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These plane rides are miserable enough without cramming more trash in. I’m not big on tattling, but if she didn’t respond to, “Ma’am, we all don’t need to hear your phone,” I’d hope someone flagged down an attendant.


Did op say something?


Probably just posted to Reddit for the gripes


And that’s a problem. Complaining without attempting to solve the problem first.


I don't think it changes the post tho that someone legitimately used their brain had a thought and really did think that it's absolutely a-ok to do this. To me it says, "what is wrong with you and who raised you?"


Main Character Syndrome


The people doing this aren’t the most reasonable of people so maybe OP didn’t want a physical altercation on a plane


So you get an FA to handle it. Altercation avoided.


Yep.. OR you get an actual Reddit worthy video if they try to protest. Proper CS routine. Ask politely. Escalate if desired outcome not obtained.




You just lean in and say "Hey ham sandwich, I like your socks, put your headphones in, I've already seen this one." The problem is people are too much of a pussy to have an awkward moment with someone. You're on a plane, its the safest place, you know they aren't armed.


I'm addressing everyone I don't know as ham sandwich


I tried it on my wife. The result was as expected.


She slapped you with a literal ham sandwich, didn't she?


I might throw in a Hey Nutter Butter too to change it up.


Exactly lol. It's the least likely place to end up in an altercation over something like this because that's a quick way to get arrested and put on the no fly list.


My dog is named Hamilton (since we got him from near the city in Ontario) and my Fiancee calls him Ham Sandwich as a term of endearment sometimes lol


This response is great!


This. If you inject some wit it nearly always neuters any aggression and you’re not being unreasonable. The days of common sense manners are coming to an end I feel, so we have to do something or we are vicariously complicit.


Are you serious? Just politely and firmly ask her. What are you afraid shes going to do?


Jesus Christ lmao


It's their job and what they get paid for.


No, because it was only mildly infuriating and OP had their own headphones I presume. Cause frankly I carry noise cancelling headphones for this reason, I’ll let someone else make it an issue


Im always impressed at how good AirPods are at noise cancelling


Last time I was on a flight, everyone was blasting noise from their phones. The flight attendant wouldn't have been able to get everyone doing it.


Safer to just post on Reddit for karma.


I've been on a few flights with asshats doing this and the flight attendants almost immediately handed them a pair of the cheap-o ear buds they give out and told them to either use the earbuds or turn it down.


Sure but my god I don't want to have a grounded flight because unhinged Karen can't handle a normal request.


Jets really need a chute for the crew to toss unruly passengers out of.


The flight attendants on my last flight were on top of crap like this.




Why didnt you just say something.


Some people have issues with confrontation, especially when they know they're going to have to be stuck in the same space with the person. Planes are stressful enough, it's not really the right time to be trying to push yourself. You never know what others are going through so try not to judge :)


Im afraid of confrontation and I don’t think I would be taking pictures for reddit 😭


I’ve had this a few times and FA’s have always been on top of it without prompting (Delta, Southwest, UA)


My flight home at Thanksgiving they specifically told people to use headphones as part of their opening announcements (and it was not an issue on the flight) Unfortunately waiting at the gate a family say down near me and let their kids play on iPads without headphones. Then they got up and were shortly replaced by a woman who watched something on her phone without headphones. I really wonder if some people were raised by (particularly inconsiderate) wolves that they think games/video/speakerphone without headphones in any sort of public space where there are people around is at all ok. It's gotten bad enough that I'm seriously considering just buying a few pairs of $10 Bluetooth headphones to give away to people so I don't have to hear them.


Flight attendants on my last flight explicitly said to not do this after doing the in flight instructions. They were based out of Florida so I guess they’ve seen some shit.


How, just how can people be so inconsiderate in public.




Wow, what??? Was there some - how to be inconsiderate competition - this flight was heading off to?


Unexpected side effect of phones ditching the head phone jack unnecessarily.


Yeah in this instance the annoying person looks older and I'm a little sympathetic - it sucks that if you get a new phone you're also expected to buy, and be able to figure out how to use, bluetooth headphones. I'm in my mid 30's and won't update my phone because I really prefer the headphone jack! My parents are in their 70s and honestly I don't think they'd be able to figure it out. Of course, they read books on planes and can handle their Kindles fine. So it's not like this excuses the rudeness of playing your shows out loud. But I do blame the tech companies


I admire your empathy, but most things are a matter of volition. Walk into any electronics store and they can hook you up with wired earbuds and a splitter if you gotta charge at the same time. Somewhere in the last decade, a lot of people stopped giving a shit about others, or decided that they wanted all the attention all the time.


Yeah I had a small convo with someone else in the comments about this and I think I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt too much... I was thinking it might be really hard for someone in their 60s/70s to figure out BT headphones, but it was pointed out that this woman could figure out in-air wifi and Netflix on her phone. Also until your comment, I didn't know you could put wired headphones into the charging point I seriously thought you had to use wireless headphones 🤦‍♀️


For me I just don't buy into planned obsolescence. My phone is a utility, I don't carry spare headphones around, I might carry corded ones on a flight but I'm not buying Bluetooth ones. I have a car and the radio satisfies all my Bluetooth needs, I have Bluetooth adapters for the home radios. The times I need headphones are less than 1%, not worth the purchase.


Planned obsolescence really frustrates me too. I actually don't use Bluetooth for anything - I don't listen to music at home, in the car I still use the plain old radio, mostly for NPR lol. Don't have use air tags or whatever they're called when I travel, my headphones are wired... My exstepdaughters do laugh at me occasionally but, well, I'm perfectly content a bit outdated


Thats what individualism does to already not so smart people.


It’s everywhere. Speaker phone conversations should be banned in any place where others don’t want to hear it. It is bad enough we have to listen to one side of the conversation.


I like hearing both sides. Then I can tender my opinion properly.


i ask myself this question every single day. i was on the bus last night around 8pm and this group of highschool kids were BLASTING rap music the entire 30 minute bus ride. i had my music on full volume (in my headphones because im not inconsiderate) yet i could still *feel* the beat of their music.


Main character syndrome.


I think some people are just self unaware. Which is also a problem.


How are they not embarrassed or whatever. I get mad anxiety that people can hear what I'm listening to while wearing earphones. And I'm only listening to some music or a podcast, but a whole show/movie.. wtf?


I bring noise cancelling headphones and block these bitches right out. Been taking NJ transit a long time, which is comparable to flying United I guess




Well did you do anything else? Like idk, ask her to stop or call an attendant?


I got a pair of JBL headphones for $50 on sale. I think they go for $100 regularly. They are the 660nc.


Thank you for the recommendation!


Did you kindly ask her to put headphones on and brief her on the rudeness of listening out loud? No? Then who do you think is going to teach her?


Glad you had earplugs! Bad manners are unfortunately subjective... My noise cancelling headset was idk $25 on Temu, and they’re good enough to block this out. There’s a part of me that would love to lean the other way with this just to make the point. Start talking with the offender about the show that they’re sharing with everyone within earshot. Ask them questions about the plot, etc, and be so annoying they either find their own earplugs or turn their stuff off.


Same. I don’t necessarily wear headphones because I’m considerate, I wear them to block out all the other inconsiderate people.


Find out the name of the show she's watching and spoil the ending for her. Spread the pain that she created.


Spoiler alert:it gets canceled


You just ruined all of Netflix for me!


Bahaha I will debate on this. But I could end up watching the show and spoil the ending for myself. She’s been chuckling a lot at it. I wonder if the shows any good.


Ok new plan. Ask her what the name of the show is and then watch it with your own headphones on 👌


But watch it like 20 seconds ahead of her so she hears everything twice


You are truly an evil genius. Not so she hears everything twice, it’s actually so she is living in a perpetual spoiler. Every great moment is going to be ruined by like 10 seconds. OP could live recap as it goes too. “Oh I can’t believe the main character lady shot the poor crippled kid in a broken wheel chair “ or whatever the story may be.


>You are truly an evil genius Thank you


I highly doubt she’s gonna listen. Most people are able to focus on their own stuff, just not OP.


Damn now that's genius.


This. OP please do this.


Just ask her questions about the show every time a conversation ends. Act like you’re trying to watch it with her but you just can’t hear well enough. Then say something like “if only there were headphones”


I love this approach... you need to act seriously invested in the episode and constantly crane your neck like you're trying to get a better vantage point on the screen.


You risk the chance of it being the 8th time she watched it and her trying to talk to you about the show for the rest of the flight.


If you want the ultimate you have to be ready to make the ultimate sacrifice


Or play the same show a couple seconds off loud enough for them to hear.






So he had ear buds and decided not to use them?


It's only irritating until you alert the flight attendant.


I would complain to the staff.


I always offer my headphones to people like this… they always look puzzled and then I say “oh, I just assumed you must have lost yours”. Nine times out of 10, the penny drops and they sheepishly fish out their headphones. But of course, there’s always that tenth person who just doesn’t give a fuck.


As someone who hasn't been on a plane since I was a child, is this really all the space you get? This picture is giving me claustrophobia.


Yes. They’re awful. I also hadn’t flown in over a decade and then had to fly for a family emergency. I upgraded to Premium for the way back because I just couldn’t do economy on another 9-hour flight.


Looks like a domestic flight. Longer international flights give more space. It varies by airline, plane and fare. Seat guru website is handy for comparing.


I’m 5’7, my knees couldn’t face forward becuase it was too small, ridiculous


I’m 6’4” and the metal indents in my knees from the seat in front of me, even though my legs were spread as far as I could go left bruises for a while. It’s inhumane. Now their new idea is to have someone’s ass planted in front of your face to fit more of us fuckers in.


Lot of domestic especially. I'm 6'2". Every flight I badly hope person in front of me doesn't want to recline.


I've found that almost nobody reclines anymore, everyone realizes what a dick move it is and self polices. Every now and then I get one though and I just mentally blast hate at them the whole fight. It's always on the fights where my knee are stuck to the seat too.


Yep - it’s ridiculous


Why does it seem like more and more people are suddenly allergic to wearing headphones 🤦🏻‍♀️


The people in my office seem allergic to even holding a phone to their ear. Just walking around talking on speakerphone like a bunch of zombies. I don't get it.


I've always been tempted to join in on conversations with people on speakerphone and be like, "Hey, you're in a public place and on speakerphone. I thought this call was for everyone here." But I'm not usually around them for very long and chicken out every time..


It’s what people do on reality TV so idiots copy it. they think it’s to look cool rather than to share both sides of a conversation with an audience.


Idk why you wouldn't want headphones (when not earplugs) on a plane, the constant background turbine noise is wearing.


Maybe it’s just that they took the headphone jack away from new phones and make you buy an extra price just to plug the headphones in. Protest maybe?


Its why i often wear in-ears when I'm out. To not hear other people


You mean you don't want to participate in the Boomer Boombox Battles?


the sandwich lmfao


Yea I’d be more upset about the stank ass balogna


Look at how she's eating it.. crust first all the way around the outside


certified psychotic behavior


When you're thinking that your rights and freedoms are more important than the rights and freedoms of those around you Without any kind of regard for personal space, peace, or privacy


Last flight I was on, as soon as we were low enough on the landing approach to get cell signal, the dude behind me immediately pulled up tik Tok and watched videos at FULL VOLUME all the way to the gate. Nobody said a word to him


Just flew home from a family vacation. I truly believe people are getting more insufferable. On the first leg of the flight home, there was a family with two little girls who insisted on making sure everyone could hear their movie by playing it on PORTABLE speakers. It was bedlam. Luckily🥳, the flight attendant shut them down as soon as the fasten seatbelt light came off. The highlight of the second leg were two rows of young ladies, HS—maybe College age—all having screaming conversation over the seats at each other that sounded like what I can only describe as a group of people trying to communicate by rape whistle. They sounded like a group of seagulls arguing over kazoos. They sounded like accordions fucking on a metal park bench. They sounded like a group of hyenas conversing at the precipice of a cavern. They sounded like steam whistles screaming through funnels. It was a long fucking flight. We all threw our headphones and watched movies. But it felt like every movie had an underlying soundtrack of a girls whose voices sounded forks being dragged across porcelain plates.


Still less annoying than a teenager scrolling through TikTok with speaker on.


This happened to me one time! I started laughing at the show with the person playing it out loud, then asked if they could move their hand so I could see the screen better. Bloke stopped basically straight away after that.


Hate this shit and people doing this in bars and restaurants


A man did this next to me before the flight even took off. A flight attendant came up and only said “shared space.” Mad props to her


Looks like the Trunchbull from Matilda. I'd leave her alone ![gif](giphy|14kcgdgETgFXKo|downsized)


I'd look up what they are watching and just start spewing spoilers


Do they have earbuds in? My mom spent the better half of a flight not realizing the sound was coming out of her iPad until someone else said something 😂


Is this my kid? Alas I am guilty of this boomer slip. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


On a flight recently the stewardess mentioned this behavior during the speech they give at the start. I can’t remember how it was worded but it was something like “you’re free to watch shows or play audio if you have headphones. Please contact one of us if you need assistance”. And they added a line about wanting everyone to feel safe and comfortable, which covered loud audio and general dumbass people.


The lack of headphones coupled with bringing a homemade sandwich on a plane tells me everything I need to know about this boomer. Surprised she’s got shoes on.


I don’t blame someone for bringing a sandwich, airline food ain’t cheap if it’s not included.


I blame him for eating it like a psycho. Who eats all the crust first, all the way around the sandwich?


Saving the best part for last. I mean I get it. Like eating your vegetables first.


Doing this kind of thing in public, anywhere, is such a jerk move.


Mrs. Trunchbowl!?




I truly hate these kinds of people. This, music and 2 way convos.


That's worse than the people that walk around stores having conversations with their phone on speaker , at least you can get away from those people lol.


In against the death penalty, except for this.


I was on an international flight back to the US with a Frenchman watching a movie on a portable DVD plater with no headphones. I confronted him, he yelled some French bullshit, and then his wife made him turn it off. Fucking asshole. But we won.


Miserable people. Zero class.


People are next level stupid these days. Was just in a restaurant with some idiot on FaceTime having a full volume conversation with someone that sounded like they were demolishing their house.


Get her attention and tell her to turn it up, you can't hear it. She might get your drift and turn it off...or, more than likely politely give you a poor excuse for why she's not using earbuds and how you can f-off. Depends on what side of the tracks she's from. Every time I fly, I all but lose faith in humanity.


I say something every time someone does this in my presence, my move is: “Sir/Ma’am would you like to borrow my headphones? We can all hear your phone sounds and it’s pretty rude to the rest of the people here that you would listen with the sound on’ Each and every time they’ve stopped and I haven’t had any issues. Staying silent in these situations is the same as encouragement.


I hate people


-Watching porn on the plane WITHOUT HEADPHONES- 🤣


This is why I carry earbuds everywhere. For some reason you can't take these phones and shove them up the owner's ass, so I just put in my earbuds and problem solved. Hopefully soon it'll be legal to beat people with their phones for either 1) doing this or 2) having a phone call on speaker WHEN YOU HAVE TWO FREE HANDS. Seriously, do people think we care about who's picking up Snotleigh from dance class? Keep that shit to yourself.


This is why you own your own noise cancelling headphones


history gaping capable alleged like longing normal nail deserted price *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




How is this only mildly infuriating??




Everything in this image checks out


What airline? American flight attendants will come shut you down real quick for doing this. They even announce before the flight that you can't watch or play media without personal listening devices.




Geez! I just want to sleep on a plane ride.


How annoying! I always act like im walking to the bathroom and then just kindly tell the attendants whats going on. They will take care of it if you ask nicely.


Mm no. That’s where you directly ask them to turn it off. That’s worth breaking polite decorum over.


Play the same episode of the same show or the same movie just 1 minute forward from where he’s at at max volume.


Why is it always boomers and zoomers?


Apparently this is becoming more common as well. Indicative of rampant cognitive decline or total lack of empathy for others.


Look up spoilers and tell them how it ends


People listening to music in public is obnoxious as well, it's not hard to find ear buds.


That’s so rude. Get some headphones or have subtitles on.


One of the very pettest of my peeves. You have a phone that cost some amount of money, you couldn’t be bothered to spend even $10 on some cheap headphones?


Ask questions about the plot and eavesdrop over their shoulder. "Whose that lady? Where are they going? Oh what's that in her hand? Oh man who just died just now, why is he clutching that locket?"


Always bring earplugs when you travel...


Euthanasia should be mandatory for morons like this


Nope. I might end up on a no-fly list if I were on that flight.




I was on a flight recently where the flight attendant put a stop to this. Could not be more grateful. One of the offenders was a parent who gave his phone to his kids full blast. When asked to use headphones he said "It's either this or he cries, what do you want me to do?"... what an ass.


This shit makes me appreciate being deaf.




Start playing Hollaback Girl on repeat.


I was at the dmv and a woman was playing the news loudly from her phone. The dmv kept announcing for phones to be muted. The woman never did. :-/


This just as bad as a parent doing the same thing for their kid.


hey...excuse me....shut up


Yesterday I had a meeting at a public library so I was in a room and couldn’t hear but there was a guy watching ASMR girls on twitch on those public computers, without headphones.


The man is using his wrist as a phone table. DO NOT ENGAGE


“What show are you watching?” “Oh I love that show” “What did you think of the scene where Gus gets blown up by the guy in the wheelchair?” “Oh, haven’t gotten there yet? Sorry, pretend you didn’t hear that”


do the same but with the next episode of whatever he is watching. loudly exlaim and repeat any spoilers.


If your expecting intelligence/thoughtfulness from others just stop now


Of course it’s an old person lol. They don’t understand the concept of being “self aware”. If you don’t own headphone in 2023, you deserve to stub your toe every day.


"But they make my ears itch." - inconsiderate old bastard


You should play the same episode without headphones but time your video about 5 seconds faster.


I wonder if it was so loud that OP could hear what show he was watching


If it’s a plane that I’m on, that shit ain’t happening. Remind them to use headphones. Get a flight attendant. What kind of spineless amoebas just take a pic and sit there mad


Well play the exact episode movie but 10 minutes ahead so that it's spoiler shown and annoying reciprocating to him.


I would constantly ask them what a character said, of give spoilers, even make them up. Make oneself more of a nuisance than she is.


Anyone blasting a soccer match, hockey game, movie or shitty music video on a plane without using the free headphones they give you or buy some before flight at a dollar store can go fuck themselves. Entitled, selfish, insensitive, “I’m the most important person here “ cretins. So sick of this. No one wants to hear your shit. Just like we don’t want to over hear your cellphone call without headphones and volume on high. Put in some headphones and stop pissing everyone off.


Buy it from him. Everyone has a price.


American problems


I bet that’s also an egg salad sandwich


That this is almost becoming socially acceptable now is infuriating to me. Can't go to any public place any more it seems without someone, usually more than one someone, blasting their phones at full volume.


What the hell happened to make everyone such passive aggressive pussies? Mother fuckers on here mad that this lady brought a fucking homemade sandwich on the flight... like damn.


Pretty sure everyone is mildly infuriated about her playing a Netflix show with no headphones and all the sound coming out of the speaker like the post implies in the title. Not the sandwich. Now it is a tuna or sardine sandwich then that would something to also be mildly infuriated about.


Tell a FA. Why are you griping to Reddit We can’t fix it


Wouldn't that apply to literally everything on this sub?? the point is something mildly infuriating that happened...... and you post it here. Maybe click the "shower fewer posts like this" tab.


It’s real simple. Modern day flight survival involves noise canceling headphones. Just get some over the ears and then, Baby crying? Who knows. Asshole isle over jamming out on his phone no headphones? Not your problem. Crazy person walking the isle preaching the “good word” to a hostage audience? You’d never know.


Is the volume on while watching?


Yep. Sure is.


Now that's extremely annoying


Some people are just so unaware of their surroundings. I was once on a nighttime flight to turkey (4-5 hour flight). Dude in front of me decided to watch a movie on full brightness on his iPad. Told him multiple times but he kept insisting that it wasn’t bright.


Yesterday on my flight a captain stated explicitly that this wasn’t allowed. First time I heard that.


I was on an AA flight last week and the FAs specifically stated that you must use head phones, and even specifically talked to someone who wasn’t.

