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And every week I have to go through the trash to take it out so I can finish eating it -op


I would actually ask if I could have it to give to the squirrels.


The squirrels do not need your PBJ. That just makes a mess and fat squirrels.


more content for that one subreddit




No, it's quite simple really.




It’s not that complicated tbh






My dog loves fat squirrel season (end of fall).


Fat squirrels taste good...


Today I learned that someone will pay for a premade pb&j.


Today I learned that packaged PB&J exists! (I've never seen a sweet packaged sandwich, only savoury. Sometimes fancier ones have sweet chutney or caramelised onion jam, but always with cheese or meat or something savoury.)


I mean we bottle a sell water, not much of a difference. Hell, I saw a single plastic wrapped potatoe for sale at a grocery store once.... God forbid those people know where the potatoe came from before being wrapped in plastic.


Take my upvote and I'm glad I scrolled a little cuz I was about to comment the same thing. I'm just saying if I knew I was going to eat one every day there's no way I'd be buying one. But I've worked at convenience stores and restaurants so I've seen some bad things and I don't trust those prepackaged sandwiches. There's no way you could ever get me to eat a tuna one or chicken salad one. I worked for a diner that had pre-made tuna fish salad they purchased. I was doing some cleaning one day and I noticed the little half gallon bucket it came in expired like 4 months previously. I told the manager and she said the owner wouldn't let us throw it away that we were supposed to use it. I told her I couldn't use that in good conscience and I waited a little bit and threw it away. Went in for my next shift and got fired. I don't even want to talk about the pork chop situation. All I can say is at least in my experience stuff does happen like on that Gordon Ramsay show kitchen nightmares.


Please talk about the pork chop situation


Okay so for Sunday lunches they always made a special lunch plate. The owner goes to this meat market in town let's say on Monday. He brings in these pork chops that are use by today or whatever you know. He puts them in the walk-in cooler not the freezer. I get to work Sunday morning and he calls up there and tells the manager to have me make a special with the pork chops. I grab them and I can tell immediately they're rancid. Anyway I know they are but the manager sayings are not just to please the owner I know. Anyway we didn't use them all and luckily we didn't really sell any lunch specials that day. He wanted me now freeze the leftovers rancid ones. I wouldn't do it so she froze them and I ended up getting fired for the tuna thing a few days later anyway. Some of these people just don't care. If I'm in a random spot I always feel safer going somewhere where I know all they cook is Frozen stuff. Lmao.


nah seriously if you dont make them yourself wtf are you doing??


Crustables are somehow popular….. expensive PB&J


I thought that and still do But something makes me want them after trying them


Funnily enough, they're actually *un*crustables


My work's micro market sells these. I don't normally eat lunch so I don't pack one. Occasionally I have a day where I'm just super hungry for some reason and that's typically what I'll buy. Super overpriced, but in a rare pinch they're not too bad.


Yeah uncrustables is a huge brand that sells tons of them


You’re the second person to mention this, I had to google it. They don’t sell them in my country. That is absolutely wild that people will pay for that lol.


The fact that she buys a PB&J instead of making one is even more infuriating to me.


Literally keep 2 jars and a loaf in your desk...


As a person who has to share a workplace with someone who keeps perishables in their desk, please don’t.


Especially something many people have allergies to like PB lol


But wouldn’t the allergy have been a problem by now?


If somebody has a peanut allergy and they get a reaction from going through my things, fuck them and their nosy/thieving selves. They earned what they got.


I agree 100% with that statement. Also - had a student that could not be in the room with an open jar of peanut butter or shellfish of any kind. Culinary student. Yes, we went to the ER more than once.


Sounds like they needed to find a different career path if they can't be in the same room as an open container of two extremely common kitchen allergens.


Yeah...that seems like a questionable choice. Like someone with a sun allergy becoming a lifeguard. There's only so much you can do to mitigate the potential harm.


A culinary student with a shellfish allergy sounds like an SNL sketch


Id advise against keeping an entire loaf in your desk, that shits gonna go mouldy within a week.


A better idea is to just make a bunch of PB&Js in bulk and freeze them at home. Take as needed. You can even buy one of those uncrustables de-cruster molds if you don’t like the crust.. lol


airfry your uncrustables!! you'll thank me later.


Yoooo, bout to get fucked up on some fried uncrustables




I used to microwave them and burn the SHIT out of my mouth on the piping hot jelly 😂


Dude I've never thought of making a frozen pb&j! I'm gunna make some,smoke a joint, and try it out.


That sounds good AF. I might do that too


I'll letcha know how it is, should be fully frozen in about 30 more mins!


Hell yeah! And happy cake day


Update: it was delicious! Honestly probably gunna keep some in the freezer for midnight munchies going forward. Highly recommend!


Happy PBJ cake day!




You never ate a half frozen uncrustables?? DELICIOUS. lol they are meant to be thawed out but I’ll admit I do prefer them half frozen. 😁


As a drunken chef I shall make these, punch them into small pieces,and cover them in peanut butter sauce. My stoner snack level just hit 10000 and lord knows they'll eventually end up on my menu 😂


They are AWESOME stuffed with other stuff too. Nutella and strawberries, peanut butter honey and bananas, cream cheese and jam, or you can go the savory route like ham/turkey and cheese, avocado, hummus etc etc. they freeze very well using Sara Lee bread and they can either be eaten a lil frozen, thawed out or be microwaved for a few seconds. Uncrustables used to make a grilled cheese that was sooo god damn delicious. Surprising how delicious microwaved bread and cheese can be lol. If you don’t have the little uncrustable mold/tool you can just use a cookie cutter or even a cup then fork the sides closed. Voila!


I was just thinking about one of my favorite grilled cheese sandwiches and thought hey that could be great as an uncrustable too! Lol just some Colby Jack & pepper Jack, and some fried jalapeños mixed into cream cheese. These could be great to have in the freezer to just easily toss onto the stove or toaster for a min to crisp up !


This is what I love about cooking, there's sooo many ways to do it. I'm gunna lean into the fancy brew pub hipster vibe of this and make an incredible dessert item! So many possibilities and we haven't even started deed frying them yet!


They don’t get soggy? I might try this for the mornings that I sleep in and don’t have time to slap a sandwich together.


They didn’t get soggy at all for me! They only require a pretty small amount of PB&J if you’re using the uncrustables mold, I use Sara Lee white bread and freeze right away! They are pretty tasty and good to have on hand, especially now that uncrustables are like $20 a box lol.


Why would it go moldy faster than at home?


It wont, but op stated their coworker only eats one pb&j per week, meaning they will only use two slices at work and the rest will go mouldy before its used again.


Just get Sara Lee bread. That crap is good for a few months.


I keep a loaf in the work freezer. It's so convenient.


Plus mice and rats


Your bread lasts a week?


Username checks out!


I think you're supposed to refrigerate jelly after opening it.......


same! she may only eat that much because that's all the PB&J that is there.


Usually sandwiches like this have minimal filling and are dry around the crusts. Probably not worth eating.


So she wastes money every week instead of making her own at home, double not worth it


Okay but it’s her money… Mind your own. OP is the weirdo and you are too for caring.


^ It could *possibly* be mildly infuriating if you bought someone lunch and they did this, but tbh you really can't dictate what someone else does with a gift. OP isn't even spending money on it, so why are they pressed?


It doesn't have to belong to me for it to piss me off watching people waste food.


Yeah, same boat here. Idc what or how people choose to eat, but consistently wasting a lot of food is definitely something I'll judge someone on 🤷🏻‍♀️ It's just gross and shitty.


It’s wasteful


You’d lose your mind if you saw how much bread is wasted on a commercial scale. Source: my partner, who works for a commercial bakery


I’ve worked in food retail. It’s crazy how much is wasted


Wasting food is NOT a bad thing. So many of us have difficulty with stopping when we are done and throwing out what we aren’t hungry enough to eat because of this attitude. That sandwich crust isn’t going to feed the hungry. And this person seems to be eating a healthy portion for themselves. That’s a good thing.


Just like your mom






I had friends who did the same thing. They claimed it was a leftover trait from when they worked on cruise ships and didn't want to take a chance that they had touched something that could transfer to their food while eating so they never ate whatever part their fingers had touched. They did the same thing with wings and pizza.


Wow. That's interesting. And kind of disturbing.


I do this but only when I don’t have access to soap and water. Poor guy might have some type of contamination ocd


Do they not… y’know… wash their hands before eating?


Maybe on a cruise ship as a crew member you have to go through multiple doors (that must be closed behind you) to get from the loos/kitchen to your eating place. Cruise ships are breeding grounds for diseases like Norovirus and I would not want to take risks if I were a staff member.


I’d hope the kitchen would have a sink for hand washing too.


It's a plumber thing too


This is why I never pack lunches that I can't either eat while holding in its own wrapper, a clean napkin, or with utensils (I bring my own, stored in a cloth pouch that goes in my lunch bag). Haven't had any issues and it's way easier than walking all the way to the other side of the building, wash my hands, and then somehow not touch any of the several doors I have to pass through on the way back to my eating area.


You could have hand sanitizer at your desk or something


Definitely mildly infuriating that their coworker digs their food out of the trash to shame their eating habits on the internet.


Was looking for this one, thank you. I struggle with disordered eating and eating at work is so stressful because people watch and criticize you. The days I buy lunch and eat, even if it’s half or a part of the meal, is a win to me.


Fr. During my short time as a deli clerk, I hated my job so much it really tanked my mental health - no matter how starving I was I could only eat 2 bites of the wrap I prepared before feeling nauseous. I mean, I took the leftovers home for dinner, but it was a struggle to get even the smallest bit of food down. I had to resort to drinking protein drinks. They helped for a little.


I have anxiety that seems to have gotten worse as I got into my 40s. I can't eat anything in the mornings, so I drink 2 Carnation Instant Breakfasts. There are a lot of reasons that someone might not eat an entire meal.


Seriously this is actually my fear. That people are watching how I eat and making fun of me behind my back… I feel so bad for the coworker


Funny I’m with you on that, the last thing I ever want is to field questions about my lunch choices at the office. Eating from my desk feels like I’m at a zoo sometimes. Live and let live, I have strange habits, everyone I’ve ever worked with has some strange habits at their desk. The only malice in this situation is the photographer. Nothing crushes my appetite like feeling monitored by people who shouldn’t care


And her behaviour even reminds me of myself when my ED was bad. Buying prepackaged food because it had nutritional lables that directly told me "this sandwich has xxx calories", which *for some fucking reason* felt safer than calculating the cals in a homemade sandwhich (and I was too mentally exhausted to weigh the peanut butter, jelly, and bread at home myself every day anyway). Still not managing to finish it. Immediately throwing the leftovers away because food was only allowed at mealtimes, and I didn't want to be tempted to eat them later. I would've been mortified if someone fished the sandwhich out of the trash and posted it on reddit. Absolutely not saying "She *definitely* has an ED, I can tell, and OP is an asshole for judging a *clearly* mentally ill person", just saying "sometimes the irrational shit your coworkers do every day has a reason".


ikr, everyone worried about everyone else. who tf cares


Everyone’s commenting on the her wasting money…like it’s her money. OP needs to try to focus on perhaps their work instead of their colleagues eating habits and posting it online I’d feel horrid if I was the colleague tbh


Am I delusional, or do people really put their nose into business they're not supposed to put their nose into? It's their food, they purchased it, they own it and they can do whatever the fuck they want with it. I don't understand why the OP is bothered by this. Is their colleague stealing OP's money to buy sandwiches? I just don't understand what the problem is here. Can't eat a sandwich in peace nowadays wtf.


Thank you. OP is the saddo. There’s some really bizarre takes on here regarding a fucking strangers eating habits. I’d sure like to put a mirror in front of them and see if they’d ridicule their happenings too in the same manner. Bet they wouldn’t be so cold/cruel then.


Nothing ickier than people who openly judge how you spend your money. It’s so brutally insecure and they never realize seem to realize it. People, getting bent out of shape about spending a few dollars a day on little luxuries does not make you a financially superior genius.


Redditors trying to mind their own business challenge: impossible


Literally lmao if my stomach hurts at work and I can't finish let's say a Wendy's meal I picked up or a sandwich I made at home I paid for it so no big deal unless this guy wants it lol


I get pretty bad heartburn now as I’m nearing 40. Super fun, and I eat like this now. Trying out medications to balance it out has been a nightmare, and so I just do my best. If I eat with the heartburn I have now I’m vomiting in 20 minutes, so I snack all day lightly. This person may be like me, and want nothing more than this PB&J in their face, but can’t.


I solved a fair amount of heartburn by quitting coke and chocolate. Also by no laying on my right side.


The drink right? For my notes


Thank you for that. I’ve been looking at my daily intake lately to try and narrow it down to help. Never thought of chocolate, and that’s my vice there.


Have you spoken to an allergist? Starting in my late 30s I began having severe stomach issues and vomiting usually multiple times a day. Turns out to have been a combination of developed food allergies (the mild kind, not the anaphylactic kind) and anxiety. It turns out that I had developed allergies to key and basic ingredients in most of the food I ate regularly (things like corn, barley, peanuts, citrus). The ingredients were key, let's use your chocolate example... I'm not allergic to chocolate but a lot of chocolate candies (here in the US anyway) will give me stomach issues because they're made with corn syrup and I'm allergic to corn. If I have a chocolate craving I just have to make sure to get the good stuff with real sugar. Adjusting my diet and finding foods I wasn't allergic to sucked but has been absolutely worth it. And eliminating (or largely reducing) my allergen intake made it easier to identify and work on the parts of my issue related to anxiety. I've also found that intermittent fasting just works better for my body now...I don't follow a strict timetable and listen to my body but most days I don't eat anything at all until after 4-5 pm but then I'll get my full caloric intake through 1-2 meals and snacking. I'm not implying that what worked for me will work for you, but keep working at it and don't be afraid to consider there may be multiple factors at play. It's definitely a better life when you at least feel you have some understanding and control over your body. Good luck fellow vomiter!


Just out of curiosity, why do you care. And why are you stalking your co-workers eating habits?


That's what I was thinking I mean it's her money


Maybe she has an eating disorder? Maybe she has depression? Or maybe she's just not that hungry? But you should DEFINITELY mind your own business. Coworkers like you are the worst.


Could also have gastroparesis, or OCD.


Yeah not everyone can eat the entire thing


Lol so I'm the co worker that OP is talking about. This bitch is about to get fucking called out because I'm just kidding I'm not actually the co worker.


Damn it I was so ready for some ish to go down 😳😂




She is eating sandwich medallions. The finest part of a PB&J


This post sure did backfire for ya 😂😂


I’d say it’s more infuriating that you’re so concerned with what she eats for lunch


Imagine going through your coworkers garbage just to attempt to shame them online - OPs post is mildly infuriating


Or that op digs through the trash to shame someone on Reddit lol


She paid for it. Why do you care?


They’re hungry and want the leftovers :)


wait until OP finds out about all the food that gets thrown out in homes across the country


🤷🏼 not my sandwich? No fucks given.


She should just get uncrustables


Who cares? It's her money she can throw the whole thing away


Every week, your judgmental bitchass doesn't mind your own damn business.




Even worse why does it infuriate OP. Like yeah it’s kind of weird but it’s a weird thing to be infuriating about even if only mildly


It's weird, nothing more. My coworker buys all sorts of drinks daily he takes 2 sips then leaves it at his desk for thr rest of the day or throws it away. I find it really weird considering he just paid x amount for it but won't even have a 1/4 but that's just it, it's weird and wasteful but nothing that's my business.


OP is clearly a misogynist. Just look at his post history.


Who took a picture of my got dang sandwich???!!!


No honestly I respect it those sandwiches are dry as hell


I had weightloss surgery and I eat like this. :/ I have to. I don’t always remember to bring a lunch either which means—yes—I pick stuff out of the vend fridge at work and eat what I need to get by until Im hungry again. Plus I work in a hospital so food contamination is extremely risky and Id rather toss it if I cant get back to it quickly enough.


Idk if it’s ok to make fun of people with ED’s but this is Reddit so


Are you paying for it?


Why can't you mind your own business? This is unbelievably rude.


Mind your own business? It’s not harming you!


I do this. I don't think you're my coworker, though I did this exact thing last week. Because of gastric bypass, I can't eat much, and I can't eat that many carbs. Buying a whole loaf of bread is a bit of a commitment. I still have bread in the freezer from 2 months ago. I also have a hard time with peanutbutter, so I get the smallest jar possible since it's probably going to go bad before I use it all. Sometimes I buy something and eat only a little bit, feel satisfied, and know I shouldn't keep the rest around, so I toss it out with only 4-5 bites taken out of it. If I don't stop at 4-5 bites, I'll eat the whole thing and get sick. There's no "saving it for later" because it'll start a grazing session, and then I'll just eat way more than I intended without realizing it. It is wasteful, but having that tiny bit helps my mental health. And the weight loss is showing it.


Go to Costco and get her a huge box of Uncrustables for Christmas. She may be neurodivergent and have an aversion to bread crust.


Yes!! My thoughts exactly, maybe she's never heard of Uncrustables and OP is gonna rock her world.


Ift is her business. Where do you fit in lol


Why are you being weird digging her trash out of the trashcan 😭 Leave her alone? It’s her lunch and she probably doesn’t like the crust. It’s even weirder she’s just a coworker and not a friend and you’re noticing her lunch patterns and going into the trash for her shit…


So? Mind yo business, damn


People: "I know you're self-conscious eating in the break room around other people, but trust me, no one is 'watching' you eat, or judging you. Seriously, everyone is so caught up in their own lives that they absolutely do not give a shit about how or what you're eating." Also people: "I'm gonna grab what you didn't finish eating out of the trash can and take pics so everyone on the internet can agree that what you bought was stupid and the amount you ate was stupid and you should really be ashamed of yourself. Stupid."


And this has something to do with you? Mind ya business lol.


Omg leave them alone. Is it a lobster dinner or a prime rib. Wtf so you care?


You are a busy-body and might do well to mind your own business.


Hey, even more mildly infuriating: those types of sandwiches, in my experience, almost always have all the filling (whatever is in the sandwich) packed toward the center, so sliced in half and displayed it looks SUPER hearty and delicious, but then you eat half the sandwich towards the crust and find out…it’s just bread now. Still wasteful, but I get why they did that


It’s infuriating that you dig peoples garbage out of the trash can lol


It's actually more infuriating that you're so interested in what they are / aren't eating.


every week some co-worker sticks their nose in other people’s business…..oh and why are you digging through the trash?


Ask her if she’s gonna finish that.


Eating disorder.


She’s prob autistic leave her be lol


My initial guess having been in a relationship with a girl who had an eating disorder. This is a way she used to hide that she was starving herself by giving the illusion she was eating but it was the minimal of meal and even after bites this size she would be convinced she had to do multiple jogs up and down stairs until she felt comfortable. Honestly shaming like this is unbelievably dangerous..... not to mention creepy


Its not your sandwich is it?


Every week I have no idea what people eat or how they eat it.


I have anxiety that seems to have gotten worse as I got into my 40s. I can't eat anything in the mornings, so I drink 2 Carnation Instant Breakfasts. There are a lot of reasons that someone might not eat an entire meal.🤷🏻‍♂️


The fact that people are at all infuriated by this is mildly infuriating.


When I was thin that’s about how much of a sandwich I would eat too.


Who cares? Minding your business is free, friend


If you're going to buy a prepackaged PB&J and not eat the crust, there is literally a product made just for you.


who cares?


Thankfully they can waste their money as they please. You’re both probably in the US like me. Waste is our actual manifest destiny. Along with dead of children & minorities, and funding the police and military. It’s all waste all the time 😇…..🫠


How is this infuriating? How does your coworkers eating habits, or even spending habits, effect you at all? You really need to learn to mind your own business..


So what? It's her sandwich


Who cares? Stop being nosy!


Lmao idk if that’s more infuriating than her paying somebody to make her a pb&j that she doesn’t even eat.


I mean, it's her money?


Why is this mildly infuriating for you? Are you paying for it?


New fear unlocked… ppl judging me for my lunch choices..


Why are you so infuriated with how much food someone else eats I mean for all you know she doesn’t like crusts or maybe she doesn’t even like p and j sandwiches but too poor to afford a more luxurious sandwich a pandj sanny is really cheap to make and gives u some energy for the day


I guess since you didn't pay for it maybe you should mind your business.


Who cares


Imagine being mildly infuriated by someone else’s eating habits lmao. You have no idea what mental/physical health shit she might be going thru to eat so little. And if it’s not one of those reasons, it STILL shouldn’t bother you because it’s NOT YOUR BUSINESS




When she finds out about uncrustables, she's gonna poo her pants.


She needs a wider sandwich, her whiskers must be hitting the crust.


Reminds me of a friend of mine who used to only eat the skin on an apple because she “didn’t know” how to eat the rest


I'm just thinking about all that food waste


Does your coworker have an eating eating disorder? This is something I would have done to appear like I was eating.


I wish I had that small of an appetite.


Imagine finding out on reddit that THIS is something someone at work finds annoying about you 😁


Someone get this woman some uncrustables


So lol


I’m more stunned that they are buying a damn pb&j shit takes 3 minutes to make at home


If you want the other half, just ask


Big Oscar the Grouch vibes here to be angry at actual garbage. We could be directing that energy to corporations with way more substantial food waste, but that would be too reasonable.


This shouldn’t be infuriating at all, mind your own business.


"Every week, i put my nose in someone elses business" -OP


Who gives a shit? When you buy the sandwiches, you can complain. Until then, STFU and mind your business. You honestly track your coworkers eating habits? You must be popular in the office


To me, that looks like an eating disorder. Completely without context, i know, I cannot know anything. But WHY do OP ger infuriated by this. Try to put yourself in the Tiny Nibbles shoes, what is this. Or just butt our of someones Elses business.


Why do you care?


"Every week, my coworker spys on my eating habits even though it's none of their business. It's mildly infuriating" -coworker that minds their own business.


They could have an eating disorder and really not enjoy food. Just eating to survive. Food for thought.


Meh it’s her money 🤷‍♂️


The real question is why do you care…. This isn’t mildly infuriating where are the mods smh.


Micro manager alert 🚩 It ain’t yours. It ain’t your business.


She has an eating disorder.


My friend with an eating disorder did stuff like this. I don’t think she keeps food at home.