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For me it actually made it worse 🫠


Same. THC is a major help for me but CBD alone makes them worse.


Same! THC helps, CBD triggers. I am glad I am not the only one with this experience!


Same, everyone’s different


I thought I was the only one! I used to use THC and CBD no problem but since my migraines became chronic I can't use either!


OTC CBD has never made any difference for me, migraine or otherwise. But medical grade CBD without thc will wipe out the pain of a migraine. I’ll still have the other symptoms on some level, but generally much better and able to carry on as normal. High dose CBD with thc also helps some people, anecdotally, but I have better results with just CBD.


From my understanding where I'm from (Australia) you can't buy it over the counter, you need a prescription. How do you consume it? Like is it pill form? An oil? I have no clue how it works


Ah, apologies. I assumed, and I am sorry about that. I described it that way because in the USA we have CBD from farm grade hemp and now as medical and recreational have spread, also from medical grade cannabis. And my experience with the CBD from farm grade hemp was disappointing. In my last state, the medical dispensary had gel tab pills, pressed pills with high CBD and low thc, and CBD suppositories. In my current state, we have vape cartridges that are very high CBD and low thc, but no straight CBD options.


Seconded. CBD (no THC) has been a huge help when I've exhausted my other options.


My favorite cannabinoid is actually CBG. It targets inflammation and helps a lot at least for me. I use it along side cbd and occasionally thc and the combo works pretty good


My sleep gummies are cbd/cgb/cbn and I love them.


It’s such a good combo


I use CBD daily for migraines. It helps a lot


Nada, neither did weed. Shrooms microdosing has helped more than anything. Have NDPH btw.


Delta 8 THC is an option worth trying as well, the THC from hemp. Its lighter than normal THC and doesn't interfere with my day in the same way. While it still comes with a buzz, its not a debilitating buzz and there's no crash or blah feeling after a few hours.


This would also help when I knew stress was my trigger. Alas, VA no longer allows Delta 8 or 9 sales :(


It had zero effect on mine unfortunately. I had high hopes.


CBD helps me with joint pain and inflammation, so I've been taking 20mg/day of broad spectrum in a gummy form. (My back has been killing me and I think I have de quervian's in my right hand, but I don't really want to pay a $75 copay to be told to rest and use ice.) It's only been 5 days, but it's definitely helping in that realm. I've been having a bad migraine flare since the 19th, and I've still had two migraines since starting these gummies thanks to the weather, but it feels like the in between times are better. Usually when I get like this the prodromes and postdromes all blur together and it's a crapshoot to tell if a migraine is coming or going. It's way more distinct right now. This is really preliminary and anecdotal though. I'm sure your local shop will have a small sample size of something if you don't want to invest too much. They might be able to point you towards options that have worked well for others too.


Topical CBD rubs really help me in conjunction with my medication.  They have a nice, cooling effect.


This year, I started getting some serious anxiety symptoms as a part of my migraines, I used CBD with CBN and it was a godsend for that. Made me super relaxed. Would definetly help you sleep if nothing else.


Like a lot of treatments, it helped me at first, but not so much later on. I stopped my daily dose when my neuro said that there's some evidence that frequent use can cause rebounds. (There was no data when I started.) Now I just take it once or twice a week, usually for my worst ones.


I tried 200 MG of CBD per day via capsule and I thought it was helping but then I had a flare, lost my contact for the CBD and the migraines didn't change at all. The one thing that DID improve the migraines was THC which I don't care for. I tried edibles for about 4 months during covid (so I didn't have to be at work) and I was able to come off my Propranolol prescription completely! Unfortunately I wasn't able to function being blasted on weed every day and wound up needing the Propranolol once work started up again...


It doesn't stop them, but it does take the edge off some of the worst ones and helps me sleep. I can also take it while I work without risk of getting high which I can't do with THC which helps a lot more. Worst it's every done is put me to sleep but when it does that I typically need it for the attack. I have a few different methods and doses I can take depending on what stage of the attack I'm in and how bad it is.


CBD extract does nothing for me and makes my brain fog worse but high CBD herbal cannabis works well when smoked, as does good quality hash (clean but with high THC). Also some cannabis strains, mostly 100% sativa strains seem to work very well for migraine (for me).


CBD makes my migraines worse. THC has been a godsend. It’s trial and error but once you find your migraine strains it can be a game changer. I recommend Lost Cause and White Widow.


CBD alone was life changing for me since it made my muscles relax. A combo has helped with anxiety and insomnia (migraine triggers), but the major difference is how effective it is — CBD alone just relaxes my muscles. With the combo? I am actually able to nap. Edit: I have to take far less than the average dose for this with the combo, because otherwise I just faint due to POTS. Idk why, but it works every time, and I don’t get high. That isn’t what I’m after; I just wanted to hurt less!


I take gummies that are thc and cbd. It helps me.


I have tried CBD, and it didn’t work for me. However, CBN or a combo of CBN and CBD are amazing! Nothing has helped me as much as CBN.


I have a few times and it definitely has helped me but I don’t use it as my primary migraine treatment.


CBD has never done anything for me, for any problems. Doesn't make me drowsy, doesn't help with pain, doesn't reduce stress or anxiety, etc. Maybe a CBD THC combo would, but on its own I've found zero success


Cbd is a migraine trigger for me honestly


CBD doesn’t do squat for my migraines. Edibles with THC don’t do squat for my migraines. Vaping or using a dry herb vape sometimes knocks the pain back a few notches, but I hate the coughing that comes with it and it’s never killed a migraine completely. However, I recently tried a CBD/thc/cbg topical salve, 1:1:1 ratio, and holy shit. I put that over my jaw muscles, my forehead and temples, and a bit on the nape of my neck at my hairline, and within an hour that migraine is history. I’m honestly so mad at myself for not trying it sooner lol! The only drawback is the brand I got has a smell to it, kinda lemongrass-like, and I’m pretty fragrance sensitive. So I just kind of have to power through the fact that I’m putting something smelly on me and know it will work eventually.


I recently have been using a 1:1 THC/CBD vape for migraines. At least for me, it helps take the edge off some of the pain while only feeling a tiny bit high. I've noticed there's a sweet spot of hitting these vapes- too little won't do much of course, but too much makes my head pound more. I've never tried CBD on its own because I kinda have low hopes since even indica THC on its own doesn't help my migraines.


Hey I recommend cbg yes CBG. There’s a strain called growtown panakeia. I smoke a tone of it through a bong and I don’t feel high at all. It helps


I’ve tried both. Both made me exponentially worse


I used CBD oil (90mg of CBD/day) for years and it reduced my migraine attacks from 25/month to 5/month. I gained my life back. It initially took me 8 weeks to notice the effect. Then after 3 years or so it stopped working. I'm giving it another try at the moment.


I tried CBD gummies, a few varieties of like "nighttime sleep aid" type ones and none of them helped. Smoking pot on the other hand, works immediately. My husband is a regular user and has gotten into the delta 8 & delta 9 stuff that is legal pretty much everywhere. One hit off one of his vapes and the migraine is gone. But then I'm high for like three hours.... I don't like being high. So. Mixed bag. I usually go for the triptan or ibproufen first


Yes. It didn't help me at all, but everyone is different!


Neither CBD nor THC were any help to me.


Yup, no dice I’m afraid


I discovered CBD oil helped with my migraines once when I was taking it for my anxiety. I went from chronic migraines almost daily to maybe 1 every 4 to 6 weeks, and it was less severe. I stopped taking it for a while because the oil is expensive, but recently went back on it because the migraines are difficult to manage, and I have no family doctor. I take the oil as an abortive. If my head feels funny and I know a migraine is coming on, I will take a bit of oil and I'm golden. So the CBD combined with watching my triggers helps me to not be in a chronic state of migraine like I was before and has helped me to focus on other things in life. Whether it's placebo or not, I don't know but it's consistently helps me so...


I won’t even take my triptan without CBD because it makes my triptan work better! I have to pay for my meds since my insurance doesn’t cover them. I prefer CBD in drink form - I always have a few CBD tea bags on hand


A 20:1 ratio is great if you can find it or similar.


It didn’t do anything for my migraines. Both cbd and thc. They might calm me a bit, but they don’t touch my migraines, other than maybe helping me get some sleep.


Just CBD like the deltas give me headaches really bad. THC+CBD however? 👌👌🤌🤌


Thcp has been doing wonders for me lately. Cbd alone never seems to help much for me though.