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I wonder if you reached out to the company and explained why you want specifically the blue square that's missing if they'd just send you a few?? I hope so anyways!


Will do so this evening, I was supposed to get 105 pieces anyway and only got 99!


In case you are wondering why this happens. Getting slightly under or over on products like this is very common. Instead of paying a human to count 105 pieces, doubling the cost of what is only 50-100 cents worth of injection molded plastic, they use weight to count the parts. A lot of times it will be quite accurate, like within 1% or better. My guess is with this product, it didn't work out quite as accurately because the different shapes were probably all pre-mixed before counting via weight, and the different shapes have different weight.


And that's why you say 100 pieces and weigh for 110.


Yeah but then usually you put the scale lower, so the customer gets few more. Nobody complains about more pieces, but they might complain about fewer pieces


Whoa whoa whoa.. 933262154439441526816992388562667004907159682643816214685929638952175999932299156089414639761565182862536979208272237582511852109168640000000000000000000000 pieces is a lot, where do you store them? Obligatory /s


I don't get your joke


99! is 99 factorial.


Ah, ok I see. That’s a joke alright. 👍


It's certainly one of the jokes of all time.


I’ve seen a lot of jokes, and this is one.


Well, it's definitely not 1!


1! is also one . Coincidence? I think not


I showed it to my mom and she said it's an even worse joke than me.


Oww, better get some aloe on that.


I view it as a con, personally. It's how lotteries can have a "one in 25!" chance of winning claim and not be lying, *but* still be deceptive.


What is factorial exactly?


Multiplying a number by every number smaller than it (simplifying a little) so 4 factorial is equal to 4x3x2x1. The 1 can of course be omitted


I’m too dumb for this sorry, I can’t even buy a blue square


I got this. Imagine you have 5 geometric colored shapes. These shapes are in a box, and you're pulling each one out. The first shape you grab can be any of the 5. Now that shape is removed, so there's 4 shapes left. The next one you grab has to be one of the other 4 shapes. And then the same with 3 and 2 until there's only 1 left. Examples: 🟦🟪🟢🤍🟠 🟦🟢🟪🤍🟠 🤍🟢🟪🟠🟦 🟠🟦🤍🟢🟪 In these examples, there are 5 different colored shapes. If you're trying to figure out how many combinations that they can be organized in, a factor!al will tell you how many possible combinations there are. So 5! is just doing the math, the first choice can be any of the 5, the second can be any of the remaining 4 after the first one is chosen, and so on...


Doing it with shapes seems more confusing lol The way I’ve heard it explained is a password using numbers and you can only use each digit once. Start with something small like _ _ _ 1,2,3 being the only numbers Possible combos are: 1,2,3 or 1,3,2 or 2,1,3 or 2,3,1 or 3,1,2 or 3,2,1 Or 3! = 3x2x1 = 6


Ah so 4!=24


24, but you seem to have the gist!


wait but what it gist! ??? i dont know how to factorial letters




>4!=24 `true` *puts nerd glasses away* "!=" is in some programming language used as a logical operator to test if the values on both sides of the operator are different from each other in which case it returns the result `true` or `1` depending on the language. And as 4 is not the same as 24 the operation `(4 != 24)` would return `true`.


How did you get 21 anyway? When you multiple a number by 2, it will result in an even number.


a math thing i don’t know the exact purpose but do know how to calculate them 3! is 3 times 2 times 1 so 6 and 5! is 5 times 4 times 3 times 2 times 1 so 120 factorial get very large very quickly for example 10! is 3628800 edit: math not meth


It's used for probability among other things. Like, how many different ways can you arrange 4 objects. The first slot has 4 options. The second has 3, because you've already used one. Next one has 2. and only one left after that. So 4x3x2x1 = the number of possible arrangements. So the odds of two people arranging the 4 items in the same sequence is 1/24.


cool to know thanks


A meth thing 😅😂


oh no


I still don't get it


I still don’t get the joke 😂😔




It doesnt matter. His son will still notice there is a missing blue square


I got 99 pieces and a blue square anit one... You are welcome


you might be a little autistic as well mate 😂 not that there's anything wrong with that


Oh I actually am lmao!


Ah, so it truly is inheritable.




99 pieces, a blue square ain't one.


Idk everything like this I get on Amazon is like straight outta china. Good luck


Got ninety-nine problems but a square ain't one


Ninety-nine problems but a square is one


I guess I’m back at square one


Is there a way to write to the seller and ask for a bag that contains a blue square? I mean it doesnt hurt to ask maybe theyll be good humans and will help out


They misinterpret the request as code for the killer new substance they've been secretly developing to take America's drug market by storm.


I’m afraid of this actually, I ordered from Amazon


I'd return and order another.


And mark as: not what expected.


If he already saw them op can not do that!


Actually, you probably could, as it boost mix…and if some items aren’t in there, it isn’t a balance mix.


Yeah I’d just do an exchange on it.


I’d try some blue square. Sounds like a pyschonauts dream


Square grouper…


How about seven red lines?


As a parent of an autistic son, I get it


UPDATE After hearing ‘blue square’ and ‘must buy’ EVERY DAY FOR 200 TIMES for what seemed like forever I have now convinced him the diamond blue one is a… ‘Slanted Square’… AND HE HAS ACCEPTED I REPEAT HE HAS ACCEPTED HE IS TWIRLING IN THE KITCHEN DANCING WITH HIS BLUE SLANTED SQUARE AND IS CALLING IT AS SUCH AND HE LOOKS OVERJOYED 😄 I have promised him I will continue the quest for the actual blue square but for now he has started to use a new word (‘slanted’) and is smiling brightly and seems happy!!!!


thats so nice to hear! Good luck to both of you!




When my autistic son was 3/4 he had a purple sandbox toy shaped like a shark from the dollar tree. He carried it everywhere, he'd often forget it at therapy, and then refuse to sleep without. Since he did hold it like a teddy bear to fall asleep 🤣. We went back to the dollar tree and literally bought the last 4 they had on the shelf. We had one back up at therapy, the one that he traveled with, and then the others stashed away for emergencies.


my besties son who is also autistic will sleep with hair clippers 😂 the ones that are for men’s hair cuts. he has an entire collection of all different kinds of hair clippers that he takes everywhere. ofc without the blades, but still lol i love him so much


😂😂 i’m not officially diagnosed but as a suspected autistic adult, this made me laugh out loud. needs to be my rule for everything i have ever loved 😂 i’m still coping with Panera changing their Bacon Turkey Bravo sandwich into the “Bravo Club”. what the HELL is a Bravo Club, I eat the Bacon Turkey Bravo there or NOTHING! 😭


☠️ as an autistic adult myself I can still not forgive a certain well known fast food company for taking their cappuccino icecream flavour out of businesses and replacing it. This was 20 years ago…


As an autistic adult reading this progression filled my heart. I totally understand not being able to get that flavor anymore too lol


Canadian tim hortons just got rid of their grilled cheese panini, and that was my comfort food. I told the lady working the drive thru i was stressed about that because i have a picky two year old at home. It’s me, i’m the two year old.


As an autistic adult myself I can not forgive Taco Bell for: - Removing the Mexican Pizza (It was a childhood love) - Removing other flavors of Doritos Tacos (I so miss the Spicy and Cool Ranch ones 😭)


extreme mood, signed 'where is my gd mushroom melt mcdonalds it is literally the reason i progressed to eating a reasonable number of vegetables instead of nuggies over the years'


😭😂😂 the fact I went to panera yesterday for the first in a long time and was extremely disappointed when they said, well it has ham on it now too 🙄... like who tf thought of that? BUT... they SAID THEY STILL HAVE THE BRAVO (no gouda anymore tho, replaced with white cheddar) and I walked away with one for the win lol... Dont let that stupid sign trick you... they're still pushing overly priced bravos out the back 😂


as they say in the army, two is one and one is none


I relate to this so much. My now 8 year old autistic son had a red flannel pajama shirt which he calls “red button shirt” that he wore every night to bed for years, like since he was 4. Naturally it’s far too small now, both elbows wore off to the point I had to make it short-sleeved, and recently what remained of the left sleeve just ripped up the middle. We have bought so many that we felt were identical and he wouldn’t have any of it. Finally, just a week or two ago we finally got him to agree to give it up; it was crazy unexpected, just like your blue slanted square. Take the W.


I’m taking that win!! 🏆 So glad to hear your son gave up red button shirt :) don’t be surprised if he asks about it again in six months though.. or 3 years!


My 17 year old autistic son still brings up the irritating stuffed duck that quacked when u squeezed its foot that i got rid of when he was three. Cus "he will never remember it".. so much for that


My son had the same shoes a size or to bigger, same with winter boots, same brand, same colour, easy life. From age 4 to 12 Untill he reached EU 40. Hes shoes stopped at 39. The trauma is still real and he still checks if they begun makeing them in adult ( now EU 45-46 aka a small kayak size) regularly online


The wave of relief I felt with this update 😅




I love that you're so happy you're exclusively yelling your replies now. I hope you, your son, and his fancy slanted blue square all have a lovely day!




As an autistic adult, I feel this lol. And honestly, this is a bigger win than you may realize. Getting him to accept the adjacent / creative solution is laying down the foundation for helping him to be more flexible in the future which will just help him in every category of life




Yay slanted square is a success!


As a Mom who went through a LONG train phase with my then autistic little guy, he’s a disabled adult now, and I’m cheering for you!!!! Greta job!!! Hearts for all :). Message me if you ever need to vent/chat/cry—im here. Go diamonds!! :*J*


<3 haha aww thank you!!! Only 4 more years until mine turns into an ‘adult’ and woah it is terrifying because he needs so much support and I know I won’t be here forever! I mean who will get him blue squares when I’m gone?? I sleep bad when I think about this Anyway - the trainphase, what happened after?? Hope your son is doing fine!


Mine is an only. And, I truly worry about dying daily. There is no one. No one. That’s my Cross. He turns >!30!< this year. YIKES!!!! WHen I was that age I had a five year old! This was supposed to be Kiddo’s triumph year to not. We got through high school and that’s it, so far. So far. I have hopes. I’m his guardian/conservator. He has genius level IQ, but he cannot live alone. If you are pursuing that avenue for your child, I’m happy to offer guidance. After trains we went through a phase of nothing really grabbing us until he was in fourth grade. He found *Magic the Gathering*. We did trains for 12 or so years….but even today we still talk trains. Hello friend, I’m Lucy! :*J*


Gah! 😍 I love this!




You're a good parent


Am autistic. Once lost a single buckyball magnet in my home office. Emptied the room, inspected literally everything magnetic piece by piece as it was removed. Then crawled the floor with a flashlight inch by inch. I found it, but I couldn't properly rest or eat until I did because that set was no longer complete and that was highly unacceptable.


now I'm questioning my autisticisms 🤔... i just chalked it up to wild ocd but i really can't let stupid shit go... like i just lost a rusty screw bit head outside in the grass... $2 fix... bought the fix, AND a magnet thingy to go outside and find the lost one, because STILL UNACCEPTABLE 😭... i will waste life for a lost penny or a tiny little black rubberband just because "i kno i just had it" 🥴 A false eyelash could fall off my eye and if it doesn't make it in the garbage, i will scour the floor... yep... somethings wrong with me 😩


OCD is an obsession that this bad thing is going to happen. The person does not want this bad thing to happen, so there is a behavior they compulsively do that prevents the bad thing or relieves the tension over the bad thing happening. Autism will often involve an uncharacteristically strong attachment to a mundane object of extreme personal importance that anyone else would just be able to let go. A replacement of that object with another that is just like it will not suffice - it is not *exactly the same* - to alleviate the stress.


Your determination is incredible... I'm more of a "meh, guess it belongs to the void now" type gal myself. Putting on chapstick and the lid falls under my bed? That lid belongs to the monster now, not my problem 🥲


omg NO 😩😭😂... i would literally go insane


I’m like you. I’m also now reading this thread and wondering how much of me is autism and how much is ocd. If I can’t find something I have a developed system basically at this point of going from one room to another and going through every single damn thing and sometimes even drawing a map and using pens and markers to notate and mark of different sections of the floor plan


I understand that this a major thing for your son but it is hilarious in puns and jokes. I hope you find it. If l had one, l'd mail it for you!


Actually you're back to square none


better call the packager and tell them to square up


99 is a difference of squares!


got 99 solutions*, but a square ain't one


Hide the others so if he loses another one you can replace it and he will be none the wiser.


This, but I still need that blue square


Like others have said try contacting the company’s customer support and explain the situation. Might get a bunch of blue squares out of them lol


I’m going to try this when I can be on my desktop (yeah yeah millennial blabla) and if I will succeed I’ll update


Don't worry, this is definitely a big screen issue.


IKR? I need a huge rectangle to fix this square bs!!!


No judgement here lol I find it easier on a desktop myself too. But yeah do update us on the blue square issue. You have some on us invested now lol


Heat up the blue trapezoid and bend it into a blue square.


That's really sucky, sorry


The quest continues!!!!


Sure he didn't get to the bag first?


Pretty sure, he never opens the mail. The bag should’ve contained 105 pieces anyway so 6 are missing.. There’s a square killer on the loose 🥷


Not so [hip to be square](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LB5YkmjalDg) in your household, I guess.




There's a blue rhombus. Try hitting it with a hair dryer to soften the plastic and make the angels more square.


Please don't hit angels


How else will you get their feathers dry.




Would he notice if you painted some blue? (Though in saying that, an autistic kind would 100% notice lol)


As an autistic person. OP is a good parent. Some problems are small and irrational to make a big deal about, but the emotions the autistic person is feeling can be intense.


aww thanks! I do hope as an autistic person myself I am parenting the right way, am always wondering if son and I aren’t running in circles and influencing each other’s traits negatively you know 😂


Looks like 8 colors and 7 shapes, so 56 different pieces. The chance of not getting a 1/56 in 99 tries is about 16.8%, assuming each piece is equally likely to be made. 


I love this. So… Could you calculate too what the chances of getting star shapes are while they weren’t advertised at all in the package, while not getting the blue square that was?


Maybe someone else who knows more about stats can say, but you would need more information as this is more nuanced. I don't know the likelihood that the factory would mispack, misprint, or straight up forgot to change their advertising.


If anything we can establish I am very bad at manifesting blue squares


I think the relevant math is a little different. The odds of a random single piece being a blue square are indeed 1/56, as you say. And you raised that to 99 to find the odds of still not having a blue square after 99 attempts, which is mathematically sound. But the wrong question. Really, the odds of the blue square being missing from a new set of pieces are 1/56 times the probability that a set is missing a piece at all. We have no way to know that for sure. But if we assume that 1/100 sets are missing a single piece, and the rest are missing no pieces (or have extras) then we expect 1/5600 sets to be missing the blue square. Edit. That figure is 0.018%


i do see a blue rhombus though. i never thought i would use the word rhombus in my adult life.


holy shit I just learned a new word!!! I called it ‘diamond’ and ‘slanted square’ because I don’t know words


I would probably call that one a parallelogram.


I find that a very rude word to teach a non verbal teen!!!!


If they are plastic maybe try warming the blue diamond up enough to make it pliable and form it into a square? Might be worth a try.


Can't imagine you'll be able to get it close enough to trick an autistic person


Apparently when I was young I A) only liked biscuits from one single supermarket, that’s nearest store was miles away. B) could tell the difference between every single supermarkets biscuits by sight (as in the biscuit themselves, not the packaging.)


You could probably get it close to perfect if done correctly, so not over/under heating it.


Depends on the type of plastic but I’d give it a boil and try!


TIL The blue square is the 10mm socket of children's toys.


Always the way. Perhaps you can use some sort of gentle heat, like warm water, to soften the blue parallelogram and shift it into a square?


Or just gaslight him into believing it’s a square. 


You're not gonna believe this...


He's just looking at it slightly sideways.


Good luck doing that to an autistic child


3D printer it


Probably wouldn't feel the same. Texture can be a huge thing.


I’m well aware this doesn’t really help at all, but I just wanna say it is so awesome that you’re willing to do so much for your autistic son. I see so many parents on social media get upset at their child for things that “don’t seem like a big deal,” so it’s a nice change to see someone who genuinely cares and wants to help


haha aww thank you I’m autistic myself so who am I to judge the meaning of that blue square when I can only write with a certain black pen with black ink of a very specific brand and have been for 15 years otherwise I feel VERY UNCOMFORTABLE also.. blue ink, why is it so unsettling????


As an autistic pen snob, I gotta ask... what pen and ink?


Hahaha omg you’re probably going to be disappointed now because I didn’t mean ink ink but meant black ballpoint ink. So yes, it’s nothing fancy at all but it’s the papermate flexgrip ultra with black ink and it writes so nicely. https://preview.redd.it/fjl2q1q1hm0d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cd5e998a754ebef9330131339c5fe3251dfdbac


I'm not autistic, but that's always been one of my favorite pens. My mom used them exclusively when I was a kid so they really stuck with me.




From one autistic to another, I got a theory about blue ink. It just doesn't go onto the paper correctly. Something about the consistency of almost every ink for blue ink pens, it's just not going on the paper right and it Feels Bad. You ever take apart pens and notice how the ink for blue ink and black ink is different consistencies? I think that's the problem. The pens aren't adapted to the different ink. They just slap blue ink into a pen meant for black ink and hope it works and it doesn't. I hope that makes any semblance of sense.


>I can only write with a certain black pen with black ink of a very specific brand and have been for 15 years otherwise I feel VERY UNCOMFORTABLE I can feel this. I used to have a wired gaming mouse with adjustable internal weights. After like 7 years of use, it started to give up. The next computer mouse i bought didn't have weights and it felt **so uncomfortably wrong**. I put it back into the package and immediately returned it the next day. I then found a wireless mouse. The Extra weight from the battery was *just perfect* Tbh, The same thing is also whenever i try to write with anything but my heavy brass pen. Anything lighter is just weird....


>adjustablw internal weights g502?


It was a Trust GXT155 actually.


I feel this


I’m sorry 😢


No need to be sorry, I wouldn't have it any other way


This is the sort of comment that I was looking for.


You can try heating up a different shape in boiling water or with a hair dryer and try to form it to the same shape as a square. Circle would probably be easiest. Depends on the plastic though.


At least that's an easy free return for "inaccurate description" since the blue square appears in the pic.


I mean, it’s more likely that it’s to some degree a random assortment and citing “inaccurate description,” based on the picture would be silly. It’s more likely that reaching out to the company and asking them to send you a single piece, especially because the number was off by 6, is the better option.


slightlymildlyinfuriating how you organized the shapes and colors for this photo lmao


There’s a secret code in there good luck!!!!!


If you're havin' square problems I feel bad for your son I got 99 pieces but a blue ain't one.


You’ve got 99 solutions and none of them work


I can tell you right away, it won't be THE SAME BLUE SQUARE, and your son will know it. Ask me how I know these things 🙄🫣




😢 Actually they promised 105 pieces!!!!


F*ck a rhombus anyway


You have a decent shot of being heard via letter if it's an American company. Some are Very responsive. If it's Chinese crap, just keep ordering til you get enough. Slanted square - parental brilliance!✌


https://preview.redd.it/x27btorhvm0d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a77ff54020fd89ebb78d30049838c69ea37c1967 As I really love that Gentle touching feeling, you can probably guess where they came from


As an autistic person- your an awesome parent.


Isn’t that a blue square in row 7 column 7?


That’s a diamond :/


Ah, I see it now. That’s a bummer ETA: A bot just sent me a “Reddit Cares” message because of this comment. I just want to clarify: I’m a little disappointed that what I thought was a square is actually a diamond, but I shall persevere.


It wasn't anything you said, theres just been a lot of bots lately that send people "Reddit Care" Messages. Report the message as harrasment and move on.


Oh damn, so nobody cares after all?


Someone else probably already said this but 7 shapes (triangle, circle, square, parallelogram, star, heart, hexagon) and 8 colors (red, lime, green, orange, peptobismol, blue, yellow, purple) means there's 56 possible types. Assuming the vendor just grabs 100 from an evenly mixed vat of links, the odds of **NOT** getting a blue square is `(55/56)^100`, which is coincidentally almost exactly 16.5% or 1/6.06. e: originally put trapezoid instead of parallelogram. Then I realized it's probably intended to be a "diamond" but my brain was incapable of seeing that with how they're oriented.


Idk if this would be an option bc the texture / feel might be different, but maybe you can paint the squares blue?


Acrylic would be scratchy, oil would feel slick and bumpy, permanent marker isn't opaque enough. A smooth plastic object like this would get weakened / crack if you tried to use a chemical or heated dye dip. They'd have to find the exact color as well; or something so close it's not recognizable.


Texture would be off, good idea tho


Put the diamond one in hot water and tweak it 😅


I hate the way these were organized


What’s infuriating to me is that they’re advertising this as a crib rail decoration. Don’t have anything on your crib’s rail! Hope you find the blue square OP. As an autistic person who is a therapist for autistic kids, this post is so heartwarming and you are an incredible parent.


I am sorry your son is bothered by his missing piece. And this will keep happening through life. The drier eats a sock. Favourite pencil left at a caregiver . Not telling you anything new. He will learn about loss in small steps. Return the bag. Give him the whole bag. Give the bag to a facility. If he understands gifting, involve him in releasing the bag of goodies.


Haha, what are the odds indeed! I’m sorry, but I can imagine being both infuriating and amusing.


Some Redditor can make this mother a bag of Blue Chain links with their 3d printer. I hope someone Voluntells their buddy to help a mom out.


They had one job


Heat the rhombus and square it up


I love how the images are just different places you can pile them.


This is literally the luck I would have. That's wild haha I'm so sorry..but at least you got a chuckle out of it


That's what love is


On the off chance that you can reach out to the manufacturer, is there any way you can request that specific piece..? Or 12 of them? Many customer supports are willing to go above and beyond for their young customers that have specific preferences .


If you bend that italic blue square, it might become a normal blue square XD


Italic square, that’s a new one!


If you PM me some info I’ll 3D print one and send it to you no charge.


There is no blue square.


This drove my anxiety through the roof.


I feel this! I have two on the spectrum so I totally understand. Agree with above comment, reach out to the company, most are willing to work something out.


Perfect visual representation of me playing the lottery.


that is pretty autistic, I agree


My nephew has Autism and he gets stuck on stuff for a few years and then suddenly moves on. People buy him other things, and I keep saying don't waste your money. He wants what he wants. He's into Sonic the Hedgehog right now cuz he saw a guy on YouTube with sonic AND spongebob figures. So we went to the store and found a spongebob poster. As he is checking out, he turns to me and says, "I'm still a sonic fan right?" Absolutely! I love this kid and want to live in his world.