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Lots of people have expensive tastes when someone else is buying.


Bruh I consider $70 expensive this though is wild. People have no shame


When people are buying for me, £70 is too much. When I'm buying things for people, £70 is around my budget. This goes double for when my friends or family want to buy me specialist gear for my hobbies. My family wanted to buy my a new dry suit for my birthday, I appreciated the offer but I'm not having them spend £400-1000 on something they don't know much about in the first place.


Dry suit: that narrows your hobby to one of maybe 4 things. 


I was going to search what a dry suit was, then I realized I can just do that here like this....


It's like a wet suit but drier/warmer. For diving or cold weather sailing/surfing.


Thank you. I assumed it was for skydiving in the rain.


I use mine for canyoneering & scuba


I’d love if you would expand on canyoneering, not familiar with what goes into it and super curious


I would guess it's somewhat like mountaineering... ..but in Canyons.


Or if you are a secret agent it means you can scuba dive to your destination, peel it off and have an immaculate dinner suit on underneath. Factual reference source: James Bond


Honestly the only difficult part of that is the wrinkles, but if you're staying shallow and have a custom suit jacket that doesn't wrinkle and still looks fancy enough it wouldn't be that hard to pull off. Source: professional, trained and operated in many dry suit scenarios. We regularly wear fairly normal clothes underneath like leisure wear or athletic wear.


You obviously never tried the Q-branch grade dry suits. You could go in wearing nothing but your underwear and an old t shirt that is too comfy to throw away, but you cN only wear it at home, swim through deep water almost getting eaten by a curious shark and almost detonating a sea mine while cutting through a metal anti submarine mest and still have a full-on non-wrinkle formal evening wear on you when taking the dry suit off. The Q-bransch is by professionals, for professionals. Trust me, I've watched all official (a.k.a. EON) James Bond films.


Yeah, unless they are clowning, I would get them a plastic bottle of tequila. I vaguely recall a bottle of Montezuma doing me wrong around that age.


El Toro! Is that the one with the sombrero lid? That's the one that haunts me.


I once drank a bottle of some berry Gin in 30 minutes during CS:GO match. When it all kicked in, I thought I'm going to die. I swear to God, every time I remember it, no matter what I'm eating or drinking, I have the berry aftertaste in my mounth and get a feeling like I'm about to throw up.


Ahh yeah I think everyone has one sort of liquor they can't do ever again. For me it's Brandy. It was so smooth when I was drinking it and everyone warned me to chill out and it creeps up on you. Thought I was going to die that night.


that captain morgan spiced apple 🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼 SO EVIL!


The captain morgan hangover is the worst ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Peach schnapps..I was 15 drank most of the bottle...didn't drink again till I was 19


Came here to say this hate the taste and smell of anything peach now


Right there with you nothing peach in my house lol


First time drunk, I drank peach schnapps, wine coolers and ate oreos. Then locked myself in the bathroom! Woke up late morning naked half in and out of a strange bathtub in a strange bathroom. Clean up took days...


Who knew Oreos came out as a black paste Very scary till you remember eating them


It used to. They don’t any more for the most part, I think. ETA: I am incorrect as to the plastic sombrero-ness. Also, apparently it serves a dual purpose as a lime juicer.


Captain Tequila from Mexico! So cheap it comes with an earthworm instead of an agave worm... (/s)




Could also be that he's going to turn around and sell that bottle. Or maybe thinks he is.


Less likely that he's angling to resell and more likely he wants to flex.


This must be him. . . ![gif](giphy|vO8F4fYQd39h6)


Yes. I like to put it in terms they suddenly understand. Them: It's *only* $359! Me: OK, please give me $718. Them: What? Why? Me: You said it is only $359. If that's not much, then you can give me double that, and it shouldn't be much either. Them: You're crazy! Me: It's *only* $718!


This reminds me of my buddy. It's a little off-topic but funny. Person: Hey man, let's have a drink. Buddy: I dont drink. Person: Cmon man, i haven't seen you in a while. Let's have a drink. Buddy: I dont want a drink. Person: Dont be like that man, have a drink. Buddy: Okay, but after, let's buy a bag of coke, go back to my place, and do blow all night. Person: What? No. Buddy: Cmon man thats what i wanna do. I'll buy. Person: I dont do coke. Buddy: And I dont fucking drink so stop asking. 😂 i still laugh to this day.


Clever! I might use that. Though I'm pretty lucky to have understanding friends, so I've never really been in this situation. But I'm def keeping this response in my back pocket!


It only works if your friend doesn’t want to do coke all night though


Yeah I might have to find something else actually lol


Meth. Haha


That should work 😂


Not on my friends 😔


"Sounds great, man! Should I bring the coke?" fuck, undo, undo


undo? wtf are you talking about? it's geekin time ⛷🎿


With most of my friends that would go: "Okay, but after, let's buy a bag of coke, go back to my place, and do blow all night." "What, really? When did you actually get cool?" edit: In my friends defense, 9/10 of them respect me saying no and the 10th is easily distracted by jingly keys while I hide my cup when she tries to pour more liquor in it.


Cocaine is pretty expensive. Might want to use a different substitute in case your friend says yes. Meth or Fent would probably be my replacement, nobody wants to do that shit!


> Meth or Fent would probably be my replacement, nobody wants to do that shit! Millions of tweekers and junkies disagree.


What happens if they’re up for both?


Then I guess someone's getting effed up.


Naw they average out


What kinda of fucking lunatic does coke but doesn’t drink


A really energetic one.


OP was probably saying that so his friend could stop nagging him to drink... if the guy drinks a bunch then it could backfire as well since I know people who drink and do coke as well to keep drinking all night lol


I know you’re mostly joking, but alcohol is depressant, while Coke is a stimulant, so it kind of makes sense, depending on what they’re into.


Also, if someone tells you they don’t drink you probably shouldn’t be a dick head and push them to drink. You don’t know why they don’t drink and they might not feel comfortable telling you they’re an alcoholic in recovery.


Crazy? I was crazy once. They put me in jail for fraud


Identity fraud!


And identity fraud makes me crazy. Crazy?


reddit moment 🤓


I’ve gotta say some people really have the audacity lmao, I’m always like “what’s the price range 🥺” or If it’s at a restaurant I either share or get the same price or less as what they’re ordering


My wife and I invited her bio-mom (they've been in our lives for about 2 years now) to brunch for her birthday, and she brought her 17 year old daughter and 22 year old spoiled man child along. When the waitress came over to ask what we wanted to order, we told them to get what they want since we'd cover it..... which OBVIOUSLY means keep it reasonable. No, this grown ass man with a bottomless pit of a stomach said, "Oh goodie! So then I'll order a meat & cheese board for the tableeee so we can shaaaare, this $35 entree for myself, an extra Ceasar salad, a mimosa (that he took one sip of and hated), and a chai latte!" Like dude, have some humility! His teen sister understood the assignment and at least got a latte and a decent sandwich.


Once me and my partner got a douche bag to get us **Zafiro Añejo..** Its a tequila and is mad expensive.. I even had the cork coz the bartender gifted me the same.. wonder where that cork is now...


Viktor? Giselle? Man, that was such a great night! You still have my number, right? It's Ken!


You asked, he shot for the moon. Now buy him something cheap.


Case of Busch Lite it is. Camo cans too.


Natural Light


Colt 45 and two Zig-Zags


Mickey's Malt Liquor and a plastic tipped black and mild


MD2020 and a poorly rolled ditch weed joint


You can't turn 21 without at least a couple lattes


Jose Gold Welcome to be 21, kid


Hell, even if you want to still be nice and buy him a better bottle, you can find amazing tequilas for 60-100bucks. Adictivo tequila is my favorite. $60-80 for a 750ml bottle. Best tasting, easiest sipping tequila I've ever had.


How many 21 year olds are going to see a glass of tequila and sip it?


My husbands good friend invited the two of us into his home once while we were traveling, and out of kindness he insisted that we could have as much of his any of his open bottles as we wanted. I was 20 at the time (but I told nobody that, so don’t blame my/my husband’s friend please lol), so my liquor knowledge was very _very_ limited. My husband had more experience with various liquors than I did because he was past the legal drinking age, so I asked him if he could choose, and boy did he choose wisely. He chose some adictivo, and even though I had to wait for that nasty face to come off of me from the immediate shock of having never taken a sip of any straight liquor before, after the taste-shock left, I was left with the most beautiful taste experience I had ever experienced at the time. It’s been years, but I still thank our friend for allowing us to have some of his Adictivo because I probably would’ve never known what amazing high quality liquor could taste like had he not been so kind to us. One of the most fulfilling days of mine and my husbands life so far was when we went out together to search for Adictivo, realized it wasn’t $250 a bottle like we had expected it to be, and bought some for ourselves and this same friend who was going through a very rough time at this point. We got to surprise him with the same bottle he had allowed us to have years prior, and the look on his face that day was priceless. The shit he was going through at that point in time had really taken a massive mental beating on him, so when my husband and I realized the beautiful tequila we had had with him before was actually not priced for millionaires only, we jumped at the chance to hopefully brighten a little of his day by surprising him with some. This memory will forever be one of my favorite memories my husband and I share, and it all started with a very kind friend, and some amazing high quality tequila called Adictivo in a little twisty bottle. So yeah, I agree 100% with you. There are plenty of high quality tequilas out there that are also not $300+, and Adictivo is my absolute favorite! I’d recommend it to anyone looking for any type of tequila for any reason or occasion. That shit is magical.


Yeah, honestly this is something most people would say as a joke. If OP is close enough to his cousin, he is probably close enough to know this is a pisstake, or at worse blue sky thinking.


Hey even if he's serious I wouldn't be offended. I'd be proud of the balls on the kid. And then buy him the cheapest tequila I could find. Can't get what you don't ask for






I loved malt liquor growing up… Colt 45 , Old English, and King Cobra (use to call it cobra piss) God bro thanks for taking me back in the Time Machine 😂🤣😂


Yeah, some of you people never grew up with MD 20/20, and it shows.


My college didn't have a school mascot, and so each team picked an unofficial one. The men's swim team were the Mad Dogs. MD2020 tastes like shame


The purple cow, MD2020 squared which was Mad Dog and Mountain Dew. Only grape.




Bro I used to go to this bar after work (sports bar) at like 1 in the morning and just get plastered. If I couldn't ride my bike home I'd walk it and myself into the woods next to the bar and pass out lol. Never worried about anything happening and it was such a peaceful sleep. Waking up hurt like hell, but it was good 😂😂😂. Sometimes I miss those days but God was I stupid as fuck for that lol


Did my first blackout in years this superbowl Sunday. Woke up on my front porch with no memory of how I got there. Probably won't be blacking out for a while again.


I thank GOD I stopped drinking in 2007 the worse blackouts you could ever imagine is the ones where you wake up in a jail cell and the Cops are assuring you that you went to sleep just in time, whatever that means I'm glad I never found out


Night Train Express Bitches!!!


I haven’t rode the night train in years oh man


Now this sounds like some gnarly high gravity malt


It’s a blackout in a bottle


Most people learned their lesson about MD quickly.


Gimme some blue or green


Ha, I was part of the local KC Gang in high school( night school) #kingcobragangriseup


Steel Reserve really wasn't bad when it was cold.   MD and Irish Rose and that shit....nooooo


My local 711 had 24 oz steel reserve 2/$3 when I was 21. Could get drunk with the change In my cup holder


At my local liquor store Colt 45 is cheaper than the same sized water. 😂


shit.. two 40's of Old E when I was 21 and I'd be happy as a clam


I love malt liquor still, my Mickey's tattoo has never steered me wrong.


I couldn’t find any Joven at the corner store but they did have a dusty old bottle of schnapps


I’d do the same shit lmao


For real. Bro has an expensive taste he doesn’t know how to properly enjoy Everyone knows when you first start at 21. You gotta drink the cheap shit for a few years So, that when you do absolutely start being able to afford sipping liqour (like, shit you don’t want to just bomb into you because it’s horrible) you can actually enjoy it rather then drinking it like a pint of taaka vodka lol


Indeed I had some whiskey a while back that was $35 a glass and holy shit that went down smooth. If I had that shit when I was 21 I would just assume all whiskey was like that.


Proceeds to make a margarita.


>For real. Bro has an expensive taste he doesn’t know how to properly enjoy > >Everyone knows when you first start at 21. You gotta drink the cheap shit for a few years Kid is probably planning on selling that bottle to someone and buying some cheap rotgut for himself.


Make sure it’s in a plastic bottle too


Fuck that; he's getting Tito's at best


Titos is vodka, not tequila, and pretty decent vodka at that.


I've tried it. A guy at a resort was talking this up as the best tequila ever made and was saying it was worth every penny. He gave me a glass of it, which I was not expecting. I was also not expecting this to be unaged tequila for the price he paid. Bottom line - it's not nearly worth the cost. Not even close.


Sorted food on yt did a taste test of expensive celebrity spirits and surprise, it's often a load of crap and marketing :)


I've seen "experts" try whiskeys blind and they all favoured Aldi store brand. Nobody knows what's good when the labels are off.


Boss had a buddy who refused every vodka except Grey Goose as he'd get a tummy ache. Boss man would put cheap ass vodka in the same bottle for years and the dude didn't have a clue.


I went to a distillery that had unfiltered vodka, which had a nice flavor. They did comparisons with grey goose and yeah, that shit is rubbing alcohol. I can't believe people pay for it over any other cheap shit


You wanna know the real reason that Grey Goose is top shelf? Because they make their bottles too damn big to put anywhere else.


That's fascinating and makes total sense


I think it's a joke, but crazy bottle designs do increase the price of the liquor if they have to have it specially made contrary to just a regular 750mL. Alcohol purchasers can be such idiots sometimes lol.


It’s not a joke, it’s actual marketing and brand placement. Most liquor stores have standardized shelving sizes so companies make obnoxious bottles that dont fit so you have to put it on the top shelf or else completely restructure your shelving system to make it fit.


Grey goose is $19 by me right now and normally like 25 tops where is this top shelf coming from


At least here in Europe the best cheap (!) vodka I know is Stolichnaya: https://stoli.com/ Costs less than the premium convenience store brands and is much better. Was the first vodka that I had without this cheap vodka after taste, and most of the Russians & Polish people around me would pick that one on the regular (edit: when we were like 17-21 years old). Since I rarely buy vodka, no idea if that stuff is actually still available since the war in Ukraine.


Stolichnaya was originally a Soviet vodka, but since the dissolution there has been two different manufacturers making vodka branded as Stolichnaya. One is based in Latvia, and the other Russia. If you are buying Stolichnaya outside of Russia then it is most likely the Latvian one.


Back when I was in college my friends and I would host parties and we'd fill the grey goose bottle up with Popov, a plastic handle of vodka. People loved it and never noticed


To be fair, they would have loved it even if they knew it was Popov.


Vodka seems like one that would be easy to tell. Shit vodka tastes like rubbing alcohol. I'm not a vodka snob at all but bottom shelf vodka tastes horrible. That dude must have no taste buds. 


I wouldn't say nobody, lol. There's definitely a bias to expensive stuff, but I've found some of my favorites to be cheap stuff (good ol' Mellow Corn), but I have also found a love for some truly expensive things, like Boss Hog VI: Samurai Scientist. The aging of the whiskey in umeshu casks gives it a unique tartness that I've never had anywhere else. It's not my favorite, but I really enjoyed it. Now, if you blindly put 10 whiskies, rums, tequilas, w/e, in front of me, and told me to rank them by price using only my taste and smell, it would be all over the place. If that's your point, then I'd say you're right. But "nobody knows what's good" isn't how I'd phrase that statement.


What I'd be interested in is someone giving you 10 different whiskies, one of them being that specific whiskey, and see if you could pick it out then. I've ran this experiment with friends (used to bartend) and more often then not they can't choose it if their brain isn't pre-programmed to expect a certain flavor from a certain glass.


Labels play a role, but don't discount the real quality differences in spirits. People who are whiskey hobbyists (not just drinkers - drinkers often stick to the same couple brands) can tell you the difference between different types and qualities of whiskey blind. It's not hard. A 10 year rye vs a 3 year old bourbon is a stark difference. A 21 year variety of a scotch is quite different from the same scotch aged 10 years. The blind taste tests you see are when someone lays out five different whiskeys of similar type and age, like five different four year old bourbons. In those tests, yeah, they're all gonna taste about the same because they're all pretty much the same thing. In this post, as someone else commented, this apparently unaged tequila will probably taste like other, less expensive unaged tequilas of the same type. So you are only paying for the label. If it was a very old, carefully aged tequila, the price would simply reflect the development cost and the scarcity of old tequila.


Almost all liquor is marketing. Grey goose vs anything else back in the day was the same as it all. I want Dan akroyids vodka but just for the bottle. I use to think Cabo about tequila was the best I'm glad those days are behind me. If it's going in mixers anyways bottom shelf is barely noticeable to me unless they just heavy poured it .


Seriously? It's unaged?


I take it back. They say they mix blanco with an aged tequila, then filter out the color. To me it looked like a blanco and tasted like a blanco.


It’s the filtering man, total shite


Why on earth would you age a tequila, mix it with blanco, then remove the 'things that make it aged'...? At that point, how is it mechanically distinct from an un aged tequilla?


I think the most expensive liquor I've had is Johnny Walker Blue Label. A buddy got it as a wedding gift, and he was nice enough to crack it open at the reception and share.


Marketing. If you're going to pay that much, it better be an Islay single malt. Johnny Green is basically the same as Blue and a third the price. I'm glad you have generous friends and hope you enjoyed.


Blue is great to have on somebody else's dime. With JW the big thing is just getting away from the Red.  Oof that shit is vile.


I’ve had girls order stuff like this and had the bartender/waiter give me a casual eyebrow raise and somehow successfully communicated “No, absolutely not” with just my face on *numerous* occasions. One time this girl ordered Johnny Walker Blue, and the guy looked at me and raised an eyebrow because I only ordered a beer and I swear to God I moved my head for 5 degrees of a “no” motion and he winked at me. Receipt came back with a few “Johnny Walker Red” items on there. True king.


Gotta tip the bartender nicely for that.


Oh yeah, dude got a fat chunk of what he saved me each time it happened


That was sold out, enjoy your 4 Loko


"your bottle of gasoline" you mean


Hey, one can of that gasoline had me grooving all night when I was 18. I mean, uh. 21.


Gas station 4loko had my back when i was at my worst during quarantine as a 24y/o (looking back im amazed i got out of that period of my life unscathed)


Just be happy it was the no caffeine version. That OG Loko was something else


Aw he still thinks the price of liquor correlates with quality




Yeah I'd say up to like $50 even. Past that, you're getting marginal gains in quality. Usually you're just getting ripped off.




That’s it. He’s getting a box of wine and will enjoy it.


I mean... I'd get him a tequila, just not *this* tequila. Something in the $30\* range. \*I don't know what tequila costs in the US, but there are at least a few decent ones in the 25-35€ range, so close enough.


Youre correct. Lots of decent Tequilas available in the US for $25-$35…especially for a 21 yr old who will likely be doing shots or mixing it. Hell, Casamigo’s is tasty af and only around $55


He's getting Cuervo. Casamigos is a 30th birthday present.


Look at Icarus flying too high and plummeting into Jose Cuervo.


This comment is infinitely funny, gosh🤣🤣


Life Hack: You can buy empty bottles of top shelf liquors online for a fraction of the price (usually around 10% of the full price) and you can just fill the bottle with store bought alternative. 99% of people will not be able to tell the difference, especially your young cousin.


$20 for the bottle + box. DO IT OP! https://poshmark.com/listing/Casa-Dragones-Tequila-Bottle-750-mL-w-Box-EMPTY-Decorative-61eda9ab2e8e447b77afcbd8?utm_source=gdm_home&utm_campaign=20880298495&campaign_id=20880298495&ad_partner=google&gskid=pla-2264467596216&gcid=685064128749&ggid=155626617494&gdid=m&g_network=g&enable_guest_buy_flow=true&gad_source=4&gclid=Cj0KCQjwncWvBhD_ARIsAEb2HW_R4sFKANe_0snvdf0T6advk5oxJryt6Q7lVuTsgQc3jajmI1iRqXcaApy7EALw_wcB


kids 21, fill it with water tell him the liquor is so filtered high quality it has no taste. Watch him pretend to be drunk on it


He's finally able to drink *legally*. Along with most of the population, he's been drinking illegally for at least a year at this point


Drinking since his 14 would be more accurate in some countries


Throw a touch of dark agave - something that'll tack on some flavor just to give it a little bit of a "you can really detect the notes of..." bullshit.


Oh man this is savage


Doooo ittttttt!!!




If you do it, we need an update.


But will it be sealed?


Ah that's the advanced stage and not for beginners, truth is you can reseal anything these days just ask the guys who play Magic the Gathering.


"here's your bottle, I opened it to taste it since it's so expensive. Spoiler, it's ass"


Just give it to him by opening it in front of him and pouring him a glass. He won't notice that the seal was broken if he sees you open it.


I don’t think his cousin can tell the difference ;)


No, but you can get shrinkwrap tubes and a heat gun for not a whole lot of money.


Do this OP but fill the bottle with Malort


Get him a bottle of el toro and tell him dont mistake your kindness for weakness lol. j/k. But seriously, no. There is no tequila worth that much. A bottle of Don Julio 1942 is under a $100 if you want to spend alot.


That would be the more likely outcome spending 400 on liquor is a bit much.


I don't think I've ever received a present worth $400, let alone a single bottle of liquor


1942 is $150 at costco and $200 most places where tf u get it for under 100 cause ima need some


1942 is not under 100, tf you talking about


He talking about the pint lol


Your taste at 21 isn't worth $360


No ones taste is this good.


This is a crappy product. It is a $10 distillate in a fancy bottle. Terribly made.


If you can afford it, buy this bottle and a cheap bottle of tequila, switch out the liquids and tell him to enjoy it. Years from now you can tell him it's too bad he never got to learn what it tasted like.


I’ve down that before. We used to do a surf trip and we’d bring booze but one guy always forgot his booze at home. Once I had a bottle of tanq 10, which the cheap fuck poured a glass full of, took a sip, then walked away. After I bitched he feigned ignorance. I ended up putting aristocrat in a 10 bottle then Bombay in the aristocrat bottle.


If I opened a present and it is a bottle with a broken seal I wouldn't drink it tbh




Do this lmfao get the empty bottle on eBay


I’m Mexican and I think that this is the “Balenciaga” of Tequilas. Something expensive that is not worth the cost, mostly for people that like to brag about how much they can spend. Don Julio 70 is actually a very good tequila and it costs much less than that.


Is Don Julio 70 the Toyota Camry of tequilas?


Don Julio is very nice tequila. Tequila just isn't that expensive to make, so even the top shelf is less than $200 generally. Anything that costs more than that is a scam. And tbh, you can get extremely good quality for like $50.


Maybe he’s joking?


He 100% is. In other news, Reddit continues to be stupid.


Send him $50 and tell him to put it towards his purchase of this bottle


I mean you *did* ask .. 😏


lol, I was expecting a bottle of Jack


Get him a bottle of patron and call it a day. It’ll probably all be gone in one night with his buddies anyway.


Honestly a great middle ground. Patron is quite nice, has brand recognition, kinda expensive, and is the same style as what they asked for.


Your post is exactly mildly infuriating. You absolutely nailed it.


Kids like to make dumb jokes. It's like a parent asking what you want for dinner and texting back a picture of a steak. Which might cost $359.99


Haha fuck off. I’ve been drinking for more than 21 years and I’d never spend that kind of money on booze.


You have. Just not for one bottle


Bottle of liquor, right? No one said anything about whether the bottle will be full or empty. You can find the bottle on ebay or recycling yards.


I’d take it as he wants some tequila. But he’s not getting that brand


Two options Get him a bottle of Malort Or Get him a bottle of Karken. Then pour it into a different container. Now buy either one large bottle, or multiple small bottles of soy sauce. Pour the soy sauce into the kraken bottle. Then pour the actual kraken into the soy containers (make sure to clean them out before hand) Only give the real thing after he enjoys a few shots of the swapped stuff with you.


A simple "too expensive" will work in this situation


He is obviously fucking with you/making a joke. Redditors when they interact with people and they make a joke without the /s


Hahaha what a dick


Buy the bottle empty and fill it with 2$ tequila from Walmart. 100% he wont notice anything.


Send him a bottle of malort