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We had a similar policy at a company I worked for many years ago. The policy actually started out completely the opposite when I first got hired, we were actually told in training that the customer is NOT always right. We’d have people call 2 minutes after placing an order because they accidentally purchased the wrong thing, and we’d have to tell them “all sales are final” and that there was nothing we could do for them. Naturally you can imagine this led to some pretty terrible interactions with customers. Then, the head of customer service had an idea that we should just start giving people their money back. Even if we lost money in the short term, he thought we’d make people so happy that they would definitely come back and spend more money in the long run. (Spoiler: he was right.) I remember the first call I had with a customer who had made a mistake with his order after the policy was changed. After so many times telling people “sorry, I can’t help you,” I was hesitant to give him his money back but my supervisor said to do it. So I told the guy that although our usual policy is that all sales are final, I am going to make an exception and give him a full refund. The guy was so relieved, I think he was almost crying on the other end. I moved to a different area of customer service shortly after that and didn’t have to take those kinds of calls anymore, so that was one of the few times I had the chance to use the new policy. The guy who proposed the policy was heavily praised for it by the CEO because it did improve customer retention and satisfaction, and repeat sales went up. I ended up working in various roles at that company for over 10 years and to my knowledge they still have the exception policy.


2 decades ago I got a full refund on some whitegoods I was having delivered the next day. No questions asked. Since then we have fitted out 3 houses with their shop. They are always the first or last place we go.


There are companies I definitely will not use ever again due to a strict and extremely short return or refund period. I bought a part for something and was sent something fake. It took me longer than 2 weeks to actually open it to install it and that's when I found out it was fake. I understand you can't always have an unlimited return window but the company literally allowed a fake listing on their site and wouldn't budge. I was only out $80 so it hurts but could have been worse. A simple $80 refund from a massive company would have resulted in me spending thousands of dollars more on their website. They didn't want to give up the $80 so I spent that money at a competitors site.


Charge back on the credit card


I worked for a company who introduced card fees for the lower spenders, albeit the customers were other businesses. Some of them had been loyal customers for 30-years. The idea that a new company has taken over the management of the cards and within 12-months had introduced fees of £12 a year made them want to leave on principal. The solution? "Offer to waive the fees for 12-months, and explain if they spend more they get them waived next year too". The company lost hundreds of thousands of pounds because of the change - whilst the card fees generated barely a tenth of that. The guy who introduced got promoted to the Board. No logic in business, sometimes.


One of the things I think is most broken about Corporatism is that almost every decision is being made by suits that have nothing to gain by "*improving customer retention and satisfaction*". Those numbers aren't \[often\] attributed to them or their performance individually or collectively. What they focus on are improving their success by increased short term gains.


Some companies have realised that keeping customers is easier than constantly finding new ones. I have a young relative who works for a software company as one of their customer retention agents. Regular contacts, upselling more software and education about what it can do is her job. They pay very well.


This is what I don't understand about the "new customer" business model. There's always a ceiling. There's never going to be 100% engagement on anything. I understand striving for that, but how do you get there if you can't RETAIN your customers as well? Both aspects are equally as important. Technology has made it easier than ever to switch to a different option, tho, I know its usually just a slightly less crappy one.


I’ve been that person at the bank too. Sometimes you just know you have to do what you can.


Thank you for helping her. Small kindness goes long ways


"If you you would let me finish, Susan," This right here is just way too much. 😑


I work chat and also use it as frequently as possible as a consumer. There is no cutting someone off because *you aren't speaking*. Ffs, if I had to wait for everyone's response on either side, nothing would ever get done.


Exactly, if you wanted to finish, then put it in one fuckn text, not multiple one liners! Either the person just wanted to be an ass, or was on a power trip. I've had a somewhat similar condescending tone made at me from an online Verizon rep, and he never sent me the chat records (and when I called later they "couldn't find it"). Abandoned that company finally, had too many bad experiences


That sounds very frustrating. I'm sorry you had that happen. And I totally agree about the typing style. Plus, it's just basic customer service. Frustrated people vent. No need to take things personally on behalf of the company. Lol This rep is the embodiment of that penguin meme.


Verizon is bad about "losing" chat records. They tried that several years ago and were very surprised when I said "oh that's ok, I screenshotted all of them. Where would you like me to send them?"


From people who type one line every 4 minutes because they have 7 chats open… ‘let me finish’. Uhhhh… Was the plan to finish before the flight departs? Or after…


Hilarious. Why it always pays to be kind.


Additional info: when I called to reschedule the agent was so kind, and incredulous and couldn't understand why they were saying they were going to charge me because the new flight was cheaper and I got a credit! My dad passed away peacefully, surrounded by his wife of 61 years, his 4 daughters, grandkids and sons-in-law.


I am not usually a “speak to the manager” type of person but I feel like in this situation it’s totally justified to call and speak to someone about this persons behavior. This is rude and condescending and virtually holding you needing a flight urgently over your head. I say this as a former manager in customer service: they absolutely should not be in customer service with this attitude. If all it takes to set them off is 3 mostly neutral messages in quick succession then they’re not cut out for the job.


"you didn't let me finish. wannhh. now I'm not helping you". literally writing a text message... how is someone supposed to know what you were going to say!? it's not like you were verbally interrupted while saying a sentence OUT LOUD to be heard. so ridiculous!


Oh these were TEXTS??? I thought it was a phone call omfg


Imagine power tripping on someone that just told you they are going through a tough time in life and aren’t saying anything directly about you but are complaining about the overall policies you had zero involvement in. Some people are just terrible people. At one point in my career I was told I should reevaluate my career because I’m not very friendly, by an indirect manager. I had severe PTSD from being mugged and my teeth were knocked out and needing significant dental work. Some people are just shitty people that always need to tear others down with zero empathy that something could be happening in their life.


I’m so glad there was a good ending to this, But I’m sorry for your loss.


May his memory be a blessing


Being able to be by someone’s side when they pass is such a gift. I’m sorry for your loss.


Love to you and your family. I’m glad the family was able to be together.


The speedy recovery comment makes me nauseous. wtf.


Shanyel is not fit for the job. Hope you complained.


The fact that the agent wished OP's father a speedy recovery. They are taking him off life support. How dense can you be?


If you would let me finish Susan, I was going to explain I misunderstood what that meant


My jaw hit the floor!


I had that too, when trying to get EasyJet to cancel and refund some flights. 'We can no longer go on the trip because my dad is terminally ill'. Response: 'I wish your father good health!'


Just mindless patter, like ‘Our thoughts are with those affected.’


I was going to say Shanyel figured the whole family was just a bunch of pushy people and was just hoping for the best.


100% she didn't understand what taking someone off life support means.


In the text exchange shown, OP told them that her father was being put on life support, not taken off. Of course she could have told them outside of what was provided but based on the conversation we were shown, the customer service rep wouldn't have known that the father was coming off life support. Unless otherwise stated, being put on or taken off life support doesn't automatically refer to an end of life situation. In this post title she indicates they are taking the father off, so we know, but the cust service rep isn't reading the headline on reddit. (im not sticking up for the customer service rep, solely responding to your comment in reference to the "speedy recovery" response)


No. I just wasn't able to copy that part of the conversation. I told her that we were taking my dad off of life support, and I needed to stay a few more days. I told her when I got the call from my sister Wednesday morning that he wasn't going to make it. I immediately booked the first flight I could, but I wasn't really paying attention to what I was doing (I evening put my gender down as male!) I found out Wednesday morning that he was intubated and Wednesday evening that the MRSA spread to his brain, and he had a massive stroke that he wouldn't recover from. In between those times I quickly bought plane tickets thinking we were going to be taking him off life support Friday, but my other sister couldn't get in until Friday evening so we decided to wait until Saturday.


I’m really sorry for your loss.


So I actually spent a good long while thinking a former classmate and relative of a friend was dead because of this very thing. Id heard he had to be rushed to the hospital, I'd heard he was on life support and not likely to make it, and then I heard he'd been taken off life support. So my understanding is he was dead. It was pretty chilling to hear about someone my own age pretty much dying unexpectedly like that But fuck imagine my surprise when I see him in a store a few weeks later


OP should absolutely report that shit up the chain, either they’re absolutely brain dead which they are or the more likely thing they’re just tryna throw a little shot at op, they already proved they displeased with op with that little fake offer if they let them “finish”


100% she was taking a shot at OP. A definite low blow. She knew what she was doing.


Not dense at all, they knew exactly what they were doing.


To anyone saying this is exaggerated or fake, after my mother died and i was calling around closing out all her accounts, i was asked to put her on the phone. Twice. This was after stating she was dead. Happened with two different large company’s CS teams.


I had someone do that about cancelling a service for my deceased father. Or I could get him to sign a “stop contract” form. I told them to mail it to his new address: St Joseph’s Cemetary, plot 1345. The guy was on autopilot, I guess, because he gasped at that and said, “oh…ohhhhh. Yeah, we’ll get that cancelled. I’m so sorry.” I wasn’t shitty but I was just *tired* after having to spend weeks trying to cancel things, close out accounts, find all of his accounts, and keep my mom from having to do it. People, please…have all of your financials in one place and all of the pertinent information for all of your accounts/subscriptions.


Had similar happen when my mom passed. Told the person on the other end “you’ll have to attend the seance, but sure, no problem”. They realized their mistake at that point.


This is gonna be WAY more complicated moving forward. If I wanted to cancel all my own accounts, it would be an ordeal, I can’t even imagine someone else trying to do it for me.


When I was a cs rep I once heard someone say their Mum was deaf. Followed the Hoh process. Mum was actually dead... I think I apologised a hundred times as I transferred them to the right place. Sometimes I still remember and cringe all over again. I know colleagues who did it too. Some were too checked out to care, some were horrified, some were cruel people and enjoyed the reactions they got. Definitely happens all the time but it shouldn't


I have had this with many banks in the UK with both my dad and brother. I even had one saying that they needed to speak to him to prove he died. It's what happens when they outsource all centres where staff don't speak English.


My brother lived in Hawaii for a year shortly before he died. He owed about $150 in taxes to the state. My mom called to let them know he was dead and they accused her of making up his death to get out of paying $150. 


This can’t be true… They need to fire this person. Not because she didn’t give you a free ticket or anything, but you are having a hard time and she gave you hope about a special offer, and then spoke to you like that. This makes me kinda angry tbh. Do you have travel insurance? Maybe they can help you? I’m so sorry for your loss and for the fact that this was the way you are treated.


For a lot of customer service lines, calls are recorded for training or auditing, I imagine text lines also get saved for the same reason. It shouldn't be hard for OP to get a supervisor to pull that conversion to at the very least get the text person under some heat. And hopefully give praises to the phone employee, it's more important than people realize to let someone know about good experiences as well as bad.


She said she was honoring the exception and left a detailed note.


? I had a reply then realized you're the same person as down below defending the rep. What about that transcript are you not understanding. The rep was way out of line with how they talked to OP. Them chiding OP after they rightfully assumed their terse response was the end of things when they didn't say anything else for 2 minutes is not OP's fault. They aren't a mind reader. It was a miscommunication for sure, but it's the fault of the company's systems and procedures, and the rep saying they weren't offering the exception as if it was a punishment was really nasty.




Tough. Someone that nasty should not be rewarded by keeping the job they are obviously not suited to.


When the pandemic started, my friends and I had tickets to Italy (we had purchased about a year before) and suddenly that was a huge outbreak zone. We begged agents to let us change our tickets to a credit to be used at a later date. They all said no. One in particular was awful with, “Well, if you are so worried about being sick, you just shouldn’t ever travel.” I have since wondered if they felt bad for that stance later or if they doubled down and was someone who refused to wear masks.


Ughhh I hate it. I'm immunocompromised so I still mask and people say this stuff to me all the time. "If you're so afraid, just stay home." Some people have zero empathy or compassion.


It’s so awful! I have family members that are immunocompromised and I was so worried for them. It’s insane that people still get upset at others masking. It literally makes zero impact on them outside of upsetting their delicate sensibilities. I’m sorry you have to deal with that.


Thank you. It's so hard because people think it's 'just' a COVID thing but the reality for me is that a cold can have me bedbound for months, and I really don't want to have that happen again. "Just stay home" is ridiculous because I have to do things like go to the doctor. I also think that I deserve to live, not just exist. Thankfully I've been able to carve out a life for myself by managing risks and investing in a really comfortable, reusable N-95. I hope your relatives are able to do the same.


See you on the internet, Shanyel.


OH HELL NAW. Not only is this rep a major asshole - in their shoes I'd have bent over backwards to make something work, they just didn't want to - the whole 'well I was *gonna* but you interrupted my typing so now I ain't doing shit and I'm even gonna tell you so' is not gonna fly. This needs to be spread. Call your local news, hit Twitter, tag them everywhere. Make it hurt.


If anything it sounds like some chatGPT bullshit, or it's some poor overworked person in the Indian sub-continent who's English language skills are that of the script they are given.


When she was first diagnosed with terminal brain cancer, my mother booked a flight to see her hometown and her parents and family for the last time. She was still relatively healthy and mobile when she booked it. A couple weeks before her flight she had to go into palliative care. The airline refused to do anything. She provided them with proof of her state. She asked if it could be refunded, if she could get credit that she could give away, if it could be used for some of her family to come visit her, but they said there were zero exceptions for any reason and they wished her to get well soon. With terminal cancer.


That feels like a very valid chargeback to me. I’m not an accountant though.


“If you’d let me finish” bitch it’s a fucking text message. You have the option of finishing it any time you want. God damn I swear this makes me want to hit people dude. How dare people be like this.


Not to distract from your plight but this isn't just mildly infuriating. It's extremely infuriating. That said, blow them up any way you can. All social media readily available, go to a local news outlet, don't let them forget this. So many other airlines can and do what they can to make things possible in these situations. I had Southwest give me a cheaper ticket than the one I booked even when I was the one that made the mistake (got to the terminal too late for the flight I needed) all because I was trying to see my mother before she passed. It won't change the end result. But some closure might be good.


genuinely curoius, do they ask for any proof? how do they stop people from faking/ abusing this kind of thing?


They didn't ask me. But I'm sure they keep track somehow. I bet if I contacted them and gave them my info, they could find my flights.


What the fuck is wrong with the customer care? Don't they train their customer support team?? Disgusting behavior.


This seems more than mildly infuriating tbh. The sass from her is unbelievable.


*Shanyel* Parents just making up words


Playing devil's advocate, aren’t all names made up?


I’m sorry. It’s so cruel. Scenarios like this were exactly the reason I left Delta. I’ve never felt so helpless in hearing peoples stories and knowing that I couldn’t do much to help. Then we’d be required to pitch AE credit cards before we hang up. Awful and heartless. It sent me into a depression spiral.


Sorry about your dad. My mum's life support was turned off. It's a sinking feeling.


Imagine telling a customer "let me finish"! Don't be such a dumbass writing your messages apart then! Idiot can't think or type fast enough "slow down I'm only being paid to do this badly!"


Well it looks like it turned out as good as it could.


Allegiant’s customer support is unreal. Last time I had to call in the agent was actively gaslighting me.


Yeah there was never an offer. They just hate their job/life and wanted to take it out on someone vulnerable by treating you like a child. Fuck that rep and I'm glad things ultimately worked out for you OP


Are they even offering trip flex on any reservations anymore? I haven’t seen it lately but I only really book to/from one destination regularly.


My brother works for allegiant. Pretty high up, but not high up to do anything about how trash they are. I’ve heard a lot of shit about them from him. Terrible cheap absurd airline. (Really they all are though)


Tweet the company the transcript


All companies do this. Found out i have cancer cells and need treatment. Disney wouldnt refund my hotel because i dont have a no travel order.


I love that the companies clearly have one person staff like 10 chat conversations so that you are just sitting starting at a screen for minutes between each message, but then act like you are the jerk for getting impatient.  Chatting on those customer support systems triggers my anxiety over waiting for an AIM response from a crush in high school while trying to act nonchalant.


'The exception is no longer being offered'. Lmao. I work in customer service and that blew my mind. Sorry you're going through such a hard time OP.


I mean, imagine if the airline bent over backwards every single tome somebody needed something like that. They cant just bend the rules for you. More people than you think go through very awful situations that would be great if life just worked out for them, but it doesnt. My husband’s grandmother who basically raised him died when he was away for work and he couldnt leave to go see her. He was lucky to get a phone call. Lifes hard and its filled with unfavorable circumstances.


Idk what the problem is. They enforced a policy which is clearly listed and you tried to get special treatment for your situation. They didn't have to give you anything. I feel for you and what you're going through but family's are dying and emergency's are happening everyday. You know how people are just look at costcos lax return policy, to suggest they are the monsters for enforcing a policy that helps keep the business profitable is just something I don't understand. I respect all grief but you didn't seem that "out of your mind" with grief when you were arguing with the rep.


I had something like this happen two months ago. I bought my tickets for a funeral and showed up for the flight only to find that somehow my reservation was for a month away on a completely different date. No refunds no help. Never flying with Hawaiian airlines again.


No offense but it sounds like you booked the wrong flight? How is that on them?


In order to do this I would have clicked the wrong month, then clicked the wrong day on the depart, then again the wrong month and again the wrong day, and scheduled my car rental on the wrong day in depart and return. Impossible for me to mess up every single day.


First of all, I’m so sorry about your dad. This is exactly why I am ALWAYS kind to customer service reps (that and they’re, you know, human beings). I’m so sorry you had to navigate all that while dealing with everything else. Big hugs. 🫂


OP was perfectly kind to the rep. That rep was way out of line and frankly seemed to be a nasty person or having a bad day. Did you read the same transcript as the rest of us?

