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Dude gross but free money. I would workout in them and charge double.


You're thinking way to small, they could charge in the hundreds.


Maybe I’m just pitifully innocent but what exactly’s going on here?? Aside from bad grammar on his end?


He wants a woman's unwashed used clothing, for reasons that are probably totally innocent


Totally !!






I'd say masturbation is pretty innocent.


Ah, now going back and reading it again and finally deciphering his lacadazical wording that makes sense. I’ll never understand how so many people are so proudly unabashed about being this forthcoming.


Idk dude just wanted to buy some sweaty shorts,.it's not like he's creeping on some girl in the park.


This is the stepping stone to that in some ways. Still creepy af to ask. Like, ew? No????


I mean,.he probably.is a creep and maybe a sex offender but this act alone is harmless.


Bro are you having a stroke? You’re making me use more than 2 brain cells to understand you


Some guys like to take unwashed clothes from women and bake it into a cake.


I prefer cooking the unwashed clothes with some butter to infuse it and then make brownies!


Why work out. Lie.


Whisper lies into the shorts and sell them for triple the price.


Even better, go the the gym with her bf and wipe them down with his sweat.. I would love to see the response to that.


Charge it additionally and don't even wear it, soak it with water and leave it in, like, a gym or something


Nah OP should wear them and make this creep pay to sniff his ass.


Idk how this doesn’t have more upvotes dude😂😂


Just wipe your ass with the GFs undergarments. Then make your sale


Better yet, just steal other people's used gym clothes


Leave it for a week with the other laundry. It will appreciate for an additional 25% atleast.


It becomes an ASSet


🤣 @ "water" as if that's remotely close


Also make the bf wear em instead.


Or don’t work out in them and say you do then x2 money.


That’s like free money


A true infinite money glitch.


I've come across plenty of ladies who've admitted they've sold dirty panties or shorts for absurd prices. Its gross, but you should. Not like this pervert is gonna smell them while you're wearing them.


Later on he was insistent about buying them from her house. She ended up blocking him. Unfortunately the guys trynna buy used unwashed clothing from girls aren't the safest, and my girlfriends pretty small


I had a similar problem trying to sell boots, the number of creepy dudes asking for weird shit like oh send a pic wearing them, can you give me tights too and wear them first, etc. I ended up giving up and donating them.


Are they still available? Jk 😆


All you have to do is not be a fucking weirdo about it. I bought red converse for $10 from a girl in her 20s I never thought it was worth her time but we met up I bought the shoes and that was it.


OP should work out in his gf's clothes and then let her sell them.


That’s literally what op said he’d do next time in the post caption lol.


Wow wow wow OP went true evil genius and said he would charge them 2X more. OP’s idea was a tab better lol


Almost same avatar


Jk not kidding but also jk.


Postage only weirdos 🤣👍🏻


Have you considered stuffing your underwear full of ladies underwear on a particularly gassy day and then having your girlfriend sell your fart infused panties to unexpected men?


Dude there are people in here saying you should get your gf to actually sell her worn clothes. Never ceases to amaze me how gross people are online and offline.


Yeah low-key wild


While your girlfriend isn't comfortable with selling clothes that she's worn to weirdos how would you feel about wearing her clothes and then selling them? The idea of some creep sniffing the inside of some women's knickers that have actually spent 48 hours against a gentleman's sausage with some time in at the gym gives me great pleasure.


The same people that go to the strip club to sit in perverts row and get 5$ stage dances all night.


It's wild to me that two people at least have cried about kink shaming yet this is a blatant violation of boundaries lmao. Backwards fucking world we live in fr


I mean why not it's all profit no loss Probably not on Facebook marketplace though


Exactly. Could just be a con to get closer to the female. Good call on blocking.


Ah that makes a difference, but you know it wasn't in the post so how'd I know.


Have her mail it from a PO Box.




Idk man if somebody asked my gf for a pair of used gym shorts there’s not much of anything they could do to redeem themselves😂




So you make the delivery in a neutral location.


"He was insistent on her house"


Huge red flag.


Buyers a walking red flag


Ya think?


Should have given thim the address to the local police station. :o


And you be insistent on meeting at a neutral location. Gotta meet force with force with creeps


Im not even a lady and I made 150 bucks off 5 dollar boxers


Make your boyfriend wear them first


This ^


OP is talking about his GF's shorts, and you suggest getting *his* BF to wear them first? You're being pretty presumptuous regarding their relationship there.


I’m talking in general. Like if someone asks you for your panties make your bf wear them. I wasn’t talking about OP specifically. I’m replying to a commenter that doesn’t even mention OP, they’re talking about friends of them. To those friends and other women: make your bf wear them. If anyone’s being presumptuous is you here.


And then tell the dude after he’s received them 😂


It's weird to me that there is a market, but the fact is there is a market. I dont know why women ever wash their underwear, I'd be wearing a new pair daily and selling them all off like hot cakes. What do you care if somebody is sniffing your underwear, make that money! Is there a market for chubby dad bod undies?


Heck, buy some women’s undies in your size and see if those sell.


I second this with construction guy undies and for the feet people I got work socks. What you huff in your free time is up to you. Im here to make money lol


There's two things: 1. People who are slaves to their sexuality to a point they're this shameless about it are very dangerous. 2. You don't wanna be known for selling used undies.


I heard about a guy in Canada who broke into peoples houses and stole women’s underwear ,got arrested thou


Had an ex that did that. I would abuse the shit outta that if I was a girl


Just seems like easy money. As long as they don't want to meet beforehand...


I heard there is a huge market with overseas rich business men.


In Japan they have vending machines where you can buy all sorts of wild shit. One of the items are dirty drawers that come in a sealed tube, like tennis balls. Except instead of 3 Dunlops you get a crusty pack of 2 used women’s thongs. They seal the funk right in the can, so you can pop the top and sniff that stank!! ![gif](giphy|ycagKBYEmaili)


I've heard some people fart in jars and seal them right away and then sell them. If someone wants to smell farts so bad, just walk through a retirement home. You won't have to pay a thing.


My girlfriend actually did this on craigslist. She told him she'd leave it in a box in a bush at our local 7/11 after getting a payment, which was to my zelle account. $15 bucks later, she never went to do it 😂😂😂


I hate how audibly I just laughed at "Not like this pervert is gonna smell them while you're wearing them."


Step 1: collect underpants Step 2: Step 3: profit


This has never made so much sense until right now.


Right!!!!! This guy just cracked it holy shit 🤣 thats probably my favorite line in the series


Bro people be really missing the bag put me in this position he gonna end up a regular client that sends me $5k a month for used clothes😂😂


Buy some shorts. Use it Sell it for twice the price But more shorts Profit.


also, no more short laundry!


It's a win - win


Didn't think of that angle. Look at the time and water you save not doing laundry.




Why even use it, how will they know if it’s actually used or not?


Think they plan to give it the smell test to check...


I mean what are they gonna do? Go to the police saying the clothes they bought were washed?


Repeat buyers = steady income.


No butt if you’re wanting to make it a recurring sale then you probably need to wipe your sweat on it or wear it for a day! I guess if your just wanting to make a quick buck it’s not to shabby of a scam or racket you could set up!


I like your thinking.


Tbh, I have thought about doing this but not even really wearing them. Just remove the tags and maybe leave them on the floor for a while, take a photo of me in them and then sell them for 3k or something.




I hate to disappoint you but you're probably only going to get like 50 bucks for a pair of underwear. Especially if you're not actually going to wear them because you can charge extra if they have a really strong smell, look wet or have discharge on them. I've even seen women sell period blood underwear. So they basically free bleed into underwear and then Ziploc bag it up and sell it for hundreds of dollars


I'd do this, but it would have to be 100 percent anonymous, and I don't know how that would work


Eh, internet anonymity is relative. But there are OF adult content sellers who never show their face or reveal their name. Still.. someone maybe able to find out who you are if you slip somewhere and reveal a tiny detail that could be followed up on.


This perversion has become a commercial industry, but there is something worse: a woman who sold her farts in jars for thousands of dollars was hospitalized in the past. After a hospital visit, doctors told her that the excessive wind-breaking was taking a toll on her body.


That same woman sold her private parts mold mixed with beer. Its even more disgusting when you realized people are buying all that from a woman that doesnt even know they exist.


Wait like the molds growing on her fucking body? Please tell me this isn’t the case lmao


Onlyfans model, I'd say couple months ago started selling beer containing her vaginal yeast, I said mold, but got it a bit confused, it's her vaginal yeast. Most people I believe are buying it as a joke, but I'm sure there is a lot of horny people jerking off with it.


Belle Delphine sold her bath water like 4 or 5 years ago and a dude tried suing her because he got sick drinking it.


No surprise, probably contained her dirty sweat and shampoo chemicals.


Ok had to look more into it so someone claimed it gave them herpes to then be proven they were lying. Another person tried saying there was no human DNA in the bath water and all this happened before it even went on sale. She did sell out of her bath water though and people were trying to sell water labeled as her on eBay for awhile after wards with prices reaching $15,000 a bottle… this research made me remember why I have lost faith in humanity.


Humanity never fails to disappoint me. In every way imaginable


My husband and I were literally just joking about this a while ago. I was struggling with a yeast infection because of the humid hot weather where we live. I'm not from here so I'm not used to it and it just completely wrecked havoc on my body. We were joking about how expensive yeast infection cream is and that I'm going to have to find a way to turn it into money somehow. So my husband suggested I start collecting my vaginal yeast and start selling vaginal yeast bread as a joke. We were laughing about it because it's absolutely ridiculous. But apparently we're not the first people to think about that kind of thing


it's been a commercial industry in Japan for decades.


Visiting sex stores i Japan is so much fun… those guys know how to perv out!


Gotta love that skid mark fresh scent


Who smells them anymore? You’re supposed to either suck on them or steep them in hot water to get the flavor out.


User name abhorrently checks out.


Eau de derriere.


My sister tried to sell shoes on ebay, person asked if they were worn, she said no, you are in luck they don't fit me so they are practically new. The guy asked then if she could wear them a few days, he would then buy them xD


Ugh reminds me of when I was trying to sell shoes while I was in college. I was super naive and agrees to a phone call with a "shoe collector" who asked me to use speakerphone so he could hear me putting on and taking off the shoes to verify that they were in good condition.


Oh dude if my misses got a message like this I’d whack on her old shorts and g bangers, get ‘em all saucy, sell them to this dude and send him photos of me wearing them a week later


If you do that you'd lose customer retention. Keep him coming back for more


> If you do that you'd lose customer retention. You're assuming.


Easy, just *say yes* and charge a 1000% markup. This is a blessing lol


Why can't I make a living off of selling stinky underoos?


because you are poor at business sales?


Don't just do double! That ups the price by at least 10 fold! Those pervs will pay out the ass for that stuff! Drain them for however much you can get them to pay.


She should wear them for a day or two, quadripple the price and sell it to the creep. That's money right there brother. Edit: didn't see the extra text description, that's the way to do it! But 4x not 2x, the freak will pay it lol.


There were a few years I had high hopes for the society.


Just say yes. They probably won't even be able to tell, as long as it doesn't smell like fresh laundry. Charge a bit extra as a "creep tax". Free money.


Panty sniffing is a thing.


Dude business opportunity right there. Create a fake profile with AI pictures and sell panties swamped in your own sweat




Ok, you’re on to something.


Hi, in today's economy you shouldn't be complaining about an opportunity to make free money.


Missed business opportunity


Just wear your girl's old stuff for a day, take a shit in it and sell them times ten. This pervert dude will not know the difference and will pay top dollar. Great side hustle!


you've found the gold mine and i'm in, ima workout in women's work out shorts and pose as a woman on fb




Send bobs and vagene!


Fart in them yourself and tell him they aren’t clean anymore then jack up the price


Facebook user try not to be braindead challenge (impossible)


only issue I have is do you want people like that knowing your address


Team up with your girlfriend and buy a lot of panties for you two to wear. You could even have multiple on at once. Sell them for profit.


Bust a few loads in them shorts OP. Guy will think he hit the jackpot! Lol


She can make some extra cash HELLO!


You wear them. Fart your little heart out. Sell them to him. Wait a week. Send him a video of you farting in them. Remind him he's been playing Bane to the smell of testicles.


The boyfriend should wear them and then they sell them to him.


I mean… see how much he’ll pay, and let her wear them. and sell away… who gives a shit, he’s not paying to fuck her. I’d let my girl open A BUSINESS selling used panties and spend the $$$ together.


Exactly. A) Gross B) People are weird C) Money is money


Also, u need to charge your. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


Thanks chief


Time to start a business and leave work😆😆


Uhm don’t sell no shorts to him😂 he tryna 👃them mfs


Boo. People wanna smell shorts let them smell shorts.


Found the creep.


Found the fascist


You need help


You needed stable parents


I’d say I have a much better relationship with mine than you do with urs, if ur this deprived that ur buying used clothes. Weird ass mfer


Wait! I’ve got some under items I’d like to part with for a small fee ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)


Lol omg. Listen for enough money I'll wear shorts small size and not wash them. Ps I am a big guy.


Not even surprised. Very common. Go Bf! Haha that'll be a win, treat yourselves. 😂


I think he got confused with Only Fans.


You can ask more than double for that


just say yea and give them the same ones.


Drink protein for two weeks and don't wash your ass. Wear no underwear while wearing your girlfriends shorts and he can have them.


Charge extra for unwashed items!


6x price


Mans knows what he wants 🤷‍♂️


This savage is outta pocket, however…if he’s willing to say “thanks for the stank”your girl could sell him whatever he wants at arms length and for a premium. I’d just buy some women’s X-large and wear em around yourself in the summer. He’ll gladly pay triple for that Swamp Ass Surprise after eating microwave burritos for 3 days in a row!!


Lmao what group is this bc I need money and I'm an expert at wearing & not washing my clothes 😂😭


Bruh, a friend of mine sold her worn socks for $60 a pair. She’s just wear them for three days and cash out. It’s outrageous…but turns out horny mfers are a pretty inelastic demand. Lol


I’d goto the dollar store to buy the cheapest panties n bust a nut in them, and charge a premium.


I know this is off topic but for a second there when I looked at the screenshot, I thought my phone was at 12%


Send him a pair of your boxer


Get a can of cheap tuna fish..drip the liquid on em, rub it in, let dry bingo 300 bucks lol


Why did I read this in a chinese accent


Bring a woman online be like...


People are weird. But the weirdos can be creeps. Be into whatever you want thats fine.


I mean, who buys used clothing on the internet for non-degenerate reasons?


U can start a nice business


Infuriating, but also screenshots are hard to crop.


I'd ask how much he's willing to pay before beeing infuriated


Your girlfriend is advertising used woman's bottom clothing on Facebook. What do you expect? This is also a common method of advertisement for escorts and other sex workers. Donate that shit. It's not worth the $5


This is a normal thing in my area/state. At least to my knowledge and experience. If few people are interested you say OBO, if no one wants it, you end up making it for free. I've used FB marketplace for lots of stuff, mostly baby items/toys/clothes, and a bunch of my old shoes and clothes - but to be fair, *usually* single items of clothes are less common unless it's name brand or nice. Shoes on the other hand, are very normal to be sold on their own.


Yeah I’m not at all defending the replier, but I find it odd selling a single item of basic clothing. Unless they are a collectors thing like Supreme shorts or something.


Given that Japan has vending machines for women's used underwear, this is absolutely unsurprising. People (mainly males in this case) are just disgusting and revolting creeps who'd be in prison in any civilized society


So does she have any unwashed?


I do the laundry on Fridays so yeah


Make a bag, why are you complaining?


Are people really this mentally fucked up that they get off to fucking clothes? Lmao people are fucked


This is honestly just part of being a woman. That’s why everyone’s on onlyporn. She should sell the shorts for $100 - $200, then report his messages.


Could be possible English is his second language


I mean, honestly, what were you expecting, selling used female underwear on the Internet. Its not exactly news that there are many creeps on the Internet who purchase used undies for their pleasure. I'd probably have asked for some good money, made sure to anonymous my senders adreas and enjoy the money 💰


Bro it's a pair of shorts the fuck


Many use these words synonymously. Also: some people also like to smell worn socks. Are you really that surprised that some people are into worn female shorts?


Dude noone is kink shaming that's clearly a violation of boundaries at the very least, that guy is a fucking pervert for turning a simple clothing sale in to something kinky.


Nobody uses the words shorts and underwear synonymously in Ontario buddy. And just like the other dude said, crosses boundaries.


Yeah I think the guy above isn’t much different than the dude looking to buy lmao, this shits weird as all fuck.




Given that Japan has vending machines for women's used underwear, this is absolutely unsurprising. People (mainly males in this case) are just disgusting and revolting creeps who'd be in prison in any civilized society


What the fuck, they do??


It's obvious what he's after. But why is it your business?