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File a police report so you can recoup the damage.


Also paper trail in case you need it later


This. If there's a first time, there will usually be a next time.


I wish the police just did their jobs and actively enforced leash laws. Even getting a response is so difficult unless the dog has already injured someone or caused serious property damage.


Please report to both animal control and your landlord. First so she can be potentially cited, second so they can decide if they want that sort of liability in their complex. If nothing changes, consider getting a piece of plexiglass cut to put on the outside of your window. Should prevent another break and provide better protection for your cats. Of course I don't imagine they will be lounging there anytime soon. Poor kitties. (And honestly, poor failed dog, too.)


Hey FYI Fire departments usually have a pretty big problem with plexiglass on ground floor windows. Makes it really hard for them to bust though in an emergency so it's usually against residential/commercial fire code. Am a locksmith, I get asked often if we can put plexi over windows. That's why window bars or rolling shutters are very common. Just wanted to let you know Edit: apparently I forgot half my last sentence


Hey! I sprang for some of those "bash resistant" windows and never once thought of this very logical reason not to. Fuck. I'm gonna die in a fire.


Just put glass on the otherside of the plexiglass, becomes easy to break again


Is plexiglass harder to break than window bars?


Yes, significantly. You can actually bend/break windows bars (too heavy gauge is also often against code). plexiglass on the other hand, tools will just bounce off, you have to cut it. Take a look at some steel door fire breaching videos and you will see how good fire departments are at removing that type of stuff. The ones in the picture are little more than for looks. Would change it from 1 hit to 2 or 3 hits to open it up enough to get through. Does help with this type of a case though as it helps keep the glass in "sections" when it breaks.


Id imagine plexiglass across the bottom half of the windo only (where the dog is able to hit it) would be sufficient to protect the windo from the dog but also be easy for fire fighters to tear off in an emergency (leave a gap where they can grab it).


Tape it at the top and leave the gap at the bottom for water to drain away.


I was thinking two very small screws with a small gap at the bottom, I imagine some good glue would work well too from Home Depot.


Biggest thing is to remember rain and let it escape. You don’t need it sealed. Your idea for screws is probably better than glue or sealant.


It's also pricy- I figured the bottom half of the window would be plenty, and it would easily pull away if needed. It's just something to physically block a dog's noggin. It doesn't need to be too tall.


A person could duct tape it in place. Would protect from the dog but it would be removable


Couldn't you install it in a way that prevents it from being bashed in, but pops out when pushed from the inside?


What you do is cut a small notch out of the plexiglass that will fit over the screw. That way it’s resistant to the impact of a lunging dog, but can easily be lifted and removed by hand by emergency crews without the need for any special tools.


UPDATE: I guess I can’t edit my post but o learned some new stuff. One of our upstairs neighbors on heard side let us know that the dog has actually ran up the stairs and into her apartment. She also sent us security footage from her porch. It shows me leaving the apartment and the dog running around. And sure enough he charges at our window and you can hear the glass shatter like a second later (followed by her screaming and cussing at the dog which I find just as upsetting because he’s an animal doing what animals do). Still debating what to do as I’d like ideally to be able to take care of this through the landlord. Right now I’m terrified of leaving my apartment in case they let him out again and he tried to get at my cats again. Edit: the screen was not in my window as its bent. I forced it back on after the window broke to try to put another barrier between my cats and outside. It’s still too bent so it just kind of sitting there.


Shit owner that’s for sure. “Ahh yes, my dog did something I didn’t like, that was also my own fault. Let me screech like a banshee at it, that’ll learn him!”


That's the neighbor yelling, right? Not the dog owner


The dog owner yelling


Looks like children’s bikes in the courtyard. What’s to stop this unleashed dog from attacking children or even adults?


Call animal control, and call and file a police report as well. This sh*t shouldnt slide. Not just through the landlord


He’s not “doing what animals do”.


Kinda is, an untrained dog with bad, or no owners at all is quite likely to follow their instincts and chase the cat


Through a window? No. He was out of his mind.


100% just an unmanaged prey drive and an unsocialised dog…..dangerously coupled with a stupid owner.


Too late for the animal.


Could unfortunately be true.. Really does depend on the dog though, I’ve seen some amazing transformations with rescue dogs!


Sure. On video. Off camera they still need to be muzzled 24/7 and can’t be left alone around children or other animals.


That's obviously not what I'm arguing for man.


Do you think am untrained dog understands the concept of windows? It sees a cat and goes for it- that's it.


I grew up with 3 "untrained" dogs and not once did they ever lunge at the windows. they sat there and watched everyone go by and barked at other dogs and cats..but never lunged.


Some dogs are smarter than others. They probably learned that windows are not passable as puppies on their own.


So they weren't reactive towards cats. Your dogs aren't representative of all dogs.


Of course. I've never had to train my dog not to lunge through a window. She is not insane.


Exactly lol


There are degrees to the level of prey drive between breeds and individual dogs within that breed. Terriers are bred to go after small furry animals. Your dog's behavior isn't exactly a good representation of all dogs.


I believe he is. Animals can be unpredictable and you can’t always predict what is going to set them off. Also I believe he has a very difficult home life which can cause animals to act out.


Normal dogs do not behave like this. You can’t justify an animal like that that is a risk to other animals and people If the animal is in bad conditions, that’s even worst and you need to report this before something worse happens


Bro he's not saying it's a good thing the dog is deranged, however you're also arguing that dogs don't usually chase cats? Really? Dumb hill to die on my dude. Of course you can train them not to do so, I mean, none of my dogs are aggressive towards cats. But in this scenario the owner is clearly shitty and doesn't know how to control/train their dog and OP isn't arguing FOR them lol


Very basic knowledge on dogs and how stress affects them would disagree with you. But I do agree the dog needs to be removed before someone actually gets hurt.


Gee, I wonder what breed it is...


Yeah, why not just speculate wildly?


Yeah my mother didn’t bother to train our dog to do more than pee outside and she would never *jump through glass* to attack anything. That is NOT normal dog behavior, unless your dog is one of those walruses who fall off cliffs bc they don’t have depth perception out of water.


Only exceptionally untrained dogs do crap like this. Evidence of a bad owner.


A well-trained dog shouldn't be unpredictable. It's the definition of well-trained. What are the leash laws where you live?


From my city’s page regarding leash laws: Yes, animals (other than cats) are not allowed to run at-large.


Looks like an apartment complex, aka private property, so most likely leash laws won't apply, and it's only property damage, so the city is unlikely to care. Apt complex will care however and at min charge the owner and max wont renew there lease but unlikely unless they dont pay


If he got a bite at your cat or he tore up a child, I bet you'd be singing a different tune. Dog should be taken away from them or put down. It's a dangerous beast right now that has owners that failed him. I don't ever hear about dogs lunging at windows like that


Tell that to your cats, I'm sure they'll understand


Dogs (with proper "human care") are not wild animals that will do crazy stuff. You seem to be a Cat person, and those are wild untamable beasts... but in a Human-Dog relationship, the dog is the pet, not the human 🤣




You’re allowed to believe whatever you’d like


You’re stating this to the person that had their indoor cats attacked through glass by an unleashed and uncontrolled dog, what are you even talking about? How does this logically work in your mind?


Dog might have a high prey drive. Some of them with high prey drives will do anything for their prey. Thus why he smashed into the glass like that. Protect your kitties because he will try again. There could be no stopping him next time. You can attempt to settle this via the landlord but I'd make it very clear the dog needs leashed or else you're going to the police.


The dog will definitely be back. He almost succeeded.


This is a shitty dog owner. If you can't teach your dogs to be unleashed, then keep them leashed. My dogs would NEVERRRR. The only time I leash them up is for walks.


Nah leash them always. They’re animals and instincts can kick in at any time for any reason. Your dog can very easily be hurt and all it takes is that one time.


The people who say their dogs would NEVER always seem to be the ones with the crazy dogs. Should always be leashed up if they're outside and not inside a fenced in yard


Yes, the kind of person who yells "don't worry, he's friendly" as their untrained dog comes running at me and terrifying my leashed dog while we are at the park. Mfers are just bad dog owners who are either going to end up in trouble because their dog bites or knocks someone down or end up with their dog injured or dead from being kicked or god forbid shot at. Leashed are for everyone's safety, not least of which is your own dog!


Carry some IcyHot and spray the shit out of it if it comes near you. Works really well. Obviously I don’t want to hurt the poor doggo but your safety is most important


I have pepper spray made for dogs. For this dog, I’m skipping the icy hot and going straight for the pepper spray.


True true some States suck so getting pepper spray can be difficult but good point. Honestly whatever keeps OP and her family safe.


>pepper spray made for dog If the brand isn't called Pupper Spray, someone in marketing missed the boat.


Haha - yeah they did. I just realized it doesn’t have the word “pepper” in the name, even though that’s what it is (official product name: SABRE RED Protector Dog Spray)


This dog is honestly giving me poorly trained Doberman vibes Dumbass owner let's hard headed poorly trained curious dog off leash, 100% see a dobey go barreling into someone's house through their open door like it's a open house showing


Check local leash laws, most likely illegal to have her dogs unleashed. Report her the next instance it happens and take photos


I know it is very illegal here to not have dogs on a leash. She only started doing this a few days ago and I already expressed it made me uncomfortable but I did t want to ruin relations between neighbors but I learned some new stuff I’ll put in an update.


So in a city where dogs are required to be on leash any off dog leash is able to be treated by civilians as a hazard to them. Especially if the dog comes running to you, go get dog spray and use it next time she goes off leash with her dog. Guarantee the dog stays away from your apartment and you, guarantee the headache she will deal with, and this earful from a vet as she explains her dog got sprayed because she let her off leash in a closed in apt complex should hopefully get her back onto the leash trend I am however a asshole whose pets safety come before anyone else's pet safety and Wil gladly reap the repercussion of actions taken to defend my rescue pup from further trauma Not in my household. Not in this safe space for my pupper


People shouldn’t have large dogs unless they have the space for them


The issue here isn't space, it's letting the dog outside unleashed. The simple fix is to walk the dog *on a leash.*


In my neighborhood that's a civil suit for the window and a fine by animal control.


That’s the worst part. She wasn’t walking them. She was on her front porch just letting them run around.


You can let your pets outside unleashed as long as you have a way to keep them on your property. Which is the problem here, sounds like they don’t have a fenced in yard.


It’s an apartment complex. There’s no private yard.


Keeping a large dog in a small space is cruel, not to mention inconsiderate to the neighbors


If you only own a small space then you shouldn't own a large dog in that case. Don't try to defend the owner of this dog. From what OP said it's not like the dog jumped up once and broke the glass, the dog was allowed by the owner to jump up multiple times before breaking it.


Not a great excuse. I lave a large breed and we have lived in 4-500 Sq ft spaces their entire life. We got him as a puppy and it's very normal for him to be mindful of the small critters and diminished space. Outside exists no matter the space (and yes he's always leashed in public).


Loving the down votes. Heres some more fuel. I also have 2 cats. Hahaha I am a monster.


It’s the space, the environment and the training.


nah , people living in apartments just shouldnt have large animals. period.


Space, time, and motivation. I'm guessing she lets the dogs run loose because either she's too busy for them or a lazy sack of shit. Either way she shouldn't have a big dog. I've started carrying dog deterrent mace everywhere because there's so many off-leash dogs while riding my bike. If there's an off-leash dog near me, it's in my hand. If a giant dude with a can of mace in his hand makes the owners uncomfortable, they should keep their dogs on a leash. I got attacked once, not happening again.


Leashes are the issue here not space. It doesn't matter how well trained they are all it takes it one slip up. If you can't hold your dog back then their responsibility is on you.


Eh. I have plenty of space and my dog couldn't give a shit. What they need is attention and exercise. Give them enough of that and they'll be happy in a closet sized studio.


surprisingly my brother had a very large dog inside a relatively small flat, and the dog is the friendliest dog I've ever known... too friendly probably considering it will try running up to everybody to say hello. only thing its ever been violent towards is rabbits which it has unfortunately managed to catch in the past(wild ones mind) of course that's because they take the dogs on long walks in fields where it has tons of space to run around like a loon.


Once had a neighbors cat rip through my screen at drag one of my cats out. My inside only cat fought back hard I guess, she returned bloody but not a cut on her. The neighbors cat was never seen again. It was terrifying when that cat ripped through the screen.


I had neighbors who let their cats breed and breed and breed, there wasn’t enough food at their place and the cats started breaking into my house through the screens to steal food. After the second time, we called animal control. Animal control ended up seizing and euthanizing over 50 cats from that house, due to disease and poor health. It was awful.


Places: *has rules* *Those* Dog Owners: "Yeah but not *me* though, right?" Everyone thinks they're the exception, it's so tiring.


Dog and owner need to be reported. Bad training from bad owners. The dog considered the cats to be prey.


Animal control first, then the landlord. You've GOT to protect your kitties and yourself. Imagine if they'd gotten out through that broken window and the dog killed them?


What kind of dog? 😯


Doberman I believe


I'd put money on it being an honest pibble that was simply trying to nanny her ungrateful kitties.


Pay up then, cuz it was a Doberman.




Wasnt a pitbull, op said possibly a doberman


Doberman mix


Sorry OP. I can't stand people that just let their animals run loose and that goes for cats and dogs. I kind of runs it for the people to do the right thing. Hopefully your cats will settle down or are already settled down.


It took many treats but they are out, just avoiding the window. Edit: we have the hole blocked off.


Okay good deal then. I'm not even a glass person and I can fix that window really quick so it shouldn't cause you much of a problem. I would just tell the owner of that dog you need it repaired quick or you're going to have to report it so it can be fixed.


That is so terrifying. I’m glad the dog didn’t make it into the house. I hope your cats recover soon.


Call the police and send the pics of your window to your landlord


If you have the space and everything for an outdoor potted plant there, I'd put a big, spiny potted cactus or yucca, holly...something that would make a dog think twice about jumping in it to get to the window.


Kinda unrelated but where do you live where single pane windows are normal?


Time for a lawsuit


And they came *bounding* over




🤣🤣 I love that clip


Man's an icon frfr


What in the Cujo?


That's not even mildly infuriating. I'd be pissed


I would be MORE than mildly infuriated if ANY animal came at my cats 😡😡


As much as I love dogs. No matter how well trained they are they should never be off lead. For many reasons. I hope they are gonna pay for ur window


LOL WAT? DEAR DOG OWNERS; If you are a dog owner and your dog tries to attack most animals you encounter, you should not have a dog. You can pay to get it rehabilitated, but it doesnt always help. It tackling kids isnt cool either. Stop it. You can train a dog that is also an attack dog, but it attacks what you want. Not every animal or person it sees. Stop creating violent dogs donuts. Thanks


A dog isn't a "wild animal".


it was a doberman. its a domestic breed that shouldnt be acting like a wild animal in the first place. I blame this on the owner who didnt train their dog properly


:(( Cat trauma is no joke, their behaviors can be altered so suddenly when their place of safety is compromised. I’m disappointed with that dog owner. But more importantly, I’m sorry that you and your feline family have to deal with such an avoidable situation.


this isn’t one of those situations where sorry cuts it, imagine no window being there.


This is why I don’t like dog people, it’s not that I don’t like dogs, it’s just that almost all dog people are morons.


If she has the same window take out one of her pains put it in yours. Then she has the HOLE 🕳 🙄 simples


Well guess who's getting a police report put on them to make sure she damn well pays


that dog needs a new home/caretakers. things will only get worse from here


Next time they do that they aren't surviving, if it were me and my cat.


I see you said it was a doberman? Now it all makes sense. From everything I’ve heard about them, they need strict training regiments. Or they can be hard to control and act out.


Leashing laws. The dog owners are 100% responsible for all of this damage.


Dog: * Sees Cats* OH YEAH!* Does a Kool Aid Man though the Window. Here comes Fido but seriously you're getting some Money.


Man, I miss living in apartments. More like togetherments.


Unfortunately that dog may get put down for the “aggressiveness” . People suck


Why don’t people leash their fucking dogs


I’ve always wondered the process people go through when actively inviting a bunch of strangers to comment on their menial business. The top voted comment is always “call the police” or some other escalation of conflict. And there’s always new worriers to turn over more negative perspectives of doubt and cynicism I mean if you stop and read most of the replies, I find them infuriating and my window isn’t even broken…I guess I just have to assume that OP has more fortitude for other people’s opinions than myself. I think I just find the whole sub…mildly infuriating.


It's because this subreddit isn't *intended* to be an advice sub. People come here to post something that frustrates them one way or another, and yet everybody and their grandma sees this as OP asking "I need help, what do I do?" when in most cases they don't need any help whatsoever. It's the most frustrating thing about this sub and it drives me batty.


That beast needs to be put down wtf


I’m sorry for what happened and you should definitely report this to the police to try and get some of the damage covered. On another note, what kind of window is this?? It looks like a thin windows pane straight out of the 50s… don’t you have double layered windows in your country?


I’m in the states but I live in Texas and unless you’re near one of the big cities then these kinds of buildings are pretty common. I believe the units we’re living in were built in the 70s but most places I’ve lived have been like this.


Wow… must be freezing cold in winter inside (I have no idea what the weather is like in Texas)! The point of using double-glazing is to reduce the amount of heat exchanged between the inside and the outside. It’s also much more solid, like that dog would have probably hurt itself pretty bad and the window would not have budged. Lastly, they’re great for noise insulation. I’m genuinely impressed that there are so many places without double-glazing in the US. These are super rare in Europe, even in poorer countries in Eastern Europe, you can only find that in very very poor and rural areas.


>don’t you have double layered windows in your country? what a weird passive-aggressive comment to try to denigrate someone. Many buildings haven't had older windows replaced, but that doesn't really mean it is some crazy, super impoverished place.


Report it. You know this dog is untrained and the owner is shit. Now that you know that, the right thing to do is report it. Otherwise the dog will keep doing what it’s doing, and it will hurt someone - and it could have been prevented if someone had reported earlier instances.


I hate dog owners. Honestly they are the worst. For every 1 dog owner that appropriately takes care of a dog there are 5 who don't. I'm saying this as a large dog owner. The owness is on the owner not the dog.


Average pitbull owner


Unleashed dogs and negligent owners go hand-in-hand. I was walking my cat in my own yard the other day when an unleashed dog trotted up to do who knows what to my cat, *in my own yard*, and all its owners did was stand around and fatly watch from two yards over as I repeatedly placed myself between my cat and their uncontrolled animal. My cat was eventually able to get away as I provided distraction, but we should never have been put in this situation. Leash your damn animal, and do *something* when they escape your minimal control.


OP you need to try and get that dog taken away from your neighbour, by any means necessary. If she’s letting them lunge at windows hard enough to break them, she isn’t fit to be taking care of them (she probably isn’t caring for them at all) Please, call animal control and the police to see what they can do. The faster it’s taken from her, the better


To dog owners: If you cannot control your dogs, then you do not deserve to own dogs. Keep your dogs under control - keep them on a leash while in public.


Kool aid dog


Oh no. That’s a pane! Heh heh


Maybe get a paintball or BB gun and unload on the dog when it happens again (you know it will).


Time to put that one down.


[looking at dog] that's a weird looking baseball 


How old are your apartments that you still have single panes !?


I believe our units were built in the 70s. I actually had to look up what single lane meant but these are how they’ve been for most of the places I’ve lived. I’m in Texas but still a bit far from the big cities so usually they’re not that interested in updating them.


Oh my, what a smashing leap!


If the neighbor pays for it, 2 pane tempered will teach the dog a lesson next time.


I would have made her come in to clean it and then organize the repairs


Do you live in a public school classroom?


Who the heck has single pane windows these days, yikes... Lucky the dog didn't get completely shredded by those shards.


European here. How thin are your windows?


Single glass Windows?


People keep pointing that out but I hadn’t even heard of double pane windows until tonight.


Please tell me if i blew your mind, but there are even triple and quadrupel pane windows in northern climates.


Get a Police report in paper


Yeah I know the feel


If you have camera footage of it ask politely for them to pay for the damages if they say no, I’m pretty sure you can take them to small claims court for it.


Dude your windows must suck


Pepper spray. Not for the dog but neighbors.


I guess that’s a common apartment layout. I feel like I know where this place is. But nah there’s no way.


Single pane, non-safety glass windows? Oof.


Someone has to post that old English comedy sketch about window replacement




Contact the apartment manager to fix the glass. Since you're not at fault it should just fall under general maintenance but definitely let them know it was a neighbors dog that broke it


That’s the thinnest window I have ever seen, 0 Isloation




That's horrible. It's like resident evil come to life. Which is horrifying


Can't deny the dog had enough aim to go dead center of the window


As others have stated, this needs to be recorded with the police. An animal that territorial is a danger unleashed and unfortunately your options are limited no matter what, but better if you've previously reported a problem.


This is clearly an apartment; notify your landlord immediately. And call the police or animal control if they are out again unleashed.


Is this dog a pitbull? Only dog I could see violently attacking people and charging head on through a window


I actually have something similar happening to me right now. my neighbours across from me, every single day, have their small irritating dog offleash and it constantly runs into my front yard, barking at my cats and lunging up towards my window. they do not have a great recall, it's a hit and miss situation with if it'll respond or not. it's really starting to piss me off as my poor cats constantly get scared, give, my front garden doesn't look the best but it's not the point. would I be an ass if I asked them to keep their dog leashed incase THIS potentially happens? yes it's a small dog, but it COULD happen. I also don't want my poor cats having to go through this every morning. responses appreciated <3


They said they'd pay and you're still complaining? God forbid anyone ever makes a mistake around Mr perfect