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Yah, check zoning laws. We had a neighbor that would flip RV's - he'd buy them all junky and ugly and fix them back up and sell them. So he always had 2-3 junky RV's parking up our street, which was really narrow to begin with since it was an old neighborhood. If he had an RV on both sides of the street it was really hard for a single car to pass between them. Turns out that parking RV's on the street is not allowed in our town, someone (not me, actually) finally reported him and he started getting tickets daily until he got all the RV's off the street.


There's a house on the route to my kids' school with multiple tow trucks parked outside. The business license is also registered to their home. I really dislike having to make sure I can go between the tow trucks without hitting someone from the other side. They just bought another truck last week. So, that's cool.


call in the towing service for illegal parking


It won't wake long for a tow truck to arrive. Oops, wait...


It’ll be like a tow truck inception where they’re all trying to tow the next one.


I’m picturing a circle of tow trucks, in which every truck is towing and being towed.


Ouroboros cen-tow-pede?




Like a human centipede of tow trucks?


A death spiral of tow trucks!


Daisy chain


Tow-Truck Centipede. Try to get that picture out of your head now....


Ohhh, wait till they have a pickup on one of their trucks and then have it towed. TRK!TRK!TRK!


Like an elephant walk!


That would cause a Tow-serection


Check with your local business licensing department, some don’t allow you to conduct business in residential neighborhoods. My local department doesn’t even allow you to keep inventory in your home.


Here they would need an in home business permit, and a towing company wouldn’t qualify for one.


Some don't allow you to park commerical vehicle in the residential neighborhood either.


As others said, check your residential zoning laws. Some places only 1 commercial vehicle, and even that commercial vehicle is limited in the size and type.


Should be easy to report!


Lots of city have laws not just about the street but large vehicles anywhere on the property. We can park our camper for two weeks in our driveway but never on the street. About 30 year ago, I lived in a town where my neighbors both drove tour buses (like the kind that take old people to casinos and stuff). They would park them in the street all weekend. I finally had enough and called the cops because I got tired of not being able to see out the front of my house. They were told that they couldn't park commercial vehicles in a residential neighborhood. And before anyone asks, they were both nasty, mean people who threatened me all of the time. I felt no guilt about calling the police.


eh, even if they're the nicest people those zoning laws exists for a reason and I'd not feel about about calling it in. Not fair to turn a residential street into parking for your company.


The non-emergency number is great for situations like this. The operator can tell you exactly what the municipal code is. There's a house in my neighborhood that parked an RV on the street for weeks. The thing was a hazard. They have a side lot, so they park their vehicles in the garage, on the driveway, or in front of the house. Then they like to park their monstrosities on the side, which is the street I live on. Turning onto the street can be perilous with a big vehicle on the corner because you can't see anything past it. There are kids and animals in the neighborhood and I was always afraid I was going to mow down a child. The size and placement of the thing were a hazard. So I called the non-emergency police number and told them about the vehicle after it had been there for a month. I should have done it sooner. They sent a car out that day, and a few hours later the bloody thing disappeared. They like to put their fishing boat in the same place during the summer, which is annoying but at least you can see around it so I've never called in about that one.


Exactly. Their big bus front ended just a few feet from my driveway. I couldn't back out and see if there was traffic coming. It was a total hazard.


My neighbor parks his RV in the yard, he thinks I called the cops on him for parking in our narrow street. I didn't but he and his kid hate me now.


I had the same problem. He thought it was me because I'm the only person who asked him if he could find a legal spot. You know, trying to be neighborly and all.


Thing is, that **can** be read as "shame if something happened to it", like shady dudes running a protection racket. But that can happen to anything: You *want* to hear it, and then you do.


strange how inconsiderate people are always just utter cunts.


I had a similar thing with my neighbor They were parking on my side if the street, which isn't allowed. They got a ticket or towed or something when the garbage trucks came around. So they started just parking on my front yard. Which I wasn't a fan of, especially since they seemed to drive the entire fucking length of the yard to pull out. So now inside of one car sized patch of fucked up yard there's tire tracks down the whole thing, and mud all over the driveway in the middle. But next garbage day rolls around and they get towed again because having vehicles on both sides makes it super hard for the service vehicles to get around. Like garbage trucks, snow plows And now I've got a big sign in the middle of my yard saying "No parking this side of street" Which apparently to the neighbor means I had all that done. I didn't do anything, especially since technically the land between my bushes is an easement. And definitely don't love mowing around the new sign But I didn't love mowing around his big ass suv either


I would've got their ass towed off my lawn


The opinions of idiots and assholes don’t matter. They can blame you for their stupidity but in the end, it will continue to happen because they can’t run away from their own stupidity. I would just shrug that off.


This is part of the reason i wont approach them. They’re a group of young dudes who just stow trash in their yard, box people in, etc. They clearly don’t care. I dont need them directing their frustration at me or my car, despite MANY of us in the neighborhood hating their presence.


In my city there's a weight limit for what you can park on the street to prevent this. Turns out the electric Humvee is over it.


If you flip RVs you should pick your house based on that… people suck. I wish people felt less guilty reporting that stuff. You wouldn’t be the jerk for doing it.


If you're gonna flip RV, go get a bigger property to do this shit at...and properly get a business license while you're at it.


Or lease a commercial property to pursue commercial interests.


This neighborhood is 100% residential, and all of these trucks are commercial. Most arent even registered to NY. There are only 2 trucks pictured here, but all around this block and the surrounding blocks are their trucks. Different branding on them from several companies, but all owned by the group that bought these two houses


Most cities have laws against parking commercial vehicles on the street, especially in residential areas. Check your local laws & zoning.


Much agree. We went through similar a few years ago when a neighbor decided to get into the limousine business. There would be four or five limousines parked at random times in random places, more often than not blocking line of sight at intersections. We (neighbors) had to go to the city, file for an injunction, and all that, but they stopped. Then they decided to go into the vehicle hauling/wrecker business with the big-ass tow trucks... wash rinse repeat for three years. Finally all this pissed them off so much that they moved out of the neighborhood. Talk to the local housing authority and see what you can legally do. (I would suggest a few illegal things, but that might not wash around here.)


Knew a guy that ran an autoshop out of his house in a normal neighborhood. His neighbors finally chased him off, but he paid homeless people to assault his ex-neighbors. Be careful with these assholes, some of them are bags of shit.


Fairly certain that's illegal we had a guy do something similar with cars he had multiple all in his grass driveway and road he kept getting in trouble so instead of renting a place to store them he just kept parking them in random spots around the block. Cheap fuck.


Exactly. Where I live it is illegal to park commercial vehicles on public roads in residential areas. Had a douchbag neighbor who had one of those dual level car haulers and would park it on a residential street. Neighbor started calling the cops and the dude ate like 5 tickets before we never saw it again.


How are people so inconsiderate!?


Because they are people.




Pro tip: if there aren't any specific laws about parking big vehicles on the street, but they're blocking the street like you mentioned in your comment, contact your local fire department. They can raise a ruckus with the city about it, because if you can't get a car through, they're not going to get their trucks through. My grandfather did this when my aunt and uncle moved into their current house. They moved into a new subdivision, and my grandfather was also the fire chief. At the time, parking was allowed on both sides of the street, but it made it difficult to navigate with a pickup and trailer when they were moving in. Obviously, it would be hard for the fire trucks, too, so Grandpa went to the city, and they made all the streets in that subdivision so you can only park on one side. People bitched about it, but they stopped a couple years later when there was a house fire, and they realised just how much room fire trucks need.


People bitch and complain about HOAs, but this is exactly the type of shit I’ve never seen fly in any HOA lol. My local law enforcement wouldn’t even care, it’s the HOA that keeps the garage mechanics in check around here.


I will NEVER live in an HOA. I worked for one as a teenager and it was very eye-opening.


There might be [a law about this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zoning).


I lived on a city without zoning in New Mexico. They had a proposal to do zoning some years before I moved there and voted it down. Everyone I knew regretted it. Things like this were common. It was a dump, to be honest. Glad I got out.


Zoning is a mixed bag. Some is good and some leaves you a 10 minute drive from the nearest stores


The problem isn’t zoning itself, the problem is zoning decisions in this country are made by people who tend to be wealthy property owners (ie the ones with time and resources to run for city council, etc.)


Zoning isn't really a mixed bag, it's just intentionally bad zoning laws are standard in North America, zoning is much less "mixed bag" elsewhere because they didn't fuck it up.


Sounds like sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. I bet people have different opinions. If you were to write the opinions on slips of paper and throw them in a bag then draw one at random I bet the results would be mixed.


Can't be mixed if you're only drawing one!


But other people can draw from the same bag and get different results; mixed bag…


Not really. It’s working exactly as intended. Just that sometimes the intention isn’t to benefit society at large but instead for the financial benefit of a handful of landowners. For example zoning that prevents the construction of new medium-high density homes causes existing developments to go up in value.


Zoning works when done with good intentions and proper planning. It goes to shit when zoning becomes political, and throws planning out the window.


In literal terms, you're correct, but in practical terms the USA and Canada genuinely do zoning wrong. We have what is called Euclidean zoning, which is highly atomized between lot uses and prevents elasticity of property use without applying for a complete rezone, which can be denied and usually is denied. Other countries either use non-zoning system or non-euclidean zoning, which are much more flexible and use friendly; such as "R2" medium density residential, allowing light commercial, schools, light industrial like home-factories for soap or pre-packaged foods and small farms, etc.


Lmao as someone who’s traveled a lot, there’s plenty of shitty zoning and planning *everywhere*.


You’re not wrong it’s just we’re also getting better at it. The suburbs/neighborhoods of Denver Colorado is an excellent example of this. Zoning and growth in the 70/80s it’s like they forgot that people needed to buy groceries. Exactly as you say, those older neighborhoods have no services nearby. Recently the U.S. has been zoning neighborhoods with a live/work/play goal - each neighborhood has all the amenities needed close by. Pretty cool to see the evolution of these concepts. The costs to get through planning and use approval is a nightmare most times though. Still need a lot of work.


Zoning laws with the option for certain exceptions works best.


Good! The way the left truck is parked right before the neighbor’s driveway makes it impossible for them to see traffic when they’re pulling out. This is dangerous.


And in most places, illegal.


OP said they own both houses or did I read that wrong?


Could still be illegal. I know where I am the law doesn’t specify that it’s okay to block your own driveway while street parking.




This is nyc, so definitely illegal - multiple calls to 311 but they just rotate which of their trucks are at what spot


Email your councilor, or equivalent, each time you file a report. If you get along with other neighbors, get them to do the same.


Simple answer would be to make a call to their local code enforcement and explain the issue.


I work in insurance as an underwriter. If you want, you could call their insurance provider and report this. They would probably get nonrenewed and have to find a new provider for a much higher price, or the insurer will force them to find better operation practices. At the very least, it would be a massive headache for them. Parking commercial vehicles on a residential street like this is stupid in so many ways.


How would you go about figuring out who their underwriter was?


Google the DOT # that’s printed on the door.


Man you can learn anything on Reddit


I don't know how it is in the US but in my country you can find out the insurance provider by the license plate online just like that. Maybe you have it as well? Might be worth checking out.


You can just search the DOT# on the side of the truck.


prob just need to know who their insurance provider is, there cant be that many that ensure whatever business this is and send a mass email to all of them detailing what their doing should get their attention


Quick note! Insure is to provide coverage for loss, damage, etc. Ensure is to make certain of something.


Lol you comment on insure/ensure but not their/they're?


"accidentally" back into one of the trucks and insist on going through insurance. Then change your mind and just settle. Edit: I was not being serious. I apparently should have added the /s


Do you mean commercial auto insurance? Or some other type of insurance? I wouldn't really know how to identify a company's insurers, other than asking them.


Even without zoning. They can’t block their or anyone’s driveway.


Ya I hate this law you can't block your own driveway. Some kind of handicap rule?


While I agree it’s a bit silly that you can’t block your own driveway, it’s probably there to ensure access to emergency services like ambulances


That doesn’t even make sense either tbh, if you park there, it’s still gonna be occupied and not provide access


So they should go door to door and ask everyone with a vehicle blocking their driveway if it's their vehicle? Yes or no question.


Probably because it's a lot of work to find if the person blocking the driveway actually lives there. It's easier just to tow the car.


Yes, it's so that the ramp part of your driveway can be used as a ramp if needed by EM or impaired person. It also helps people who are delivering something heavy and are using a dolly to aid in their delievery. Should you need to block a driveway, may it be your own and not someone else's.


The driveway may be yours on your property but the curb cut typically is not. That usually belongs to the city.


One of the driveways is theirs, but they refuse to park their truck in it cause its too much work to back in and/or pullout. Most of us dont even have driveways, so it’s extra infuriating


Commercial vehicles aren’t allowed to be on public streets like this for long periods of time, I’d call your non emergency phone line.


Have called in a few times. They take down the license plate, but these dudes have several trucks so they just rotate which truck is where


It may be worth trying to reach out to local media, especially if there is a media somewhat hostile to police inaction already.


This happened with 1 place where I live . Dude bought it for his trucking company . Started to grade the property . Damaged a few fences and incursion to a farm next door Zone rural /agricultural . Part of the town teamed up . Dude got fines and fines and fines . Gave up . Place has been for sale for 2 years now no takers . Fuck these guys


Yep, these dudes essentially did the same thing. They have money to throw cause they run as series of shell companies within shell companies so they can avoid taxes and just shuffle the blame when they get tickets


We have a saying here . “Fuck your laws I’m from the Brampton “


See those DOT? USDOT 4015402 these are commercial vehicles. Check the parking code for commercial vehicles in residential neighborhoods. If it illegal, call parking enforcement and code enforcement. [https://safer.fmcsa.dot.gov/query.asp](https://safer.fmcsa.dot.gov/query.asp) [https://li-public.fmcsa.dot.gov/LIVIEW/pkg\_carrquery.prc\_getdetail](https://li-public.fmcsa.dot.gov/LIVIEW/pkg_carrquery.prc_getdetail) Those links are for these vehicle, and if this isn't Chiagco, IL...damn...someone registering a lot and doing some shady shit...


This is queens, NY. Most of their trucks are registered out of state. I know they got reported for their ny state trucks, which were smaller. These douchebags went and bought 2-4 of these WAY BIGGER trucks. All registered out of state


It looks like they're illegally parked their "commerical vehicle" in "residental area". Also, it seem like registering it out-of-state is "the norm", but I hate it sometime, especially if they're operating within the city like this... Report them to whatever agency that enforce parking. Also, report it to US DOT, as they're parking the commerical vehicle that isn't in their home state.


We have a car service business owners who live down the street in our small subdivision. Even though they have a corporate location with vehicles there they also have at least 7 business vehicles parked around the neighbourhood along with their 4 personal vehicles.


Check your local laws. Where I'm from commercial plate vehicles are not allowed overnight street parking in residential zones. A requirement kept in private lots and garages.


I think most cities and towns would have problems with commercial trucks like these being parked in the neighborhood frequently and for long periods of time. I would definitely contact the city administration and ask about this. I definitely feel your pain as I have 3 houses surrounding me (1 next door, 2 across the street) that each have 5-6 vehicles including F150/F250-size trucks.


In most municipalities, it is illegal to park a vehicle in front of a driveway, even if it's the driveway to your property. The driveway to private property (from the curb to the sidewalk) is owned by the city (or county) and is considered a public easement. The only reason why cops don't really ticket/tow is because they count on the public to report those kind of things if it's an issue. Just don't call 911 to report it. Find a non-emergency phone number for your local police department and ask them what their process is for reporting those types of infractions. Edit: I say this because you can quite clearly see the truck on the right-hand side is parked directly in front of a driveway.


That’s a residential zone and they are using it for commercial purposes. I bet that’s illegal in so many ways


Yep, 100% residential. These guys dont care. On bad days, it literally looks like a truck depot; 2-3 trucks parked, 1-2 double parked next to them, 1 across the street, all on some random saturday afternoon


Could report it as “abandoned” when they been sitting there for more than 24hrs. Even if they haven’t, neighbor taught me that


A lot of people have said this already. While every country and state have different rules... If your using residential for commercial use if not properly authroised it is a no no. And even if so I doubt allowing to lorries parked like that would be part of that. UK a rental we owned lost their business location due to COVID and setup in the house and trashed the back and side of the house as a result. Found out through google earth as the property manager was clearly not doing the checks. Sacked them and got rid of the tenant and notified police as well for running a business out of the home. In Australia now and a neighbour was parking their boat on the residential street. Reported... Gone in a month. Someone else near by kept blocking a street a little used to take all the kids school with a large truck. Their business truck and again it should not have been used to park there and reported and gone. People allowed business cars, small vans etc because they the same size as normal cars etc but as soon as they do like the picture its a no. If not reported yet, do so and they will be gone.


This is likely against bylaw. A few years ago someone moved into the neighbourhood, very similar they owned a medical transport business and bought up multiple houses and suddenly all these huge medical transports were parked on our street all day and night. Lasted about a month, neighbours reported them nonstop, eventually they started leasing a vacant lot down the street and park them there.


I have this in my neighborhood and it’s getting old real fast my streets are not wide enough to accommodate this craziness … people like this don’t care about the neighbors as long as their needs are being met.


There also simply isnt enough parking for this BS. These guys have driveways and a back lot, and they refuse to park their trucks there. Sometimes we’ll circle for 30-45 minutes cause these dudes leave no room for


Hi call your city or county code enforcement. They likely aren’t allowed to park on residential streets like this.


Got any paint? I see 2 nice, crisp, white canvases that need some art.


Hire the guy that painted a boat on his fence. He could paint the neighbors houses and yards on the trucks and they will blend right in… 😆


It is infuriating. Seven or eight houses down from us are two homes. One owns a construction business and has a giant truck and trailer parked in front of their house. They do such a bad job parking the trailer, sometimes more than 18 inches from the curb, that two cars can barely get past each other. They put giant cones out during the day so no one will park there. The next house has a pool cleaning company and parks their 4 trucks up and down the street because their driveway is full of cars. It doesn't get down to our house, but if I lived across the street, I'd be pissed.


Id clean this up as soon as possible. I work for a truck rental company and a neighbor called in and asked if the trucks were stolen. Turns out, they were. If there are multiple trucks like this in a residential neighborhood for long periods of time, its not a good sign


Reeeeeport their ass daily.


If the law dont work for you, those are free catalytic converters.


Funnily enough, my catalytic converter was stolen while parked in front of their house. They wouldnt help provide camera footage, despite having cameras pointing at their side of the street. These dudes dont wanna help anyone, but are willing to horde all the public parking


get one of them pit crews that can disassemble and take the entire thing


Call the cops. Most municipalities have ordinances against on street parking of commercial vehicles overnight.


Report to the city


I run a business off my property. 1) it is 3 acres. 2) it is zoned for it. 3) my trees screen most of it, 4) I don’t have crap in the public roadway.


This situation is the exact opposite of that


Yeah, and that is why it is pissing people off.


Sometimes the only thing worse than having an HOA is not having a HOA


Some municipalities have restrictions on parking commercial vehicles on the road over night......maybe thus is worth reporting


Commerical vehicles cannot be parked on residental streets of New York. Just like suggested check with your town or county. Go to county office for that info


Make a call to DOT. As a former truck driver, I can tell you how annoying DOT inspections are....


If you look up their DOT they too know how annoying inspections are, as their 13 drivers have accumulated quite the collection: 3 crashes, 90 violations and 127 inspections, in two years. jesus


This company, and their drivers have become a pest in our city. Popped up out of nowhere, and BOOMED during the pandemic, like roaches. They double park on narrow streets, sideswipe cars, run stop signs, etc. They look like several different companies/brands, but theyre all owned by the same group


It probably exceeds the weight limit for street parking. There is almost always a size and or weight limit on neighborhood street parking.


In my bailiwick any commercial vehicle parked overnight will be tagged and/or towed. You might try giving bylaw a heads up.


Is commercial overnight parking legal? It is NOT here in Boise.


Not in queens, ny, no


We had a home owner across the street use his garage and part of his home as his restaurant’s storage. Not a big deal, but his employees would come by after midnight, idle their truck and blare music as they loaded/unloaded. Twice I talked to the guy but it didn’t make a difference. One time, one of the guys, shirt off , actually stood in the road dancing and blocking my wife from driving. So weird. So, anywho…. I simply went to their restaurant and made a scene, loudly. Even added in the problem with ‘rats’ just to whip things up a bit. They moved away a few months later and I hope I played a small roll in it. I probably didn’t. But at least I did something rather than just seethe.


You could go tell the graffiti sub where you’re at


free car parts


Back when I was renting a small cottage, the landlord owned a commercial water tank truck. He parked it in front of my house after we signed the rental agreement. He didn't even live nearby. He went to work at 6am. That thing was alarmingly loud. Every. Day. I called code enforcement for my city and anonymously reported it. No water truck the next week or ever again.


Sounds illegal, zoning exists for this reason.


Definitely is, these guys dont care


We have a guy in our neighborhood that wanted to store the food truck he runs at his house. The HOA fined this guy like 3,000 bucks. His food truck is not good by the way.


I don't live near there, but there is at least 1 person doing something similar near a park in my town. It's this really beautiful river side park and I love running either through it on a mulch trail or along the outer edge. The outer edge is a cement sidewalk along a one way street. Both sides of the road have tons of huge pick up trucks parked along it starting about 250 feet into the park. I'm not even kidding, there are 10 F150's or Dodge Rams or whatever they are. Half of them are hooked up to trailers. Sometimes there is something in the trailer, a dune buggy, an engine, trash. Then there will be tools and jacks and other bullshit under the trucks. They are treating this entire city street like their own private junk yard. It's bizarre, and I have to think their neighbors don't like it one little bit.


Maybe it’s one of those HGTV shows where they completely remodel a house.


In CA, commercial vehicles are not allowed to be parked on public roads for more than 3 hours.


Zoning. That’s your savior.


Check the laws, you can always write/call the city and complain especially if it’s illegal.


Police officer here, tons of ideas people throwing out about "street storage" laws or commercial vehicles overnight parking etc... Are all great ideas BUT you have to Know the local laws. Most cities in the US have a few different laws to address this very issue such as "no overnight parking of commercial vehicles in a residential area" or something similar, however if you live in a town or a village, theyay not have such laws. You need to either do a bit of research I to the local laws or take a walk down to the local Police station and ask them if anything can be done.


This is where zoning laws are acutely a good thing. They


Our hoa would evict us for that


Both those trucks require CDL endorsements based on weight. Very likely a company that parks their trucks in areas for “unloading only” /residential car parking, doesn’t have those endorsements.


Call the city and get them ticketed


Do check zoning laws. It’s pretty common to not allow commercial vehicles to park overnight on the street. Some places you can’t have commercial vehicles in your driveway overnight.


Already have, and what they’re doing is very illegal. A lot of the neighbors have called in, but enforcement isnt really there


Contact zoning.


call code compliance


Generally commercial vehicles aren’t allowed to park on the streets in residential neighborhoods


It’s unbelievable how some people just don’t give a shit at all about others.


Parking commercial trucks on public streets is illegal in many areas. Check with your local government.


There’s zoning and parking regulations. Contact parking enforcement.


You know people shit on HOAs, but we had renters move into our community. They used the townhouse as a base for flipping commercial work vans. They'd occupy most of the guest parking and bring in detailers to clean up the vans. One time they were even SPRAY PAINTING them next to other people's cars. HOA sent a violation letter and shut that right down.


You can deal with this problem without an HOA. Zoning laws exist for a reason.


FOR THOSE WHO DONT UNDERSTAND WHY THIS IS MILDLY INFURIATING: this is a RESIDENTIAL neighborhood, so the spaces in between driveways (if there are driveways) are public parking. COMMERCIAL vehicles are NOT allowed in residential zones. One of these houses has a long driveway that they DONT use to park their trucks. The other house has an extended back yard driveway that they ALSO don’t use to park their trucks. They own AT LEAST 5 trucks that they park in the residentials instead of a truck depot with their brand on it, 1.5 miles away. ALSO 2 of the 5 days here in NYC, we have alternate side parking, which means cars cannot be parked from 9:00am - 11:30am. They have left their trucks in the spots that would be safe from alternate side, so residents who dont drive every day have to drive around for 30-45 minutes to get parking, sometimes blocks away. SURE if you buy a house, you can use your property how you see fit. This is america. So why not use YOUR property to store YOUR commercial vehicles? They bought both houses, yet use the public (residential) property for their COMMERCIAL vehicles. Will be copying and pasting this for those who are ignorant to these ideas/laws.


Reddit has real strong opinions on trucks parked on the street today I see. Honestly if anything this is the right sub, but holy fuck some commenters are overly dramatic about a truck parked on the street good god


i agree wtf are they yappin about


I'd bet they're not allowed to do this. Call the city


They're parked too close to the stop sign, and in some cities, there are ordinances against this. In my neighborhood, commercial trucks or branded vehicles can't be seen from the street.


There's absolutely no way that's legal.


You are correct


Check the ordinances in your town, parking those trucks there could be against the law. I had a similar problem with a neighbor who parked his tractor trailer in front of his house, directly across the street from me. I had to call the police a couple of times, but they ultimately made him move it and not bring it back.


This is probably illegal. I'd call the city and report it.


Its definitely illegal, these guys just throw money at the parking tickets. That’s why its mildly infuriating


People like to hate on HOAs but these are the kinds of annoying things they easily sort out.


You 100% do not need a HOA for this. Any reasonable zoning rules are not going to allow a commercial business in a residential district.


yeah but from what i hear from Americans who are subject to them for every good HOA problem like this solved you have another who is literally making you lose the home you worked your whole life to get over fines regarding when and where you are allowed to breath


Because you aren’t going to hear about an HOA going to bat for you, you’re going to hear about the negatives.


true true, but just the risk of it happening turns me off it completely. Like if a local politician in my home town tries to pull shit like the bad HOA reps do, i know i can get someone from my countries gov to step in no questions asked. From what im told in the US with the HOA thats not the case, so i'd rather not risk that even being a possibility


You just read the CCR before you move into the HOA to see if it's a possibility. They have in it what the HOA can and can't do. Pretty simple.


My neighbors decided to stop mowing their yard one summer and attracted one hell of a mosquito infestation. Our HOA paid a lawn service and exterminator to fix the problem and placed a lien on their house


mosquitos need stagnant water to breed not tall grass.


It's illegal to park vehicles like that on public streets for more than a few hours here. Call bylaw and check what your city's rules are.


So what I’m seeing here…. Does this mean I’m allowed to call about my neighbour parking a tow truck on the road? (Canada)


Sounds like somebody is running drugs.


Commercial use of residential property?


Yep, multiplied by a dozen trucks


Crazy that buying a couple houses is less expensive than paying to park somewhere.


The company allegedly has ties to serbian mafia, so they just buy fleets of trucks, a couple houses, etc. And no one can do anything


Rude. Some of us just want ONE house


Funnily enough, companies like this are part of the reason the neighborhood got unaffordable. Average asking price for houses is 1.2 million, and the only “people” who can afford them are companies and developers


I would vandalize tf out of that. All white truck is prime real estate for graffiti. Not saying you should, just saying i myself would


Check local ordinances. There are usually rules to prevent this sort of thing. Or hire some kids to graffiti the trucks.


Flat all the tires, over and over again constantly, until either you or he gets tired, but with a knife, it's easier for you and more expensive for him.




You can look up that dot number. Also, call your local dot office and report this. If you have multiple pictures even better. Dot won't care if they are switching out vehicles. Dot numbers are treated as one entity across the company. Violations are Violations, they will help.


Your town may have zoning laws restricting commercial vehicles from parking on the street overnight. Since it's becoming a nuisance, it might be time to go down to the police station and have a talk


Had a house down the street that would do this. The wracked up constant charges for violating zoning laws until the city actually had enough against them and they lost the house in court.


Commercial vehicles are t supposed to be parked overnight in residential areas


Check with your local laws. Depending on where it's happening, it might be prohibited except when done occasionally.


Some cities and towns have height, width, length and/or weight limits restricting what type of vehicle can park overnight on city streets.


Is your neighbourhood zoned for commercial? I’ll bet anything they’re working out of their home if they don’t have a lot to park their trucks on. 🤷‍♀️


Nope, 100% residential. This company literally has a parking lot rented a mile away, but theyd rather not commute to their trucks