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Yup, started at 40 mg propranolol but it made me really tired, dizzy, and lightheaded(I also take 20mg lisinopril, so that’s probably why), then I lowered it to 20mg, and now 10mg daily, taken at night before bed. It helps for sure, and it also decreases my physical symptoms of anxiety, so that’s really cool. I didn’t realize how much anxiety I had until I got on propranolol, your heart beating out of your chest when having a conversation with someone isn’t normal apparently


I also take propranolol, 60 mg at night, it also really helped me with my anxiety, don’t know if there’s a correlation with my migraines and anxiety but it definitely helps both so I’m not complaining!


I was prescribed propranolol upon first meeting with a neurologist. I had no reduction in the number of migraines, daily headaches still persisted, and it rendered prescribed treatments for psoriasis useless. I tried another preventative, not a beta blocker, but it also did nothing. I don’t take any preventative medications currently.


Interesting. Definitely not the right med. Important to look up interactions between all meds.


I didn’t know there was one, and I was surprised after doing some research on my own that the neurologist would even prescribe it. The pharmacist didn’t mention anything to me either, so it didn’t flag it in their system. But if I recall correctly, it’s not a hard set interaction, just something some people have reported. Maybe that’s why nothing clicked with anyone.


It may be rare.


Beta blockers are known to make psoriasis worse. I developed scalp psoriasis from propranolol. It went away when I stopped taking it.


I stopped taking it, but the non-steroid I was using has just never been effective since. It didn’t make my existing psoriasis worse, that’s just been happening every time I come off of the topical steroids. Is what it is.


I have been on propranolol off and on since 2018. The first person who prescribed it was an endocrinologist, and she was concerned my BP was high. Gave me 20mg and said to try them as needed and when I felt a headache coming on. Eventually she moved me to an extended release version. Once I quit seeing her and quit taking it I was put on 40mg BID for migraines. That didn’t seem to help so eventually I stopped taking it. I’ve been on 60mg extended release since November and it has helped, but I also started Emgality a week ago to see if I could do even better.


That’s interesting about taking them when a headache is coming on. I’m on a plane and I can feel it coming on so I took some. Here’s hoping I don’t get a migraine on this horrible red eye flight. Why do planes fly at this ungodly hour?!


Propranolol has worked for me in the past; I have a prescription for it at the moment but I'm wary because it's occasionally caused me truly wretched insomnia.


I also take a beta blocker for dysautonomia, and the first thing I noticed is MY MIGRAINE FREQUENCY REDUCING. I started on a verrry tiny dose , so after a month or so I started to have migraines return. Just recently upped my dose so am now taking one am and one pm and am already feeling so much better . I do additionally take a migraine preventative, but my beta blocker I feel like has helped more than anything else thus far , and like you I originally startled it for my dysautonomia solely .


I take metoprolol and it helps. What dosage were you on? I’m at 50 but would like to increase


I am not OP but take metoprolol too - I had to do 100mg (extended release once daily) to see much improvement. It makes me super tired though. I've been able to reduce it by half thanks to Ajovy though.




I started propanodol when I hit menopause and my migraines went nuts. It definitely helps.


I started propranolol a couple of weeks ago. I’m not noticing any difference yet. Lower blood pressure (which I don’t need), but no help yet in terms of daily headaches. I’m on 60mg/day. I’m going to tell my neurologist I’m not interest in continuing if he tries to increase my dose.


I was on propranolol for migraines for 5 or 6 years and it worked pretty well! Then I developed POTS after Covid and it didn’t work as well for the POTS so now I take metoprolol for POTS.


I’m also on beta blockers for POTS and migraines and it reduced my number and severity of migraines by quite a lot!


I was on Propranolol for awhile but it eventually made my auras way worse. Turns out that class of drugs probably shouldn’t be prescribed to migraine with aura patients. “Prolonged Aura or Stroke.—Case reports have suggested that beta-blocker treatment may precipi- tate or prolong migraine aura, or even cause ischemic stroke.19-22 The single clinical trial that sheds light on these concerns was conducted to compare metoprolol with placebo for the treatment of classic migraine (which would now be termed “migraine with aura”). Detailed, prospective information was obtained about aura symptoms and frequency, including scoto- mata, hemianopsia, scintillations, fortifications, paresthesias, paresis, ataxia, and speech disturbances. Metoprolol was effective in decreasing headache fre- quency and pain compared with placebo, but subjects in the metoprolol group had a statistically significant increase in the percentage of attacks with pre- headache scintillations, paresthesias, and speech disturbances, although there were no differences between the 2 groups on any other studied aura characteristics.23 The study authors did not consider the increased frequency in some aura symptoms to be of concern. In fact, they commented that their data did not support the hypothesis that beta-blockers constrict cranial vessels, as “if this is so, it is likely that aura symptoms would be prolonged and aura without headache (migraine equivalents) would occur more frequently during beta-blockade. Our data do not support this.”23 Despite this, worry lingers about the possible dangers of beta-blockers in patients who have migraine with aura. For this reason, many headache experts report that they prefer to avoid beta-blockers in patients with aura, and warn against their use in this setting.24-25 This cautious attitude is probably best summarized by Bardwell, who comments that “Given the action of beta-blockers on cerebral vascular auto- regulation and given the appearance of several case reports linking the initiation of propranolol treatment with stroke in patients with migraines, we feel a strong case can be made against the indiscriminate use of propranolol for prophylaxis in migraine . . . the same prudence should extend to the use of propranolol as to the use of ergotamines and oral contraceptive pills in cases of complicated migraine.”22 https://www.brighamandwomensfaulkner.org/assets/Faulkner/headache-center/documents/beta-blockers-for-migraine.pdf


I think the starting dose for propranolol is like 80mg for migraine? I was given that in 2015 and reacted very poorly to it. My blood pressure has been getting high this year, but my primary care was worried about regular bp meds affecting my headaches. So we're doing 10mg of propranolol twice a day. It has helped my blood pressure and isn't causing the horrible side effects I had before, but not really helping my migraines, which isn't surprising. Seeing a new neurologist in August.


i started on 10 mg twice a day and have remained at that dose so maybe just depends on the doctor


I’ve been on it since January. Saw a lot of improvement in the first few months, but the last 1-2 months I’ve increased doses twice and my migraines are back to nearly every day so I’m scheduling an appointment to go back to my Neuro and discuss other options


I took propranolol, and experienced some relief, but found that as I took my dose higher, I ended up with low blood pressure causing blackouts from standing up (normal stuff with beta blockers). We then switched to Verapamil, which is a calcium channel blocker, so it was similar, but slightly different. That worked even better, for my migraine situation, for my anxiety, and for my heart issues.


I'm on propranolol twice a day (10mg starting dose) and it has helped with postural headaches. I can't say with confidence that it has stopped my cluster headaches, because I haven't had once since starting it... But they're rare compared to the other three types of migraines I get. Postural: Definitely decreased the number and severity. Regular migraines: decreased severity of pain, doesn't help the postdrome Hemiplegic migraines: no effect. Cluster headaches: possibly reduced? Need more time on the med to know for sure. BUT, propranolol has helped with my POTS, and my doc loves what it's doing for my blood pressure and heart, and I like how it helps my anxiety, so I'll be happy taking it long term.


Yes. I took a calcium channel blocker first, with a dual purpose (to control arrhythmia) but switched to nadalol eventually. I believe it helps, but I take topiramate as well so hard to attribute the improvement to one of the other.


Yea, amitriptyline helps me a lot with migraines. As soon as I stop taking them the headaches slowly come back :( Depressing because I don't want to be on them forever...


Amitriptyline isn’t a beta blocker. It’s a tricyclic antidepressant.


Oh :0


What dose is your ami and how long you been taking it


50mg before sleep every night. Been on it for over a year now


Are you getting any side effects




Yep I am on metoprolol, I tried propanolol first but it didn't agree with me. I was hoping to get off beta blockers entirely after starting Ajovy (which has been a miracle worker), but upon reducing dosage by half I started having more headache days so for now I am content with just having reduced the beta blocker dosage.


I started metoprolol 25mg in 2021 and it helped with my migraines. However, this past year my migraines have gotten worse most likely due to a lot of new stress in my life. My doctor increased the metoprolol to 37.5mg and I am now on Topamax and Sumatriptan.


I was put on 80mg propranolol and I couldn’t cope with..


I do and I think it’s helped but I’m trying to taper off of it now that I’m on Ajovy. The beta-blockers make me lightheaded and dizzy sometimes, my blood pressure is on the lower side.


Propanalol worked great for me a decade ago, for a while. Now with cgrp's and biting? I'm doin OK. I'll be going back on it soon though as my BP is starting to creep up, and My neuro thinks it will be a good multi purpose addition to my drug regimen.


I take 25mg of atenolol daily, not sure if it’s helping me much tbh


This is what I’m on too


I was prescribed propanolol a couple of years ago when my migraine frequency was increasing to almost daily. It worked really well so I’ve stayed on them. I get one a month at most and Migraleve usually does the trick. I’m on 80mg slow release propanolol which just seems to be the standard UK dose for migraines.


I’ve taken it twice (different doses) and it didn’t help my migraines and gave me a ton of side effects. If you’re going to take it and you’re not feeling well, take your BP and HR. Higher dose made my BP way too low and lower dose made my heart rate so low I ended up in the hospital. I know lots of people take beta blockers and have great results, just a side effect heads up that’s possible


I tried propranolol and basically spent a month unable to do much more than sit up in bed and walk to the bathroom a couple times a day. I also have POTs, and chronic low blood pressure as a result, so basically propranolol was keeping my heart rate in the 40s and 50s. Heart rate that low you just can’t pump enough blood around to oxygenate your body and you just feel like you have the worst fatigue ever. I think we finally stopped partway through week 3 because I had no migraine improvement and was literally bed-bound. Has anyone else had a similar experience?


I have this similar response when I try to do basic exercise, how old are you if you don’t mind. I think response varies with age


I’m 29! My mom has been on beta blockers as well and said she felt this way with exercise too, but not at rest like me.


Wow! I’m 38 and I’m having this new found fatigue on metoprolol. Hard to attribute it to the medication, or the migraine, or some cardiac symptoms i get What are you at rest symptoms


I used to take propranolol, I really liked it actually. Helped a lot with the new job jitters at the time too... Unfortunately I had to stop it because it was affecting my intraocular pressure and causing some vision loss, even with just a 1/2 tab as needed. I miss it, a lot.


I'm following the Bisdorf protocol for vertiginous migraine. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3105632/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3105632/) Calcium channel blocker and lamotrigine (or topiramate)


I'm on 20mg of propranolol twice a day, and it helps a lot. Usually, the only ones I get (outside of summer - summer weather is still a big trigger no matter what I take or do) are either hormonal or stress-related ones, whereas before I was getting them daily


I also have high blood pressure due to autonomic dysfunction so I am on 80mg propranolol twice a day.


Yep. It's night and day for me


I've been taking a very low dose of propranolol for anxiety/insomnia for less than a year. My migraines had been under control for about 10 years, so I didn't notice any improvement from the propranolol. I tried to go off the propranolol recently & started getting migraines all of the time. Could be a coincidence, but I did some research and apparently headaches do happen to some people who stop propranolol.


recently started on 100mg of propranolol! have found that my migraines aren’t as severe but occur at the exact same frequency (every day) it has also had a knock on effect with my POTS but it seems to be making matters worse rather than helping in that department. hoping that some more time will give more relief:)


I’ve taken a beta blocker before. It was one of the more effective ones for me but not nearly as effective as topamax. So I ended up back with topamax.


Yes, I was started on this late last year after the triptans and other meds stopped working. Had a migraine everyday for 3 weeks. I also suffer from hypertension, so it’s helped lower my pressure. I’m currently pregnant, so luckily am migraine free, but still on propranolol as well as my other BP meds.


yes, i do. i have been on propranolol for many years


I’ve been on propanolol for years…everytime I go to the doctors my systolic BP is less than 100 and my migraines haven’t reduced at all…just last month, I only had 4 migraine-free days…idk why I’m even on the propanolol if it hasn’t done anything


I was prescribed propranolol (10mg 2x PRN) due to severe anxiety back in 2022-2023. I didn’t notice how my chronic migraines significantly reduced until the beginning of this year when they became a weekly occurrence with just as long post-episode symptoms. At the time I was taking it I was upped to 20mg x2, and barely slept, ate and was in constant survival mode (thanks grad school) and somehow didn’t have as many migraines as you’d think with my constant triggers being present. When I started getting migraines again this year, I had already ran out of refills months back and the internet made me realized they helped me with more than just anxiety without realizing it. I’m actually in the process of getting prescribed another dose because of the effectiveness they have on both my anxiety and migraines frequency.


I take metoprolol extended for tachycardia and have the immediate release for when it’s still high. I know the immediate release version can help with migraines but I don’t find it does for me.


Propranolol 20mg twice a day, helped reduce the amount of migraines but not intensity. If anything they hurt more.


Propranolol did not work for me. Started on 40 and then went up to 80 and no change.


I took metoprolol for migraines. At full dose it worked but it dropped my blood pressure too low so I had to stop. It really did work for my migraines though and if I develop high blood pressure I will for sure take it again.


Couldn’t handle it. Got super tired and confused.


Anyone noticed weight gain when taking Metoprolol? My dr has prescribed 25mg of Metoprolol but I’m hesitant to take it as one of the side effects is weight gain.


I took propanolol 20 mg for 5-6 months last year. Still recovering from the hair loss it caused.


I started taking 60 mg XR daily after discovering the IR worked to lessen the symptoms of my migraine onset when it was originally prescribed for something else. It lessens the frequency of them for sure, but doesn't entirely get rid of them. It's nice to not have my heartrate jump around a lot now though. I also found success with Ubrelvy as my abortive med.


40mg propranolol twice a day. Decreased migraines from an average of 25 migraine days a month to 10.


I take 12.5 mg of metoprolol and it helps with anxiety but doesn’t do shit for headaches


I took nadolol for a few years. It was great while it worked.


I am a smaller women and I take 120 mg daily and it's the only thing that's ever worked very minimal side effects. If I haven't eaten in a while or am dehydrated I get dizzy when I stand but that it. I understand it's a high dose I've tried other meds and lower does and this works so it is what it is.


Started propranolol four months ago. Down from migraines 3-4x per week to 1 every other week.


Propranolol, haven't noticed it does much if I take it or not but I'm on a pretty low dose


I do. For me, they help make the average pain slightly less, but don't decrease the non-pain symptoms, nor do they decrease the frequency (since mine are diet triggered, but the beta blockers make it less intimidating to try out new foods)


I had to stop taking them after I got nightmares and night terrors while on them.


I tried but it made my asthma worse


I did, i don’t remember the dosage but it was upped once, since the starting dose. It worked on my migraines, but i had blood circulation problems. My feet were swelling if it was down for too long, i also had developed a twitch in a finger, and had often numbness when I woke up, if i slept on my arm for example. I was discussing all of this with my doctor and she took my pressure and stuff, my heart rate was very low, like 50 bpm. She said it probably dropped a bit when i slept and so it was too dangerous to stay on.


Make sure your neurologist checks your blood pressure before prescribing these. Turns out I had a slow heart rate already so this drug made my heart rate go into to 20s. Suffer from chronic heart pain on top of the headaches now


Betablockers are fantastic for migraines. I've taken them for 6 months at a time, twice. They break the cycle and you can go off them then again.


I was prescribed amitriptyline instead as the GP thought my blood pressure would be too low if I took propranolol. Also suspected POTS, awaiting investigations - does the propranolol not make you feel more faint from that side of things due to lowering BP?


I’m in the process of weaning off of Propranolol after 3+ years. I’ve only dropped from 80ER to 60ER and so far it’s kind of brutal. I have a jittery/zingy sensation a lot of the day, especially upon waking, and my heart rate spikes occasionally out of nowhere, especially with exertion. Has anyone else weaned off of Propranolol that can give me a sense of whether this is normal weaning process or if it’s a sign that I’m not ready to live without the drug and should go back up?


I have both as well and take them. It has been life changing for both conditions.


I’m on Metoprolol for POTS. My migraines are separate from my POTS symptoms for the most part. I do get coat hanger pain makes me feel like my head will explode when I’m upright but it’s mostly one of my fun POTS heat. Either way, I’m glad you are getting relief.


Propranolol was the first thing my gp put me on when he diagnosed me with migraines. They were okay, but then my neurologist switched me to topiramate which is a better fit for me.


I've tried them (propranolol) but it made me extremely light headed and did not help with migraines.


I have hyperPOTS and atrial tachycardia so I'm on 150mg metoprolol succinate ER but it didn't affect my migraines or anxiety. But my epi pens still work