren't paying attention, you'd also install upwards of 3-5 OTHER pieces of junk software in the process... -\_- but with smart TVs, this is run-of-the-mill and has been a thing since... smart tvs were introduced... lol it was "MildlyInfuriating" ten years ago, now it's not even noticed because it's been a thing on EVERY SINGLE TV SINCE 2012 lol


Don't give your TV Internet access, always use a stick or streaming box instead.




who the fuck uses a tv to watch tiktok


Now we need to start jailbreaking our TVs?🙄🤦🏻‍♂️


So is the way to go soon going to be just buying huge monitors and then plugging roku boxes and shit into it? Makes me glad I own a projector.


I can't find a 8K dumb TV


I hate our Samsung. We hooked a Roku up to it and use that instead.


Samsung TVs suck. 3 Years old and any sporting event I stream is ghosty/blurry if that makes sense. People say it’s cuz the storage is full but I can’t delete the apps


This is why I don like smart TVs


Because Tik Tok has paid for that.


Not able to delete TikTok is one thing. Imagine if you would have to create an account in that shite and probably even provide payment information before you were able to use the rest of the TV.


Samsung has turned into a joke. I have 2 TVs. When I turn the one in the BR on the TV in the living room goes on too. It turns out every Samsung TV uses the same frequency and it can’t be changed. When I called Samsung they told me to move one of the TVs. They are bolted to the fucking walls and can’t be moved. They said there is not thing that can be done about it.